《節目指南》Programme Guide, 13Th Fresh Wave International Short Film

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《節目指南》Programme Guide, 13Th Fresh Wave International Short Film Contents湡ꏗ 02 About Fresh Wave ꡠ倴չ늫嵠惐㕜ꥹ瀊晚眏պ International Short Film Festival 䖕醢飬⸔ Post-production Sponsor Message from Chairman 03 ⚺䌏涸鑨 Foreword 04 ⵹鎊 Opening Gala 05 Ꟛ䍌ꨶ䕧 Budding Filmmakers to Follow Series 10 倞ꌴ㼬怵䵃僦 Screening Programmes 佞僦眏湡 01 Having as Losing 21 㼟乩剤隶⨞㣟⿡ 02 Love vs Duty 27 僽䠦鼩僽顑⟤ 03 We are Family 32 㨥穅♧㹻➃ 04 A Comedy of Errors 37 䖰ꐫ铐ⴀ涮 05 Multiple Sex Choices 43 㢵⯋չ䚍պ〳腋 06 Who Invented Work? 49 铪➃涮僈✫鵦䊨 07 Vain is Hope 55 䋞劆⛓倴贡㥼 08 Men and the City 60 嵥㙹⡯钟 俒⻋㣎⠶ 09 The Marginal Cultural Partners 65 鼹箔➃ 10 Read and Done For 70 䊺չ栬պ♶㔐 Post-Credit Cookies 76 㠺鯥䕙跗 Jury Panel of the Local Competition 78 劥㖒畹飓籏鐱㻤矦➝ Schedule: Screenings & Activities 80 佞僦⿻崞⹛儘꟦邍 㯯넓㣎⠶ Media Partners Ticketing Information 84 飑牱갭濼 Extended Activities 86 䒂⠽崞⹛ Participating International Film Organisations 91 ⿮莅㕜ꥹꨶ䕧穉籽 Acknowledgements 92 뒊闒 01 Johnnie杜琪峯 TO 關於 Message主席的話 from Chairman 鮮浪潮國際短片節 鮮浪潮電影節有限公司主席 About Fresh Wave Chairman, Fresh Wave Film Festival Limited International Short Film Festival Organised by Fresh Wave Film Festival Limited Filmmaking certainly involves foolhardiness; however, 每年一度「鮮浪潮國際短片節」(由鮮浪潮 拍電影,固然缺少不了一股傻勁;然而單憑 (Fresh Wave), the Fresh Wave International Short films are not made only with foolhardiness, let 電影節有限公司主辦),旨在推動本地電影及 Film Festival takes place annually, with the aim to 一股傻勁,卻成全不了一部電影,更遑論 alone a quality film. Filmmaking requires a lifetime’s 短片創作,發掘及培養具潛質的年輕電影創 promote and encourage local short film production, 一部有質素的電影。拍電影需要畢生的投入, commitment, the costs can be immense. After finding 作人才。「第十三屆鮮浪潮國際短片節」將 and to discover and nurture young talents. “The 13th 代價可以非常大。認定方向之後,還要堅持 one’s goal, one still needs perseverance and self- 2019 6 6 22 Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival” will discipline. Positioning itself in "short film", Fresh Wave 於 年 月 日至 日舉行,假油麻地 與自律。鮮浪潮以「短片」作為定位,旨在 MOViE MOViE Cityplaza be held from 6 to 22 June 2019, with 55 films to be aims to provide young people interested in the film 百老匯電影中心、 screened, accompanied by sharing sessions with 為有意投身電影工業的年輕人提供一個小試 industry with an opportunity to try-out their abilities. MY CINEMA YOHO MALL 55 及 ,放映共 local filmmakers, at Broadway Cinematheque, MOViE 牛刀的機會。多年來,我們透過提供拍攝 Over the years, we have been actively building a 部作品。 MOViE Cityplaza and MY CINEMA YOHO MALL. 資助及技術培訓,積極打造一個讓年輕人 creative platform for young people to make the most 盡情發揮、一展所長的創作平台。 of their talents by providing filming support and Featured screenings include: Opening film, The Pluto technical training. 放映作品包括︰開幕電影《冥王星時刻》(章明 Moment directed by ZHANG Ming, opening short 導演)、開幕短片《木已成舟》(曾慶宏導演)、* ** film, A Thousand Sails directed by Eric TSANG Hing- 好高興近年陸續看到鮮浪潮得獎者及參賽者 I am very happy to see the Fresh Wave winners and 19 23 * 部本地競賽 作品及 部精選國際短片 。 weng, 19 short films from the Local Competition and 發表原創劇情長片,近期幾部令人印象深刻 contestants delivering original feature films in the ** 本地及國際短片將組合成十大主題,從工作 23 from the International Selection . These local and 的作品包括︰歐文傑《非同凡響》、陳小娟 past few years, some of the impressive recent works international short films encompass a wide array of G include Jevons AU Man-kit’s Distincton, Oliver CHAN 到家庭、性到愛、大眾到小眾,創意、娛樂 《淪落人》、李駿碩《翠絲》、李卓斌《 殺》 themes such as work-life balance, love and sex, city Siu-kuen’s Still Human, Jun LI’s Tracey, LEE Cheuk- 性及思考性兼備。