Public Document Pack and Fenny Stratford Town Council

There will be a meeting of the Finance Committee on Tuesday, 29th June, 2021 at Pavilion - NLP commencing at 7.30 pm to transact the items of business set out in the agenda below.

Delia Shephard Clerk to the Council Monday, 21 June 2021


1. To note Members' apologies for absence

2. To note Members' declarations of interest in matters on the agenda (Under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, made under s30 (3) of the Localism Act, members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting)

3. To approve the minutes of the previous committee meeting (Pages 1 - 4)

4. To elect a Chair of the Committee

5. Public speaking time To receive representations or questions from members of the public on matters on the agenda (please note this item will generally be restricted to a maximum of 15 minutes in total, individuals may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes each).

Members of the public who wish to attend and/or make spoken representations at the meeting should contact the Town Clerk (ideally by email) no later than 12 noon on the day before the day of the meeting for information about the Covid19 safety measures in place at the meeting venue.

Written representations from those who do not wish to physically attend our meeting should be submitted by email to arrive no later than 12 noon on the day before the day of the meeting using the email address below.

Contact details: Delia Shephard, Town Clerk [email protected] 01908 649469

Please be aware that the meeting may be recorded by the Town Council or by others.

6. To review planning applications to be determined by Council

(i) 21/01695/FUL - Asda, Bletcham Way V4 - V6 To V7 Milton Keynes MK1 (Pages 5 - 16) 1QB - New Pick and Collect Pod with Plant and New Click and Collect Canopy

(ii) 2000678FULMMA Appeal Notification Letter - Virtual Inquiry 6th July - (Pages 17 - 24) Bletchley Landfill Site, Guernsey Road, Newton Leys, Milton Keynes MK3 5FR - Variation of conditions 2 (operational life), 3 (restoration sequence) and 5 (final restoration of the site) attached to planning application MK/806/95 to extend the operational life of the site by 15 years with final restoration of the whole site to be completed within a further 24 months. Members of the public and representatives of the media are welcome to attend but are warned that items marked with an asterisk (*) may involve discussion of confidential information and the council may resolve to exclude members of the public and press if this is deemed to be in the public interest

(iii) 21/01702/PNHSE - 67 Oakwood Drive Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2JG - (Pages 25 - 30) Prior application for a proposed single storey rear extension, measuring a maximum height of 3.2m, 2.5m to the eaves and extends beyond the rear elevation by 4m

(iv) 21/01708/FUL - 29 Shetland Meadows Newton Leys Milton Keynes MK3 5GJ (Pages 31 - 36) - Two storey rear and side extension

(v) 21/01722/NMA - Eaton Leys Land West of A4146 South of (Pages 37 - 42) Bletchley Milton Keynes - Non-material amendment to planning application 19/01412/REM (updating the raised table road layouts on the Site Layout Plan as requested by MKC as part of the Highway Technical Audit, removal of car barn for Plots 419 & 420 and update elevations to Plot 89 (Alverton FOG).

(vi) 21/01728/FUL - 10 Birchfield Grove Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2RQ - (Pages 43 - 48) Garage conversion including the replacement of the front elevation garage door with a small window and access door

(vii) 21/01752/FULTN - Telecommunication Mast Dawson Road Adjacent Saxon (Pages 49 - 58) Street Bletchley MK1 1LH - The replacement of the existing 18m monopole with a new 25m tower, accommodating 18no. antennas and 2no. microwave dishes, the installation of ERS modules, the installation of 3no. ground-based equipment cabinets, along with ancillary works.

(viii) 21/01765/LBC - 59 Aylesbury Street Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2BH - (Pages 59 - 68) Listed Building Consent for the erection of four flats on vacant land at the rear of 59 Aylesbury Street with the addition of a rear extension for extra floor space to flat four (re-submission of 20/01495/LBC)

(ix) 21/01768/NMA - Land To The Rear of 59 Aylesbury Street - Non material (Pages 69 - 74) amendment to application reference 17/01024/FUL (Demolition of existing garages and erection of four flats (two with disabled access) on vacant land at the rear of 59 Aylesbury Street) for the changes to the size and positioning of doors and windows and new opening in wall for wheelchair access to flats 1 & 4

(x) 21/01896/DISCON - Bletchley Flyover Buckingham Road Bletchley - (Pages 75 - 78) Approval of details required by condition 2 (handrail detail) of permission ref. 19/03082/PANOTH

(xi) 21/01876/PNHSE - 43 Duncombe Street Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2LX - (Pages 79 - 84) Prior Approval of single storey rear extension, with eaves of 3 metres and maximum height of 3.79 metres, extending 6.78 metres from the existing rear wall and 6.78 from the original rear wall (re-submission of 21/01226/PNHSE)

7. To review a financial management information report showing income and (Pages 85 - 96) expenditure against budget for the year to 31 May 2021

8. To note the Council's cash and investment reconciliations to 31 May 2021 (Pages 97 - 122)

9. To note the balance sheet as at 31 May 2021 (Pages 123 - 128)

10. To consider recommending any movements between the General reserve and the Earmarked Reserves

11. To ratify a list of payments made or due to be made to 30 June 2021 (Pages 129 - 132)

12. To consider a proposal to work towards a piece of public art commemorating key (Verbal Report) figures at Bletchley Park in the the Town Centre

(Proposed by Cllr Ely)

13. To consider a proposal for encouraging additional tree planting in Bletchley and (Verbal Report) Fenny Sratford (Proposed by Cllr Ely)

14. To consider options for landscaping of land at Manor Road or introduction of a (Verbal Report) garden

15. *To receive a report on refurbishment of Fenny Stratford Community Centre and to (Pages 133 - 154) consider recommendations and quotations therein for additional works to the roof and purchase of furniture

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3

Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council held at Zoom video call on Tuesday, 9th March, 2021 commencing at 7.30 pm

Present: Cllrs K Ely, R Graham, R Haine, E Hume, E Kelly-Wilson, E O'Rourke and Wymer


Apologies: Cllrs A Kennedy and M McDonald

In Delia Shephard (Clerk) attendance:

Min Ref

F20/133 Members' apologies for absence It was RESOLVED that the apologies for absence listed above be noted.

F20/134 Members' declarations of interest in matters on the agenda Cllr Kelly-Wilson and Cllr Graham drew attention to the fact that they were both personal licensees within the Milton Keynes Council licensing authority but were not attached to the premises involved in the agenda items on licensing and would be voting on these matters.

F20/135 Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on 16 February 2021 It was RESOLVED that the draft minutes of the last meeting be approved.

F20/136 Public speaking time There were no representations from members of the public.

F20/137 Planning applications made to Milton Keynes Council Members reviewed the following planning applications due for determination by the Local Planning Authority.

F20/137.i 21/00506/FUL - 53 Mill Road Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2LE - Proposed two storey rear extension and internal alterations It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed development.

F20/137.ii 21/00512/CLUP - 72 Eaton Avenue Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2HN - Certificate of lawfulness for a single storey rear extension It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed development.

F20/137.iii 21/00517/NMA - 2 Dynasty Mews Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2FX - Non material amendment to 18/00656/FUL to omit from Plot 2 (2 Dynasty Mews) the proposed pair of French doors with sidelights from the rear elevation, omit the adjoining window from the rear elevation along with the masonry panel between, to form a new structural opening 4510mm wide x 2100mm high. Add a new set of bi-fold doors with designed steel beam and pad stones over. It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed amendment.

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Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council

F20/137.iv 21/00416/NMA - At Eaton Leys Galley Lane Little Brickhill - Non material amendment to planning application 19/01412/REM (Updating the raised table road layouts and to remove the car barn for Plots 419 & 420) It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed amendment.

F20/137.v MK1 1BU - Corus Hotels, Corus House, 1 Auckland Park, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK1 1BU - New Premises Licence Application. The applications request authorisation for the sale and supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises. Monday to Sunday 24hrs a day It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no objections to the proposed new premises licence.

F20/ MK2 2TP - Dina International, 2a Cambridge Street, Bletchley, MK2 2TP - Supply alcohol Sun to Thurs 09:00 – 00:00 & Fri to Sat 09:00 – 01:00 Live/Recorded Music & Dance Sun to Thurs 09:00 – 00:30 & Fri to Sat 09:00 – 01:30 Late Night Refreshment Sun to Thurs 23:00 – 00:00 & Fri to Sat 23:00 – 01:00 Bank holiday seasonal variations - activities extended by 1 hour It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no objections to the proposed new premises licence.

F20/137.vii 21/00544/PANSOL - Sir Herbert Leon Academy Fern Grove Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 3HQ - Installation of roof mounted solar PV panels with a system capacity of 196 kWp, including all associated ancillary infrastructure. It was RESOLVED to support the proposed development which was to be welcomed as a positive contribution to alternative sources of energy.

F20/137.viii 21/00566/FUL - 3 Cambridge Street Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2TR - Two storey side extension to dwelling house It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed development.

F20/137.ix 21/00524/FULMMA - 86 Queensway Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2RU - Variation of condition 3 (parking and cycle storage facilities) and 6 (refuse store) relating to application 18/00388/FUL to allow the phasing of the development It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed development.

F20/138 Financial management information report showing income and expenditure against budget for the year to 28 February 2021 The report was discussed and it was RESOLVED that the report be noted.

F20/139 Balance sheet as at 28 February 2021 It was RESOLVED that the balance sheet be noted. The Clerk drew attention to correspondence shared with Councillors from the Public Sector Deposit Fund alerting the Council to market conditions and that a negative yield from the fund was a possibility in the future. It was RESOLVED that the actual yield on the fund would be 2 Page 2

Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council

kept under close review.

F20/140 Council's cash and investment reconciliations to 28 February 2021 It was RESOLVED that the reports be noted.

F20/141 To ratify a list of payments made or due to be made It was RESOLVED that the list of payments made or due to be made be approved.

F20/142 Asset register Members noted a list of disposals and additions made to the asset register during the year and it was RESOLVED to RECOMMEND that the asset register be approved by full Council on 23 March 2021.

F20/143 Arrangements made for internal audit for 2021-22 It was RESOLVED that the appointment of Auditing Solutions Ltd for the performance of the internal audit review for the year 2021-2022 be continued on the same terms as in the existing letter of engagement.

F20/144 Confirmation of signature of the review of the internal controls The Clerk advised Members that whilst the review of the effectiveness of the internal controls had been undertaken and approved by the Committee and full Council earlier in the year signatures were needed from Cllr Kennedy and Cllr McDonald on the review which must be obtained by year end. Arrangements were in place for this to happen before the year end.

F20/145 Arrangements for cleaning contract at Albert Street public conveniences A report from the Environment and Premises Manager had been circulated in advance of the meeting. Members considered arrangements for cleaning of Albert Street public contracts and noted that the current standard of cleanliness was much improved. The existing contract was due to end on 16 July 2021 and a procurement exercise would have been undertaken had the Council not set a reduced budget for the year for these services. Officers had negotiated with the existing contractor and proposed that a 6 month extension of the contract be agreed taking the council to 18 January 2021.

Following discussion it was RESOLVED to instruct officers to give notice to end the contract on 18 July 2021 but to ask the contractor to continue with a rolling contract on a monthly renewal until the situation was clearer.

F20/146 Covid Marshall Funding A written report on planned use of funding to support social distancing measures in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford had been circulated before the meeting and was discussed at some length.

It was RESOLVED that a sum of up to £2,000 each be offered to the following institutions for the purpose of providing PPE and equipment and to assist with educational and other measures designed to promote adherence to social distancing and safety measures.

Bletchley Mosque, 95 Manor Road Milton Keynes Jamee Masjid Mosque, 48-52 Duncombe Street Baytul I’lm Trust, 12a Clarke Road, Mount Farm

Recipients would be asked to sign an agreement confirming that the funding would be used only for the purposes agreed. It was understood that West Bletchley Council 3 Page 3

Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council

was minded to offer the same amount of funding on the same terms to the Zainabiya Islamic Centre, Peverel Drive Granby.

The use of remaining funding was discussed and it was RESOLVED that officers should explore the use of leaflets and messaging to promote continued compliance with government guidance.

F20/147 Update report on Market relocation to Stanier Square The Clerk reported that the new feeder pillars installed in Queensway towards Elizabeth Square had still not been connected to the electricity supply and so remaining “essential” market traders were still operating via electrical connections to highways lighting columns. Traders were still operating in the positions agreed following the removal of social distancing measures introduced to Queensway in 2020. It had previously been resolved by the Town Council to seek permission for relocation of all market traders to Stanier Square and Milton Keynes Council had been working on this request although permission had not yet been formally granted. This relocation also required introduction of two new electrical pillars. It was now clear that, realistically, agreement could not be reached and these pillars could not be installed and connected by 12 April 2021 which was the date when “non-essential” traders were allowed to trade.

Following discussion it was RESOLVED that the Town Council would inform Milton Keynes Council that it intended to open the market in locations agreed licence (ie along Queensway until such times as MK Council could respond to the Council’s preferred option of relocating all market traders to Stanier Square.

F20/148 Update on Fenny Stratford CC IT arrangements An written update report on the IT infrastructure needed to support the CCTV, alarm system and access system had been circulated and relevant site meetings and work were taking place. It was proposed that the former kitchen at the very back of the building should be used as the location for a desk and computer which was thought the best location for this and for any remote working which might be done on site. Members were supportive of the need for Wi-Fi throughout the building and considered that fibre connection should be obtained if feasible and affordable.

It was RESOLVED that the report be noted and that the committee agreed in principle with the proposed location subject to costings and further reports.

The meeting closed at 8.35 pm

4 Page 4 Agenda Item 6.i

Reply to: Charlotte Ashby E-mail: Charlotte.Ashby@milton Our Ref: 21/01695/FUL PP -09888511

Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council, Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RA

7th June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 Application no: 21/01695/FUL Proposal: New Pick and Collect Pod with Plant and New Click and Collect Canopy At: Asda Bletcham Way V4 - V6 To V7 Milton Keynes MK1 1QB

I have received the above application which can be viewed via the Council's Public Access system using the link: https://publicaccess2.milton -applications/ b=summary&keyVal=QU2H2NKWLW400 .

I would be grateful to receive any comments you may have about the proposal by 5th July 2021. Any objections must form a mater ial planning consideration and should you wish for the application to be referred to the Development Control Committee/Panel for determination; an explicit request must be made to that effect. If no reply is received within this period the application may be decided without your comments.

Where a request to refer an application to Development Control Committee/Panel has been received from a Parish or Town Council, an undertaking to attend the meeting to address the

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 5 Committee/Panel is expected. Failure to a ttend a Development Control Committee/Panel, following an undertaking to so do, on two occasions within a 6 month Period will result in; a. The Parish or Town Council being barred from requesting an application be referred to Development Control Committee/ Panel for a 3 month period from the date of the second incidence; and, b. Any applications within that Parish being determined in accordance with the Officer recommendation under delegated powers. This would also be for a concurrent 3 month period and wou ld only take effect in cases where no other parties have lodged objections and requested the case be heard before a Development Control Committee/Panel.

Yours faithfully,

Charlotte Ashby Planning Officer (DM)

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 6 Application for Planning Permission and consent to display advertisement(s). Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisement) Regulations 2007

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address



Property name Asda

Address line 1 Bletcham Way V4 - V6 To V7

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Milton Keynes

Postcode MK1 1QB

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 487202

Northing (y) 235045


2. Applicant Details


First name Paul

Surname Spriggs

Company name ASDA Stores Ltd

Address line 1 ASDA House

Address line 2 South Bank

Address line 3 Great Wilson Street

Town/city Leeds Page 7

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09888511 2. Applicant Details

Country United Kingdom

Postcode LS115AD

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details

Title Mrs

First name Catherine

Surname Brown

Company name Whittam Cox Architects

Address line 1 Whittam Cox Architects

Address line 2 Carrwood Court

Address line 3 Carrwood Road


Country United Kingdom

Postcode S41 9QB

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Site Area

What is the measurement of the site area? 498.00 (numeric characters only). Unit Sq. metres

5. Description of the Proposal

Please describe details of the proposed development or works including any change of use. If you are applying for Technical Details Consent on a site that has been granted Permission In Principle, please include the relevant details in the description below.

Home Shopping Improvements - New Pick and Collect Pod with Plant, New Click and Collect Canopy

Has the work or change of use already started? Yes No Page 8

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09888511 6. Existing Use

Please describe the current use of the site

Retail Store

Is the site currently vacant? Yes No

Does the proposal involve any of the following? If Yes, you will need to submit an appropriate contamination assessment with your application.

Land which is known to be contaminated Yes No

Land where contamination is suspected for all or part of the site Yes No

A proposed use that would be particularly vulnerable to the presence of contamination Yes No

7. Materials

Does the proposed development require any materials to be used externally? Yes No

Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used externally (including type, colour and name for each material):


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: PPC flat white cladding panels


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Flat roof - roof cladding panel with single ply membrane external finish - colour light grey

Other Drive Thru Canopy

Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: polyester powder coated aluminium fascia, galvanised steel structure

Are you supplying additional information on submitted plans, drawings or a design and access statement? Yes No

If Yes, please state references for the plans, drawings and/or design and access statement

4690_MiltonKeynes_HS_PL-07_ProposedElevations_WCA 4690_MiltonKeynes_HS_PL-09_ProposedGroceryCollectionsCanopyDetails_WCA 4690_MiltonKeynes_HS_PL-12_ProposedRoofPlan_WCA

8. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way

Is a new or altered vehicular access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Is a new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Are there any new public roads to be provided within the site? Yes No

Are there any new public rights of way to be provided within or adjacent to the site? Yes No

Do the proposals require any diversions/extinguishments and/or creation of rights of way? Yes No

Page 9

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09888511 9. Vehicle Parking

Does the site have any existing vehicle/cycle parking spaces or will the proposed development add/remove any parking Yes No spaces?

