2021 - TSAS Working Paper “One-man war”: A History of Lone-actor Terrorism in Canada, 1868- 2018 Steve Hewitt Department of History and the Centre for the Study of North America University of Birmingham, United Kingdom1 TSAS WP 2021-01 S. Hewitt 2021. TSAS Working Paper The Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS) publishes evidence-based, policy-relevant scholarly analyses on topics related to terrorism, security, and society, broadly defined, that touch on Canada, Canadian issues in comparative context, or global issues of interest to a Canadian audience. They are approximately 5000-8000 words in length, and published in an open-access, digital format, on the TSAS website. Working Papers are written with substantial rigour and depth across-disciplinary audience of scholars, policy makers, and practitioners interested in aspects of terrorism, security, and countering violent extremism. They reflect work in progress, however, which may be published later as more refined academic articles or book chapters. TSAS is supported by a grant from a national strategic initiative of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Located at the University of Waterloo, it is a network of multiple Canadian universities and government agencies, international research centres, and Canadian non-profit organizations (https://www.tsas.ca/about/partners/). The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) alone, and not necessarily the TSAS network. Copyright resides with the author(s). For more information, contact one of the Co-Directors of the Network, Dr. Lorne Dawson (
[email protected]) or Dr., Veronica Kitchen (
[email protected]), at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo, or Elizabeth Ford, Project Manager of TSAS (
[email protected]).