A Cultural Rucksack for the Future

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A Cultural Rucksack for the Future gr4_omslag:Report No. 8 (2007 2008) to the Storting 05.11.2008 10:25 Side 1 Report No. 8 (2007–2008) to the Storting Published by: Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs A Cultural Rucksack The Secretariat for the Cultural Rucksack Tlf: +47 23 11 75 00 e-mail: [email protected] for the Future http://www.denkulturelleskolesekken.no/ oversettelser/english.htm Cover illustration: Geir Hansen Internet address: www.government.no Printed by: Norwegian Government Administration Services - 11/2008 Report No. 8 (2007–2008) to the Storting A Cultural Rucksack for the Future Translation from the Norwegian. For information only. 2007–2008 Report nr. 8 to the Storting 3 A Cultural Rucsack for the Future “We really enjoyed the cultural activities we took part in at school, and later we were able to use what we learned there.” “I wish it could always last for ever.” Truls and Emilie from Sandefjord, after 10 years of participation in the Cultural Rucksack. 4 Report nr. 8 to the Storting 2007–2008 A Cultural Rucsack for the Future 2007–2008 Report nr. 8 to the Storting 5 A Cultural Rucsack for the Future Norway – general facts Population: 4.6 million tributed along an axis according to their concern Area: 385 155 sq km with equitable distribution and public planning GDP (2007): NOK 2 277 000 (EUR 257 500) and control. To the left are the Socialist Left Party GDP per capita (2007): NOK 483 700 and the Labour Party. Furthest to the right are the (EUR 54 800) Party of Progress and the Conservative Party. The Centre Party, the Christian People Party and the Liberal Party are found in the middle of the Government: left-right axis. Norway is a constitutional monarchy with a parlia­ The present coalition government (2005- ) mentary democratic system of governance. The consists of the Labour Party, the Centre Party and democratic governance and the monarchy were the Socialist Left Party. both established in the Constitution of 1814, and parliamentarianism was introduced in 1884. Today, the King has little real political power, but Local government: fills an important symbolic function as the Head of Norway is divided into 19 counties and 430 munic­ State and official representative of Norwegian ipalities. The powers of the county and municipal society. councils for self-government have been delegated State power is formally distributed between from the State, and are set out in legislation, not in three institutions: 1) The Storting (the legislative the Constitution. The State is directly represented power), which is a modified unicameral parlia­ at a local level through the County Governors’ ment consisting of 165 seats. The Storting is offices. The 18 county administrations (Oslo is elected by county on the basis of proportional rep­ not defined as a traditional county) were estab­ resentation, i.e. each county is awarded a speci­ lished in 1975 to provide an administrative level fied number of representatives based on its popu­ between the State and the municipalities. lation. The representatives are elected to serve The municipalities are the most important four-year terms. 2) The Government (the execu­ units of local government administration. They tive power), which consists of the prime minister are responsible for primary and lower secondary and the Council of State comprising app. 17-20 education, social services, municipal roads, water ministers. Each ministry functions as the minis­ and sewerage and zoning regulation. Upper sec­ ter’s main instrument for translating policy into ondary schools and a number of technical serv­ action. 3) The courts (the judicial power). ices are administered at the county level. Each of these levels of administration receives part of their revenues through local taxation, fees and Political parties: local business management, and partly from allo­ The political system in Norway is based on repre­ cations from the central authorities and other pub­ sentative democracy and a multi-dimensional lic institutions. party system. The most important dimension is (www.norway.org.uk/facts, http://www.ssb.no/nr/) the left-right dimension, where the parties are dis­ 6 Report nr. 8 to the Storting 2007–2008 A Cultural Rucsack for the Future Preface to the English translation The Cultural Rucksack programme is part of the for action, which will ensure local enthusiasm, Government’s cultural policy. It is a national effort activity and involvement. in which the cultural and education sectors coope­ 2. The White Paper emphasises that there should rate on providing school pupils throughout the be a clear division of work between the cultural country with the opportunity to become and school sectors. The cultural sector is acquainted with, understand and enjoy all forms responsible for the artistic and other cultural of artistic and cultural expression at the professio­ activities, while the school is responsible for nal level. integrating the activities