altered states

Typical features of 1940s-1950s houses included: • a hipped or gabled roof (a variaon was the use of the Dutch gable on some state houses) with a pitch of 30–40˚ • le, asbestos-cement shingle or corrugated sheet roofing • shallow, boxed eaves • a suspended mber floor usually with a concrete perimeter foundaon wall • a single fireplace and chimney • bevel-back weatherboard, brick veneer, stucco or Fibrolite (asbestos-cement sheet) cladding – somemes more than one cladding material was used • small, mul-paned, mber-framed casement windows • recessed front and rear porches. 1905 Liberal government's Workers' Dwellings Act passed


Children at the gate of one of the first workers' dwellings, 13 Patrick Street, Petone. This state house is indisnguishable from private houses constructed at the same me.

Alexander Turnbull Library

'Early Workers' Dwelling - State Housing in ', URL: hp://, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 1910

Workers' dwellings were built specifically for married workers with children. This shows a young family (plus 'Rover') in front of one of the first workers' dwellings in Petone c.1910.

Alexander Turnbull Library

'Petone state house', URL: hp:// house, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 1937

Shot at the opening of the Labour government's first state house at 12 Fife Lane, Miramar, , in 1937, this is one of New Zealand's iconic photographs: Prime Minister lis a cumbersome dining table through a cheering throng toward the house's threshold.

Alexander Turnbull Library

'The first state house, 1937', URL: hp:// state-house-savage, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 1938

This Labour elecon poster from 1938 shows the evicon of a working- class family from a dilapidated, inner-city dwelling. It suggests that under Naonal rule such events would become commonplace, whereas under Labour families would be rehoused in modern and suburban state houses.

Alexander Turnbull Library

'Labour Party state housing poster', URL: hp:// party-state-housing-poster, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 1938

This Naonal Party poster from 1938 plays on the fear that Labour had a secret agenda to naonalise private homes.

Alexander Turnbull Library

'Naonal Party state housing poster', URL: hp:// party-state-housing-poster, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 1940s

Mark Fagan and his Labour colleagues believed that nuclear family life was best lived in suburban housing estates like this one at Naenae, Lower Hu, photographed in the late 1940s.

Alexander Turnbull Library

'Naenae state housing project', URL: hp:// housing-project, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 1945

Most state houses in the 1930s and 40s were constructed for nuclear families. Here is the Holmes family standing outside their new Naenae state house in 1945.

Alexander Turnbull Library

'State house, 1930s', URL: hp:// house-1930s, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 Housing New Zealand Corporaon

'State house architectural drawings', URL: hp:// architectural-drawings, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 (1946) [Part 1 of 2]: hps:// Housing in New Zealand (1946) [Part 2 of 2]: hps:// 1951

The cover of a 1951 government booklet issued to state tenants explaining the benefits of home ownership. Here we see a young and happy family outside their recently purchased state house.

Alexander Turnbull Library

'Home ownership', URL: hp://, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 1978

David and Mary McGregor standing outside 12 Fife Lane in 1978. They had bought the house in 1952, at a me when the Naonal government was keen to promote the sale of state houses to tenants. In the early 1980s it was repurchased by the Housing Corporaon.

Archives New Zealand/Te Whare Tohu Tuhituhinga O Aotearoa

'The first state house, 1978', URL: hp:// state-house1978, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 7-Jun-2013 1980s

These houses on Rata Vine Drive, South , were built in the mid 1980s and sited to encourage neighbours to talk to each other, across fences or on the street.

Architecture New Zealand July/August 1989, p.35 Photographer: Paul McCredie

'Rata Vine Drive, state housing', URL: hp:// vine-drive, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 1985

The cover of the 1985 record State House Kid by Last Man Down shows singer/songwriter Ross Mullins, in an unkempt 1950s school uniform, standing in front of burnt-out state house. A child's trike, almost lost in the overgrown grass, signals that it was once a family home, perhaps Mullins' own. The image could also be a crique of state housing: that families were 'burnt' by the conformity and banality of 1950s state housing communies.

Ross Mullins

'Sound clip: State House Kid album', URL: hp:// state-house-kid-album, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 7-Mar-2013 1997

John and Winnie Nysse and their children, Theresa, Joana and Sophia, outside their home, the first state house built under the first Labour government's housing scheme of the 1930s.

New Zealand Herald, 1997

'The first state house today', URL: hp:// state-house-today, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 2001/2

‘We extended one property from 3 to 6 bedrooms.’

John and Ngametua Ruta and their children stand alongside the Minister of Housing, Hon Mark Gosche, at the opening of their modified state house in Auckland in 2001. In this instance two semi-detached houses were rebuilt to make one.

Housing New Zealand Corporaon Annual Report 2001/02

'Modified state house', URL: hp:// modified-state-house, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 1938- 2002

Construcon and sale of State Houses 1938-2002

Annual reports, State Advances Corporaon, Housing Corporaon of NZ and Housing NZ Corporaon.

'Construcon and sale of state houses, 1938-2002', URL: hp:// houses-1938-2002, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20- Dec-2012 1938- 2002

Total number of State Houses 1938-2002

Annual reports, State Advances Corporaon, Housing Corporaon of NZ and Housing NZ Corporaon.

'Construcon and sale of state houses, 1938-2002', URL: hp:// houses-1938-2002, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20- Dec-2012 2004

A view over East, showing a mixture of single and mul-unit state houses constructed in the 1950s and 60s. Within a couple of decades, however, the suburb had aracted an unwelcome and, according to many residents, undeserved reputaon for high rates of poverty and crime. Crics aributed eastern Porirua's problems to the lack of social infrastructure, uniformity of housing design and concentraon of low-income households.

Victoria Birkinshaw, 2004

'Porirua East state houses', URL: hp:// east-house, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012 2005

Old mul-units at Talbot Park, Glen Innes, Auckland, are hauled away as part of Housing New Zealand's Community Renewal iniave. The redevelopment of the Talbot Park block will see nearly 100 new homes constructed.

Housing New Zealand Corporaon, 2005

'Moving a state house', URL: hp://, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012

hp:// hp:// removal-begins/tabid/309/arcleID/248973/Default.aspx