ב"ה ב"ה RRegistrationegistration FFormorm Only boys under the age of 13 and girls under the age of 12 may buy a letter in this Sefer Torah. You will receive a beautiful personalized Age Boy Girl certificate from Israel, the Holy Land, PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY telling you in which portion of the Torah "your" letter has been written. A. Certificate Information Use ALL Hebrew or ALL English letters. Do not mix languages. Last Name First and Middle Jewish Name Mother's Jewish Name B. Mailing Information I HHaveave a Name LLetteretter Address City State/Province iinn tthehe Zip Code (Post Code) Country CChildren'shildren's Telephone SSeferefer TTorahorah Email C. Credit Card Information Children's Sefer Torah Card Number Expiration Date P.O. Box 8, Kfar Chabad 6084000, Israel Tel: +972 3-9607358
[email protected] • www.kidstorah.org Name on Card Amount מרכז ליהדות בית חב"ד (ע"ר) This brochure includes words from the Torah. Please treat it with respect. CVV Signature WWhoho CCanan BBuy?uy? DDearear BBoysoys aandnd GGirls,irls, • Only boys under the age of 13 and girls under the The Torah is the holiest and most precious gift age of 12 may buy a letter in the Children’s Sefer Torah. that G-d gave to the Jewish people. For thousands • Letters may be bought for very young children, of years, we have studied it and lived by its laws. including newborn babies. The Torah that you see today is written in exactly • Letters may be bought as a gift or on behalf the same way as Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses) of children who have not bought one themselves.