Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 66(1)/2009 Print ISSN 1843-5254; Electronic ISSN 1843-5394

Muscat Ottonel Şt 16 - A New Clonal Selection for Aromated

Ion DUMITRU1), Cezarina NECULA1), Camelia POPA2), Stefania IORDACHE1), Paul Ciprian PATIC1)

1) Faculty of Engineering and Enviromrntal Biotechnologies University Valahia of Targoviste 18-24 B Unirii Bd.,Targoviste, ; [email protected] 2) INCDBH Stefanesti, 37 Soseaua Bucuresti–Pitesti St., Stefanesti, Argeş, Romania; [email protected]

Abstract. Clonal selection has a very important mission in the growth of the production and the grape’s quality.It represents a step foward in the selection works, because it contributes to a radical improvement of existing varieties of . It consists in choosing and multiplying separately the best vegetative descendents, from the most valuable vines (Neagu M.I.). Many varieties spread in culture have alack of economic value, while others degenerate while growing in heterogeneous populations, making the value of , established without taking measures to apply the selection, to decrease gradually. The increase of the biological potential of vinifera varieties in culture and expansion of valuable logs can be made through clonal selection. Through the work of clonal selection of the vine at INCDBH Ştefăneşti we obtained a new selection of variety Ottonel, thus contributing to the improvement of the range of table grapes varieties. Elite clonal Muscat Ottonel Şt 16. was approved in 2008, being selected high quality variety.In the work of clonal selection, started in Ştefăneşti in 1996, has been used a new scheme that included 3 major parts: mass selection and positive selection in elite clonal planting parent, followed by their rapid growth.; Comparative study of elites in terms of potential productivity, the quality of grapes, testing plant breeding clones performing their ISTIS entry.

Keywords: clonal selection, blossom, crispy, blooming, such diseases, variety


Today there are many grape varieties that lack economical importance or that degenerated with their growth in heterogene populations resulting in a decrease of of wineyard value. Closure of the biological potential of vinifera varieties in culture and expansion of valuable logs can be made through clonal selection. Through the work of clonal selection of the vine at INCDBH Ştefăneşti to get a new selection of the variety Muscat Ottonel, thus contributing to improving the range to produce varietal wines of high quality tomatoes. Elite clonal Muscat Ottonel Şt 16. was approved in 2008, being the second clone of the Mt. Ottonel produced in the country, after Mt. Ottonel 12 Bl

267 In the work of clonal selection, the Ştefăneşti started in 1996 has been used a new scheme that included 3 major parts: mass selection and positive selection in elite clonal planting parent, followed by their rapid growth.; Comparative study of elites in terms of potential productivity, the quality of grapes and , testing plant breeding clones performing their ISTIS entry. As a result of clonal selection were obtained from INCHBH Ştefăneşti 11 clonal selections for red and white wines: Sauvignon 131Şt C., 63 Şt Aligote, Sauvignon Şt 111. and Chardonnay15 Şt. Feteasca white 97Şt., Pinot gris 14 Şt., Burgundy than 86 Şt., 202 Şt., Feteasca black 6Şt, Feteasca regală72Şt. 3. Şt


Identification, selection and marking of elites have been valuable in plantations over 20 years old, with an appropriate plant. Choosing elites was based on recommended criteria: plant health, vigor of growth, production and grape quality.To compare the performance of elected elites to the population used as witness the variety Pinot Noir. In the third year of selection were eliminated the grapes that didn’t maintain the characteristics of quality and production.Parallel with the study of elites in parent planting was done multiplying the best, by grafting and cuttings for the establishment of plantations and the comparative test.Rootstock used for grafting was Kobber 5BB, and planting distances were 2.5 m / frame and 0.9 m / row (4000but/ha). The grapes were driven into Guyot on semistrain with support espalier with 5 wires. Coluvile soil is brown, sandy-argilo medium supplied with phosphorus and potassium, low- carbonated, low acid pH (6,2-6,4).In the work of clonal selection, started in 1996 has been used a scheme which includes the following staple:  Positive mass selection in the selection of planting a variety Muscat Ottonel;  Clonal selection of elites and their rapid growth;  Comparative study of clones (25 logs / clone), in terms of potential productivity, quality of grapes and wines, testing plant.  Approval and introduction of elite clonal material in the production schedule Certificate All data recorded in the characteristics of observations and calculations made agrobiologice and technological conditions bear the hallmark of the wine region of 2005- 2008. Climatic conditions of the years studied wine in particular is characterized by the fluid level in the critical period of growth and maturation of the grapes by large temperature differences between summer and winter. Agrobiologice and technological characteristics of elite clonal Muscat Ottonel 16 st. compared to the variety Muscat Ottonel witnesses are shown in Figures 1,2,3,4. Determining the percentage of shoot fertilifertilitatea of elite clonal presented (76%) can be said that it is a flower with a high fertility and loss of germ were reduced during winter.

268 Coefficients clone approved fertility characteristics (absolute and relative) (Fig. 1.) were superior to the witness, ranging between values of 1.74 - 1.25 compared with 1.63 - 1.21.

Coeficientii de fertilitate(media 2005-2008) 1,25 1,21 cfr 1,63 1,74 cfa

0 1 2 3 4

Mt. ott.16 Mt.ott.m

Fig. 1. Fertility coefficients

Grape production (Fig.2) and blocks per hectare is also higher witness, elite Muscat Ottonel Şt 16. recorded an average 2 kg / but. compared with the reference variety. Productivity indices were average multiannual 180 (absolute) and 129 (relative). One of the criteria that was selected this clone was high production capacity.

INDICII DE PRODUCTIVITATE(MEDIA 2005-2008) 180 167 180 160 129 140 113







0 IPA IPR Mt. ott.16 Mt.ott.m

Fig. 2. Productivity coefficients

To the high productive capacity of this clone have also attended technological elements: weight of the grape (104g) and of the grape (100-185g grain) who competed with 10g witness (Fig.3.). There is again mentioned and clone size strugurelui and especially by bobului weight.

269 Elemente de calitate ale elitei clonale Mt. Ottonel 16 St.

200 185 174 184 178

150 104 97 100


0 100b(g) un str.(g) zaharuri g/l

Mt. ott.16 Mt.ott.m

Fig. 3. Quality elements of the clonal elite Mt. Ottonel 16 St.

Following microvinificării grape variety originating from Mt. Ottonel and Muscat Ottonel clone 16 Şt. were the following: accumulation of sugars in the must was performed in a larger amount for the clone, with more than 30 g/l. From the organoleptic, wines are well balanced, slightly more acidic than the witness. Accumulation of sugars in the must was in a very large quantity, and then high alcohol content (15,2- 15,3%).

Fig. 4. The main characteristics of wines

Determination of the physico-chemical characteristics of wines obtained from elite clonal Mt. ott.22 St. and witness the variety Mt. Ottonel demonstrates that the wine is balanced with the alcohol (13.8% vol) and extract nered.g / l higher population variety. And SO4 concentration in free / total proved superior to the witness, (23/82, 19/90 compared to the variety), which help us draw the conclusion that elite clonal Muscat Ottonel 16St. is clearly superior variety which was selected(Fig. 4.).


Clonal selection from the variety Muscat Ottonel proved superior qualitative and quantitative variety reference. Approval by elite clonal Muscat Ottonel Şt 16. try placing the culture of the most valuable selections. Correlating the production elements with the quality ones in the comparison field we observe the selection has maintained it’s characteristics of high production, but mostly the quality characteristics, closely linked to the size and uniformityof the grape. It is recommended the expansion of the production of elite clonal Muscat Ottonel Şt 16.


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