Please provide information on the existing and proposed number of on-site parking spaces

Type of vehicle Existing number of spaces Total proposed (including Difference in spaces spaces retained)

Cars 778 793 15

Disability spaces 50 42 -8

Other Parent and Child 18 18 0

10. Trees and Hedges

Are there trees or hedges on the proposed development site? Yes No

And/or: Are there trees or hedges on land adjacent to the proposed development site that could influence the Yes No development or might be important as part of the local landscape character?

If Yes to either or both of the above, you may need to provide a full tree survey, at the discretion of your local planning authority. If a tree survey is required, this and the accompanying plan should be submitted alongside your application. Your local planning authority should make clear on its website what the survey should contain, in accordance with the current 'BS5837: Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations'.

11. Assessment of Flood Risk

Is the site within an area at risk of flooding? (Check the location on the Government's Flood map for planning. You Yes No should also refer to national standing advice and your local planning authority requirements for information as necessary.)

If Yes, you will need to submit a Flood Risk Assessment to consider the risk to the proposed site.

Is your proposal within 20 metres of a watercourse (e.g. river, stream or beck)? Yes No

Will the proposal increase the flood risk elsewhere? Yes No

How will surface water be disposed of?

Sustainable drainage system

Existing water course


Main sewer


12. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Is there a reasonable likelihood of the following being affected adversely or conserved and enhanced within the application site, or on land adjacent to or near the application site? To assist in answering this question correctly, please refer to the help text which provides guidance on determining if any important biodiversity or geological conservation features may be present or nearby; and whether they are likely to be affected by the proposals.

a) Protected and priority species: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

b) Designated sites, important habitats or other biodiversity features: Page 10

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09888511 12. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation

Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

c) Features of geological conservation importance: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

13. Foul Sewage

Please state how foul sewage is to be disposed of: Mains Sewer Septic Tank Package Treatment plant Cess Pit Other Unknown

Are you proposing to connect to the existing drainage system? Yes No Unknown

14. Waste Storage and Collection

Do the plans incorporate areas to store and aid the collection of waste? Yes No

Have arrangements been made for the separate storage and collection of recyclable waste? Yes No

15. Trade Effluent

Does the proposal involve the need to dispose of trade effluents or trade waste? Yes No

16. Residential/Dwelling Units Please note: This question has been updated to include the latest information requirements specified by government. Applications created before 23 May 2020 will not have been updated, please read the ‘Help’ to see details of how to workaround this issue.

Does your proposal include the gain, loss or change of use of residential units? Yes No

17. All Types of Development: Non-Residential Floorspace

Does your proposal involve the loss, gain or change of use of non-residential floorspace? Yes No Note that 'non-residential' in this context covers all uses except Use Class C3 Dwellinghouses.

Please add details of the Use Classes and floorspace. Following changes to Use Classes on 1 September 2020: The list includes the now revoked Use Classes A1-5, B1, and D1-2 that should not be used in most cases. Also, the list does not include the newly introduced Use Classes E and F1-2. To provide details in relation to these or any 'Sui Generis' use, select 'Other' and specify the use where prompted. Multiple 'Other' options can be added to cover each individual use. View further information on Use Classes.

Use Class Existing gross Gross internal Total gross new Net additional gross internal floorspace floorspace to be lost internal floorspace internal floorspace (square metres) by change of use or proposed (including following demolition (square changes of use) development (square metres) (square metres) metres)

A1 - Shops Total floorspace 13995.5 0 14061.5 66

Total 13995.5 0 14061.5 66

A1 - Shops Net Tradable Area Page 11

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09888511 17. All Types of Development: Non-Residential Floorspace

Existing gross internal floorspace (square 11194.6 metres) Gross internal floorspace to be lost by change 0.0 of use or demolition (square metres)

Total gross new internal floorspace proposed 11194.6 (including changes of use) (square metres)

Net additional gross internal floorspace 0 following development (square metres) Loss or gain of rooms For hotels, residential institutions and hostels please additionally indicate the loss or gain of rooms:

18. Employment

Are there any existing employees on the site or will the proposed development increase or decrease the number of Yes No employees?

19. Hours of Opening

Are Hours of Opening relevant to this proposal? Yes No

20. Industrial or Commercial Processes and Machinery

Does this proposal involve the carrying out of industrial or commercial activities and processes? Yes No

Is the proposal for a waste management development? Yes No

If this is a landfill application you will need to provide further information before your application can be determined. Your waste planning authority should make it clear what information it requires on its website

21. Hazardous Substances

Does the proposal involve the use or storage of any hazardous substances? Yes No

22. Type of Proposed Advertisement(s)

Please describe the proposed advertisement(s)

4x Click & Collect Glowline Canopy Fascia 2x Ad panels

Please select the type(s) of advertising you are proposing: Fascia sign(s) Projecting or hanging sign(s) Hoarding(s) Other type(s)

Other type(s): Please add details of each proposed advertisement

Other type(s): 1

What is the height from the ground to the base of the advertisement? 3.2 metre(s)

What is the maximum projection of the advertisement from face of building? 0 metre(s)

Dimension: Height: 0.7 x Width: 13.09 x Depth: 0.1 metre(s)

What materials will the sign be made of? Aluminium cladding panels, stainless steel Page 12

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09888511 22. Type of Proposed Advertisement(s)

What is the maximum height of any of the individual letters and symbols? 60 cm

The colour of text and background

White and green text, teal and dark grey background

Will the sign be illuminated? Yes

Will the sign be illuminated internally or externally? Internally Illuminated

Illuminance levels 800 cd/m2

Will the illumination be static or intermittent? Static

Other type(s): 2

What is the height from the ground to the base of the advertisement? 3.2 metre(s)

What is the maximum projection of the advertisement from face of building? 0 metre(s)

Dimension: Height: 0.7 x Width: 6.34 x Depth: 0.1 metre(s)

What materials will the sign be made of? Aluminium cladding panels, stainless steel

What is the maximum height of any of the individual letters and symbols? 60 cm

The colour of text and background

White and green text, teal and dark grey background

Will the sign be illuminated? Yes

Will the sign be illuminated internally or externally? Internally Illuminated

Illuminance levels 800 cd/m2

Will the illumination be static or intermittent? Static

Other type(s): 3

What is the height from the ground to the base of the advertisement? 3.2 metre(s)

What is the maximum projection of the advertisement from face of building? 0 metre(s)

Dimension: Height: 0.7 x Width: 13.09 x Depth: 0.1 metre(s)

What materials will the sign be made of? Aluminium cladding panels, stainless steel

What is the maximum height of any of the individual letters and symbols? 60 cm

The colour of text and background

White and green text, teal and dark grey background

Will the sign be illuminated? Yes

Will the sign be illuminated internally or externally? Internally Illuminated

Illuminance levels 800 cd/m2

Will the illumination be static or intermittent? Static

Page 13

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09888511 22. Type of Proposed Advertisement(s)

Other type(s): 4

What is the height from the ground to the base of the advertisement? 3.2 metre(s)

What is the maximum projection of the advertisement from face of building? 0 metre(s)

Dimension: Height: 0.7 x Width: 6.34 x Depth: 0.1 metre(s)

What materials will the sign be made of? Aluminium cladding panels, stainless steel

What is the maximum height of any of the individual letters and symbols? 60 cm

The colour of text and background

White and green text, teal and dark grey background

Will the sign be illuminated? Yes

Will the sign be illuminated internally or externally? Internally Illuminated

Illuminance levels 800 cd/m2

Will the illumination be static or intermittent? Static

Other type(s): 5

What is the height from the ground to the base of the advertisement? 0.75 metre(s)

What is the maximum projection of the advertisement from face of building? 0 metre(s)

Dimension: Height: 1.02 x Width: 1.99 x Depth: 0.01 metre(s)

What materials will the sign be made of? Aluminium, Acrylic

What is the maximum height of any of the individual letters and symbols? 60 cm

The colour of text and background

White and green text, teal and dark grey background

Will the sign be illuminated? No

Will the sign be illuminated internally or externally?

Illuminance levels 0 cd/m2

Will the illumination be static or intermittent?

Other type(s): 6

What is the height from the ground to the base of the advertisement? 0.75 metre(s)

What is the maximum projection of the advertisement from face of building? 0 metre(s)

Dimension: Height: 1.02 x Width: 1.99 x Depth: 0.01 metre(s)

What materials will the sign be made of? Aluminium, Acrylic

What is the maximum height of any of the individual letters and symbols? 60 cm

The colour of text and background

White and green text, teal and dark grey background Page 14

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09888511 22. Type of Proposed Advertisement(s)

Will the sign be illuminated? No

Will the sign be illuminated internally or externally?

Illuminance levels 0 cd/m2

Will the illumination be static or intermittent?

Please describe each of the 'Other type(s)' of advertising proposed


23. Location of Advertisement(s)

Is the advertisement(s) you are applying for already in place? Yes No

Is an existing advertisement(s) to be removed and replaced by the advertisement(s) in this proposal? Yes No Not Applicable

Will the proposed advertisement(s) project over a footpath or other public highway? Yes No

24. Advertisement(s) Period Please state the period of time for which consent is sought for the advertisement

From 27/05/2021

To 27/05/2026

25. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

26. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

27. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

28. Interest In the Land

Does the applicant own the land or buildings where the adverts are to be placed?Page 15 Yes No

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09888511 29. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP - CERTIFICATE A - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14 I certify/The applicant certifies that on the day 21 days before the date of this application nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner* of any part of the land or building to which the application relates, and that none of the land to which the application relates is, or is part of, an agricultural holding** * 'owner' is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run. ** 'agricultural holding' has the meaning given by reference to the definition of 'agricultural tenant' in section 65(8) of the Act. NOTE: You should sign Certificate B, C or D, as appropriate, if you are the sole owner of the land or building to which the application relates but the land is, or is part of, an agricultural holding.

Person role The applicant The agent

Title Mr

First name Matthew

Surname Stanley

Declaration date 28/05/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Declaration made

30. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 28/05/2021 application)

Page 16

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09888511 Agenda Item 6.ii

To All Interested Parties and Contributors

15 th June 2021

Dear Sir/ Madam,



On 6 th July 2021 at 10:00am (scheduled for 10 days)


Planning Inspectorate: APP/Y0435/W/21/3271410 Appeal by: FCC Environment MKC Reference: 20/00678/FULMMA For: Variation of conditions 2 (operational life), 3 (restoration sequence) and 5 (final restoration of the site) attached to planning application MK/806/95 to extend the operational life of the site by 15 years with final restoration of the whole site to be completed within a further 24 months.


Planning Inspectorate: APP/Y0435/W/21/3273179 Appeal by: FCC Environment MKC Reference: 20/00849/FUL For: Construction and operation of a surface water attenuation lagoon, forming part of the surface water management scheme for Bletchley Landfill Site

Site Address for both appeals: Bletchley Landfill Site, Guernsey Road, Newton Leys, Milton Keynes MK3 5FR

The Planning Inspectorate has confirmed that valid appeals have been received and that they will be handled by public inquiry. It has appointed an inspector, Nick Palmer BA (Hons) BPl MRTPI, a chartered town planner to determine this. The Inquiry will be held as a virtual event run by the Inspector in the normal way, but with the parties invited to join via Microsoft Teams or telephone.

Page 17 Documents relating to the appeal can be viewed on the Council website: ment-on-planning-applications/public-inquiry-for-bletchley-landfill (or go to the Council website and search for Bletchley Landfill). The final appeal decision will be uploaded to under the MKC references above . The decision will also be published on the Planning Inspectorate website:

Inquiry Attendance Information

Before deciding whether to take an active part in the Inquiry, you need to think carefully about the points you wish to make. Al l written submissions from application and appeal stage will be taken into account by the Inspector. Re- stating the same points won’t add any additional weight to them.

If you feel that taking part in the Inquiry is right for you in whatever capacity, you can participate in a number of ways:

To take part using video, participants will need to have access to Microsoft Teams (via an app or web browser). This link gives further information: .

Alternatively you can take part by telephone. Calls would be to an 020 number which will incur charges. You should check actual rates with your provider:

If you just wish to observe the event, you should use the YouTube link:

If you wish to take an active part in the proceedings, please make clear in your response to the Planning Inspectorate Case Officer (details below) whether you wish only to appear at the Inquiry and make a statement or whether you would also wish to ask questions on particular topics.

If you want to take an active part but feel unable to for any reason, and/or the points you want to make are not covered in the evidence of others, consider whether someone else could raise them on your behalf.

Registered participants, in whatever capacity, will receive individual joining instructions , providing details of any requirements, guidance and support, whether joining by Teams or telephone. You should note that the event may be recorded by the Planning Inspectorate for training and quality assurance purposes.

Please access the virtual Inquiry from 09:30am. This gives time for the Case Officer to admit everyone to the event. Parties are requested to access the event in good time to allow it to open at 10:00am.

Page 18 The Planning Inspectorate Case Officer contact details (quoting the relevant Planning Inspectorate references):

Helen Skinner – Telephone: 0303 444 5531, Email: [email protected]

Yours faithfully,

Catherine Lycett Principal Planning Officer Development Management – East Team

Page 19 Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission. Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address



Property name Bletchley Landfill Site

Address line 1 Guernsey Road

Address line 2 Bletchley

Address line 3

Town/city Milton Keynes

Postcode MK3 5FP

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 486424

Northing (y) 232190


2. Applicant Details


First name

Surname N/A

Company name

Address line 1 FCC Environment

Address line 2 Ground Floor West

Address line 3 900 Pavilion Drive

Town/city Northampton Business Park Page 20

Planning Portal Reference: PP-08507044 2. Applicant Details

Country Northampton

Postcode NN4 7RG

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

3. Agent Details

Title Mrs

First name Imogen

Surname Scotney

Company name AECOM Limited

Address line 1 Royal Court

Address line 2 Basil Close

Address line 3

Town/city Chesterfield

Country UK

Postcode S41 7SL

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Description of the Proposal

Please provide a description of the approved development as shown on the decision letter

Recontouring of the landfill site

Reference number


Date of decision (date 06/02/2002 must be pre- application submission) Please state the condition number(s) to which this application relates

Condition number(s)

Conditions 2, 3 and 5 Page 21

Planning Portal Reference: PP-08507044 4. Description of the Proposal

Has the development already started? Yes No

If Yes, please state 06/02/2002 when the development was started (date must be pre- application submission)

Has the development been completed? Yes No

5. Condition(s) - Removal/Variation

Please state why you wish the condition(s) to be removed or changed

Please see accompanying Planning Statement (section 3)

If you wish the existing condition to be changed, please state how you wish the condition to be varied

Please see accompanying Planning Statement (section 3)

6. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

7. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

If Yes, please complete the following information about the advice you were given (this will help the authority to deal with this application more efficiently): Officer name:


First name



Date (Must be pre-application submission)


Details of the pre-application advice received

Advice received as to the form and content of the planning application

8. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP - CERTIFICATE A - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14 I certify/The applicant certifies that on the day 21 days before the date of this application nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner* of any part of the land or building to which the application relates, and that none of the land to which the application relates is, or is part of, an agricultural holding** * 'owner' is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run. ** 'agricultural holding' has the meaning given by reference to the definition of 'agricultural tenant' in section 65(8) of the Act. NOTE: You should sign Certificate B, C or D, as appropriate, if you are the sole owner of the land or building to which the application relates but the land is, or is part of, an agricultural holding. Page 22

Planning Portal Reference: PP-08507044 8. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration

Person role The applicant The agent

Title Mrs

First name Imogen

Surname Scotney

Declaration date 12/03/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Declaration made

9. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 12/03/2020 application)

Page 23

Planning Portal Reference: PP-08507044 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6.iii

Reply to: Wendy Choi E-mail: Wendy.Choi@milton Our Ref: 21/01702/PNHSE PP -09893763

Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council, Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RA

10th June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 Application no: 21/01702/PNHSE Proposal: Prior application for a proposed single storey rear extension, measuring a maximum height of 3.2m, 2.5m to the eaves and extends beyond the rear elevation by 4m At: 67 Oakwood Drive Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2JG

I have received the above application which can be viewed via the Council's Public Access system using the link: https://publicaccess2.milton -applications/ veTa b=summary&keyVal=QU2WKCKW0IQ00 .

I would be grateful to receive any comments you may have about the proposal by 8th July 2021. Any objections must form a material planning consideration and should you wish for the application to be referred to the D evelopment Control Committee/Panel for determination; an explicit request must be made to that effect. If no reply is received within this period the application may be decided without your comments.

Where a request to refer an application to Development Control Committee/Panel has been received from a Parish or Town Council, an undertaking to attend the meeting to address the

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 25 Committee/Panel is expected. Failure to attend a Development Control Committee/Panel, following an undertaking to so do, on two occ asions within a 6 month Period will result in; a. The Parish or Town Council being barred from requesting an application be referred to Development Control Committee/Panel for a 3 month period from the date of the second incidence; and, b. Any application s within that Parish being determined in accordance with the Officer recommendation under delegated powers. This would also be for a concurrent 3 month period and would only take effect in cases where no other parties have lodged objections and requested t he case be heard before a Development Control Committee/Panel.

