At the Orthodox Academy of Crete, on the 22th of June 2016

His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein

King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

In Amman

Your Majesty,

The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church would like to express its deepest sympathies and convey its warmest prayers to the beloved Jordanian people, having been informed of the horrifying violence that took place on Tuesday, the 21st of June, near the al-Rukban refugee settlement.

It is with deepest sorrow that we the Hierarchs, who have come together at this present Holy and Great Council under our Chairmanship, express our wholehearted condolences for this inhumane terrorist attack. The violence wrought upon these already overwhelmed people, who have been driven from their homes and were seeking asylum and protection, constitutes an offense before the loving and merciful God as well as before the very dignity of human beings.

May God grant rest to the souls of the innocent victims and may He strengthen and heal those wounded, as well as grant comfort from above to their loved ones.

We pray that the Lord and God of mercy will erase the plague of terrorism and violence from the face of the earth and grant to humanity peace, justice and reconciliation.

BARTHOLOMEW of Constantinople

Chairman of the Holy and Great Council


On the morning of Tuesday, the 8th/21st of June 2016, was held in Arabic at the Church of the Dormition of Theotokos, Gonia, under the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

The service was performed by the Spiritual Father at the Monastery of the Life-giving Spring in Dibin, Jordan, by Archimandrite Christophoros, as presbyter Issa Mousleh, the Patriarchate’s liaison with Arabic-speaking media, sang in Arabic. The Liturgy was attended by His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, the Patriarch of Serbia, the Archbishop of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and the Entourages of the aforementioned Heads of Churches.

The service was followed by a Session of the Great Synod, during which the text entitled “The Orthodox Diaspora” was discussed. In the course of discussion, the “Bishopric Assemblies” in various countries i.e. the USA, and , hosting Orthodox Diaspora, presented their work. The presentation included the problems facing the Greek, Russian and Romanian diasporas, the presence of Orthodoxy, the accession of non-Orthodox to the Orthodox Church, interreligious marriages, school education and the education of the youth.

The comments on the situation of the national Orthodox Churches in the Diaspora and the challenges facing the competent Metropolitans and the Heads of Churches were then referred to the Secretariat for consideration and for drafting a text to be submitted to the Heads for approval and signing.

From the Secretariat-General


On Monday, the 7th/20th of June 2016, Monday of the , the divine Liturgy was performed at the Church of Dormition of Theotokos, led by His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, with Hagiotaphite Archimandrites Christophoros and Ieronymos co-officiating. The Most Reverend Primates, Priests and laymen of the Delegation of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and of other Churches participating in the Synod concelebrated.

After the service, the opening Session of the Holy and Great Synod of Orthodoxy began in the events hall of the Orthodox Academy of Crete, in the presence of the former king of Bulgaria, Simeon, and observers from other Christian Churches.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew first addressed the Session, followed by reply-addresses from the Heads of Churches, who pointed out the necessity of this particular Synod for communication between the Orthodox Churches and for sending out a strong Christian testament to their flocks and the world.

In His address, Patriarch Theophilos remarked on the fact that participants in the deliberations of the Holy and Great Synod overcame distances, obstacles and differences in order to seal their synodic collaboration for the support and salvation of their congregations and for attesting to peace, conciliation and unity in a world tormented by economic crisis, the immigration problem and crimes of unprecedented and harsh violence, a world in need of life, namely Christ the Lord.

“The Church of Jerusalem” went on Patriarch Theophilos, “has unwaveringly been in favour of the Synod, participating with representatives in all stages of the long preparation that included Pan-Orthodox Conventions, Inter-Orthodox Committees, Pre-Synodic Conventions and Gatherings of the Heads of Churches. So does it participate here today through Our Mediocrity and Entourage, bringing its fraternal embrace from the Holy Cave, the Horrendous Golgotha, the Most Holy Sepulchre and the Cenacle, together with the agony of Christians in the Holy Land and the Middle East, who are guarded by the Most Holy Shrines”.

Patriarch Theophilos also referred to the absolutely necessary and important work of conservation, protection and restoration of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre, in collaboration with the Franciscans and the Patriarchate of the Armenians in Jerusalem, on the basis of a project conducted by the NTUA. “Costs have been estimated to more than four million euros and are expected to be met by donations from Churches, States, Organizations and private citizens”, Patriarch Theophilos pointed out and went on to extend wishes for the fruition of the Synod’s deliberations.

At noon, the Heads of Churches and their Entourages were hosted to lunch by the Orthodox Academy of Crete, whilst in the afternoon the Synod discussed the text entitled “The Mission of the Church in the contemporary world”.

From the Secretariat-General


On Whit Monday, the 7th/20th of June 2016, the feast of the Holy Spirit was celebrated at the Patriarchate of Moscow’s Holy Church, in West Jerusalem.

