St"Johns News
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h ST"JOHNS NEWS V olume V.—N o. 29, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 13, 1894. Whole No . 237 Htoum 1'rliitIiiK IToiisc^. eniiiiB* luiriToinH In .Ipwelery nnd ()p- M. Rabcock is in St. Louis. amount to about flRJ,GOO and the lia G timil (ioixts. Eyes lesttMl Er«*e jit R. R. .Moore was in Lansing Saturday LIKE BMQUO'S LLHOST! bilities to fl 10,()()(). (iood times would THE NEWS Kbkpph , Dio Witt iSc (’o ’h. on tinsinesH. enable the company to pay its debts in full, but under the present business de An In<l«pen(luiit Silver was iH'ver HO low in the history Mrs. Sarah Stevens visited in Saginaw THE GIIAKGKS AGAIN.STTHK FAILED pression the ass<*ts being mostly in luar- PubliHht'd ev»<ry Tu**8<lav from tlie of tile I'nitetl States. .Now is tlie time to last wis’k. .AlOBTGAGE t’OAIFANY AVILL Block Corner of State an<i Spritifc Htreet«, by NOT DOAVN. giiiH on eiicumbenKl prop«*rty, eannot be buy ntxl .Mlison lins a good lino alwayH W. S. Dever, of Detroit, was in St. I I O L L I H c n K lil N, converted into cash withoutan enornioim in Htoek. Johns Saturday. Editor and Proprietor, lint Aliiiiy of tlie Kiiiiiors are NeiiHatloiial loss. At 75 cents s Yesr strictly in Advsnce. Miss (lay Raker, of Detroit, is visiting anti Misletidiiiij;. JV IT WWl.. lOTW. Cards of tliankH 25 centH each. St. Johns friends. The ladies aid society of AA'esf Rengnl, L<^Knl N«>tlceH at Htatute rateH. i ----- % L IL Cam(ibelI succeeded E. 1. Hull as Last Eiiday two Detroit lawyers came will meet with Mrs. Ryron Hamer, .March Marriage and Deatli notlcen free. Frank 11. Rose has pnrehaHcd the Cor BuHinesH Ioch Ih 5 eentH per line each time. clerk for D. (J. Stis’l. to Sr, Johns and at an early hour Satur 21, at 10 o ’cloi:k sharp. .All are invited BuHineHH Dlrretory cardM f 1 a line per year unna liideponilent of .las. 1). Estes. day morning the n*port was spread about TraiiHlent advertiHitiK payable In advance. C. J. Rennett, ol Lake Odessa, was in gentlemen included. Yearly advertlHluj; rates made known on Dr. 11. .\I. Estes went to St. Louis and the stns ’ts that Samuel S. Walker, jirc’si- application. St. Johns Saturday. AnonyinouM coininuiilcatlonH will never re Edmore today on professional business dent, and Edwin E. White, treasurer, of ItilsinesH .Ale*.!iiiK. ceive notice. .Miss Mae Rike visited her mother in St. the r*H.*ently failed Michigan Mortgage Locals uiuonti: reading matter 10 cents per Lou D. Whitney, of Laiisiii)?, visitwLSt. Owing to the small number in attend line wacli insertion. Louis, Saturday and Sunday. Co., (Limited,) hud been nrrestc'd upon u Obituary poetry or resolutions will posi .lohns friends the tore part of last wwk ance the eh*<*tion of oftieers and business Thos. Ritton has be<>n arrested on the charge* of embezzh*ment. 'Rhe report tively not be inserted unless paid for at .5 FostmaHtei- V. A. Chapin spent Sun meeting of the Ladies ’ I.ibrary Assosia- cents per line. charge of selling li(pior to mi intoxicated naturally prodiic«*d u great sensation, Address all communications to day ill Lansinii: lookiiiK up the fortheom- tion ajiiiointed for .March 7 was ad- person. hut as usual in such eases the plain facts ST. JOHNS NEWS, St. Johns, Mich. inic styles in Easter bonnets. jouriB ’d to Wednesday afternoon, .March are (jnite different from therumors. The The St. Johns (Mty Directory will be on 21. at three o ’clock. 'J'he work (lev«)lv- Dr. .I.W. I’ollard returned from t'hi- arrests wf*re made* upon a cupias ad res Business Directory sale at this office afN’r to-day. Rrii’e ing upon the officers of the nssoeiation ea>{o yesterday, where he has just com pondendum and the suit is a civil suit to .oOc per copy. in the management of th‘‘'^ffairs is con- pleted a course of study in medicine. r«*uover $1,500, instead of being upon a .ATTORNEYS. “(Jrandma ” Rristol, of Northville, is sideralile, and they earneslly ask the .Mrs. (.'hai les .Moreland went to Findlay, enmiiial warrant as rumor had it. .Most visiting her son, .1. S. Rristol, and her co-operation and siipjaatof themembers LKWIS .SKYEll.VN’t'K, Auctioneer. Ohio, .Monday, for a two wei‘ks' visit liiiel suits against editois, hlaiider suits many friends here in St. -Foiiiis. liy a large attendance at tlu’ueiieral bus with her jiareiits, .Mr. and .