Yours faithfully,

Wendy Choi Planning Officer (DM)

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 26 An application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Larger home extension. The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) - Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address

Number 67


Property name

Address line 1 Oakwood Drive

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Bletchley

Postcode MK2 2JG

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 488154

Northing (y) 233606


2. Applicant Details

Title Mr

First name Vitalie

Surname Zastavnitchi

Company name

Address line 1 67, Oakwood Drive

Address line 2

Address line 3 Page 27

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09893763 2. Applicant Details

Town/city Bletchley


Postcode MK2 2JG

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details

Title Ms

First name LUDMILA

Surname BIVOL


Address line 1 6

Address line 2 Central Park Avenue

Address line 3

Town/city Dagenham

Country United Kingdom

Postcode RM10 7DA

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Eligibility

Please indicate the type of dwellinghouse you are proposing to extend: Detached Other

Will the extension be: Yes No • a single storey; • no more than 4 metres in height (measured externally from the natural ground level); and • extend beyond the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse (measured externally) by over 3 but no more than 6 metres. Note that where the proposed extension will be joined to an existing extension, the measurement must represent the total enlargement (i.e. both the existing and proposed extensions) to the original dwellinghouse.

Page 28

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09893763 4. Eligibility

Is the dwellinghouse to be extended within any of the following: Yes No • a conservation area; • an area of outstanding natural beauty; • an area specified by the Secretary of State for the purposes of enhancement and protection of the natural beauty and amenity of the countryside; • the Broads; • a National Park; • a World Heritage Site; • a site of special scientific interest;

5. Description of Proposed Works

Please describe the proposed single-storey rear extension:

Proposed single storey rear extension .

Measurements Please provide the measurements as detailed below. Where the proposed extension will be joined to an existing extension, the measurements provided must be in respect to the total enlargement (i.e. both the existing and proposed extensions) to the original dwellinghouse.

How far will the extension extend beyond the 4.00 rear wall of the original dwellinghouse (in metres, measured externally)

What will be the maximum height of the 3.20 extension (in metres, measured externally from the natural ground level)

What will be the height at the eaves of the 2.50 extension (in metres, measured externally from the natural ground level)

6. Adjoining premises Please provide the full addresses of all adjoining premises to the house you are proposing to extend. This should include any premises to the side/front/rear, even if they are not physically 'attached'


Number 65


House Name

Address line 1 Oakwood Drive

Address line 2

Town/city Bletchley

Postcode MK2 2JG


Number 69


House Name

Address line 1 Oakwood Drive

Address line 2

Town/city Bletchley

Postcode MK2 2JG Page 29

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09893763 6. Adjoining premises


Number 19


House Name Fenny Stratford

Address line 1 Manor Road

Address line 2 Bletchley

Town/city Milton Keynes

Postcode MK2 2HP


Number 21


House Name Fenny Stratford

Address line 1 Manor Road

Address line 2 Bletchley

Town/city Milton Keynes

Postcode MK2 2HP

7. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for prior approval as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 28/05/2021 application)

Page 30

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09893763 Agenda Item 6.iv

Reply to: Wendy Choi E-mail: Wendy.Choi@milton Our Ref: 21/01708/FUL PP -09905175

Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council, Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RA

9th June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 Application no: 21/01708/FUL Proposal: Two storey rear and side extension At: 29 Shetland Meadows Newton Leys Milton Keynes MK3 5GJ

I have received the above application which can be viewed via the Council's Public Access system using the link: https://publicaccess2.milton -application s/ b=summary&keyVal=QU47JHKWLXK00 .

I would be grateful to receive any comments you may have about the proposal by 7th July 2021. Any objections must form a material planning consideration and should you wish for the applica tion to be referred to the Development Control Committee/Panel for determination; an explicit request must be made to that effect. If no reply is received within this period the application may be decided without your comments.

Where a request to refer an application to Development Control Committee/Panel has been received from a Parish or Town Council, an undertaking to attend the meeting to address the

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 31 Committee/Panel is expected. Failure to attend a Development Control Committee/Panel, following an unde rtaking to so do, on two occasions within a 6 month Period will result in; a. The Parish or Town Council being barred from requesting an application be referred to Development Control Committee/Panel for a 3 month period from the date of the second inciden ce; and, b. Any applications within that Parish being determined in accordance with the Officer recommendation under delegated powers. This would also be for a concurrent 3 month period and would only take effect in cases where no other parties have lodge d objections and requested the case be heard before a Development Control Committee/Panel.

Yours faithfully,

Wendy Choi Planning Officer (DM)

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 32 Householder Application for Planning Permission for works or extension to a dwelling. Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address

Number 29


Property name

Address line 1 Shetland Meadows

Address line 2 Newton Leys

Address line 3

Town/city Milton Keynes

Postcode MK3 5GJ

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 486463

Northing (y) 231165


2. Applicant Details

Title MR

First name LUKE


Company name

Address line 1 29, Shetland Meadows

Address line 2 Newton Leys

Address line 3

Town/city Milton Keynes

Country Page 33

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09905175 2. Applicant Details

Postcode MK3 5GJ

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details

Title Mr

First name Antony

Surname Thompson

Company name Antony Thompson Arch Services

Address line 1 48 St James Close

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Milton Keynes

Country United Kingdom

Postcode MK19 7LF

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Description of Proposed Works

Please describe the proposed works:


Has the work already been started without consent? Yes No

5. Materials

Does the proposed development require any materials to be used externally? Yes No

Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used externally (including type, colour and name for each material):


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): FACING BRICK Description of proposed materials and finishes:Page FACING 34 BRICK

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09905175 5. Materials


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): TILES

Description of proposed materials and finishes: TILES


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): WHITE UPVC

Description of proposed materials and finishes: WHITE UPVC


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): WHITE UPVC

Description of proposed materials and finishes: WHITE UPVC/ALUMINIUM

Are you supplying additional information on submitted plans, drawings or a design and access statement? Yes No

If Yes, please state references for the plans, drawings and/or design and access statement

688/002 REV A

6. Trees and Hedges

Are there any trees or hedges on your own property or on adjoining properties which are within falling distance of your Yes No proposed development?

Will any trees or hedges need to be removed or pruned in order to carry out your proposal? Yes No

7. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way

Is a new or altered vehicle access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Is a new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Do the proposals require any diversions, extinguishment and/or creation of public rights of way? Yes No

8. Parking

Will the proposed works affect existing car parking arrangements? Yes No

9. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

Page 35

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09905175 10. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

11. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

12. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP - CERTIFICATE A - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14 I certify/The applicant certifies that on the day 21 days before the date of this application nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner* of any part of the land or building to which the application relates, and that none of the land to which the application relates is, or is part of, an agricultural holding** * 'owner' is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run. ** 'agricultural holding' has the meaning given by reference to the definition of 'agricultural tenant' in section 65(8) of the Act. NOTE: You should sign Certificate B, C or D, as appropriate, if you are the sole owner of the land or building to which the application relates but the land is, or is part of, an agricultural holding.

Person role The applicant The agent


First name LUKE


Declaration date 03/06/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Declaration made

13. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 03/06/2021 application)

Page 36

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09905175 Agenda Item 6.v

Reply to: Sophia Dudding E-mail: sophia.dudding@milton Our Ref: 21/01722/NMA PP -09841190

Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council, Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RA

9th June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 Application no: 21/01722/NMA Proposal: Non -material amendment to planning application 19/01412/REM (updating the raised table road layouts on the Site Layout Plan as requested by MKC as part of the Highway Technical Audit, removal of car barn for Plots 419 & 420 and update elevations to Plot 89 (Alverton FOG). At: Eaton Leys Land West of A4146 South of Watling Street Bletchley Milton Keynes

I have received the above application which can be viewed via the Council's Public Access system using the link: https://publicaccess2.milton -applications/ b=summary&keyVal=QU68TGKW0M700 .

I would be grateful to receive any comments you may have about the proposal by 7th July 2021. Any objections must form a material planning consideration and should you wish for the application to be referred to the Development Control Committee/Panel for determination; an explicit request must be made to that effect. If no reply i s received within this period the application may be decided without your comments.

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 37 Where a request to refer an application to Development Control Committee/Panel has been received from a Parish or Town Council, an undertaking to attend the meeting to add ress the Committee/Panel is expected. Failure to attend a Development Control Committee/Panel, following an undertaking to so do, on two occasions within a 6 month Period will result in; a. The Parish or Town Council being barred from requesting an applica tion be referred to Development Control Committee/Panel for a 3 month period from the date of the second incidence; and, b. Any applications within that Parish being determined in accordance with the Officer recommendation under delegated powers. This wou ld also be for a concurrent 3 month period and would only take effect in cases where no other parties have lodged objections and requested the case be heard before a Development Control Committee/Panel.

Yours faithfully,

Sophia Dudding Senior Planning Officer

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 38 Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission. Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address



Property name Eaton Leys

Address line 1 Land West of A4146

Address line 2 South of Watling Street

Address line 3 Bletchley

Town/city Milton Keynes


Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 488887

Northing (y) 233175


Land west of A4146 (Eaton Leys)

2. Applicant Details


First name Laura

Surname Robinson

Company name BDW Trading Ltd

Address line 1 Barratt Northampton

Address line 2 Barratt House

Address line 3 Sandy Way, Grange Park

Town/city Northampton Page 39

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09841190 2. Applicant Details

Country United Kingdom

Postcode NN4 5EJ

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details No Agent details were submitted for this application

4. Eligibility

Do you, or the person on whose behalf you are making this application, have an interest in the part of the land to which Yes No this amendment relates?

If you are not the sole owner, has notification under article 10 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Yes No Not Applicable Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 been given?

5. Description of Your Proposal

Please provide the description of the approved development as shown on the decision letter

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 15/01533/OUTEIS for approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 450 dwellings and associated infrastructure.

Reference number: 19/01412/REM

Date of decision 30/01/2020

What was the original application type? Outline planning permission: Some matters reserved

For the purpose of calculating fees, which of the following best describes the original application type? Householder development: Development to an existing dwelling-house or development within its curtilage Other: anything not covered by the above category

6. Non-Material Amendment(s) Sought

Please describe the non-material amendment(s) you are seeking to make

Updating the raised table road layouts on the Site Layout Plan as requested by MKC as part of the Highway Technical Audit. To remove the car barn for Plots 419 & 420. Updating elevations to Plot 89 (Alverton FOG).

Are you intending to substitute amended plans or drawings? Yes No

If yes please complete the following

Old plan/drawing numbers

ELEYS-MCB-XX-XX-DR-A-0230-D5-P8_Site Layout Plan ELEYS-MCB-XX-XX-DR-A-0233-D5-P6_External Materials Plan ELEYS-MCB-XX-XX-DR-A-0236-D5-P7_Surfacing and Boundary Treatments Plan ELEYS-MCB-XX-XX-DR-A-0239-D5-P5_Affordable Tenure Plan ELEYS-MCB-XX-XX-DR-A-0240-D5-P5_Parking Strategy Plan ELEYS-MCB-XX-XX-DR-A-0241-S0-P5_Refuse Management Plan ELEYS-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0166.A-D5-P1_AF2 (Alverton)_Contemporary New plan/drawing numbers Page 40

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09841190 6. Non-Material Amendment(s) Sought

ELEYS-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0230-D5-P10_Site Layout Plan ELEYS-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0233-D5-P10_External Materials Plan ELEYS-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0236-D5-P9_Surfacing and Boundary Treatments Plan ELEYS-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0239-D5-P6_Affordable Tenure Plan ELEYS-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0240-D5-P6_Parking Strategy Plan ELEYS-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0241-S0-P6_Refuse Management Plan ELEYS-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0166.A-D5-P1_AF2 (Alverton 89)_Contemporary

Please state why you wish to make this amendment

To align the planning layout with the S38 Highways Technical Audit. To remove car barn as is not required. As front of Plot 89 is not within the same ownership.

7. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

8. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

9. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

10. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 14/05/2021 application)

Page 41

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09841190 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item

Reply to: Wendy Choi E-mail: Wendy.Choi@milton Our Ref: 21/01728/FUL PP -09910191

Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council, Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RA

16th June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 Application no: 21/01728/FUL Proposal: Garage conversion including the replacement of the front elevation garage door with a small wind ow and access door At: 10 Birchfield Grove Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2RQ

I have received the above application which can be viewed via the Council's Public Access system using the link: https://publicaccess2.milton -applications/ b=summary&keyVal=QU6ER7KWLZS00 .

I would be grateful to receive any comments you may have about the proposal by 14th July 2021. Any objections must form a material planning consideration and should you wish for the application to be referred to the Development Control Committee/Panel for determination; an explicit request must be made to that effect. If no reply is received within this period the application may be decided without your comments.

Where a request to refer an application to Development Control Committee/Panel has been received from a Parish or Town Council, an undertaking to attend the meeting to address the

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 43 Committee/Panel is expec ted. Failure to attend a Development Control Committee/Panel, following an undertaking to so do, on two occasions within a 6 month Period will result in; a. The Parish or Town Council being barred from requesting an application be referred to Development C ontrol Committee/Panel for a 3 month period from the date of the second incidence; and, b. Any applications within that Parish being determined in accordance with the Officer recommendation under delegated powers. This would also be for a concurrent 3 mon th period and would only take effect in cases where no other parties have lodged objections and requested the case be heard before a Development Control Committee/Panel.

Yours faithfully,

Wendy Choi Planning Officer (DM)

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 44 Householder Application for Planning Permission for works or extension to a dwelling. Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address

Number 10


Property name

Address line 1 Birchfield Grove

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Bletchley

Postcode MK2 2RQ

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 487383

Northing (y) 233414


2. Applicant Details

Title Mr & Mrs


Surname NGUYEN

Company name TATE design and build

Address line 1 10, Birchfield Grove

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Bletchley

Country United Kingdom Page 45

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09910191 2. Applicant Details

Postcode MK2 2RQ

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details


First name Ahmed

Surname Talaat

Company name Tate design and build

Address line 1 22

Address line 2 Mendelssohn Grove

Address line 3 Browns Wood

Town/city Milton Keynes


Postcode MK7 8DH

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Description of Proposed Works

Please describe the proposed works:

The application site contains a detached, two storey dwelling on 10 Birchfield Grove, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RQ. The site is located at the end of a cul-de-sac and is generally surrounded by residential dwellings. We proposing garage conversion. The existing garage would be converted in habitable space. The only external alterations would include the replacement of the garage door on the front elevation, with a small window and access door. As the garage is attached to the main dwelling, the relevant sections of the legislation will be relate to the materials used in exterior work, which will be of a similar appearance to those used in the construction of the exterior of the existing dwelling house. As there will be no changes to the scale of the existing building, it is unlikely that there would be any issues with regards to visual amenity. (there is no side-facing windows are proposed and as such), an impact on privacy levels is considered negligible.

Has the work already been started without consent? Yes No

Page 46

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09910191 5. Materials

Does the proposed development require any materials to be used externally? Yes No

Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used externally (including type, colour and name for each material):


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): Garage door

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Small door and window and the using similar bricks.


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Add new window similar the existing one


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Add a door similar to the existing one

Are you supplying additional information on submitted plans, drawings or a design and access statement? Yes No

If Yes, please state references for the plans, drawings and/or design and access statement

Site plan , floor plans, and elevations

6. Trees and Hedges

Are there any trees or hedges on your own property or on adjoining properties which are within falling distance of your Yes No proposed development?

Will any trees or hedges need to be removed or pruned in order to carry out your proposal? Yes No

7. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way

Is a new or altered vehicle access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Is a new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Do the proposals require any diversions, extinguishment and/or creation of public rights of way? Yes No

8. Parking

Will the proposed works affect existing car parking arrangements? Yes No

9. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person Page 47

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09910191 10. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

11. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

12. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP - CERTIFICATE A - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14 I certify/The applicant certifies that on the day 21 days before the date of this application nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner* of any part of the land or building to which the application relates, and that none of the land to which the application relates is, or is part of, an agricultural holding** * 'owner' is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run. ** 'agricultural holding' has the meaning given by reference to the definition of 'agricultural tenant' in section 65(8) of the Act. NOTE: You should sign Certificate B, C or D, as appropriate, if you are the sole owner of the land or building to which the application relates but the land is, or is part of, an agricultural holding.

Person role The applicant The agent



Surname NGUYEN

Declaration date 04/06/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Declaration made

13. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 04/06/2021 application)

Page 48

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09910191 Agenda Item 6.vii

Reply to: Joseph Read E-mail: Our Ref: 21/01752/FULTN PP -09460215

Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council, Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RA

9th June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 Application no: 21/01752/FULTN Proposal: The replacement of the existing 18m monopole with a new 25m tower, accommodating 18no. antennas and 2no. microwave dishes, the installation of ERS modules, the installation of 3no. ground -based equipment cabinets, along with ancillary works. At: Telecommunication Mast Dawson Road Adjacent Saxon Street Bletchley MK1 1LH

I have received the above application which can be viewed via the Council's Public Access system using the link: https://publicaccess2.milton -applications/ b=summary&keyVal=QUBUKRKWM1Q00 .

I would be grateful to receive any comments you may have about the proposal by 7th July 2021. Any objections m ust form a material planning consideration and should you wish for the application to be referred to the Development Control Committee/Panel for determination; an explicit request must be made to that effect. If no reply is received within this period the application may be decided without your comments.

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 49 Where a request to refer an application to Development Control Committee/Panel has been received from a Parish or Town Council, an undertaking to attend the meeting to address the Committee/Panel is expect ed. Failure to attend a Development Control Committee/Panel, following an undertaking to so do, on two occasions within a 6 month Period will result in; a. The Parish or Town Council being barred from requesting an application be referred to Development Co ntrol Committee/Panel for a 3 month period from the date of the second incidence; and, b. Any applications within that Parish being determined in accordance with the Officer recommendation under delegated powers. This would also be for a concurrent 3 mont h period and would only take effect in cases where no other parties have lodged objections and requested the case be heard before a Development Control Committee/Panel.

