February, 2004
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The Schwarz Report Dr. Fred Schwarz Volume 44, Number 2 Dr. David Noebel February 2004 Our 51st Year! Lady in Pink by John Perazzo Inside If Howard Dean is increasingly the voice of Democrats in America today, activist Jodie Evans is the face of the Democrats’ future. A radical activist and Democratic fund- raiser, she mirrors the Party’s core on its three most important issues: hating President The Unraveling of Scientific Bush, denouncing the war and engineering the L.A. Times’ last-minute sexual harassment Materialism accusations against Arnold Schwarzenegger during the California recall election. by Phillip E. Johnson, Page 3 Evans rose to prominence via her role in Code Pink for Peace, a self-described “grassroots peace and social justice movement” formed just one year ago to organize Mr. Johnson explains that when one separates the public protests against America’s impending war in Iraq. Though its leaders benignly philosophy of Darwinism from the science of present themselves to the public as ordinary, concerned women who would simply rather Darwinism, the proud tower collapses. “wage peace” than go to war, this group was in fact founded by four experienced activ- ists and hardcore communists – Jodie Evans, Medea Benjamin, Diane Wilson, and a radical Wiccan activist calling herself Starhawk. Code Pink works closely with United For Peace and Justice, whose leader Leslie Cagan is a longtime devotee of Fidel Castro and the Socialist Party USA. Another Code Pink ally is Medea Benjamin’s group Global Exchange, which has Communist Party/Democrat Party strong ties to the communist Workers World Party. Imbued with a deep hatred for the by Lowell Ponte, Page 6 United States and capitalism in general, Benjamin is a pro-Castro activist who lived in Mr. Ponte suggests that the Communist Party Cuba (and was married to a Cuban) and was a principal organizer of the 1999 Seattle USA is moving right as the Democrat Party is riots in which some 50,000 protesters wreaked havoc and tried to shut down the World moving left. When will they converge? Read the Trade Organization meetings. speculation. Throughout the 1990s, in fact, many of the Marxists currently working for Code Pink were busy organizing anti-free trade protests – some of them violent – and filing numerous high-profile lawsuits that forced American corporations to spend enormous sums of money to defend themselves. When we examine the backgrounds of Code Pink’s major players, we find that they have very little in common with “average, every- day, concerned” American women or activists just interested in peace. Jodie Evans, for instance, sits on the board of directors of the Rain Forest Action The Schwarz Report Bookshelf Network (RAN), a coalition of anti-capitalist, anti-corporate environmentalist groups. To see a complete list of books recommended by RAN’s co-founder Michael Roselle also founded the Earth Liberation Front, which the the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, please FBI ranks alongside the Animal Liberation Front as the foremost domestic terrorism check out our website at www.schwarzreport.org. threats in the United States. According to the FBI, during the past seven years those two This site also has back issues of The Schwarz groups have been responsible for more than 600 criminal acts and $43 million in dam- Report as well as other great resources. ages. And in 1985, Code Pink spokeswoman Sand Brim, who was then the executive director of Medical Aid, flew an American neurosurgeon to San Salvador to operate on the combat-wounded hand of Marxist Revolutionary Party Commander Nidia Diaz, And do not participate in whose group had recently murdered four American Marines and nine civilians. (MASH the unfruitful deeds of dark- star and celebrity “antiwar” activist Mike Farrell assisted in the general’s surgery.) ness, but instead expose Code Pink now consists of more than 90 chapters in numerous American cities and them. Ephesians 5:11 such far-flung nations as Costa Rica, Norway, and India. Mocking the Bush Administration’s color-coded security alerts, the “Code Pink Alert” warns that this ad- Dwell on the past and you’ll lose an eye; forget the past and you’ll lose both eyes.” Old Russian Proverb THE SCHWARZ REPORT / FEBUARY 2004 ministration poses “extreme danger to all the values of nurtur- tinue to resist the occupation in their own way.” ing, caring, and compassion that women and loving men have Similarly, Evans and her cohorts had blamed America held.” Professing their commitment to “wage peace,” Code for all of Iraq’s ills during the pre-war months of late 2002. At Pink members see no justification for war under any circum- that time, she claimed, “a child with cancer cannot get pain stances – where the U.S. is concerned. relief or medication because of sanctions. Childhood diarrhea In addition to scorning America’s military action in