Pre-Blight Abundance of American Chestnut in Kentucky
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science and natural history PRE-BLIGHT ABUNDANCE OF AMERICAN CHESTNUT IN KENTUCKY by C harles C. Rhoades, Department of Forestry, University of Kentucky, and Clare Park, Natural Resources Program, University of Kentucky INTRODUCTION he Commonwealth ofKentucky extends west from the Appalachian T Mountains to the Mississippi River, spanning a variety of physio graphic regions (Fenneman, 1938) and forest types (Braun, 1950; Smalley, 1986). American chestnut (Castanea dentata) was a major component of both mixed mesophytic and western mesophytic forests, the two dom inant forest types in Kentucky (Braun, 1950). With the exception of the limestone-dominated Bluegrass Region in central Kentucky and portions of the western extreme of the state, chestnut was found throughout Kentucky (Saucier, 1973; Russell, 1987). The chestnut blight fungus ( Cryphonectria parasitica) spread across the southern Appalachians and Kentucky during the 1920's and 1930's (Cochran, 1990). By the mid- to late- 1930's, the blight had spread throughout the state; by the mid-1950's, the American chestnut as an overstory tree was virtually extinct. Forest pathologists and geneticists from various institutions currently predict that blight-resistant seedlings will be available for distribution and outplanting within five to fifteen years (Hebard, et al. 2000; S. Anagnostakis, Conn. Ag. Expt. Station, pers comm.). These predictions have spawned public interest in reintroduc tion ofAmerican chestnut to eastern forest ecosystems. In Kentucky, where production of hardwood lumber is a major source of financial gain, remrn of the chestnut combines nostalgia for the fo rests of the Appalachian fo re bearers, tl1e restoration of original fo rest species composition and forest dynamics, and the potential of regional economic de ..elopme nt. Pollen analysis has confirmed the existence of American chestnut in Kentucky's forests for the past several millennia and has linked increased chestnut density with Native American burning and clearing practices (Delcourt and Delcourt, 1997 & 1998). While range maps detail tl1e pre blight distribution ofAmerican chestnut (Saucier, 1973; Russell, 1987), 36 JOURNAL OF THE AMERIC.AN CHESTNUT FOUNDATION science and natural history very little quantitative information exists regarding the tree's abundance within Kentucky forests (Braun, 1935 ). Such information will help focus and prioritize Kentucky's chestnut reintroduction activities. The objective of this project was to survey information regarding the historic distribution and abundance of chestnut across Kenrucky. We reviewed independent sources of historic information that each provid ed county-level estimates of chestnut canopy cover, relative stem densi ty, or timber volume. The sources included land deeds, USDA chestnut blight survey notes, and a statewide inventory of standing timber. The data sources corresponded to the 30-year period leading up to the onset ofchestnut blight disease in Kentucky. Taken separately, the inherent bias es of historic data may weaken their ability to describe past conditions (Whitney and DeCant, 2001). Comparison between several indepen dent sources, however, should strengthen their predictive value. SOURCES OF HISTORIC INFORMATION The statewide distribution and abundance ofAmerican chestnut was esti mated from an inventory of standing timber resources produced in 1919 by the USDA, Forest Service, and the Kentucky Department of Geology and Forestry (Barton, 1919). This inventory ranked the board footage of the dominant forest species for the 119 Kentucky counties established at that time. One county (McCreary) was established following the data collection phase of the project. Between 7 and 18 tree species were recorded for each county. County area, forested area, and the average stand volume were also estimated. While we have been unable to locate details regarding the data collection protocol, this record provides a unique "snap-shot" of the historic importance of chestnut as a timber species at the time of the arrival of blight in Kentucky. In Kentucky, land deed surveys were historically delineated by corner trees or distinct topographic features (i.e. streambanks, exposed rock out crops). Individual land deeds provide a species tally based on the corner trees, along \vi th the ownership, size, and location of the plot (Whitney and DcCant, 200 l ). Individual deeds were registered and archived at county land offices across the Commonwealth from the time ofs tatehood in 1792, through the early part ofthe 20th century. Although some of these records have been destroyed by fire, most are still available. Each land survey pro \~des a unique sample of tree species composition within a specific county VOLUME XV, NUMBER 1 • SUMMER/FALL 2001 37 science and natura l history and time period. For parcels deeded around the rum of the 20th century ( 1890-1910), we tallied the corner tree species on a minimum offive deeds per cow1ty for about half the counties in Kentucky (n = 54). As the chestnut blight disease