CollegianThis is how college is meant to be. Scholar, teacher, Mentor: trudier Harris returns Home

By Kelli Wright

Coming home at the end of a long journey is a theme that Dr. trUDiEr HArriS has contemplated, taught, and writ- ten about many times in her award-winning books and in the classroom. Recently, Harris found herself in the midst of her own home- coming, the central character in a narrative that is a familiar part of southern life and literature. When she retired from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was the J. Carlyle Sitterson Professor of English, she was not looking for other work. But her homecoming resulted in an unexpected “sec- ond career” as a professor in the College’s Department of English and a chance to explore new intellectual territories. In addition, it has meant a return to many of the places of her youth, this time in the role of change agent. Raised on an 80-acre cotton farm in Greene County, Ala., Harris was the sixth of nine children. Though her parents had to work hard to make ends meet, they always stressed the impor- tance of education. Harris attended Tuscaloosa’s 32nd Avenue Elementary School, now known as Martin Luther King Elementary School. In the late 1960s she entered Stillman College in Tuscaloosa. Initially she considered a career as a physical educa- tion teacher or a psychiatrist. But losing an intramural race to a young woman who was half as tall as she dampened her desire to teach PE, and the realization that she did not want to listen to people’s problems soured her plans in psychiatry. Trudier Harris A summer exchange program at Indiana University convinced her to continue her studies in English. She received her master’s and doctorate from Ohio State University. Harris has become one of the foremost African American literary and cultural theorists. She has published more Issue Highlights than 20 volumes, including Black Women in the Fiction of James Baldwin, for which she won the 1987 College Language Association Creative Scholarship Award. In 2002 she was awarded Dean’s Message 2 the Eugene Current-Garcia Award for Alabama’s Distinguished Literary Scholar. Continued on page 4 Bob Abernathy’s Global Market 3 Arty Party 5 College Leadership Board Sponsors Faculty News/Features 6 nobel Laureate Lecture Series

Student News/Features 10 The College of Arts and Sciences Leadership Board and Offi ce of the Dean have collaborated to sponsor a new lecture series that will bring Nobel Prize winners to campus. Supporters 14 Dr. roBErt H. GrUBBS, the Victor and Elizabeth Atkins Professor of Chemistry at California Institute of Technology, will inaugurate the series this spring. He will lecture on physical organic and main group chemistry and will interact with students and faculty. Alumni Notes 31 “The Leadership Board is excited to have a part in bringing someone of Dr. Grubbs’s stature in the scientifi c community to The ,” saidPAM MCCoLLoUGH, chair of the Million Dollar Band 32 board. “The board looks forward to continuing our support of this prestigious series.” In 2010 the board helped launch the series with an initial contribution of $10,000 and a commitment of $5,000 annually for its continued support. The Leadership Board consists of some 190 alumni and friends who support the College’s students and faculty with their time, in- VOLUME 21 fl uence, and annual member gift. NO. 1 FALL 2012 Continued on page 4 DEAN’S MESSAGE

“Why am I taking this class?” That’s a question The students in the contest certainly get it, our academic advisers hear occasionally from I’m happy to report. Some of their replies: students who are fulfi lling their liberal arts core “French 322, advanced French grammar, requirements by taking a class that is not part of taught by a real Frenchman, the launch pad to their major. Translation: a class that is not part my future as a physician in West Africa.” of the program that will, they hope, get them a “Psychology 352 with Dr. Parker. Today we job upon graduation. talked about nature vs. nurture through the This fall, the College held a contest that story of Pinocchio, so interesting!” spoke directly to that question. Students were “Love my Philosophy 140 class. We actually asked to refl ect on the value of a College of Arts get into theories and our own personal opinions and Sciences class they are taking this semes- on the law topics brought up in class.” ter. “Class with the Dean” asked participants “English 311, Cormac McCarthy, great to state why the dean should attend class with American novelist. Come confront ‘the question them. They could tweet the dean via our Twitter of evil. . . .’” account or post their response on the College’s “Acting II class with Professor Seth Facebook page. The fi rst-place winner had $100 Panitch. …We learn not only acting skills but credited to his or her university account, and I also major life lessons.” attended one class with that student. Five run- “Join me for Spirit in Colors, a seminar ners-up received $50 in their account. with Dr. Thomas Herwig. Exploring the Judeo- Selecting the winner was one of the most diffi - Dean Robert Olin Christian tradition through art opens up whole cult tasks I’ve tackled in some time. new lines of discussion about faith. And the While reviewing the student submissions, I was reminded that this meaning and the symbolism embedded in the great masterpieces we question is also being asked by some public institutions of higher edu- study are fascinating. After one class you will walk away with a greater cation, albeit in a slightly different form. The question goes something appreciation for art and a deeper understanding of the Judeo-Christian like this: Should universities seek to provide education for public good faith.” or for economic progress? Recently, a front page article in the Chronicle This academic year, the Department of Religious Studies and the of Higher Education, “All about the Money,” questioned whether the College are sponsoring a series of lectures and roundtables by guest worth of a college degree should be measured by using starting sala- scholars on the relevance of research and teaching in the humanities. ries of graduates. To demonstrate fi scal responsibility in tough eco- I hope that students and anyone else who still asks the “why” question nomic times, must public universities turn to the market-driven, cor- will be in the audience. porate model, where resources for programs are allotted based on how The College is fortunate to have many highly accomplished teach- successful a program is at attracting tuition-paying students, whether ers and scholars in the humanities. To recognize their expertise and its graduates get good (and good-paying) jobs, and how effective the the contributions they make to a high quality university education, the program is in meeting global market workforce needs? This inevitably College has recently established the Dean’s Distinguished Humanities leads to, what’s the point of all those humanities programs anyway? Fellow. The fellowship will provide a research stipend of $3,000 a year How will philosophy, literature, cultural studies, anthropology, or art to selected premier scholars in the humanities. The fellows will be se- history programs add to the institutional or job-seeking bottom line? If lected by the College’s dean and associate deans. They will work with you’re going to cut programs to balance a budget, why not start here? the College’s student body to help them understand the value of the Fortunately, this dean doesn’t have to entertain that argument to do humanities in today’s society and will develop innovative ways to incor- his job. The University of Alabama is wisely in the camp of institutions porate the humanities throughout the curriculum. that recognize that the type of study involved in the humanities devel- What’s the point of all those humanities programs? It is that the ops intellectual strengths and agilities that translate across occupa- true educational “bottom line” is an institution’s success at produc- tional or disciplinary lines, enabling young men and women to exercise ing thinkers. If a student doesn’t know why he or she is going to college critical thinking to solve whatever problems they encounter now or in other than to get a job, all the more reason to incorporate courses into the future. Or as Geoffrey Galt Harpham, president and director of the their curriculum in which they discover that the most valuable currency National Humanities Center, put it, “The humanities elicit and exercise they possess is the content and quality of their minds. ways of thinking that help us navigate the world we live in.” Legacy Lives on in robel Asian Studies Seminar room

Last fall, the College revealed a new look for its Ronald R. Robel Asian Dr. Sarah Wiggins, a retired professor in the Department of History, Studies Seminar Room in ten Hoor Hall. The renovation of the room shared the offi ce next to Robel for much of her tenure at UA. She said was made possible by donations from the estate of Dr. ronALD roBEL; he taught her many things about cultures outside of her own. She re- Robel died in 2007. An assistant professor in the Department of members him not only as a colleague but also as a friend, a senti- History and director of the Critical Languages Center, Robel served the ment that was shared by many in attendance at the room’s dedication UA community for more than 40 years. ceremony. The room is a dedicated seminar space for students of Asian stud- Robel was known for his custom ties, which were made from fab- ies, a topic Robel was passionate about. The centerpiece of the space rics with elaborate patterns on them that he had gathered from all is a large bookcase that houses many of Robel’s personal books and ar- over the world. As a special tribute to Robel, many attendees wore tifacts from his travels, which provide a wealth of information about the ties from his personal collection. cultures he studied. Dr. Kari Frederickson, chair of the Department of History, said she Many of his former colleagues and students gathered in August hopes the room serves as a place for Robel’s mantra of “start here, 2011 for the dedication to remember Robel, who was widely respect- make a legacy” to live on. She is seeking photos of Robel with which ed as a teacher, student mentor, and authority on Asian history and to adorn the walls of the room. If you have photos of him, please email culture. them to her at [email protected].

2 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. When he thinks about the place that fi rst Love of innovation takes robert instilled in him a love of innovation, Abernathy said there was more to his education at The Abernathy to Global Markets University of Alabama than just science cours- es. The key to success, he said, is a well- rounded education. “Everything I learned at A fascination with invention was a key factor exposure to the marketing part of the business Alabama, I use every bit of it. Courses at the in taking roBErt ABErnAtHy from a young- because the company likes to link everything time that seemed like electives have been so ster with a local mindset to a global executive back to the consumer experience,” he said. much more valuable than I ever anticipated.” with Kimberly-Clark, a Fortune 500 company “We want to understand what the consumers For example, when interacting with people specializing in consumer products with annual want and then invent products or innovations from different cultures, he draws upon his sales of $19.7 billion. that deliver on that promise.” knowledge of languages and history. Along the way, Abernathy helped invent a After just a few years in research and devel- Abernathy said his strong academic back- softer Kleenex tissue, helped build and start- opment, Abernathy became a plant manager ground has served him well. He has moved up up manufacturing facilities, and has visited fi rst in South Carolina and later in Oklahoma. in his company, which has allowed him to be more than 130 countries for business ex- Since the mid-1990s Abernathy’s work has a part of signifi cant improvements in commu- pansion. Today, as group president of North taken him to different parts of the globe to nities all around the world. “One of the most Atlantic consumer products, Abernathy man- manage and develop markets for Kimberly- rewarding parts about working for a global ages the company’s $10 billion consum- Clark products. er products business in North America and As his job title changed so, too, did Europe. This includes the manufacturing, mar- the industry around him. When he fi rst keting, research, engineering, sales, and dis- began working for Kimberly-Clark, the tribution of such consumer brands as Huggies, company’s primary focus was on prod- Kleenex, Scott, Cottonelle, Viva, Kotex, Poise, ucts suited for more affl uent U.S. con- and Depend. sumers. Now, he said, the whole in- Abernathy, who grew up in Mobile and dustry is globally focused. Much of his Birmingham, said his worldview as a young work in recent years has been in devel- college student was relatively limited when oping countries in Asia, Africa, Central he enrolled at The University of Alabama in America, and South America. 1972. The campus had far more diversity Abernathy had the support of his than he had encountered before. “What I re- family on his professional journey. His member most is meeting people from so many wife, Laura, also a native Alabamian, places, other states and foreign countries,” he received a bachelor’s degree in biol- said. “That may be commonplace today, but in ogy from Judson College, an associate’s 1972 it was quite intriguing.” degree in nursing from Samford, and a Naturally inclined toward science, Abernathy bachelor’s degree in nursing from the was a chemistry major by the time he was a University of Wisconsin. Both are mem- sophomore. In his upper level chemistry cours- bers of the College’s Leadership Board. es he learned about molecular structures and They and their children, Elizabeth new compositions of matter, which appealed to and James, have moved 15 times. It his inquisitive nature. “Each reaction and ex- was not always easy to move around, periment was like solving a puzzle.” particularly when the children were After graduating from UA in 1976 with young, but now they look back with a B.S. in chemistry, Abernathy was accept- gratitude on their experiences liv- ed into a graduate chemistry program at the ing around the world. “Everyone says Institute of Paper Chemistry in Wisconsin, the four years we spent in Sydney, marking one of the fi rst times he had trav- Australia, were probably the most en- eled outside the southeastern . joyable years of our life. The opportu- Abernathy excelled there, focusing on sur- nity to travel the world as a family was face chemistry, a specialized area of physical very meaningful.” chemistry. Surface chemistry looks at chemi- Today, Abernathy operates from the Robert Abernathy cal reactions that produce various effects on company’s Neenah, Wisc., headquarters. the surface of substances, such as paper. Globetrotting for him and his family has While still in graduate school, he decided he slowed for the time being; they recently moved company is seeing investments change com- wanted to work in industry so he could com- into a house they built in Neenah. munities for the better. For each new factory bine his interest in research with real-life One constant throughout the world, constructed around the world, there is a com- applications. Abernathy observed, is the challenge to mo- munity that benefi ts. Jobs are the most im- At the time, the U.S. paper industry was tivate and lead people. “A challenge for any mediate improvement, but those jobs can growing rapidly as consumer demand for dis- business leader is to set a vision for the busi- later lead to infrastructure improvements, posable and innovative paper products bur- ness and to inspire teams to deliver results. and the construction of schools and hospi- geoned. Abernathy joined Kimberly-Clark That’s true whether you are building a busi- tals,” he said. Corporation as a research scientist in 1982. ness in China, Brazil, or Kazakhstan.” And there is something else that keeps His early research included fi nding ways to Abernathy noted that the path to leader- him invested in his work: science. “I still re- make a softer, more appealing facial tissue for ship begins with hard work, dedication, and ally enjoy the innovation. I am a scientist at consumers. By investigating different meth- a good education. “There is no substitute for heart,” he said. “I enjoy creating products that ods of treating cellulosic fi bers, Abernathy and good grades,” he said. “When looking at job are built on new science and patentable ideas. his research team developed a super-premi- candidates’ résumés, people go straight to That’s still the most enjoyable part of the busi- um Kleenex brand tissue. Abernathy not only your GPA, so don’t ever shortchange yourself ness to me.” helped develop the product but also market in terms of delivering very strong academic it. “At Kimberly-Clark, researchers get a lot of credentials.” 3 Noble Laureate, Continued from page 1

Grubbs was awarded Prior to Grubbs’s work, metathesis was poorly understood and of the 2005 Nobel Prize in limited value to scientists. Grubbs developed powerful new catalysts Chemistry for the develop- for metathesis that enabled custom synthesis of valuable molecules. ment of a new method in The Royal Swedish Academy, which is involved in the selection for the organic synthesis, known Nobel Prize in Chemistry, said Grubbs’s work represents “a great step as alkene metathesis. This forward for ‘green chemistry,’ reducing potentially hazardous waste reaction allows chemists through smarter production.” to selectively break certain Dr. Kevin Shaughnessy, chair of UA’s Department of Chemistry, said bonds in molecules and the department “is pleased to partner with the Leadership Board to then reassemble the piec- bring Professor Grubbs to campus as the 2013 Anthony J. Arduengo es into new molecules. In lecturer and the inaugural speaker in the Leadership Nobel Lecture this way, a molecule can Series. His visit provides a wonderful opportunity for the UA communi- be custom-built with spe- ty to meet and learn from one of the leading scientists in the world.” cialized properties. Some Grubbs, a native of Kentucky, earned his bachelor’s and master’s of the applications of this degrees at the . He completed his doctorate at method are better drugs Columbia University and spent a year at Stanford University as a post- for the treatment of dis- doctoral fellow. He joined the Michigan State University faculty in Robert H. Grubbs ease and better electrical 1969 and joined the faculty at Caltech in 1978. Grubbs has been a conducting properties for member of the National Academy of Sciences since 1989 and was the specialized plastics. 2000 recipient of the Benjamin Franklin Medal.

