Environmental Prevention and Protection Agency of the Region |

ARPAV How ARPAV operates More than fifteen years have gone by since the referendum that intro- Organisation duced a dedicated management system for environmental prevention Central structure and protection in the Veneto region: ARPAV - the Regional Agency for Offices Environmental Prevention and Protection. Prevention is fostered through ongoing research, training, information, and environmental education, Regional and Provincial while Protection is guaranteed through environmental control and moni- Divisions toring activities aimed at ensuring both the safety of the territory and Functions the health of those who live in it. Over the last decade, the development Organisation of environmental legislation has led to profound changes in both the Observatories Tools and facilities scope and substance of ARPAV’s functions and responsibilities: important new tasks have been assigned to the Agency, which has consolidated its Task distinctive role as an Entity fundamental to governing sustainable eco- Monitoring the environment nomic and territorial development in the Veneto. This is the new context · Air in which ARPAV is called upon to operate, becoming an increasingly im- · Water portant technical and scientific partner equipped to engage in dialogue · Waste with the various tiers of government - first and foremost the Veneto Re- · Soil gion, but also the Provinces and Municipalities - in order to represent and · Physical Agents manage policies aimed at safeguarding the environment. This brochure, · Industrial Risk · Major Works which is part of a broader communication project aimed at the various · IPPC sectors of our public, is designed to illustrate ARPAV’s mission, the ser- · Nature and Biodiversity vices it offers and the activities it carries out. It is important to realise that, · Energy in a constantly evolving scenario, what is fundamental is to effectively Prevention and research for transmit our distinctive skills, which are invariably aimed at ensuring sus- sustainable development tainable development in the Veneto and safeguarding the health of those · Environment and Health who live here. We feel sure that the “culture of communication” we hope · Sustainability Education to convey in this way - and indeed others - will be welcomed as a concrete · School of Specialization for Environment sign of our commitment to protecting and promoting the environment. · Information and Communication · Environmental Management Systems This is our mission, one that is acutely aware of the value of the historical · Environmental Assessment roots of our region and the sense of regional identification that is such a · Cooperation vital part of our heritage. In the Veneto, enterprising spirit, skill, hard work Territorial Protection and a constant drive for innovation have always gone hand in hand with Services respect for the environment. · Weather · Regional Centre of Civil Protection and Territorial Safety “Nature is an infinite sphere of which the centre is everywhere and the circumference nowhere.” Blaise Pascal Our reputation Addresses


4 General Management Administrative Management Technical Management Registered Office: via Matteotti 27, 35137 Registered Office: via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua Registered Office: via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua

E-mail E-mail E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax +39 049 8239341 +39 049 660966 +39 049 8239302 +39 049 8239362 +39 049 8767610 / 633 / 645 +39 049 8767670

Office Office Office via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua

 HOW ARPAV OPERATES Set up by the Vene- programmes approved by the relevant Regional Specialization for Environment. The Administrative to Region with Law no. 32 in 1996, ARPAV’s mission Committee set up as part of Regional Law no. 32 Management takes care of all the administrative is to ensure environmental protection and preven- of 1996. The specific technical and scientific skills activities related to human resources, accounting, tion in the Veneto. To do so, the Agency operates of the large number of professional figures who financial statements and management control, on two complementary fronts, divided into man- work for the Agency guarantee a multi-disciplinary as well as purchases and asset management. The datory and non-mandatory institutional areas. On approach to environmental issues and problems Technical Management is in charge of the promo- the mandatory institutional front, ARPAV supports and therefore to the fulfilment of the tasks it is en- and coordinates environmental policy provided trusted with. ARPAV has both a central and a de- tion, planning and implementation of services re- for by specific relevant legislation promoted by volved structure. The central control structure is garding the technical and scientific activities the the Veneto Region and the Provinces and, on their embodied by the General Management, assisted Agency is entrusted with, as well as coordinating behalf, carries out the required control and moni- by the Administrative Management and the Tech- research, information, education and environmen- toring services, also in collaboration with other nical and Scientific Management. The organisation tal communication activities. It is directly responsi- entities and institutions. On the non-mandatory in- of the Agency is also devolved both to the seven ble for coordinating activities related to the waters, stitutional front, the Agency acts as a scientific and Provincial Divisions, one located in each province environmental impact assessment and studies and technical partner of Local Bodies in the Veneto and of the Veneto, and to the two supra-territorial Re- actions regarding the effects on human health the players that form part of the region’s economic gional Divisions. when pressure is placed on the environment. fabric. In this area, ARPAV organises and takes part in programme agreements and draws up con-  CENTRAL STRUCTURE The General Manage- ventions and contracts, thus helping to monitor ment’s main task is to guide and coordinate the  OFFICES A pivotal role in ARPAV’s activities is specific environmental activities promoted and Technical and Administrative Areas and the Provin- played by the network of offices the Agency has implemented throughout the region. It also carries cial and Regional Divisions. It oversees and keeps throughout the Veneto. The city of Padua plays out research and study activities, produces publi- tabs on the progress made in achieving targets, host to the organisational structure of the General cations and organises information and training en- and weighs up resources acquired, costs and serv- Management, which occupies the various offices counters, all aimed at encouraging and supporting ices offered in order to ensure the organisation of of the Administrative and Technical Managements. sustainable growth in the area. the Agency functions effectively and efficiently in Each provincial capital has offices representing the the pursuit of its aims. The General Management is respective Provincial Divisions, which also house  ORGANISATION The Agency is an instrumen- responsible for the organisation of the quality sys- tal body of the Veneto Region, which operates tem, the activities pertaining to the development the Laboratories of the specific Regional Division. independently from an administrative, organi- and management of information systems, press Also in the , in the splendid set- sational, technical and accounting point of view, relations, front office activities, risk prevention and ting of the , are the offices of the Re- in compliance with three-year plans and yearly protection and the coordination of the School of gional Meteorological Centre.


REGIONAL DIVISION FOR TERRITORIAL SAFETY REGIONAL LABORATORIES DIVISION Meteorological Centre Administration Provincial Laboratory of Treviso Avalanche Centre Provincial Laboratory of Belluno Provincial Laboratory of Regional Hydrological Service Provincial Laboratory of Padua Provincial Laboratory of Verona Hydrographic and Regional Civil Protection Centre Provincial Laboratory of Rovigo Provincial Laboratory of Vicenza

PROVINCIAL DIVISION OF PADUA PROVINCIAL DIVISION OF BELLUNO PROVINCIAL DIVISION OF ROVIGO Environmental Systems Service Environmental Systems Service Environmental Systems Service Territorial Service Territorial Service Territorial Service Air Observatory Service

PROVINCIAL DIVISION OF TREVISO SME Environmental Monitoring PROVINCIAL DIVISION OF VENICE Environmental Systems Service Environmental Systems Service Territorial Service Territorial Service Soil Service Industrial Risk and Decontamination Service Waste and Composting Service