with the school day The state took over the administration of the and the school curriculum, and for ensuring Cultural Rucksack in 2001, and today every pupil that preparation and follow-up are carried out at primary and lower secondary school in the in connection with the various activities under country is able to participate in the programme. the programme. During their school career the pupils become 3. The Cultural Rucksack is mainly financed from acquainted with different forms of artistic and cul­ Norsk Tipping funds. The counties and munici­ tural expression in the fields of music, theatre, palities receive a share of the Cultural Ruck­ film, the visual arts, literature and the cultural her­ sack allocation and are responsible for ensur­ itage. As from 2008 the programme is being ing that these funds are used in accordance extended to include all pupils at upper secondary with the principles of the programme. The school. This means that around 800 000 school funds are to be used in their entirety to finance pupils, aged from 6 to 19, will take part in the Cul­ cultural activities for the pupils, and may not be tural Rucksack activities. used for administrative purposes or compe­ The Cultural Rucksack is mainly financed by tence-building for teachers or artists. the funds allocated to culture from the surplus 4. The Cultural Rucksack will be extended to earned by Norsk Tipping, the state-owned gaming upper secondary school over a period of seve­ company. NOK 167 million of these funds is allo­ ral years. In 2007 a pilot project was underta­ cated annually to the programme. ken in seven counties. Over the next few years The present White Paper sets out the prin­ the programme will gradually be extended to ciples for the further development of the Cultural all counties, with the goal of ensuring that all Rucksack. 180 000 upper secondary school pupils partici­ The following are the main points: pate in the Cultural Rucksack during school 1. The White Paper sets out the objectives of the hours. Together with the 620 000 pupils at pri­ Cultural Rucksack and the principles on which mary and lower secondary school, this brings it is based. The Cultural Rucksack is a pro­ the total number of pupils participating up to gramme for ensuring that school pupils have around 800 000. the opportunity to participate in artistic and 5. A national institution will be appointed for each cultural activities provided by professionals in field of artistic and cultural expression. The the cultural sector. The objectives and prin­ institution will be assigned a clearer role and ciples of the programme have to take account will be responsible for coordination, network- of the national curriculum established under building and quality enhancement of the cultu­ the Knowledge Promotion Reform, but the acti­ ral activities offered under the programme. In vities are not intended to be a substitute for the the further development of the programme aesthetic subjects taught by the school. The steps will be taken to promote the establish­ programme is intended to be an out-of-the-ordi­ ment of formal networks for the various bodies nary, but at the same time self-evident, supple­ involved. ment to school activities. A further principle is 6. In the further development of the Cultural that there should be local and regional room Rucksack priority will be given to competence­ 2007–2008 Report nr. 8 to the Storting 7 A Cultural Rucsack for the Future development among artists and schoolteac­ ble the two ministries to gain a satisfactory hers. The requirement that Norsk Tipping overview of how the funds for the Cultural funds are not to be used for this purpose will Rucksack are being used in the counties and continue to apply. municipalities. The aim is to publish statistics 7. The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of on the programme. Education and Research will draw up a strategy 9. The Golden Rucksack prize will be awarded for ensuring that research and evaluation have annually to the best school and the best pro­ a permanent place in the work with the pro­ duction in the Cultural Rucksack. gramme. 8. Reporting will be made obligatory and repor­ ting procedures will be improved so as to ena­ 8 Report nr. 8 to the Storting 2007–2008 A Cultural Rucsack for the Future Contents 1 Background and summary 4.3.1 Music......................................................33 of the content...................................... 11 4.3.2 The visual arts .......................................34 1.1 The Cultural Initiative and the 4.3.3 The performing arts..............................36 value of a cultural policy for children 4.3.4 Film.........................................................38 and youth............................................... 11 4.3.5 Literature................................................39 1.2 The Knowledge Promotion Reform 4.3.6 The cultural heritage ............................40 and the school as a cultural arena ....
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