College Alumna wins Harris, Continued from page 1 Harris said her teaching post at UA gives her the chance to explore new intellec- Fulbright Scholarship tual territories. This fall, Harris is teaching a graduate course on African American drama, a genre that does not receive as much attention as other forms of African American literature. Drama is close to Harris’s heart. She has been writing her own to Study in Spain plays since she was a young girl. When her high school social studies teacher asked her to present a news item as part of a current events lesson, she chose to present SEEMA kUMAr of a skit instead of the traditional oral recitation. Shreveport, La., a re- Harris is always looking for ways to help students use their creativity in assign- cent graduate of the ments, which helps them build what she calls a “textured curiosity” about the College, received a material they are learning. She encourages students to go out and experience the Fulbright Scholarship world as part of their education, rather than limiting themselves to the knowledge to study abroad during in a textbook or on the Internet. the 2012-2013 school “The thing I think that is most missing from contemporary students is valuing year. While at The knowledge for the sake of knowledge,” Harris said, recalling her childhood on the University of Alabama, cotton farm where hard work was essential but learning was considered the most Kumar majored in important work of all. “You’ve got to get something in your head, because they can’t Spanish and biology. take that away from you,” was a refrain Harris heard frequently from her mother, She has been studying Unareed Burton Moore Harris. Despite periods of poverty and living on welfare, all in Santander, Spain, of the Harris children completed high school. Several went on to receive terminal where she teaches local degrees. students ages 13 to 15. Harris grew up in a household that was in constant motion, a place she lovingly She has also served as describes as “noisy.” She remembers picking cotton as a family and running about the farm playing games with her siblings. They had their fair share of disagree- Seema Kumar a mentor for the Global Classrooms program. ments and fi ghts, as all families do. “But it was a great sense of community, and During her time in Spain, Kumar will conduct several any time you needed to pull together as a family, that’s what you did.” projects that she presented to the Fulbright Commission When Harris was six, her father died. Her mother was the pillar that held the during her application process. These projects are aimed family up in hard times. With only a 10th grade education, Unareed Burton Moore at improving cross-cultural understanding and exchange. Harris supported her family with any job she could fi nd: elementary school cook, Kumar was the recipient of the UA’s 2012 Morris janitor, domestic worker. “One thing that becomes clear to anyone who spends any Lehman Mayer Award, and the 2011 William P. Bloom time with me is that my mother was my greatest inspiration,” Harris said. To extend Scholarship Award. She served as a Creative Campus her mother’s inspiration to future generations, she established the Terrell Harris Sr. intern and a College of Arts and Sciences Student and Unareed Burton Harris Endowed Scholarship at UA. “It was important to me Ambassador. She was a member of The Other Club, The that I, in my parents’ memory, provide resources to other young people who might XXXI, and Mortar Board Society. have been in situations like we were and thus help them achieve their objectives,” She also excelled in campus involvement and ser- she said. She has also set up endowments at Emory University and Stillman College. vice to the community as a University Fellow within the Harris’s mother taught her that if much is given to you, then you need to give Honors College working to improve lives in rural Alabama. back. This altruistic spirit is refl ected in Harris’s approach to teaching: She mentors As part of the Honors College initiative First Friends, she as many of her students as possible. Harris’s longest mentoring relationship began has partnered with international students coming to UA with a fourth-grade student who is now 24 years old. The two are still in contact. to extend a welcoming hand and to introduce the new Before accepting a full-time position at UA, Harris tutored students at Tuscaloosa’s students to University life. Martin Luther King Elementary School, her elementary school alma mater. Harris After completing this Fulbright, she will begin medical has made a career out of gaining knowledge and sharing it with others. school in fall 2013. “When I left the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill I wasn’t necessarily looking to go out and do something again,” she said. “But I’m still energetic and enthusiastic, and there is a lot of knowledge that I can share with students.” 4 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. UA Luminaries Became “Stars” for Leadership Board’s Arty Party Three well-known University of Alabama offi cials past director of the University of Alabama Alumni took to the dance fl oor with student dancers in Association; and roBErt oLin, dean of the College. March to wow the audience at the eighth Arty Party, The fund-raiser included silent and live auctions, sponsored by the College’s Leadership Board to with such popular items as a round of golf with pro benefi t scholarships in the dance program in the golfer and UA alumnus Jerry Pate, tickets to a VIP Department of Theatre and Dance. box at Dallas Cowboys stadium for the Alabama vs. This year’s theme, “Dancing with the Bama Michigan game, and a road trip with the Million Stars,” featured student dancers partnered with Dollar Band. The Arty Party will be held again April special guests kELLEE rEinHArt, vice chancellor for 5, 2013 to benefi t the creative writing program. system relations for the UA system; PAt wHEtStonE,

Clockwise from top: Guests at the Arty Party in the dance studio of Clark Hall. Bama Star Dean Bob Olin dances the Rumba with Vivian Reach. Bama Star Kellee Reinhart with student partner J. J. Butler who danced with her to “Stars Fell on Alabama.” Dr. Judy Bonner, UA provost and vice president of academic affairs, with guest Tommy Davis at the silent auction. Former National Alumni Association director and Bama Star Pat Whetstone with student partner Savan- nah Reach. Professor Cornelius Carter (back- ground) and Professor Rita Snyder (right) with dance students who helped host the evening.

(Right) Leadership Board member Pat Hall of with guest Irvin Grodsky. (Far right) Mike Florence and Gary Jackson of Tuscaloosa, and Leadership Board members Rebecca and Frank Gregory of Wetumpka at the silent auction. 5 FACULTY NEWS

and mathematical methods to explain how A Passion for ‘How things work,’ our universe works. Philosophy begins without these limitations in mind and seeks to imagine Drives LeClair’s teaching and research how the universe logically must be. Using a point-counterpoint approach to teaching, the two professors were able to present material In 2005, while Dr. PAtriCk LECLAir was always wanted to get to the bottom of things,” that was both engaging and thought-provoking doing his postdoctoral research at MIT, he he said. for the students. They plan to teach the course taught physics to non–science majors at LeClair received a bachelor’s degree in ma- again at some point. a nearby college. In 2011 he earned UA’s terials science from MIT and a PhD in physics “Team-teaching with Professor LeClair was Outstanding Commitment to Teaching Award, from Eindhoven University of Technology in among the fi nest classroom experiences I the University’s highest honor for excellence the Netherlands. From 2002 to 2005 he was have had in my 34 years with UA,” Hestevold in teaching. He is also responsible for revamp- a postdoctoral researcher at MIT in the Francis said. “I found the classroom stimulating but ing the advising system for undergraduate Bitter Magnet Laboratory. His passion for re- relaxed: guided by a common, passionate students. search has been a common theme throughout commitment to understand problems at the in- When not teaching or advising, LeClair is his academic career. “Doing research means terface of physics and metaphysics. Professor making advances in experimental physics. His you are not doing the same thing over and over research focuses on innovative ways to make again.” he said. “The thing I like about the job electrical or magnetic devices more effi cient. is that nothing is static. It’s completely new Known as spintronics, this area of research every day.” is developing hybrid electrical and magnetic LeClair embraced something new in class- devices such as hard drives for computers. room teaching this past spring when he col- LeClair maintains an active research laborated with Dr. Scott Hestevold, chair and laboratory in UA’s Center for Materials for professor in the Department of Philosophy. Information Technology and is the principal They teamed up to teach a course on phys- investigator on three grants from the National ics and philosophy, aptly named Physics and Science Foundation and one from the U.S. Metaphysics, which garnered signifi cant inter- Department of Energy. One of the principal est from students in both academic areas. goals of his lab is to move away from narrowly One of Hestevold’s areas of interest is the focused issues into more general problems philosophy of time. He had long wanted to whose solutions can have wide-ranging im- compare his philosopher’s approach to the plications. He believes this shift to broader theory of relativity to determine where the issues will also build stronger ties with other two areas were consistent and where they researchers on campus. diverged. This led him to sit in on one of Science has been appealing to LeClair LeClair’s introductory physics courses. Soon Patrick LeClair since he was young. “I was always curious after, the pair began planning a course that about how things work, and I loved to take would consider issues of time, space, and the LeClair is as conscientious as he is intelligent, things apart and try to put them back to- nature of existence from two seemingly oppo- and team-teaching with him was a joy.” gether.” In school, he embraced the scientifi c site approaches. “Essentially we were working This is not the fi rst time LeClair has taught and mathematical disciplines and explored the on the same kinds of problems from different a course with interdisciplinary connections. fi elds of biology and chemistry. But the root angles,” LeClair said. He and Dr. Patrick Kung, in UA’s College of cause of the chemical reactions and biological Physics asks questions from the perspec- Engineering, taught a course on optics. LeClair principles he was learning about soon became tive of limitations. It attempts to apply logic to said the tag-team approach they used greatly the focus of his scientifi c study. “I guess I the chaos of the universe using experimental benefi ted the students.

In May 2012 Cristina Díaz López, provost of the University College Forges international of Havana, visited UA to continue the dialogue between the two institutions. Partnerships with Academic This summer, the College made signifi cant progress in expanding a long-standing relationship with the University of Ghana. institutions A two-week course, Alabama-in-Ghana, has been led by Dr. Seth Appiah-Opoku, associate professor in the Department of Geography, for nine years. As part of the growing trend toward global learning, the College of Arts In May 2012 Dr. Robert Olin, dean of the College, Dr. Luoheng and Sciences has reached out to academic institutions around the Han, associate dean of the College, and Dr. Appiah-Opoku met with world to build connections between students and faculty. offi cials from the University of Ghana to discuss future academic In February 2012 the Alabama-Cuba Initiative celebrated its 10th exchange programs. Plans are under way for students from the two anniversary with a weeklong trip to Cuba during which 35 University universities to pursue courses at either university. A key component of Alabama faculty researchers met with their Cuban counterparts. of the exchange program will be the use of technology such as video The meetings took place at the University of Havana, the Institute of conferencing to enable students to interface with one another. The Art (Instituto Superior de Artes), and the University of San Gerónimo. Alabama-in-Ghana semester-long study experience is scheduled to UA faculty members presented proposals for future educational and begin this academic year. research collaborations and discussed projects with Cuban educators The College also embraced plans for the Alabama Greece Initiative working in comparable areas. to move beyond summer study-abroad trips and to develop an ongoing Dr. Gustavo José Cobreiro Suáarez, the president of the University relationship with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, one of Greece’s of Havana, presented a medallion and resolution to the College and major research universities. Dean Olin, Dr. Han, and Dr. Russell The University of Alabama in honor of the long-standing relationship McCutcheon, a professor in the Department of Religious Studies, between the two universities. visited with offi cials at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in May 2012. The trip marked the culmination of several years of smaller projects in Greece. 6 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. FACULTY NEWS

robert Mellown Uncovers the Story By Kelli Wright in UA’s Architectural History

Architectural historian retires after 40 years of teaching, become a seminal reference for anyone interested in the campus’s his- tory. Mellown believes this kind of research is important to understand but his quest for the stories behind historical structures how the campus has evolved and to show the sense of tradition that the will continue. Capstone embodies. “The beauty of the campus really lies in the fact that for 182 years, designers and planners have thought about how things should look and Much has changed about the campus at The University of Alabama how they should be arranged,” he said. “One of the most gratifying during Dr. roBErt MELLown’S 40-year career. Students no longer gath- things about working on these books is that they are being used now by er in Foster Auditorium to register for classes; Bryant-Denny Stadium the campus planners.” He was recently asked to update his previous has been enlarged fi ve times; and impressive buildings like Shelby Hall architectural research and do a full-scale guide to the campus. That and the Science and Engineering Complex now border the campus. But book will be published by The University of Alabama Press next year. very little has changed about Mellown’s dedication to teaching and his Mellown has not limited his architectural investigations to the UA curiosity about the world around him. campus. He was a principal investigator and project manager dur- Mellown grew up in Livingston, Ala., a small town 60 miles south- ing renovation of the Jemison–Van de Graaff Mansion in downtown west of Tuscaloosa and home to several prominent examples of antebel- Tuscaloosa. He also wrote a historical structures report for the Bryce lum architecture. An interest in these extraordinary structures planted Hospital building, which had him crawling through the basements the seed for what would become a lifelong love of architecture and the and attics of the state’s oldest and best-known mental health facility. history of beautiful places. Unfazed by the physical labor these investigations involve, Mellown On paper, Mellown is an expert on historical Alabama architecture, a also lent his assistance to the development of Capitol Park, the site of prolifi c researcher, and an honored preservationist. In person, however, the former state capitol. he is much more. He is a storyteller. He has been a regular contributor to Alabama Heritage maga- Mellown is the teller of stories that date back nearly two centu- zine, writing on topics ranging from Civil War–era portraiture to early ries, hidden in the bricks and mortar of some of the state’s most Alabama photography. He noted that few people realize that the fi rst impressive architectural masterpieces. He can tell you stories photographs in the Southeast were taken by F. A. P. Barnard in 1840 about Reconstruction-era graffiti on the porch walls of Garland on the University of Alabama campus using then revolutionary tech- Hall or the kind of grass that was planted on the quad more than nology developed by Louis Daguerre in France a year earlier. Barnard 160 years ago. taught at UA from 1837 to 1854. Mellown began his career as an undergraduate studio art major at the Capstone. He remembers coming to freshman orientation in the summer of 1963 when Gov. made his now infamous stand in the schoolhouse door and being required to sign an antiriot agreement. Mellown, ever a collector of history, still has his copy of the document. He was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, his senior year. In 1967 he accepted a full graduate fel- lowship in art history at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill. In the PhD program he stud- ied Renaissance, baroque, 19th-century, and an- cient art; he wrote his dissertation on American art. He joined UA’s Department of Art and Art History in 1971 and has taught courses in all these areas at the Capstone. Over the past 40 years, Mellown saw great changes in the way he prepared for and taught his courses. He and his colleagues used to spend hours with books laid out on the porches of Garland Hall taking photos of artwork to create slides for their courses. Producing a slide show now is much simpler. One of the projects he may take on in his retirement is to convert a cache of approximately 80,000 slides into digital images. That is, of course, if he has time. Mellown, now professor emeritus, does not Robert Mellown plan to give up on the work that has interested him for so long. He says there are many his- Mellown’s involvement in telling the story of the UA campus start- torically fascinating places around Tuscaloosa that have not been re- ed with his contributions to Suzanne Rau Wolfe’s 1983 book The searched, and he wants to be the one to uncover those stories. University of Alabama: A Pictorial History. He spent more than a year In many ways, Mellown is not unlike the historical buildings he has drawing detailed, historically accurate renderings of the campus from admired for so long. He has been a part of the UA tradition, and his te- different eras. He even described what kind of trees--oaks, cedars, and nacity and desire for knowledge led him to be a relevant and constant sycamores—were planted on the grounds. force in his fi eld. And like any good storyteller, his stories are the ones This research led to the publication in 1988 of The University of that will be told for generations to come. Alabama: A Guide to the Campus, a pocket-sized guidebook that has 7 FACULTY NEWS