Yours faithfully,

Joseph Read Planning Officer (DM)

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 50 Application for Planning Permission. Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address



Property name Telecommunications Mast

Address line 1 Dawson Road


Address line 3

Town/city Bletchley

Postcode MK1 1LH

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 487475

Northing (y) 234746


The replacement of the existing 18m monopole with a new 25m tower, accommodating antennas, microwave dishes, ground-based equipment cabinets along with ancillary works.

2. Applicant Details

Title .

First name .

Surname .

Company name Vodafone & CTIL

Address line 1 Vodafone House

Address line 2 The Connection

Address line 3

Town/city Newbury Page 51

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09460215 2. Applicant Details

Country Berkshire

Postcode RG14 2FN

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details

Title Mr

First name Jason

Surname Albon

Company name Maxema Ltd

Address line 1 Unit 2 - Charnwood House

Address line 2 Marsh Road

Address line 3 Ashton

Town/city Bristol


Postcode BS3 2NA

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Site Area

What is the measurement of the site area? 0.10 (numeric characters only). Unit Hectares

5. Description of the Proposal

Please describe details of the proposed development or works including any change of use. If you are applying for Technical Details Consent on a site that has been granted Permission In Principle, please include the relevant details in the description below.

The replacement of the existing 18m monopole with a new 25m tower, accommodating 18no. antennas and 2no. microwave dishes, the installation of ERS modules, the installation of 3no. ground-based equipment cabinets, along with ancillary works.

Has the work or change of use already started? Yes No Page 52

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09460215 6. Existing Use

Please describe the current use of the site

telecoms site/ Roundabout.

Is the site currently vacant? Yes No

Does the proposal involve any of the following? If Yes, you will need to submit an appropriate contamination assessment with your application.

Land which is known to be contaminated Yes No

Land where contamination is suspected for all or part of the site Yes No

A proposed use that would be particularly vulnerable to the presence of contamination Yes No

7. Materials

Does the proposed development require any materials to be used externally? Yes No

Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used externally (including type, colour and name for each material):

Other Monopole

Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): n/a

Description of proposed materials and finishes: galvanised steel

Are you supplying additional information on submitted plans, drawings or a design and access statement? Yes No

If Yes, please state references for the plans, drawings and/or design and access statement

SSSI Design & Access statement Background Information Health Info Plans reference VF19364

8. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way

Is a new or altered vehicular access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Is a new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Are there any new public roads to be provided within the site? Yes No

Are there any new public rights of way to be provided within or adjacent to the site? Yes No

Do the proposals require any diversions/extinguishments and/or creation of rights of way? Yes No

9. Vehicle Parking

Does the site have any existing vehicle/cycle parking spaces or will the proposed development add/remove any parking Yes No spaces?

10. Trees and Hedges

Are there trees or hedges on the proposed development site? Yes No

And/or: Are there trees or hedges on land adjacent to the proposed development site that could influence the Yes No development or might be important as part of the local landscape character?

If Yes to either or both of the above, you may need to provide a full tree survey, at the discretion of your local planning authority. If a tree survey is required, this and the accompanying plan should be submitted alongside your application. Your local planning authority should make clear on its website what the survey should contain, in accordance with the current 'BS5837: Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations'. Page 53

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09460215 11. Assessment of Flood Risk

Is the site within an area at risk of flooding? (Check the location on the Government's Flood map for planning. You Yes No should also refer to national standing advice and your local planning authority requirements for information as necessary.)

If Yes, you will need to submit a Flood Risk Assessment to consider the risk to the proposed site.

Is your proposal within 20 metres of a watercourse (e.g. river, stream or beck)? Yes No

Will the proposal increase the flood risk elsewhere? Yes No

How will surface water be disposed of?

Sustainable drainage system

Existing water course


Main sewer


12. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Is there a reasonable likelihood of the following being affected adversely or conserved and enhanced within the application site, or on land adjacent to or near the application site? To assist in answering this question correctly, please refer to the help text which provides guidance on determining if any important biodiversity or geological conservation features may be present or nearby; and whether they are likely to be affected by the proposals.

a) Protected and priority species: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

b) Designated sites, important habitats or other biodiversity features: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

c) Features of geological conservation importance: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

13. Foul Sewage

Please state how foul sewage is to be disposed of: Mains Sewer Septic Tank Package Treatment plant Cess Pit Other Unknown

Are you proposing to connect to the existing drainage system? Yes No Unknown

14. Waste Storage and Collection

Do the plans incorporate areas to store and aid the collection of waste? Yes No

Have arrangements been made for the separate storage and collection of recyclablePage waste?54 Yes No

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09460215 15. Trade Effluent

Does the proposal involve the need to dispose of trade effluents or trade waste? Yes No

16. Residential/Dwelling Units Please note: This question has been updated to include the latest information requirements specified by government. Applications created before 23 May 2020 will not have been updated, please read the ‘Help’ to see details of how to workaround this issue.

Does your proposal include the gain, loss or change of use of residential units? Yes No

17. All Types of Development: Non-Residential Floorspace

Does your proposal involve the loss, gain or change of use of non-residential floorspace? Yes No Note that 'non-residential' in this context covers all uses except Use Class C3 Dwellinghouses.

18. Employment

Are there any existing employees on the site or will the proposed development increase or decrease the number of Yes No employees?

19. Hours of Opening

Are Hours of Opening relevant to this proposal? Yes No

20. Industrial or Commercial Processes and Machinery

Does this proposal involve the carrying out of industrial or commercial activities and processes? Yes No

Please describe the activities and processes which would be carried out on the site and the end products including plant, ventilation or air conditioning. Please include the type of machinery which may be installed on site:

part of wireless network

Is the proposal for a waste management development? Yes No

If this is a landfill application you will need to provide further information before your application can be determined. Your waste planning authority should make it clear what information it requires on its website

21. Hazardous Substances

Does the proposal involve the use or storage of any hazardous substances? Yes No

22. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

23. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

If Yes, please complete the following information about the advice you were given (this will help the authority to deal with this application more efficiently): Officer name: Page 55

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09460215 23. Pre-application Advice

Title Ms

First name


Reference 21/00111/PREFRE

Date (Must be pre-application submission)


Details of the pre-application advice received

Charlotte Ashby responded to the information / proposed plans by concluding that: The provision of high-quality telecommunications and an ICT network to facilitate the highest quality digital communication throughout the plan area is an objective of Milton Keynes Council and identified in Plan:MK (2019). MKC recognise that advanced communications has a key role to play in creating sustainable economic growth and enhancing the provision of local community facilities and services. Part D of Policy CT9 Digital Communications supports, wherever viable and possible, the development of telecommunications infrastructure. The proposed development is replacing the existing monopole with a small lattice and increasing the height from the existing by approximately 2 metres with additional ancillary ground works and headframe to support additional upgrade works. Given the location, the works would likely be considered acceptable in this location. (officer opinion only)

24. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

25. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP - CERTIFICATE B - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14

I certify/The applicant certifies that: I have/The applicant has given the requisite notice to everyone else (as listed below) who, on the day 21 days before the date of this application, was the owner* and/or agricultural tenant** of any part of the land or building to which this application relates; or The applicant is the sole owner of all the land or buildings to which this application relates and there are no other owners* and/or agricultural tenants**.

* 'owner' is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years to run. ** 'agricultural tenant' has the meaning given in section 65(8) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Owner/Agricultural Tenant

Name of Owner/Agricultural Tenant



House Name Milton Keynes Council, Highways Department

Address line 1 Synergy Park

Address line 2 Chesney Wold, Bleak Hall

Town/city Milton Keynes

Postcode MK6 1LY

Date notice served 07/06/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY) Page 56

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09460215 25. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration

Person role The applicant The agent

Title Mr

First name Jason

Surname Albon

Declaration date 07/06/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Declaration made

26. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 07/06/2021 application)

Page 57

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09460215 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6.viii

Reply to: Charlotte Ashby E-mail: Charlotte.Ashby@milton Our Ref: 21/01765/LBC PP -09904240

Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council, Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RA

14th June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 Application no: 21/01765/LBC Proposal: Listed Building Consent for the erection of four flats on vacant land at the rear of 59 Aylesbury Street with the addition of a rear extension for extra floor space to flat four (re -submission of 20/01495/LBC) At: 59 Aylesbury Street Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2BH

I have received the above application which can be viewed via the Council's Public Access system using the link: https://publicaccess2.milton -keynes.g -applications/ b=summary&keyVal=QUDGVJKWM3600 .

I would be grateful to receive any comments you may have about the proposal by 12th July 2021. Any objections must form a material planning consideration and should you wish for the application to be referred to the Development Control Committee/Panel for determination; an explicit request must be made to that effect. If no reply is received within this period the application may be decided without your comments.

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 59 Wh ere a request to refer an application to Development Control Committee/Panel has been received from a Parish or Town Council, an undertaking to attend the meeting to address the Committee/Panel is expected. Failure to attend a Development Control Committee /Panel, following an undertaking to so do, on two occasions within a 6 month Period will result in; a. The Parish or Town Council being barred from requesting an application be referred to Development Control Committee/Panel for a 3 month period from the d ate of the second incidence; and, b. Any applications within that Parish being determined in accordance with the Officer recommendation under delegated powers. This would also be for a concurrent 3 month period and would only take effect in cases where no other parties have lodged objections and requested the case be heard before a Development Control Committee/Panel.

Yours faithfully,

Charlotte Ashby Planning Officer (DM)

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building

Page 60 Application for Planning Permission and listed building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed building. Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address

Number 59


Property name

Address line 1 Aylesbury Street

Address line 2

Address line 3


Postcode MK2 2BH

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 488198

Northing (y) 234049


2. Applicant Details

Title Mr

First name Anthony

Surname Keller

Company name

Address line 1 Tecton Centre

Address line 2 46a Church Street

Address line 3 Fenny Stratford

Town/city Milton Keynes Page 61

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904240 2. Applicant Details


Postcode MK2 2NY

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details


First name Building

Surname Tectonics Ltd

Company name Building Tectonics Ltd

Address line 1 Tecton Centre

Address line 2 Church Street

Address line 3 Fenny Stratford

Town/city Milton Keynes

Country United Kingdom

Postcode MK2 2NY

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Description of the Proposal

Please describe details of the proposed development or works including details of proposals to alter, extend or demolish the listed building(s). If you are applying for Technical Details Consent on a site that has been granted Permission In Principle, please include the relevant details in the description below.

Erection of four flats on vacant land at the rear of 59 Aylesbury Street. This is a re-submission of the refused 20/01494/FUL and approved 17/01024/FUL with the addition of a rear extension for extra floor space to flat four.

Has the development or work already been started without consent? Yes No

If Yes, please state 29/04/2021 when the development or work was started (date must be pre- application submission) DD/MM/YYYY

Has the development or work already been completed without consent? Page 62 Yes No

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904240 5. Listed Building Grading

What is the grading of the listed building (as stated in the list of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historical Interest)? Don't know Grade I Grade II* Grade II

Is it an ecclesiastical building? Don't know Yes No

6. Demolition of Listed Building

Does the proposal include the partial or total demolition of a listed building? Yes No

7. Immunity from Listing

Has a Certificate of Immunity from Listing been sought in respect of this building? Yes No

8. Listed Building Alterations

Do the proposed works include alterations to a listed building? Yes No

9. Materials

Does the proposed development require any materials to be used? Yes No

Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used (including type, colour and name for each material) demolition excluded Please add materials by using the dropdown list to select the type, clicking 'Add' and entering all the details in the popup box

Type Existing materials and finishes Proposed materials and finishes

External Walls N/A Brickwork as agreed under separate application (Reference: 21/00741/DISCON)

Roof covering N/A Roof Tiles as agreed under separate application (Reference: 21/00741/DISCON)

Are you submitting additional information on submitted plans, drawings or a design and access statement? Yes No

If Yes, please state references for the plans, drawings and/or design and access statement

A1PROPOSED210607 A3BLOCK210607 A3SITE210607 A4LOCATION210607 designstatement210607

10. Site Area

What is the measurement of the site area? 822.00 (numeric characters only). Unit Sq. metres

11. Existing Use

Please describe the current use of the site

The site currently has a restaurant, flats and a house within the curtilage and the footprint of the proposed development is overgrown with vegetation and trees. Page 63

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904240 11. Existing Use

Is the site currently vacant? Yes No

Does the proposal involve any of the following? If Yes, you will need to submit an appropriate contamination assessment with your application.

Land which is known to be contaminated Yes No

Land where contamination is suspected for all or part of the site Yes No

A proposed use that would be particularly vulnerable to the presence of contamination Yes No

12. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way

Is a new or altered vehicular access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Is a new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Are there any new public roads to be provided within the site? Yes No

Are there any new public rights of way to be provided within or adjacent to the site? Yes No

Do the proposals require any diversions/extinguishments and/or creation of rights of way? Yes No

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, please show details on your plans/drawings and state their reference numbers


13. Vehicle Parking

Does the site have any existing vehicle/cycle parking spaces or will the proposed development add/remove any parking Yes No spaces?

Please provide information on the existing and proposed number of on-site parking spaces

Type of vehicle Existing number of spaces Total proposed (including Difference in spaces spaces retained)

Cars 3 7 4

Cycle spaces 0 4 4

14. Foul Sewage

Please state how foul sewage is to be disposed of: Mains Sewer Septic Tank Package Treatment plant Cess Pit Other Unknown

Are you proposing to connect to the existing drainage system? Yes No Unknown

If Yes, please include the details of the existing system on the application drawings. Please state the plan(s)/drawing(s) references.


15. Assessment of Flood Risk

Is the site within an area at risk of flooding? (Check the location on the Government's Flood map for planning. You Yes No should also refer to national standing advice and your local planning authority requirements for information as necessary.) Page 64

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904240 15. Assessment of Flood Risk If Yes, you will need to submit a Flood Risk Assessment to consider the risk to the proposed site.

Is your proposal within 20 metres of a watercourse (e.g. river, stream or beck)? Yes No

Will the proposal increase the flood risk elsewhere? Yes No

How will surface water be disposed of?

Sustainable drainage system

Existing water course


Main sewer


16. Trees and Hedges

Are there trees or hedges on the proposed development site? Yes No

And/or: Are there trees or hedges on land adjacent to the proposed development site that could influence the Yes No development or might be important as part of the local landscape character?

If Yes to either or both of the above, you may need to provide a full tree survey, at the discretion of your local planning authority. If a tree survey is required, this and the accompanying plan should be submitted alongside your application. Your local planning authority should make clear on its website what the survey should contain, in accordance with the current 'BS5837: Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations'.

17. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Is there a reasonable likelihood of the following being affected adversely or conserved and enhanced within the application site, or on land adjacent to or near the application site? To assist in answering this question correctly, please refer to the help text which provides guidance on determining if any important biodiversity or geological conservation features may be present or nearby; and whether they are likely to be affected by the proposals.

a) Protected and priority species: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

b) Designated sites, important habitats or other biodiversity features: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

c) Features of geological conservation importance: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

18. Waste Storage and Collection

Do the plans incorporate areas to store and aid the collection of waste? Yes No

If Yes, please provide details:

Bins to the front of the Properties.

Have arrangements been made for the separate storage and collection of recyclable waste? Yes No

If Yes, please provide details:

There are two separate bins, one for general waste, and one for recyclablePage waste. 65

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904240 18. Waste Storage and Collection

19. Residential/Dwelling Units Please note: This question has been updated to include the latest information requirements specified by government. Applications created before 23 May 2020 will not have been updated, please read the ‘Help’ to see details of how to workaround this issue.

Does your proposal include the gain, loss or change of use of residential units? Yes No

Please select the proposed housing categories that are relevant to your proposal. Market Housing Social, Affordable or Intermediate Rent Affordable Home Ownership Starter Homes Self-build and Custom Build

Add 'Market Housing - Proposed' residential units

Market Housing - Proposed

Number of bedrooms

1 2 3 4+ Unknown Total

Flats/Maisonettes 4 0 0 0 0 4

Total 4 0 0 0 0 4

Please select the existing housing categories that are relevant to your proposal. Market Housing Social, Affordable or Intermediate Rent Affordable Home Ownership Starter Homes Self-build and Custom Build

Total proposed residential units 4

Total existing residential units 0

Total net gain or loss of residential units 4

20. All Types of Development: Non-Residential Floorspace

Does your proposal involve the loss, gain or change of use of non-residential floorspace? Yes No Note that 'non-residential' in this context covers all uses except Use Class C3 Dwellinghouses.

21. Employment

Are there any existing employees on the site or will the proposed development increase or decrease the number of Yes No employees?

22. Hours of Opening

Are Hours of Opening relevant to this proposal? Yes No

23. Industrial or Commercial Processes and Machinery

Does this proposal involve the carrying out of industrial or commercial activities and processes? Yes No Page 66

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904240 23. Industrial or Commercial Processes and Machinery

Is the proposal for a waste management development? Yes No

If this is a landfill application you will need to provide further information before your application can be determined. Your waste planning authority should make it clear what information it requires on its website

24. Hazardous Substances

Does the proposal involve the use or storage of any hazardous substances? Yes No

25. Trade Effluent

Does the proposal involve the need to dispose of trade effluents or trade waste? Yes No

26. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

27. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

28. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

29. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration Certificate Of Ownership - Certificate A Certificate under Article 14 - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 & Regulation 6 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 I certify/The applicant certifies that on the day 21 days before the date of this application nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner* of any part of the land or building to which the application relates, and that none of the land to which the application relates is, or is part of, an agricultural holding** * 'owner' is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run. ** 'agricultural holding' has the meaning given by reference to the definition of 'agricultural tenant' in section 65(8) of the Act. NOTE: You should sign Certificate B, C or D, as appropriate, if you are the sole owner of the land or building to which the application relates but the land is, or is part of, an agricultural holding.