PROVINCIAL DIVISION OF VERONA PROVINCIAL DIVISION OF VICENZA Environmental Systems Service Environmental Systems Service Territorial Service Territorial Service Physical Agents Observatory Chemical /Tanning Industries Service - Olfactometry

6 Regional Division FOR TERRITORIAL SAFETY via del Candel 65, 32100 Belluno Tel. +39 0437 098211, Fax +39 0437 098200 - [email protected]

REGIONAL LABORATORIES DIVISION via Rezzonico 37, 35131 Padua Tel. +39 045 8016905, Fax +39 045 8016600 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF BELLUNO via F. Tomea 5, 32100 Belluno Tel. +39 0437 935500, Fax +39 0437 30340 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF PADUA via Ospedale 22, 35121 Padua Tel. +39 049 8227801, Fax +39 049 8227810 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF ROVIGO viale Porta Po 87, 45100 Rovigo Tel. +39 0425 473211, Fax +39 0425 473201 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF TREVISO via Santa Barbara 5/a, 31100 Treviso Tel. +39 0422 558500 / 515, Fax +39 0422 558516 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF VENICE via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre Tel. +39 041 5445511, Fax +39 041 5445500 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF VERONA via A. Dominutti 8, 37135 Verona Tel. +39 045 8016906, Fax +39 045 8016700 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF VICENZA via Spalato 16, 36100 Vicenza Tel. +39 0444 217317, Fax +39 0444 217347 - [email protected]


 FUNCTIONS ARPAV operates the length fied response to the demands deriving from  OBSERVATORIES Operating within the and breadth of the region through its seven environmental monitoring activities. The labo- Provincial Divisions, these are provided with the Provincial Divisions and two Regional Divisions. ratories work together with the other Agency specific tools and staff required to carry out and Their function is to plan and carry out activities bodies entrusted with environmental monitor- coordinate activities at regional level regarding aimed at verifying and controlling environmen- ing activities, as well as with the Local Health the following areas: Air, Soil, Waste and Com- tal matrices and monitoring the stress to which Authorities to carry out checks on foodstuffs posting, Industrial Risk and Decontamination, and drinking water, and with the forces of order the environment is subjected by human activ- Physical Agents, Chemical/Tanning Industries - ity, as well as to provide technical and scientific for those analyses required during legal inves- Olfactometry. Also included here are a number support to the Veneto Region and to various tigations. of other outstanding services operative at re- Local Entities in the areas they are responsible The laboratories are also happy to respond to for. Each Provincial Division is divided up into requests from private individuals to analyse gional level: the Meteorological Centre and the two main Services: both food and environmental matrices. The Avalanche Centre of the Regional Division for Regional Division for Territorial Safety, through Territorial Safety, the Water Department and the • The Territorial Service, which controls equip- the two specialised Centres in Teolo (Padua) Prevention and Communication Department of ment, plants and processes, carries out measur- and Arabba (Belluno), and the new Regional the Technical Management. ing activities regarding electromagnetic fields, Hydrological Service, carries out monitoring ac- radioactivity in the environment, noise, etc., as tivities and provides services regarding meteor-  TOOLS AND FACILITIES In order to carry well as monitoring the state of conditions of ology, agrometeorology, snow and avalanches, out its complex environmental control, moni- the environment in general. climatology and hydrology. The Division also toring and analysis activities, ARPAV is equipped • The Environmental Systems Service, which manages the regional hydrographical network with a range of highly sophisticated tools and is in charge of monitoring networks and deals and assists the Veneto Region in running the facilities: the air quality monitoring stations, with analysing and assessing environmental Regional Centre of Civil Protection. the weather radar, the manual and automatic data. networks for the registration of environmental  ORGANISATION Each Provincial and Re- data, the cutting-edge portable laboratories The Regional Laboratories Division boasts a gional Divisions is headed by a Director, ap- network of seven laboratories, equipped with pointed by resolution by the Director General. for carrying out on-the-spot analysis of pollut- the most modern technologies that allow them They employ both administrative staff, with ing substances, the SIMAGE - Integrated System to conduct all the various kinds of analysis re- managers and ordinary employees running all for Environmental Monitoring and Emergency quired by standards regarding environmen- the internal organisational and financial activi- Management - the nautical vehicle equipped tal matrices. These laboratories have recently ties, and highly specialised in-house technical with the tools for monitoring coastal and sea undergone reorganisation in order to enable staff, responsible for controlling, monitoring waters - just to quote a few representative ex- them to provide an increasingly efficient, quali- and analysis of environmental matrices. amples.




02. Regional Division FOR TERRITORIAL SAFETY

03. REGIONAL LABORATORIES Division 02 04 04. Provincial Division OF BELLUNO

05. Provincial Division OF Padua

06. Provincial Division OF ROVIGO

07. Provincial Division OF TREVISO 12 07

08. Provincial Division OF Venice 10 09. Provincial Division OF VERONA 08 08 0909 01 13 03 0503 10. Provincial Division OF VICENZA 05 1312






 AIR In compliance with a specific law of the all over the region, and each of ARPAV’s Pro- ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, Veneto Region, ARPAV is entrusted with moni- vincial Divisions is in charge of running those and sulphur dioxide recorded in the last 48 toring air quality and emissions liable to cause within its area. In addition to the stations, at- hours and/or the last ten days. The real-time pollution. Checks on air quality and to ensure mospheric pollutants are detected by using data come from the automatic stations, so the the minimum legal values are complied with mobile laboratories for air quality monitoring latest figure recorded will not yet have been are conducted by analysing the air outside campaigns in those areas that are not covered validated. ARPAV also provides validated data and determining the concentration present of by a fixed network. in the form of tables reporting the concentra- the main pollutants, using both the fixed sta- The data collected for the purposes of meas- tions of the main pollutants that are recorded tions in the monitoring network and the new uring air quality are processed and used to daily, checking if they comply with the maxi- mobile laboratories. The results obtained are draw up tables, graphs and reports that pro- mum values permitted by law. Before being then collated and studied, and mathematical vide a clear picture of air quality. ARPAV is able published, these data undergo a validation models representing the spread of pollutants to provide real-time data indicating the con- process to verify the accuracy of the data pro- are then used to attribute them to a particu- centration present in the air of PM10 and PM2.5, vided by ARPAV’s technical operators. The pa- lar area. For the monitoring and controlling of rameters monitored are: sulphur dioxide (SO2), emissions, analysis is conducted on the pollu- nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2), ozone (O3), tants dispersed into the air at their origin, such carbon monoxide (CO), benzene (C6H6), and as those deriving from chimneys and industrial particulate material below 10 µm (PM10) and stacks. The results are then added to the emis- below 2.5 µm (PM2.5). (Air Observatory) sions inventory. Where analysis has not yet been carried out, or where it is impossible to  WATER The Veneto is one of the Italian re- do so, for instance in the case of vehicular traf- gions with the most water, with several major fic, internationally established emission factors rivers: the Po, Adige, Brenta, Piave, Livenza and are applied to obtain an estimate. The air qual- Tagliamento, as well as other regional and in- ity monitoring network of the Veneto Region, ter-regional hydrographical basins, including managed by ARPAV, is made up of over 50 the important basin that drains the waters in fixed measuring stations of various kinds (traf- the Venetian lagoon. In addition to Lake Garda, fic, industrial, urban and rural areas) and it is the region boasts numerous other smaller constantly updated in order to comply with lakes of considerable natural importance, and evolving legislation. The stations are located the underground waters of the region make

