PA12/02876 Site address: Trew Farm, Tresmeer, Launceston, , PL15 8TB Proposal: Installation and operation of a solar farm and ancillary equipment with a generation capacity of 1.5MW Parish: Tresmeer Applicant: Mr Nick Boyle, Lightsource

Agricultural Land Classification The applicant has confirmed that the land is Grade 3b which is not ‘Best and Most Versatile’ land.

Site description: 3. The site is located at Trew Farm, approximately 1.5km west of Tresmeer and 1.5km southeast of . The site is a long and narrow irregular shaped pastoral field, which is bounded to its north by a minor road and to its south by a small stream which is lined by woodland. At the eastern and western boundaries of the site lie agricultural fields, separated from the site by hedgerows. The application area is approximately 4.39 hectares (being part of a larger 7.6 ha field), with solar modules covering approximately 26% of the site. The site, which is all Grade 3 agricultural land, is currently used for grazing sheep and bordered on all sides by mature boundary hedgerow with no watercourses or features on the site. The applicants are currently clarifying whether this is Grade 3a or 3b and it is hoped that this clarification will be provided on the Addendum Sheet. There is however a watercourse adjacent to the southern boundary of the site which forms a tributary to the . The site is located within an agricultural setting and is adjoined by further agricultural fields to the south, west and east. The C149 passes to the north of the site.

Use of Agricultural Land 51. The site field is categorised as Grade 3 agricultural land. The applicants are currently clarifying whether this is Grade 3a or 3b and it is hoped that this clarification will be provided on the Addendum Sheet. The proposal is for the temporary use of the land for the purposes of solar power generation. The installation is capable of being economically decommissioned and removed from the site at the end of its viable life or duration of planning permission if approved, whichever is the sooner, with the site returned to its original condition. In the meantime, the applicants have advised that the site would continue in a form of agricultural use, most probably the grazing of sheep.