Upon an invitation by the Russian Spiritual Mission (MISSIA), the Patriarchal Commissioner, Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, led the divine Liturgy, in the absence of Patriarch Theophilos who attends the Great Synod of Orthodoxy in Crete. Concelebrants with Metropolitan Isychios were the Head of the MISSIA, Archimandrite Alexandros, and his assistant, Archimandrite Leontios, the Patriarchal Commissioner and Exarch in Moscow, Archimandrite Stephanos, as well as visiting Hieromonks and Hierodeacons of the Patriarchate of Moscow, and Hierodeacon Markos. The nuns of the Russian Mission sang for a congregation of pious Russian- speaking and Arabic-speaking pilgrims.

On the conclusion of Communion, the Most Reverend Isychios spoke on the feast of the Holy Spirit and offered Archimandrite Alexandros a large of the Holy Sepulchre. The Archimandrite reciprocated with a fine Primatial engolpion.

After the divine Liturgy, the Primates were hosted to a reception by the Head of the MISSIA at the hegumeneion.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://


On Monday, the 7th/20th of June 2016, the feast of the Holy Spirit was observed in commemoration of the day on which the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples in the form of tongues of fire and enlightened them so that they would preach the crucified and resurrected Jesus Christ to the crowds that responded to their calling.

The feast was celebrated on the very site where the event took place, namely the Holy Sion.

There, in the Patriarchate’s Holy Trinity Church, Vespers was held in the afternoon, followed by divine Liturgy on feast- day, led by His Eminence Theodosios, Archbishop of Sebaste, who had as concelebrants Archimandrite Makarios, priests Nikitas and Charalambos, and deacon Anastasios. Archimandrite Aristovoulos sang for a pious congregation of Orthodox Christians.

The service was followed by procession to the Tomb of David and the Cenacle where the Pentecost prayers were recited, one in the Chapel/Catacomb and the other on the Cenacle. The ceremony took place under the protection of the Israeli Police against protests by extremists in the region of David’s Tomb.

After the procession, supplication was made in front of the South entrance to the Greek Orthodox Cemetery of the Holy Sion. Then, the School Principal, Mr Nikolaos Souliotis, hosted Primates and guests to a reception at the School’s Hall of Events.

From the Secretariat-General httpv:// httpv://


On Sunday, the 6th/19th of June 2016, the Patriarchate observed the feast of the Pentecost in commemoration of the fiftieth day from the Lord’s Resurrection, when the Holy Spirit was sent by God to enlighten the disciples who would go on to preach the greatness of God in foreign languages and, gathered on the Hill of the Holy Sion, formed the first Church according to the Acts of the Apostles.

This miraculous event was celebrated with Vespers at the katholikon of the Church of the Resurrection and Divine Liturgy at the Holy Sepulchre, led by the Patriarchal Commissioner, Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, who had as concelebrants Archbishops Theodosios of Sebaste and Demetrios of Lydda. Hagiotaphite Hieromonks participated, led by the Elder Kamarasis, Archimandrite Nektarios. Archimandrite Aristovoulos sang for a crowd of faithful, both locals and pilgrims from , and Russia.

The service was followed by the Vespers of the Kneeling Prayers, when the prayers of the Pentecost were recited in front of the Holy Aedicula, as the Vespers of the Holy Spirit was being performed at the katholikon of the Church of the Resurrection by Hagiotaphite Fathers of the Monastic Church of Sts Constantine and Helen.

On the conclusion of the services, the Primates returned to the Patriarchate, where the Metropolitan of Kapitolias wished for participants the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.

From the Secretariat-General httpv:// httpv:// httpv://


On Sunday, the 6th/19th of June 2016, the Pentecost was observed at St Minas Cathedral in Heraklion with a Joint Patriarchal Liturgy led by the Ecumenical Patriarch who had as concelebrants the Heads of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churches, namely: the Patriarchates of Alexandria, Jerusalem, Serbia, Romania, the Archbishoprics of , Athens, Albania, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Also participating in the service were the Entourages of the Heads of Churches, as well the Metropolitans of the Synod of Crete, and priests of the island. St Minas Choir sang on the right and the “Cretan Maîtres” on the left. Attending the service were the Mayor, the Head of the Region, Under-Secretary Amanatides, the Police, the Army and the Greek President, Mr Pavlopoulos. A great crowd of faithful participated, declaring the unity of the members of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church of Christ.

During the Divine Liturgy, upon the consecration of the Holy Gifts, the bread and wine were turned into the Body and Blood of Christ, of which all Heads of Churches partook, declaring thus the unanimity of the Church and their unity. Members of the congregation also partook of Communion for atonement, strength, life and salvation.