He also enhanced the physics–electrical and computer engineering Alumni Association Honors double major, which has been instrumental in increasing majors nearly threefold in the last four years. With the help of a teaching grant from three College Professors the College in 2006–2007, he developed and implemented a com- puterized laboratory system for introductory electricity and magnetism with teaching Award labs. In 2009–2010 he redesigned the sophomore modern physics laboratory with entirely new equipment and a customized laboratory manual. In the fall of 2009 he and Dr. Ray White, professor of physics The Outstanding Commitment to Teaching Award is the University of and astronomy, developed a freshman seminar to introduce potential Alabama National Alumni Association’s highest honor for excellence physics and astronomy majors to the latest developments in the fi eld. in teaching. Three of this year’s recipients are from the College of LeClair’s research focuses on electrical and magnetic properties Arts and Sciences: Associate Professors Lawrence F. Kohl, Patrick R. of novel materials and devices; he has a research laboratory in UA’s LeClair, and Seth Panitch. Center for Materials for Information Technology. He is the principal investigator on three National Science Foundation grants and a U.S. Dr. LAwrEnCE F. koHL, who joined the Department of History in 1987, Department of Energy grant. He received his bachelor’s degree in ma- has taught 30 different courses in the Honors Program, the Blount terials science from MIT and his doctorate in physics from Eindhoven Undergraduate Initiative, and UA’s Study Abroad Program. He has University of Technology in the Netherlands. served as the director of both undergraduate and graduate studies and as interim chair in the Department of History. SEtH PAnitCH, an associate professor of acting, directs the MFA and Kohl’s scholarly research focuses on the decades immediately pre- BA acting programs for the College’s Department of Theatre and Dance. ceding the American Civil War. His book on the age of Jackson, The He retooled the undergraduate and graduate acting curriculum to Politics of Individualism: Parties and the American Character in the include technique coursework in musical improvisation, the Suzuki Jacksonian Era, is now in its sixth printing. He has served on the ad- training method, classical clowning, character mask, fi lm and television visory board for the Papers of Andrew Jackson, evaluated manuscripts performance, comedic styles, and stage combat. While his specialty is about the era, and judged fi lm projects for the National Endowment the study of classical theatre in performance, he has also developed for the Humanities. Kohl has been a historical adviser for novelists, on-camera acting courses in conjunction with UA’s Department of painters, and fi lmmakers working on the Civil War and has appeared in Telecommunication and Film in the College of Communication and television documentaries about the Irish in the Civil War on the History Information Sciences. Channel and the Smithsonian Channel. He has directed 10 departmental productions and directs the yearly He received a bachelor’s degree in history from Harvard University MFA/Senior Showcase in , which offers graduating seniors and a master’s and PhD in history from the University of Michigan. the opportunity to audition before New York agents, producers, and He was named a Lilly Teaching Scholar, is the recipient of UA’s Last casting directors. In 2008 Panitch became the fi rst U.S. director in Lecture Award, and is a Distinguished Teaching Fellow in the College. decades to produce a professional theatre production for the Cuban Ministry of Culture when he directed a Spanish language production Dr. PAtriCk r. LECLAir joined the UA Department of Physics and of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice at La Sala Teatro Adolfo Astronomy in 2005. He teaches introductory and midlevel physics Llauradó in Havana. The following year he brought a company of pro- courses and oversees a research group in magnetic and electronic fessional Cuban actors to Alabama to work with UA students on a pro- materials. duction of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Since 2008 LeClair has been the undergraduate director for the Panitch received a bachelor’s degree in theatre from Occidental Department of Physics and Astronomy, where he has implemented per- College and an MFA in classical performance from the University of sonal, face-to-face advising for every department major each semester. Washington School of Drama Professional Actor Training Program.

I Tatti and its raphael Awarded library of more Dance Film Picked than 50,000 Fellowship for volumes, to for San Francisco Harvard to es- italian renaissance tablish a center Film Festival for the study Studies of the Italian Renaissance. A fi lm by SArAH M. BArry, assistant profes- Raphael’s sor of dance in the Department of Theatre Dr. rEnÉE rAPHAEL, an assistant professor research in- and Dance, was selected for the 2012 San in the Department of History, was awarded terests also Francisco Dance Film Festival. Based on a postdoctoral fellowship from the Harvard include early a dance fi rst performed by the Alabama modern sci- Repertory Dance Theatre in its fall 2010 con- University Center for Italian Renaissance Renée Raphael Studies to complete research on her work ence and tech- cert, there, again was one of 25 fi lms se- about science and Galileo’s philosophy in nology, science lected for the festival. It was also included Counter-Reformation Italy. She is one of 15 and visual culture, and the history of the book. in the Screendance Shorts program at San scholars selected worldwide to spend the Raphael was a National Science Foundation Francisco’s Ninth Street Independent Film 2012–2013 academic year at the Villa I Tatti graduate fellow, a Fulbright Institute of Center in March. The fi lm was produced in col- in Florence, Italy. The villa was part of the International Education Scholar in Italy, and a laboration with Christian Coleman, a UA gradu- estate of Bernard Berenson, an art histori- Clare Hall research fellow at the University of ate who shot and edited the project. an and a connoisseur of Italian Renaissance Cambridge. Raphael joined the College’s facul- paintings and drawings. Berenson attended ty in 2010 after receiving her doctoral degree Harvard University as an undergraduate. He from Princeton University in 2009. bequeathed the bulk of his estate, including

8 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. FACULTY NEWS NSF Grant Funds Peacock’s Faculty Briefs Rable Selected for Burnum Award Participation in International Workshop DR. GEORGE C. RABLE, holder of the Charles Grayson Summersell Chair in Southern History in the Department of History, received the 2011 Burnum DR. MARGARET PEACOCK, an assistant professor in the Distinguished Faculty Award at UA, one of the highest honors the University bestows on its faculty. Established Department of History, was awarded a grant from the National by Celeste Burnum and the late Dr. John F. Burnum of Science Foundation to fund her participation in Tuscaloosa, the award is presented annually to a profes- International Workshop on Lysenkoism in Vienna. Lysenkoism sor who is judged by a faculty selection committee to refers to a biological inheritance principle developed by Trofi m have demonstrated superior scholarly or artistic achieve- ments and profound dedication to the art of teaching. Lysenko in 1920s Soviet Russia that describes ways in which Rable is a nationally recognized, award-winning Civil the scientifi c process may be manipulated to reach predeter- War historian. mined conclusions as dictated by an ideological bias, which is often related to social or political objectives. Sponsored by Two Chemistry Faculty Members Named Fellows of Prestigious Science Organization the History of Science Society, the conference brings togeth- The world’s largest general scientifi c society, the er scholars from throughout the world to discuss the global American Association for the Advancement of Science, impact of Lysenkoism. Peacock’s research interests include named two College of Arts and Sciences professors as Russian and Soviet history, semiotics and visual culture, AAAS Fellows for 2012. DR. ARUN GUPTA, a professor in the Department of Chemistry and a researcher at UA’s and the Cold War. She is working on a book titled Cold War Center for Materials for Information Technology, and Kids: Images, Childhood, and the Collapse of the Cold War DR. ROBIN ROGERS, holder of the Robert Ramsay Chair in Margaret Peacock Consensus in the Soviet Union and the United States, 1945– the Department of Chemistry and director of the Center Peacock joined the College’s faculty in 2009 after earn- for Green Manufacturing at UA, were selected for the 1968. honor by a vote of their peers. ing her doctoral degree from the University of Texas in 2008. Criminal Justice Professor Receives Buford Peace Award DR. BRONWEN LICHTENSTEIN, associate professor and graduate director in the Department of Criminal Justice, Ulmer Given Eugene Current-Garcia Award is the winner of the 2012 Lahoma Adams Buford Peace Award. The award is given annually to a UA faculty member who has demonstrated exceptional involvement DR. WILLIAM A. ULMER, a professor in the Department of English, in mediating human disputes, helping overcome preju- dice, promoting justice, and establishing peace. was awarded the 2012 Eugene Current-Garcia Award for Alabama’s Distinguished Literary Scholar. The award recognizes Dixon First to Receive SEC Outstanding Alabamians who have distinguished themselves in scholarly re- Faculty Award fl ection and writing on literary topics. Ulmer has concentrated on DR. DAVID DIXON, holder of the Robert Ramsay Chair the poetry of the British Romantics. He is the author of articles in the Department of Chemistry, is the fi rst UA recipi- ent of the SEC Faculty Achievement Award, a new award on Percy Bysshe Shelley, William Wordsworth, and Samuel Taylor honoring professors in the Southeastern Conference who Coleridge in such distinguished journals as English Literary have outstanding records in teaching and scholarship. History, Studies in Romanticism, and Studies in Philology. Dixon will receive a $5,000 honorarium and become UA’s nominee for SEC Professor of the Year. The winner He is the author of Shelleyan Eros: The Rhetoric of Romantic will receive a $15,000 honorarium. Love and The Christian Wordsworth, 1798–1805. Ulmer, who joined the UA faculty in 1980, has served as director of the College Biologist Honored with UA’s Honors Program and chair of the Department of English. He is Blackmon-Moody Award a former College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Teaching DR. MARTHA POWELL, a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, was named the 2011 Blackmon- Fellow and a winner of the UA Alumni Association’s Outstanding Moody Outstanding Professor. The award is presented William A. Ulmer Commitment to Teaching Award. annually to a UA faculty member whose contribution in his or her fi eld of study brings “credit and recogni- tion to the fi eld of study, students’ education, and The University of Alabama.” College Biologist Recognized by National Scienti c Society

DR. ARTHUR BENKE, a professor emeritus in the Department of Biological Sciences, was awarded the 2012 Award of Excellence in Benthic Science by the Society for Freshwater Science for his work on benthos, organ- isms that live on or near the bottom of a body of water. Benthos, which live in the ocean as well as in freshwater sites and range in size from microorganisms to snails and crabs, are important indicators of water quality. A UA faculty member since 1984, Benke has been widely known as a leader in the ecology of freshwater benthic invertebrates for more than 30 years. His research focuses on the role of insects in aquatic ecosystems and the theory and practice of estimating invertebrate production. A longtime member of the Society for Freshwater Science, Benke has served as its president, a member of the executive committee, and editor of the Journal of the North American Benthological Society (now titled Freshwater Science). Benke has played a signifi cant role in the advancement of river conservation in North America and is coeditor (with Albert E. Cushing) of two award-winning books, Rivers of North America and Field Guide to Rivers of North America. Benke received his PhD in zoology from the in 1972. He was a faculty member in the School of Biology at the Georgia Institute of Technology from 1971 to 1978.

Arthur Benke 9 STUDENT NEWS ryan Flamerich named 2012 truman Scholar ryAn FLAMEriCH, a junior majoring in political science and chemical engineering, has been named a 2012 Truman Scholar. The Truman Scholarship was created by Congress to identify and support future leaders in public service. Flamerich is one of 54 scholars selected from among 587 candidates to receive up to $30,000 for graduate study. A student in UA’s Computer-Based Honors Program, Flamerich came to the Capstone to study chemical engineering. He began to envision a career in public service after serv- ing as a senator in the Student Government Association, doing volunteer work for various organizations, serving as a Blackburn Fellow, and studying political science. Flamerich has volunteered with READ Alabama, which works to improve reading skills in West Alabama elementary schools; the Boys and Girls Club, where he tutored students after school; and the American Red Cross, where he helped raise money for Haitian earthquake victims. He also served as a social media coordinator for state-level political campaigns during the summer of 2010. He has worked with other UA student leaders on a proposal to ban smoking on campus and with state leaders to push for a statewide ban on smoking in government buildings. A native of Miami, Fla., Flamerich graduated from Chelsea High School near Birmingham. Flamerich will graduate from UA in 2013. He plans to attend law school and obtain a master’s degree in public policy before pursuing a career in environmental, patent, or civil rights advocacy law. Ryan Flamerich

UA’s Goldwater Scholars Have ties to the College

The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship is given each year to the brightest CHELSEA “rAULiE” rAULErSon, of Houston, Tex., is majoring in young minds in the country. This year three students from The University biological sciences with a double minor in chemistry and computer- of Alabama were selected to receive the prestigious scholarship; another based honors. Her research focuses on the swimming performance student received an honorable mention. All the students have ties to of Kryptolebias (formerly Rivulus) marmoratus, a neotropical fi sh the College of Arts and Sciences. The $7,500 scholarship is given to commonly known as mangrove rivulus or mangrove killifi sh. She plans students studying mathematics, science, or engineering. It is the premier to get a PhD in cancer biology and then pursue a career as a researcher undergraduate award of its type in these fi elds. in epigenetics as it relates to an individual’s susceptibility to certain cancers. Raulerson has received the Michael L. McDaniel Memorial HiSHAM k. ALi, of Muscle Shoals, Ala., is an aerospace engineering Endowed Scholarship from the Department of Biological Sciences and major with minors in computer-based honors and mathematics. After the Jane Nix Outstanding Service Award from the Computer-Based completing graduate work, he plans to pursue a career as a research Honors program. engineer and college teacher focusing on spacecraft development, specifi cally propulsion and structural design. Ali has received the Computer-Based Honors Outstanding Sophomore award, the Dr. Charles UA Goldwater Scholars Hisham Ali, Sarah Johnson, L. Seebeck Memorial Endowed Scholarship, and the American Institute Chelsea Raulerson (honorable mention) and Stephen of Aeronautics and Astronautics Outstanding Junior award. Walker all have ties to the College.

SArAH E. JoHnSon, of Mesquite, Tex., is majoring in history and mechanical engineering with a minor in computer- based honors. Johnson is researching combustion systems aimed at improving the effi ciency and emissions of alcohol- gas fuel blends during engine cold starts. She plans a career in research at a university, focusing on combustion and propulsion systems. A 2011 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Hollings Scholar, she is as an offi cer in the UA chapter of the Society of Women Engineers.

