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The BG News September 29, 1978

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 29, 1978" (1978). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3524.

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Extra polling area still being opposed By Terry Potosnak Hillard said that law required the Staff Reporter Board of Elections to send a notification letter to each voter at least 30 days More than 1,000 University students before the election if a polling place Is have registered with the Wood County changed. Board of Elections to vote in the Nov. And the Board ofElectlons first must 7th general election, but a campus vote to decide if the polling place will be polling place apparently will not be changed. established, Howard Lester, coor- dinator of the University voter IN AN EFFORT to bring the student registration effort, said yesterday. polling place to campus, Newlove said 'The Republicans have a fear... that the students will go democratic...'

I«ster, a senior and founder- he spoke with Helen Ish, Republican chairman of the Campus Democrats, chairman of the Board of Elections, has been leading a campuswide voter who told him a meeting of the board to registration drive since fall quarter decide the issue could not be scheduled began. until a written request was submitted. He has been trying to establish an on- Newlove said the request was campus polling place for University delivered to the board last Tuesday. students, but alleged that his attempts Ish then said a special meeting could are being hindered by the Wood County not be called because she was going out Board of Elections. of town and would not return until Oct. LESTER EXPLAINED that each 4, Newlove said. Without her at- voting precinct in Ohio consists of about tendance, a quorum could not be 350 voters. established so the meeting was "We'll have at least three or four scheduled for 3:30 p.m.Oct. 4. Newsphotobv Bill Gilmore precincts (of registered student votersl But Lester continued to allege that HOWARD LESTER, founder and chairman of Campus upcoming Nov. 7 election. Lester has been leading the campuswide and they (the Board of Elections) won't Republican members of the board are even give us one," Lester said. hindering his efforts. Democrats, is helping students fill out registration forms for the voter registration drive since the start of fall quarter classes. Constance Hillard, director of the Board of Elections, said that a formal "THE REPUBLICANS have a fear, request for additional University voter though I can't say for sure, that the precincts was not submitted to the students will go Democratic (in the board. election). Why else would they oppose "We already have a campus It? "he said. , Firefighters continue picketing precinct," she explained. Newlove noted, however, that in the She said, however, that a request was last election, "more Republicans voted made to change the student polling out of the campus than Democrats." By Tom Smith cause disparity in the ranks, Foust HE SAID firefighters had a reduction "PAY GRADE rectifications are place from Ridge Street School, where Lester also said he believes that the explained. in weekly work hours from 56 to 52 this not available to city firefighters. University students now must vote, to board vote will result in a tie, a Off-duty firefighters continue to The 1979 general fund budget for the year but no reduction in wages. This "The current pay grade the University Union. situation which would require the vote picket city buildings while Bowling city is $2.39 million. He said this is was acomplished by scheduling nine reclassificationand step raise ordinace Ridge Street School already ac- of Ted Brown, secretary of state, whom Green administrators attempt to about (30,000 more than this year's extra days during the calendar year, he is unfair to any city firefighter not at commodates two town precincts and he said is the "most stagnant Ohio determine if the city is financially able budget. Most of that would be used for said. step F (the top fireman pay)," the conditions there are crowded, Lester official over seen." to grant a merit raise to eligible city the merit raise under the anniversary All city employees received about a 5 release said. said. Voters must wait in long lines and Lester said he is sure Brown would employees next year. approach, he said. percent cost-of-living raise in June, he parking areas are limited. vote against the request. The firefighters, now in their fifth day Foust said the city will need a added. "Emergency legislationshould be "AND WHAT IF it's raining? What if "If Ted Brown does that, we will nail of picketing, are asking for a $600-a- balance of nearly $200,000 in the general A statement issued yesterday af- provided so the firfighter not at step F it's cold?" Students aren't going to him with negative publicity and ex- year raise from the city following an fund on Jan. 1,1979 to make ends meet. ternoon by the picketing fireman ad- will be awarded an annual step raise for want to walk a mile and a half to Ridge posure,"Lestersaid. established six-step pay scale, based on In July, he estimated his balance at dressed the public about city finances initiative, performance or training. Street School to vote," Lester said. Hillard, however, said she did not number of years experience. $18,800. asnd the fairness of their desired raise. This step raise can be denied only by a He estimated that under such cir- think that Lester's efforts were being Finance Director Charles Foust said "For three and half years city written letter from the fire chief stating cumstances, about 50 to 60 percent of hindered by anyone. the city plans to grant merit raise, to HE SAID some revenue sources firefighters have been waiting for an why the raise has not been earned," the the students will not vote. city employees who were scheduled to appear to exceed earlier projections so imporvement inthe city's financial announcement said. "The biggest problem is that students "I SUPPOSE it's Just a matter of receive them in 1976. How the raises are the city may reach the needed balance. health so the firefighters not at the top were told (when they registered) that workload," she said, although she distributed will determine the cost, he Foust said the budget for the fireman pay would receive their step THE FIREFIGHTERS said they plan there would be a polling place on admitted she could not speak on behalf added. remainder of this year is very tight and raise. to continue picketing indefinitely. They of the Republican board members, who contains no frills. campus," Lester added. "It was hard "THE FINANCIAL situation has do not plan to drop it as was reported in enough to get some of them to sign their were unavailable for comment. THE MOST economical way togrant Calculations of the city's income and improved as shown by the past cost-of- yesterday's News. names (on the registration forms). It Lester said he believes the board a raise would be to administer it on the spending indicated in August that the living adjustments for all city em- will be even harder to get them to go out intentionally is delaying a vote on the anniversary date of the employee's last city will need almost $425,000 in the ployees. The off-duty firefighters also said issue. reclassification because the city would general fund for the rest of this year. and vote." "City administrators believe that they have approached the city per- Albert Newlove, area realtor and "They might as well tell us 'We don't not feel the full effect until 1980, Foust The general fund, which receives a financial conditions still do not warrant sonnel director but have been unable to Democratic chairman of the Board of want the students to vote. We don't explained. portion of the city's income tax, step raises. schedule a meeting with him and the Elections, shared Lester's concern. want them to have a voice." However, if the city grants the raise finances most of the city's payroll. All "As an exceptionhowever, certain city administration. "If the money were "If they (the Board of Elections) other city funds must be designated to "I DON'T THINK it's fair for people Jan. 1,1979 to all employees entitled to city employees have received salary available, the mayor and the City to wait (to vote) and the parking is a succeed at what they're trying to do, the raise in 1976, the full force cf the specific areas because of legal increase in addition to overall cost-of Council would give them the,, raise as the student's will be more apathetic," stipulations. Other tax revenues mess (at the school)," he said. cost will appear in the 1979 budget. living raises," the statement said. they have done in the past," Foust said. "Voting should be in the same he said. "It will completely ruin the A third approach would grant raises finance sewer and street maintenance "These salary increase have rsulted As the fiscal officer for the city, Foust effort and turn students off to the cosM, including salaries, Foust ex- precincts where the voters are," he to city employees who have worked at from pay grade reclassification for said he is bound by Ohio laws to end the added. (voting) process." least one year. But this setup may plaind. various reasons. year without a deficit. Miniature bottles an out-of-the-ordinary collection Inside the Always hunting for additions News In the world of collections, there she always Is scouting for additions are the average accumulations of to her collection and has no NEWS...What is the Student Con- beer cans, matchbooks, stuffed duplicates. sumer Union? Keith Jameson ex- animals and antiques. OTHERS ARE not quite so sup- plains what the service organization does on Page 3. And then there's Linda S. portive. "They Just look at you like Pavlansky's collection of miniature you're weird," she explained. sample bottles, cans and tubes. Pavlansky, who also collects ENTERTAINMENT...Today's poetry written by and "It started this summer when I entertainment pages feature was getting ready for school," acquaintances; said she rarely reviews of Linda Ronstadt's new Pavlansky, a Junior majoring in displays all her samples. album and the new magazine, deaf education, explained. "I Just "Omni". Pages 4 and 5. noticed them and started picking "I don't keep them out that often them up. I thought they were cute." because I have a boyfriend who runs The novelty of the idea also ap- out of things a lot." pealed to her, she added. "My SPORTS...The staff swamis are split brother collected beer cans. If he Her hobby Involves only minimal in this week's football forecast Page could do that, I could do something expenses, she said, explaining her 1 different." samples cost from 19-59 cents.

