Public Document Pack Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council There will be a meeting of the Finance Committee on Tuesday, 29th June, 2021 at Newton Leys Pavilion - NLP commencing at 7.30 pm to transact the items of business set out in the agenda below. Delia Shephard Clerk to the Council Monday, 21 June 2021 A G E N D A 1. To note Members' apologies for absence 2. To note Members' declarations of interest in matters on the agenda (Under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, made under s30 (3) of the Localism Act, members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting) 3. To approve the minutes of the previous committee meeting (Pages 1 - 4) 4. To elect a Chair of the Committee 5. Public speaking time To receive representations or questions from members of the public on matters on the agenda (please note this item will generally be restricted to a maximum of 15 minutes in total, individuals may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes each). Members of the public who wish to attend and/or make spoken representations at the meeting should contact the Town Clerk (ideally by email) no later than 12 noon on the day before the day of the meeting for information about the Covid19 safety measures in place at the meeting venue. Written representations from those who do not wish to physically attend our meeting should be submitted by email to arrive no later than 12 noon on the day before the day of the meeting using the email address below. Contact details: Delia Shephard, Town Clerk [email protected] 01908 649469 Please be aware that the meeting may be recorded by the Town Council or by others. 6. To review planning applications to be determined by Milton Keynes Council (i) 21/01695/FUL - Asda, Bletcham Way V4 - V6 To V7 Milton Keynes MK1 (Pages 5 - 16) 1QB - New Pick and Collect Pod with Plant and New Click and Collect Canopy (ii) 2000678FULMMA Appeal Notification Letter - Virtual Inquiry 6th July - (Pages 17 - 24) Bletchley Landfill Site, Guernsey Road, Newton Leys, Milton Keynes MK3 5FR - Variation of conditions 2 (operational life), 3 (restoration sequence) and 5 (final restoration of the site) attached to planning application MK/806/95 to extend the operational life of the site by 15 years with final restoration of the whole site to be completed within a further 24 months. Members of the public and representatives of the media are welcome to attend but are warned that items marked with an asterisk (*) may involve discussion of confidential information and the council may resolve to exclude members of the public and press if this is deemed to be in the public interest (iii) 21/01702/PNHSE - 67 Oakwood Drive Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2JG - (Pages 25 - 30) Prior application for a proposed single storey rear extension, measuring a maximum height of 3.2m, 2.5m to the eaves and extends beyond the rear elevation by 4m (iv) 21/01708/FUL - 29 Shetland Meadows Newton Leys Milton Keynes MK3 5GJ (Pages 31 - 36) - Two storey rear and side extension (v) 21/01722/NMA - Eaton Leys Land West of A4146 South of Watling Street (Pages 37 - 42) Bletchley Milton Keynes - Non-material amendment to planning application 19/01412/REM (updating the raised table road layouts on the Site Layout Plan as requested by MKC as part of the Highway Technical Audit, removal of car barn for Plots 419 & 420 and update elevations to Plot 89 (Alverton FOG). (vi) 21/01728/FUL - 10 Birchfield Grove Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2RQ - (Pages 43 - 48) Garage conversion including the replacement of the front elevation garage door with a small window and access door (vii) 21/01752/FULTN - Telecommunication Mast Dawson Road Adjacent Saxon (Pages 49 - 58) Street Bletchley MK1 1LH - The replacement of the existing 18m monopole with a new 25m tower, accommodating 18no. antennas and 2no. microwave dishes, the installation of ERS modules, the installation of 3no. ground-based equipment cabinets, along with ancillary works. (viii) 21/01765/LBC - 59 Aylesbury Street Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2BH - (Pages 59 - 68) Listed Building Consent for the erection of four flats on vacant land at the rear of 59 Aylesbury Street with the addition of a rear extension for extra floor space to flat four (re-submission of 20/01495/LBC) (ix) 21/01768/NMA - Land To The Rear of 59 Aylesbury Street - Non material (Pages 69 - 74) amendment to application reference 17/01024/FUL (Demolition of existing garages and erection of four flats (two with disabled access) on vacant land at the rear of 59 Aylesbury Street) for the changes to the size and positioning of doors and windows and new opening in wall for wheelchair access to flats 1 & 4 (x) 21/01896/DISCON - Bletchley Flyover Buckingham Road Bletchley - (Pages 75 - 78) Approval of details required by condition 2 (handrail detail) of permission ref. 19/03082/PANOTH (xi) 21/01876/PNHSE - 43 Duncombe Street Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2LX - (Pages 79 - 84) Prior Approval of single storey rear extension, with eaves of 3 metres and maximum height of 3.79 metres, extending 6.78 metres from the existing rear wall and 6.78 from the original rear wall (re-submission of 21/01226/PNHSE) 7. To review a financial management information report showing income and (Pages 85 - 96) expenditure against budget for the year to 31 May 2021 8. To note the Council's cash and investment reconciliations to 31 May 2021 (Pages 97 - 122) 9. To note the balance sheet as at 31 May 2021 (Pages 123 - 128) 10. To consider recommending any movements between the General reserve and the Earmarked Reserves 11. To ratify a list of payments made or due to be made to 30 June 2021 (Pages 129 - 132) 12. To consider a proposal to work towards a piece of public art commemorating key (Verbal Report) figures at Bletchley Park in the the Town Centre (Proposed by Cllr Ely) 13. To consider a proposal for encouraging additional tree planting in Bletchley and (Verbal Report) Fenny Sratford (Proposed by Cllr Ely) 14. To consider options for landscaping of land at Manor Road or introduction of a (Verbal Report) garden 15. *To receive a report on refurbishment of Fenny Stratford Community Centre and to (Pages 133 - 154) consider recommendations and quotations therein for additional works to the roof and purchase of furniture This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council held at Zoom video call on Tuesday, 9th March, 2021 commencing at 7.30 pm Present: Cllrs K Ely, R Graham, R Haine, E Hume, E Kelly-Wilson, E O'Rourke and Wymer Absent: Apologies: Cllrs A Kennedy and M McDonald In Delia Shephard (Clerk) attendance: Min Ref F20/133 Members' apologies for absence It was RESOLVED that the apologies for absence listed above be noted. F20/134 Members' declarations of interest in matters on the agenda Cllr Kelly-Wilson and Cllr Graham drew attention to the fact that they were both personal licensees within the Milton Keynes Council licensing authority but were not attached to the premises involved in the agenda items on licensing and would be voting on these matters. F20/135 Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on 16 February 2021 It was RESOLVED that the draft minutes of the last meeting be approved. F20/136 Public speaking time There were no representations from members of the public. F20/137 Planning applications made to Milton Keynes Council Members reviewed the following planning applications due for determination by the Local Planning Authority. F20/137.i 21/00506/FUL - 53 Mill Road Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2LE - Proposed two storey rear extension and internal alterations It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed development. F20/137.ii 21/00512/CLUP - 72 Eaton Avenue Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2HN - Certificate of lawfulness for a single storey rear extension It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed development. F20/137.iii 21/00517/NMA - 2 Dynasty Mews Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2FX - Non material amendment to 18/00656/FUL to omit from Plot 2 (2 Dynasty Mews) the proposed pair of French doors with sidelights from the rear elevation, omit the adjoining window from the rear elevation along with the masonry panel between, to form a new structural opening 4510mm wide x 2100mm high. Add a new set of bi-fold doors with designed steel beam and pad stones over. It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed amendment. 1 Page 1 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council F20/137.iv 21/00416/NMA - At Eaton Leys Galley Lane Little Brickhill - Non material amendment to planning application 19/01412/REM (Updating the raised table road layouts and to remove the car barn for Plots 419 & 420) It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed amendment. F20/137.v MK1 1BU - Corus Hotels, Corus House, 1 Auckland Park, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK1 1BU - New Premises Licence Application. The applications request authorisation for the sale and supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises. Monday to Sunday 24hrs a day It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no objections to the proposed new premises licence. F20/137.vi MK2 2TP - Dina International, 2a Cambridge Street, Bletchley, MK2 2TP - Supply alcohol Sun to Thurs 09:00 – 00:00 & Fri to Sat 09:00 – 01:00 Live/Recorded Music & Dance Sun to Thurs 09:00 – 00:30 & Fri to Sat 09:00 – 01:30 Late Night Refreshment Sun to Thurs 23:00 – 00:00 & Fri to Sat 23:00 – 01:00 Bank holiday seasonal variations - activities extended by 1 hour It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no objections to the proposed new premises licence.
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