“Our new U.S. Embassy is a concrete reminder of the broad, long-standing partnership between the people and governments of Niger and the United States. This partnership dates back more than 60 years to Niger’s birth as an independent nation and it is my sincere belief that our partnership will continue to endure, as will this building, well into the future.”

“Notre nouvelle ambassade est une preuve concrête d’un partenariat de longue date entre les peuples et les gouvernements du Niger et des Etats Unis d’Amérique. Ce partenariat vieux de plus de soixante (60) ans est consécutif à la naissance du Niger en tant que nation indépendante et, je suis sincèrement confiant(e) que notre partenariat va se pérenniser, aussi bien que ce bâtiment à travers le futur.”

“Sabon ofishin jakadancin kasar Amurika a Nijar mahimmiyar shaida ce ta alakar da ke tsakanin kasar Nijar da Kasar Amurika. Yau da shekaru hiye da sittin ne wattan kyaukyawa hulda ta samo asuli lokacin da kasar Nijar ta samu incin kanta. A kan haka, na tabbatarda aminci tsakanin kasar Amurika da kasar Nijar zashi dorewa kamar yanda wannan sabon ofishi zashi kasancewa har kullum.”

- Eric Whitaker, U.S. Ambassador to Niger

3 4 5 INTRODUCTION Since declaring its independence from , Niger and the United States have had a very close relationship. The U.S. established diplomatic relations with Niger on October 1, 1960, the very day of Niger’s independence, and established the American Embassy six months later in 1961.

Over the last 50 years the Embassy compound has evolved with the addition of several office and service structures to meet the expanding needs of the diplomatic mission. In order to maintain the highest level of safety and functionality, it was determined in 2014 to replace many of the structures with safer, more welcoming and iconic, state-of-the-art structures. The project team created a design that integrates into the existing site and represents the best of American architecture, while respecting and incorporating elements of the Nigerien landscape and culture.


Depuis son independence, le Niger et les Etats Unis entretiennent des relations très étroites. Les Etats Unis ont établi des relations diplomatiques avec le Niger le 1er Octobre 1960, et ont établi l’ambassade américaine six mois plus tard, en 1961.

Aucours des 50 dernières années, l’enceinte de l’ambassade a évolué avec l’augmentation de plusieurs bureaux et structures de services pour répondre à la croissance des besoins de la mission diplomatique. Afin de maintenir le niveau optimal de sécurité et de fonctionnalité, il a été décidé en 2014 de remplacer de nombreuses structures par des structures à la pointe de la technologie, plus sûres, plus accueillantes et emblématiques. L’équipe en charge du projet a conçu un plan qui intégre le site existant et représente le meilleur de l’architecture américaine tout en respectant et incorporant des éléments du paysage et de la culture du Niger.

6 7 CONTEXT The country of Niger is home to a variety of cultures and landscapes, from the living in the arid Saharan Desert, to the Hausa people in the region, to the semi-arid grasslands and woodlands of the West Sudanian Savanna. Niamey, the vibrant capital located on the , provides a rich context of urban patterns and structures emerging from this mixture of cultures, local industry and materials.


Le Niger abrite une varieté de cultures, de paysages, de la population touareg vivant dans le desert aride du sahara, au peuple haussa dans la région du sahel, en passant par les prairies semi- arides et les bois de la savane soudanienne occidentale. Niamey, la capitale dynamique située sur le fleuve Niger, offre un contexte riche de structures, des structures urbaines émergeant du mélange des cultures, des industries locales et des matériaux.


2.5 FRACTURES & CONNECTIONS RESIDENTIAL SITE DESIGN NEIGHBORHOOD Seen from above, the urban environment of Niamey is organized as a series of walled compounds arranged along angled roads UNand Ppathways,AVED ROAD with courtyards Fractures: The site and building design of the new Embassy at the center of blocks. These roads and pathways can be seen as lines of fracture through the overall fabric of the city. takes its inspiration from the many fractured and complex The existing embassy compound mimics the loose pattern of these blocks with MSGQ patterns found at multiple scales throughout the region and the the existing courtyard at the heart of the site, and buildings organized around it. REC When considering the site planning of the Niamey NEC, the team took environment. This “fractured landscape” manifests itself not only in inspiration from the fractured patterns and connections evident at multiple scales throughout the region and environment. This ‘fractured landscape’ drives the spatial relationships between buildings,WHE & manifesting itself not only in building MSGQ the building layout, but also in the circulation pathways that make layout, but also in the circulation pathwaysSHOPS making connections between SY LOADING/ buildings on the site. As with the existing embassy compound and regional precedents, an accessible outdoor courtyard is central to the new site plan. connections between and through the buildings on the site. DELIVERIES 1 NOB Entry Plaza OVERLAPPING GRIDS 2 Cabana and Pool Area