HER STOCKPILE of about 40 "I buy as many a* I can get at smaller than pint-sized products once, she said. "One day I spent $4 include shampoo, cream rinses, on samples." Weather deodorant, hand cream, toothpaste and acne medicine. Pavlansky said reactions to her Weather hobby vary. Some of the students Sunay and mild "I think I exhausted all the stores living in Kreischer-Aahley, where HlghMFiaC) In Springfield," she said, referring she Is a resident adviser, have of- Newsphoto by BUI Gilmore LowttF(sC) to her home town. Pavlansky said fered to help expand her collection. Linda S. Pavlansky and her bottles I perceat chance sf showers opinion 'judgment is founded on truth...' time COnflictS speaking out We received some feedback concerning our editorial yesterday about the conflict of scheduling events. For those who may be wondering, this is what happened. According to Larry Weiss of the Alumni Association. Bill Fitch of the rodgers quad is not quite a zoo Cavs offered in Aug. two dates. Sept. 24 or 26. that the professional basketball team could play the University. residence advisors that care enough residents about their hall and about the Since Dolly Parton had been scheduled for the Sept. 24 Weiss decided When I first arrived in my dorm, that about the dorm to want to give it a new school. on Sept. 26. trying to avoid a conflict. Meanwhile. Parton canceled and fateful Friday before school started, I image have moved in with those in- was greeted by caring RA's and kind This general good feeling has become the Union Activities Organization hired Martil Mull for Sept. 26. tentions in mind. These guys are a very obvious in Rodgers. The residents Because the Alumni Association doesn't use Student Activities in faces. Unfortunately for me however, I great help to the new residents and are are always saying hello to someone was also greeted by a dorm room with scheduling events, the mistake of having two headline events on one day By Dan Olsen out to see to It that Rodgers is once passing in the hall and this never fails pipes extending from the ceiling, no was not caught. again the number one choice for new to make someone feel welcome. closet shelf space, and a residence hall and old students. Hopefully, more communication in the future will help prevent these with reputation that seems to have problems. Hopefully these options and others permanently stained its honor. That like them will provide some insight of dorm is Rodgers Quad., often called the majority of buildings around the Thirdly, and possibly the most im- campus. The close proximity of these portant, is the new programs for the Rodgers Quadrangle and its residents. "Zoo", and it is at this time that I would The guys are not as bad as people think like to show the students and faculty of buildings provides convenience for the residents that the residence advisors students and the opportunity to eat, have set up for the students. Picnics, this year despite the pipes and given a BGSU that Rodgers is not as bad as it is chance, will be able to prove that the "mail" error cracked up to be. study, and socialize near the dorm football games, hall parties, and other without disturbing other residence activities have been set up for the residents of Rodgers are a real asset to It isn't often that corrections appear on the editorial page, but since the In the first place, Rodgers is cen- the college. trally located on campus and is easily halls. Although a few residents like to residents so they can get involved with mistake was printed on this page it is only right that the correction accessible to several things. It is disturb other halls, the great majority their hall and with other halls. These should be printed on it too. of Rodgers residents do not like to. programs are very valuable because a Dan Olsen is Assistant Editorial located near the library, the Commons Editor of the News. In Wednesday's editorial, we said that we were opposed to the idea of Dining Hall, Fraternity Row, and the Secondly, a relatively new group of feeling of pride is instilled in the sending tuition bills, class schedules, and validation cards through the mail to the new on-campus mailboxes for off-campus students due to the chance that the documents would be stolen. Well, we stand corrected. It seems that the tuition bills and schedules wil be sent directly to the students' apartment address or billing address. Only the validation cards would be sent through the on-campus mailboxes. We are sorry that the mistake was printed, but still believe that validation cards should be mailed directly to the students. The S*G 'Hews

Page 2, EDITORIAL STAFF Friday, September29,1978

editor iamlea.plerman managing editor rogerk.lowe news editor Cheryl a geschke editorial editor *eif " iameson sports editor "even w. sadle- copy editor \anel*. ropers photo editor david s. ryan entertainment editor rr.arcnugunin wire editor i°hn lammers


business manager linda berke advertising sales manager colleen dune

. The 0G News is published daily Tuesday th.ough Friday during the regular school year and weekly during summer sessions by students of Bowling Green State University under the authority of the University Publications Committee. Opinions expressed by columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The BG News Editorial Board. The BG News and Bowling Green State University are equal opportunity employers and do not discriminate in hiring practices. The News will not accept advertising that Is deemed discriminatory, degrading or msultingon the basisof race, sex or national origin. All rights to material published in The BG News are reserved.

Editorial and Business Offices 106 University Hall Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 Phone <4I») 37! J003 Carol Schupp Letters

the mailboxes, but to the students' Registering only takes a minute of to give my roommate a full refund for home addresses, preceisely because of your time and the Campus Democrats the book. He said there was a slight the dangers mentioned in the editorial. register at bg have set up registering tables at easily beware of bend in the corner of the cover. mailboxes This was stated in fliers placed in the exccss^ble locations around campus To my knowledge everyone is human mailboxes by the University. The October 7th voter registration such as the dorm cafeterias and the and this book possibly could have been In the Sept. 27 issue of the BG News, deadline for the coming election will be first floor of the Student Services bent while being stacked on the book refunds bookstore shelves. The only-way the which actually came out on Sept. 27, an It is even less likely that anything will here sooner than you think. It's im- building. corner of the book could have been bent editorial was run concerning the on- happen to University room and board portant that B. G. students become campus mailboxes for off-campus billings since off-campus students do involved in this election because our If you've already registered in your Every quarter students rush to the was while it sat on my shelf, unopened. students. This editorial complained of a not live in dorms, and, therefore, do not votes do make a difference. home town, consider how much more bookstore to buy their books. What dangerous situation presented by the pay room and board to the University. Governor Rhodes' won the last beneficial it would be for you to students don't realize, that From my experiences in buying University's use of the mailboxes for At the top of your editorial page is the election by some 15,000 votes-less than reregister at B. G. instead, because the it isn't easy to get a full refund when college textbooks, I advise students to the delivery of "University tuition, statement, 'judgement is founded on the student body of Bowling Green. issues at stake here affect you more they have bought the wrong book. be careful what they buy and where room and board bills, and validation truth...' It would be appreciated if you Because candidates Rhodes and than do issues at home. they buy (be sure to ask about refund cards." would live up to that statement. In the Celeste are basing their platforms on Remember we do have the power to Last week I purchased the wrong policies). Also, a few dollars makes a future, please find out the truth before issues relevant to us as students, such greatly affect this election's outcome so Educational Psychology book from the lot of difference to poor college Now, while there could conceivably you make judgements. as the rising cost of higher education please register to vote! Student Book Exchange. My roommate students. be some problem with validation cards, and the Ohio job market, I urge all entered the store with my receipt and * it is highly unlikely that there will be Robert Braley students to find out more about these the book only a five days after it was Kimberly Flick any problem with tuition billings since Mailbox 00558 men and above all, be sure and register Karen Eileen Elder purchased. The SBX Assistant Patricia Johns the University is not mailing these to 208Mosely to vote. 345 Chapman Manager, Stephen A. Donnelly, refused 327 Mac West national columnist what else is new? new politicians go out on a limb

promise the voters that I will represent "That may lose you the criminal must bring them In to the mainstream a dollar that can be defended against WASHINGTON-As the results of the them, rather than the special interest vote," I warned. of our society." any currency in the world. I'll go even primaries several weeks ago came in groups which only care about them- "So be it. I believe anyone who "No one has ever said that before. I further. This country must get its house over my television set I was happy to selves." violates the law should be punished, hate to ask you this, but are you for a. see that the winning candidates all had Art whether he be a white-collar criminal strong America?" in order when it comes to our balance of something new to say. If anythingj.978 "Bully for you. What else do you plan or a mugger." payments. The way to do this is export will be the year when the old political to do?" "That's strong stuff In an election "I don't object to the question. I know more than we import." rhetoric will be out, and the people Buchwald "Unlike my opponent, I'm going to year. How do you feel about tax It's your Job la ask the tough ones. It so "I'll say one thing, sir. You certainly seeking office will face the issues with speak out on the issues and tell people reform?" happens I am for a strong America. are outspoken. It will be like a breath of honesty and candor. where I stand, even if it costs me This country cannot afford to be second fresh air If the voters send you to I know this because right after the votes." "I've never said this in public before, best when the fate of the Free World Is Washington." primary battle in a Northeastern state I "Fantastic," I said. "What are some "Such as?" but I am FOR tax reform. The burden at stake. If the people elect me, tbey "I'm not one of those people who just spoke to one of the new breed of of these ideas?" of taxes is on the middle class. This will be sending a message to jumps on the bandwagon," be said. politicians running for Congress. "I am against Inflation that is burden must be redistributed so that Washington and to Moscow that the "Americans are tired of hearing the "Sir, how do you feel about winning "I am going to speak out forcefully bleeding every American dry. I am for everyone pays his fair share. At the United State* no longer intends to be same old promises from their against big government and wasteful your party's primary?" jobs for everyone who wants to work. I same time we must have tax Incentives poshed around." politicians. If I win this election it's "I was not the winner," he said. "The spending of the taxpayer's money." support decent medical care for our for business to invest in the future of "How do you feel about the American because I'm going to tell It like it is." "You're going that far out on a people of this state were the winners. I seals* cttbens and better school! for America. But we cant forget the poor. I dollar?" limb?" proved that old politics is out, and the our children. And I am agahut crime In don't mean the welfare caters, but "I want a strong American dollar. (c) 1978, Las Angeles Tunes Syn- "I may go even further. I am going to i electorate wants new ideas." the streets." the real poor and disadvantagod. We The prestige of this country depends on dicate The BG Newi, Friday, September 2S, l*7t, Pife 1 Student Consumer Union handles cpmplaints By Keith Jameson problems about which students think about looking for an apartment," Kloss The housing department, directed by As each complaint comes in, a worker secretary, who work two to five hours a Editorial Editor they can do nothing concerns off- added. Jill Hissam, uses a map to show the goes through a standard procedure to week. The SCU also receives $3,500 campus housing. After all the precautionary measures location of apartment complexes in find a solution. from the Advisory Committee for If a student thinks he has been "I would say 90 percent of our have been used and the student still relation to the University and com- Jim Kuhn directs special projects General Fee Allocations (ACGFA), slighted by a landlord or merchant or complaints deal with off-campus faces problems, the SCU will handle munity services and a file that contains that consist of banks, service station, most of which will be used to print more needs some consumer advice, the housing-landlord-tenant problems. The any filed complaints. a picture of the apartment, price lists, pizza and grocery store surveys, which than 7,000 copies of the housing booklet. Student Consumer Union (SCU) may be landlord hasn't returned the security The SCU will ensure that the student the apartment's facilities and a tell where the best prices are and other The SCU was implemented in 1975 by able to help. deposit from the previous year, repairs has tried to remedy the problem. After questionnaire for the landlord. A basic consumer information. a student, George Dunlap, who used the The SCU has been in operation for haven't been made. What can a person that is verified, a copy of the complaint booklet will be available in October and idea to complete a class project Since three years to help the community and do if he is going to be evicted, or we get will be sent to the landlord or merchant outlines problems-from leases to small The public relations department, then, Kloss said, the SCU has "just students with problems. a lot of questions and calls about the to obtain his side of the story. claims court-of the past to help whose director still is not confirmed, is seemed to grow" into the organization "The goals are two-fold. The first is to interpretation of leases," Kloss said. After all the paperwork is done, the students. concerned primarily with educating the it is today. make the Bowling Green student more He noted that students should go to SCU will act a arbitrator to find out who students about consumerism. The SCU is open 8:30a.m. to5:30 p.m. consumer minded. The second is to the SCU office before a lease is signed is right. Complaints are handled by Ron The staff is made up of student Monday through Friday in 405 Student handle consumer questions, problems to avoid problems. Wyszynski and a staff of case workers. volunteers, except for the paid Services Bldg. or complaints," chairman John Kloss "What we do is in January we have Merchants can also use the SCU to said. an off-campus housing night. Most locate students with unpaid accounts. "Not enough students use our ser- students start to sign leases January, To help organize the review vice. I don't think enough people know February, March, in that area. I would procedure, the SCU has the chairman, we exist or want to take the time and love to see all these people come out four departments and directors trouble to come over, give us a call or and ask questions. We offer this off- (housing, complaints, special projects ask us questions," he said. campus housing night in the hopes of and public relations) to which a student According to Kloss, most of the educating the student as to how to go may turn. VIP volunteers needed By Pamela Rae Roberts they do want to work with us. We're all The Children's Resource Center is set to go, once we get the volunteers," asking for volunteers in many areas, University students interested in she said. including child care, screening and becoming involved in the community The volunteer pool is limited to programming, she said. Home have the chance according to Barb persons who previously have been economics, child development and Benner, director of Volunteers in involved with VIP, Benner said. speech and hearing therapy majors Progress (VIP). A variety of work is available, she may be especially interested in the Volunteers are needed throughout explained. program, she added. VIP also works Wood County, Benner, a graduate Wood County Mental Health Clinic with the Adopt-a-Grandparent student in college student personnel, heads volunteers to help with two program. said. programs. "Tuesdays Friends" meets "The concept of the program is from 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays. The other AN INFORMATIONAL meeting will basically to get University students group meets Mondays, Wednesdays be held for anyone interested in that placed in volunteer positions in the and Fridays. The volunteers commit program or any other aspect of VIP, at community—to offer an outlet for in- themselves for six-months. 7:30 p.m. Oct. 11 in the student cour- volvement," she said. STUDENTS WHO own cars can fill troom, Student Services Building. VIP The group plans to work with the another need, Benner said. is funded by general fees and has "a lot Wood County Mental Health Clinic, Big "The Senior Citizens Center and the of potential," Benner said. Volunteers Brothers of Wood County, Wood County Children's Resource Center both need in gerontology, special education and Newsphotoby APWir* Children's Resource Center and the aids desperately to get people to come social work may receive class credit. Allan Bakke, the principal figure in the Supreme Court decision overruling quoatas, started to Wood County Senior Citizens Center, into their centers for the services. Both "I don't see why students can't get school this week. The court ruled that the University of California Medical School had to admit Benner said. of them are willing to pay mileage credit for it, if they're doing quality Bakke in an opening previously reserved for minorities. "THEY DO want our volunteers and reimbursement," she said. volunteering," she said.

