
Online - 2455-3891 Vol 12, Issue 9, 2019 Print - 0974-2441 Review Article A REVIEW OF , THERAPEUTIC VALUE, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, AND OF PANICULATA

ALFRED MAROYI* Department of Botany, Medicinal and Economic Development Research Centre, University of Fort Hare, Private Bag X1314, Alice 5700, . Email: [email protected] Received: 04 June 2019, Revised and Accepted: 01 July 2019


Cussonia paniculata is a small widely used as throughout its distributional range in southern Africa. This study is aimed at providing a critical review of the botany, biological activities, phytochemistry, and medicinal uses of C. paniculata. Documented information on the botany, biological activities, medicinal uses, and phytochemistry of C. paniculata was collected from several online sources which included BMC, Scopus, SciFinder, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Elsevier, PubMed, and Web of Science. Additional information on the botany, biological activities, phytochemistry, and medicinal uses of C. paniculata was gathered from pre-electronic sources such as book chapters, books, journal articles, and scientific publications sourced from the University library. This study showed that the bark, , , , and stems of C. paniculata are used as emetic, immune booster, and herbal medicine for dysmenorrhea, intestinal parasites and worms, mental problems, boils, shingles and skin diseases, indigestion and stomach complaints, sores, and wounds. compounds identified from the leaves of C. paniculata include acetylated triterpene , unacetylated triterpene glycosides, , steroidal saponin, and triterpenoid saponins. Pharmacological research revealed that C. paniculata extracts have analgesic, antibacterial, the phytochemical, pharmacological, and toxicological properties of C. paniculata crude extracts as well as compounds isolated from the species. anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiplasmodial, antiprotozoan, Aβ42 protein reduction, and cytotoxicity activities. Future research should focus on evaluating Keywords: , , Ethnopharmacology, Herbal medicine, Indigenous pharmacopeia.

© 2019 The Authors. Published by Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4. 0/) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22159/ajpcr.2019.v12i9.34434