StEPHEn A. wALkEr, of Trussville, Ala., is a chemistry major with a minor in computer-based honors. Walker is conducting research on ways to store nuclear waste and reprocess spent fuels. He hopes to establish a research career in neuropharmacology, focusing on treatments for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Walker has a fellowship in the Computer-Based Honors program and has been the recipient of UA’s Presidential Scholarship and the Million Dollar Band Scholarship.

10 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. STUDENT NEWS Adam Hill works to Preserve the Art of Craft

While many of today’s students are looking making a mold. Because of the stressful nature toward the future by becoming experts in the of the metal-casting process and the expense latest technology, at least one recent Alabama associated with the materials, Hill decided graduate is looking to the past to plot out his to learn how to weld metal, which led him to career path. produce some of the award-winning work that ADAM HiLL, who graduated in May with earned him his fellowship. a BFA from the Department of Art and Art One such piece, titled Catch, is a large History, found inspiration in learning the craft sculpture made of sheets of steel that were of metalworking, which earned him a presti- individually cut and welded together to form gious Windgate Fellowship from the University an undulating curve resembling a wave. of North Carolina Asheville’s Center for Craft, The sculpture took more than 150 hours to Creativity, and Design. complete. Hill is one of only 10 students in the coun- In his artist’s statement for the Windgate try to receive the $15,000 fellowship, one of Fellowship, Hill said he is inspired by human the largest awards offered to art students na- social interactivity. The forms he creates of- tionally. More than 70 universities from across ten reference boats or other watercraft that for the country were each invited to nominate two him signify containment, safety, and battle. He graduating seniors with exemplary skills in uses these forms as metaphors to depict his craft for the fellowship; Hill was chosen from a observations of people’s personality traits. pool of 114 candidates. The most important part of the artistic jour- Hill did not always plan on becoming ney for Hill is the opportunity to work with his an artist. In fact, he was recruited to The hands, a skill he says is lost on many in his University of Alabama by former UA head foot- generation. In rediscovering some of the lost ball coach Mike Shula as a punter and kicker arts of craftsmanship, Hill hopes to preserve an for the Crimson Tide. Hill played for two sea- important part of this country’s heritage. Adam Hill sons but found that something was lacking. He Hill says his family has been completely missed the creative outlet that his high school supportive of his metamorphosis from a young art classes in Douglasville, Ga., had afforded him. athlete into a talented and promising sculptor. “They always knew that I “I’ve always liked to get my hands dirty and to make things, and I needed to be involved with the creative process,” he said. “They wanted just didn’t see any kind of future in where I was going in school or with me to do something that made me happy, and they’re the kind of parents football,” he said. He shifted his focus back to what had appealed to who want to see you succeed in doing something that you love.” him before coming to UA: drawing, painting, and printmaking. Then With his Windgate Fellowship, Hill will spend the next several he took a ceramics class and found a new artistic path that led him to months setting up a studio and producing works to enter in art shows. pursue three-dimensional sculpture. He has moved to North Carolina and is planning to continue his edu- “I walked into the Department of Art and Art History’s metal shop cation at Penland School of Crafts, as well as with Ron Young, a well- and was just blown away,” Hill said. “I felt like I had to learn how to known artist in California. He may also start to work in new mediums, use these tools.” He changed his major from psychology to art and set such as wood. out to become as profi cient as possible with all the tools in the metal- But no matter what material he chooses to work in, Hill said he will working studio. “I needed to learn to use the tools to be able to fully always be focused on the craftsmanship that goes into each piece he express my creativity,” Hill said. creates. “I think a lot of times people over-conceptualize their artwork. Hill fi rst learned the art of metal casting, a painstaking process that They tend to forget about the processes that go into the actual making involves making a series of molds. There is no room for error when of it.” Marsh receives Boren Scholarship for international Study

LAUrEn MArSH, a senior in the Department of Anthropology, was awarded a prestigious Boren Scholarship, which is given by the U.S. Department of State to provide college students with resources and encouragement to acquire language skills and experience in countries critical to U.S. security. Marsh, of Prattville, Ala., will use the scholarship to study in Chengdu, in the Sichuan prov- ince of China, during the 2012–2013 academic year. She will complete a service requirement by providing global public health aid with the Peace Corps, the Centers for Disease Control, or the U.S. Agency for International Development. Marsh has already spent a year helping children with serious health problems in a village near Beijing and a summer in Nairobi, Kenya, which sparked her interest in a career in global health. “Those experiences, along with the knowledge that I cannot achieve Mandarin language fl u- ency without immersion, made me realize that the Boren Scholarship would be a great opportu- nity. My studies abroad will allow me to experience the culture of the various minority groups in rural southwestern China, study advanced Mandarin language, and take elective courses in an- thropology,” said Marsh.

Lauren Marsh 11 STUDENT NEWS Shrimp Shells Used to Develop Antibacterial Bandage

Most people who eat shrimp toss away the shells without a second thought. For a group of scientists in the College of Arts and Sciences, those shells are a critical component in creat- ing a new kind of bandage that may help fa- cilitate healing. Dr. GABriELA GUrAU, a research scientist, LEAH BLoCk, a fi rst-year graduate student, both in the Department of Chemistry, and Dr. wHitnEy HoUGH, a College alumna, have been working on a process to extract chitin from shrimp shells. Chitin, which gives shrimp shells their texture, is a naturally occurring an- tibacterial substance. The researchers are employed by 525 Solutions, a faculty start-up incubated at UA. They have been working on ways to make chi- tin into fi bers to create a bandage for people with chronic wounds such as diabetic ulcers. According to Hough, diabetic ulcers result in 100,000 amputations a year. An antibacterial bandage that promotes healing could help ul- cer sufferers avoid amputation. Although chitin is produced commercially, Dr. Whitney Hough, Leah Block, and Dr. Gabriela Gurau collaborated on a new process of extracting a substance Gurau said, the 525 researchers have been from shrimp shells that can be used to manufacture better bandages. able to obtain a purer form of chitin with a new extraction method. They use a class of down the shells to a fi ne powder, add a spe- market the fi rst bandage with both chitin and solvents called ionic liquids--liquid salts with cifi c ionic liquid to extract the chitin, and heat alginate. unique and desirable properties that tradi- up the ionic liquid/shrimp shell mixture in a The project is not yet in the prototype de- tional solvents do not have. Gurau has collabo- microwave oven. The last stage in getting a velopment stage but 525 Solutions has al- rated on ionic liquids research with Dr. Robin pure chitin form involves putting the ionic liq- ready gotten calls from people who want to Rogers, the Robert Ramsey chairholder in the uid solution through a water bath, followed by try the new bandages. For example, a nurse Department of Chemistry, director for UA’s fi ltration and drying of the precipitated chitin. in the Tuscaloosa area heard about the ban- Center for Green Manufacturing, and one of Although the process is labor intensive, Block dage and hoped it could help her numerous the founders and owners of 525 Solutions. says she is happy to do the work. “I really like patients with diabetes. “It’s really rewarding to Using shells from the Gulf Coast the idea of taking something that is essentially think about this project generating something Agricultural and Seafood Co-op based in garbage and making it into something that is people can benefi t from,” Hough said. “That’s Bayou La Batre, Ala., the researchers grind useful,” she said. what keeps us going.” The idea for the re- The project is currently housed in a lab at search was prompted UA’s Alabama Innovation and Mentoring of by a solicitation four Entrepreneurs (AIME) building. The research- years ago from the U.S. ers plan to move beyond the current incuba- Department of Defense, tor model and contract with companies to which was looking to manufacture the bandages. Hough says one develop new bandag- of the best things about the project has been es for military person- the blending of entrepreneurship and science. nel. When that proposal “Scientists don’t typically get any exposure to was not funded, Gurau entrepreneurship or general business practices pitched her idea to oth- during graduate school,” she said. “AIME of- er agencies and com- fers opportunities to blend science and busi- panies. This year, the ness, to bridge the gap between research and project was awarded a a commercial product.” $150,000 grant from An important component of the researchers’ the National Science mission is the use of green technology, which Foundation Small is refl ected in the company’s name: 525 repre- Business Innovation sents the wavelength of green light on the color Research Fund. spectrum. According to Gurau, using ionic liq- The research team uids may help eliminate the need for chemicals plans to use the SBIR and processes that are harmful to the environ- In order to extract the substance, known as chitin, the grant money developing a process that com- ment while creating more sustainable and more shrimp shells have to be ground into a powder in small bines chitin with alginate, a compound found energy-effi cient technologies. “Our society’s batches. in seaweed, to produce a fi ber that will be wo- increased concern for the environment has trig- ven into a bandage. There are already bandag- gered a boost in green technology research,” es that have chitin in them and bandages that said Gurau. Clearly, the 525 researchers are in have alginate; the group hopes to create and the vanguard of that research. 12 Collegian STUDENT NEWS School of Music Benefi ts from rock Group’s State-of- the-Art Studio Equipment

MiCHAEL wiLk, the keyboardist with the rock group Steppenwolf, has brought his state-of-the-art recording studio to the College’s School of Music. Wilk wants to give music students fi rsthand ex- periences in recording and fi lm scoring using the most modern and sophisticated recording equipment available. Last fall Wilk and Steppenwolf’s founder, , gave a mul- timedia performance in the Concert Hall of the Frank M. Moody Music Building. The concert highlighted some of Kay’s solo work as well as Steppenwolf favorites such as “Magic Carpet Ride.” The group now performs as John Kay and Steppenwolf. That per- formance came about after Wilk met Charles “Skip” Snead, di- rector of the School of Music, at an audition for Wilk’s daughter, Mandy, who is now studying music therapy at the Capstone. Wilk said he was “blown away” by the music program at UA. Michael Wilk, the keyboardist for the rock group Steppenwolf, has set up a state-of-the art “I had really fallen in love with the music program, and Skip put recording studio in the Frank M. Moody Music Building. an incredible amount of faith in me on this project sight unseen,” Wilk said. At the time, Wilk was operating a state-of-the-art re- possible. One technique he plans on using is to have an iPad hooked cording studio in Oregon while touring with Kay. Wilk suggested mov- to his equipment to adjust the instrument levels from a distance so the ing his entire recording operation to Tuscaloosa, where he felt the band doesn’t drown out some of the other instruments like keyboard. equipment would get more use. Snead didn’t hesitate to take Wilk up This is just the beginning of the collaborations between Wilk and on his offer. students and faculty in the College. He plans to be involved with re- The new studio space is housed in the basement of the Frank M. cording courses taught in the jazz studies program and has already be- Moody Music Building. Wilk has also volunteered his sound mixing ex- gun working with faculty members to develop ways the studio can be pertise to the Million Dollar Band this fall. Wilk said he is delighted used for teaching. Wilk is looking forward to creating new opportunities to work with the group to make their performances sound as good as in the School of Music. “The possibilities,” he said, “are endless.”

Geological Sciences Advisory Board Honors Gary Hooks

This spring the College of Arts and Sciences and its Geological Sciences Advisory Board (GSAB) joined forces to honor one of the College’s best-loved faculty members, Dr. Gary Hooks, professor emeritus in the Department of Geological Sciences. He is pictured here with his family (from left): Stephen Hooks, Gary Hooks Jr., Peggy Hooks, and David Hooks.

Hooks was honored for his many years of service and his outstanding Alumni, faculty, students, friends, and family came from all around the country to honor Hooks. commitment to students with a gala dinner. Dean Bob Olin announced Pictured above are Dr. Sidhartha Bhattacharyya, manager of the Geochemical Research that Dianne and George Lindahl (pictured above with Hooks, center), the Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences; GSAB member Tom Joiner; Dr. Ibrahim Çemen, College, and the GSAB had funded the Gary Hooks Endowed Scholarship chair and professor, Department of Geological Sciences; GSAB member George Lindahl; Pam in Geological Sciences. The endowment, which stands at approximately Çemen; and Virginia Joiner. $80,000, provides funding for undergraduate and graduate students majoring in geological sciences. 13 the College of Arts and Sciences Leadership Board