CO Local briefs Admissions set to mail 8,000 applications ^ Placement meeting The Office of Admissions today will this year. Pam Craic, assistant director of ad- University will begin accepting A meeting for seniors unable to attend previously mail more than 8,000 applications to Martin added that admissions is missions. About 3,500 freshmen are students Oct. 1 for faU, 1979. 7D CD scheduled placement office meetings will be at 6:30 p.m. prospective freshman students for next receiveing about 100 application expected to enroll in University classes CTJ e Monday in the Forum, Student Services Building. fall who have expressed an interest in requests a day, a rate that is expected next September. Prospective students can meet tk&. Tim Darnell %%t&%X%X.%X%-%%%.%%XX%Xi BOEKMa COLUMBIA/EPIC The STARCASTLE STARCASTLE HEART HEART Dove's REALTOREEL POG & BUTTERFLY KVtA4*rtdTolM-««« J tnclu«*ng Whilitu Gonne Do I When it All Comet Down On »oyt *'*?"lOn Uptime Cook WrthF-e NoOoditfoO IheSte'kAieOul Ton«gM Dog A Buflerf I* NetSa On* Nest NOW ONLY! When Tn» Sun Sriirwi Al M-Jn-jnt NOW ONLY! Coffeehouse 7& 10pm Concert groups lor this weekend are: $4^99 $4,99 September 29 Bill Powell -4 September 30 Love Incorporated Main Auditorium Come ioln us and bring a friend. Refreshments and snacks available. PLUS HUNDREDS x PLUS HUNDREDS Open every Friday & Saturday at 8 p.m FR 35555 Cloquent rock end roll' $1 with ID The Heart phenomenon continues MORE! Siarcastle has emerged into the hard *ith Dog & Butterfly"-their best MORE! I39 E. Front St. Pemberville futttng rock band they were meant to be album ever Includes "The UAO Show" it was always m the start. Now it's or an album [with free prizes and discounts SPONSORED BY THE DOVE'S NEST MINISTRIES, INC. THE O'JAYS THE O'JAYS C.. :. C (-■'■ - (fair S«MC StcAoMfCtt £fC«l«f DLUE OYSTER SO FULL OF LOVE nctadMif include* the mdiorvMNing wngt* (Don 1 Few) The Keeper Godrtfe CULT "Use Te Be My Ol ft u needy 2 Hock and f THEii'»Te»e»t»winf ipencel NOW ONLY! "Brandy We Gotta Gel Out (XT** Piece NOW ONLY! Ida Lewis,Editor and Publisher of the Black an ,.** T-H News Magazine "Encore" will speak Friday $4." $4_99 September 29 at 8:00 p.m. in the Grand PLUS HUNDREDS ■L~Ar^^^»^ H PLUS HUNDREDS JC 35563 This tingle record con 1 Ballroom of the Student Union. lams the most thfiiimg selection* 1 MORE! from the Cult's legendary live per 1 MORE! m foiinence* It represents the best 1 She is being presented by the imwmmu .---. •-. i. ■....- •- . work of one Of tone, t top concert 1 i—> tM mae> NM i"« —>»■ r-pui*. O Mt* »**» •■•> bands Student Development Program The Black Student Union ...THE LARGEST INVENTORY IN B.G. And The Board of Black Cultural Activities WITH THE BEST SELECTIONS OF LP'S - 8 TRACKS - CASSETTES - BLANK TAPES - This event is free to the Public and Students are invited to attend. CONCERT TICKETS • RECORD ACCESSORIES.

OPEN 7 MON-SAT 9am-10pm FITIDER) DAYS A (both locations) WEEK SUNDAYS 12-7:30pm wmmm^m^^^^

Page 4, The BG Newi, Friday, September », 1»78 Entertainmfint weekend Chicago concert confirmed by Marc Hngnnln Entertainment Editor A Chicago concert and a possible appearance by the formance in Anderson Arena. The concert is scheduled Jazz vibraphonist Ayers is scheduled to perform Beach Boys highlight the updated Union Activities for 8 p.m. Nov. 11. Nov. 17 in the Grand Ballroom, Union. University film buffs will be hard pressed to view all of the acclaimed, Organization (UAO) concert schedule for fall quarter. The Beach Boys concert has not been confirmed by The J. Geils Band tentatively is scheduled for Dec. 2. promising or merely provocative films showing around town this weekend. Roy Ayers and the J. Geils Band also have been the band's management, but is "99 percent certain," The date is a make-up of a concert originally scheduled "The Goodbye Girl," the second UAO campus movie of fall quarter, won an scheduled. according to Jim Stofan, UAO's director of for last spring but cancelled by the band. Oscar for artcr Richard Dreyfuss, and Oscar nominaions for Marsha Mason, programming. The campus appearance of the Beach supporting actress Qulnn Cummings, 's screenplay and for best Harry Chapin will perform Oct 5 in Anderson Arena. Chicago, still one of America's most successful Boys, a fixture on the American popular music scene picture. bands despite the death of guitarist Terry Kath in a for 16 years, tentatively Is scheduled for Oct. 29, as part Tickets for this 8 p.m. show are $6 and $7 and are Dreyfuss and Mason are another of Simon's lovable, but odd couples, forced bizarre "Russian roulette" shooting incident last of the University's Homecoming festivities. Stofan said available at the Union ticket booth, Finder's, The by circumstance to share an appartment. Their almost continual bickering spring, confirmed Wednesday a November per- he expects confirmation of the date soon. Source and several Toledo outlets. masks the development of a close and genuinely loving relationship, one which "warmed the hearts," as they say, for movie-goers across America. "THE GOODBYE GIRL" will be shown at 7 and 10 p.m. today and tomorrow in the Main Auditorium, University Hall. Admission is »1 with University ID. Ronstadt's 'U.S.A.' voice better than ever "National Lampoon's Animal House," a zany comedy of college life, opens today at the Stadium Cinema with show at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. The film, which Review by however, when a beautiful a better insight into more word for this album. Ron- down on luck but trying voice no longer can disguise complicated lyrics. stadt ranges from achingly noetheless. combines the comedic talents of the National Lampoon gang and Saturday Michelle McCuUough night live's madman John Belushi, is an anarchic film in the tradition of the a lame reading, and it seems simple renditions of "Love Practically every song is a that the singer must "Living In The U.S.A." Me Tender" and Smokey cover of another artist's Marx Brothers and Mel Brooks. It's a must for all comedy film fans. From where I sat Aug. 11 "Up In Smoke," starring Cheech and Chong, and Burt Reynolds' "Hooper" in Centennial Hall, the words sacrifice the beauty of the has all the earmarks of a Robinson's "Ohh Baby material, but that's nothing also open local engagements today at the Stadium Cinema and the Cla-Zel, Linda Ronstadt sang were melody for the clarity of the typically enjoyable and Baby" to the more complex new for Ronstadt. What's sound Ronstadt work. The songs of Little Feat, Warren new is that her choice of respectively. Little is known about "Up In Smoke" at this time, but Cheech and barely discernable. The lyric. Chong wrote the film in additon to starring in it, so their insanely active style of I was hoping Ronstadt production is by Peter Asher Zevon and Elvis Costello material combines with a range and control of her humor should predominate. Ads, incidentally, instruct viewers, "Don't go luscious soprano more than would not have to make such and the music by her own maturing talent to make it staight to see this movie," and they don't mean not to go and see It. made up for it at this con- a sacrifice, and with the band—J.D. Souther makes THE LITTLE FEAT song, not only sound good, but cert, however, just as it has appearance of "Living In the no appearence to sing his "All That You Dream," sound right. made up for her faulty in- U.S.A." my hope has been "White Rhythm and Blues." weds a heavy beat to a funky terpretations ("Sail Away", realized. Not a second of The song shines despite this. melody that Ronstadt "Carmelita") of the past. vocal enrichment is lost, soothes and wails to her Boom Boom Band is back Alexander's voice In There comes a time while Ronstadt also displays Interpretation is the key advantage without losing Review by table frequently. I respected agree, however. sight of the lyric- "All that "Modern Lovers"-"I loved Michael J. Gueulette a man who could transform a Now that the band Is back you dream—will come • tear-jerker like "You've with Its second album, me and you loved you-What through shining—shining else could modern lovers When Willie Alexander Lost That Loving Feeling" "Meanwhile...Back In The silver lining." Zevon's do?"-makes one wonder If COME TO THE and the Boom Boom Band's into a rock and roll States," I'm wondering "Mohammed's Radio" crucificxion. Others who whether I should press my David Bowie should loosen debut LP appeared last up with a few drinks before conveys the same attitude: spring, it graced my turn- heard the album didn't quite luck. Alexander's initial impression is tough to going into the studio. swallow: he comes off as "You Looked So Pretty little more than an inar- When" employs an In- ticulate punk-rocker. teresting array of in- $16 EP PANHELLENIC struments including a string Alexander was Lou Reed's replacement In the Velvet quartet. Alexander takes a COUNCIL Underground, which was funky nod Jamaic awards probably no accident. At with his reggae "Bring Your times he sounds as if he's Friend." And with the ex- MUD TUG WISHES EVERYONE taken at least as many drugs ception of the vocal, "Sky as Reed. But, depending on Queen" is given a thoroughly the mood, Alexander can Rundgrenesque treatment. Sterling Farms THE BEST OF LUCK sound either cold and The vocals are a bit hard to removed or cool and cap- understand at times, but 1:00 pm Sat. Sept. 30 tivating. He strikes the Alexander's been a musician THROUGHOUT listener sensually, In much too long to be trying to say the same way as The Fonz. nothing. I just hope that ..THE ALBUM, with its someone listens to this Refreshments will be served THE SCHOOL YEAR crisp recording, has more album more than once to find than its share of moments. out what he does have to say.

