The Daily Egyptian, February 11, 1975
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1975 Daily Egyptian 1975 2-11-1975 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 11, 1975 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 56, Issue 94 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 11, 1975." (Feb 1975). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1975 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1975 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily ~gyptian Tuesday, February 11 , 1975 _ Vol. 56 , No. 94 Southern illinois University ) ~------~-----------------------~ Walker plan could aid SIU By La.... a Coleman on Southern lllinois and why he thinks replacement of heating. piping and Illinois to go over seven per cent with 15 Daily Egyptian Staff Writer the legislat W"e should appro\'e it. wiring. and the- installation of an per cent or that in the construction SIU-C will receive $3.5 million ahove The Carbondale appear ance was the elevator. Twenlv-four laboratories, six trades, Walker told a group or construc the Illinois Board of HIgher Education first for Walker in Southern Illinois classrooms and four laboratorv service tion officials that his program would <IBHE I request for capital im · since he announ ced the program to the rooms would be remodeled. "have an impact on every single provem ent s if Gov. Dan Walker's legislature Jan. 22 . -air conditioning, new ceilings. business" in the community. statewide campaign for a $4 billion ac Part of the program would provide fl ooring. lighting ~ nd piping for Davies WaJ,ker said most or the construction celerated building program is suc $3 .575,(0) for improvements for SIU in Gvmnasium. projects are already planned and added cessful. cluding : "-an electron microscope laboratory lhat his program would " move them up Walker was in Carbondale Monday -the mocl.erniza tion of the physics in Neckers Building . the pipeline." talking to business, labor and construc and geology laboratories in Parkinson The program also would finance all of Walkers plan would be financed by tion leaders about the program's affect Building. including air-conditioning . the $01 .5 million requested for the con· general obligation and revenue bonds slruclion of the School of Technical which would be paid back over several Careers (STC I. years. The bonds would cover S2 Vice ~ id ent for Development and million or the project. Services T . Ri chard Mager said Walker defended his proposal for the Walker's program Will allow SIU one lO bond, saying he's been assured or a one-and..a-half ::ear In building STC "good market" ror them. He said thal because the Universil v Will not have to because the country is in a recessIOn in award sub-conlracts for the project. In stead or "rampant inflatio n" evident a stead individual contractors will sub year ago, the proposal is reasible. divide the project. " I would have been a damn rool to " The STC planning funds have been propose It then," Walker said. " Last approved," Mager said. " It will permit '\'ear we didn'l have a recession." us to go right ahead with it." (Conllnuea on Page 3) Predicting une mployment rate In Eckert named head for advisory group By Mary Whitler Daily Egyptian Starf Writer l:ouncil are to : - generate increased employment Gov . Dan Waj~ uappOinled Ma yor opportunity and family incomes : !'Jea l Eckert as chairmdn to the newi\' - improve the quality and ac established Governor 's Ad visor)' c~ss ibility of public facilities and ser· ('ouncil ro r Econom :<.' O('\'clopment in vIces . Southern illinOIS. :\l onda\' - stem migration from the region : Go\' . Walker said he is establishing the - protect and develop Southern Southern Illinois (,:ollncil bt"'<.'ause " the Illinois natural resources : people of th iS region have not full y - promote tourism, and shared In the state's economiC growth encourage private investment in and now a. ~t' a mong the hardest hit by industrial, asncultural, recreational f'('(,'CSSlon and commercial enterprises. Walker sale! , : am pl('ased Neal Specific tasks of the co'nmission in· !::<,·k(·rt has agreed to sen '(' as chairman clude keeplllg full y aware or economic of the council. :\caJ kn ows Southern conditions in Southern Illinois . Illinois as well as anyone I asked him to assessi ng proposed economi c take this job be<.'ause I know he will deve lopment projects in the region . provide the vigorous leade r ship recommending innovative economic ne(:cssar), to make the coun(' 11 work for programs to promote the region 's well the betterment of all th e people of the being. coordinating governmental region. " agencies and educational insluti ons Eckert said the establi shment 01 the involved in economic development and commission IS important to Southern providing a ' rocal point for com · Illinois because. " it provides