The Library of the Dead Sea Scroll Qumran Community Scriptorium
Presentation title as announced in Program Book: “The Theology, Halakhah, Politics, and Esotericism of the DSS Essene Sect Compared with Normative Rabbinic Practices and that of the Second Temple Sadducees” by David B. Levy David B. Levy received a Ph.D. in Jewish philosophy, rabbinics, and biblical studies in 2002. In 1994, he received a M.L.S. from UMCP. He previously served as a librarian and taught in the high school at Ner Israel. David participates in NYMA. One of his websites is at Description As well as a brief general overview of the DSS library, the differences revealed by the contents of DSS texts in theology between Essenes, Sadducees, and Pharisees will be illustrated by looking at the topics of predestination, immortality, dualism, apocalyptic messianism, and angelology. Differences in halakhah will be illustrated by touching on the laws regarding halah, peru u-revu, pikuah nefesh, li-fenim mi-shurat ha-din, oils, mikvaot immersions, harvesting the omer, tevel yom relating to the parah adumah, and some differences in Shabbat observances. The method of my approach is to compare DSS theology, politics, and halakhah with the evolution of mainstream Rabbinic traditions across history in order to illuminate, enhance, and increase our knowledge about Rabbinic observances, history, and practices The Library of the Dead Sea Scroll Qumran Community Scriptorium: Politics, Theology, and Halakhah of the DSS Essene sect compared with Normative Rabbinic Halakhah, Customs, and Tradition I. Introduction The Dead Sea Scrolls were in some minds the most important archeological find of the 20th century.
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