Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Working Group & Health Cluster Meeting Thursday 14 February 2019 10-11:30am UN compound, Aeroclubnaya, 1,

Chair: International Medical Corps (IMC)

Co-chair: Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) Minutes: Première Urgence Internationale (PUI)

Participants: PUI, IMC, DRC, Psychosocial Support Centre and Psychological Crisis Service, Responsible Citizens, Caritas, PAH, PIN, UNHCR, Slavic Heart, Proliska, WHO, UNFPA, ADRA, Poruch.

1) Save the Children Presentation: Suicide Protocol for Caseworkers and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Child Protection

Statistics of suicide cases:  2017 - no of official registered cases of suicide,  2018 - eight cases of suicide in the Mariinsky district,  2019 - 2 cases of suicide deaths have been already registered.

It is necessary to strengthen the coordination and review the resources existing in communities to provide high-quality PSS at all levels to minimize suicidal incidents. Save the Children suggests the identification of a contact person in each organization responsible for receiving referrals.

1) Activities to improve the system for social protection and maintenance cases, particularly for vulnerable children who have been victims of domestic, economic, gender-based, sexual violence: a) consultations and round tables with the Center of Social Services and the Regional Center of Social Services; b) creation of a map of services for referring children of different ages and different categories; (should be done by the end of the month) c) introduction of a standard operational structure of inter-agency assistance referrals in region; d) development a booklet for parents and social workers, which will describe the early signs of the threat of suicide and positive strategies to minimize the negative thoughts of the child and prevent acts of suicide; e) encouragement of Center of Social Services workers who deal with the social support of children and adolescents to use a protocol for suicide.

2) The social worker three-day case management training was held. Training includes the presentation of a protocol for suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviour risk management for children and adolescents in a crisis situation.

3) At the Round Table on February 28 it is intended to consider the possibility of signing a document on the standard operating procedure for referrals, which will set out the standard principles for assisting children and adolescents since these principles are often violated.

3) SUI/Self-harm protocol discussion

Questions from Andrew:

 Have you had experience with suicidal incidents and what did you do?  If a person in the past had attempted suicide and now there are signs that a person might commit suicide, will the police come to this call?

Center for Social Adaptation, Kramatorsk: If we notice the risk of committing suicide, we recommend person have an online consultation with psychiatrist. No contact with the police.

Proliska: We have many cases with suicidal thoughts and intentions. Our psychologists are supporting these people for a long time, sign a contract and develop a plan to overcome the crisis.

ADRA: We conduct psychotherapy with people who are at risk of suicide and support families with a member who committed suicide, in difficult cases we refer to a neurologist and a psychiatrist.

Clarification questions from Andrew:  Should the risk categories be clarified in the protocols, where the level of emergency assistance is explained and signs of when a person wants to harm her/himself?  Does state generally support those people who committed a suicide?

The participant did not give a name: The task of social workers of the regional center of social services is mainly to monitor people who are in difficult life situations. The task of psychologists at school is to identify children at risk of suicide but this one is poorly performed in the country. Often suicide attempts are hidden because the child may be stigmatized.

Andrew: It should be emphasized that it is necessary to share information and improve the system of referrals, to increase capacity of social workers on this topic.

The participant did not give a name: Schools have made a request to have training on the prevention of bullying and internet security.

4) Administrative Updates: MHPSS WG is receiving data from the protection and health clusters so that there is no need to send additional data to the WG. To facilitate mapping this year the sub categories were created separately for the health cluster and the protection cluster. Mapping of services is carried out once a year and a request for updates of activities is made once a month. Andrew provided clarification on changes in filling the mapping of activities at both protection and health clusters. For any questions about filling out this form, contact the MHPSS WG coordinator in any language and the response will be always in the language you prefer.

5) Update from Partners:

PUI: The first round of training on addressing mental health gaps for health workers has finished and for now group and individual supervision of these participants is taking place. A new round of mhGAP training has begun.

DRC: Two projects are being completed and there is no information to share about new projects.

Poruch: Activities continue in the same direction. The range of services for families has expanded to include dance and handicraft workshops. Poruch will be providing wheelchairs, canes and walkers to those with a referral those in need of such kind of medical mobility devices.

Psychological Crisis Service Center, Кramatorsk: Activity continues unchanged.

Caritas, Кramatorsk: Ongoing projects to meet basic needs and PSS. New: the social centers of Kramatorsk and Slavyansk merged, now crisis case management and social support are located in Kramatorsk.

PAH: One more Center has opened in Krymske, Luhansk region.6 PSS Centers will now be run for elderly 60+, namely 2 in Donetsk region and 4 in the Luhansk region.

PIN: The same activities are continuing until the end of April; 6 mobile teams are working, namely 1 child protection team, 1 GBV team and 4 PSS teams.

UNHCR: Our executive partners Slavic Heart and Proliska added PSS components. We started a program of financial assistance to the most vulnerable categories of IDPs along the contact line, and accept referrals through Proliska.

Slavyansk Heart: GBV mobile teams started activities in February: two in the Donetsk region (, Lyman and Slaviansk district, and Svitlodarsk) and one in the Luhansk region (Popasna). Coordinating efforts with the regional department of families and young people to determine the most breaking points along the contact line. There is a hot line and they accept referrals.

Proliska: Provide special non-medical care and individual long-term psychotherapy. Accept referrals. Offices are located in , Mariinka, Mayorsk, Svitlodarsk, Toretsk, , , Zolote, Stanytsia Luhanska, Shchastia. The project will last until the end of the year.

WHO: The same activities are continuing.

UNFPA: Continue to develop maps of referrals for GBV victims and accept referrals through partner organizations. There are security plans for the victims, information posters with contacts of PSS mobile teams, administrative services, legal assistance, medical assistance, safe space and referral maps together with a list of hotline service providers.

ADRA: The project remains unchanged until September of this year.

Psychological crisis service, mobile team, : The project is going without changes until June 2019. The online consultation service of a child psychiatrist has been added.

6) AOB: Reminder: MHPSS WG occurs every second month. The next meeting will be held in April, June, August, October, and December.