12 Provincial Division of Padua Technical Management Water Department Air Observatory Water Department Inland Water Service

E-mail E-mail E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax +39 041 5445546 +39 041 5445500 +39 049 8767632 +39 049 8767586 +39 049 8767535 +39 049 8767552

Office Office Office via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua

up one of the most extensive and best-quality ARPAV has put in place a quantity and qual- Agency’s activities regarding water resources water reserves in Europe. ARPAV constantly ity network of over 300 control stations, from involves monitoring drinking water. This is car- monitors the quality of watercourses through which a series of essential chemical and physi- ried out on behalf of the Local Health Boards, a network of 269 control stations, 36 of which cal parameters are registered several times in with samples taken from over 8000 points. As are exclusively used to control fish life, where order to draw up a classification of the bodies regards bathing in the Adriatic and the major ARPAV periodically takes samples for chemical of water located underground. The last of the lakes in the region, ARPAV controls the quality and biological analyses. These are conducted of the waters from the point of view of health in the Laboratories Division, after which they and hygiene by carrying out monitoring cam- are processed by ARPAV’s Inland Water Serv- paigns through a network of 167 stations, in ice. Depending on the particular type, sam- which environmental, chemical and physi- ples may be taken at monthly, two-monthly, cal parameters are recorded and samples of quarterly or half-yearly intervals. Similar im- waters are taken for microbiological analysis. portance is given to monitoring sources of en- The information thus obtained on the qual- vironmental pressure: every year ARPAV carries ity of the water for bathing in is then swiftly out checks on hundreds of public purification published on the ARPAV website in the form of plants and private systems. For those hydro- specific reports. (Water Department) graphical systems of most critical importance for the environment - in particular the large  WASTE The Veneto region is particularly basin that drains into the Venetian lagoon - efficient in terms of waste - especially urban ARPAV manages, on behalf of the Region, one waste - management, a clear sign that in this of the finest, most modern integrated quality area a new mentality is taking root, one that and quantity monitoring networks in Europe. is increasingly attentive to environmental is- There are 10 lakes in the Veneto region that sues and to saving resources. In this field, are considered important and thus subject to ARPAV keeps tabs not only on sources of en- monitoring by ARPAV in compliance with leg- vironmental pressure, but also monitors and islation. Six of these are natural and 4 artificial, provides information on the production and and they are for the most part situated in the management of waste. The Agency gives lo- provinces of Belluno, Treviso and Verona (Lake cal administrations and other bodies a helping Garda). To monitor ground water and springs, hand with urban waste management, as well


as checking that the targets set by the perti- duced by the residents of each municipality. ing out more about technical, management nent regional and national legislation have Specifically, the data bank certifies the percent- and procedural aspects related to the sector been met. ARPAV acquires data and informa- ages of separate waste collection achieved in and therefore how to intervene and fine-tune tion regarding the production and manage- each municipality and checks how much of the various stages of the waste processing cy- ment, at regional level, of urban and special the separately collected waste has effectively cle. (Waste and Composting Service) waste. These are then organised into a single been recovered. Also important are the collab- information system. oration and study activities ARPAV carries out  SOIL The soil is a limited resource and an es- The Agency processes these data, which, to- regarding waste-related issues, undertaken sential element in the ecosystems. Therefore, gether with the specific technical and scientif- together with the National Packaging Consor- any alterations to it can have repercussions ic skills it acquires, allow it to provide support tium (CONAI) and the Supply Chain Consortia not only on its yield, but also on the quality to public bodies and private firms regarding for paper (COMIECO), glass (COREVE), plastic of the water we drink and the farm produce waste-related issues, by publishing reports on (COREPLA) and metals (CIAL), in order to moni- we eat. The only way to learn about the soil is the subject. In the case of urban waste, ARPAV tor the flow of waste created by packaging. For through a systematic study of the characteris- manages a regional data bank concerning the special waste, ARPAV organises all the informa- tics of an area whose scientific and methodo- collection and management of the waste pro- tion required to draw up a picture of how it logical foundations are rooted in soil science, is produced and managed, and the manufac- in particular in soil mapping. In order to fulfil turing firms in the Veneto such waste derives the mandate conferred upon it by the Law that from. Finally, with regard to composting, the set it up, i.e. to “carry out checks on soil char- Agency collects data on organic waste, subse- acteristics”, ARPAV manages the system that quently turned into compost, a material able to archives all the data regarding soil in the Vene- enhance the chemical and physical properties to, as well as producing the maps required to of the soil. ARPAV gathers information on the standardise information and catalogue soils amount of material treated and produced by in accordance with national and international composting systems in order to build up a pic- standards. ture of how it is managed at regional level, and Further activities for the protection of the soil carries out regular monitoring in order to guar- regard three main areas: overseeing operations antee the quality of the compost produced. It for the characterisation of the soil and the also promotes study, research and coordina- distribution of sewage sludge in agriculture; tion activities at regional level, aimed at find- technical support for soil fertilisation practices,

14 Provincial Division of Treviso Provincial Division of Treviso Provincial Division of Verona Waste and Composting Service Soil Service Physical Agents Observatory

E-mail E-mail E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax +39 0422 558640 / 642 +39 0422 558516 +39 0422 558620 +39 0422 558516 +39 045 8016907 +39 045 8016777

Office Office Office via Santa Barbara 5/a, 31100 Treviso via Santa Barbara 5/a, 31100 Treviso via Dominutti 8, 37135 Verona

and monitoring the environmental effects of located in the Provincial Divisions, which keep agricultural practices. (Soil Service) tabs on environmental contamination deriv- ing from fall-out episodes in the past (e.g. the  PHYSICAL AGENTS ARPAV carries out Chernobyl disaster), as well as detecting, in real activities aimed at preventing and control- time, any radiological anomalies present in the ling environmental pollution deriving from atmosphere and keeping an eye on the level noise, sources of electromagnetic fields and of radioactivity in the environment. ARPAV radioactive substances. In this area, it provides sees to the coordination and standardisation support to the administrative functions of the of procedures in operation within the frame- competent bodies and legal authorities. Each of work of the province, in addition to providing ARPAV’s Provincial Divisions has an operations technical support both to the Region and to a unit in charge of carrying out activities regard- number of central bodies (ISPRA, the Institute ing physical agents in its own area. With regard for Environmental Protection and Research, to noise pollution, ARPAV checks focus on the Ministries, etc...), taking part in inter-regional main sources of disturbance, such as produc- projects and taking care of innovation in the tive and commercial activities and transport sector. (Physical Agents Observatory) systems. On behalf of local entities, ARPAV also handles the investigation procedures that re-  INDUSTRIAL RISK Industrial risk preven- gard noise management in the area: from the tion and management is currently an issue of noise classification of the municipalities to particular interest and importance, especially impact forecast and noise climate documen- in situations where there is a significant risk tation for new businesses, as well as specific of accidents related to specific substances or projects to monitor the source of noise. One of work processes. The development of wide- ARPAV’s most important activities is the pre- spread awareness of the urgent need for an liminary assessment of electromagnetic im- overriding intervention and control system in- pact, the main sources of which are telecom- volving local institutions, businesses and the gen- munications aerials and long-distance power eral public has led to the conception and set-up of lines. ARPAV also checks on environmental ra- SIMAGE. The Integrated System for Environmen- dioactivity, through a network of laboratories tal Monitoring and Emergency Management -


