The Acts of John As a Gnostic Text Dr
The Acts of John as a Gnostic text Dr. Pieter]. Lalleman label for everything not fully orthodox. The Acts of Thomas KEYWORDS: apostles, Peter, Paul, ideology, Gnostic, and Andrew on the other hand are more or less similar in Orthodox, Ephesus, Asia Minor, Smyrna, Artemis, the ideas that they express and they both represent a cer Docetism, cross, Old Testament tain form of Gnostic thinking, although not everybody agrees with this qualification. The Acts of John, in whichever way THE BIBLICAL book Acts of the Apostles has a title which we want to describe its theological ideas, has a position of its does not suit the contents, because the story focuses on just own among the extra-biblical Acts. a few apostles, mainly Peter and Paul. This is however, as we know, not Luke's fault, because the title of the book was added well after its writing. In any case, Christians who Text and order wanted to know what the other apostles had done and what The Acts of John was written in Greek but it has not been had happened to them needed to tum to other sources of preserved intact in its entirety. The church found it so hereti information. But even about the two principal characters of cal that it was placed on the index. Possession and copying Acts, Peter and Paul, much more could be told. To mention of it were forbidden. It is therefore very remarkable that the just one thing, in Acts their death is not described. Conse text was not completely lost, as with so many other texts quently, from the second century onwards these gaps in from the early church.
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