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■M The BG News, Friday, September 29,1978, Page 5 Science, sci-fi magazine debuts Review by THE STANDARD lead-in for articles spectacle, however. There are well- and science. "Analog," the leading missioned a contribution from Asimov Jim Flick fiction and non-technical science and stories is an impressive full-page researched articles about immortality, science fiction magazine today, long himself. magaines traditionally have a tough color painting or photo, and listening for intelligent radio signals has been known for its excellent science MONTHLY COLUMNS appear time selling on the open market "Omni" is an ambitious new reproduction quality consistently is from outer space, and future uses of articles, while one claim to fame of destined to keep readers abreast of the magazine. high. While they're often abstract, drugs, for example. One of the most "The Magazine of Fantasy and Science latest developments in science and YET, THE attractive 180-page first Featuring a large-size, slick format, they're always appropriate. fascinating pieces is an interview with Fiction" is its monthly science column science fiction. And there's a page of issue has received large-scale financial lavish graphics, big-name science Two sections are pure visual en- Freeman Dyson, a visionary Princeton by Asimov, the country's foremost logic puzzles, Just for fun. fiction authors and a variety of timely, backing, which leads one to believe that tertainment: a series of six photos of physicist. science writer. The audience for this magazine is extensive marketing research has well-written science articles, this irridescent soap bubbles, and 10 pages The first issue of "Omni" takes uncertain. It is for science-oriented magazine packages technology for non- shown a huge potential audience for the of artist conceptions of robots. FICTION PIECES include a gem of a something from each of the above persons, yet is not elitist. It is written to magazine. scientists. However, the prints accompanying short story by scientist Isaac Asimov, a magazines. "Omni" took Ben Bova, the a popular science level designed for Bob Guccione, editor and publisher of The magazine's artwork is most turn each into gentle lectures. And the touching fable by Theodore Sturgeon, editor of "Analog" and winner of comprehension by any literate adult. A striking. The cover is a strong, shadowy "Penthouse" magazine, is listed as the most psychedelic photos actually are an old master of science fiction, and a several "best science fiction editor of college education is not required, but an editor and design dierector of "Omni," photo which sets off the title and cover "photomicrographics"-photos taken story by sci-fi satirist Ron Goulart. the year" awards, away from that interest in the modern-and future- blurbs. But once the photo's subject is and the two magazines share a mailing through a microscope. But "Omni" is not, as it claims, the magazine to become its fiction editor. world is mandatory. address in Farmingdale, New York. known, you wonder why it was used. first magazine to mix science fiction There is more to "Omni" than From the latter, "Omni" com- Because everyone is constantly living The vast resources of "Penthouse" his or her way into the future, and magazine probably have sponsored because its editorial balance is so "Omni's" development. varied, nearly everyone will find The volume one, number one issue of Noire/ traces family's struggle something of interet in "Omni." Many "Omni," dated October 1978 and billed Reviewn I t_by lk ■. caused■ a struggle■ .a readers will find the total concept as a collector's item, is available at by the weight of their packs, while fascinating. However, both science Cindy Zlotnick .yum cha—drinking tea really meant between two divergent cultures. others struggled with maimed arms newstands. playing Mah-jongg and gossiping while and legs to avoid the deadly shower of "Dynasty" is an historical novel consuming a variety of succulent MARY IS a woman of great in- debris falling from the sky. The portraying one of China's most dumplings with fragrant tea. But the telligence during a time when women foundering men shouted soundlessly, Ex-con lawyer scores 'teahouse' was also Ah Sam's powerful families against a backdrop of were expected to be submissive, their mouths gaping wide in macabre HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Like many much chance as kamikaze pilots. In a events from the decline of the last euphemism for the divan where he pregnant and "the person within the pantomime." lawyers, Martin Kazinski has had lots preview showing Sept. 10, "Kaz" more occasionally smoked a few soothing empress to the rise of Mao Tse-Tung. house." She refused to fulfill any of AS AN HISTORICAL novel, of experience with criminals. But his is than held its own against the conclusion pipes of sticky, black opium." A blending of real events and fiction, these roles and became co-manager of "Dynasty," offers more of China than from the wrong side of the bars. of ABC's "Roots." The final chapter of The Sekloongs—some refer to them Robert Elegant's characters represent a major hong, a worldwide commercial can be revealed by facts in history Kazinski is the unorthodox hero of the the rerun of "Roots" place first in the as the Sekloong Dynasty— are "related composites of many real persons. empire, with her husband. books. new CBS Sunday night series "Kaz," the ratings, while "Kaz"tied for 18th Through these fictional personages, to half the money and power in the The novel unfolds through the per- Elegant is a distinguished foreign which is not just another lawyer show. place. Elegant hoped to explore the realities of world. By blood, by marriage, or by spective of Sir Jonathan and Mary, who correspondent who has covered most of Kaz learned his law from the inside — the turbulent life of China and Hong wealth." However, complications drive oversee the family's many births, the major events in Asia since 1951. He he studied and passed the bar while in The opening episode has Kaz fresh Kong from 1900 to 1970. the novel into an endless number of deaths, love affairs and marriages. The was foreign-affairs columnist for the prison. out of "law school" and hoping to sign For this reason in particular, the subplots which continually threaten to revolutionary turmoil in China and the Los Angeles Times and his columns The concept of the show, which on with a major law firm. He picks one novel can be valuable reading for any break up the family, its wealth and web of politics and trade that surrounds were syndicated in more than 300 plunges a streetwise ex-con into the headed by Patrick O'Neal, who shares student. The ideology of the Chinese reputation. the family submerge the reader in the newpapers in the United States and staid world of a prestigious law fnm. star billing with Leibman, and gets into people is depicted. Through reading the Sir Jonathan, founder of the entire exotic atmosphere of the saga. abroad. Elegant, who speaks Chinese was created by actor Ron Leibman, O'Neal's private office through a novel, the reader becomes acquainted clan, which spans three generations of Elegant's flair for description gives and Japanese fluently, also wrote six who plays Kaz with unusual energy and combination of guile and naivete. with the moral principles which compel of Sekloongs, was the illegitimate son of the book strong literary merit as in this non-fiction works about China and Asia. intensity. O'Neal is captivated by such the Chinese to look after themselves a Chinese mother and Irish father. His passage depicting Japanese navel A selection of the Book-of-the-Month presumptuousness and assigns him a and their families—at whatever cost to son, Sir Charles, married a European warfare: "...the water was alive with Club and Playboy Book Club, "KAZ" COULD be one of the few new case as a test. Naturally. Kaz truns a the people and the nation. woman, Mary. Thus, the family's thrashing infantrymen. Jonnie watched "Dynasty," was released in paperback series to survive in a competitive at- routine case of plea bargaining into ELEGANT PROVIDES a feeling for major problem was their Eurasian mesmerized as some were pulled down three weeks ago. mosphere where rookie shows have as something more intriguing. Religion explored B.G.S.U. UNIVERSITY BANDS NEW YORK (AP)-British than Eyre for "The Long Pogliai s delivers from playwright Ronald Eyre Search," a 13-part GARAGE SALE Pagliai's East before recalls as a teen-ager "a examination of the world's 4 p.m.! Now you can phase of asking endless religions now being 319 Campbell Hill Rd. have a great lunch delivered questions: about God, belief, broadcast on Public tOOl 111 om 4pm Mm order »5 00] what I was here for, how Broadcasting Service (Behind Great Scot) things started, what good- stations. ness is, what evil is, what The series, which began in Sat., September 30 9:30-4:30 happens when you die." September with installments "Well, it's 30 years later on the Protestant spirit in and I'm still going through this country and Buddhism my religious phase, if that's in H India, continues . this the right word for it," Eyre weekend with an noonus STABLES declares. examination of orthodox WHAT BETTER leader Christianity. 14810 Freyman Rd. ABORTION Red Cross Cygnet, Ohio TOLL FREE is counting on you. 9 a.m.-lO p.m. HAYRIDESand a — -. 1 -800-438-8039 + WHEELS PARTY FACILITIES DAYTIME DELIVERY AT EAST! All women interested Trail Riding (150 acres) in playing soccer, Lessons iaPs come to 100 BA (BGSU credit or noncredit) SOUTH Monday at 7:30 pm for 440 E. COURT 945 S. MAIN For Further Information Call 352-1596 3527571 an organizational meeting. 655-2193 (Local Call) Open 11 a.m. 2am. Mon Sat. 4p m. Midnight Sun