is an innovative prevention and action system on the knowledge stored of the risks associ- designed to reduce both the dangers associat- ated with the various establishments, and to ed with establishments that present particular provide prompt, accurate information on the risks and the effects of accidents on Man and type and amount of substances involved in the environment. The set-up of the system, the accident. This makes it possible to organise deriving from the Programme Agreement on the appropriate rescue operations, evacuate Chemistry of Porto Marghera, signed in 1998, the establishment if necessary, and thereafter was made possible thanks to the Veneto Re- to allow it to begin functioning normally once gion, responsible for the promotion and entire more. (Industrial Risk and Decontamination financing of the project, in complete synergy Service) with the Entity in charge of the Industrial Area of Porto Marghera. ARPAV runs SIMAGE from  MAJOR WORKS In recent years, a number an operations room that functions round the of major infrastructure building projects have clock, has its own staff and is separate from been set in motion in the Veneto Region. the petrochemical sector companies. From the In close agreement with the Region, ARPAV operations room, controls are carried out on a ensures these Major Works are compatible specific network that promptly monitors air with the environment, town planning aspects, quality in the industrial site, as well as assess- the road network and the community, through ing any accidental industrial emissions. The checking and control activities carried out by accident management system communicates operational bodies specifically identified for with the companies, the authorities involved this purpose for each project. and the on-site staff, as well as guaranteeing ing with environmental emergencies in the post-accident surveillance through the activa- most efficient way possible, ARPAV is now also In each case, ARPAV acts as a technical auditor, tion of instruments able to carry out pollutant placing the support of the SIMAGE operations dealing both with environmental monitoring sampling. Based on the indications provided room at the disposal of the Emergency teams and with the building activities necessary for by the Competent Authority, it handles com- of all its Provincial Divisions, through palm-top each specific project. munications aimed at the population using devices linked up to applications in the room. The activities carried out by ARPAV’s technical totem displays, variable message panels, web- This enables the operations room to provide staff vary according to the stages of the Major sites and text messages. With the aim of cop- technical support during emergencies, based Works they are dealing with. Specifically:

16 Provincial Division of Venice Technical Management Technical Management Industrial Risk and Decontamination Service Major Works Observatory IPPC

E-mail E-mail E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax +39 041 5445620 +39 041 5445500 +39 041 5445529 +39 041 5445500 +39 049 8767643 / 521 / 604 +39 049 8767670

Office Office Office via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua

water pollution to a minimum. (Major Works Observatory)

 IPPC The European Union, with the aim of reducing the environmental impact caused by manufacturing companies, has introduced Directive 96/61/ CE, known as the “IPPC - Inte- grated Pollution Prevention and Control - Di- rective”. This measure has had a direct effect - through a push for technological development - on those companies that create the greatest environmental impact, thus guaranteeing the proper management of natural resources. In Veneto the IPPC Directive affects over 900 companies, i.e. 20% of all the companies in . These firms vary widely in terms of prod- ucts and average plant size, and include, for example, thermoelectric plants, metal foun- •Before: implementation of the client’s envi- • After: control of activities aimed at measuring dries, paper mills, stock rearing businesses, ce- ronmental monitoring plan and identification environmental variables during the execution ment works and food industries. In accordance of the points at which environmental variables phase of the project or building and compari- with the law, ARPAV is in charge of deciding, are to be monitored before work begins on son of those variables with the measurements together with the companies concerned, the the project, as well as of any existing environ- carried out before the work began. self-regulatory activities to be carried out - re- mental criticalities. ported in the Integrated Environmental Au- The environmental protection checks carried thorisations - as well as ensuring compliance • During: control of activities aimed at meas- out by ARPAV’s technical staff include regular with the operating conditions, control regula- uring environmental variables during the con- inspections of building yards to verify the con- tions and the communication of the environ- struction phase of the project and checking its duct of the construction firms, with particular mental data reported in the Authorisations. fitness for use. reference to measures to reduce noise, air and ARPAV has acquired the role of providing tech-


nical support to the competent authority - the Region or the Province - and is also involved in an important process designed to bring environmental inspections in companies into line with the principles and methods set down by European regulations. The control activity the Agency carries out consists of drawing up documents and carrying out inspections that regard all those environmental matrices companies can have a negative impact on, i.e. air, water, waste, noise emissions, smells and, in some particular cases, the soil. The Agency also promotes a series of information and com- munication projects which, thanks to the in- volvement of the Veneto Region, the Provinc- es, the Trade Associations and the companies themselves, come together to form a commu- nication network able to create opportunities for dialogue on technical and other aspects among the stakeholders involved. (Technical heritage. The preservation of nature is therefore the preservation of natural habitats must focus Management) one of the primary objectives - supported at EU both on direct territory planning and manage- level - on which action should be focused. This ment - aimed at identifying natural areas to  NATURE AND BIODIVERSITY Natural en- action should be aimed, for example, at pro- be preserved and applying specific protec- vironments, such as forests, grassland, lagoons, tecting natural systems and allowing them to tive measures thereto - and on environmental rivers and coasts are essential for life on earth; function as they were intended, at halting the education and information, aimed at engaging they host animals and plants that are the result depletion of biodiversity and protecting habi- the local population in environmental issues. of thousands of years of evolution and they tats and animal and plant species, in order to ARPAV’s commitment in this area is organised are an irreplaceable source of resources for hu- conserve our natural heritage intact for future in particular around activities design to col- mans, as well as an essential part of our cultural generations. Therefore, activities to guarantee lect and spread information on the region’s

18 Technical Management Technical Management Prevention and Communication Department Energy Observatory

E-mail E-mail [email protected] [email protected]

Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax +39 049 8767644 +39 049 8767682 +39 049 8767610 / 633 / 645 +39 049 8767670

Office Office Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua

natural heritage, thus creating an exhaustive, updated list of the “natural values” present in the area and how “vulnerable” they are, as well as defining a monitoring system aimed at the conservation of the region’s nature, plants and animals. (Prevention and Communication De- partment)