INTRODUCTION “paniculata” refers to the paniculate or branched which Eckl. and Zeyh. is a member of the or Cussonia paniculata Araliaceae terminatesin the the groupgrowth Umbrelliferae of the species’ [50,62,63].branches. The The English specific common name ginseng or ivy family. Ginseng is a common name for several herbaceous name of C. paniculata is “mountain cabbage tree,” mainly because the plants used in traditional medicines such as Asian ginseng ( Panax ginseng species is associated with dry stony hills and the thick, often blue-green C.A. Meyer) [1-6], American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius leaves resemble those of a cabbage (Brassica oleracea Japanese ginseng (Panax japonicus leaves of C. paniculata are gray-green or blue-green in color which is common name for L. species grown as ornamental plants L.) [4,7-14], and house and Hedera probably due to the thick waxy layers on the leaves. These L.) waxy [49]. layers The (T.Nees) C.A.Hedera Meyer) species [4,15-21]. are used Ivy is as a herbal medicines for respiratory, skin problems, and other health-related subspecies of C. paniculata are recognized subsp. paniculata and subsp. plants throughout theHedera world [22-24].species areSeveral also characterized by several sinuataare believed to protect the leaves from severe frost in winterpaniculata [49]. Two is phytochemical and biological activities which include antimicrobial, anti- characterized by entire leaflet margins, confined to the southern inflammatory,conditions [25-32]. antiarthritic, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antiallergic, and Karoo, Eastern (Reyneke Cape, and Kok)KwaZulu-Natal, De Winter Northern [64]. The subsp.Cape, and Western Cussonia Thunb. comprises antitumor activities [29,33-39]. The sinuata is characterized recorded in grasslands, woodlands, and forests of sub-Saharan Cape provinces of South Africa at an altitude ranging from 300 m to about 22 species which are mainly or or occasionally by shallowly to deep lobed and waxy (sinuate) leaflet margins and widely2000 m distributed above the sea and level recorded [41,64]. in TheBotswana, subsp. Lesotho, Swaziland, the C. paniculata is widely used as a decorative and ornamental plant, as Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and North theAfrica, species the Arabian is frost-resistant Peninsula and (Yemen), therefore and recommendedthe Comoro Islands for rockeries, [40-46]. C. paniculata is domesticated West provinces of South Africa at an altitude ranging from 900 m to bonsai, and other gardens [42,47-55]. ethnopharmacological literature do not separate C. paniculata into peeled and eaten raw as an emergency food, as a source of water or 1980 m above the sea level [41,64]. However, most ethnobotanical and in home gardens in South Africa [56], and the thick tuberous roots are specific subspecies but rather to C. paniculata sensu lato, and this is the approach that has been adopted in this study. Synonyms associated by Makunga et al with C. paniculata include C. paniculata Eckl. and Zeyh. var. paniculata C.snack panicula in Southta are Africa used andin the Swaziland production [57-59]. of essence In South and Africa,tinctures. research Local and C. paniculata Eckl. and Zeyh. var. sinuata communities in the. [60] Eastern showed Cape that province the , in South leaves, Africa and described roots of C. paniculata as “rare” in the Eastern thorn bushveld [61], an observation C. paniculata is an evergreen small tree withReyneke a sturdy and trunk Kok. which [64]. is which has important implications for conservation and sustainable use of the species. It is against this background that this study was undertaken is reddish gray to gray, rough, corky, swollen at the base and roughly aimed at appraising the botany, medicinal uses, phytochemistry, and sparsely branched, rarely exceeding 5 m in height [41,63,65-68]. The stem biological activities of C. paniculata. as the species usually sheds old leaves while new flush of leaves are being3.5 cm produced. in diameter, The branches the branches have markeda mop-like with crown prominent of leathery, green, scars AND BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF C. PANICULATA frequently blue-green leaves, composed of several leaflets on short stalks The genus name Cussonia springing from the same point at the end of a stout common stalk. The French botany professor at the University of Montpellier who specialized leaves are bi-digitate, oblong in shape, apex and base tapering, margin is in honor of Pierre Cusson (1727–1783), a Maroyi Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 12, Issue 9, 2019, 1-6 sparsely to distinctly toothed. The flowers are a branched panicle of spikes BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF C. PANICULATA EXTRACTS which are greenish yellow in color. The fruits are fleshy, almost globose Biological activities of in shape, pale purplish in color, and closely clustered along the spikes. C. C. paniculata has been recorded in Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa, and paniculata extracts include analgesic [95], antibacterial [104], anticancer [105,106], anti-inflammatory [52,75,95], Swaziland [41,63,66-68] in bushveld, wooded grassland, usually in rocky antiplasmodial [52,75,104], antiprotozoan [104], Aβ42 protein reduction [76], and cytotoxicity [104] activities. MEDICINALplaces at an altitude USES OFranging C. PANICULATA from 300 m to 2000 m above the sea level [64]. Analgesic activities Adedapo et al The bark, fruits, leaves, roots, and stems of C. paniculata are used of the stem bark of C. paniculata using the formalin test by treating . [95] evaluated the analgesic activities of aqueous extract (Table 1). C. paniculata is mainly used as emetic, immune booster, and herbalas herbal medicine medicines for dysmenorrhea, against 32 human intestinal diseases parasites in southern and worms, Africa male Wistar rats with 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, and 200 mg/kg of extract; mental problems, boils, shingles and skin diseases, indigestion and the10 mg/kg acetic of acid-induced indomethacin; writhing and 2 ml/kg model, of normalthe extract saline, showed and the a licking good stomach complaints, sores, and wounds (Fig. 1). In Lesotho, the analgesictime and frequencyeffect characterized of the injected by reduction paw were in recordedthe number for 30of writhesmin. In leaves of C. paniculata are mixed with those of Searsia divaricata when compared to the control. The extract caused dose-dependent (Eckl. and Zeyh.) Moffett and Scabiosa columbaria L. as herbal medicine

decrease of licking time and licking frequency in rats injected with 2.5% for menstrual problems [69]. PHYTOCHEMISTRY OF C. PANICULATA Antibacterialformalin, signifying activities its analgesic effect [95]. Several researchers such as Dovgii et al et al De Villiers et al Adedapo et al et al and methanol leaf extracts of C. paniculata subsp. paniculata and . [104] evaluated antibacterial activities of aqueous triterpene glycosides, unacetylated triterpene. [93], Grishkovets glycosides, flavonoid,. [94], C. paniculata subsp. sinuata against Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia steroidal saponin,. [95], and and triterpenoid Thakur saponins. [76] identifiedfrom the acetylatedleaves of coli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas C. paniculata (Table aeruginosa using the microplate bioassay with ciprofloxacin be responsible for the pharmacological properties associated with C. paniculata. For example, 2). Some research of these phytochemicalby Panche et alcompounds may that are associated by acetylcholinesterase, antioxidant, (0.01 mg/mL) as a positive control. The extract exhibited activities with steroid-genesis modulating, xanthine oxidase modulating,. [96] countering revealed minimum inhibitory concentration values ranging from 0.3 mg/mL to antibiotic resistance, and disease-combating activities. Research by Anticancer16.0 mg/mL activities [104]. Careaga et al Fouché et al triterpene glycosides have induction of caspase, antiproliferative, leaf extracts of C. paniculata against sixty human cancer cell lines apoptosis, .hemolytic, [97] and Bahrami cytotoxicity, and Franco anticancer, [98] showed , that acetylated and organized into. [105] subpanels evaluated representing anticancer activities leukemia, of dichloromethanemelanoma and antibacterial properties. While saponins have demonstrated anti- cancer of the lung, colon, kidney, , and central nervous system. viral, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anti-ulcer, antibacterial, hypoglycemic, anti-fertility, anticancer, antimalarial, , and two or more of the cell lines (GI The extracts exhibited a moderate growthet al inhibition of above 50% for 50) with values ranging from >0 µg/mL antioxidant activities [99-103]. to 1.1 µg/mL [105]. Similarly, Fouché . [106] evaluated anticancer Table 1: Medicinal uses of Cussonia paniculata