For every T-Bone. Steak & Shrimp Shrimp or Super Sirloin dinner you buy. you'll receive a hand- SPECIAL OFFER! some glass mug. free. These mugs are made by WHILE THEY LAST! Libbey glass THE TOWH and hold 12 oz. of your favorite Assorted 6" pot Taco Pizza. The newest beverage. The mugs, which taste sensation now normally re- foliage plants $5.75 at Pizza Inn. tail for more than $1.00. Looks like. will be avail- (Friday & Saturday only) able all day, every day Regularly $8.95 beginning Sept. 22 while supplies last. Details avail- Insect-free able at partici- a pizza, tastes like a taco. pating steak Assorted Varieties houses. So come Try one today. in and get a mug. And start TACO PIZZA your collection. 906 Napoleon Rd. (End of S. College Dr.) 353-8381 Pizza innS **»¥•■« a feelinc >H JwrtVttBnnalllwu*. .^,, Open: 8-5 Mon.-Sat. TRY OUR NEW IMPROVED SALAD BAR Open Monday through Thursday 11:00 a.m. to Midnight E. Wooster St. Closed Sunday Friday and Saturday II :00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., and Sunday 12:00 p.m. to Midnight [Across from Perry Stadium]

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Page I, The BG Newi, Friday, September », 1*78

Day in review From Associated Press wire stories No obstacles' Israel works toward peace treaty WASHINGTON (AP)-President cords by Begin and himself, Carter said he can do nothing to force Begin treaty-signing; the future of Israeli Carter said yesterday that Prime TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - The Israeli two directions Israeli policy-makers treaty by mid-December. Minister Menachem Begin of Israel to accept the U.S. view that Israel government, armed with over- must face in the coming weeks along investments in the peninsula, such as had agreed to build no new set- tourist facilities and oil fields; traffic and President Anwar Sadat of Egypt whelming parliamentary backing for the relatively well-mapped path to an IN WASHINGTON, President Carter have told him there are "no tlements for five years. the Camp David accords, began agreement with Egypt, and toward an hailed the Knesset vote as "a great step arrangements between Israel and Begin insists the commitment was Egypt and the future of the U.S.- remaining obstacles" to conclusion detailed work yesterday on the next uncertain cast of characters and vague forward." Prime Minister Menachem of a peace treaty between their two for only a three-month moratorium. steps toward peace with Egypt. principles laid out by the Camp David Begin told the lawmakers, "The peace operated early-warning stations in the Asked if he would go to the Middle Gidi and Mitla passes. countries. In Cairo, senior Egyptian Foreign accords for eventual agreement on the treaty is almost ready. We must just Carter said the assurances by the East for the signing of an Egyption- Ministry officials said preliminary West Bank of the Jordan River and the copy it.and add a few clauses." two Middle East leaders came in the Israeli peace treaty, Carter said: meetings could begin as early as Gaza Strip. THE EVACUATION of civilian and "Nothing would please me more Although preparatory talks may military posts in the Sinai must be aftermath of the Israeli Wednesday in the Suez Canal city of parliament's vote to dismantle than to participate in the signing of a Ismailia. The Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, begin next week, Israeli officials said completed in two to three years. The 18 peace treaty at an early date." But civilian settlements now house 4,000 settlements in the Sinai. Israeli army specialists were approved the Camp David plan by a Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, a key As for the difference in in- he said no such decision has been negotiator, would not go to Egypt persons. preparing to leave for Cairo today to vote of 84-19 after an exhausting 17 terpretion of the Camp David ac- made. reopen the direct communication links hours of debate that ended at 3:30 a.m. before the end of the Jewish high holy that will facilitate negotiations. yesterday. days-New Year Monday and Tuesday andYomKippurOct.12. U.S. MIDEAST envoy Alfred The accords call for the withdrawal The details that negotiators must Jury selection for spy trial begins work out include the timetable for the Atherton, meanwhile, arrived from of Israeli troops and civilian set- NEWARK, N.J. (AP) - Jury selection paneling a jury. prison if convicted. tlements from the Sinai Peninsula and Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai, Jordan to brief Israeli officials on his began Wednesday for the espionage Lacey warned prospective jurors that The defendants were arrested May 20 return of the desert region to Egypt. whose first phase must be carried out swing through Arab capitals. trial of two Soviet employees of the they must decide the case only on near the Garden State Parkway in They call on the two countries to sign a within three to nine months of the The developments underscored the United Nations who are accused of evidence, without feeling that they Woodbvridge. The indictment charged trying to pass U.S. defense secrets to were "somehow being disloyal to the that they worked with a Soviet diplomat their homeland. United States or letting your country wh since has left the country to receive U.S. District Court Judge Frederick down or aiding the Soviet Union." microfilm, photographs and reports of Carter to halt rail clerk strike B. Lacey said prospective jurors un- A panel of 12 jurors and several confidential information from a U.S. derwent questioning in private about alternates will be sequestered during naval officer. WASHINGTON (AP)--President and stranded thousands of daily rail Railway and the Brotherhood of their religious, ethnic and ideological the trial of Valdik Aleksandrovich Carter stepped in yesterday to end a commuters. Railway and Airline Clerks "have been backgrounds. Enger, 39, and Rudolf Petrovich crippling nation-wide rail strike by "THIS WILL take the railroad unable to reach an agreement during He said the questions were the most Chernyayev,43. ordering rail clerks back to their jobs workers back to the job," Carter said. the past 26 hours," said Marshall. intensive he has ever asked in im- Both could be sentenced to life in New judge, for SO days. "If there is opposition to this action, The secretary said that earlier in the The president said he was using his then I would not hesitate to go to federal day the federal agency that mediates emergency powers provided by the court to enforce it." railroad disputes had recommended Seat belt improved KSU trial National Railway Labor Act to halt the Labor Secretary Ray Marshall an- that the president move to halt the three-day walkout because "we have nounced earlier that government in- strike under the labor act. AKRON, Ohio (AP)-David Sandier or stand in a moving car safely, is CLEVELAND (AP)-The second trial almost a complete shutdown of rail tervention was expected, telling thinks he has invented a better car seat basically a harness around the child's of a $46 million suit over the 1970 deaths Marshall had ordered the two sides to service in our country." reporters that his efforts to have the belt for children, and he believes it will waist, chest and shoulders. The harness of four Kent State University students negotiate around the clock for 24 hours The 42-state strike has tied up parties negotiate an agreement had change his luck as an inventor. slides up and down along a pair of during anti-war demonstrations will be shipments of autos, food, coal and other failed. in hopes of reaching an agreement The 64-year-old Akron man made a straps fitted on the back of the car seat. before a noon deadline. But, sources heard by U.S. District Judge William vital freight shipments, forced some small fortune 32 years ago when he Sandier plans to manufacture the belts K.Thomas. said, the secretary extended that worker layoffs due to parts shortages, THE NORFOLK and Western produced one of the first speaker and himself and sell them from a store in A November trial date is expected. deadline for another 90 minutes to heater systems for cars at drive-in his shop for $29.95 each. Judge Don J. Young presided at the make a final personal effort to mediate Read theaters, but was wiped out by a bad 15-week first trial, which cleared Ohio a settlement. investment in 3D movies. A younster can stand, sit or kneel National Guardsmen, Gov. James A. As an alternative, Carter could have The Sandier hopes the new seat belt idea while harnessed in the device, he said, Rhodes and other state officials of any asked Congress for emergency will put him back in the money. but the child will remain in place during wrongdoing. legislation to end the crippling strike News The belt, which allows children to sit asuddenstop. ^^^++>fif+if3f+lf}f

¥ Applications for Senior Homecoming ¥ Representative can be picked up in ¥ ¥ 405 Student Services beginning Mon. ¥ n ¥ Oct. 2. Seniors must be those ¥ ■ graduating no later than August Lucky Steer ¥, 1979. Applications must be turned fn ' i Restaurants "F to this office-He later than Friday J / ¥ October 13. £ We at Lucky Steer would like to invite you to come in and TOUCH try our World Famous Salad Bar. When you do you'll understand why we say, "The only way to get a salad Ci-ASS as fresh as ours is to grow it yourself." Welcomes back the students of BGSU DISCO AT IT'S FINEST Coming next Wednesday, Try Lucky Steer Open Wed. thru Sat. Thursday and Friday Wed. & Fri., College ID Nights Family Restaurants Fri., Ladies Night till 12 Grand Ballroom, Union You'll be lucky you did Doors Open at 8:30 9 am to 5 pm 3415 DORR AT BYRNE »»V%M»¥VVVV»V¥V¥VV¥»¥¥VVVy»¥«**M^M^^^^*M*M^A«*^**' CAMPUS ENTERPRISES R€SCU€ Sound System 352-9310 SQUAD ^^^^yyW^VMWWNMM^A'^AM^MAM^A'SM^A^^^M^AM^* 352-5166 Weekend Special