The buildingsSCAC of the existing Niamey Embassy Compound follow an orientation AMERICAN established by the buildings on the adjacent AISN compound, as it was 2

MALI EMBA S 3 Consular Garden 5established prior to the embassy. By locating the NOB in the far southwest SCHOOL SITE corner of the site’s buildable area, aligned with the south property line, a 4 Staff Parking new building orientation has been established. The new and existing grids of the site, along with the concept of fractures and connections, provides the CABANA CONCEPTION DU SITE 5 Service Yard/ Loading Zone organizational strategy for the buildings and pedestrian walkways of the new UTL embassy compound. 6 Walled Courtyard Fracture: Le site et la conception du batiment de la nouvelle 6 7 Official Parking ambassade s’inspirent des nombreux motifs fracturés et complexes 7 8 Visitor Parking

trouvés à plusieurs échelles dans la région et ses environs. Ce 2.0 SITE PLANNING 1 9 Entry Arrival Court paysage fracturé se manifeste non seulement dans l’amenagement NOB FRACTURESFRACTURES - MACRO - MACRO FRACTURES - MICRO 9 du batiment, mais aussi dans les voies de circulation qui font le lien SY HOUSING

MCAC ALGERIAN 3 entre et à travers les batiments sur le site. 2.5 FRACTURES & CONNECTIONS

EMBA S 8 Seen from above, the urban environment of Niamey is organized as a series of walled compounds arranged along angled roads and pathways, with courtyards MOHAMED ASKIA ARD at the center of blocks. These roads and pathways can be seen as lines of

fracture through the overall fabric of the city.

V OULE B The existing embassy compound mimics the loose pattern of these blocks with BOULEVARD DES AMBASSADES the existing courtyard at the heart of the site, and buildings organized around it.

When considering the site planning of the Niamey NEC, the team took Existing and New Grid Pattern inspiration from the fractured patterns and connections evident at multiple scales throughout the region and environment. This ‘fractured landscape’ drives NIAMEY DIRECTOR’S PRESENTATION | The Miller Hull Partnership the spatial relationshipsSENSITIVE between BUT UNCLASSIFIED buildings, manifesting itself not only in building 25 layout, but also in the circulation pathways making connections between buildings on the site. As with the existing embassy compound and regional precedents, an accessible outdoor courtyard is central to the new site plan. OVERLAPPING GRIDS The buildings of the existing Niamey Embassy Compound follow an orientation 4 established by the buildings on the adjacent AISN compound, as it was established prior to the embassy. By locating the NOB in the far southwest CMR corner of the site’s buildable area, aligned with the south property line, a PROPERTY new building orientation has been established. The new and existing grids of the site, along with the concept of fractures and connections, provides the organizational strategy for the buildings and pedestrian walkways of the new embassy compound.


10 11

Existing and New Grid Pattern


Materiality: The country of Niger and the city of Niamey provide a rich tapestry of color, texture, and resources. While the design of the new Embassy campus is unmistakably modern, it is also intended to be familiar and of its place. Using specific colors and materials that recall those found throughout Niamey, visitors are able to engage with the local context and culture.

Sun Shading: Inspired by the regional use of acacia limbs for traditional sun shading structures, the new Embassy office building utilizes a series of screens and canopies made from horizontal pipes and vertical fins. The screens help reduce solar radiation by nearly 60 percent and the south faces of the building are 30 degrees cooler when shaded.


Matérialité: Le Niger et la ville de Niamey offrent une riche tapisserie de couleurs, de textures, et de ressources. Si la conception du nouveau campus de l’ambassade est indéniablement moderne, elle se veut également familière et authentique. En utilisant des couleurs et des matériaux spécifiques qui rappellent ce que l’on trouve à Niamey, les visiteurs sont en mesure de s’engager avec le contexte et la culture locale.

Protection solaire: Inspiré par l’utilisation régionale des branches d’acacia pour les structures traditionnelles de protection solaire, le nouvel immeuble des bureaux de l’ambassade utilise une série d’écrans et de marquises fabriqués à partir de tuyaux horizontaux et d’ailettes verticales. Les écrans aident à reduire le rayonnement solaire de près de 60 pour cent et les faces sud du batiment sont 30 pour cent plus fraiches lorsqu’elles sont ombragees.