Person role The applicant The agent


First name Building Page 67

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904240 29. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration

Surname Tectonics Ltd

Declaration date 07/06/2021

Declaration made

30. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 07/06/2021 application)

Page 68

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904240 Agenda Item 6.ix

Reply to: Charlotte Ashby E-mail: Charlotte.Ashby@milton Our Ref: 21/01768/NMA

Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council, Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RA

10th June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015

Application no: 21/01768/NMA

Proposal: Non material amendment to application reference 17/01024/FUL (Demolition of existing garages a nd erection of four flats (two with disabled access) on vacant land at the rear of 59 Aylesbury Street) for the changes to the size and positioning of doors and windows and new opening in wall for wheelchair access to flats 1 & 4

At: Land To The Rear of 5 9 Aylesbury Street Bletchley

I have received the above application which can be viewed via the Council's Public Access system using the link: https://publicaccess2.milton -applications/ b=summary&keyVal=QUDOC0KW0IQ00 .

Please note that this is a notification letter only. Statutory or non -statutory consultation to par ish councils, town councils and local councillors is not usually required for the application type described above, due to the nature of the submission and the timescales involved.

Yours faithfully,

Charlotte Ashby Planning Officer (DM)

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building Page 69 Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building Page 70 Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission. Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address

Number 59


Property name

Address line 1 Aylesbury Street

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Bletchley

Postcode MK2 2BH

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 488198

Northing (y) 234049


2. Applicant Details

Title Mr

First name Anthony

Surname Keller

Company name Building Tectonics Ltd

Address line 1 Tecton Centre

Address line 2 46a Church Street

Address line 3 Fenny Stratford

Town/city Milton Keynes Page 71

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904354 2. Applicant Details


Postcode MK2 2NY

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details


First name Building

Surname Tectonics Ltd

Company name Building Tectonics Ltd

Address line 1 Tecton Centre

Address line 2 Church Street

Address line 3 Fenny Stratford

Town/city Milton Keynes

Country United Kingdom

Postcode MK2 2NY

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Eligibility

Do you, or the person on whose behalf you are making this application, have an interest in the part of the land to which Yes No this amendment relates?

If you are not the sole owner, has notification under article 10 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Yes No Not Applicable Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 been given?

5. Description of Your Proposal

Please provide the description of the approved development as shown on the decision letter

Demolition of existing garages and erection of four flats (two with disabled access) on vacant land at the rear of 59 Aylesbury Street

Reference number: 17/01024/FUL

Date of decision 22/09/2017 Page 72

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904354 5. Description of Your Proposal

What was the original application type? Full planning & listed building consent

For the purpose of calculating fees, which of the following best describes the original application type? Householder development: Development to an existing dwelling-house or development within its curtilage Other: anything not covered by the above category

6. Non-Material Amendment(s) Sought

Please describe the non-material amendment(s) you are seeking to make

Changes to the size and positioning of doors and windows and new opening in wall for wheelchair access to flats 1 & 4.

Are you intending to substitute amended plans or drawings? Yes No

If yes please complete the following

Old plan/drawing numbers

PROPOSED BLOCK PLAN 1:500 received on 7th September 2017 LOCATION PLAN 1:1250 received on 27th April 2017 SITE LAYOUT 1:200 received on 7th September 2017 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR PLANS received on 27th April 2017 PROPOSED STREETSCENE received on 27th April 2017

New plan/drawing numbers

A4LOCATION210607 A3BLOCK210607 A3SITE210607 A1PROPOSED210607

Please state why you wish to make this amendment

To comply with Building Regulations in respect of escape windows.

7. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

8. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

9. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

Page 73

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904354 10. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 07/06/2021 application)

Page 74

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09904354 Agenda Item 6.x

Reply to: Christopher Walton E-mail: christopher.walton@milton Our Ref: 21/01896/DISCON

Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council, Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RA

21st June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015

Application no: 21/01896/DISCON

Proposa l: Approval of details required by condition 2 (handrail detail) of permission ref. 19/03082/PANOTH

At: Bletchley Flyover Buckingham Road Bletchley

I have received the above application which can be viewed via the Council's Public Access system us ing the link: https://publicaccess2.milton -applications/ b=summary&keyV al=QUWI4XKW0KP00 .

Please note that this is a notification letter only. Statutory or non -statutory consultation to parish councils, town councils and local councillors is not usually required for the application type described above, due to the nature o f the submission and the timescales involved.

Yours faithfully,

Christopher Walton Principal Planning Officer (DM)

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building Page 75 Helen Pinder

From: Christopher Walton Sent: 16 June 2021 12:03 To: DC Admin Cc: Elizabeth Verdegem Subject: Fwd: [EXT] Discharge of Condition 2, planning permission 19/03082/PANOTH [Bletchley Flyover, Buckingham Road, Bletchley]

From: Rosillo, Sam Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 10:42:03 AM To: Christopher Walton Cc: Rogers, Joe; Baldock, Jez; Wicken, Trevor; Planning Enquiries Subject: [EXT] Discharge of Condition 2, planning permission 19/03082/PANOTH [Bletchley Flyover, Buckingham Road, Bletchley] CAUTION: This email originated outside of Milton Keynes Council. Please be extra vigilant when opening attachments or clicking on links. Report spam or suspected malicious email via the REPORT MESSAGE icon above.

Dear Chris Discharge of Condition 2, planning permission 19/03082/PANOTH This email applies for the discharge of planning condition 2 relating to planning approval 19/03082/PANOTH, Bletchley Flyover, Buckingham Road, Bletchley. The condition states: “Notwithstanding the approved drawings, the reconstructed spans of the Bletchley Flyover shall not come into use until details of the proposed replacement handrail have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Submitted details shall be inclusive of materials and sectional and elevational drawings made at an identifiable scale. Once approved, the handrail shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and shall remain in situ unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.” Please find attached plans providing the detail requested in the condition wording. When we previously spoke, you requested further detail in relation to how comments previously provided by Milton Keynes Council (MKC) officers had been considered in relat ion to the emerging handrail design. This is provided below:  Presented several options for the handrailing at a meeting on 13/5/20.  This included reviewing some of the colour options and agreement to extend the handrailing to the new station at the north.  MKC gave direction during the meeting of the preference for Option 1 with a dark colour type to lead the eye up and away from the piers  Since then we have undertaken a supplier procurement process and confirmed the handrail type and so we are now in a position to finalise colours too.  We are proposing standard available colours to ensure lifetime maintenance costs for are minimised.  Handrail and balustrade colour proposed to be RAL 7001. I trust the information provided is sufficient to enable discharge of condition 2 at your earliest convenience. Should you require any additional information, please contact me on the contact details below. Kind regards Sam Rosillo Principal Planner

2nd Floor | Phoenix House | Elder Gate | Milton Keynes | MK9 1AW This message and any attachments is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and contains information that may be confidential and/or privileged and may be protected legally from disclosure. If you have received this m essage in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to the message to indicate the error and delete the message (and destroy any copies) without further disclosure or use. Messages sent to/from Page1 76 Alliance may be monitored and East West Rail Alliance accepts no liability for personal content of the sender which is unrelated to East West Rail Alliance's business. References to "East West Rail Alliance" includes all its Alliance partners: Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd, Laing O'Rourke Construction Ltd, SNC-Lavalin's Atkins Business and VolkerRail Group Limited.

Page2 77 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6.xi

Reply to: Joseph Read E-mail: Our Ref: 21/01876/PNHSE

Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council, Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2RA

22nd June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015

Application no: 21/01876/PNHSE

Proposal: Prior Approval of single storey rear extension, with eaves of 3 metres and maximum height of 3.79 metres, extending 6.78 metres from the existing rear wall and 6.78 from the original rear wall (re -submission of 21/01226/PNHSE)

At: 43 Duncombe Street Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2LX

I have received the above application which can be viewed v ia the Council's Public Access system using the link: https://publicaccess2.milton -applications/appl b=summary&keyVal=QUUQ1LKW0KP00 .

Please note that this is a notification letter only. Statutory or non -statutory consultation to parish councils, town councils and local councillors is not usually required for the application type described above, due to the nature of the submission and the timescales involved.

Yours faithfully,

Joseph Read Planning Officer (DM)

Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building Page 79 Planning, Strategic Transport and Placemaking Civic , 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ 01908 691691 www.milton -and -building Page 80 An application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Larger home extension. The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) - Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address

Number 43


Property name

Address line 1 Duncombe Street

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Bletchley

Postcode MK2 2LX

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 487025

Northing (y) 233401


2. Applicant Details

Title MR

First name M. S.

Surname ALI

Company name

Address line 1 43, Duncombe Street

Address line 2

Address line 3 Page 81

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09941298 2. Applicant Details

Town/city Bletchley


Postcode MK2 2LX

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details

Title Mr

First name Mizanur

Surname Rahman

Company name Design Board-Architectural Services

Address line 1 78 Stanley Road

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Wellingborough

Country United Kingdom

Postcode NN8 1EA

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Eligibility

Please indicate the type of dwellinghouse you are proposing to extend: Detached Other

Will the extension be: Yes No • a single storey; • no more than 4 metres in height (measured externally from the natural ground level); and • extend beyond the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse (measured externally) by over 4 but no more than 8 metres. Note that where the proposed extension will be joined to an existing extension, the measurement must represent the total enlargement (i.e. both the existing and proposed extensions) to the original dwellinghouse.

Page 82

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09941298 4. Eligibility

Is the dwellinghouse to be extended within any of the following: Yes No • a conservation area; • an area of outstanding natural beauty; • an area specified by the Secretary of State for the purposes of enhancement and protection of the natural beauty and amenity of the countryside; • the Broads; • a National Park; • a World Heritage Site; • a site of special scientific interest;

5. Description of Proposed Works

Please describe the proposed single-storey rear extension:


Measurements Please provide the measurements as detailed below. Where the proposed extension will be joined to an existing extension, the measurements provided must be in respect to the total enlargement (i.e. both the existing and proposed extensions) to the original dwellinghouse.

How far will the extension extend beyond the 6.78 rear wall of the original dwellinghouse (in metres, measured externally)

What will be the maximum height of the 3.79 extension (in metres, measured externally from the natural ground level)

What will be the height at the eaves of the 3.00 extension (in metres, measured externally from the natural ground level)

6. Adjoining premises Please provide the full addresses of all adjoining premises to the house you are proposing to extend. This should include any premises to the side/front/rear, even if they are not physically 'attached'


Number 41


House Name

Address line 1 DUNCOMBE STREET

Address line 2


Postcode MK2 2LX


Number 45


House Name

Address line 1 DUNCOMBE STREET

Address line 2


Postcode MK2 2LX Page 83

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09941298 6. Adjoining premises


Number 1


House Name

Address line 1 OSBORNE STREET

Address line 2


Postcode MK2 2LU

7. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for prior approval as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 14/06/2021 application)

Page 84

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09941298 Agenda Item 7 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 09:58 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2021

Month No: 2 Cost Centre Report

Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

101 Community Grants 4005 Community Funding 5,276 23,000 17,724 17,724 22.9%

Community Grants :- Indirect Expenditure 5,276 23,000 17,724 0 17,724 22.9%

Net Expenditure (5,276) (23,000) (17,724)

106 Democratic Services 4012 New Equipment 190 0 (190) (190) 0.0% 4522 Councillors Training 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% 4523 Councillor travel expenses 0 300 300 300 0.0% 4530 Chairmans Allowance 45 250 205 205 18.0% 4580 Hall Hire 0 300 300 300 0.0% 4590 IT 58 10,000 9,942 9,942 0.6% 4620 Subscriptions 0 3,250 3,250 3,250 0.0%

Democratic Services :- Indirect Expenditure 293 16,100 15,807 0 15,807 1.8%

Net Expenditure (293) (16,100) (15,807)

107 Planters 4015 Planters 103 1,000 897 897 10.3%

Planters :- Indirect Expenditure 103 1,000 897 0 897 10.3%

Net Expenditure (103) (1,000) (897)

108 Youth Work 4040 Play Sessions 2,232 15,000 12,768 12,768 14.9%

Youth Work :- Indirect Expenditure 2,232 15,000 12,768 0 12,768 14.9%

Net Expenditure (2,232) (15,000) (12,768)

109 Dog Bins 4030 Dog Bin Purchases 0 1,250 1,250 1,250 0.0% 4031 Dog Bin Emptying 1,164 16,000 14,836 14,836 7.3%

Dog Bins :- Indirect Expenditure 1,164 17,250 16,086 0 16,086 6.7%

Net Expenditure (1,164) (17,250) (16,086)

112 Senior Youth Club 4953 Miscellaneous Costs 3,355 30,000 26,645 26,645 11.2%

Senior Youth Club :- Indirect Expenditure 3,355 30,000 26,645 0 26,645 11.2%

Net Expenditure (3,355) (30,000) (26,645)

Page 85 Continued over page 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 2 09:58 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2021

Month No: 2 Cost Centre Report

Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

120 Spotlight 1041 Photocopying Income 1 0 (1) 0.0% 1075 MKC Grants 0 2,395 2,395 0.0%

Spotlight :- Income 1 2,395 2,394 0.0% 4551 Water 20 550 530 530 3.7% 4555 Rates 4,790 4,790 (0) (0) 100.0% 4572 Copier Charges (7) 100 107 107 (6.9%) 4574 Gas 85 1,000 915 915 8.5% 4575 Electricity (200) 1,000 1,200 1,200 (20.0%) 4576 Fire/Intruder Alarm Maint 296 1,000 704 704 29.6% 4577 Telephone/Broadband/Alarms 267 1,125 858 858 23.8% 4579 Fire Extinguishers 0 200 200 200 0.0% 4585 General Maintenance 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 4595 Office Equipment 0 500 500 500 0.0% 4959 Telephone Main Line/Broadband 0 750 750 750 0.0% 4964 Waste/Recycling 89 0 (89) (89) 0.0% 4965 Hygienic Waste 19 600 581 581 3.2%

Spotlight :- Indirect Expenditure 5,361 13,115 7,754 0 7,754 40.9%

Net Income over Expenditure (5,360) (10,720) (5,360)

201 Precept/Grant 1075 MKC Grants 34,241 68,482 34,241 50.0% 1076 Precept 366,074 732,147 366,074 50.0%

Precept/Grant :- Income 400,314 800,629 400,315 50.0%

Net Income 400,314 800,629 400,315

301 Bandstand 4575 Electricity (36) 400 436 436 (9.1%) 4585 General Maintenance 0 750 750 273 477 36.4%

Bandstand :- Indirect Expenditure (36) 1,150 1,186 273 913 20.6%

Net Expenditure 36 (1,150) (1,186)

302 Community Engagement 4100 Licences 0 400 400 400 0.0% 4102 Engagement events 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% 4110 Newsletter/Annual report (1,883) 0 1,883 1,883 0.0% 4591 Website/Social Media 723 1,000 277 2,102 (1,825) 282.5%

Page 86 Continued over page 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 3 09:58 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2021

Month No: 2 Cost Centre Report

Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

4615 Stationery 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 0.0% 4635 Distribution Costs (1,950) 5,000 6,950 6,950 (39.0%)

Community Engagement :- Indirect Expenditure (3,110) 20,400 23,510 2,102 21,408 (4.9%)

Net Expenditure 3,110 (20,400) (23,510)

303 Christmas Lights Overhead Expe 4014 Electrical Works 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% 4111 Xmas Lights Hire 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.0% 4114 Tree supply, install & remove 0 3,100 3,100 3,100 0.0% 4115 Infrastructure costs 0 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0% 4575 Electricity 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0%

Christmas Lights Overhead Expe :- Indirect 0 31,100 31,100 0 31,100 0.0% Expenditure

Net Expenditure 0 (31,100) (31,100)

304 Christmas Event 4100 Licences 0 70 70 70 0.0% 4101 Performances 0 150 150 150 0.0% 4103 Security 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% 4104 First Aid 0 350 350 350 0.0% 4500 Salaries 0 500 500 500 0.0% 4560 Advertising 0 500 500 500 0.0% 4953 Miscellaneous Costs 0 0 0 (265) 265 0.0% 4954 Equipment hire 0 3,500 3,500 3,500 0.0% 4962 Lantern Parade 0 4,550 4,550 4,550 0.0%

Christmas Event :- Indirect Expenditure 0 12,620 12,620 (265) 12,885 (2.1%)

Net Expenditure 0 (12,620) (12,620)

401 Albert Street Toilets 1077 Misc Income 0 500 500 0.0%

Albert Street Toilets :- Income 0 500 500 0.0% 4012 New Equipment 0 250 250 250 0.0% 4525 Staff Uniforms & Equipment 10 0 (10) (10) 0.0% 4551 Water 758 1,250 492 492 60.6% 4552 Plumbing Works 70 1,250 1,180 1,180 5.6% 4555 Rates 5,115 2,340 (2,775) (2,775) 218.6% 4570 Cleaning 1,744 12,300 10,556 10,556 14.2% 4575 Electricity (32) 465 497 497 (6.9%)

Page 87 Continued over page 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 4 09:58 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2021

Month No: 2 Cost Centre Report

Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

4585 General Maintenance 361 1,500 1,139 1,139 24.1% 4964 Waste/Recycling 81 750 669 669 10.8%

Albert Street Toilets :- Indirect Expenditure 8,106 20,105 11,999 0 11,999 40.3%

Net Income over Expenditure (8,106) (19,605) (11,499)