Our ten car squad is only a Friday & Saturday telephone call away We at Brushed Chino-Cotton Pisanello s take pride in rescuing you from the midnight munchies Poplin Coordinates and dinnertime blues (skirts-pants-vests-jackets) A pina never had it so good. VA off Matching shirts-sweaters 20% off pPisopclb's The Powder Puff 525 Ridge St. 203 N Main Bowling Green— 352 5166 just 1 block W. of McDonald Dorms The BG News, Friday, September », lf7«, Page 7 r~ Myles Pizza Pub IF YOU LIKE COOR'S Campus calendar YOU'LL LOVE PREMIUM FRIDAY Student Swim, 38 p.m.. Natatorlum. Admission 25 cents. Live Music Featuring Sultrental lOcents. Entertainment UAO Campus Movie, 7 and 10 p.m., Main Auditorium, PEARL Art Show, a a.m.-5 p.m., Alumni Gallery. Alumni Center. University Hall. "The Goodbye Girl." Admission »l with Tom Scott UAO Print Sale, 9a.m.-5p.m., Browsing Room, Union. BGSUID. THE BIG BEER Student Swim. 6:30 10 p.m., Natatorlum. Admission 25 Public Skating. 810 p.m., Ice Arena. Admission $1.25 with a cents with BGSU ID. Sultrental 10 cents. BGSU ID. Skate rental 50 cents. FROM TEXAS learl UAO Campus Movie. 7 and 10 p.m.. Main Auditorium, UAO Disco. 9 p.m. 1 a.m.. Side Door, Union. Admission 50 Tim Darnell University Hall. "The Goodbye Girl." Admission SI with cents. BGSUID Public Skating, 8-10 p.m., Ice Arena. Admission $1.25 with SUNDAY BGSU ID. SKate rental SO cents. Entertainment UAO Coffeehouse, » p.m.. The Side Door, Union. Student Swim, 1-3 p.m., Natatorlum. Admission 25 cents, Admission 50 cents. Featuring tolkslnger Jack Hamilton. sultrental 10 cents. Public Skating, 3:30-5:30 p.m.. Ice Arena. AdmissionS1.25 Mills Jewelry SIDE DOOR SATURDAY with BGSU ID. Skate rental 50 cents. Open Swim, 4:30-8:30 p.m.. Natatorlum. Admission for Watch Repair on Premises Entertainment adults, 35 cents. Under 18, 25 cents. Suit rental 10 cents. DISCO Open Swim, 1 3 p.m., Natatorlum. Admission for adults 35 Public Skating, 8-10 p.m.. Ice Arena. Admission $1.25 with cents, under 18.25 cents. Suit rental 10 cents. BGSU ID. Skate rental 50 cents. Free Gift Wrapping Saturday 8:00-1:00 Finer Jewelry BEER and popcorn Crossword We Accept Dank Americord available and Master Charge 192-A S. Main All new sound, lights and ACROSS 46 Syndicates 22 Vessel Bowling Green's finest D.J. 49 German Anat 1 Adores slate 25 Can Prov. Admission $.50 6 Bone Preti. 50 Type size 26 Shankar's Mini Mall 10 Insect 51 Be inclined lorle mar secretion 52 Flap 27 Sets 1 1 3 4 1 8 9 10 11 12 IJ 14 While 55 Fraud: 2 28 Amateur ' poplar words radio oper- 14 16 15 Flunk 58 Heath plant ators " Interested in 16 Swan genus 17 10 60 Invariably 29 Death no- 17 Bracer 61 Bed pan nce " Graduate Study Abroad 18 Poker hand 62 Ranter 20 ■ 1H ■ 2 words 63 Leavings 30 Peels 32 Shifts 25 m 27 for 1979/80? 20 Hail a gig- 64 Watchful I gle 65 Fi-m 33 Stimulus 30 If so, you should attend an information 21 Egg-shaped 34 Observe 28 11 I meeting on Ful bright-Hayes Grants: 23 Quito s 35 B A holder •ange 37 Stain 31 ■ 32 33 34 J5 10:00 a.m., Friday DOWN 40 Terriers, September 29, 1978 36 ■ 1 Wooden eg ■ River Room 24 01 an area Strip 41 Kilmer 39 lag 41 ■ <; «J University Union 26 Liveliest 2 Hautboy poem Basic Eligibility Requirements: 28 Aignans 3 S Amer na- 44 30 American 42 Trembles I tion 43 Verb ending I ' * U.S. Citizenship Indian Var 4 Yane 45 Whip • 6 47 18 31 Assists H~' * BA degree (but not Ph. D) prior to September, 5 Time units 46 Ruminant 32 01 sub- 1979 6 Refuse 47 Desert plant 50 43 V stance ■ ■ 7— of 48 Peep show « Language qualifications for host country 36 Wire meas- Tarsus. 49 Pat's 55 56 57 55 ure Saint Paul successor Campus Application Deadline: 37 Rail birds 8 Sesame " 38 Conjunction 51 Tyrant 40 ., October 13,1978 9 Building an- 39 Begin again 53 Maple genus " For additional information contact: nex 63 —3TA»IVM 2 words 54 Farm build- 10 Nuttier ing " " Research Services Office 42 Maxims 11 Baffle 1 56 Australian 120 McFall Center 44 Zodiac sign 12 Ramblers 45 Go : slate: Abbr. i Telephone: 372-2481 13 Loan Lose 19 Poker Flat 57 Guido's note vigor creator 59 Rodent All NORTH GROVE $1 I sun FRIDAY - SATURDAY GARDENS 2-BfJrm. Towntwuses rhr(rralr>I MIDNIGHT MOVIE! 1 Pets Permitted mtiintmanali* *! "Starts All SEATS $1.50 I 9 a l?mo. Leases BURT Heat Included in rent Tonight" REYNOLDS Immediate possession BOXOFFICE OPENS ll:4SP.M. Furnished a Unfurnished "Hooper" SHOWTIME 12:01A.M. One side makes you big, the Flame went out and The Call Pemberville IGA 287 3263. LOST a, FOUND At other side makes you small, go GAMMERS DID SHOOT! Farm help. Experienced Pendleton 7:30 And "Fly Mia or Fry Ma. . .Akport Gala m a LOST 1 pr. of brn. rimmed ask Alice, she's ten feet tall Congratulations & much Ldve tractor and truck driver. Call 9:20 P.M. Zinging Sinter Not to glasses In brn. case, vicinity of White Rabbit. PS. Will the to Mary and Mike on your 352 7050after 6p.m. Realty Co. B« Mraaad" Summit St. Call Info, desk at caterpillar crawl thru Rodgers engagement. Dawn and Brian Guitarist, sax, drummer and 352-1619*353-3641 Union. Leave message. 2nd West? on your engagement, arid vocalist for jazz, funk band. Moat Erotica Incradibta LOST wallet. McDonalds on The Brothers of Sigma Phi Dolisa and Joe on your pre- 354 1284. Scanaa Eve. engagement. Love from the Wooster. REWARD Call 422 Epsllon invite everyone to Nurses Aids and Dietary help, . . Total Porno 0405. Alpha Gams. In Every Sanaa attend the Sip Ep Mud Tug. part time. Ken Mar Nursing ¥ FOUND In MSC Building. Sat., Sept. 30, 1:00 p.m. at The Alpha Gams want to thank Home (formerly Manley's). Use the n ol the Word" Women's restroom. '78 Sterling Farms. the SAE'S. DELTS. SIGMA Call, collect after 5 p.m. 1-885- m FAIRVIEW HIGH SCHOOL Dog and Suds, Shirley Dog, NU's, DG's and Alpha Phi's for 3759 for information. BG NEWS a great 6 way. What a super o,. y class ring. Blue stone. Initials Dog. Lemon and Seven. Yabba Part time warehouse help way to start off the quarter! TC. Call 354 1743. Dabba Dog. What kind of Mad needed. Apply in person. Classifieds!! SERVICES OFFEREO Dog would think ol these? Sigma Chi's are anxiously Bowling Green Auction Inc. CORY'S PHOTOGRAPHY Come to 1451 Clough No. 201A anticipating to initiate the 18515N. DixieHighway. Call 372-2003 Pledge Your Fair Share Alpha Xl's enchanting Fall of Weddings, portraits and find out. BYOMD and mix. Clock Restaurant and Pancake the Uniled Way . . . AIRPORT '7B pledges. or come in to Modeling portfolios I would! House now accepting ap- Call Collect 423 9484 ALPHA iX's Tonlte is the WANTED plications for cooks and 106 University Payroll night of our pledge Day Tea! Need 2 M. rmmtes. for Wlnt. & / *& GIRLS Pregnancy Aid & Under waitresses. Any hours J.vJ" deductions > I PH^r^^""*^ Rats* x ...© NntMPI standing. EMPA 287 4679 & Get ready to have an excellent Sprg. Qtrs. Large Apt. 1V> available. Apply In person. 8 12 Hall * makes it easy. 3521488 time!! The Brothers of Sigma bath. Indoor pool (Serious Tues. thru Friday. if I andovoronly 1.0. * ©quired Get your skis ready for winter Chi. students only) Call Todd, 352- Student needed for genera now. Tune ups, hotwax, bin- A special thanks to all the men 4923. yard work. Ph 686 4527 after 8 ding adjustments Call Jack, who helped us during rush. We Need Tutor In Spanish. Call p.m. Car necessary. 352 3113. think you're great!)! Love Bob 354 1506. FOR SALE from The Alpha GAMS. T It W sound will provide F. rmmte. needed to live in Dorm size refrigerator, like STAflVM music for any size or type IT'S TIME FOR THE ALPHA duplex with 3 girls. Call 352- new $75. 19" B W TV w stand party at reasonable rates. Call PHIS TO CELEBRATE. THE 4285. $50. Call Rlc 354 1996 EXCITEMENT BEGINS Cinetria 1*1 now for Fall dates. 352-8320. HELPWANTED TONIGHT AT EIGHT! WE 1970 VW bus, sun-root, clean HOUSE ft FALL CLEANING STADIUM PlAZn SHOPPING CINTFB WELCOME OUR PLEDGES Full and part time. Interior, runs well $1500. 352 BY WE FOUR HOUSEWIVES TO ALPHA PHI ANO WILL Knickerbocker's. 352-5335. 7229 early eves, only. CLN. SER. Todays working SHOW THEM A FANTASTIC "MANAGER" We seek a 1975 Cutlas Supreme. Excel person does not want to work TIME AT TONIGHT'S SAE friendly, aggressive, and cond. Call afler7 p.m. 354 1196. ISTARTSJONIIIG HT! all week a then another 4 8 hrs. TEA! THIS ONE'S FOR YOU, promotable, female or male, to doing household chores. That 10 speed mens bike, AMF. PLEDGES! Love, The Alpha manage a Speedway Self- person deserves tp be free on Asking $40. Call 354-1211. " ANIMAL HOUSE " AT 7:30 ANO 9:30 Phis. Serve Gasoline Outlet. 1974 Fiat 128. Rust proof. 50,000 weekends. For details: 1-255- Responsibilities Include SATURDAY AT 2:00-7:30-9:30 2421. Plsanello's has discounts on all ml. Call eves. 352-1336. Pizza Party orders over $20.00. customer relations. Dally |" ANIMAL HOUSE "SUNDAY AT JOO PERSONALS 1974 Hornet Hatchback XL. Also party room for 25 people. paperwork and scheduling of 4:00-7:30 AND 9:30 PM I think that I shall never see. A personnel. Good Pay and excellent cond. 1976 engine Call 3525166 after 11 a.m. for 24.000 mi. Call 3523414, after party better than Friday's tea. details. Benefits. Apply at Speedway Where folks are nice and beer 1650 E. Wooster, B.G. Equal five. DRESS GPTIGNAI.: The Sixth Trl-Annual Jim is tree And Phi Psl's at our Opportunity Employer. 1 Onlx Mexican chessboard. Swart: Memorial Mad Dog house shall be. Yes poems are (Tan & gray). 14" x 14" $35. Party Is TONIGHT! 1451 CORNER KITCHEN part time TCCA 1MCT made by fools like me. But I 352 3417. Clough No. 201A BYOMD. position open. Pre grill cooks, hope KD'senloy this tea. waiters or waitresses. Apply In 3 beautiful Mexican rugs. 2 x The Kappa Sigs can hardly REQUIRED! ALPHA PHI PLEDGES ARE person between 1-3 or call for (27.5" x 58") $«5 each. 1 x (21" wait, to make the DZ tea super THE »ESTI THEY'VE OOT appt 352 1810 183 S. Main. X49")$25 352 3417. great. IT IS WILD MORE SPIRIT AND CLASS Desperately need someone to 1970 Chevy. 4 doors excel. THAN ALL THE RESTI ALPHA CHI PLEDGES: Get clean duplex home., one morn, running cond. $500. 352 3417 ANO CRAZY... WELCOME TO OUR HOUSE. Psyched! "The Pledge Day or afternoon a week. Will Men's Bicycle. Schwlnn HERE. AT LONG LAST, Tea" is Gonna Be GREAT! Slg PHI PLEDGES - WE LOVE negotiate. Dr. Remmington varsity ten speed. $100. 352- YOUI LOVE. THE ALPHA Ep» -VERY FINMY! 372 2796 Ext. 24. 3417. The film mafcerj luvel PHIS. Slg Eps and their Dates will Waitresses. waiters, 76 TR 7 Victory Edition, low- unwr, UMKiM party hearty at the "Mud Tug Clean, used furniture at 2nd hostesses, cooks, day or nlte miles, mint cond. 8 track am f IKeaaprapna* Time Around. 12836 South Date Parly". Get Psyched!! shift. Apply In person, Dutch oMVy-fintei. tm, must sell. Best offer. 435- 0 crew IMC* sweaters Dixie Highway (In The Modern Harry Chapin Oct. 5. Tickets Pantry Rest. 1720 E. Wooster, 5929 after 5 p.m. rill rouse initiation Heating Building) in Bowling now on sale. B.G. FOR RENT nkn and raiah Green. 352 2400. KEY says get psyched for your Miscellaneous help needed, Id Hie locji aarit. 3 bedroom furnished house for DUTUITWH Lasalles now has a complete senior pictures. Call 372 008610 must be 18 year of age. 6 people. $75 per month each & I oocTsnu «m line of Vogue patterns in stock. make an appointment. Waitresses and waiters Utility. Call 352 8804. I EIOOUMTU. wo ami Edythe and Chet Congrats on All girls Interested In Pom needed. Mutt be 21 years of motor coeacfriivon- Need 3 people to sublet 2 your summer engagement. merettes - Clinics will be held age. All positions available, for i HXHTSW" bedrm. house on Manvllle, Best of luck always. Love. The Saturday. Sept. 30at 12:00-2:00 full or part time. Apply any $275.00 -I- utll. Gas stove a SIsters of Delta Zeta. and 3.00 5-00 In Memorial night after 8:30 p.m. Dixie heat. Call 352 4380after9 p.m. MJaTieKAL Congrats to Leslie and Mark Hall. NEEDED: Food production, Thruston Manor apt. A-C, fully on your DZ Delta pinning. skills, shelter, education, Breakfast at eight. Sure was carpeted, cablevlsion, effc, What a nice way to start the great. Cocktails at eleven, we community, love. justice, laundry fac. (1 apt. avail) 352 new school year. Love, The were In heaven. Ball game at Jesus Christ. DIVINE WORD 5435. ANIMAL D.Z.'s. one, sure was fun. The tea at MISSIONARIES, as Catholic Single room for female We are sure the Alpha Phi's eight. Sigma Chls sure rate! Priests and Brothers, fill these student. Across from campus. will agree, that everyone's Let's do It again soon. The Phi needs In the USA and 36 other ueuti psyched for the pledge day tea. Mu's. countries. Are you 17 to 30? Available now. Phone 352 7365. TheSAE's. The Glow of a candle, such a Could this challenge Interest Need 1 or 2 M. rmmtes. to Show off your dog at 201 A, beautiful sight. The sign had you? Write: DIVINE WORD sublease apt. at Ridge Manor. Apt. No. 23. 352-0565 or 352 University Courts tonight. said, three In one night! The MISIONARIES. CO Brother 0846. Don't let the dog bite you! It candle went around and Andre, SVC, Perrysburg, Ohio will be a howling good time. around. The Sisters pasted It 43551. 2 bedrm. delux apt. 828 7th St. BYOMD. with hardly a sound. Then the Stock qoy to work morns. ( 12. $280 mo. All Utll pd. 352 4161. *m