radiated south and west from its point of introduction in New York City through the eastern deciduous forest, plant pathologists from the US Department of Agriculture tracked its progress. Between 1924 and 1931 USDA field agents traveled through Kentucky surveying the abundance and health of chestnut stands. Their systematic assessment noted local topography and overall forest cover. These cow1ty-by-county notes provide a third unique record ofKenrucky's forest resources, one focused specifically at the presence and abundance of chestnut. Information is available for 51 Kentucky counties, mostly located in the eastern part of the state. During the eight year survey peri od, nearly 300 stand assessments were recorded, 250 ofwhich were locat ed in the eastern mountains and Knobs region and the rest in the Bluegrass, western Knobs and south-central portions of the state. The use of historic records as a tool for reconstructing previous forest species composition must be approached with caution and their biases rec ognized. The reliability ofland deed records, for example, may be hampered by species misidentification or selection bias (Whimey, 1994). Surveyors often Table 1 A mcrican chestnut a11d forest c0Pe1· estimated during county sttt"Veys co11d11cted b_v USDA forest pathologists between 1924 and 1931. Means followed by the same lcttcl" are not sig11iftcant£v diffen11t as determined by T11kcy's means sepamtton test (a = 0.05). Chestnut Cover Forest Cover Topography Physiographic Region n= Mean Max Mean Max Median % % Cumberland Mountains 50 20.3 a 50 82.9 a 100 Mountainous Cumberland Plateau 164 6.7 b 50 65.0 b 100 Low Mountains Eastern Knobs 41 5.4 b 20 41 .2 c 90 Hilly Western Knobs 9 2.6 be 20 14.6 d 50 Rolling Mississippian Plateau 8 2.0 be 10 19.0 d 80 Rolling to Hilly Bluegrass 20 0.5 c 2 14.5 d 45 Rolling Total 292 8.2 50 58.4 100 --- 38 JOURNAL OT' IHI· A,\ll RI< AN CHFSTI\ll"I fOUNIHTION science and natural history selected trees based on lifespan, timber value, ease in identification, and size. Land settlement patterns present an additional source of bias, which may alter the interpretation of both the land deed and chestnut blight surveys. Early land settlement was most often concentrated on the lower portions of the landscape with property boundaries corresponding to streanlCourses. Chestnut, on the other hand, occurs most commonly on steep slopes and ridges. In spite ofthese and other shortcomings, few other alternatives exist for estimating the pre-blight abundance of chestnut. Physical evidence of chestnut abundance based on the density of stumps, logs and sprouts are becoming less reliable with time. The rate of log or stump decomposition and of chestnut sprout mortality vary across the landscape and bias abun dance estimates that are based on the density of residual material. RESULTS Based on a 1919 timber inventory, chestnut was listed as a significant por tion of the board footage in 75 of Kentucky's 119 counties (Fig. l ). Statewide, chestnut represented 8.5% of the 24,000,000 MBF tallied. Chestnut was distributed throughout the Cumberland Mountains and Plateau, the Knobs Region surrounding the Bluegrass Region, and was scattered throughout the western portion of the state. In 4 counties chest nut was the top-ranked species, representing >20% of the 1919 timber inventory. More than 80% of Kentucky's chestnut stumpage occurred in the 27 counties comprising the Cumberland Mountain and Plateau regions. In over half the counties ofthe eastern mountainous counties and in about one-third of the central counties the standing volume of chestnut timber ranked among the top five species. West ofLouisville, chestnut ranked among the rop 5 species in only 2 counties and was top-ranked in none. Chestnut occurred in only 2 of 27 Bluegrass counties and in 3 of 8 Mississippi Embayment counties in extreme western Kentucky. Statewide, white oak (QJ~ercus alba) was the most dominant timber species. It was ranked among the upper five species in 97, 98, and 85% of the counties in the eastern, cen tral and western sections of the state, respectively. Similar to American chest nut, the abundance ofchestnut oak (Qprinus) reached its maximum \\~thin the Cumberland Mountains and Plateaus and declined westword. Black oak (Q velutina) and hickory (Caryn spp.) both increased west of the Cumberlands while sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and American beech ( Fagus gmndifo lia) reached their highest abundance in the central portion of the state. VOLUME XV, NU~IBER] • SUMMER/FALL 2001 39 science and natural history American chesmur averaged 8% of the forest cover in the eastern third of Kentucky according to USDA forest pathologists (Table 1). The great est abundance of chestnut occurred in the Cumberland Mountain region where chestnut averaged 20% and reached 50% of the forest canopy. Chestnut was significantly scarcer in the less mountainous regions and was nearly absent from the Bluegrass, according to blight survey notes. Counties with the greatest chestnut cover also supported the greatest forest cover; the five counties with tl1e most chestnut were all more than 80% forested.