12 13 14 15 16 17 Cross section through the office building, showing the connections between interior and exterior spaces.

Coupe transversale à travers l’immeuble des bureaux, montrant les liens entre les espaces intérieurs et extérieurs.

18 19 20 21 80 LEED POINTS RESILIENCY 80 PONT LEED TARGETING LEED PLATINUM CIBLER LEED PLATINE To be a good steward of the environment and a good neighbor within the city of Niamey, the new Embassy project has implemented several sustainability strategies, targeting LEED ON-SITE STORMWATER Platinum certification. Utilizing treated wastewater and the use EAUX PLUVIALES SUR PLACE. STORM DRAINAGE IS COLLECTED AND INFILTRATED ON SITE. of native, drought-resistant plantings, water required for plant LE DRAINAGE DES EAUX PLUVIALES EST COLLECTÉ ET irrigation is targeting an 87 percent reduction. Solar hot water INFILTRÉ SUR LE SITE. systems produce hot water for the new office building and locker / shower areas used by the staff and Marine Security Guards. 87% IRRIGATION SAVINGS An extensive array of solar panels are expected to produce 712 87% D’ÉCONOMIE D’IRRIGATION kilowatts of power, roughly 45 percent of the new Embassy office TREATED WASTEWATER IS USED FOR IRRIGATION, EXCEPT DURING PEAK PERIODS. LANDSCAPING DESIGN BASED ON building’s energy use. WATER BALANCE. LES EAUX USÉES TRAITÉES SONT UTILISÉES POUR L’IRRI- GATION, SAUF PENDANT LES PÉRIODES DE POINTE. LA CONCEPTION DE L’AMENAGEMENT PAYSAGER EST BASÉ SUR LE BILAN HYDRIQUE. RÉSILIENCE

Pour etre un bon steward de l’environnement et un bon voisin 75% GLARE REDUCTION dans la ville de Niamey, le nouveau projet d’ambassade a mis en RÉDUCTION DE 75% oeuvre plusieurs strategies de développement durable, ciblant la DE L’ÉBLOUISSEMENT SHADING SCREEN PROVIDES 5% ENERGY SAVINGS AND certification LEED Platine. En utilisant les eaux usées traitées et REDUCES DIRECT BEAM DAYLIGHT PENETRATION TO l’utilisation de plantes indigènes resistantes à la sécheresse, l’eau WORKSPACES DURING MANY HOURS OF THE YEAR. L’ÉCRAN D’OMBRAGE PERMET UNE ÉCONOMIE D’ÉNÉRGIE nécessaire à l’irrigation des plantes vise une reduction de 87%. Les DE 5% ET REDUIT LA PÉNÉTRATION DIRECTE DE LA LUMIÈRE systèmes solaires d’eau chaude produisent de l’eau chaude pour DU JOUR DANS LES ESPACES DE TRAVAIL PENDANT DE NOMBREUSES HEURES DE L’ANNÉE. le nouveau bâtiment de bureaux et les toilettes utilisées par le personnel et les Marines. Une vaste gamme de panneaux solaire devrait produire 712 kilowatts d’électicité, soit environ 45% de la 712 KW ARRAY RÉSEAU DE 712 KW consommation d’énérgie du nouvel immeuble de l’ambassade. PROVIDES 45% OF DESIGN NOB ENERGY USE IL FOURNIT 45% DE LA CONSOMMATION D’ÉNERGIE DU NOUVEAU BATIMENT.


22 23 FUTURE PROJECTS One of the most beloved elements of the campus is its central exterior courtyard that is accessible for all staff. Once the existing structures on the campus are removed, a new exterior courtyard will be constructed, allowing Embassy employees to enjoy the outdoors directly from the office building’s gallery.

Near the center of campus there will be facilities for the Embassy community, and several shade structures will be constructed throughout the campus, including two thatch-covered structures like those found throughout Niger.


L’un des élements les plus appreciés du campus est sa cour centrale extérieure accessible à tout le personnel. Une fois les structures existantes du campus supprimées, une nouvelle cour extérieure sera construite, permettant aux employés de l’ambassade de profiter du plein air directement depuis la galerie de l’immeuble.

Près du centre du campus, il y aura des équipements pour la communauté de l’ambassade, et plusieurs dispositifs pour ombrage seront construits, y compris deux structures couvertes en toit de chaume, à l’image de celles qu’on trouve au Niger.

24 25 “Here in Niamey, we have built a modern and resilient campus that visibly represents our nation—who we are, what we stand for, and more importantly, our enduring commitment to the people of Niger.”