 ENERGY Demand in the Veneto region ac- counts for almost 10% of the national figure. The demand for electrical energy has grown to such an extent that in the last few years region- al production has been insufficient to satisfy it. All the oil and natural gas products used are imported. In 2007, ARPAV set up an “Energy & Environment” team with the aim of providing the Region and local bodies with support for drafting basic technical and scientific docu- mentation regarding priority energy aspects, such as renewable sources, fossil fuels, envi- ronmental impact, energy efficiency, etc., as well as for creating campaigns to raise aware- ness on the issue of energy savings, directed at the Public Administrations in the Region. ARPAV also promotes or lends its support to countless environmental education activities on saving energy, in collaboration with local bodies, Ministries and the European Union. (Energy Observatory)



 ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH There is a the Agency provides support for assessing the growing body of scientific evidence indicating impact of environmental pressure on human that the lifestyles brought about by the current health, as well as carrying out epidemiological socio-economic and productive context pose a analysis of the data and the health risks linked to risk to both the quality of the environment and the environment and statistical analysis of envi- to human health, causing an increase in the risk ronmental and health data. (Environmental and of disease and premature death. This is why the Health Assessment Service) Agency and the Regional Health Service are working together to create a system able to in-  SUSTAINABILITY EDUCATION One of the tegrate data on the conditions of the environ- pillars on which ARPAV’s operating strategies are ment with information on human health, iden- based is the promotion of research, information, tifying methods and tools suitable to conduct training, communication and environmental assessments, monitoring plans and surveys that education with a view to guaranteeing sustain- bring together environmental and health as- able development, in order to help change the pects. Specifically, ARPAV is involved in: cultural approaches, behaviour and lifestyles that affect the use of environmental resources. • designing a methodological approach con- The promotion of environmental education taining guidelines and study criteria for the as- and information activities is one of the aims sessment of environmental and health aspects; ARPAV was set up to ensure, and in order to do • drawing up a picture of the data and informa- so, the Agency works together with a series of tion available that is required to carry out such stakeholders - both public and private, and an assessment, through the standardisation, at both regional and national level - that take management and processing of health data and care of information, communication, training the integration of this information with environ- and education on the environment, within the mental data; framework of the Regional and National INFEA • promoting and organising projects and events (Environmental Information, Training and Educa- in the areas of health and the environment, in tion). The Veneto Region has entrusted ARPAV particular to provide information on environ- with the role of Regional Centre for the Coor- mental and health risks. dination of the INFEA network, and the Agency Within the framework of the specific projects, promotes an integrated system that allows a

22 Technical Management Prevention and Communication Department General Management Prevention and Communication Department Environmental and Health Assessment Service School of Specialization for Environment

E-mail E-mail E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax +39 049 8767644 +39 049 8767682 +39 049 8767691 +39 049 8767682 +39 049 8767554 +39 049 8767670

Office Office Office Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua

variety of players (entities, associations, schools, specialised environmental professionals as a key local communities, educational establishments, aspect of its mission. In order to respond to this workshops) to communicate and interact with demand, the Agency has set up the School of each other and to provide environmental educa- Specialization for Environment. The aim of the tion users with information regarding the facili- School is to help improve the quality of the en- ties available in the area, the activities currently vironment by creating opportunities for training under way or at the planning stage, the services and study in the field of environmental issues, provided and the events due to take place. The paying particular attention to the needs of busi- Agency is involved in jointly drawing up shared nesses and harnessing environmental perform- methods and guidelines and developing edu- ance to innovation. Among the outstanding cational projects. It also provides the network achievements of the School is the 2nd level Mas- with support in terms of planning, resources and ters Degree in Methods and Techniques for En- tools such as the information system, as well as vironmental Prevention and Control, a training imparting training to the educators, observing course that provides the Regional, Provincial and conduct for monitoring services and assessing Municipal Public Administrations with profes- action and developing a quality system for the sional figures specialised in the Veneto, boast- self-evaluation of facilities and projects. (Preven- ing first-rate specific training in environmental tion and Communication Department) issues and thus able to tackle not only techni- cal problems regarding environmental control,  SCHOOL OF SPECIALIZATION FOR EN- but also the administrative aspects inherent in VIRONMENT Environmental well-being is environmental protection management. ARPAV one of the core values that must be defended has also established an agreement with the Uni- in modern society. The technical complexity of tary Committee of Professionals of the Veneto the question and the specialised skills required Region, with a view to creating common train- to intervene effectively have led to a rise in the ing courses for professionals registered with the demand for new environmental professionals various Orders and Colleges. These profession- and the need to adapt traditional training cours- als have a pivotal role to play in liaising between es. Since its creation, ARPAV - a technical body businesses and the Public Administration, and in in charge of environmental prevention as well improving the effectiveness and efficiency of- ac as protection - has seen the training of highly tion aimed at protecting the environment.


 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION and inspections. In addition, the Agency is the All the international and national programmes Regional Hub of the National EMAS Network. focusing on sustainable development place the This network is designed to building an active accent on the need for actions regarding envi- system to introduce EMAS throughout the area, ronmental information and communication, explaining the logic behind it, its procedures, highlighting its central role in policies aimed innovations, and opportunities for improve- at bringing together economic development, ment, in close agreement with the Trade As- quality of life and environmental protection. sociations, Business Consortia and Certification ARPAV has chosen to combine its technical and Bodies themselves. scientific activities and environmental educa- In this area, ARPAV also provides businesses with tional and training courses with information, information and explanations regarding the var- awareness-raising and communication activi- ious environmental management tools, such as ties. Most of these activities are largely aimed at the Environmental Management System (EMS), the general public, at people without specific which consists of authentic production man- technical skills or knowledge, and take the form agement techniques aimed at integrating envi- of technical and scientific publications, commu- ronmental issues into the management process,  ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYS- nication campaigns, the promotion of public thus fostering organisational and management TEMS Environmental management systems events and participation in fairs in the sector. and environmental certifications are voluntary options directed at reducing the impact of A central role is played here by the web portal instruments that provide official recognition company activity on the environment. Along- Through the use of Internet, to companies that, in managing their business, side the EMSs, other methodologies to support ARPAV promotes the agency’s image and serv- demonstrate continual improvement in terms environmental management have been devel- ices, offering the user information in real time: of respect for the environment and are com- oped, in particular the Environmental Balance from reports and live data on atmospheric pol- mitted to preventing pollution. ARPAV certifies Sheet, a voluntary instrument for the demon- lutants and indications for bathing to notifica- environmental standards for companies and stration of environmental accounting, life cycle tion in the case of events with an impact on the bodies that request EMAS registration, and analysis (LCA) and the self-evaluation of legisla- environment, as well as technical information provides the Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee tive compliance, outlining “routes” (guidelines, and documentation and a wide range of other - EMAS Section Italy (the body appointed for operational protocols, etc.) for the various sec- detailed information concerning the main en- the purpose by the Italian government) - with tors of production and improving communica- vironmental issues and the services the Agency an opinion on the observance of environmen- tion with the public. (Environmental and Health offers. (Prevention and Communication Department) tal legislation, following documentary checks Assessment Service)