402 Allotments & Community Orchard 1060 Allotment Rents Manor Fields 27 3,700 3,673 0.7% 1061 Allotment Rents Larch Grove 14 710 696 2.0% 1062 Allotment Rents Newton Leys 1,790 750 (1,040) 238.7% 1063 Allotment rent Orchardside 0 1,230 1,230 0.0%

Allotments & Community Orchard :- Income 1,831 6,390 4,559 28.7% 4200 Manor Fields Allotment Costs 173 7,500 7,327 7,327 2.3% 4201 Larch Grove Allotment Costs 179 3,000 2,821 2,821 6.0% 4202 Orchardside Allotment Costs 15 2,500 2,485 2,485 0.6% 4203 Newton Leys Allotment Costs (4,628) 4,500 9,128 4,900 4,228 6.0% 4204 Community Orchard 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0% 4620 Subscriptions 55 60 5 5 91.7%

Allotments & Community Orchard :- Indirect (4,206) 21,560 25,766 4,900 20,866 3.2% Expenditure

Net Income over Expenditure 6,037 (15,170) (21,207)

403 War Memorial 4585 General Maintenance 0 600 600 600 0.0%

War Memorial :- Indirect Expenditure 0 600 600 0 600 0.0%

Net Expenditure 0 (600) (600)

405 The Chapel 4103 Security 110 2,500 2,390 2,390 4.4% 4575 Electricity 51 500 449 449 10.2% 4585 General Maintenance 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0%

The Chapel :- Indirect Expenditure 161 5,000 4,839 0 4,839 3.2%

Net Expenditure (161) (5,000) (4,839)

407 Manor Road Lockup 4585 General Maintenance 0 500 500 500 0.0%

Manor Road Lockup :- Indirect Expenditure 0 500 500 0 500 0.0%

Net Expenditure 0 (500) (500)

Page 88 Continued over page 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 5 09:58 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/05/2021

Month No: 2 Cost Centre Report

Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

408 Fenny Stratford Community Cent 1091 George Street Hire Income 0 5,000 5,000 0.0%

Fenny Stratford Community Cent :- Income 0 5,000 5,000 0.0% 4100 Licences 0 600 600 600 0.0% 4103 Security 338 6,000 5,662 5,662 5.6% 4551 Water (0) 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 4555 Rates 3,328 6,500 3,172 3,172 51.2% 4560 Advertising 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 4570 Cleaning 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% 4574 Gas 80 1,200 1,120 1,120 6.7% 4575 Electricity (45) 1,200 1,245 1,245 (3.8%) 4576 Fire/Intruder Alarm Maint 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 4577 Telephone/Broadband/Alarms 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 4579 Fire Extinguishers 0 200 200 200 0.0% 4581 Health & Safety Advice 0 700 700 700 0.0% 4585 General Maintenance 1,815 12,000 10,185 10,185 15.1% 4964 Waste/Recycling 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 4965 Hygienic Waste 0 500 500 500 0.0% 4968 Renovation Works 4,566 0 (4,566) 44,862 (49,429) 0.0%

Fenny Stratford Community Cent :- Indirect 10,083 38,900 28,817 44,862 (16,045) 141.2% Expenditure

Net Income over Expenditure (10,083) (33,900) (23,817)

409 Professional Fees 4583 Legal Fees 800 3,000 2,200 2,200 26.7% 4594 Prof Financial Advice 0 1,400 1,400 1,157 243 82.6%

Professional Fees :- Indirect Expenditure 800 4,400 3,600 1,157 2,443 44.5%

Net Expenditure (800) (4,400) (3,600)

411 Community Infrastructure Fund 4115 Infrastructure costs 0 6,300 6,300 6,300 0.0%

Community Infrastructure Fund :- Indirect 0 6,300 6,300 0 6,300 0.0% Expenditure

Net Expenditure 0 (6,300) (6,300)

412 Community Projects/Services 4103 Security 0 26,000 26,000 26,000 0.0% 4970 Citizens Advice Bureau 0 8,000 8,000 8,000 0.0%

Community Projects/Services :- Indirect Expenditure 0 34,000 34,000 0 34,000 0.0%

Net Expenditure 0 (34,000) (34,000)

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Month No: 2 Cost Centre Report

Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

415 Well-Being 4953 Miscellaneous Costs 2,722 24,300 21,578 21,578 11.2%

Well-Being :- Indirect Expenditure 2,722 24,300 21,578 0 21,578 11.2%

Net Expenditure (2,722) (24,300) (21,578)

501 Staff Costs 4500 Salaries 37,753 282,575 244,822 244,822 13.4% 4501 Employers NI 3,370 38,995 35,625 35,625 8.6% 4502 Employers Superann 7,231 70,926 63,696 63,696 10.2% 4510 Payroll Costs 212 1,000 788 788 21.2% 4520 Staff Travel 0 350 350 350 0.0% 4521 Training (928) 7,000 7,928 7,928 (13.3%) 4525 Staff Uniforms & Equipment 451 1,500 1,049 1,049 30.1% 4527 Staff Cover 0 500 500 500 0.0% 4528 HR Advisory Services 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.0% 4529 Agency Services - Staff 0 560 560 560 0.0% 4560 Advertising 242 1,500 1,258 1,258 16.1%

Staff Costs :- Indirect Expenditure 48,331 407,406 359,075 0 359,075 11.9%

Net Expenditure (48,331) (407,406) (359,075)

502 74/76 Queensway/Library 1079 Rent 74-76 Queensway 7,838 0 (7,838) 0.0%

74/76 Queensway/Library :- Income 7,838 0 (7,838) 4550 Queensway Rent 0 38,100 38,100 38,100 0.0% 4551 Water 0 660 660 660 0.0% 4553 Library Rent 7,313 28,500 21,187 21,187 25.7% 4555 Rates 10,880 11,070 190 190 98.3% 4575 Electricity 0 4,400 4,400 4,400 0.0% 4576 Fire/Intruder Alarm Maint 0 1,100 1,100 1,100 0.0% 4577 Telephone/Broadband/Alarms 473 1,000 527 527 47.3%

74/76 Queensway/Library :- Indirect Expenditure 18,667 84,830 66,163 0 66,163 22.0%

Net Income over Expenditure (10,828) (84,830) (74,002)

503 Council Support Services 1090 Bank Interest Received 37 2,500 2,463 1.5%

Council Support Services :- Income 37 2,500 2,463 1.5% 4011 Equipment Maintenance 0 700 700 700 0.0%

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Month No: 2 Cost Centre Report

Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

4012 New Equipment 135 1,500 1,365 1,365 9.0% 4013 Electrical Testing 0 100 100 100 0.0% 4021 Bank Charges 25 500 475 475 5.0% 4551 Water 950 1,000 50 50 95.0% 4572 Copier Charges (590) 2,000 2,590 2,590 (29.5%) 4577 Telephone/Broadband/Alarms 1,168 5,500 4,332 4,332 21.2% 4578 Mobile Phones 253 1,450 1,197 1,197 17.5% 4581 Health & Safety Advice 0 2,200 2,200 2,200 0.0% 4585 General Maintenance 7 500 493 493 1.3% 4588 Insurance 8,743 9,000 257 257 97.1% 4590 IT 2,305 30,000 27,695 27,695 7.7% 4591 Website/Social Media 0 300 300 300 0.0% 4592 Worldpay 33 1,200 1,167 1,167 2.7% 4596 Audit Fees (1,375) 2,250 3,625 3,625 (61.1%) 4610 Postage 9 200 191 191 4.4% 4615 Stationery 150 1,000 850 850 15.0% 4620 Subscriptions 240 700 460 460 34.3% 4964 Waste/Recycling 73 800 727 727 9.1%

Council Support Services :- Indirect Expenditure 12,125 60,900 48,775 0 48,775 19.9%

Net Income over Expenditure (12,088) (58,400) (46,312)

504 Town Council Vehicle 4588 Insurance 1,168 3,000 1,832 1,832 38.9% 4650 Fuel 150 1,500 1,350 1,350 10.0% 4651 Road Fund Licence 0 320 320 320 0.0% 4652 Vehicle Maintenance 315 1,000 685 685 31.5% 4654 MOT 0 150 150 150 0.0% 4655 Breakdown subscription 240 150 (90) (90) 160.1%

Town Council Vehicle :- Indirect Expenditure 1,873 6,120 4,247 0 4,247 30.6%

Net Expenditure (1,873) (6,120) (4,247)

611 Neighbourhood Plan 1000 Grants Received 0 10,000 10,000 0.0%

Neighbourhood Plan :- Income 0 10,000 10,000 0.0% 4589 Neighbourhood Plan 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0%

Neighbourhood Plan :- Indirect Expenditure 0 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0.0%

Net Income over Expenditure 0 0 0

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Month No: 2 Cost Centre Report

Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

622 Newton Leys Pavilion 1085 Newton Leys Hire Income 10 0 (10) 0.0% 1088 N Leys Pavilion hire income 5,985 50,000 44,015 12.0%

Newton Leys Pavilion :- Income 5,995 50,000 44,005 12.0% 4011 Equipment Maintenance 3,170 4,500 1,330 3,200 (1,870) 141.6% 4012 New Equipment 8 500 492 492 1.7% 4014 Electrical Works 0 500 500 500 0.0% 4100 Licences 0 600 600 600 0.0% 4103 Security 1,366 6,500 5,134 5,134 21.0% 4551 Water (1,000) 2,500 3,500 3,500 (40.0%) 4555 Rates 14,845 16,500 1,655 1,655 90.0% 4570 Cleaning 420 13,000 12,580 12,580 3.2% 4571 Window Cleaning 33 300 267 267 11.0% 4573 Sanitary disposal 0 600 600 600 0.0% 4574 Gas 407 5,800 5,393 5,393 7.0% 4575 Electricity 291 2,000 1,709 1,709 14.6% 4576 Fire/Intruder Alarm Maint 201 1,800 1,599 1,599 11.2% 4577 Telephone/Broadband/Alarms 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% 4579 Fire Extinguishers 0 500 500 500 0.0% 4581 Health & Safety Advice 0 900 900 900 0.0% 4585 General Maintenance (77) 3,000 3,077 93 2,984 0.5% 4590 IT 0 150 150 150 0.0% 4964 Waste/Recycling 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.0%

Newton Leys Pavilion :- Indirect Expenditure 19,665 67,150 47,485 3,293 44,192 34.2%

Net Income over Expenditure (13,670) (17,150) (3,480)

700 Market 1050 Market Income 200 2,500 2,300 8.0%

Market :- Income 200 2,500 2,300 8.0% 4555 Rates 1,647 1,700 53 53 96.9% 4575 Electricity 181 1,500 1,319 1,319 12.1% 4620 Subscriptions 0 360 360 360 0.0%

Market :- Indirect Expenditure 1,828 3,560 1,732 0 1,732 51.4%

Net Income over Expenditure (1,628) (1,060) 568

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Month No: 2 Cost Centre Report

Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % Spent To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available

Grand Totals:- Income 416,217 879,914 463,697 47.3% Expenditure 134,792 976,366 841,574 56,321 785,253 19.6% Net Income over Expenditure 281,425 (96,452) (377,877)

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve 281,425

Page 93 This page is intentionally left blank 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 09:37 Earmarked Reserves

Account Opening Balance Net Transfers Closing Balance 311 Regeneration 0.00 0.00 312 EMR - Elections 10,000.00 10,000.00 313 EMR - Lakes Estate 4,478.55 4,478.55 314 EMR - Devolved Services 264,740.00 264,740.00 315 EMR - Fenny Stratford CC 40,000.00 40,000.00 316 EMR - Repairs,Maint' & Equip 88,825.97 88,825.97 317 EMR - IT 22,305.00 22,305.00 318 EMR - Newton Leys Pavilion 52,447.40 52,447.40 319 EMR - Bandstand 6,500.00 6,500.00 320 EMR - Property & Premises 466,935.27 466,935.27 321 EMR - Sport England 14,640.00 14,640.00 322 EMR - Neighbourhood Plan Fund 16,565.95 16,565.95 325 EMR - S106 Newton leys Pavilio 63,844.19 63,844.19 326 EMR - S106 Newton Leys Allotme 69,489.00 69,489.00 350 EMR - Repairs & Renewals 0.00 0.00 351 EMR - New/Add. Build Wrk/R & R 0.00 0.00 352 EMR - Improvements Aylesbury S 0.00 0.00 353 EMR - Climate Change 50,000.00 50,000.00

1,170,771.33 0.00 1,170,771.33

Page 95 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 8 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council

Bank - Cash and Investment Reconciliation as at 31 May 2021

Account Description Balance Bank Statement Balances 1 31/05/2021 Unity Trust Bank Current A/C 45,505.24 2 31/05/2021 Unity Trust Bank Reserve a/c 774,939.24 3 31/05/2021 Council Petty Cash 353.35 4 31/05/2021 Multipay Card -789.78 820,008.05

Other Cash & Bank Balances CCLA - Parish Savings Dep Fund 945,259.94 Nationwide account 151,792.34 1,097,052.28

1,917,060.33 Receipts not on Bank Statement 0 31/05/2021 All Receipts Cleared 0.00 0.00

Closing Balance 1,917,060.33 All Cash & Bank Accounts 1 Unity Trust Bank Current A/C 45,505.24 2 Unity Trust Bank Deposit A/C 774,939.24 3 Council Petty Cash 353.35 4 Multipay Card -789.78 Other Cash & Bank Balances 1,097,052.28 Total Cash & Bank Balances 1,917,060.33

Page 97 This page is intentionally left blank Date:02/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 Time:09:42 User: AB Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 31/05/2021 for Cashbook 1 - Unity Trust Bank Current A/C

Bank Statement Account Name (s) Statement Date Page No Balances

Unity Trust Bank Current A/C 31/05/2021 59 45,505.24

45,505.24 Unpresented Cheques (Minus) Amount

0.00 0.00

45,505.24 Receipts not Banked/Cleared (Plus)

0.00 0.00 45,505.24

Balance per Cash Book is :- 45,505.24

Difference is :- 0.00

Page 99 This page is intentionally left blank Date:02/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 Time: 09:42 Bank Reconciliation up to 31/05/2021 for Cashbook No 1 - Unity Trust Bank Current A/C

Date Cheque/Ref Amnt Paid Amnt Banked Stat Amnt Difference Cleared Payee Name or Description

04/05/2021 581224564 3,150.00 3,150.00 R MK Roofing and Building 04/05/2021 869214621 45.06 45.06 R British Gas Business 04/05/2021 261571242 672.00 672.00 R Rialtas Business Solutions 04/05/2021 DD01 810.00 810.00 R BT Telephone Payment Services 04/05/2021 DD02 200.24 200.24 R Trade UK Ltd 04/05/2021 DD02A 498.02 498.02 R Trade UK 04/05/2021 DD05 479.00 479.00 R MK Council 04/05/2021 DD04 165.00 165.00 R MK Council 04/05/2021 DD03 511.00 511.00 R MK Council 04/05/2021 BACS 25.00 25.00 R Facebook Advertising 04/05/2021 04/05/21 50,000.00 50,000.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 04/05/2021 mv-2804 90.00 90.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 04/05/2021 04/05/2021 120.00 120.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 04/05/2021 Miscoding 25.00 25.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 06/05/2021 DD06 155.62 155.62 R Vodafone Ltd 06/05/2021 06/05/2021 90.00 90.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 07/05/2021 712743756 666.00 666.00 R MK Council 07/05/2021 435817786 2,176.00 2,176.00 R MK Council 07/05/2021 121348046 2,970.00 2,970.00 R MK Council 07/05/2021 767469161 87.72 87.72 R Shred-It 07/05/2021 MV-0405 16.25 16.25 R Receipt(s) Banked 10/05/2021 534526177 86.52 86.52 R Total Gas & Power Ltd 10/05/2021 DD07 179.63 179.63 R Fuelcard Services Ltd 10/05/2021 MV-1005 23.75 23.75 R Receipt(s) Banked 11/05/2021 164578620 53.73 53.73 R NPower 11/05/2021 11/05/2021 2,227.50 2,227.50 R Receipt(s) Banked 11/05/2021 MV-0605 7.50 7.50 R Receipt(s) Banked 12/05/2021 MV-0705 435.33 435.33 R Receipt(s) Banked 13/05/2021 964646755 103.20 103.20 R Eastern Shires Purchasing Orga 13/05/2021 BACS 2.10 2.10 R Carrara 14/05/2021 845374885 241.20 241.20 R Alexander Systems 14/05/2021 NLP1444 15.00 15.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 14/05/2021 MV-1105 10.00 10.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 17/05/2021 DD08 456.30 456.30 R BT Telephone Payment Services 17/05/2021 MV-1205 642.75 642.75 R Receipt(s) Banked 17/05/2021 17/05/2021 80.00 80.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 18/05/2021 577125259 534.00 534.00 R Auditing Solutions Ltd 18/05/2021 587683454 546.23 546.23 R Securitas Security Serves (UK) 18/05/2021 DD09 488.60 488.60 R British Gas Business 18/05/2021 DD10 144.90 144.90 R British Gas Business 18/05/2021 MV-1305 24.00 24.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 19/05/2021 DD09 39.78 39.78 R PHS Group plc 19/05/2021 DD10 41.40 41.40 R Worldpay Ltd 19/05/2021 DD11 26.50 26.50 R Worldpay Ltd 19/05/2021 DD12 30.00 30.00 R Worldpay Ltd

