BULL RUN MOUNTAIN HOUSE, SITE 44FQ0313 Fauquier County, Virginia WSSI #22316.01 Phase I Archeological Investigation (±0.65 acres) December, 2013 Prepared for: Fauquier County Department of Community Development 10 Hotel Street, 3rd Floor Warrenton, Virginia 20186 Prepared by: Boyd Sipe, M.A., RPA and Andrés E. Garzón-Oechsle 5300 Wellington Branch Drive, Suite 100 Gainesville, Virginia 20155 Tel: 703-679-5600 Email:
[email protected] www.wetlandstudies.com ABSTRACT A Phase I archeological investigation was conducted within a ±0.65 acre portion of the ±3.3 acre site 44FQ0313, the Bull Run Mountain House site located in Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve in Fauquier County, Virginia. Additionally, a public outreach component was undertaken that included the excavation of two test units. Thunderbird Archeology, a division of Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc., of Gainesville, Virginia, conducted the studies for Fauquier County Planning Division of Warrenton, Virginia. The fieldwork was carried out in September and October of 2013. The historic artifact assemblage recovered from the site indicates that the intensive historic occupation of site 44FQ0313 may have dated from circa 1785 to circa 1825 during John Monday’s ownership of the property. The late historic finds, represented primarily by bottle glass dating to the late 19th century and early 20th century may be associated with the reported ephemeral use of the property as a hunting lodge or retreat during these periods. A previously unknown prehistoric component of the site that likely dates to the Archaic period (8000 B.C. – 1000 B.C.) was also discovered during the Phase I investigations.