Connecticut College News Vol. 29 No. 1
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Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1943-1944 Student Newspapers 10-6-1943 Connecticut College News Vol. 29 No. 1 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 29 No. 1" (1943). 1943-1944. 9. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1943-1944 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. ONNECTICUT OLLEGE EWS ZS6 Vol. 29-No. 1 October 6, 1943 5'0 per copy Pres. Schaffter Is Retiring and Incoming Presidents Soviet Ru ia to be ubject Authority on Law, Of Two Convocation Lecture Public Housing - lr, . H. Chamberlain ews tall Try-outs New President Former To Be Held Thursday And Dr. C. Lamont to Member of Faculty at Try-cuts for those Inter- Be Guest p aker ested In joining the ews Vassar and U. of Iowa staff will be held In the News Soviet Russia wlJl be the sub- office, Plant house basement. ject of two convocation lectures Dr. Dorothy Schaffter, who suc- on Thursday night, October 7, on Tuesday, October 12 In Palmer ceeds Dr. Katharine Blunt as at 7 o'clock. auditorium. Dr. CorlIss Lamont, philosopher, lecturer. writer, and president of Connecticut college, There are many positions on the staff to be filled. In ad- chairman of the atlonal Council has an extensive background ill dltion to news and feature re- ot Amertcan-Sovlet Friendship, public administration and educa- porters, there is a need for Inc., will speak at 4:20 p.m. on tion. Her knowledge of these photographers, artists, memo Soviet Russia In the Ught of This War. Mr. WlJIlam Henry Cham- fields has been acquired both by bers tor the advertising starr, members for the business berlin, author, lecturer, and from research and experience. She starr, and girls In the clrcula- 1922 10 1940 torelgn correspcn- comes to the college after 13 tion department. dent ot The Christian SCience years as a member of the faculty Monitor In Russia. the Far East at Vassar where she has been a and France, will speak at 7 :15 professor in political science. Pre- p.m. His subject wlJl be The So- viously she was on the faculty of Ec., Soc. Dept. vi ts In World Affairs. The lee- iures w111be followed by a dtscus- the University of Iowa from The two presidents pictured OU the opening- day or college which she had received the great- slon at 8:15 p.m. with Dr. La- er part of her education. It was Split; Warner and mont, Mr. Chamberlain and the there that she studied for her audience taking part. three degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Thirty New Members Added Cobbledick Heads Dr. Lamont Studied at Oolumbta Master of Arts, and Doctor of Dr. Corliss Lamont. took his Philosophy, the last conferred .. A split has been made th Is fall Ph.D. In philosophy at Columbia maxima cum laude. TFo acuIty Ad mimstratron In the former department of Eco· university and taught philosophy Dr. Schaffter has done a great , nomtcs and SOCiology, resutung there ror tour years. From 1940- deal of research in the field of ceived her A.B. at Mount Holyoke in two separate departments: de- 1942 he was a member ot the starr law. While at Iowa she worked Seven c.c. Graduates and Ph.D. at Yale. She has partment of Economics, headed of the New SChool for Social Re- on the codification of the public by Miss Florence warner. and studied at Cornell, Harvard MedI· department of SOCiology, headed search, where he lectured on the health law of New Jersey and did Are Included Among philosophy or humanism. He Is research work in municipal legal- cal school and Wooas Hole. She by Mr. M. Robert Cobbledlck. now lecturing on Russia at Cor- izing acts for the State Historical The New Members is both a Mount Holyoke and The division was effected to ra- nell university. He I the author Society of Iowa. She also assisted A.A.U.W. fellowship holder. She cilitate the handling of these two of The Illusion of Immortaltty, in a survey of Illinois local gov- Thirty new members had been has taught at Mount Holyoke and groups of students. The combined You Might Like Soclallsm, and ernment which was done for the added to the faculty and adminis- University of Maine Marine Sta- department had grown so large Russia Day by Day. He Is serving Illinois legislature. trative staffs of Connecticut Col- tton. Since 1935, she has been as- in recent years that it Included as a dlrector of the American The new college president is a lege at its opening