24 Technical Management Prevention and Communication Department Technical Management Prevention and Communication Department Environmental and Health Assessment Service Coordinating and Planning

E-mail E-mail E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax +39 049 8767644 +39 049 8767682 +39 049 8767691 +39 049 8767682 +39 049 8767610 / 633 / 645 +39 049 8767670

Office Office Office Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua

 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Environ- overall impact on different environmental matri- mental assessments are studies that allow for a ces. (Environmental and Health Assessment Service) preventive, transparent and participatory verifi- cation of the environmental consequences and  COOPERATION ARPAV promotes national and social acceptability of a given plan, project or international cooperation projects, driven by the intervention programme to be implemented in awareness that problems concerning the envi- the area. ronment cannot, by definition, be tackled at local ARPAV takes part in the Regional EIA Commission level alone, and by the conviction that dialogue and in the EIA Commissions set up in each Prov- and the exchange of information, skills and good ince, providing technical and scientific support practices are an added value for the professional regarding the issues it is responsible for, formulat- figures working within the Agency. Cooperation ing opinions on environmental compatibility and with other bodies, public or private, national or setting out any regulations regarding the projects international, offers excellent opportunities for themselves, in order to ensure their implemen- growth and consolidation in the environmental tation is compatible with safeguarding the en- field, since the Agency possesses a solid base of vironment, human health and the historical and skills, particularly in areas such as water, air and cultural heritage of the area. ARPAV also provides soil, which it intends to develop further and which technical and scientific support to the Regional SIA Commission as regards Strategic Environmen- can also be applied at European level, thus allow- tal Evaluation, which, unlike the EIA processes, are ing for access to EU funding. ARPAV pursues these aimed at assessing the overall impact of territorial objectives by taking part in projects with an inter- programmes and plans, because of the essential national scope that promote planning activities role they play in territorial development and town aimed at spreading or acquiring know-how. In planning. In addition, ARPAV provides Municipali- addition, ARPAV makes an ongoing commitment ties, Provinces and other relevant bodies with in- to keeping various institutions and other agencies formation on the various components of the envi- informed of the experience it has gained during ronment that can be influenced by the plans and projects, with a view to strengthening potential programmes, as well as guidance on the various partnerships design to help it gain EU accredita- actions that can be implemented to reduce the tion. (Technical Management)


WEATHER - Regional Centre of Civil Protection and Territorial Safety


commitment of the Veneto Region and ARPAV relied upon throughout the region, by public to these issues has made it possible to collect bodies and institutions for the purposes of terri- first-rate technical and scientific information. torial management, operators in the tourism and As a result, the ARPAV regional Weather Service productive sector for planning their work, farm- has achieved a solid reputation for excellence ers and indeed ordinary citizens planning their throughout Italy and indeed Europe. The added leisure activities. value that weather forecasting will provide to life This ongoing relationship with the local popula- in the Veneto is destined to grow over the com- tion and businesses has allowed ARPAV to fine- ing years, and this is why plans for ARPAV’s ac- tune and enhance a number of its forecasting tivities provide for services that are closely and services. The Agency now supplies weather specifically connected to the various individual reports in Italian, English and German (Meteo geographical areas and areas of interest in the Veneto, Dolomiti Meteo, Meteo Garda, Meteo region. The weather forecasts are drawn up by Spiaggia, Dolomiti Neve e Valanghe), as well as a team of expert meteorologists, who base them specific weather reports for agriculture (Agrom- on data from European-scale meteorological eteo Informa, Agrometeo Tourist, Agrometeo models. Data and images from Meteostat satel- Provincia), and climatological reports (Report on lites are taken into consideration, and the team water resources in the Veneto, Dolomiti Clima,  WEATHER In the 1980s, the Veneto Region also analyses data recorded in real time from Agrometeo Mese). To date, the ARPAV website was among the first in Italy to provide specific some 300 weather stations ARPAV runs in the has exceeded 15 million hits a year for free fore- weather forecasting services for the area, out of Veneto region. The meteorologists also use the casts, which are also accessible by dedicated an- the Avalanche Centre in Arabba and the Mete- data continually recorded by a weather radar swering machine services, selfax systems, mail- orological Centre in Teolo. In 1996, responsibility network covering Teolo, in the Euganean Hills, ing lists, and text messages. for these activities was transferred to ARPAV, and in Concordia Sagittaria, in south-eastern Veneto the Agency drew up a programme designed to and in Valeggio sul Mincio (Verona). This net-  REGIONAL CENTRE OF CIVIL PROTEC- complete and develop the activities, resources work - the most advanced regional monitoring TION AND TERRITORIAL SAFETY The Vene- and services. Some years later, in 2007, the region system in the country - allows for the real-time to is a very fragile region from the point of view also entrusted ARPAV with running the Regional monitoring of the onset and evolution of weath- of flood risk and hydrogeological risk. Flooding Hydrographical Service, which covers meteor- er phenomena in the Veneto region, including at is an issue of particular concern in the plains, as ology and climatology services. The ongoing a detailed local level. ARPAV forecasts are widely a result of a complex network of natural and ar-

28 Regional Division for Territorial Safety Regional Division for Territorial Safety Regional Division for Territorial Safety Meteorological Centre Avalanche Centre Regional Hydrological Service

E-mail E-mail E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax Telephone and Fax +39 049 9998111 +39 049 9925622 +39 0436 755711 +39 0436 79319 +39 0437 098211 +39 0437 098200

Office Office Office via Marconi 55, 35037 Teolo, Padua via Pradat-Arabba 5, 32020 L. del C. di Lana, Belluno via del Candel 65, 32100 Belluno

tificial watercourses that run right through the centralised management structure involving provides support to the Regional Soil Protection large metropolitan areas of the Veneto. the Regional Civil Protection and Soil Protection Division by mapping out hydraulic (floods) and There is also a risk of landslides in the mountain- Departments. In recognition of ARPAV’s profes- hydrogeological (landslides) risk scenarios. ous and hilly areas, deriving from widespread sional expertise on such issues, the Agency was This is one of the tasks of the recently estab- instability caused by unfavourable geohydro- assigned an important, decision-making role lished Hydrological Service, which observes the logical conditions. These particular characteris- within the Operations Centre of the Veneto. area, assesses data and draws up mathematical tics of the landscape mean that preventive risk Through the Regional Division for Territorial simulation models for flooding and the onset of management is essential. On April 2, 2009, The Safety, ARPAV has sole responsibility for carrying landslides. Region set up the Regional Centre of Civil Pro- out hydrometeorological monitoring in the area, During floods, ARPAV calculates the flow ca- tection and Territorial Safety, implementing a managing a network of 150 stations that trans- pacity at critical points. The result of this work mit real-time data on rain, snow, wind, tempera- is the daily classification of hydrogeological and tures, and hydrometric levels to the operations hydraulic risk, which allows for the activation of room of the Centre. Civil Protection procedures for emergency man- ARPAV is also in charge of producing weather agement. forecasts aimed at defining the risks for the Finally, ARPAV supports the Regional Civil Protec- area. The Meteorological Centre in Teolo issues tion Division by managing the operations room a specific forecast report 365 days/year for the of the Regional Centre, a 12-hour organisational Operations Centre, and during critical situations, model in function 365 days a year that sees to it constantly monitors the evolution of phenom- the running of the technical equipment in the ena, producing live reports based on the data operations room, carries out data analysis, draws collected, in real time, from the three regional up daily reports and warnings during risk situa- weather radar systems. tions and sends information daily to the national Through the Avalanche Centre in Arabba, ARPAV de- Civil Protection Division and to other institutions fines the avalanche risk scenarios for the moun- in the area. tain areas, road conditions, towns and villages By assigning ARPAV responsibility for these tasks, and production facilities, so that the necessary the Region underlines the trust the local area measures can be implemented in the event of has in the technical and operational abilities of an emergency. With regard to avalanches, the the Agency in these particularly sensitive sectors Centre is considered the finest in Italy. ARPAV also linked to the safety of the population.




