Acid, , and pH Lab Name______

Problem: What is the difference between a strong or weak and base? How does the concentration of an acid or base change its properties?

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Notation: are abbreviated HA, with the H representing the proton (H+) the acid donates to the solution. The A is referred to as the acidic anion (A-) that is left in solution as the proton is donated. HA ⇄ H+ + A- Strong Bases are abbreviated MOH, with the OH representing the hydroxide ion (OH-) the base donates to the solution. The M is cation (M+) that is left in solution as the hydroxide is donated. MOH ⇄ M+ + OH-

Procedure 1: Click on “Introduction”  Begin with a strong acid and lower the pH probe into the beaker. What is the pH of this solution?  Test this strong acid with the pH paper. What color does the pH indicator become?  Test this strong acid with the conductivity probe. Does current travel through this solution? If so, how bright is the light bulb?  Draw the bar graph for “Equilibrium Concentration”. Be sure to label your graphs!  Draw a picture of the molecules/ions in the solution. Are there a lot of molecules? Are there a lot of ions?  Repeat the above tests with the weak acid, the strong base, and the weak base, and water. Collect your observations in the table below: Data: Strong Acid pH meter (value) pH paper (color) Conductivity (bright/dim/none) 2.00 Red orange Bright Equilibrium Concentration Graph Picture of the ions/molecules

- + HA H2O A H3O

Weak Acid pH meter (value) pH paper (color) Conductivity (bright/dim/none)

Equilibrium Concentration Graph Picture of the ions/molecules

Strong Base pH meter (value) pH paper (color) Conductivity (bright/dim/none)

Equilibrium Concentration Graph Picture of the ions/molecules

Weak Base pH meter (value) pH paper (color) Conductivity (bright/dim/none)

Equilibrium Concentration Graph Picture of the ions/molecules

Water pH meter (value) pH paper (color) Conductivity (bright/dim/none)

Equilibrium Concentration Graph Picture of the ions/molecules

Analysis of Data: Explain the difference between a strong vs. weak acid and base.

Procedure 2: Click on “Custom Solution” This simulation allows you to change the concentration of a strong and weak acid and base. Complete the table below for some strong acids and bases and weak acids and bases by adjusting the concentration.

Data: Strong Acids Concentration Conductivity Appearance Strength pH (mol/L) (bright/dim/none) (ions/molecules) Strong 0.010 M Strong 0.050 M Strong 0.100 M Strong 1.00 M

Weak Acids Strength Concentration Conductivity Appearance pH (Approximately) (mol/L) (bright/dim/none) (ions/molecules) 0.015 M

0.150 M

0.500 M

1.00 M

Strong Bases Concentration Conductivity Appearance Strength pH (mol/L) (bright/dim/none) (ions/molecules) Strong 0.010 M Strong 0.050 M Strong 0.100 M Strong 1.00 M

Weak Bases Strength Concentration Conductivity Appearance pH (Approximately) (mol/L) (bright/dim/none) (ions/molecules) 0.015 M

0.150 M

0.500 M

1.00 M

Analysis of Data: Describe the difference between a concentrated vs. dilute acid or base solution.

Conclusion Questions:

1. A strong acid is exists primarily as molecules / as ions. (circle)

2. A weak base is a nonelectrolyte / weak electrolyte / strong electrolyte.

3. A strong base is a nonelectrolyte / weak electrolyte / strong electrolyte.

4. At the same concentration (Molarity) a strong acid will have a higher / lower / the same pH as a weak acid.

5. As concentration of a weak acid increases, the pH increases / decreases / remains constant.

6. As concentration of a weak base increases, the pH increases / decreases / remains constant.

7. As the concentration of a weak acid increases, the number of ions increases / decreases / remains constant.

8. As the concentration of a weak acid increases, conductivity increases / decreases / remains constant.

9. As the strength of a weak acid increases, the proportion of ions to molecules increases / decreases.

10. As the strength of a weak acid increases, the conductivity increases / decreases / remains constant.

11. If the pH is 6.4, the solution is a strong acid / weak acid / strong base / weak base / water.

12. If the pH is 1.2, the solution is a strong acid / weak acid / strong base / weak base / water.

13. If the pH is 11.5, the solution is a strong acid / weak acid / strong base / weak base / water.

14. If the pH is 8.1, the solution is a strong acid / weak acid / strong base / weak base / water.

15. If the pH is 7, the solution is a strong acid / weak acid / strong base / weak base / water.

16. How does that strength affect the pH of acids and bases?