for the first munication and coordination of public time, a direct acces!) to the Governor." a nd pri vate economic development Gov. Dan Walker ponders a question during Monday's news conference. ( Photo Gov , Walker said the purposes of the by Steve Sumner) activities in Southern Illinois, Group studying graduate housing proposal By Ray Urcbel Eric MargOlis. a law student : Barbara r.a edical students li ve here all year , tn· miltee explore possibilities other than Dally Egyptian Staff Writer Colvin. School or Medicine represen eluding breaks. Thompson Point. tative: Melinda Issom . graduate The moo and iii w school calendars Karl, said the med and law students A Student Life Office Committee is student living in Warren Ha ll and Scott are not the same as the "offi cial" want their own CHAF account . studying a proposal to develop a Karl, author of t he proposal and Univer sity cale ndar. Students separate from the Thompson Point residential housing complex for Student Resident Ad visor at Warren remaining duiing break periods must Executive Council. He said a survey graduate students. Hall. pay extra and cannot obtain rood ser taken fall term indicates that graduate The committee was organized fall Warren Hall at Thompson Point . is vice, which is contracted in accordance residents li ving at Thompson Point do term by Loretta Ott, acting dean of the predominantly a graduate hall with wit h the official calendar. not participate in Thompson Point ac Student Life Office, to study the single rooms for medical and law Gassar told thp panel that SIU tivities. Graduate Residential Unit tG RU) students. President Warren W. Brandt reels more proposal. submitted by a medical At last Wednesday's meeting. of the Uni versity'S population should student. Margolis and Karl presented eight live on--carnpus. 1be GRU panel,chaired by Assistant '"needs" of grad students : including Gasser said he " shudders" when Dean ror Student Life Will Travelstead , single rooms with year-round housing , other students request spaces at Thorn· has held two meetings this semester. a system of independent governance, pson Point and must be refused while Other committee members include: including allocation of c'ampus med and law students are If>pping up" O\eryl Coe, Thompson Point Executive Housing Activity Fee (CHAF ) monies the_single ro<>ms in W"",9' Council President ; Julia MuUer, separate rrom the 1l1Ompson Point Gasser said t.~a of high Student Lire west GIImpus coordinator ; Executive Council, which is currently demand m law ildents wiU be Riefe Tietjen, Thi'lmpson Point urnl responsible ror dispersing funds. the Onl)' perso>ns mpson Point to manager; Joe Gasser, assiSUlnt to Year-roWld housing is lI. necessity, have SIngle rooms Xl fall . .Hausing Director Samuel L . Rinella ; Margolis said, that the S1U Travelstead suggested that the com- apple pie. .-'-. Libertarians out to de-regu1n~e society By uura CoiemlUl derlying principle 01 the group's cam '"The other is by peacelul cooperatioo agression," he said_ He advocated the Daily Egyptian SUUWriler paigns. to attain an end. by woriting hard and by eli m~nation of all tariffs, wars and ··We agree on the notion of seH compromisE:." he said. " We favor the treaties. ownershir'" Kocan said. ·'We leel it is latter, and we won't flinch lrom that The United States government takes unlawfu to coerce anyone to do idealisnl , -, - lnllation: The Libertarian platform half the money the people earn and something against his will ." ravors " an immediate and permanent Kocan outlined the Libertarian end 01 deficit spending, repeal 01 laws spends it kicking the populace around, Kocan said the nationwide philosophy in various areas : according to John Hiland, Chainnan 01 organization, which started in 1969, has pro~ibiting American citizens rrom the Jackson County Libertarian Party, a membership 01 about 5,000. In 19n. - Education : He- said Libertarians ownmg gold, and the elimination of the which boasts a Carbondale contingent 01 John Hospers was its candidate for oppose lorced schooling. ··A lot 01 people Federal Reserve System, which creates eight. Presidenl. Kocan added he received oDe are coming out of school not able to read paper money without backing or limit." The Libertarians have strong ideas on electoral vote. or think . They have nothing but host iii!)' ~onsumer protection : Kocan said it how things shoufd be run in the United 'There are two basic ways of. at to education for the rest of their lives. ' should be brought about through States. George Kocan, librarian lor the taining ends. " Kocan said. "One is by Kocan said. voluntary organization rather than Jackson County Libertarians, said force. The government can't do anything - Foreign Policy : " A voluntary government restiiction, adding " there's Friday indj!{ idual freedom is the un- without force .