 OUR REPUTATION Throughout its fourteen- reliable, authoritative information that will guide are aware of what it does and the role it has to year existence, ARPAV has built up a solid, wide- ARPAV in its ongoing, indeed growing commit- play, while one out of every two has at least heard ranging reputation among the institutions it has ment to supporting local bodies in carrying out of the Agency. What we feel it is especially impor- worked with as a reliable agency offering excellent strategic assessments of public policy. Over the tant to underline, however, is the fact that those technical skills. Recent research conducted by the years ARPAV has also made an increasing effort to who are most familiar with ARPAV are those most University of Trieste has revealed that local bodies, inform the local population on what it does. To- likely to express a positive opinion on it and place local health boards, companies and associations day, one in three people are familiar with ARPAV, their trust in its expertise. representing the business community are unani- mous in seeing technical skills as ARPAV’s leading strength. Stakeholders expressed a positive opin- ion of ARPAV both in general terms (85% of those interviewed) and, more specifically, in terms of its activities related to the prevention and control of environmental pollution. This is an important piece of research, one that forms the base for re- considering the Agency’s role in accordance with the way the approach to environmental issues themselves is changing. The challenge posed by environmental prevention and protection must increasingly be faced through partnerships in- volving the regulatory authorities, public bodies and the world of business. The survey also drew attention to the pivotal role played by the tech- nical and information support provided by the Agency. Public bodies and local health boards, for instance, regularly consult the data collected on environmental monitoring, while businesses ask ARPAV for information on how to interpret and apply environmental legislation and standards. This information is crucial to these stakeholders in carrying out their normal, everyday activity. It is the acknowledgement of this ability to provide

32 General Management Front Office

E-mail [email protected]

Telephone and Fax +39 049 8239360 +39 049 8767670 / 552

Office Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua

evalUaTion oF THe agencY's acTiviTies Overall Opinion on ARPAV (% values)

TOTAL SAMPLE 10 47 39 4 Industrial and Craft Associations 26 48 26 Businesses - Other Sector 22 31 44 3 Businesses - Stock Rearing 19 54 15 12

15 32 47 6

Farming Associations 12 53 35

10 42 48

10 50 40

Local Health Authorities 957295


Businesses - Metal Processing 632593




Businesses - Cement Works, Ceramic Firms and Foundries 61 26 13 Businesses - Chemicals 50 43 7



SWITCHBOARD Tel. +39 049 8239301 FRONT OFFICE Tel. +39 049 8239360 CERTIFIED E-MAIL [email protected]

GENERAL MANAGEMENT Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8239341, Fax +39 049 660966 - [email protected] SCHOOL OF SPECIALIZATION FOR ENVIRONMENT Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8767554, Fax +39 049 8767670 - [email protected] FRONT OFFICE Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8239360, Fax +39 049 8767670 / 552 - [email protected] QUALITY SYSTEM Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8239356, Fax +39 049 8239366 - [email protected] JOB SITE SAFETY Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8767651, Fax +39 049 8767652 - [email protected] INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8239308, Fax +39 049 660966 - [email protected]

Administrative Management Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8239302, Fax +39 049 8239362 - [email protected] TECHNICAL SERVICE Via Rezzonico 37, 35131 Padua - Tel. +39 049 7393700, Fax +39 049 8780989 - [email protected] SUPPLY SERVICE Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8239344, Fax +39 049 8239313 - [email protected] HUMAN RESOURCES Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8239396 / 397, Fax +39 049 8239320 - [email protected] ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL SERVICE Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8239332, Fax +39 049 8239316 - [email protected] MANAGEMENT CONTROL Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8239349, Fax +39 049 660966 - [email protected]

Technical Management Via Matteotti 27, 35137 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8767610 / 633 / 645, Fax +39 049 8767670 - [email protected] COORDINATING AND PLANNING Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8767607, Fax +39 049 8767670 - [email protected] MAJOR WORKS OBSERVATORY Via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre - Tel. +39 041 5445529, Fax +39 041 5445500 - [email protected] ENERGY OBSERVATORY Via Dominutti 8, 37135 Verona - Tel. +39 045 8016815, Fax +39 045 8016700 - [email protected] WATER DEPARTMENT Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8767632, Fax +39 049 8767586 - [email protected] INLAND WATER SERVICE Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8767535, Fax +39 049 8767552 - [email protected] PREVENTION AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8767644, Fax +39 049 8767682 - [email protected] Environmental and Health Assessment Service Piazzale Stazione 1, 35131 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8767691, Fax +39 049 8767682 - [email protected]

Regional Division FOR TERRITORIAL SAFETY Via Del Candel 65, 32100 Belluno - Tel. +39 0437 098211, Fax +39 0437 098200 - [email protected] METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE Via Marconi 55, 35037 Teolo (Pd) - Tel. +39 049 9998111, Fax +39 049 9925622 - [email protected] AVALANCHE CENTRE Via Pradat-Arabba 5, 32020 L. del C. di Lana (Bl) - Tel. +39 0436 755711, Fax +39 0436 79319 - [email protected] REGIONAL HYDROLOGICAL SERVICE Via Del Candel 65, 32100 Belluno - Tel. +39 0437 098211, Fax +39 0437 098200 - [email protected] HYDROGRAPHIC AND REGIONAL CIVIL PROTECTION CENTRE Via Del Candel 65, 32100 Belluno - Tel. +39 0437 098211, Fax +39 0437 098200 - [email protected] REGIONAL CENTRE OF CIVIL PROTECTION Via Longhena 14, 30175 Marghera (Ve) - Tel. +39 041 2794012, Fax +39 041 2794016 / 19 - [email protected]