\fis. W. A. against other individuals and suits for w Allison ’s Jewelry st*)re, St. .lo'lins iness meetings. .Members are therefore Ni.Kon. The village board of trnstei ’s wi iit to bi«*ach of promtse to marry arct com urgently requested to Iliak(* a s leeial ef. .\. .1. WalliiiK, who lives thitn* ami one- Owosso .Monday to examine the sewerage menced by capias and the defendant is t)KT(»N .V U'KI.MKK. Office In prose fort to be [iresent at this meeting. Ry half miles north of St. .lohns, had a fine system that is heing put in there. recjuiic'd to give bonds to n])p(*m'in(*ourt iiiK attorney ’s olllce at court house order of the ia»*sideut. N horse severely injured last week on a barb Mrs. A. I'i. Morry went to Oiniith, N. to answer to the suit. 'I'he enpias is Yt>X & IXXH.IN'O, Attorneys at Law, Y., last week .Momlay to attend the fun .Mbs. E. H. Lvo .n , See. St. Jolins. ii>;{ win ’ fence. gc ’iierally used to gratify some* pcTsoiial L S. V. Rack, of this jdace is enti ’rtainiiiB: eral of .Mrs. Caroline .Smith, a relativ’e. spite or as a bluff to «'oll*H*t a debt from Liti'i-iii’y C'liil>, EOKWA iV AV A I. It It I l>ti K, .Attorneys his danj'hter, .Miss Eilith Rack and niei ’e, •Mis. 11. M. Eonl, who is (51 years of some pcnsoii sn|i|io.sed to be insolvent. at Law. Olllce over Corner Drntj Store. F .Miss Flossie .Staibni ’n'er, of West Day ige, has been very sick with lagri|)pe, J. Scriven ami .Miirdo .McDonald prompt 'Rhe m*xt meeting of the Ladies ’ Liter ary ( Inb will be held at the home of .Mrs. ILL II. IlltL'N'.SON', Attornev at Law, City, also Miss Nettie Rack, of Ovid. eonijilieated with idenrisy mid eatan hal ly furnished bonds for Mr.AA’alkeraml E. R, St. Johns. ' 124 AA'aldron and H. L. Kendiiek for .Mr. S. E. (iilhim, AA'ediiesday aflernoon, W A Rariuim A Rady stroii)^ man enter pneumonia. She is improving under treatment of Dr. Travis. White, each in thesum of ^2,000. 'I'hey .March 14, 1804. 'Rlu? afternoon will be ewis SKVEKANCE. a , II„ Attorney. tained a larj^i? crowd Saturday on ('liii- devoted lo the study of Schiller. Each Opera House Block. David N, Wolf, who was tried for forg could (’asily have procured Itomls to the L ton avenue, by lifting; v'ilh his twth a member is rrqnested to bring ail item of ery before Justice (’olli ns March (i, was amomit of :f.500,000 if recjuii-ed. barrel of water on which wen> seated enrreiif news and Homethiiig about Schil .MONEY LO.VNTNti. (liseharged and re-arx’sted on theehargi’ 'I'he suit was commeiieed at the iii- three men. ler, or a selection from his writings. of obtaining money on fnise stanc*! of (icn. Lnt her S. 'rrowbridge, of MIt’ll IG.VN MOUTti.AtiE COM IVAN V. The St. Johns City Dinsdory contains Detroit, who slates that in 1880 he sent Biogriipliy orScliiller, Mrs. Fastle. (Limited.) Capital f75,()0<). Corner of The examination is set for .March IG. .Martin Lnt her, .Airs. .Miirduck. Walker and Spring streets, St.Johns. .\L*n. the name of every person, over 1(1 years to S. AA’alker, then of the firm of Cutler Miss .lessie Rnmmel, whose death was ey to loan, Investments nuole, niortKattes for of URe, in St. .lohns. and ^ives the resi A Walk**! ’, ^1,500 to b»* invested in veal sale. A few pieces of land for sale. 1 minomie«>d in onr last issue, was buried dence and jtlace of business. Rrice .oOc estate mortgage ’s for Robc*rt 1>. Ross, at near her home in Eureka, Wednesday. Business Li^cals . at this office. that time a minor. He says in his bill PIIYSK’I.V.VS. R.rief services were held at the home of .At the ref>;ular mcetin;^ of Rilly Rcfrole of complaint that he recjiiesled the*return i .Munson Cha.s(>, where shehadbei ’iiboaru- We do the best Watch Repairing in Fliii- W. POI.LAItl), >1 I).. Physician ntid Rost, of .Majde Rapids, Saturday even- of the niom*y in 1888, but that it was ton county, every job warraiiteii. Call • Siirujeon. Sp<*cialtli “s: diseases of women iiig, theday before. 'I'he dfveased was Jand children. Ooilist, Aurist, l.jirvnuoloKlst.inj; last, the name of JndKe Dnlioll, of St. not rc*tnrm*d, and he alh’ges that Walker and see ns. Kkebps , DeWitt A Co.. Office over Wilson & .Son ’s store. ‘ twenty-one years old. Her father, Johns, was nimniinonsly eiidorseil for and White convert**d this to their p**r- Leading .lewelers and Opticians. mother, two sisters and thre«> brothers It.