- Tad Davis, Director, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO)

“Ici a Niamey, nous avons construit un campus moderne et résilient qui représente visiblement notre nation—qui nous sommes, ce que nous défendons et plus important encore, notre engagement durable envers le peuple Nigérien.”

- Tad Davis, Directeur, Bureau des opérations d’immeubles à l’étranger (OBO)



United States Department of State, DESIGN ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations The Miller Hull Partnership BL Harbert International

Tad Davis, Director LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ARCHITECT OF RECORD Knot (originally AECOM) Page Henry Jardine, Principal Deputy Director INTERIOR DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Angel Dizon, III, Managing Director, Integrus Architecture Page Program Development, Coordination and Support CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING Magnusson Klemencic Associates KPFF Consulting Engineers Phillip Barth, Managing Director, Construction, Facility and Security MEP and FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Management Interface Engineering Ehlert/Bryan, Inc.

Mary Lien, Project Director of Construction TELECOM and TSS SITE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Hankins and Anderson Axiom PLLC Christine Maher, Project Manager (now Mason & Hanger) MEP ENGINEERING Minh Le, Project Design Manager BLAST Hankins and Anderson Hinman Consulting Engineers (now Mason & Hanger)

ART GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING BLAST ENGINEERING The new Embassy includes works by Schnabel Engineering Weidlinger Associates, Inc. several contemporary artists from both the United States and Niger curated COST ESTIMATING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING by the U.S. State Department’s Art in Morris Wade Associates Schnabel Engineering Embassies program. These include both two- and three-dimensional works, and PHOTOGRAPHER FIRE PROTECTION one work which is a collaboration between Amber Silva American Fire Protection students at Western Carolina University and Universite Abdou Moumouni. COST ESTIMATING BL Harbert International La nouvelle ambassade comprend des oeuvres de plusieurs artistes contemporains des Etats-Unis et du Niger, organisées par le programme d’art des ambassades du départment d’état américain. Ceux ci comprennent à la fois des oeuvres en deux- et trois-dimensions, et une oeuvre de collaboration entre les étudiants de l’Université de Wester Carolina et ceux de l’Université Abdou Moumouni.


All contextual and inspirational images, except those listed below are credited to Miller Hull and team.

Toutes les images contextuelles et inspirantes, à l’exception de celles énumerées ci-dessous, sont

attribuées à Miller Hull et son équipe. 2.0 SITE PLANNING

2.5 FRACTURES & CONNECTIONS https://www.quora.com/Which-is-Seen from above, the urban environment of Niamey is organized as a series of walled compounds arranged along angled roads and pathways, with courtyards http://www.sancara.org/2013/07/ at the center of blocks. These roads and pathways can be seen as lines of the-best-soil-for-growing-plants-fracture through the overall fabric of the city. sand-clay-or-loamThe existing embassy compound mimics the loose pattern of these blocks with , Niger the existing courtyard at the heart of the site, and buildings organized around it. When considering the site planning of the Niamey NEC, the team took inspiration from the fractured patterns and connections evident at multiple scales throughout the region and environment. This ‘fractured landscape’ drives the spatial relationships between buildings, manifesting itself not only in building layout, but also in the circulation pathways making connections between buildings on the site. As with the existing embassy compound and regional precedents, an accessible outdoor courtyard is central to the new site plan. OVERLAPPING GRIDS The buildings of the existing Niamey Embassy Compound follow an orientation https://www.rhinoafrica.com/en/established by the buildings on the adjacent AISN compound, as it was established prior to the embassy. By locating the NOB in the far southwest accommodation/chem-chem-sacorner of the site’s buildable area, aligned with the south property line, a - new building orientation has been established. The new and existing grids https://commons.wikimedia.org/ of the site, along with the concept of fractures and connections, provides the fari-lodge/24038organizational strategy for the buildings and pedestrian walkways of the new wiki/File:Niger,_Bougoum_(1).jpg embassy compound. Lake Manyara, Mdori, Bougoum, a village just a few kilometers to the southwest of Niamey in Niger.FRACTURES - MACRO FRACTURES - MICRO

https://www.amusingplanet. com/2015/04/the-unusual-salt-in-

dustry-of-teguidda-n.html Existing and New Grid Pattern

NIAMEY DIRECTOR’S PRESENTATION | The Miller Hull Partnership SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED 25 Agadez, Niger Photographer: George Steinmetz

30 31 US Department of State Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations The Miller Hull Partnership, LLP © 2020 All rights reserved