May • June 2008 • Volume 40 • Number 3 The Heythrop Study and Evangelising Modernity AND SYNTHESIS NEW PROMOTING A Editorial Heythrop’s Prescription: Post-Modern Catechesis? Paul Watson Modern Theology and Modern Catechesis REASON David Barrett Abolishing Fatherhood – Modernity’s Final Folly? Jamie Bogle OF Also William Oddie on defending fatherhood and human dignity FAITH FAITH Road from Regensburg on calling Islam and Modernity to reason Cutting Edge on evidence for evolution and God Reviews Peter Hodgson considers interpretations of low-level physics David Potter evokes the unifying character of Our Lady Edward Hadas challenges free-market economics And a poem by David Walshe Price: £4.50 FAITH annual faith Summer summer session Break 2008 Monday 11th-Thursday 14th August 2008 Woldingham School, Surrey Four days of Fun and Faith for youngsters 11-14 yrs old Cost: £120 Bookings by: 4.8.08 Monday 4th to Friday 8th August 2008 Forms from: at Woldingham School
[email protected] Four days of lectures, discussion and seminars around a particular theme, Including talks and in a relaxed holiday environment, discussion about our with daily Mass and prayer. Catholic faith, trip to Chessington World of Adventures, sports, contact: Ann McCallion Tel: 0141 945 0393 swimming, games email:
[email protected] & other activities. fuller details on Editor Hugh MacKenzie St. Mary Magdalen’s, Clergy House, Peter Avenue, Willesden Green, London NW10 2DD May • June 2008 • Volume 40 • Number 3 Tel 020 8451 6720 CONTENTS
[email protected] Evangelising As Well As Evaluating Modern Man 2 Editorial Board Editorial David Barrett, Timothy Finigan, Andrea Fraile, Roger Nesbitt, Revelation And Modern Culture: Comments Upon On The Way To Life 8 Christina Read, Dominic Rolls, Fr Paul Watson Luiz Ruscillo, Mark Vickers.