in September. societe professor at Rocklord col- from one fourth to one third of Civil Liberties union, and is a member of the National Associa- Seven of these people are gradu- lege. the entire student body, making member of the advisory board of tion of Housing Officials and has ates of Connecticut college. Mr. Wililam H. wlckwar, asso- It too difficult to manage. the American Humanist assocla- been chairman of the Women's Dr. Hartley W. Cross, visiting ciate professor of government, re- "The change was a necessity. tlon. Dr. Lamont made hls first Committee of the National Public professor of economics, received ceived his A.S. and A.M. at the Everyone wanted it," declared tour of Russia in 1932 and reo Housing Conference as well as a his A.,B.,A.M., and Ph.D. at Clark University of London. He is a Miss Warner. turned to that country In 1938. He member of the Committee on university, where he was fellow holder of the University of Lon- All the majors in the former has written several pamphlets on Law and Administration of the and assistant. Since 1929, he has don and Rockefeller fellowships. Idepartment of economics and so- Ihe USSR. His articles and book He has tutored to graduate candt- clology were called together Mon. Citizen's Housing Council of New been professor of economics at reviews have been published in York City. She was also the Springfield college; visiting pro- dates for the administrative grade day evening, September' 2ft, to The ew Republic, Soviet Russia of the British Civil service. In the state in which of the two tields founder and a member of the ex- fessor at Mount Holyoke college Today, The ation, and other London School of Economics he they wished to specialize. This ecutive committee of the Pough- and Syracuse university; and lec- magazines. was the lecturer on local govern· year a slightly greater number Mr. William Henry Chamber· keepsie Better Housing League. turer for the University Exten- ment and social admi.nistration. elected sociology, but it is ex· lain received a Lit. D. from Hav- In this same field she made a sion, Massachusetts Department He comes here from Rockford peeted that in general the division ertord college In 1943. in 1922 Mr. study of state housing agencies of Education. Dr. Dorothy Richardson, asso- college where he was assistant will fall about filty fifty. Chamberlain went to Russia as in 21 states under a grant from and then associate professor. "It doesn't really matter which the Moscow correspondent of the ciate professor of zoology, reo See "Pres. Schaffter"-Page 4 department has more," stated Christian SCience Monitor. Our· Botany Dept. Adds l\lembers Miss Warner, "for we are all ing the twelve years he spent in The Botany department has Connecticut college." Russia he met and interviewed V R n 0'1' Connteen three new members. Dr. Eliza· According to Mr. Cobbledlck, many prominent men, such as Second ~ear U 'J beth BlndJoss Johnson, assistant the actual courses and plans tor President Kallnln, Leon Trotsky, .. C professor of botany, graduated the departments will continue as and Premier Rykov. In 1935 he J\.TewTeep-Rzdzng ast trom Connecticut college In 1936. they stand. It Is possible, how. became chief Far Eastern corres· Seeks III J I I She has smce earned her ~.A.ever, that there may be further pondent for the Monitor. He by Grace WI"lson '45 . d th carnation that and Ph.D. at Columbia umver· changes another year. served as war correspondent in . and Bernice hopper~, an e. 's la Then sity, been assistant at Barnard France until the armistice in Rlesner '45 landed m the admIral .). d in college and instructor at Connec· 1940. Since his return to this there was the day on an ISan . ' IJ d Well II Swingshift Maisie riveting bl that the ferrying ticut co ege an es ey co· Dr. Warner Is Jew country he has devoted himself to Rosie, what's left of' candlelight the dee~ 1 u~ (it says here, in lege. Her husban?, Lt. Raymond independent writing and lectur· d' . boat go as . I t E Johnson an Ichthyologist, is ing. He is the author 01 Russia's an cafe SOCIety, and pluggmg small print), and the grr s go ". g in 'the South Pacific as W31' Service Head Iron Age, Soviet Russia. The Rus- Sa~, the engineerman, have .all their coupon 17's danced off. ~~ ~~~~on specialist acting as fight· The new faculty chairman of. sian Revolution, 1917·1921. Japan deCIded to get together to gIve well, for God, country and er director officer.