Medicinal use Plant part used Country References Anemia Bark Lesotho Bladder problems Bark Lesotho Breast and cervical cancer Leaves Lesotho [70] Cardiovascular problems Bark Lesotho [71‑74] Cleanses blood Bark Lesotho [69,74] Colic Bark South Africa [70] Dysmenorrhea Bark South Africa [70] Menstrual problems Leaves mixed with those of Searsia divaricata Lesotho [52,75,76] (Eckl. and Zeyh.) Moffett and Scabiosa columbaria L. [52,75,76] Emetic Bark and leaves Lesotho and Swaziland [69] Heartburn Bark Lesotho Human immunodeficiency virus Bark and leaves South Africa [57,71‑74] opportunistic infections [70‑73,77] Immune booster Bark, leaves, and roots Lesotho and South Africa [78‑80] Intestinal ulcers Leaves Lesotho Intestinal parasites and worms Bark, fruits, roots, and stems Lesotho and South Africa [77‑81] Kidney problems Lesotho [71‑74,77] Loss of appetite Roots Lesotho [70,82,83] Malaria Roots South Africa [71‑74] Mental problems Leaves South Africa and Swaziland [77] Nervous problems Leaves South Africa [78,79,84‑86] Phlegm Bark Lesotho [52,57,58,75,82,87,88] Pellagra Bark Lesotho [52,75,76,82,87,89] Purgative Leaves South Africa [70] Rheumatism and swollen limbs Leaves South Africa [70] Boils, shingles, and skin diseases Bark and leaves Lesotho and South Africa [78,79] Indigestion and stomach complaints Leaves and roots Lesotho and South Africa [75,76,90] Tonic Bark and leaves South Africa [71‑74,78‑81] Sores and wounds Bark and leaves Lesotho and South Africa [71‑74,77‑79,84,91] [78‑80] [70‑74,82,90,92]

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et al C. paniculata against sixty human cancer cell lines organized into the anti-inflammatory activities of aqueous extract of the stem subpanelsactivities ofrepresenting dichloromethane: leukemia, methanolmelanoma (1:1)and cancer leaf extractsof the lung, of barkbeing of the C. highestpaniculata inhibition using the [52,75]. carrageenan-induced Adedapo . rat [95] paw evaluated edema colon, kidney, ovary, and central nervous system. The extracts exhibited and histamine-induced rat paw edema assays with indomethacin activities against leukemia RPMI-8226, colon HCT-116, and colon KM12 and cyproheptadine as positive controls. The extract at 50 mg/kg, with total growth inhibition (TGI) values of 1.0 µg/ml, 1.5 µg/ml, and 100 mg/kg, and 200 mg/kg body weight reduced significantly, the Anti-inflammatory2.7 µg/ml, respectively activities [106]. Antiplasmodialformation of edema activities induced by carrageenan and histamine [95]. et al et al activities of bark, leaves, roots, and stems ethanolic, ethyl acetate and of the bark ethanolic, ethyl acetate and water extracts of C. paniculata Tetyana [52] and Tetyana . [75] evaluated anti-inflammatory water extracts of C. paniculata againstTetyana Plasmodium [52] and Tetyana falciparum . [75] in an evaluated in vitro assay, antiplasmodial a slightly activitiesmodified version of the parasite lactate dehydrogenase assay with chloroquine using the cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) as a positive control. The extracts exhibited weak inhibitory activities assay. The extracts inhibited COX in the COX-1 assay with 85.0% De Villiers et al andranging methanol from 10% leaf to extracts 35% at a of concentration C. paniculata of 200subsp. mg/ml paniculata [52,75]. and C. panicula. ta[104] subsp. evaluated sinuata antiplasmodial using the (G-activitiesH) hypoxanthine of aqueous 3 P. falciparum as the test organism. The extracts exhibited moderate antiplasmodialincorporation assay activities against with the half chloroquine-sensitive maximal inhibitory (3D7) concentration strain of (IC