Iraq, has again become a major killer. Five hundred thousand chil- Code Pink members also condemn the racism, sexism, pov- dren have already died from inadequate health care, water erty, corporate corruption, and environmental degradation they and food supplies due to sanctions.” Yet they uttered nary a claim are rampant in the U.S. In this respect, Code Pink is word about the reason why those sanctions had been put in like other prominent “peace” movements in our country – place: Saddam’s refusal to honor the very pledges he had portraying America as a moral cesspool and an imperialist made following the first Gulf War in 1991. Nor did they bother aggressor, while remaining mute about whatever barbarities to mention that while Iraq’s overall population struggled occur anywhere else on earth. Not even the pre-war atroci- through the era of sanctions, Saddam and his inner circle lived ties of Saddam Hussein drew a scintilla of condemnation from like royalty, illegally diverting countless billions of “oil-for- Code Pink. food” dollars into their own pockets. Proclaiming that “women have been the guardians of life Criticizing the cost of the current war, Code Pink laments . because the men have busied themselves making war,” that “in the United States of America, many of our elders . Code Pink calls on “women around the world to rise up and now must choose whether to buy their prescription drugs, or oppose the war in Iraq. We call on mothers, grandmothers, food. Our children’s education is eroded. The air they breathe sisters and daughters . and every ordinary outraged woman and the water they drink are polluted. Vast numbers of women willing to be outrageous for peace.” During one Code Pink and children live in poverty.” The threat of distant terrorists, demonstration in Washington, D.C., participants marched up claims Code Pink, is insignificant when compared to the “real the steps of the Capitol, unfurled their slogan-bearing ban- threats” we face every day: “the illness or ordinary accident ners, and stripped down to the dove-adorned bras and pant- that could plunge us into poverty, the violence on our own ies they wore beneath their clothes. “We’re putting our bod- streets, the corporate corruption that can result in the loss of ies on the line,” they shouted. “You Congresspeople better our jobs, our pensions, our security.” get some spine. We say ‘Stand back, don’t attack – innocent “We choose pink,” they say, “the color of roses, the children in Iraq!’” Another popular chant was, “We don’t beauty that like bread is food for life; the color of the dawn of want your oil war. Peace is what we’re calling for!” a new era when cooperation and negotiation prevail over Every day for four months, Code Pink also staged all- force.” Such women obstinately refuse to acknowledge that day antiwar vigils at the White House. Moreover, it initiated a they are free to wax poetic in this manner only because others campaign that involved presenting pink slips (women’s linge- before them won their security by fighting the very real en- rie) to President Bush and other pro-war officials – a meta- emies that sought to destroy our civilization. Moreover, they phor for pink slips of the paper variety, which are given to despise the very society for which those men gave their lives. employees whose jobs are being terminated. These unique In addition to her Code Pink duties, Jodie Evans also sits tactics have brought Code Pink’s members considerable na- on the advisory board of the International Occupation Watch tional news coverage and many talk show invitations. (IOW) center in Iraq, which Code Pink helped establish. The Earlier this year Jodie Evans led a delegation of fifteen organizers of Occupation Watch — Medea Benjamin and Code Pink women to Baghdad, where they met with Iraqi Leslie Cagan — explicitly declared their purpose in setting up women for the purpose of “creat[ing] the understanding that headquarters in Baghdad was to thin U.S. forces by getting the people of Iraq are no different than you and me.” “We soldiers to declare themselves conscientious objectors. understand,” said Evans, “the love of a mother in Iraq for her IOW also monitors American abuses during the recon- children, and the driving desire of that child for life . We who struction of Iraq. Implying that America’s true motivation for cherish children will not consent to their murder. Nor do we attacking Iraq was to seize its oil fields, IOW proudly asserts consent to the murder of their mothers, grandmothers, fathers, its intent to “advocate for the Iraqis’ right to control their own grandfathers, or to the deaths of our own sons and daughters in resources, especially oil.” No mention is made of the fact a war for oil.” She said nothing about the fathers, grandfathers, that, for decades, Iraq’s oil was controlled, not by Iraqis, but mothers and children murdered, tortured or raped by Saddam by Saddam Hussein for his own aggrandizement.