4 O A x^ V. ^^ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OS o FROM The 5st?ite of 'r'r-eserved Smith o 0=; •mi-li.luK=— Cornell University Library BR346 .A23 1912 Latin works and the correspondence of Hu 3 1924 029 226 012 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. Of this translation of the Works of Huldreich Zwmgh, seven hundred and fifty copies have been printed from type, and the type destroyed. May, 1912 HULDREICH ZWINGLI. The Latin Works and The Correspondence of Huldreich Zwingli Together with Selections from his German Works Edited, with Introductions and Notes, by Samuel Macauley Jackson Translations by Henry J'reble, Walter Lichtenstein, and Lawrence A. McLouth Volume One 1510-1522 G. P. Putnam's Sons New York London Ube fcntcfierbocfter ipress 1912 >^ % Copyright, igia BY SAMUEL MACAULEY JACKSON ICbc Itnickecbockei Crera, ftew fioA PREFACE THE first collector, editor and publisher of the works of Huldreich ZwingU was his scholarly and devoted son- in-law, Rudolf Gualther, who married his daughter Regula, became pastor of St. Peter's in Zurich in 1542 and succeeded Bullinger as antistes in 1575. He translated more than thirty of ZwingH's German treatises into Latin, which gave them a much wider constituency. These translations, along with the works originally in Latin, he brought out in 1545 /,' and prefixed to the three volumes in foHo an elaborate Apologia pro Zuinglio, which was also separately published.
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