Page 8, The BG Newi, Friday, September 29,1978 Sports Falcons visit Broncos BG honeymoon is over

By Steve Sadler "THEY THROW OFF the option," Stolz said. "They try to Sports Editor get you to play the run. To make the (defensive) back come up and play the pitch and then throw it over his head. In the "The honeymoon is over, we're not going to be blowing first two games they've thrown very effectively." around 700,600 or 500 yards. We're going to be playing some While Western's offense expects to be a problem, Stolz said good football teams." their defense is much better also. Denny Stolz doesn't have to look any farther away than "They played a super ball game against Miami," he said of Kalamazoo, Mich, and doesn't have to wait any longer than the Bronco defense in a 7-3 loss last weekend. "They appear tomorrow afternoon before his words come true. to be much better than they did a year ago. His Bowling Green Falcons, the total offense leaders in the "Their secondary coverage is a little more complex than country, get their first stern test when they visit Western we've seen, which is good, we need to see some different Michigan for a key Mid-American Conference (MAC) game. things,"Stolz continued. "But up front they're very con- ventional." A LITTLE EXTRA attraction has been thrown in to sweeten the pot, as Western Michigan will feature the MEANWHILE, STOLZ is as proud of his own defensive second-leading rusher in the country in Jerome Persell and team as he is his potent, record-shattering offense. the Falcons will showcase quarterback Mike Wright, the "I'm glad to see us up there in MAC statistics (in defen- nation's leading signal caller in total yardage. se)," he said. "Defensively we have definitely improved." Obviously, the key to each team's defense will be to try to Early season critics had serious doubts of the BG defense, slow down the other teams' star performer. but Stolz hasn't seen any incriminating evidence yet. "We hope we can slow him down," Stolz said of Persell. "Nobody has convinced me yet that we are a bad defensive "Over the years we've been under the opinion that a great team," he said. "I'm really happy we've improved defen- player is going to get his yards. We have to try like heck that sively in the conference." his supporting cast doesn't do as well." Persell, who carried 39 times last weekend for 229 yards, With the threat of Persell's running comes the danger of might be the kind of guy who could convince Stolz one way or the Broncos throwing passes off their option game. another.