The College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Robert M. Dimick Mrs. Ilouise Partlow Hill Mr. James William Noe Mrs. Molly Steed Leadership Board is made up of Brentwood, TN Montgomery, AL Sugar Land, TX Anniston, AL alumni and friends who support Mrs. Forsyth Sellers Donald Mrs. Deborah L. Hiltz Mrs. Bonita Todd Norman Mrs. Leah Snell Stephens the College and its students Birmingham, AL Rainbow City, AL Coral Gables, FL Montgomery, AL with their time, infl uence, and Dr. Dan Douglas Mr. Mack D. Hixon Dr. Isabel Oldshue Dr. Tammi L. Stephens minimum membership gift Birmingham, AL Banks, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Cary, NC of $1,000 annually. This list Mr. Jack Drake Dr. John Holaday Dr. Robert F. Olin Dr. Johnnie W. Stevens recognizes board members as of Birmingham, AL West Bethesda, MD Tuscaloosa, AL Riverside, AL June 30, 2012. Dr. William Dressler Ms. Camilla Huxford Dr. Lawrence J. Parker Mr. Donald Wilbur Stewart Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Daphne, AL Anniston, AL Mrs. Dawn Dunning-Theune Dr. Charles E. Ingalls Dr. Sandra K. Parker Mrs. Linda Stewart Mrs. Laura C. Abernathy Dothan, AL Montgomery, AL Daphne, AL Birmingham, AL Neenah, WI Mrs. Mary Sue Avery Durant Mrs Donna Ingalls Mrs. Janine Perdomo Mrs. Barbara Stone Mr. Robert E. Abernathy Birmingham, AL Montgomery, AL Miami Lakes, FL Birmingham, AL Neenah, WI Mrs. Missy Edwards Dr. David Jackson Mr. Nick Perdomo Dr. Edward Lamar Thomas Mrs. Arlene Ashe Albany, GA Birmingham, AL Miami Lakes, FL Birmingham, AL Sheffi eld, AL Dr. John Elmore Mr. William P. Jackson Jr. Dr. McCoy Pitt Dr. Helen Raye Thrasher Mrs. Pam Askew Birmingham, AL McLean, VA Decatur, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Mary Paty Elmore Dr. William Johnson Mrs. Helen Mills Pittman Mr. Ethan Tyler Tidmore Ms. Emily L. Baker Birmingham, AL Mobile, AL Birmingham, AL Vestavia, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Miller Bonner Engelhardt Mr. Thomas J. Joiner Dr. Walter G. Pittman Mrs. Claire Tisdal Dr. James Haywood Baker Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mentone, AL Dr. Elizabeth Ennis Mrs. Ann Jones Dr. Roy Preston Mrs. Jean Tomlinson Mrs. Bette Anne LeBlanc Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Bargeron Mrs. Kathleen A. Farmer Mr. Allan Keel Dr. Ben Gil Price Dr. Henry Townsend Birmingham, AL Northport, AL Houston, TX Gaithersburg, MD Birmingham, AL Dr. Brenda K. Baumann Mrs. Rebecca Florence Dr. Jerry L. Kitchens Dr. Robert M. Pritchett Mrs. Rae Wade Trimmier Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Vestavia Hills, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Dr. T. Lee Baumann Dr. Andre J. Fontana Dr. Dave Klemmack Mrs. Elizabeth Hinton Pruett Dr. J. Allan Tucker Birmingham, AL Mobile, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mobile, AL Dr. Noel Bedwell Mrs. Marjorie Forney Mr. James E. Klingler Mrs. Paula F. Quarles Mrs. Jean Walker Tucker Mobile, AL Birmingham, AL Fitzpatrick, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mobile, AL Mrs. Shannon Bedwell Dr. William H. Forster Dr. Robert A. Kreisberg Mr. Ralph Quarles Dr. Pamela Varner Mobile, AL Gibson Island, MD Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. Dan Blakley Dr. H. Joseph Fritz Dr. David Joel Landau Mrs. Mary Delchamps Reyner Dr. Billy H. Vaughn Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mountain Brook, AL Mobile, AL Bloomington, IL Mrs. Dot Boyd Mrs. Sylvia Goldberg Mr. Greg Langston Ms. Ann Rhoads Dr. Julie Vaughn Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Dallas, TX Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. James S. Brooks Mr. Frank Gregory Dr. Alice Darnell Lattal Mr. George Richardson Dr. George H. Wakefi eld III Tuscaloosa, AL Wetumpka, AL Atlanta, GA Huntsville, AL Montgomery, AL Dr. Carmen Burkhalter Mrs. Rebecca Gregory Mr. P. Keith Lichtman Dr. Luther W. Richardson Jr. Dr. James C. Walker Jr. Tuscaloosa, AL Wetumpka, AL Atlanta, GA Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mrs. Alice Byrne Dr. Gerard Donald Haggstrom Mrs. Margaret Livingston Mr. Walter Richardson Jr. Dr. Susan Austin Warner Montgomery, AL Florence, AL Birmingham, AL Houston, TX Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. David Byrne Dr. John T. Hagood Mr. John Lockett Mr. Jack Robbins Jr. Dr. Phillip Watkins Montgomery, AL Eufaula, AL Atlanta, GA Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Dr. Charles Capps Ms. Patricia Hatcher Hall Dr. Juan Lopez-Bautista Mrs. Rebecca M. Roberts Mrs. Mary Jean Weaver Franklin, TN New York, NY Northport, AL Houston, TX Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Vincent Carnaggio Mrs. Susan Halliday Mr. George McAdams Mrs. Mary Oliver Roebuck Mr. Steve Weddle Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Sheffi eld, AL Birmingham, AL Signal Mountain, TN Dr. Carolyn Cassady Dr. Luoheng Han Dr. Chandra M. McCall Mr. Joe Rowe Dr. L. Steve Weinstein Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Mobile, AL Dr. Andrea Cevasco Mr. Billy Hargett Dr. Dan McCall Mrs. Alice Herren Schleusner Mrs. Lucy Weinstein Tuscaloosa, AL Florence, AL Mobile, AL Birmingham, AL Mobile, AL Dr. William Christenberry Mrs. Susan Ptomey Hargett Dr. Richmond C. McClintock Jr. Dr. V. C. Scott Dr. Allan S. Wilensky Washington, DC Florence, AL Dothan, AL Vestavia Hills, AL Mountain Brook, AL Mrs. Frances R. Clement Dr. Phillip Harmon Ms. Pamela McCollough Mrs. Leah Ann Sexton Dr. Jimmy Williams Elberta, AL Birmingham, AL Katy, TX Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Caleb Connor Dr. Trudier Harris Mr. Duncan Joseph McInnes Mr. Ted Sexton Rev. Hoyt Winslett Jr. Aiken, SC Tuscaloosa, AL Alexander City, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Joy Cooper Mr. Robert Hayes Dr. Trip McVay Dr. Craig T. Sheldon Jr. Mrs. Cheryl Winslow Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mobile, AL Wetumpka, AL Montgomery, AL Dr. Gregory William Cotter Dr. Marcia Hay-McCutcheon Dr. Blaise John Mercadante Dr. Elisabeth S. Sheldon Dr. Stanley Winslow Mobile, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Winter Park, FL Wetumpka, AL Montgomery, AL Dr. John R. Cranton Mr. Don Hays Ms. Gina Sealy Miers Dr. Alan M. Siegal Mr. Tom Wolfe Daphne, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Jackie Brunson Crowell Dr. Joel Hearn Mr. James David Mills Mr. James Sledge Mrs. Catharine Wymer Enterprise, AL Florence, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Atlanta, GA Mr. Fred Crown Jr. Mr. Fox R. Henderson Ms. Gloria Moody Lt. Cdr. Ned Smith Mr. John Francis Wymer Nashville, TN Rosemary Beach, FL Birmingham, AL Pell City, AL Atlanta, GA Miss Elizabeth B. Crump Dr. Ronald Earl Henderson Mrs. Stella Hillard Moore Mrs. Wendy Smith Ms. Kathy Yarbrough Montgomery, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Decatur, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Beverly Crawford Davis Mr. Russell T. Henshaw Dr. Rhett B. Murray Dr. Thomas C. Smitherman Mr. Christopher Lynch Yeilding Mobile, AL Huntsville, AL Huntsville, AL Pittsburgh, PA Birmingham, AL Dr. Jerry D. Dillard Mrs. Anne Barr Herman Mrs. Jane Newman Dr. Amanda Duncan Soong Mr. James H. Zeanah Selma, AL Suwanee, GA Gadsden, AL Hoover, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Morton B. Dimenstien Dr. Roland Arthur Hester IV Mrs. Pam Newman Mrs. Margherita J. Soule Dr. Jeffrey Zieman Atlanta, GA Montgomery, AL Gadsden, AL Pensacola, FL Mobile, AL Mr. David Hill Dr. Lucas Niiler Mrs. Winifred L. Stakely Washington, DC Tuscaloosa, AL Montgomery, AL 14 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. Scholarships and Endowments

The following friends have Mr. Charles George Capps Dr. & Mrs. John Durr Elmore Mr. James M. Hilgartner Mrs. Roberta Smith Largin established or contributed to Franklin, TN Birmingham, AL Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL scholarships and other endowed Dr. Vincent Anthony Carnaggio Dr. Miller Bonner Engelhardt Mrs. Ilouise P. Hill Mr. Dennis Latham funds in the College of Arts and Birmingham, AL Montgomery, AL Montgomery, AL Birmingham, AL Sciences between June 1, 2011, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carver Mrs. Pamela Giddens Eubanks Mr. Mack Dennis Hixon Mr. George Lindahl and May 31, 2012. Ralph, AL Birmingham, AL Banks, AL Spring, TX Dr. Ibrahim Çemen Dr. Sean Franklin Evans Mr. & Ms. Jim Holley Mrs. Margaret G. Livingston AATG-Alabama Chapter Tuscaloosa, AL Jackson, TN Seattle, WA Birmingham, AL Madison, AL Mr. Roger Morgan Chapman ExxonMobil Foundation Mr. Judson David Hooks Mr. John Abner Lockett III Jamey Aebersold Jazz Inc. Brewton, AL Irving, TX Richardson, TX Atlanta, GA New Albany, IN Chevron Dr. Jen-Ho Fang Mr. Perry Hubbard Jr. Mrs. Dorothy Swindel Malaier Ms. Aleta M. Ahlstrom Princeton, NJ Tuscaloosa, AL Gainesville, FL Montgomery, AL Springfi eld, VA Mr. Harvey Nix Clapp Mr. Jack Harris Fein Ms. Barbara Huguley Mr. Michael Martone Dr. Glenn James Ahrenholz Selma, AL Boynton Beach, FL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Buffalo Grove, IL Mrs. Frances R. Clement Ms. Laura B. Fikes Mr. Robert Lanier Ingram Jr. Mr. John Henry Masingill III Alabama Policy Institute Elberta, AL Hamilton, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Coalbed Methane Association Mr. Edgar James Files Jr. Dr. David H. Jackson Dr. Chandra Maria McCall Anadarko Petroleum Corp. of Alabama Madison, MS Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Houston, TX Birmingham, AL Dr. Andre J. Fontana Sr. Mr. William Paul Jackson Jr. Ms. Pamela McCollough Dr. Anthony J. Arduengo III Comer Foundation Mobile, AL West McLean, VA Katy, TX Coaling, AL Birmingham, AL Mrs. Marjorie H. Forney Miss Vernita James Mrs. Marie McCormick Mr. Conrad Armbrecht Community Foundation of Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tampa, FL Mobile, AL Greater Birmingham Ms. Margaret G. Fox Jessup, Ingram, Burns, & Dr. Russell McCutcheon Armbrecht Jackson LLP Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Associates LLP Tuscaloosa, AL Mobile, AL Community Foundation of Dr. Herman Joseph Fritz Jr. Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. William Ulma McDonald Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Braxton Ware Ashe Greater Memphis Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. William W. Jessup Toledo, OH Sheffi eld, AL Memphis, TN Ms. Constance S. Garrett Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. D. Joseph McInnes Mrs. Pamela H. Askew Mr. Martin J. Connors III Lutherville-Timonium, MD Dr. William E. Johnson III Alexander City, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Alabaster, AL Mr. Robert S. Gaston Mobile, AL Mr. Thomas H. Atkinson Jr. Mr. Marlon Ray Cook Ridgeland, MS Biloxi, MS Duncanville, AL Mr. Roy Lawrence Gates Jr. Ms. Emily L. Baker Mr. & Mrs. N. Lee Cooper Palos Verdes Estates, CA Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Dr. Lois D. George Dr. James Haywood Baker Dr. Gregory William Cotter Tuscaloosa, AL Friends and Family Mentone, AL Mobile, AL Dr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Gilbert Mr. Allen W. Bales Dr. John Richard Cranton Las Vegas, NV of Anna Gordon Canton, GA Daphne, AL Mrs. Sylvia Kaplan Goldberg Mrs. Carolyn Carpenter Bales Mrs. C. Brenda Crayton- Birmingham, AL Establish Endowed Tuscaloosa, AL Pitches Mr. & Mrs. George B. Gordon Mrs. Bette Leblanc Bargeron Stone Mountain, GA Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. John Pollard Cross Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Gregory Scholarship Ms. Jennifer Jane Barringer Atlanta, GA Wetumpka, AL The friends and family of the late Anna Gordon have given more than Houston, TX Mrs. June N. Crowder Dr. Steffen Guenzel $30,000 to the College to establish the Anna E. Gordon Memorial Ms. Rachel T. Barrow Oak Harbor, WA Tuscaloosa, AL Endowed Scholarship, which will be used to support students studying Decatur, GA Mrs. Jackie Brunson Crowell Mr. Edward E. Guy Jr. psychology. A 2009 graduate of The University of Alabama, Gordon Dr. T. Lee Baumann Enterprise, AL Tuscaloosa, AL earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and Spanish with summa cum Birmingham, AL Mr. Frederick Smith Crown Jr. Dr. Gerard Donald Haggstrom laude honors; she minored in the Blount Undergraduate Initiative. In the Dr. Arthur C. Benke Nashville, TN Florence, AL spring of 2009 she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. During Tuscaloosa, AL Miss Elizabeth Burford Crump Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Hainsey a period of remission, Gordon worked as an admissions counselor for Ms. Carolyn A. Bibb Montgomery, AL Columbus, MS UA. She died in May 2011. Atlanta, GA Mrs. Maura Farrell Daniell Dr. Luoheng Han Birmingham AGO Point Clear, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mrs. Beverly Crawford Davis Mr. & Mrs. William G. Hargett Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Bishop Mobile, AL Florence, AL Mr. Thomas J. Joiner Dr. Leon Victor McVay III Huntsville, AL Dr. Gay Nelle Davis Dr. Phillip Wayne Harmon Tuscaloosa, AL Mobile, AL Mr. John Blair Greensboro, NC Birmingham, AL Mr. & Mrs. Michael Loy Jordan Meadowood Industries Inc. Houston, TX Mr. Thomas Parks Davis Dr. Trudier Harris Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Boeing Co. Charitable Trust Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Kearns Family Foundation Dr. Allan D. Meyers Seattle, WA Dr. Jerry D. Dillard Mrs. Morgan Clark Harrison Trinity, FL St. Petersburg, FL Ms. Chelcy Bowles Selma, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Allan D. Keel John Mills Family Trust Madison, WI Dr. Morton B. Dimenstien Dr. & Mrs. Steve Havard Houston, TX Birmingham, AL Mrs. Dorothy Deramus Boyd Atlanta, GA Pensacola, FL Mr. Charles King Dr. Rhett B. Murray Birmingham, AL Mrs. Forsyth S. Donald Mr. & Mrs. William Hayes Birmingham, AL Huntsville, AL BP Fabric of America Fund Birmingham, AL Henderson Dr. Jerry Lester Kitchens Mrs. Pamela McLellan Newman Princeton, NJ Mr. Andrew Drozd Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Gadsden, AL Mr. James S. Brooks Northport, AL Dr. Henry G. Herrod III Dr. David L. Klemmack Mrs. Bonita Todd Norman Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Mark S. Drummond Memphis, TN Tuscaloosa, AL Coral Gables, FL Ms. Lucille J. Busenlener Birmingham, AL Ms. Suzanne A. Herrod Dr. Robert A. Kreisberg Occidental Petroleum Metairie, LA Dr. & Mrs. John R. Durant Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. D. Bryson Byrne Jr. Birmingham, AL Mrs. Adel J. Hesse Mr. Greg C. Langston Tulsa, OK Montgomery, AL Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Edwards Metairie, LA Dallas, TX Mrs. Cassandra Riley Odom Cahaba Oil & Gas Inc. Albany, GA Mr. Charles E. Hilburn Tuscaloosa, AL Spring, TX Tuscaloosa, AL 15 Scholarships and Endowments ( CONTINUED )