Page 101 Date:02/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 2 Time: 09:42 Bank Reconciliation up to 31/05/2021 for Cashbook No 1 - Unity Trust Bank Current A/C

Date Cheque/Ref Amnt Paid Amnt Banked Stat Amnt Difference Cleared Payee Name or Description

19/05/2021 DD13 1,158.05 1,158.05 R Wave - Anglian Water Business 19/05/2021 MV-1505 644.85 644.85 R Receipt(s) Banked 20/05/2021 BACS 4,598.64 4,598.64 R Bucks Pension 20/05/2021 BACS 5,155.04 5,155.04 R HMRC 20/05/2021 BACS 14,484.12 14,484.12 R May 2021 Net Pay 20/05/2021 MV-1705 7.50 7.50 R Receipt(s) Banked 21/05/2021 721593369 15.68 15.68 R CSR Digital Ltd 21/05/2021 742314045 22.20 22.20 R InspireAll Leisure and Family 21/05/2021 277383190 541.18 541.18 R Speedstitch 21/05/2021 841144275 571.99 571.99 R Microshade VSM 21/05/2021 531482196 39.35 39.35 R British Gas Business 21/05/2021 700133949 2,700.00 2,700.00 R West Bletchley Wellbeing Couns 21/05/2021 394490444 5,000.00 5,000.00 R Fenny Festival Community Group 21/05/2021 602660680 70.00 70.00 R Leaky Lees 21/05/2021 464713400 42.88 42.88 R NPower 21/05/2021 27253396 180.00 180.00 R Eastern Shires Purchasing Orga 21/05/2021 MV-1805 86.80 86.80 R Receipt(s) Banked 24/05/2021 58602405 2,092.34 2,092.34 R Support Maintenance Service Lt 24/05/2021 DD14 23.94 23.94 R Worldpay Ltd 24/05/2021 DD15 13.60 13.60 R E-on 24/05/2021 24/05/2021 1,107.39 1,107.39 R Multipay Card 24/05/2021 927667454 35,000.00 35,000.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 24/05/2021 24/05/2021 146.25 146.25 R Receipt(s) Banked 24/05/2021 MV-1905 23.40 23.40 R Receipt(s) Banked 25/05/2021 DD17 12.00 12.00 R Wave - Anglian Water Business 25/05/2021 215413498 5,034.00 5,034.00 R South East Security 25/05/2021 633167283 90.00 90.00 R Rialtas Business Solutions 25/05/2021 262063362 232.80 232.80 R Ambivent 25/05/2021 MV-2005 180.00 180.00 R Receipt(s) Banked 25/05/2021 MV-2005 45.90 45.90 R Receipt(s) Banked 28/05/2021 DD19 170.80 170.80 R Payroll Options 28/05/2021 DD18 975.44 975.44 R ACS Office Solutions 28/05/2021 386726097 25.54 25.54 R Konica Minolta Business Sol. ( 28/05/2021 685381701 1,396.80 1,396.80 R Marcus Young 28/05/2021 869495817 60.00 60.00 R Home Counties Toilet Hire 28/05/2021 37979022 154.22 154.22 R Konica Minolta Business Sol. ( 28/05/2021 945977687 2,970.00 2,970.00 R MK Council 28/05/2021 981368835 2,176.00 2,176.00 R MK Council 28/05/2021 773422766 666.00 666.00 R MK Council 28/05/2021 618136601 8,742.74 8,742.74 R Zurich Municipal 28/05/2021 67050505` 9,597.60 9,597.60 R Crimewave Ltd 28/05/2021 DD 9.40 9.40 R BACS CHARGE 28/05/2021 MV-2505 13.86 13.86 R Receipt(s) Banked 28/05/2021 458225672 25,000.00 25,000.00 R Receipt(s) Banked

Page 102 Date:02/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 3 Time: 09:42 Bank Reconciliation up to 31/05/2021 for Cashbook No 1 - Unity Trust Bank Current A/C

Date Cheque/Ref Amnt Paid Amnt Banked Stat Amnt Difference Cleared Payee Name or Description

85,714.49 114,955.64

Page 103 This page is intentionally left blank

Statement of your account

06152471 | 03608 Mrs Delia Shephard PO Box 7193, Planetary Road, Willenhall WV1 9DG Bletchley Library Westfield Road Bletchley To learn more about our convenient and MILTON KEYNES easy to use Internet Banking service, MK2 2RA call us today on 0345 140 1000.

If your name and address are incorrect or have changed, please visit For foreign payments - | Swift Code (BIC): NWBKGB2L 00002 | IBAN Number: GB93NWBK60023571418024 00001

| Contact us Tel: 0345 140 1000 03608 | Email: [email protected] Web: 06152471

Name of account: Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council Date: 31 May 2021 Statement 072 (page 1 of 3) Account number: 20375171 Bank sort code: 608301 Type of account: Current T2

Date Details Payments Receipts Balance 30 APR 21 Balance brought forward 16,264.09 * 4 MAY 21 Direct Debit (BT DIRECT DEBITS) 810.00 4 MAY 21 Direct Debit (SCREWFIX DIRECT L 698.26 4 MAY 21 Direct Debit (MK COUNCIL NDR) 511.00 4 MAY 21 Direct Debit (MK COUNCIL NDR) 165.00 4 MAY 21 Direct Debit (MK COUNCIL NDR) 479.00 4 MAY 21 B/P to: RBS 672.00 4 MAY 21 B/P to: William Bowers 3,150.00 4 MAY 21 B/P to: British Gas 45.06 4 MAY 21 MV 92786263 2804 90.00 4 MAY 21 Transfer from 20375184 50,000.00 4 MAY 21 BABY COLLEGE MILTON KEYNES BUCK 120.00 59,943.77 * 6 MAY 21 Direct Debit (VODAFONE LTD) 155.62 6 MAY 21 AGUILAR RA 90.00 59,878.15 * 7 MAY 21 B/P to: Milton Keynes Coun 2,176.00 7 MAY 21 B/P to: Milton Keynes Coun 2,970.00 7 MAY 21 B/P to: ShredIt 87.72 7 MAY 21 B/P to: Milton Keynes Coun 666.00 7 MAY 21 MV 92786263 0405 16.25 53,994.68 * 10 MAY 21 Direct Debit (FUEL CARD SERVICE 179.63 10 MAY 21 B/P to: Total Gas Power 86.52 53,728.53 * 11 MAY 21 B/P to: Npower Ltd 53.73 11 MAY 21 MV 92786263 0605 7.50 11 MAY 21 BUTTONS PRES 2,227.50 55,909.80 * 12 MAY 21 MV 92786263 0705 435.33 56,345.13 * Balance carried forward, cont. overleaf 56,345.13 * S

You can ask us to send you details of our rates and how we work them out. Abbreviations: * credit balance DR overdrawnPage 105 S sub total (intermediate balance) Registered Office : Unity Trust Bank plc, Four Brindleyplace, Birmingham, B1 2JB. Registered in England and Wales Number 1713124

Name of account: Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council Date: 31 May 2021 Statement 072 (page 2 of 3) Account number: 20375171 Bank sort code: 608301 Type of account: Current T2

Date Details Payments Receipts Balance

Balance brought forward 56,345.13 * 13 MAY 21 B/P to: ESPO 103.20 13 MAY 21 MV 92786263 1005 21.65 56,263.58 * 14 MAY 21 B/P to: Alexander Systems 241.20 14 MAY 21 ESTHEPHANY BUDIER LAUREANO 15.00 14 MAY 21 MV 92786263 1105 10.00 56,047.38 * 17 MAY 21 Direct Debit (BT GROUP PLC) 456.30 17 MAY 21 MV 92786263 1205 642.75 17 MAY 21 FREESTYLE MARTIA 80.00 56,313.83 * 18 MAY 21 Direct Debit (BG BUSINESS) 488.60 18 MAY 21 Direct Debit (BG BUSINESS) 144.90 18 MAY 21 B/P to: Auditing Solutions 534.00 18 MAY 21 B/P to: Securitas SS Ltd 546.23 18 MAY 21 MV 92786263 1305 24.00 54,624.10 * 19 MAY 21 Direct Debit (PERSONNEL HYGIENE 39.78 19 MAY 21 Direct Debit (WORLDPAY) 41.40 19 MAY 21 Direct Debit (WORLDPAY) 26.50 19 MAY 21 Direct Debit (WORLDPAY) 30.00 19 MAY 21 Direct Debit (ANGLIAN WATER BUS 1,158.05 19 MAY 21 MV 92786263 1505 644.85 53,973.22 * 20 MAY 21 Direct Debit (AA102) 14,484.12 20 MAY 21 B/P to: Bucks C C Pensions 4,598.64 20 MAY 21 B/P to: HMRC Cumbernauld 5,155.04 20 MAY 21 MV 92786263 1705 7.50 29,742.92 * 21 MAY 21 B/P to: Microshade Busines 571.99 21 MAY 21 B/P to: Fenny Festival Com 5,000.00 21 MAY 21 B/P to: ESPO 180.00 21 MAY 21 B/P to: WB Wellbeing 2,700.00 21 MAY 21 B/P to: Speedstitch 541.18 21 MAY 21 B/P to: Npower Ltd 42.88 21 MAY 21 B/P to: CSR Digital Ltd 15.68 21 MAY 21 B/P to: British Gas 39.35 21 MAY 21 B/P to: INSPIREALL 22.20 21 MAY 21 B/P to: Lee Sweet 70.00 21 MAY 21 MV 92786263 1805 86.80 20,646.44 * 24 MAY 21 Direct Debit (WORLDPAY) 23.94 24 MAY 21 Direct Debit (E.ON) 13.60 24 MAY 21 Direct Debit (LLOYDS BANK PLC) 1,107.39 24 MAY 21 B/P to: SMS Cleaning 2,092.34 24 MAY 21 LAURA REYNOLDS 146.25 24 MAY 21 MV 92786263 1905 23.40 24 MAY 21 Transfer from 20375184 35,000.00 52,578.82 * 25 MAY 21 Direct Debit (ANGLIAN WATER BUS 12.00 25 MAY 21 B/P to: South East Securit 5,034.00 25 MAY 21 B/P to: RBS 90.00 25 MAY 21 B/P to: Ambivent Mechanica 232.80 25 MAY 21 MV 92786263 2005 225.90 47,435.92 * 28 MAY 21 Bacs Charge 9.40 28 MAY 21 Direct Debit (ACS SYSTEMS UK LT 975.44 28 MAY 21 Direct Debit (PAYROLL OPTIONS) 170.80 Balance carried forward, cont. overleaf 46,280.28 * S

You can ask us to send you details of our rates and how we work them out. Abbreviations: * credit balance DR overdrawn S sub total (intermediate balance) Page 106 Registered Office : Unity Trust Bank plc, Four Brindleyplace, Birmingham, B1 2JB. Registered in England and Wales Number 1713124

Name of account: Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council Date: 31 May 2021 Statement 072 (page 3 of 3) Account number: 20375171 Bank sort code: 608301 Type of account: Current T2

Date Details Payments Receipts Balance

Balance brought forward 46,280.28 * 28 MAY 21 B/P to: CRIMEWAVE 9,597.60 28 MAY 21 B/P to: Milton Keynes Coun 2,176.00 28 MAY 21 B/P to: Konica Minolta 25.54 28 MAY 21 B/P to: Konica Minolta 154.22 28 MAY 21 B/P to: Milton Keynes Coun 2,970.00 28 MAY 21 B/P to: Marcus Young 1,396.80 28 MAY 21 B/P to: Milton Keynes Coun 666.00 28 MAY 21 B/P to: Zurich Insurance 8,742.74 28 MAY 21 B/P to: Home Counties 60.00 | 28 MAY 21 MV 92786263 2505 13.86 28 MAY 21 Transfer from 20375184 25,000.00 45,505.24 * 00002 | Balance carried forward 45,505.24 * 00002 | 03608 | 06152471

You can ask us to send you details of our rates and how we work them out. Abbreviations: * credit balance DR overdrawn S sub total (intermediate balance) Page 107 Registered Office : Unity Trust Bank plc, Four Brindleyplace, Birmingham, B1 2JB. Registered in England and Wales Number 1713124


Page 108 Date:02/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 Time:09:40 User: AB Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 31/05/2021 for Cashbook 2 - Unity Trust Bank Deposit A/C

Bank Statement Account Name (s) Statement Date Page No Balances

Unity Trust Bank Reserve a/c 31/05/2021 37 774,939.24

774,939.24 Unpresented Cheques (Minus) Amount

0.00 0.00

774,939.24 Receipts not Banked/Cleared (Plus)

0.00 0.00 774,939.24

Balance per Cash Book is :- 774,939.24

Difference is :- 0.00

Page 109 This page is intentionally left blank Date:02/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 Time: 09:40 Bank Reconciliation up to 31/05/2021 for Cashbook No 2 - Unity Trust Bank Deposit A/C

Date Cheque/Ref Amnt Paid Amnt Banked Stat Amnt Difference Cleared Payee Name or Description

04/05/2021 04/05/21 50,000.00 50,000.00 R Unity Trust Bank Current A/C 13/05/2021 13/05/2021 9,597.60 9,597.60 R Receipt(s) Banked 24/05/2021 927667454 35,000.00 35,000.00 R Unity Trust Bank Current A/C 28/05/2021 458225672 25,000.00 25,000.00 R Unity Trust Bank Current A/C

110,000.00 9,597.60

Page 111 This page is intentionally left blank

Statement of your account

06152471 | 03609 Mrs Delia Shephard PO Box 7193, Planetary Road, Willenhall WV1 9DG Bletchley Library Westfield Road Bletchley To learn more about our convenient and MILTON KEYNES easy to use Internet Banking service, MK2 2RA call us today on 0345 140 1000.

If your name and address are incorrect or have changed, please visit For foreign payments - | Swift Code (BIC): NWBKGB2L 00001 | IBAN Number: GB93NWBK60023571418024 00001

| Contact us Tel: 0345 140 1000 03609 | Email: [email protected] Web: 06152471

Name of account: Bletchley And Fenny Stratford Town Council Reserve Account Date: 31 May 2021 Statement 054 (page 1 of 1) Account number: 20375184 Bank sort code: 608301 Type of account: Instant Access

Date Details Payments Receipts Balance 30 APR 21 Balance brought forward 875,341.64 * 4 MAY 21 Transfer to 20375171 50,000.00 825,341.64 * 13 MAY 21 MKCOUNCIL FINANCE 9,597.60 834,939.24 * 24 MAY 21 Transfer to 20375171 35,000.00 799,939.24 * 28 MAY 21 Transfer to 20375171 25,000.00 774,939.24 * Balance carried forward 774,939.24 *

You can ask us to send you details of our rates and how we work them out. Abbreviations: * credit balance DR overdrawnPage 113 S sub total (intermediate balance) Registered Office : Unity Trust Bank plc, Four Brindleyplace, Birmingham, B1 2JB. Registered in England and Wales Number 1713124


Page 114 Date:02/06/21 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 Time:12:15 User: AB Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 31/05/21 for Cashbook 4 - Multipay Card

Bank Statement Account Name (s) Statement Date Page No Balances

Multipay Card 31/05/21 -789.78

-789.78 Unpresented Cheques (Minus) Amount

0.00 0.00

-789.78 Receipts not Banked/Cleared (Plus)

0.00 0.00 -789.78

Balance per Cash Book is :- -789.78

Difference is :- 0.00

Page 115 This page is intentionally left blank Date:02/06/21 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 Time: 12:16 Bank Reconciliation up to 31/05/21 for Cashbook No 4 - Multipay Card

Date Cheque/Ref Amnt Paid Amnt Banked Stat Amnt Difference Cleared Payee Name or Description

01/05/21 BACS 220.01 220.01 R Indeed 04/05/21 Miscoding 25.00 25.00 R Unity Trust Bank Current A/C 10/05/21 BACS 3.00 3.00 R Monthly Fee 10/05/21 BACS 51.00 51.00 R Horton Automatics 10/05/21 BACS 31.98 31.98 R Max Tech LLC 10/05/21 BACS 91.47 91.47 R National Lighting 10/05/21 BACS 22.98 22.98 R New City Heating 11/05/21 BACS 18.75 18.75 R Aktraders2019 11/05/21 BACS 17.96 17.96 R Amazon 11/05/21 BACS 45.00 45.00 R Floral Art Design 12/05/21 BACS 46.06 46.06 R M & J Engineers 13/05/21 BACS 16.97 16.97 R Amazon 13/05/21 BACS 43.65 43.65 R Plastor Amazon 17/05/21 BACS 18.48 18.48 R Facebook 19/05/21 BACS 16.88 16.88 R Amazon 24/05/21 BACS 32.52 32.52 R Partsworld 24/05/21 BACS 21.36 21.36 R Amazon 24/05/21 BACS 60.00 60.00 R Turentek 24/05/21 24/05/2021 1,107.39 1,107.39 R Receipt(s) Banked 25/05/21 BACS 6.19 6.19 R Alltrade Direct 25/05/21 BACS 71.21 71.21 R National Lighting 25/05/21 BACS 116.50 116.50 R Sid Telfers 25/05/21 BACS 14.50 14.50 R Wickes 26/05/21 26/05/2021 12.92 12.92 R Receipt(s) Banked 27/05/21 BACS 29.50 29.50 R James Hamilton 27/05/21 BACS 20.28 20.28 R Amazon 29/05/21 BACS 9.46 9.46 R Hope Education

1,050.71 1,120.31

Page 117 This page is intentionally left blank Date:02/06/21 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 Time:12:37 User: AB Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 31/05/21 for Cashbook 3 - Council Petty Cash

