Het Kan Haast Niet Anders Dan Dat Twee, Ruim 10 Jaar Actieve, Amsterdamse Verhalenwebsites Met Samen 6000 Herinneringen, 30.000
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Het kan haast niet anders dan dat twee, ruim 10 jaar actieve, Amsterdamse verhalenwebsites met samen 6000 herinneringen, 30.000 reacties en miljoenen bezoekers iets betekenen voor de buurt. Maar wat voor sociale betekenis zou dat in het geval van de websites het Geheugen van West en het Geheugen van Oost kunnen zijn? Over die vraag boog Mike de Kreek, onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Culturele en Sociale Dynamiek van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, zich tijdens zijn promotieonderzoek bij de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Mike geeft met zijn onderzoek in dit boek gehoor aan de volgende oproep van de Amerikaanse 'community psychologist' Julian Rappaport: “Veel van het werk rondom sociale verandering, organisatieontwikkeling en community development in de richting van een sterker persoonlijk en collectief empowerment, zou mogen gaan over het begrijpen en creëren van omgevingen waar mensen participeren in de ontdekking, creatie en verbetering van hun persoonlijke -en gemeenschapsverhalen.” (vertaling van Rappaport, 1995, p. 805). Collective Empowerment through Local Memory Websites Balancing between group interest and common good Mike de Kreek This study was conducted as part of the research program ‘Cultural and Social Dynamics’ at the Amsterdam Research Institute of Societal Innovation in the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. It was financially supported by both the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and the Erasmus University Rotterdam. M. de Kreek, 2016 Creative Commons licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Cover design by Mike de Kreek with Gephi. Collective Empowerment through Local Memory Websites Balancing between group interest and common good Collectief empowerment via online buurtgeheugens Balanceren tussen groepsbelang en gemeenschappelijk goed Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. H.A.P. Pols en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties. De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op donderdag 26 januari 2017 om 15.30 uur Michael de Kreek geboren te Alkmaar Promotiecommissie Promotoren: Prof.dr. E. A. van Zoonen Prof.dr. S. L. Reijnders Overige leden: Prof.dr. H. C. Dibbits Dr. J. C. Hermes Prof.dr. F. M. G. de Jong Table of contents 1. Introduction and outline ......................................................................... 1 2. New directions in research on local memory websites ....................... 7 2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 7 2.2. Local memory websites as interventions ............................................ 8 2.3. Modelling the intervention effects into a framework .......................... 10 2.3.1. Constructing community memory ............................................... 13 2.3.2. Practising cultural citizenship ..................................................... 14 2.3.3. Growing community capacity ..................................................... 16 2.4. Taking the empowerment framework as a comprehensive view ....... 17 2.5. The next step: further research......................................................... 19 3. Mapping an emerging field: local memory websites ......................... 21 3.1. Taking local memory websites as empowering settings.................... 21 3.2. Articulating the analytic dimensions .................................................. 23 3.3. Finding and selecting local memory websites ................................... 24 3.4. Analysing the data in two phases ..................................................... 25 3.4.1. Coding the dimensions ............................................................... 25 3.4.2. Exploring the data ...................................................................... 26 3.5. Distinguishing patterns across the dimensions ................................. 27 3.5.1. Patterns across pairs of dimensions ........................................... 27 3.5.2. Patterns across multiple dimensions .......................................... 31 3.6. Conclusion and discussion ............................................................... 32 3.6.1. Online participation in the field ................................................... 33 3.6.2. Further research......................................................................... 34 4. A narrative approach to empowerment within local memory websites .................................................................................................... 36 4.1. Introduction: the empirical research questions .................................. 36 4.2. The Memory of East and the Memory of West .................................. 37 4.2.1. Mediamatic’s community software: Anystory .............................. 38 4.2.2. A short history ............................................................................ 38 4.2.3. Similarities.................................................................................. 39 4.2.4. Differences ................................................................................. 40 4.3. A narrative approach to collective empowerment reflected by online dynamics ................................................................................................. 40 4.3.1. Narrative approach meets empowerment ................................... 40 4.3.2. Narrative methods for analysing online dynamics....................... 42 4.4. Operationalising the exploratory data analysis ................................. 43 4.4.1. Creating the data sets ................................................................ 43 4.4.2. Key figures of the main features ................................................. 45 4.4.3. Univariate analyses .................................................................... 45 4.4.4. Bivariate analysis ....................................................................... 46 4.4.5. Cluster analysis .......................................................................... 47 4.5. Analysing the influence of organisational development .................... 47 4.5.1. The organisational dimensions and their influence ..................... 47 4.5.2. Data used for analysis ................................................................ 48 4.6. Comparing the two cases ................................................................. 48 4.7. Quality control .................................................................................. 50 4.7.1. Trustworthiness .......................................................................... 50 4.7.2. Authenticity ................................................................................ 51 5. Evolving empowerment in the Memory of East .................................. 53 5.1. Introduction: a gap in the literature ................................................... 53 5.2. Main features and basic figures of the Memory of East .................... 54 5.3. The website as a complex system of narrative resources ................. 55 5.3.1. Resources of identity .................................................................. 55 5.3.2. Resources for learning ............................................................... 57 5.3.3. Resources for networking ........................................................... 59 5.4. The online dynamics across a decade .............................................. 62 5.4.1. Increasing activity and decreasing participation ......................... 63 5.4.2. Decreasing diversity in the content ............................................. 65 5.5. Organisational aspects behind the online community ....................... 69 5.5.1. The exhibition period: 2001–2004 .............................................. 69 5.5.2. The supporting period: 2004–2009 ............................................. 72 5.5.3. The self-organising period: 2009–2013 ...................................... 73 5.6. Conclusion and discussion ............................................................... 75 5.6.1. Empowered, but less empowering ............................................. 75 5.6.2. Empowering the empowered individual? .................................... 76 6. Evolving empowerment in the Memory of West ................................. 78 6.1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 78 6.2. Main features and key figures of the Memory of West ...................... 78 6.3. The website as a complex system of narrative resources ................. 79 6.3.1. Resources of identity .................................................................. 80 6.3.2. Resources for learning ............................................................... 81 6.3.3. Resources for networking ........................................................... 84 6.4. The online dynamics across a decade .............................................. 88 6.4.1. Fluctuating activity and participation ........................................... 88 6.4.2. Increasing diversity in the content .............................................. 90 6.5. Organisational aspects behind the online community ....................... 96 6.5.1. The project period: 2003–2006 ................................................... 96 6.5.2. The association period: 2006–2009 ......................................... 100 6.5.3. The geographic expansion period: 2009–2011 ......................... 103 6.5.4. The