Mr. Brian Burke O’Keefe Rabbinical Services Inc. Mr. Thomas H. See Mr. Donald Wilbur Stewart Mr. David Eugene Van der Griff , NY Tuscaloosa, AL Friendswood, TX Anniston, AL Sacramento, CA Dr. Isabel Barker Oldshue Dr. Catherine Johnson Randall Drs. Craig T. & Elisabeth Mrs. Linda H. Stewart Vanguard Charitable Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Shepard Sheldon Birmingham, AL Endowment Program O’Melia Foundation Charitable Mr. James C. Redwine Wetumpka, AL Mrs. Barbara Mikloucich Stone Malvern, PA Trust Birmingham, AL Shell Oil Company Foundation Birmingham, AL Dr. Pamela Duncan Varner Mobile, AL Regions Financial Corporation Houston, TX Mrs. G. Delaine Stricklin Birmingham, AL Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. O’Neal Foundation Dr. Alan Myron Siegal Cottondale, AL Dr. Julie Estin Vaughn Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Ms. Denise L. Taylor Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Edward Herring O’Neil Renaissance Charitable Mr. Bob Singleton Grand Junction, CO Vulcan Materials Co. Alameda, CA Foundation Inc. Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Nick Tew Birmingham, AL Mrs. Kay Holman Oshel Indianapolis, IN Mr. Alexander B. Smith Tuscaloosa, AL Vulcan Materials Co. Silver Spring, MD Restore Management Simsbury, CT Dr. & Mrs. Joab L. Thomas Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Parker Company LLC Mr. Charles C. Smith Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Pelham, AL Northport, AL Dr. Lamar Thomas Dr. George Hollin Wakefi eld III Dr. McCoy B. Pitt Ms. Mary Delchamps Reyner Lt. Cdr. Edward S. Smith Jr. Birmingham, AL Montgomery, AL Decatur, AL Mobile, AL Cropwell, AL Dr. Helen Raye Thrasher Dr. James C. Walker Jr. Dr. Walter Gay Pittman Mr. George M. Richardson Maj. Gregory Monroe Smith Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Huntsville, AL Lacey, WA Mrs. Jean R. Tomlinson Mr. William Thomas Watson Mr. Samuel Grady Porter Dr. & Mrs. Luther W. Mrs. Wendy Farris Smith Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Lafayette, LA Richardson Jr. Decatur, AL Dr. Henry B. Townsend Mr. L. Steve Weddle Dr. James O. Powell Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Thomas C. Smitherman Birmingham, AL Signal Mountain, TN Birmingham, AL Mrs. Terra Shield Richardson Pittsburgh, PA Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey K. Toxey Mrs. Lucy Weinstein Dr. & Mrs. Steven Prentice-Dunn Birmingham, AL Dr. Amanda Duncan Soong Spring, TX Mobile, AL Northport, AL Mr. Walter R. Richardson Jr. Birmingham, AL Mr. Chuck Treubig Mr. Steven E. Weinstein Presser Foundation Houston, TX Mrs. Margherita Jones Soule Mobile, AL Atlanta, GA Haverford, PA Mr. Jack B. Robbins Jr. Pensacola, FL Mrs. Rae Wade Trimmier Mr. Richard Wilkerson Dr. Ben Gil Price Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Kirk Sparkman Mountain Brook, AL Houston, TX Gaithersburg, MD Mrs. Rebecca McKinney Cypress, TX Truman Capote Charitable Mr. Robert Williams Jr. Mrs. Mary Anne Price Roberts Mr. Harry Spooner Trust Selma, AL Tallahassee, FL Houston, TX Ridgeland, MS Los Angeles, CA Rev. Hoyt Winslett Jr. Dr. William T. Price Mrs. Mary Oliver Roebuck Mrs. Winifred L. Stakely TTL Inc. Tuscaloosa, AL Amarillo, TX Birmingham, AL Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Robert T. Wood Ms. Martha Pritchett Mrs. Jennifer Santoyo Mrs. Ginger Winters Stallings Mrs. Karen E. Tucker Tuscaloosa, AL Durham, NC Garland, TX Dallas, TX Moundville, AL Mr. Mark Wyatt Dr. Robert Monroe Pritchett Mrs. Alice Herren Schleusner Mrs. Molly Steed Tuscaloosa County Republican Mobile, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Anniston, AL Executive Committee Dr. & Mrs. James David Mrs. Elizabeth Hinton Pruett Mr. Robert D. Schneefl ock Mrs. Leah Snell Stephens Tuscaloosa, AL Yarbrough Tuscaloosa, AL Madison, MS Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa Music Club Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Paula Fink Quarles Schwab Charitable Fund Dr. Tammi Lenee Stephens Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. James H. Zeanah Tuscaloosa, AL San Francisco, CA Cary, NC UBS Financial Services Inc. Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Banks Dr. Varian Cuthbert Scott III Dr. Johnnie Wayne Stevens Union City, NJ Quarles Birmingham, AL Riverside, AL Dr. William A. Ulmer Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL

Memorial Fund Honors Cherished Faculty Member

A memorial fund has been established in department’s faculty and clinical staff under Language-Hearing Association, the Society honor of DR. KAREN STECKOL, a professor her leadership. She was instrumental in for Research in Child Development, the Jean in the Department of Communicative securing a new building for the department Piaget Society, and the Council of Colleges of Disorders who died in November 2011 after a and its clinic in 2004, which greatly Arts and Sciences. three-year struggle with cancer. expanded public access to the clinic’s Memorials can be made to UA’s Karen In addition to serving as department services. Steckol Memorial Fund at Offi ce of the Dean, chair, Steckol was clinical director of UA’s She served as president of the UA Faculty College of Arts and Sciences, Box 870268, Speech and Hearing Clinic, Alabama’s Senate for three terms and was known for University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, oldest audiology clinic, which serves more developing a strong and productive working 35487. Memorials may also be made to St than 9,000 Alabamians each year. During relationship with UA’s senior administration. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. her tenure and with the help of the faculty, Steckol’s research interests focused on Jude Place, Memphis, TN, 38105; the Juvenile clinical services such as an autism clinic the development of child language. These Diabetes Research Foundation, 26 Broadway, for babies and a neonatal hearing screening interests led her to expand the clinical 14th Floor, New York, NY, 10004; or the program were initiated. It was also possible services provided to the students in the Steckol Foundation at the Kentucky Speech- to expand speech and hearing services for Tuscaloosa city and county school systems. Language-Hearing Association, 833 East adult clients and increase the size of the She was a member of the American Speech- High Street, Suite 263, Lexington, KY, 40502. Karen Steckol

16 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. Society of Fine Arts Lifetime Members

The Society for the Fine Arts (SFA) was Mr. Clayton H. Corzatte Mr. Charles H. Land Mrs. Jean A. Pinkerton established in 1975 to advocate for and Seattle, WA Tuscaloosa, AL Sylacauga, AL support ne and performing arts programs Mrs. Jeannie Granger Cox Dr. Virginia Rembert Liles Mr. Sanford B. Pinkerton in the College of Arts and Sciences. Stone Mountain, GA Birmingham, AL Sylacauga, AL The society annually honored state and Mr. Cedric Carl Dent Mrs. Margaret G. Livingston Mr. Oliver W. Roosevelt Jr. community leaders and artists with a Mount Juliet, TN Birmingham, AL Arlington, MA Lifetime Membership for their role in Mr. George W. Dockery Jr. Dr. George Michael Maitre Jr. Prof. Alvin C. Sella advancing the arts in Alabama. In 2003 Tuscaloosa, AL Mobile, AL Tuscaloosa, AL the SFA was incorporated into the College’s Mr. Frank D. Fleming Mrs. Charlotte B. Marshall Mrs. Jane M. Stribling Leadership Board. Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Albuquerque, NM Mrs. Farley M. Galbraith Dr. Currie Allen Martin Jr. Mr. Gay Joseph Talese Mr. Neal L. Andrews Jr. Anniston, AL Mobile, AL New York, NY Birmingham, AL Mrs. Roberta Peacock Gamble Dr. Everett D. McCorvey Mrs. Suzanne Boles Thetford Aaron Aronov Family Foundation Pismo Beach, CA Lexington, KY Tuscaloosa, AL Montgomery, AL Mr. Winston Francis Groom Jr. Mr. Roger Dale Meadows Dr. James H. Thomas Mr. H. Brandt Ayers Point Clear, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Anniston, AL Mr. David Alan Harrell Dr. Joan Parsons Mitchell Tuscaloosa News Dr. Omer A. Baker Spartanburg, SC Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Wilbur Hinton Monarch Tile Mr. Jack W. Warner Mr. Estan J. Bloom Hattiesburg, MS Florence, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Mr. Nall Hollis Ms. Gloria Narramore Moody Mr. Robert S. Weil Mrs. Gray Davis Boone Fairhope, AL Birmingham, AL Montgomery, AL New York, NY Mr. John O. Hope Mr. Jim Nabors Mrs. Yvonne Wells Mrs. Mary Ward Brown Montgomery, AL Honolulu, HI Tuscaloosa, AL Marion Junction, AL Mr. Andrew L. Hudgins Jr. Mr. James R. Nelson Dr. Sarah W. Wiggins Mr. G. Lee Burchfi eld III Columbus, OH Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Elmore Bartlett Inscoe Mrs. Harold Bowman Nicrosi Mr. Evan Wilson Mrs. Celeste E. Burnum Montgomery, AL Montgomery, AL Hoosick, NY Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Nanci P. Kincaid Mr. Craig Laurence Nutt Dr. Wilfred Ward Yeargan Jr. Mr. Wesley Brooks Chapman San Jose, CA Kingston Springs, TN Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Suzanne H. Kirby Mr. David Buchanan Parrish Mr. William A. Christenberry Jr. Brewton, AL Huntsville, AL Washington, DC

Prize from the American Studies Association, the American Studies fl agship professional organization in his fi eld. The prize is given periodically to “the candidate who has demonstrated outstanding abilities and achievement Professor Had a in American Studies teaching, advising, and program development at the local or regional level.” Passion for Pop The Late Great Johnny Ace and the Transition from R&B to Rock ’n’ Roll, Salem’s critically ac- Culture claimed biography of the early postwar rhythm and blues artist, was a Ralph J. Gleason Music Book Award fi nalist. But his greatest honor came from He was known for his laid-back Age of Aquarius demeanor, University of Alabama students who, in 2008, select- his delight in American culture, and the cards he sent to ed him as speaker for UA’s Last Lecture series. In an friends far and wide each year on Valentine’s Day. auditorium packed with admirers, he delivered what DR. JAMES M. SALEM, professor emeritus in the would become his legendary explication of composer Department of American Studies, died unexpectedly on July Don McLean’s “Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie.” 6, 2012, following routine surgery. He served the depart- Students, colleagues, and friends recall his pas- ment for more than 40 years and continued to teach in sion for popular culture in general and popular music the College following his retirement from The University of in particular, interests he pursued inside and outside Alabama in 2008. the classroom. His course offerings included classes Salem joined the College’s faculty in 1967 as the fi rst on the Beatles, American popular song, and the pop professor in the newly formed Department of American culture of 1950s America. He was a lifelong sports Studies. Under his leadership—he was chair for 30 years— enthusiast, and the Crimson Tide held a special place the fl edgling department grew into one of the most success- in his heart. ful American studies programs in the country. According to Dr. Lynne Adrian, chair of the Salem loved to teach and took great pleasure in igniting Department of American Studies, as teacher, adviser, a passion for learning in his students. His skill in making his colleague, and friend, Jim Salem enriched the lives James M. Salem classroom experience both educational and memorable was of a wide array of people who cherish his memory and recognized in 1998 when the UA National Alumni Association honor his legacy. A memorial fund has been established Alabama, Department of American Studies, P.O. Box 870214, honored him with its Outstanding Commitment to Teaching in Dr. Salem’s honor. Donations can be made to the American Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0214 or by calling Kathy Yarbrough, Award. In 2007 he received the prestigious Mary C. Turpie Studies Jim Salem Memorial Scholarship, The University of director of development, at 205-348-0696.