Bank Statement Account Name (s) Statement Date Page No Balances

Council Petty Cash 31/05/21 0 353.35

353.35 Unpresented Cheques (Minus) Amount

0.00 0.00

353.35 Receipts not Banked/Cleared (Plus)

0.00 0.00 353.35

Balance per Cash Book is :- 353.35

Difference is :- 0.00

Page 119 This page is intentionally left blank Date:02/06/21 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 Time: 12:37 Bank Reconciliation up to 31/05/21 for Cashbook No 3 - Council Petty Cash

Date Cheque/Ref Amnt Paid Amnt Banked Stat Amnt Difference Cleared Payee Name or Description

04/05/21 BACS 6.85 6.85 R Post Office 19/05/21 BACS 18.00 18.00 R The Sole Man 20/05/21 20/05/2021 1.00 1.00 R Receipt(s) Banked

24.85 1.00

Page 121 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 09:57 Detailed Balance Sheet - Excluding Stock Movement Month 2 Date 31/05/2021

A/c Description Actual

Current Assets 101 Debtors 12,969 105 Vat Control 6,643 150 Accrued Income 10,000 205 Nationwide account 151,792 209 Unity Trust Bank Current A/C 45,505 210 Unity Trust Bank Deposit A/C 774,939 211 CCLA - Parish Savings Dep Fund 945,260 212 Multipay Card (790) 220 Council Petty Cash 353

Total Current Assets 1,946,672

Current Liabilities 501 Creditors 36,808 515 Payroll Control Account 9,840 565 Holding Deposits 497 566 Damage Deposits 2,449

Total Current Liabilities 49,594

Net Current Assets 1,897,079

Total Assets less Current Liabilities 1,897,079

Represented by :- 300 Current Year Fund 281,425 310 General Reserve 444,882 312 EMR - Elections 10,000 313 EMR - Lakes Estate 4,479 314 EMR - Devolved Services 264,740 315 EMR - Fenny Stratford CC 40,000 316 EMR - Repairs,Maint' & Equip 88,826 317 EMR - IT 22,305 318 EMR - Newton Leys Pavilion 52,447 319 EMR - Bandstand 6,500 320 EMR - Property & Premises 466,935 321 EMR - Sport England 14,640 322 EMR - Neighbourhood Plan Fund 16,566 325 EMR - S106 Newton leys Pavilio 63,844 326 EMR - S106 Newton Leys Allotme 69,489 353 EMR - Climate Change 50,000

Total Equity 1,897,079

Page 123 This page is intentionally left blank 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council 10:07 Cashbook transactions totalling £500.00 or more for the period 01/05/2021 to 31/05/2021

Payments Cb No Bank Account Name Month Date Payment Ref Payee Name Amount 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 04/05/2021 581224564 MK Roofing and Building 3,150.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 07/05/2021 712743756 MK Council 666.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 07/05/2021 435817786 MK Council 2,176.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 07/05/2021 121348046 MK Council 2,970.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 04/05/2021 261571242 Rialtas Business Solutions 672.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 18/05/2021 577125259 Auditing Solutions Ltd 534.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 18/05/2021 587683454 Securitas Security Serves (UK) 546.23 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 24/05/2021 58602405 Support Maintenance Service Lt 2,092.34 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 20/05/2021 BACS Bucks Pension 4,598.64 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 20/05/2021 BACS HMRC 5,155.04 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 04/05/2021 DD01 BT Telephone Payment Services 810.00 2 Unity Trust Bank Deposit 2 04/05/2021 04/05/21 Unity Trust Bank Current A/C 50,000.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 04/05/2021 DD03 MK Council 511.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 19/05/2021 DD13 Wave - Anglian Water Business 1,158.05 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 21/05/2021 277383190 Speedstitch 541.18 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 21/05/2021 841144275 Microshade VSM 571.99 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 21/05/2021 700133949 West Bletchley Wellbeing Couns 2,700.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 28/05/2021 685381701 Marcus Young 1,396.80 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 21/05/2021 394490444 Fenny Festival Community Group 5,000.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 20/05/2021 BACS May 2021 Net Pay 14,484.12 2 Unity Trust Bank Deposit 2 24/05/2021 927667454 Unity Trust Bank Current A/C 35,000.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 24/05/2021 24/05/2021 Multipay Card 1,107.39 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 25/05/2021 215413498 South East Security 5,034.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 28/05/2021 945977687 MK Council 2,970.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 28/05/2021 981368835 MK Council 2,176.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 28/05/2021 773422766 MK Council 666.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 28/05/2021 618136601 Zurich Municipal 8,742.74 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 28/05/2021 67050505` Crimewave Ltd 9,597.60 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 28/05/2021 DD18 ACS Office Solutions 975.44 2 Unity Trust Bank Deposit 2 28/05/2021 458225672 Unity Trust Bank Current A/C 25,000.00

Receipts Cb No Bank Account Name Month Date Banked Amount Banked 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 04/05/2021 50,000.00 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 11/05/2021 2,227.50 2 Unity Trust Bank Deposit 2 13/05/2021 9,597.60 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 17/05/2021 642.75 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 19/05/2021 644.85 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 24/05/2021 35,000.00 4 Multipay Card 2 24/05/2021 1,107.39 1 Unity Trust Bank Current 2 28/05/2021 25,000.00

Page 125 This page is intentionally left blank 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council 10:06 Invoices totalling £500.00 or more for the period 01/05/2021 to 31/05/2021

Ledger Month Invoice Date Date Due Date Paid Invoice Number A/c Code Customer Name Net Value Vat Amnt Invoice Total

1 2 01/05/2021 31/05/2021 1917 TATRY Tatry Group Ltd 420.37 84.07 504.44 1 2 01/05/2021 31/05/2021 28/05/2021 3622 MYOUNG Marcus Young 1164 232.8 1,396.80 1 2 01/05/2021 15/05/2021 21/05/2021 14450 MICROSHADE Microshade VSM 476.66 95.33 571.99 1 2 03/05/2021 18/05/2021 19/05/2021 8894246 ANGLIANWAT Wave - Anglian Water Business 1158.05 0 1,158.05 1 2 04/05/2021 04/05/2021 21/05/2021 04/05/2021 WBWELLBEIN West Bletchley Wellbeing 2700 0 2,700.00 1 2 05/05/2021 31/05/2021 50/1208838 AQUAMWATERAquam Water Services Ltd 950 190 1,140.00 1 2 07/05/2021 06/06/2021 425001362353 MKCOUNCIL MK Council 7313.1 0 7,313.10 1 2 12/05/2021 01/06/2021 28/05/2021 506938983 ZURICH Zurich Municipal 8742.74 0 8,742.74 1 2 13/05/2021 12/06/2021 22481 JRB JRB Enterprise Ltd 2279 455.8 2,734.80 1 2 17/05/2021 14/06/2021 S-SIN1223970 SECURITAS Securitas Security Serves (UK) Ltd 455.19 91.04 546.23

Page 127 Page 1 2 19/05/2021 25/05/2021 25/05/2021 231361 SOUTHEAST South East Security 2875 575 3,450.00 1 2 19/05/2021 25/05/2021 25/05/2021 231347 SOUTHEAST South East Security 1320 264 1,584.00 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 11 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 10:05 Invoices Due for Payment by 30 June 2021

For Purchase Ledger Pay by Cheque

Invoice Discount Net Date Invoice No. Ref No. Invoice Detail Authorise Ref Date Due Amount Due To Claim Amount due

Aquam Water Services Ltd [AQUAMWATER]

05/05/2021 50/1208838 50/1208838/Aquam Water Service 31/05/2021 1,140.00 1,140.00

Telephone :0844 8360045 Total of Invoices Due (AQUAMWATER) 1,140.00 0.00 1,140.00

Blackburn IT Services Ltd [BBITS]

06/05/2021 2010-11575 2010-11575/Blackburn IT Servic 20/06/2021 180.00 180.00

Total of Invoices Due (BBITS) 180.00 0.00 180.00

Everflow Water [EVERFLOW]

11/05/2021 965093 965093/Everflow Water 11/05/2021 12.70 0.00 11/05/2021 11/05/21 11/05/21/Everflow Water 11/05/2021 -26.45 0.00

Total of Invoices Due (EVERFLOW) -13.75 0.00 0.00

Home Counties Toilet Hire [HOMECOUNT]

31/05/2021 57890 57890/Home Counties Toilet Hir 30/06/2021 30.00 30.00

Telephone :01525 270181 Total of Invoices Due (HOMECOUNT) 30.00 0.00 30.00

JRB Enterprise Ltd [JRB]

13/05/2021 22481 22481/JRB Enterprise Ltd 12/06/2021 2,734.80 2,734.80

Telephone :0161 491 5001 Total of Invoices Due (JRB) 2,734.80 0.00 2,734.80


01/04/2021 69003200714- 69003200714-21/22/MK Council 30/04/2021 5,940.00 5,940.00

01/04/2021 69003236871- 69003236871-21/22/MK Council 30/04/2021 4,352.00 4,352.00 01/04/2021 69003218987- 69003218987-21/22/MK Council 30/04/2021 1,332.00 1,332.00

01/04/2021 69002539570- 69002539570-21/22/MK Council 30/04/2021 4,088.00 4,088.00 01/04/2021 69002910350- 69002910350-21/22/MK Council 30/04/2021 1,320.00 1,320.00

01/04/2021 69003054722- 69003054722-21/22/MK Council 30/04/2021 3,832.00 3,832.00 07/05/2021 425001362353 425001362353/MK Council 06/06/2021 7,313.10 7,313.10

Telephone :01908 252502 Total of Invoices Due (MKCOUNCIL) 28,177.10 0.00 28,177.10


12/05/2021 LGWK9JV7 LGWK9JV7/NPower 11/06/2021 222.95 222.95 12/05/2021 LGWK9JWQ LGWK9JWQ/NPower 11/06/2021 44.14 44.14

12/05/2021 LGWK9JWP LGWK9JWP/NPower 11/06/2021 44.14 44.14

Telephone :0845 070 9494 Total of Invoices Due (NPOWER) 311.23 0.00 311.23

Securitas Security Serves (UK) Ltd [SECURITAS] 17/05/2021 S-SIN1223970 S-SIN1223970/Securitas Page 129 14/06/2021 546.23 546.23 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 2 10:05 Invoices Due for Payment by 30 June 2021

For Purchase Ledger Pay by Cheque

Invoice Discount Net Date Invoice No. Ref No. Invoice Detail Authorise Ref Date Due Amount Due To Claim Amount due

Total of Invoices Due (SECURITAS) 546.23 0.00 546.23

Southern Electric [SOUTHERN]

18/09/2020 18/06-18/09 18/06-18/09/South East Securit 02/10/2020 -9.44 0.00 14/12/2020 19/9-11/12 19/9-11/12/Southern Electric 28/12/2020 -12.58 0.00

25/03/2021 12/12-23/03 12/12-23/03/Southern Electric 08/04/2021 -19.09 0.00

Telephone :0845 0701699 Total of Invoices Due (SOUTHERN) -41.11 0.00 0.00

Total Gas & Power Ltd [TOTALGAS]

09/05/2021 237026730/21 237026730/21/Total Gas & Power 06/06/2021 81.95 81.95

Telephone :01737 275800 Total of Invoices Due (TOTALGAS) 81.95 0.00 81.95

Total of Invoices Due (Purchase Ledger) 33,146.45 0.00 33,201.31

TOTAL OF INVOICES DUE (ALL LEDGERS) 33,146.45 0.00 33,201.31

Page 130 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 1 10:05 Invoices Due for Payment by 30 June 2021

For Purchase Ledger Pay by Direct Debit

Invoice Discount Net Date Invoice No. Ref No. Invoice Detail Authorise Ref Date Due Amount Due To Claim Amount due

ACS Office Solutions [ACS]

31/12/2020 INV39503 INV39503/ACS Office Solutions 31/01/2021 0.01 0.01

14/05/2021 INV400833 INV400833/ACS Office Solutions 30/06/2021 228.00 228.00

Total of Invoices Due (ACS) 228.01 0.00 228.01

Wave - Anglian Water Business [ANGLIANWAT]

10/01/2021 8377308 8377308/Wave - Anglian Water B 09/02/2021 -276.29 0.00 09/04/2021 8802687 8802687/Wave - Anglian Water B 09/05/2021 62.16 0.00

25/05/2021 ON ACC 129 Purchase Ledger DDR Payment 25/05/2021 -12.00 0.00

Telephone :0345 070 4158 Total of Invoices Due (ANGLIANWAT) -226.13 0.00 0.00

Trade UK Ltd [BQ]

13/04/2021 1153599880 1153599880/Trade UK Ltd 31/05/2021 64.00 64.00 23/04/2021 1156663334 1156663334/Trade UK Ltd 31/05/2021 26.00 26.00 30/04/2021 1158558236 1158558236/Trade UK Ltd 31/05/2021 2,178.54 2,178.54

06/05/2021 1160119163 1160119163/Trade UK Ltd 30/06/2021 28.30 28.30 26/05/2021 1165752115 1165752115/Trade UK Ltd 30/06/2021 34.26 34.26

Telephone :0845 6038389 Total of Invoices Due (BQ) 2,331.10 0.00 2,331.10

BT Telephone Payment Services Ltd [BT]

01/05/2021 MO63 DT MO63 DT/BT Telephone Payment S 15/05/2021 456.30 0.00 17/05/2021 ON ACC 128 Purchase Ledger DDR Payment 17/05/2021 -456.30 0.00

Total of Invoices Due (BT) 0.00 0.00 0.00

Payroll Options [PAYROLLOPT]

31/05/2021 132370 132370/Payroll Options 30/06/2021 83.90 83.90

Telephone :01908 630 777 Total of Invoices Due (PAYROLLOPT) 83.90 0.00 83.90

PHS Group plc [PHS]

26/05/2021 68287972 68287972/PHS Group plc 25/06/2021 57.85 57.85 30/05/2021 68298413 68298413/PHS Group plc 29/06/2021 106.49 106.49

Telephone :029 2085 1000 Total of Invoices Due (PHS) 164.34 0.00 164.34

Royal Mail Group Ltd [ROYALMAIL]

26/10/2020 9061802540 9061802540/Royal Mail Group Lt 26/10/2020 -71.00 0.00

Total of Invoices Due (ROYALMAIL) -71.00 0.00 0.00

Trade UK [SCREWFIX] 06/04/2021 1151497150 1151497150/Trade UK Page 131 31/05/2021 17.46 0.00 03/06/2021 Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Page 2 10:05 Invoices Due for Payment by 30 June 2021

For Purchase Ledger Pay by Direct Debit

Invoice Discount Net Date Invoice No. Ref No. Invoice Detail Authorise Ref Date Due Amount Due To Claim Amount due 14/04/2021 1153954230 1153954230/Trade UK 30/05/2021 9.99 0.00 15/04/2021 1154297411 1154297411/Trade UK 31/05/2021 10.99 0.00

15/04/2021 1154297438 1154297438/Trade UK 31/05/2021 5.98 0.00 16/04/2021 1154400190 1154400190/Trade UK 31/05/2021 5.99 2.96

16/04/2021 1154400182 1154400182/Trade UK 31/05/2021 15.99 15.99 19/04/2021 1155087747 1155087747/Trade UK 31/05/2021 15.99 15.99

20/04/2021 1155433661 1155433661/Trade UK 31/05/2021 11.48 11.48 29/04/2021 1158284160 1158284160/Trade UK 31/05/2021 99.98 99.98

29/04/2021 1158284179 1158284179/Trade UK 31/05/2021 11.47 11.47 10/05/2021 1160790191 1160790191/Trade UK 30/06/2021 8.39 8.39

10/05/2021 1160996296 1160996296/Trade UK 30/06/2021 24.97 24.97

11/05/2021 1161152970 1161152970/Trade UK 30/06/2021 2.37 2.37 11/05/2021 1160996288 1160996288/Trade UK 30/06/2021 66.43 66.43

13/05/2021 1161859144 1161859144/Trade UK 30/06/2021 -47.45 0.00 17/05/2021 1163235563 1163235563/Trade UK 30/06/2021 34.99 34.99

17/05/2021 1163235598 1163235598/Trade UK 30/06/2021 24.99 24.99 17/05/2021 1163235571 1163235571/Trade UK 30/06/2021 34.99 34.99

20/05/2021 1163942731 1163942731/Trade UK 30/06/2021 6.98 6.98 20/05/2021 1163942758 1163942758/Trade UK 30/06/2021 110.49 110.49

20/05/2021 1163943975 1163943975/Trade UK 30/06/2021 4.41 4.41 25/05/2021 1165398184 1165398184/Trade UK 30/06/2021 14.99 14.99

25/05/2021 1165398176 1165398176/Trade UK 30/06/2021 8.47 8.47

Telephone :01908 630213 Total of Invoices Due (SCREWFIX) 500.34 0.00 500.34

Tatry Group Ltd [TATRY]

01/05/2021 1917 1917/Tatry Group Ltd 31/05/2021 504.44 504.44

Total of Invoices Due (TATRY) 504.44 0.00 504.44

Vodafone Ltd [VODAFONE]

11/05/2021 B10-252266091 B10-252266091/Vodafone Ltd 04/06/2021 146.56 146.56

Telephone :08704 500010 Total of Invoices Due (VODAFONE) 146.56 0.00 146.56

Total of Invoices Due (Purchase Ledger) 3,661.56 0.00 3,958.69

TOTAL OF INVOICES DUE (ALL LEDGERS) 3,661.56 0.00 3,958.69

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