Attachment 8(a) to FND-004-21 January 7, 2021 Weston Consulting 201 Millway Avenue, Suite 19 Vaughan, Ontario L4K 5K8 Attention: Ryan Guetter, Senior Vice President Dear Ryan: Thank you for your submission regarding the Municipality’s 2020 Development Charge Background Study, received on December 22, 2020. Your questions regarding the secondary plan area are being reviewed by the Municipality. In light of the timing of the receipt of your submission, and with the intended DC by-law passage on January 18, 2021 reflecting the last possible date for Council’s consideration of the matter before the current by-law expires, the Municipality is proposing to assess the DC implications of these capital needs arising from the various Secondary Plans as approved by Council. The Municipality will consider amendments to the proposed DC by-law in 2021/2022 to reflect and material changes in the underlying funding for these growth-related needs. In response to your questions pertaining to the municipal-wide by-law, please find attached a memorandum from Watson & Associates Economists, as well as a letter from CIMA regarding the benefit to existing deductions for Services Related to a Highway. We look forward to engaging with you further through the finalization of the Secondary Plan and future amendment to the DC Background Study and by-law Yours truly, Trevor Pinn, BA, CPA, CA Director of Financial Services/Treasurer The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 1-800-563-1195 | Local: 905-623-3379 |
[email protected] | Memorandum Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, Municipality To of Clarington From Andrew Grunda, Principal, Watson & Associates Economists Ltd.