THE ASMSU March 20, 2008 • Vol. 102, Issue 22 I FILM BASEBALL REVIEW 12 2 2 THE ASMSU EXPONENT I MARCH 20, 1 Mp.,rc;.h,~Yth, 1<1111n 5h,ow@ u?<Itn< MA'f(.1G~I featuring: filth a d f oul/ Ml X HEY YOU! YEAH YOU ... More than ants love a discareded popsicle on a sidewalk, the ASMSU Exponent LOVES feedback! Check.out this free bhaw and Please send your rants, raves, and heartfelt pickup a copy of-LI ndisputeci expressions of your undying love to: and ·e,ig Dreamin... for only ~
[email protected] each or 8 for both. ntasthead THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY: kglt fund drive• MANAGEMENT EDITORIAL ADVISOR NEWS EDITOR MARCH 23 - APRIL 5 Bill Wilke Lacey Gray
[email protected] ED ITO R-IN-CHIEF Amanda Larrinaga STATIC EDITOR
[email protected] Scott Obemesser
[email protected] MANAGING ED ITOR Dylan White DISTRACTION S EDITOR Tara Alley ART DEPARTMENT Nick Andrews PHOTO GRAPHY EDI TO R This could be you! REC[REATION] EDITOR PHOTOGRAPH ER Kim Krieger Justin Moore OUTDOORS EDITOR GRAPHI C DESIGNERS Interested? f . Sarah Butler, Joeana Gouveia COPY EDITOR dude, it's lor YOU Erica Aytes ADVERTISING & BUSINESS AD SALES MANAGER CONTRIBUTORS Eric Newman 91.9 bozeman Dustin Cis hosz, Daniel Lockhart,
[email protected] Michael Matzur, Ryan Dalke, Allison 89.5 livingston Carroll, Randy Blair, Tai Kersten, EriCl AD SALES REPRESENTATIVES Killham, Rune Vander Wey • Alex Yudell, Danielle Chamberlain, reque sts 406.994.4492 Tania Mitt!eider stream ing online a t t THE ASMSU EXPONENT _ Strand Union Building Room 305 MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES Bozeman, MT 59715 Ray Klos, Hannah Pauli c e lebr atin g 40 y ears of a lterna tive public r a dio Phone; (406] 994-2224 in southwest monta n a ABOUT arTHE tist My name is Jenna Reineking and I am a senior here ~t Montana State University.