17 Collegiate Fund Donors

The Collegiate Fund supports Dr. Gregory William Cotter Mr. Russell Turner Henshaw scholarship, teaching innovations, Mobile, AL Huntsville, AL and value-added student activi- Dr. John Richard Cranton Mrs. Anne Barr Herman ties. It provides scholarships to Daphne, AL Suwannee, FL Ainsworth $1 Million deserving students with need Mr. Frederick Smith Crown Jr. Dr. Roland A. Hester IV when no other avenue of support is Nashville, TN Montgomery, AL available. Donors to the Collegiate Estate Gift Endows Miss Elizabeth Burford Crump Mr. Andrew Norris Hey Fund help provide the margin of Montgomery, AL Atlanta, GA excellence that keeps the College Math Scholarship in the forefront of liberal arts Mrs. Beverly Crawford Davis Mrs. Ilouise P. Hill education. The college gratefully Mobile, AL Montgomery, AL acknowledges the following friends Dr. Jerry D. Dillard Mrs. Deborah L. Hiltz A gift of more than $1 million from the estate of Edith Wetzel Ainsworth who made gifts to the Collegiate Selma, AL Rainbow City, AL has established the Ainsworth Endowed Graduate Scholarship in Applied Fund between June 1, 2011, and Dr. Morton B. Dimenstien Mr. Mack Dennis Hixon Mathematics in the College’s Department of Mathematics. Ainsworth and May 31, 2012. Atlanta, GA Banks, AL her husband, the late Oscar Richard Ainsworth, were faculty members in Dr. Peter Ditoro Sr. Dr. John W. Holaday the math department. Oscar Ainsworth earned a bachelor’s degree in 1945 $5,000 & above Huntsville, AL West Bethesda, MD and a master’s in 1946 from the University of Mississippi. He got his PhD at Mr. Segal Edward Drummond Jr. Mrs. Forsyth S. Donald The Holaday Family the University of California, Berkeley, in 1950, and then joined the College’s Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Foundation mathematics faculty. He spent his entire 36-year career with the UA system. Dr. Roxanne R. Travelute & Dr. Dan E. Douglas Bethesda, MD Edith Ainsworth earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from the Dr. Michael Benjamin Honan Birmingham, AL Mr. Judson David Hooks University of California, Berkley, where she first met her husband. She taught Birmingham, AL Mr. Jack Drake Richardson, TX math at UA and also tutored students for many years. Mr. Monzer Hourani Birmingham, AL Mr. Elbert Erskine Hopkins Houston, TX Dr. & Mrs. John R. Durant Sarasota, FL Medistar Corporation Birmingham, AL Ms. Camilla Huxford Houston, TX Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Edwards Tuscaloosa, AL Albany, GA Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Ingalls Ms. Pamela McCollough Dr. William T. Price $1,000 to $4,999 Mrs. Mary P. Elmore Montgomery, AL Katy, TX Amarillo, TX Mrs. Sarah Nesbitt Artecona Birmingham, AL Dr. David H. Jackson Mrs. Lila G. McGahey Dr. Robert Monroe Pritchett Miami, FL Dr. Miller Bonner Engelhardt Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Mrs. Arlene Karpinski Ashe Montgomery, AL Mr. William Paul Jackson Jr. Mr. D. Joseph McInnes Mrs. Elizabeth Hinton Pruett Sheffield, AL Dr. Elizabeth D. Ennis West McLean, VA Alexander City, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Pamela H. Askew Birmingham, AL Dr. William E. Johnson III Dr. Leon Victor McVay III Mrs. Lisa Markland Pultz Tuscaloosa, AL ExxonMobil Foundation Mobile, AL Mobile, AL Baton Rouge, LA Ms. Emily L. Baker Irving, TX Mr. Thomas J. Joiner Dr. Blaise John Mercadante Mrs. Paula Fink Quarles Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Mary Ann Fair Tuscaloosa, AL Winter Park, FL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. James Haywood Baker Tucker, GA Mr. & Mrs. Carl Jones Mr. James David Mills Mr. Ralph Banks Quarles Mentone, AL Mrs. Kathleen A. Farmer Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Bette Leblanc Bargeron Northport, AL Mr. Allan D. Keel Mrs. Stella Hillard Moore Mr. Bruce S. Reid Sr. Birmingham, AL Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Houston, TX Tuscaloosa, AL Montgomery, AL Dr. Carl Allan Barnes Cincinnati, OH Mr. Dan L. Kinard Mr. Perry W. Moskovitz Renaissance Charitable Muscle Shoals, AL Dr. Andre J. Fontana Sr. Birmingham, AL Nashville, TN Foundation Inc. Drs. Brenda & T. Lee Mobile, AL Dr. Jerry Lester Kitchens Curtis & Edith Munson Indianapolis, IN Baumann Mrs. Marjorie H. Forney Birmingham, AL Foundation Ms. Mary Delchamps Reyner Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Dr. David L. Klemmack Washington, DC Mobile, AL Dr. & Mrs. Noel W. Bedwell Dr. William H. Forster Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Rhett B. Murray Mrs. Margaret E. Rhoads Mobile, AL Gibson Island, MD Mr. James Edward Klingler Huntsville, AL Birmingham, AL Mrs. Inga Wilkins Bishop Dr. Herman Joseph Fritz Jr. Fitzpatrick, AL Mrs. Pamela McLellan Newman Mr. George M. Richardson Henrico, VA Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Robert A. Kreisberg Gadsden, AL Huntsville, AL Mr. Dan Blakley Mrs. Sylvia Kaplan Goldberg Birmingham, AL Nick’s Cigar Company Dr. Luther W. Richardson Jr. Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. Henry Kenneth Kudon Hialeah, FL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Dorothy Deramus Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Gregory Potomac, MD Mrs. Bonita Todd Norman Mr. Walter R. Richardson Jr. Birmingham, AL Wetumpka, AL Dr. David Joel Landau Coral Gables, FL Houston, TX Mr. Thomas Gill Bradford III Dr. Gerard Donald Haggstrom Birmingham, AL Dr. Isabel Barker Oldshue Mr. Jack B. Robbins Jr. Tequesta, FL Florence, AL Dr. Darnell Lattal Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. James S. Brooks Dr. John T. Hagood Morgantown, WV Dr. Michael A. Oldstone Mrs. Rebecca McKinney Roberts Tuscaloosa, AL Eufaula, AL Mr. Philip Keith Lichtman La Jolla, CA Houston, TX Dr. Colgan Hobson Bryan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William G. Hargett Atlanta, GA Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Olin Mrs. Mary Oliver Roebuck Tuscaloosa, AL Florence, AL George Lindahl III Family Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. & Mrs. D. Bryson Byrne Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Edward Foundation Dr. Eddie Nathaniel Pace Jr. Mr. Joe B. Rowe Montgomery, AL Harmon Sr. Spring, TX Mobile, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. Charles George Capps Point Clear, AL Mrs. Margaret G. Livingston Drs. Sandra & Lawrence Parker Mrs. Alice Herren Schleusner Franklin, TN Dr. Phillip Wayne Harmon Birmingham, AL Daphne, AL Birmingham, AL Dr. Vincent Anthony Carnaggio Birmingham, AL Mr. John Abner Lockett III Mr. & Mrs. Nick Perdomo Schwab Charitable Fund Birmingham, AL Dr. Trudier Harris Atlanta, GA Miami Lakes, FL San Francisco, CA Mrs. Frances R. Clement Tuscaloosa, AL McAbee Construction Inc. Dr. McCoy B. Pitt Dr. Varian Cuthbert Scott III Elberta, AL Dr. Joel P. Hearn Tuscaloosa, AL Decatur, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. Christopher Caleb Connor Florence, AL Dr. Chandra Maria McCall Dr. Walter Gay Pittman Mrs. Leah Ann McAbee Sexton Aiken, SC Mr. Fox Reynolds Henderson Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Joy Clark Cooper Santa Rosa Beach, FL Dr. Daniel T. McCall III Dr. James O. Powell Drs. Craig T. & Elisabeth Birmingham, AL Dr. Ronald Earl Henderson Mobile, AL Birmingham, AL Shepard Sheldon Birmingham, AL Dr. Richmond C. McClintock Jr. Dr. Roy Theo Preston Jr. Wetumpka, AL Dothan, AL Birmingham, AL Dr. Alan Myron Siegal Dr. Ben Gil Price Birmingham, AL Gaithersburg, MD 18 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. Mr. Jim Sledge Dr. Allan Seymour Wilensky Regions Financial Corporation Dr. Frank R. Friedman Dr. Carol Ann Long Tuscaloosa, AL Mountain Brook, AL Foundation Fairhope, AL Asheville, NC Lt. Cmdr. Edward S. Smith Jr. Dr. Frederick Wallace Williams Birmingham, AL Mr. Samuel Robert Gewin Mr. Charles R. Mandly Jr. Cropwell, AL Accokeek, MD Dr. Frank Hall Reynolds II Decatur, AL Chicago, IL Mrs. Wendy Farris Smith The Willow Pond Foundation Chattanooga, TN Dr. James Randall Glaze Mr. Douglas E. Martin Decatur, AL Fitzpatrick, AL Miss Patricia Hartman Ryan Birmingham, AL Clanton, AL Dr. Thomas C. Smitherman Rev. Hoyt Winslett Jr. Huntsville, AL Dr. Gary Alan Goforth Mr. William Thaddeus Mauldin Pittsburgh, PA Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. & Mrs. John F. Simmons Nashville, IL Huntsville, AL Dr. Amanda Duncan Soong Mr. & Mrs. John Francis Geneva, AL Mrs. Jane Paget Gordon Mrs. Janice Gramling Mayhall Birmingham, AL Wymer III Mr. Michael Stephen Stutts Montgomery, AL Birmingham, AL Mrs. Margherita Jones Soule Atlanta, GA Beverly Hills, CA Ms. Catherine J. Graham Mrs. Shirley D. McCrary Pensacola, FL Mr. Christopher Lynch Yeilding Dr. William Douglas Sudduth Huntsville, AL Mooresville, AL State Farm Co. Foundation Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Vicki Lovelady Gregory Mr. Michael Kevin McCue Bloomington, IL Mr. James H. Zeanah Ms. Dorothy Carolyn Tatum Montgomery, AL Athens, AL Mrs. Molly Steed Tuscaloosa, AL Scottsboro, AL Dr. Charles Arthur Gross Mr. William Ulma McDonald Jr. Anniston, AL Dr. Alphonse Jeffrey Zieman Mr. George Forman Taylor III Auburn, AL Toledo, OH Mrs. Leah Snell Stephens Mobile, AL Roanoke, VA Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Hancock Mrs. Lynne Goggans Miller Montgomery, AL Mrs. Suzanne Sloan Taylor Rome, GA Phoenix, AZ Dr. Tammi Lenee Stephens $500 to $999 Columbus, GA Dr. Cody L. Henderson Mr. Doug Milner Cary, NC Dr. John Ernest Bennett Mr. R. Lee Vaughan Jr. Boerne, TX McMinnville, TN Dr. Johnnie Wayne Stevens Montgomery, AL Spring, TX Mr. John B. Hicks Mrs. Anne McAliley Moman Riverside, AL Dr. James Gordon Brooks Jr. Mr. Laurence Duncan Vinson Jr. Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Mr. Donald Wilbur Stewart Dallas, TX Birmingham, AL Mrs. Wendi Ward Hinton Dr. Ralph Dewey Neal Jr. Anniston, AL Dr. James E. Brown IV Mr. E. Keith Williams Cypress, TX Grove Hill, AL Mrs. Linda H. Stewart Spartanburg, SC Birmingham, AL Home Depot Occidental Petroleum Birmingham, AL Mr. Joseph Crowell Camp Jr. Atlanta, GA Charitable Foundation Mrs. Barbara Mikloucich Stone Mobile, AL $250 to $499 Mr. William Legrand Hutchison Tulsa, OK Birmingham, AL Coca-Cola Company Mr. Harvey N. Adams Northport, AL Mr. J. Wray Pearce Mrs. Suzanne Sloan Taylor Nashville, TN Tucker, GA Dr. Donald Lee Ingalls Birmingham, AL Columbus, GA Mr. Sylvester Croom Jr. Mr. Richard I. Albright Mathews, AL Dr. Berry H. Tew Jr. Jacksonville, FL Pike Road, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Lucretia A. DeHaney Ms. Edna Ambundo Dr. Lamar Thomas Birmingham, AL Fords, NJ Birmingham, AL Dr. John W. Donnelly Jr. Mr. James Anderson Dr. Helen Raye Thrasher Atlanta, GA Montgomery, AL James Cummings Birmingham, AL Mr. Howard Gully Ezell Dr. James Noble Anderson Jr. Mr. Ethan T. Tidmore Houston, TX Montgomery, AL Honors Father with Vestavia, AL Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Adams Fite Apache Construction Mrs. Claire Black Tisdal Florence, AL Corporation Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Dora Henley Going Birmingham, AL Chemistry Scholarship Mrs. Jean R. Tomlinson Tuscaloosa, AL AT&T Foundation Birmingham, AL Mrs. Michelle Yang & Princeton, NJ DR. JAMES M. CUMMINGS, of St. Louis, Mo., has given more than Dr. Henry B. Townsend Mr. Changrui Gong Mrs. Irene Pappas Beleos $20,000 to the College to establish the James Morgan Cummings Jr. Birmingham, AL Missouri City, TX Birmingham, AL Memorial Endowed Scholarship to honor the memory of his father. Dr. Mrs. Rae Wade Trimmier Dr. Charles Allen Hagen Dr. & Mrs. John M. Belyeu Cummings graduated from The University of Alabama in 1978; he currently Mountain Brook, AL Florence, AL Albertville, AL serves as a faculty physician in the Department of Surgery at the University Dr. & Mrs. J. Allan Tucker Lt. Col. Bill W. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Estan J. Bloom of Missouri School of Medicine. The endowment will fund scholarships for Mobile, AL Little Rock, AR Northport, AL full-time undergraduate students pursuing a degree in chemistry. UBS Financial Services Inc. Mrs. Elizabeth Hines Jones Dr. Julia Lett Boothe Atlanta, GA Flomaton, AL Coker, AL Dr. Pamela Duncan Varner Mr. Timothy Steven King Dr. Carol Delane Britt Birmingham, AL Andalusia, AL Thibodaux, LA Mr. Bill Vaughn Dr. Richard Howard Lyerly Mr. Helman Robert Brook Bloomington, IL Birmingham, AL Great Neck, NY Dr. Arthur Alvin Jones III Dr. James Lendon Reeder Dr. Julie Estin Vaughn Dr. Sherry P. Magill Dr. Melvin Lynn Butler Birmingham, AL Decatur, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Jacksonville, FL Spring Hill, TN Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kahlmus Dr. Russell Chesley Reeves Dr. George Hollin Wakefi eld III Dr. Ron Maner Dr. John David Chandler Meridian, MS Birmingham, AL Montgomery, AL Chapel Hill, NC Gilbertsville, KY Dr. Kevin R. Katona Mr. James V. Roberts Jr. Dr. James C. Walker Jr. Mrs. Cynthia Trantham Mr. Laurence Allen Clifton Tuscaloosa, AL Spanish Fort, AL Birmingham, AL Markushewski Courtland, VA Mr. Alva M. Lambert Dr. Roger Scott Rowlett Dr. Susan Austin Warner Huntsville, AL Dr. Arthur Emanuel Constantine Montgomery, AL Hamilton, NY Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Timothy Scott Mistovich Nashville, TN Mr. Greg C. Langston Dr. Paul P. Salter Jr. Mrs. Ellen Currie Watson Mary Esther, FL Mr. Alan Scott DeJarnette Dallas, TX Birmingham, AL Tucker, GA Ms. Catherine Roemer Nielsen Fort Lauderdale, FL Mr. Thomas S. Lawson Jr. Dr. Janyce Sanford Mrs. Mary Jean Weaver Reston, VA Mrs. Dawn Dunning-Theune Montgomery, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. George M. Noblin Dothan, AL Mr. Michael David Linton Dr. Michael Harley Sebastian Mr. L. Steve Weddle Montgomery, AL Dr. Stephen Philip Erdberg Tampa, FL Atlanta, GA Signal Mountain, TN Mr. Robert Hoke Perkins Jr. Greenbrae, CA Dr. Dilin Liu Dr. Sandra McGrady Sockwell Mrs. Lucy Weinstein Charlottesville, VA Mr. & Mrs. Jay Michael Ezelle Tuscaloosa, AL Florence, AL Mobile, AL Dr. David M. Phillips Birmingham, AL Dr. Stanley K. Lochridge Mrs. Patricia Roberts Sprague Mr. Steven E. Weinstein Daphne, AL Drs. Davis L. & Diane I. Findley Jasper, AL Birmingham, AL Atlanta, GA Mrs. Minnie H. Rast Fairhope, AL Birmingham, AL 19 Collegiate Fund Donors ( CONTINUED )