50 Antiprotozoan) value of >50.0 activities mg/mL [104]. De Villiers et al and methanol leaf extracts of C. paniculata subsp. paniculata and C. paniculata subsp.. [104] sinuata evaluated against antiprotozoan protozoan activitiespathogen ofassociated aqueous Fig. 1: Medicinal applications of Cussonia paniculata derived from with urogenital or sexually transmitted infections, Trichomonas literature records vaginalis using the microplate bioassay with ciprofloxacin

Table 2: Phytochemical compounds identified from Cussonia paniculata leaves

Phytochemical composition References Acetylated triterpene glycosides α β β α β β acid3‑O‑acetyl‑ ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)‑O‑ ‑D‑glucopyranosyl‑(1→6)‑O‑ ‑D‑glucopyranosides of 23‑hydroxybetulinic acid [94] 28‑O‑(2‑O‑acetyl‑α‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)‑O‑β‑D‑glucopyranosyl‑(1→6)‑O‑β‑D‑glucopyranosides of hederagenin23‑hydroxybetulinic [94] α β β‑D‑glucopyranosides of hederagenin 28‑Oα‑(2‑O‑acetyl‑ ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)α ‑O‑ ‑D‑glucopyranosyl‑(1→6)‑βO‑ β‑D‑glycopyranosides [94] of3‑ Ooleanic‑acetyl acid‑ ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)‑O‑ ‑D‑glucopyranosyl‑(1→6)‑O‑ [94] 3‑O‑ ‑L‑arabinopyranosylα ‑28‑O‑(2‑O‑acetyl‑β ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)β‑‑DO‑‑glycopyranosides‑Dglucopyranosyl of‑(1→6) oleanic‑O acid‑ [94] α α β β‑D‑glycopyranosides of3‑ Oursolic‑acetyl acid‑ ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)‑O‑ ‑Dglucopyranosyl‑(1→6)‑O‑ [94] 3‑O‑ ‑L‑arabinopyranosylα ‑28‑O‑(2‑O‑acetyl‑β ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)β‑‑DO‑‑glycopyranosides‑Dglucopyranosyl of‑(1→6) ursolic‑O acid‑ [94] α α β β‑D‑glucopyranosides of3‑ Ohederagenin‑acetyl‑ ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)‑O‑ ‑Dglucopyranosyl‑(1→6)‑O‑ [94] 3‑O‑ ‑L‑arabinopyranosylα ‑28‑O‑(4‑O‑acetylβ‑ ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)β‑‑DO‑glucopyranosides‑D‑glucopyranosyl of‑(1→6) hederagenin‑O‑ [94] α β β‑D‑glucopyranosides of hederagenin 2‑O‑acetylβ ‑ ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑α(1→4)‑O ‑D‑glucopyranosyl‑(1→6)‑O‑ α‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑ [94] 3‑O‑acetylβ‑ ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)β‑‑DO‑glucopyranosides‑D‑glucopyranosyl of‑ (1→6)oleanic‑O acid‑ [94] 3‑O‑ ‑D‑glucopyranosylα ‑(1→2)‑O‑ ‑L‑arabinopyranosylβ ‑28‑O‑(2‑O‑acetyl‑β‑D‑glucopyranosides of oleanic acid [94] Unacetylated(1→4)‑O‑ ‑ Dtriterpene‑glucopyranosyl glycosides‑(1→6)‑O‑ 3‑O‑acetylα ‑ ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl)‑(1→4)β ‑O‑ ‑D‑glucopyranosyl‑(1→6)β ‑O‑ [94] β‑D‑glucopyranoside of β‑sitosterol 28‑Oα‑‑L‑‑Larabinopyranosides‑rhamnopyranosyl‑(1→4) of oleanolic‑O‑ ‑D acid‑glucopyranosyl‑(1→6)‑O‑ ‑D‑glucopyranoside of 23‑hydroxyursolic acid [93] 3‑O‑α‑L‑arabinopyranosides of ursolic acid [93] 3‑O‑α‑L‑arabinopyranosides of hederagenin [93] 3‑O‑β α‑L‑arabinopyranoside of oleanolic acid [93] 3‑O‑α α β β‑D‑glucopyranosides of oleanolic [93] acid3‑O‑ ‑D‑glucopyranosyl‑(1→2)‑ [93] 3‑O‑α‑L‑arabinopyranosyl‑28‑O‑α‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl‑(1→4)‑O‑β‑D‑glucopyranosyl‑(1→6)‑O‑β‑D‑glucopyranosides of ursolic [93] acid Flavonoid3‑O‑ ‑L‑arabinopyranosyl‑28‑O‑ ‑L‑rhamnopyranosyl‑(1→4)‑O‑ ‑D‑glucopyranosyl‑(1→6)‑O‑ [93] Rutin Steroidal saponin Pseudoprostodioscin [76] Triterpenoid saponin Clethroidoside B [76] Spinasaponin A [76] [76]

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