After the apolysis, the Vespers of Whit Monday was held, during which the troparia of Pentecost were sang, followed by the Doxastic prayer:

“O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere and fillest all things; Treasury of Blessings and Giver of Life, come and abide in us and cleanse us from every impurity, and save our souls, O Good One.

Prayers were read in Greek and Romanian, as the faithful knelt to receive them with piety.

After the Apolysis, the Municipality of Heraklion hosted breakfast in the Forecourt of the Dependency of St Catherine of Mount Sinai, followed by lunch hosted by President Pavlopoulos in honour of the Heads of Churches and their Entourages.

During lunch, the President addressed guests, referring to the First Ecumenical Synod which had established the institution of Synods as a way of life within the Church.

The First Ecumenical Synod also composed the Nicene Creed. St John Chrysostom says that the liturgy is performed for peace in the entire world and the ecumene. This particular Synod is of great importance, being the first great Synod of Orthodoxy after the 1054 schism. It has since defined the course of the Orthodox Church in the world we live in.

In His reply-speech, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew expressed joy over the fact that the Heads of Churches and their Entourages were hosted to joint lunch in demonstration of the “principle of reciprocity”. “The core of the interest of both Church and State is man”, said Patriarch Bartholomew. “The State, as an institution, is interested in order in this world, whereas the Church shows man the way to the future city we seek for”. “The world today is in need of philanthropy, love and peace”, added the Ecumenical Patriarch.

This completed the activities of the Great Synod of the Church on Pentecost Sunday.

From the Secretariat-General


On the 5th/18th of June 2016, Saturday of the Souls, divine Liturgy was held at the Monastic Church of the Annunciation of Theotokos, of the Bishopric of Kisamos and Selinos. The service was held together with a memorial for the repose of the souls of those who fought for our Orthodox faith and all departed Hierarchs and other clerics and laymen, members of Orthodox Churches, who have worked for the preparation and convention of the Holy and Great Synod of Orthodoxy.

The divine Liturgy and memorial service were led by His Beatitude Theodoros, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria, having as concelebrants the Heads of the Orthodox Churches participating in the Synod’s deliberations, namely: Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, Patriarch Daniel of Romania, Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus, Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens, Archbishop Anastasios of Albania, Archbishop Savva of Poland and Archbishop Ratislav of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. On the conclusion of the divine Liturgy, Ecumencial Patriarch Bartholomew performed a special memorial for the repose of the soul of Metropolitan Irineos Galanakis of Kisamos and Selinos, buried in the forecourt of the Church. After being hosted to breakfast by the Bishopric of Kisamos and Selinos, the Patriarchal Entourages left for Heraklion.

There, at the Atlantis Hotel, their Holinesses the Heads of Churches and their Attendants were welcomed by the Representatives of the Holy Archbishopric of Crete, clerics and laymen, the monastic brotherhoods, the Mayoral Authorities and the faithful in front of the Apostle Titos Cathedral.

Mr Lambrinos, Mayor of Heraklion went on to address guests, upon which Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew made a reply- speech.

Doxology was then performed at the Cathedral, followed by an address by Archbishop Irineos of Crete and the Ecumenical Patriarch, and the Vespers of Pentecost, led by Patriarch Bartholomew, having as concelebrants the Heads of the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches.

After Vespers, the Holy Regional Synod of the Church of Crete hosted guests to dinner.

From the Secretariat-General


Responding to a request of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, set forth by His Beatitude Theophilos, and of the National Technical University of Athens, set forth by Professor Antonia Moropoulou, Aegean Airlines has offered to support the project of protection, conservation and restoration of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre. The aviation company has decided to provide monthly a total of 50 return tickets for the Athens- Tel Aviv flight, Economy class, during the course of 2016 and the beginning of 2017, so as to meet the needs of the NTUA’s interdisciplinary team and of specialized personnel, namely: restorers, conservators, and skilled workers involved in the “Conservation and Restoration of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre” project. The tickets will also cover the needs of teaching personnel and graduate students in the framework of an educational visit of the NTUA’s Interdepartmental Graduate Programme on the “Protection of Monuments”.

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the NTUC would like to thank Aegean Airlines for their support and extend wishes for safe flights.

From the Secretariat-General


On Friday, the 4th/17th of June 2016, the Representation and Entourage of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, headed by His Beatitude, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem, after venerating at the Monastery of the Dormition of Theotokos in Gonia, took part in the opening of the deliberations of the Gathering of the Heads of Churches. Each head of Church is accompanied by a Primate representing all Autocephalous Orthodox Churches with the exception of the Churches of Russia, Bulgaria, Georgia and Antioch. At the Orthodox Academy of Crete, participants discussed the draft of the Message of the Holy and Great Synod which upon completion and circulation to the press will be posted here for all interested parties. The programme of deliberations is posted in Greek here:

From the Secretariat-General