每場主題放映均設映後談, life and hardship faced by the minorities, etc. 等,均獲得正面的評價,廣受業界認同, pan’s G Affairs, etc. They have all received positive 由本地競賽參賽導演現身說法。 部分作品更獲得不少電影獎項及提名。還有 reviews and are widely recognised by the industry, A new addition this year is the “Budding Filmmakers to 最新拍攝計劃⸺任俠《紙皮婆婆》及曾慶宏 some of which have been nominated or won awards. 此外,今年更增設「新銳導演搜映」系列, Follow Series”, which showcases nine recommended 和楊兩全合力創作的《陽》,亦分別獲金馬 More recent projects, REN Xia’s A Life of Papers, and short films directed by emerging Asian filmmakers, Eric TSANG Hing-weng and YEUNG Leung-chuen’s 呈獻楊婕、侯季然、黃河及佐藤快磨四位 創投百萬首獎和第五屆「首部劇情電影計劃」 namely Chieh YANG, HOU Chi-jan, River HUANG and The Dinner, have won the Grand Prize of the Taipei 亞洲新晉導演共九部優秀作品;同場加映 Takuma SATO. Also we are screening two short films 比賽大專組獎項,教人欣喜及期待。 Golden Horse Film Project Promotion and the 5th First 「焦點影人系列」《黑暗中潛行⸺張作驥 selected from the Screenwriting Competition launched Feature Film Initiative (Higher Education Institution 2018 回顧展》( )短片劇本創作比賽中脫穎而出 by Filmmaker in Focus Series: Stalker in the Dark – The 今年鮮浪潮國際短片節好高興邀請到章明 Group) respectively. These are really encouraging Films of CHANG Tso-chi (2018). news for us. 的兩部作品。涵蓋範圍及題材廣泛,創意 導演擔任開幕嘉賓,並帶來他的最新作品 無限,意味深遠。 The Closing and Awards Presentation Ceremony will 《冥王星時刻》,讓香港影迷先睹為快。 For this year's Fresh Wave International Short Film be held on 21 June where the winners of the Local 另外,今年亦一如以往,優先放映上屆 Festival, we are pleased to invite director ZHANG 6 21 閉幕暨頒獎典禮將於 月 日舉行,揭曉 Competition will be announced. 「鮮浪潮大獎」得主的最新力作,帶來曾慶宏 Ming as our Guest-of-Honour at the Opening 「本地競賽」部分的得獎名單。 的《木已成舟》,還有多部新鮮出爐的 Ceremony, during which we shall introduce his latest work The Pluto Moment to the Hong Kong audience. 「本地競賽」作品。不少得的,當然是與 In addition, as is usual, we will present the latest 多個國際電影組織聯合呈獻的多部國際優秀 works by previous Fresh Wave Award winner, namely 短片,務求讓本港電影愛好者放眼世界各地 A Thousand Sails by Eric Tsang Hing-weng, and many *Local Competition 的電影作品,亦期望短片節能夠帶動大家對 others in the Local Competition. Of course one must * The competition is open to aspiring filmmakers aged between 18 and 35. 本地競賽 not forget about the excellent international short 18 35 After the selection by a panel of professional jurors, selected candidates 電影的熱情。 凡 至 歲、有志投身電影創作的年輕人均可報名申請, would each receive a subsidy of one hundred thousand Hong Kong Dollars films co-presented with various international film 經專業評審甄選,獲選者可獲港幣十萬元拍攝資助,製作 for the production of a short film of 10 to 30 minutes long, to be screened organisations, with which we hope to open the eyes 10 30 一部 至 分鐘的短片。參賽短片於短片節期間公開放映, at the Festival. Awards are presented for Best Cinematography, Best 我們有信心,鮮浪潮會持續發展,並醞釀成 of our local audience to works from all over the world, 並競逐「最佳攝影」、「最佳編劇」、「最佳導演」及「鮮浪潮 Screenplay, Best Director and Fresh Wave Award to the best short films. 一股氛圍;同時相信年輕電影人會以熱情和 and that the festival will inspire love for cinema. 大獎」。 **International Selection 視野回應,打開各種電影想像。 ** To foster exchange between local and international film cultures and broaden We are confident that Fresh Wave will continue to 精選國際短片 the vision of local film practitioners and audience, the Festival collaborates 短片節致力與國際電影組織合作,將優秀的國際短片搬上 with overseas film festivals and organisations, including The International grow and create an atmosphere, and at the same 大銀幕,加強本港與海外電影之文化交流。今年合作單位 Association of Film and Television Schools (CILECT), British Academy of Film time, I believe that young filmmakers will respond 包括︰國際影視院校聯會、英國電影電視藝術學院及 and Television Arts (BAFTA) and Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film with enthusiasm and vision and open up all kinds of 克萊蒙費朗國際短片節。 Festival, in screening outstanding short films from around the world. cinematic imaginations. 02 03 Foreword前言 “Fresh Wave” has become a rather familiar name in 「鮮浪潮」這個名字,近幾年來不絕於耳, the recent years. Some participants describe it as the 相信大家都不會覺得陌生。聽過有參賽者形 Colosseum of Hong Kong cinema, the rite of passage 容鮮浪潮為香港電影的「甲子園」⸺是進 before one officially joins the battlefield. For the 入電影圈前的試煉場,這實在並不為過。 contestants to excel with their proposals among all the applications, undergo a nine-month production period 參賽者要從芸芸申請計劃中突圍而出,經歷 and deliver a quality work, is no easy task for any new 為期約九個月的製作期,並交出達到放映 filmmakers. 水平的作品,對於初出茅廬的電影人來說, The冥王星時刻 Pluto Moment 可算是相當艱巨的挑戰。 Films are a reflection of the changes of the times. With Fresh Wave, new filmmakers often find material from their personal experiences or from people and stories 電影反映時代變化,鮮浪潮的作品亦不例外。 around them. After digesting and reflecting on which, 127 min TIME & VENUE 新晉電影創作人常以個人經歷或身邊的人物 分鐘 放映時間及地點 with the help of some creativity and editing, they 6.6 | 18:30 BC 和故事為素材,經過沉澱、反思,加入創意 present a unique version of our current state of affairs, Opening開幕電影 Gala 6.6 | 21:50 BC 修飾及整理,以影像和獨特的表現形式, social commentary, even demands and hopes, through 7.6 | 19:15 BC moving images. 反映當下社會狀況,表達對社會及人生的 看法,也許是一些訴求或期許。 As an important platform for short film production in Hong Kong, Fresh Wave encourages local young 為今屆短片節揭開序幕的,包括中國著名導演章明的《冥王星時刻》, 鮮浪潮作為香港舉足輕重的短片創作平台之 people to express themselves through short films, 以及上屆「鮮浪潮大獎」得主曾慶宏的《木已成舟》,展現出電影豐富的 一,致力鼓勵本地年輕人以短片發聲,藉著 allowing room for wild imaginations and endeavours and exposure to different styles and topics by 形式和內涵。兩部作品均為香港首映。 提供拍攝資助讓他們大膽想像和發揮,跳出 providing subsidies. To further this cause, this We are pleased to open this year s Festival with two premieres in Hong Kong: 固有框框,接觸更多不同拍攝風格及題材 year’s festival is presenting a new section “Budding � 的作品。有見及此,今屆短片節特別增設 Filmmakers to Follow Series”, featuring directors The Pluto Moment (feature film) and A Thousand Sails (short film), directed by ZHANG Ming and Eric TSANG Hing-weng (winner of last year s Fresh Wave 「新銳導演搜映」部分,放映幾位來自台灣 from Taiwan and Japan: Chieh YANG, HOU Chi-jan, � River HUANG, and Takuma SATO. Being emerging 及日本的導演⸺包括楊婕、侯季然、黃河 Award) respectively. filmmakers from Asia, their works are very watchable 和佐藤快磨⸺的短片作品。他們都是亞洲 in terms of their themes, filming techniques, 新晉導演,作品不論是題材、拍攝水平、 screenplays for both local young filmmakers and 劇本內容等都別具觀賞價值,值得本港年輕 audience. By screening their work, we hope that 木已成舟 電影人及觀眾參考和細味。藉著放映他們的 young people in Hong Kong will be inspired to look A Thousand Sails for more possibilities. 作品,希望啟發香港年輕人積極發掘更多 可能性。 Filmmaking is a never-ending story. Let us continue weaving this story. 電影創作永無止境,不進則退。共勉之。
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