Newsphoto by Dave Ryan Booters face Miami POWER PLAY-Falcon running back Dave Wlndatt plows for some tough yardage last Saturday. Football Forecast By Dave LewandowsU BG TAGGED a 2-1 loss on the Redskins last season as Staff Reporter Dieter Wimmer scored in overtime. Miami ended the year with a 4-7-2 slate while the Falcons finished with a 8-6 record. Bowling Green's soccer coach Gary Palmisano isn't taking Palmisano said that while Miami will be the best con- tomorrow's game against winless Miami lightly. ditioned team they have seen this fall, BG is Just as good a MAC games split staff Despite possessing an 0-3 record under first year head conditioned squad with a little extra. coach Steve Cady, the Redskins are a team to be reckoned "The attitude is in the right spot after Tuesday's win over By Steve Sadler off to celebrate 'their biggest victory ever.' Ball State with according to Palmisano. Wesleyan and yesterday's practice," Palmisano said. Sports Editor students can delay their Monday morning tests a day if our staff is right here. 9-5, Ball State. "THEY'RE THE BEST conditioned team we've faced this THE FIRST YEAR coach also said that while the Redskins Though some of the methods forchoosinpwinners fell short season," Palmisano said. "They've only given up four goals haven't scored yet, they possess the ability to score. of being scientific-like flipping a coin-tabulations for the first OHIO AT KENT STATE: MAC also-runs here. Both teams in their three games and outplayed Denison in their game." "They have a lot of raw talent and outplayed Denison," week of our weekly Football Forecast have been made. accustomed to losing often last year. Only one can lose here Denison was the state's third ranked team going into the Palmisano said. "They had many opportunities to score but Only Delores Brim correctly picked the Kansas 28-24 and the staff thinks it will be Ohio, but Pierman, Ryan, game against Miami. The Redskin's other two losses came at couldn't put the ball in the net." victory over UCLA, while the other 13 'experts' went down Lewandowski, Brim, Winslow and this writer disagree and the hands of Xa vier and Dayton. with the Bruins. Things have a way of evening out in the end, go with the Bobcats. 84, Kent State. The Falcons will have to cope with a smaller playing field The smaller field won't provoke Palmisano to make any though, as Brim found out when she went reeling with Iowa, than they are used to at home, but Palmisano said it wouldn't changes in the booters style of play but it will put a restriction who she boldly predicted would defeat Iowa State, ISU was a MICHIGAN STATE AT USC: Friday night on the coast. alter the hooter's style of play. on BG's spread out play according to the BG mentor. The 31-0 winner, and all 13 members of the staff got a game back. USC proved their for real by knocking off top-ranked Cady said his team "has a lot of individual talent but we Falcons, especially goalie Bob Alarcon, will be looking for Alabama last weekend, but Ryan, Potsnak and Brim see a have to learn to play a team concept game." shutout number three this season. Alarcon has a career ASSISTANT Sports Editor Bill Paul leads the pack around Trojan letdown and a Spartan upset. 11-3, USC. Cc-captains Cay Mayhood and Phil Zak are the Redskins' shutout total of 10 while at BG. the first turn, as hecorrectlypicked eight of 10 winners. Staff top performers. Mayhood is a fullback while Zak is a half- After tomorrow's road-trip the Falcons are back home to members Roger Lowe, Pat Hyland, Dave Lewandowski, MISSOURI AT OKLAHOMA: Key Big Eight battle. The back. host Wooster on Wednesday, Oct 4. Doug Barr, Marc Hugunin and Brim are one back at 7-3. Sooners took over number one in the polls after 'Bama lost Two games back after the first week are Terry Potosnak, and they crushed Rice, 66-7, but Brim and Potosnak Jamie Pierman and this writer with a 6-4 mark, and Dan remember Tiger upsets over Ohio State, Notre Dame, Firestone, Dave Ryan, Pai 'a Winslow are three back with a Nebraska... 12-2, Oklahoma. 5-5 slate. Alone at the bottom is Cheryl Geschke with a 4* mark, but BAYLOR AT OHIO STATE: Not only did the entire 14 Stickers get extra day Cheryl has a smug look on her face about her picks this week member staff go with the Buckeyes, but the big news here is and hasn't panicked yet. that Brim, the Buck hater, chooses the Columbus team for The Mid-American Conference games could spell the the first time in over two years. Could that be a Jinx? 144, difference in the standing this week, however, as all three Ohio State. tournament. Deb Lux scored two goals to pace the Falcons games are rated about even. By Dave LewandowsU while Cindy Dilley added the other tally. PURDUE AT NOTRE DAME: Always a big rivalry, Staff Reporter "The game against Eastern has given us some direction," Rivalries like Purdue-Notre Dame, Michigan State-USC Purdue has had past success against the Irish, but only three Brett said. "We have the potential to be aggressive and and Missouri-Oklahoma look one sided on paper, but you people, Pierman, Brim and Winslow think Notre Dame can Women's field hockey coach Pat Brett will have one extra score." know what they say about throwing out the record books in lose three in a row at home. 11-3, Notre Dame. day to prepare her troops before the start of the regular those battles. season thanks to the cancellation of today's scheduled game EASTERN WAS THE only team at the Sauk Valley tour- Here's how our 14 staff predictors split up in this week's ILLINOIS AT SYRACUSE: No one will win this one, with Cedarville. nament the Falcons will see during the course of the year, games. somebody will Just lose. Neither team has had much of a The women stickers will begin the season tomorrow with a and Brett says the entire season cannot be judged by the taste of the good life lately, so this figures to be a close one. date at Wooster College and then play a Cleveland club team weekend series. BOWLING GREEN AT WESTERN MICHIGAN: The For the first time this year, the staff splits down the middle in a practice game. "Every team will be better as the season progresses," Falcons get their first real test after romping a couple of on a game. 7-7, Draw. Brett said. The main purpose of the games was to see what softies, while the Broncos should be angry after last week's TENNESSEE AT AUBURN: Johnny Majors, with suc- WOOSTER WAS THE top ranked team in the state last year player combinations work the best together see some setback to Miami. Should be a lot of offensive fireworks, but cesses at Iowa State and Pittsburgh, finds the going tough at before BG upset the Fighting Scots 1-0 in the opening game of cohesiveness according to Brett. The first year coach also defense will tell the story. Hyland, Lewandowski, Paul. Rvan his alma mater. Auburn has the home field and a good team, the season. BG finished the season with a 4-7-2 slate under said the team is in good condition and looking forward to the and this writer see the Broncos in a close one. 9-5, Bowling but staff sentiment swings towards Johnny. 84, Tennessee. coach Sue Gavron. season. Green. The Lady Falcons prepared for the year with a 3-0 victory After Saturday's outing the Ladybirds will continue their HOUSTON AT FLORIDA STATE: Burt Reynolds' alma over Eastern Michigan last weekend at the Sauk Valley road swing with a game at Kent State a week from today. BALL STATE AT CENTRAL MICHIGAN: Two MAC mater snuck into the Top Ten in some polls, but Hyland, powers battle here. After Alcom State upset Central Barr, Winslow and Pottosnak think the visitors from Texas Michigan last weekend, they gave the entire school Mondav will make their stay a sweet one. 10-4, Florida State.

Sports in review From Associated Press Wire reports

enjoyed life so much because he had so little at the begin- The 6-foot-2 southpaw quarterback has completed 63 of 97 NFL owners meet Ballesteros leads ning.' passes - a completion percentage of 64.9 - for 883 yards and Bostock, 27, was shot to death Saturday night while riding five touchdowns in Seattle's first four games. (AP) When the agenda for next week's meeting of National AP - Spain's spectacular Severiano Ballesteros, at 21 the in a car in Gary, Ind. After three seasons with the Minnesota His three fourth-quarter touchdown passes Sunday rallied Football League club owners was drawn up, one of the items youngest man in the elite field, lashed his way to a 1-under- par 69 and the first-round lead Thursday in the prestigious Twins, he had signed a five-year contract with the Angels the Seahawks to their second straight victory, a 28-16 decision dealt with the licensing of cheerleaders. calling for 82.7 million. over the Detroit Lions. His 5-yard run accounted for Seattle's But when the owners get together next Wednesday and World Series of Golf. "When he found the road to success, his first thoughts were first score. thursday in Chicago, the license taken by cheerleaders may Ballesteros was provided the opening for his pace-setting to help the people who had helped him," said Brett, who is the take precedence. effort when Bill Kratzert lost the lead with a horrendous 8 on "The Monster," the 575-yard 16th hole on the south course of Angels' player representative. the Firestone Country Club. "We are all better people for having known Lyman and Dauer sets mark These meetings, a normal occurrence this time each Ballesteros, the only man in the select field of 26 able to having him touch our lives." There was a standing room season, deal wiht changes effected in the previous off-season throng of about 1,000 for the services at the Vermont Square Rich Dauer of Baltimore tied a major league record with break par this chilly, windy day, binned the 17th off a wedge his 85th consecutive errorless game at second base, while and proposals to be acted upon after the upcoming post- shot to 3 feet Just about the time the distraught Kratzert United Methodist Church and another 500 were outside. season. Jim Palmer and Dan Stanhouse teamed for a four-hitter as visited two hazards on the way to his disastrous triple bogey. the Orioles beat the Cleveland Indians 3-2 Thursday night. The proposal to strengthen or eliminate the ban on owners' He finished with a 2-over-par 72. owning franchises in other major team sports will be dealt Defending champion Lanny Wadkins and Hubert Green Zorn puzzled with - along with a suit filed by the North American Soccer Palmer, 21-12, allowed three hits before permitting Jim were a single shot back at 70, even par on the 7,180-yard Norris' RBI single in the ninth. Stanhouse then relieved with League against the ban. layout that played tougher than It has In years. (AP) - Jim Zorn doesn't quite know what to make of all the two on and none out. One run scored on Andre Thornton's Co-favorites Jack Nicklaus and Tom Watson each had commotion over his passing. sacrifice fly but Stanhouse got Duane Kuiper on a groundout rounds of 72. Also to be discussed will be next's year's college draft 'I don't think in the past I was playing crummy," says to pick up his 24th save. format and exhibition schedule; the instant replay ex- Zorn, the Seattle Seahawks' gifted young quarterback who periment tried out during selected 1978 exhibitions; a possible Bostock buried really says things like that. "It's just that now I can see Dauer tied a one-season mark set by Ken Boswell of the ban on tear-away Jerseys; the Increasing difficulty in things a little clearer." New York Mets in 1970. He has handled 411 chances at second transporting teams to and from games because of a decrease (AP) - Funeral services were held Thursday for baseball Zorn, who has developed a knack In his two-plus seasons in without an error this season, three shy of Bobby Doerr's In charter flights; the effect of new rules and of the seventh star Lyman Bostock, and California Angels teammate Ken the Naitonal Football League for reducing would-be tacklers American League errorless chance streak set In 1948. The official the side Judge; and possible introduction of a Brett told mourners: "He enlivened our clubhouse and took to tears of frustration with his fancy footwork, emerged this late Ken Hubbs of the 1962 Chicago Cubs holds the major ' procedure to appeal afflcials'decisions. us out of the darknes of defeat. But he was a winner. He week as the game's top-rated passer. league record of 416 errorless chances.
