GHANA Northern Savanna Biodiversity Conservation Project Project Appraisal Document Africa Regional Office AFTR2 Date: January 2, 2002 Team Leader: Edward Felix Dwumfour Country Manager/Director: Peter Harrold Sector Manager: Joseph Baah-Dwomoh Project ID: P067685 Sector(s): VY - Other Environment Theme(s): Environment Focal Area: B - Biodiversity Poverty Targeted Intervention: Y Program Financing Data [ ] Loan [ ] Credit [X] Grant [ ] Guarantee [ ] Other: For Loans/Credits/Others: Amount (US$m): GEF Amount: $7.60 million; PDF Amount: $0.3 million Total Project Cost: $8.51 million Total Program Cost: $28.1 million Financing Plan (US$m): Source Local Foreign Total BORROWER/RECIPIENT 2.00 0.00 2.00 DENMARK: DANISH INTL. DEV. ASSISTANCE (DANIDA) 0.00 2.10 2.10 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT - ASSOCIATED IDA FUND 4.30 7.00 11.30 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY 4.00 3.90 7.90 NETHERLANDS: MIN. OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS / MIN. OF 0.00 4.80 4.80 DEV. COOP. Financing Gap -0.20 0.20 Total: 10.10 18.00 28.10 Borrower/Recipient: GHANA Responsible agency: MINISTRY OF LANDS, FORESTRY AND MINES Address: Ministry of Lands and Forestry P.O. Box M212 Accra, Ghana Contact Person: Mr. James Amissah, NRMP Program Administrator Tel: (233) (021) 687314, 687 336, 666 801 Fax: 233 (021) 666 801 Email:
[email protected] Other Agency(ies): Forestry Commission Address: P.O. Box M434 Accra, Ghana Contact Person: Mr. Musah Abu-Juam Tel: 233 (021) 221 315, 771 690, (024) 362 510 Fax: Email:
[email protected] Estimated disbursements ( Bank FY/US$m): FY 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Annual 2.70 0.96 1.05 0.94 1.03 0.92 Cumulative 2.70 3.66 4.71 5.65 6.68 7.60 Project implementation period: 6 years OCS PAD Form: Rev.