AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR PREDICTING INIJJ'C'l'ION MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS i AN D ROVED FOR REDICTlNG llTDUC'l'ION MOTO CHA.RAOTERIBT'IOS I' Bachelor of Science :Montana State College BOZtX!lM , , 1944 j;;)u.bmitt to tho De artnont of leotricnl EngiMeri g Cklaho J..gricultur and rcohenieul College In purtiul Ful.:f'illmen'l; of t e Re0ui ents tor the gree of' STER OF ..:>C ~en 1947 ii OKY.l~fl:\H .1:J:?RO D BY: !GIUCrL TFP..U i M' nwrn· 11, c·m 1, L J B R ,\ • v . DE'C 8 1947 llea! of £fie bepartiii.ent ') r ·> P , .... I ) ~ ~1 J . iii PREFiVJE The induction motor is one o.. f' the most · electrie maohines in industry today. Since its inverrtion in 1888 by !'Jikola Telsa, it has eonstantl;r bee:n replacing other types of machines, both eleotrio .ru1.d meehanieal, as a raeans of supply ing 111sehanioal po;:er. in its diversified for.ID1J,. an induction riaotor et:.m be made t;.o fit a.lm.ost any torq_ue-speed requirement. In its most common form., the normal-starting-current. normal-starting-torque, squirrel-cage induction motor., it offers such a.dvantae;es as high effioiency:t practioally constant speed, extremely sirn.plo ope:rationt a11d s:m.s.11 electrical na.intenance requirements. Because e:f the induction moto~•s wide use, it is advantageous to both the roanu:faoturer and the consumer to be able to ascertain, as aoeurately and si:Ll1ply as possible, hmv a given motor vrill operate under varying eondi tions of load.
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