34 REGIONAL LABORATORIES Division Via Rezzonico 37, 35131 Padua - Tel. +39 045 8016905, Fax +39 045 8016600 - [email protected] ADMINISTRATION Via Rezzonico 37, 35131 Padua Tel. +39 049 7397709, Fax +39 049 8764450 - [email protected] PROVINCIAL LABORATORY OF BELLUNO Via F. Tomea 5, 32100 Belluno - Tel. +39 0437 935500, Fax +39 0437 30340 - [email protected] PROVINCIAL LABORATORY OF Padua Via Ospedale 22, 35121 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8227810, Fax +39 049 8227810 - [email protected] PROVINCIAL LABORATORY OF ROVIGO Viale Porta Po 87, 45100 Rovigo - Tel. +39 0425 473211, Fax +39 0425 473201 - [email protected] PROVINCIAL LABORATORY OF TREVISO Via Santa Barbara 5/a, 31100 Treviso - Tel. +39 0422 558565 / 566, Fax +39 0422 558599 - [email protected] PROVINCIAL LABORATORY OF Venice Via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre - Tel. +39 041 5445511, Fax +39 041 5445500 - [email protected] PROVINCIAL LABORATORY OF VERONA Via Dominutti 8, 37135 Verona - Tel. +39 045 8016906, Fax +39 045 8016700 - [email protected] PROVINCIAL LABORATORY OF VICENZA Via Spalato 16, 36100 Vicenza - Tel. +39 0444 217317, Fax +39 0444 217347 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF BELLUNO Via F. Tomea 5, 32100 Belluno - Tel. +39 0437 935500, Fax +39 0437 30340 - [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS SERVICE Via F. Tomea 5, 32100 Belluno - Tel. +39 0437 935532, Fax +39 0437 30340 - [email protected] TERRITORIAL SERVICE Via F. Tomea 5, 32100 Belluno - Tel. +39 0437 935509, Fax +39 0437 935535 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF PADUA Via Ospedale 22, 35121 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8227801, Fax +39 049 8227810 - [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS SERVICE Via Ospedale 22, 35121 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8227870, Fax +39 049 8227810 - [email protected] TERRITORIAL SERVICE Via Ospedale 22, 35121 Padua - Tel. +39 049 8227821, Fax +39 049 8227810 - [email protected] AIR OBSERVATORY Via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre - Tel. +39 041 5445546, Fax +39 041 5445500 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF ROVIGO Viale Porta Po 87, 45100 Rovigo - Tel. +39 0425 473211, Fax +39 0425 473201 - [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS SERVICE Viale Porta Po 87, 45100 Rovigo - Tel. +39 0425 473211, Fax +39 0425 473201 - [email protected] TERRITORIAL SERVICE Viale Porta Po 87, 45100 Rovigo - Tel. +39 0425 473221, Fax +39 0425 473201 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF TREVISO Via Santa Barbara 5/a, 31100 Treviso - Tel. +39 0422 558500 / 515, Fax +39 0422 558516 - [email protected] SME ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Via Santa Barbara 5/a, 31100 Treviso - Tel. +39 0422 558515, Fax +39 0422 558516 - [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS SERVICE Via Santa Barbara 5/a, 31100 Treviso - Tel. +39 0422 558541 / 542, Fax +39 0422 558516 - [email protected] TERRITORIAL SERVICE Via Santa Barbara 5/a, 31100 Treviso - Tel. +39 0422 558502, Fax +39 0422 558516 - [email protected] SOIL SERVICE Via Santa Barbara 5/a, 31100 Treviso - Tel. +39 0422 558620, Fax +39 0422 558516 - [email protected] WASTE AND COMPOSTING SERVICE Via Santa Barbara 5/a, 31100 Treviso - Tel. +39 0422 558640 / 642, Fax +39 0422 558516 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF VENICE Via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre - Tel. +39 041 5445511, Fax +39 041 5445500 - [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS SERVICE Via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre - Tel. +39 041 5445539, Fax +39 041 5445500 - [email protected] TERRITORIAL SERVICE Via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre - Tel. +39 041 5445552, Fax +39 041 5445500 - [email protected] INDUSTRIAL RISK AND DECONTAMINATION SERVICE Via Lissa 6, 30171 Venice Mestre - Tel. +39 041 5445620, Fax +39 041 5445500 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF VERONA Via Dominutti 8, 37135 Verona - Tel. +39 045 8016906, Fax +39 045 8016700 - [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS SERVICE Via Dominutti 8, 37135 Verona - Tel. +39 045 8016735, Fax +39 045 8016888 - [email protected] TERRITORIAL SERVICE Via Dominutti 8, 37135 Verona - Tel. +39 045 8016702, Fax +39 045 8016888 - [email protected] PHYSICAL AGENTS OBSERVATORY Via Dominutti 8, 37135 Verona - Tel. +39 045 8016907, Fax +39 045 8016777 - [email protected]

Provincial Division OF VICENZA Via Spalato 16, 36100 Vicenza - Tel. +39 0444 217317, Fax +39 0444 217347 - [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS SERVICE Via Spalato 16, 36100 Vicenza - Tel. +39 0444 217382, Fax +39 0444 217347 - [email protected] TERRITORIAL SERVICE Via Spalato 16, 36100 Vicenza - Tel. +39 0444 217634, Fax +39 0444 217617 - [email protected] CHEMICAL AND TANNING INDUSTRIES SERVICE - OLFACTOMETRY Via Spalato 16, 36100 Vicenza - Tel. +39 0444 453217, Fax +39 0444 457596 - [email protected]


p a g . 11 / ARPAV - Recording thermometer used for surveys on the micro climate of cold depressions, Plateau of the Pale di San Martino, 2469 m a.s.l. p a g . 12 / ARPAV - Mobile laboratory for monitoring air quality p a g . 13 / ARPAV - Karstic resurgence of the Meschio Torrent, Savassa Alta, Vittorio Veneto, Treviso p a g . 14 / ARPAV - Recovery and recycling of plastic materials p a g . 16 / ARPAV - Petrochemical plant in Porto Marghera, Venice p a g . 17 / ARPAV - A4 Motor- way: Mestre route – motorway bypass, Preganziol, Treviso p a g . 18 / ARPAV - Chain of dunes along the Venetian coastline p a g . 19 / ARPAV - Solar tracking photovoltaic system, Sports Hall, Municipality of Verona p a g . 19 / ARPAV - Fadalto hydroelectric plant, Province of Treviso p a g . 21 / ARPAV - Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) in the lagoon of Scardovari, in the Po Delta p a g . 22 / ARPAV - Operator using a multi-parameter probe to measure the chemical and physical parameters of the water (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity) p a g . 28 / ARPAV - Weather/climate radar at the Teolo Meteorological Centre, Padua p a g . 29 / ARPAV - Winter 2008/2009: avalanche on the SR 355 road between the towns of Santo Stefano and Sappada, Province of Belluno p a g . 31 / ARPAV - Terminal for the regasification of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), Porto Levante, Municipality of Porto Viro, Rovigo p a g . 32 / ARPAV - Award ceremony for the Veneto d’aMare Prize, 1 June 2007, Bibione, Venice



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Environmental Prevention and Protection Agency of the Veneto Region |