Mr. Jarel Pugh Starling Mr. Claude J. Bradshaw Dr. Charles Edward Costanzo Mr. Philipp Alvis Ehrman Mr. Asa Gaston Huntsville, AL Catharpin, VA Montgomery, AL Helena, AL Birmingham, AL Dr. Karen Elizabeth Stone Dr. Winifred D. Bragg Mrs. Marilyn Wilkinson Crane Mr. John German Elam Jr. Mr. Russell Nichols Gaston Gadsden, AL Virginia Beach, VA Rocky Hill, NJ Norfolk, VA Starkville, MS Dr. William B. Strickland Jr. Dr. John Michael Bray Mr. James S. Crow Dr. Curtis William Ellison General Electric Fund Gardendale, AL Gulf Breeze, FL Birmingham, AL Oxford, OH Fairfield, CT Mr. Raymond Charles Sturm Mr. Robert N. Brendlinger III Mrs. Margaret Shackelford Culp Maj. Brand Lacy Elverston Mr. J. Russell Gibson III Spartanburg, SC Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Pea Ridge, AR Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Angela Mooi Thomas Mr. Robert Clifton Brennan Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Cumbus Mr. Dallas W. Fanning Dr. Timothy G. Gillespie Mandeville, LA Sound Beach, NY Montgomery, AL Huntsville, AL Memphis, TN Ms. Martha Regina Thomas Dr. Frances Anne Breslin Dr. Donald Henry Dahlene II Atlanta, GA Thorsby, AL Eclectic, AL Dr. William J. Urquhart Mr. Hugh M. Brinkley Ms. Becky Danford Mobile, AL West Palm Beach, FL Dothan, AL Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. Jeffrey Ross Brockman Mr. Carley Verne Davis Princeton, NJ Louisville, KY Mobile, AL Carnaggios Establish Mrs. Shane Graham Yokley Dr. Melinda Kitchens Brooks Mr. Douglas Davis Charlotte, NC Guntersville, AL Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Premed Scholarship Mr. Charles Clare Brown Jr. Dr. James Austin Davis Jr. $100 to $249 Gadsden, AL Birmingham, AL DR. AND MRS. VINCENT CARNAGGIO, of Birmingham, have Dr. Thomas Marion Adair Jr. Mr. George H. Brown Mr. Kenneth Dudley Davis established the Vincent and Jean Carnaggio Endowed Scholarship with Alpharetta, GA Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL a gift of more than $20,000. The scholarship will support undergraduate Mr. Aaron Altmann Dr. Ian W. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Davis students enrolled in UA’s premedical program. After serving in World War II, Atlanta, GA Tuscaloosa, AL Rome, GA Dr. Carnaggio attended The University of Alabama, where he received his Mr. Joe David Anders Ms. Rickie Louise Brunner Dr. P. Caldwell DeBardeleben Jr. bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 1950. He attended the Medical College of Houston, TX Montgomery, AL Selma, AL Alabama in Birmingham (now UAB School of Medicine), where he received Mr. James A. Anderson II Mr. Aubrey E. Buchalter Dr. Arnold Wayne Deloach his medical degree in 1954. He was a pediatrician in Birmingham until Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Marbury, AL his retirement. Mrs. Carnaggio attended Howard College (now Samford Dr. Paul J. Anderson Jr. Ms. Renee M. Burk Mr. John Monroe Dement III University). The Carnaggios have four children: Joseph and Mary Lou, both Enterprise, AL St. Petersburg, FL Huntsville, AL UA alums, and Clemmy and Richard. Mr. Harold Irwin Apolinsky Dr. Westley Floyd Busbee Mrs. Angela F. Denton Birmingham, AL Brandon, MS Birmingham, AL Dr. Gary Wilson Archer Mr. David Autry Busby Dr. Michael Thomas D’Errico Birmingham, AL Trussville, AL Tallahassee, FL Mr. James Cooper Askew Jr. Mr. Joseph Daniel Bynum Mr. & Mrs. Henry Calley Auburn, AL Brentwood, TN DeVasher Jr. Dr. Jerry Andrew Fikes Mrs. Ashlee Dunham Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Antoine H. Ayoub Mr. Jimmy Leonard Byram Fairhope, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Franklin, TN Atlanta, GA McCalla, AL Mr. Marcel DiGiovanni Jr. Ms. Laura B. Fikes Ms. Sylvia L. Gilmore Mr. Charles P. Bagby Mrs. Patricia Hough Camp St. Rose, LA Hamilton, AL Newborn, GA Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Dr. Stephenie C. Dillard Mr. & Mrs. Karl Richard Fillip Mr. Marshall Seymour Ginsburg Ms. Barbara J. Bailey Mr. Charles L. Cansler Tuscaloosa, AL Atlanta, GA Reston, VA Clearwater, FL St. Simons Island, GA Mrs. Hallie Anderson Dillon Dr. Alston Fitts III Mr. Robert M. Girardeau Dr. Karen Meshad Baldwin Mrs. Martha Terry Carlson Clarkston, GA Selma, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Dr. Anthony Gerard DiPasquale Mr. Frank Fitts III Dr. Edward Lawrence Goldblatt Dr. James H. Bankston Mrs. Joyce Jackson Carlton Merritt Island, FL Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Alexander City, AL Vero Beach, FL Dr. Stephen Alan Doblin Dr. Charles Ely Flowers III Mrs. Jacqueline D. Graves Mr. Joe Calbert Barber Jr. Mr. William Allen Carter Beaumont, TX Columbia, SC Talladega, AL Eclectic, AL Northport, AL Mrs. Karen Donald Mr. J. Stephen Flowers Dr. Carlanda Green Miss Elizabeth Ann Barnes Dr. Emily Bell Casey Chatom, AL Troy, AL Americus, GA Ellisville, MS Pelham, AL Dr. Ray Michael Dowe Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John Alex Floyd Dr. Larry Shayne Green Mr. Ronald B. Barze Sr. Dr. Richard Leon Chambers Spring, TX Trussville, AL Lake Jackson, TX Atlanta, GA Montgomery, AL Mrs. Helen Dean Downing Dr. Johnny Kent Folmar Dr. Michael Irving Green Dr. Marvin Winslett Bassett Ms. Martha Ann Chapman Savannah, GA California, PA Orinda, CA Troy, AL Annandale, VA Mrs. Patricia Davis Downs Mrs. Meredith G. Fox Ms. Margaret Kathleen Greer Mrs. Helen Bedford-Roberson Chevron Kingsport, TN San Antonio, TX Mobile, AL Columbia, SC Princeton, NJ Mrs. Margie Winterburn Drane Mr. James Tilden Frantz III Mrs. Laura K. Gregory Mr. John Reese Bedsole Dr. Karen Clements-Crunk Orlando, FL Lebanon, PA Northport, AL Mobile, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. David Shelby Drummond Ms. Tish Fuller Dr. Roy Thomas Hager Dr. Sarah L. Bisch Mrs. Ann Lee Cobb Shreveport, LA Alexander City, AL Montgomery, AL Norfork, VA Raleigh, NC Mr. Kevin Drummond Ms. Annette M. Gadus Dr. Robert W. Halli Jr. Mr. Bruce Walter Bitzer Dr. Mark Philip Cohen Huntsville, AL Plantation, FL Northport, AL Ridgewood, NJ Birmingham, AL Dr. Roland F. Dumas Jr. Mr. Harry Whitehead Gamble Jr. Dr. Clarence F. Hamilton Jr. Dr. David Christopher Black Sr. Colgate-Palmolive Co. Birmingham, AL Selma, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL New York, NY Mrs. Jessellan L. Dunn Mrs. Jean S. Gamble Mr. Joel Dennis Hammond Dr. Cynthia Anne Bonner Con Edison Birmingham, AL Selma, AL Marietta, GA Pike Road, AL New York, NY Dr. Charles M. Edwards Jr. Dr. Herbert Huey Gannon Jr. Mr. Reginald T. Hamner Mr. Carl P. Borick Mrs. Anne Smith Conkin Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Pensacola, FL Montgomery, AL Charleston, SC Marietta, GA Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bradley Dr. Diana Massetti Gardiner Dr. & Mrs. J. Michael Hardin Mrs. Patsy Bouloukos Mrs. Elizabeth C. Cornelius Edwards Fairhope, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mobile, AL Longview, TX Dr. Robert A. Garfrerick Mr. Sidney Jay Hardy Dr. Randy S. Coshatt Mr. Michael L. Edwards Florence, AL Metairie, LA Aliceville, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. William Cecil Garrison Jr. Mr. Donald Ray Harris Jr. Calera, AL Midland, TX 20 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. Mr. Kenneth Alan Harris Mrs. Gloria Breland Hughes Mrs. Yvonne C. Kendrick Ms. Susan J. Leeds Dr. Max Victor McLaughlin Birmingham, AL Mobile, AL Fayetteville, GA St. Simons Island, GA Mobile, AL Mr. James I. Harrison Jr. Mr. Patrick Paul Hughes Mr. Robert Bruce Kennedy Dr. John Frederick Lemler Mr. James O. McLemore Jr. Tuscaloosa, AL Anniston, AL Gainesville, GA Fairview, NC Trussville, AL Dr. Julia A. Hartman Mrs. Carol Sullivan Hunn Dr. Bruce Maurice Key Mrs. Norma M. Lemley Ms. Lisa Straka McLeod Alexander, NC Birmingham, AL Hoover, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Burke, VA Mrs. Betty Gillmore Haynie Dr. Charles Edward Hunter Jr. Mr. Stephen Henry Kirkemier Mr. William Earnest Lewis Jr. Mr. Jerry L. McMahan Montrose, AL Wrightsville Beach, NC Birmingham, AL Norwood, MA Alpharetta, GA Dr. Cooper Green Hazelrig Dr. Rufus Alfred Igou Jr. Dr. Wanda Gilliam Kirkpatrick Mrs. Eleanor Smith Lienau Mr. Joseph McMillan Birmingham, AL Fort Payne, AL Mobile, AL Huntsville, AL Alexandria, VA Ms. Susan Harriet Head Dr. Russell Leon Ingram Col. Lawrence H. Kloess Jr. Dr. Robert Lee Lingle Jr. Mrs. Patricia Barry McMurray Atlanta, GA Jacksonville, AL Montgomery, AL Johns Creek, GA Baton Rouge, LA Mr. James Earl Hedgspeth Jr. Dr. Harold Isaacs Dr. V. James Knight Jr. Mr. Jeffrey P. Lisenby Dr. Milton Monroe McPherson Gadsden, AL Americus, GA Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Troy, AL Mr. J. Guy Helmsing Mr. Sheldon Eric Jeames Dr. Stephanie Mary Kondy Mr. & Mrs. James David Loftin Jr. Dr. Mike McQueen Mobile, AL Montgomery, AL Miami Springs, FL Dothan, AL Enterprise, AL Dr. Charles Gerry Henderson Mrs. Brownie Stewart Jeffries Mrs. Rochelle Hanan Koslin Mr. Juan Andres Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Harvey D. Medearis IV Alexandria, VA Baton Rouge, LA Birmingham, AL Fairbanks, AK Chattanooga, TN Mr. James Thomas Hill Mr. Earl G. Johnson Dr. Melissa Carter Kuhajda Dr. Mark E. Love Mrs. Frances Manning Meeks Northport, AL Pell City, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Muscle Shoals, AL Mobile, AL Mr. John Lawson Hilson Mrs. Leah Hopper Johnson Dr. Christopher Eli Laird Mr. Timothy Russell Lovelady Dr. Autry Greer Megginson Bolingbroke, GA Theodore, AL Richmond, KY Birmingham, AL Mobile, AL Dr. John B. Hodo Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Johnson Dr. Joseph Edward Lammers Mrs. Jennifer H. Lowman Mrs. Sharmon Eddins Meigs Vestavia Hills, AL Forest, VA Tuscaloosa, AL Springville, AL Mobile, AL Mr. Ralph Gans Holberg III Dr. Aaron Eroy Joiner Jr. Dr. Benjamin Alan Lampert Dr. Joaquin Alfredo Lubkowitz Dr. Ronald Clifton Merrell Mobile, AL Florence, AL Springfi eld, MO Gulf Breeze, FL Mentone, AL Mrs. Elnor Y. Holcombe Dr. James Louis Jolly Jr. Mrs. Sylvia Hanson Lane Mrs. Judith Leibold Mabry Dr. Mervyn D. Michael II Tucker, GA Tuscaloosa, AL St. Petersburg, FL Anniston, AL Indianapolis, IN Dr. Mary Evelyn Hollaway Mrs. Andi Higgins Jones Dr. William Blake Lane Jr. Miss Teddi Rae Mackelden Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Michaelsen Birmingham, AL Northport, AL Columbus, GA Birmingham, AL Bloomington, IN Dr. Wilton R. Holman III Ms. Anita D. Jones Mr. Wayne Walker Langston Dr. Glida Alexander Magnani Mr. Arvil Boler Miller Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Hot Springs National Park, AR Birmingham, AL Northport, AL Mr. Joseph Keller Markel Dr. Karen H. Miller Brownstown, IN Louisville, KY Mrs. Rita Simpson Martell Mrs. Jennifer Minor-Springer Pelham, NY Prattville, AL Dr. Patricia Yancey Martin Mr. E. Gerald Mitchell Miller Estate Augments Tallahassee, FL Meridian, MS Dr. Wallace Maryland Jr. Mr. J. Stephen Monger Henry C. Miller Jr. Montgomery, AL Madison, AL Mr. Stanley S. Mate Mr. James M. Montgomery Endowed Scholarship Fund Williamsburg, VA Atlanta, GA Dr. Jon Atherton Mather Dr. John Richard Montgomery The College has received a gift of more than $300,000 from the estate of Dr. Henry C. Miller Jr., a longtime Kingsport, TN Huntsville, AL faculty member in the Department of Mathematics. The funds will be added to the Henry C. Miller Jr. Endowed Dr. Dianne Haney Matheson Mrs. Martha Jennings Moon Scholarship Fund, which was established by Miller during his lifetime to provide scholarships for students Harpersville, AL Birmingham, AL in the Department of Mathematics and the School of Music and its jazz studies program. Miller graduated Mr. William Chris Mathison Mr. James C. Moore from Hueytown High School in 1941, then earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Howard College (now Ozark, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Samford University). He served in the South Pacifi c as a navigation offi cer. After his tour of duty with the Ms. Martha Ann Matthews Mrs. Marjorie Hess Morris navy, Miller earned his master’s degree in chemistry from UA, a master’s degree in mathematics from The Clearfi eld, UT Jackson, MS University of Chicago, and a doctorate in mathematics from The University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill. He Mr. Walter Matthews Jr. Mr. Eugene F. Moseley Jr. joined the College’s faculty in 1950. He retired in 1990 and lived in Birmingham until his death in 2009. Math Florence, AL Montgomery, AL Scholarship Mr. Ernest Clyde McAlister Jr. Mr. Charles Hill Munoz A gift of more than $1 million from the estate of Edith Wetzel Ainsworth has established the Ainsworth Huntsville, AL Cuba, AL Endowed Graduate Scholarship in Applied Mathematics in the College’s Department of Mathematics. Mr. H. William McAtee Mrs. Barbara Smith Nelson Ainsworth and her husband, the late Oscar Richard Ainsworth, were faculty members in the math department. Mobile, AL Birmingham, AL Oscar Ainsworth earned a bachelor’s degree in 1945 and a master’s in 1946 from the University of Mississippi. Mr. Zachary M. McCain Ms. Elizabeth A. Netemeyer He got his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1950, and then joined the College’s mathematics Lima, OH Chicago Park, CA faculty. He spent his entire 36-year career with the UA system. Edith Ainsworth earned undergraduate and Dr. Beatrice Files McConnell Mrs. Martha Woodfi n Nevin graduate degrees from the University of California, Berkley, where she fi rst met her husband. She taught math Atlanta, GA Tuscaloosa, AL at UA and also tutored students for many years. Mr. Roy Oliver McCord Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wayne Newkirk Gadsden, AL Huntsville, AL Mrs. Marilyn Morris McCrary Mr. Leon B. Newman Talladega, AL Salisbury, NC Mr. David Louis McElroy Mrs. Sue A. Newton Knoxville, TN Birmingham, AL Dr. William C. Holmes Jr. Dr. Stanley Samuel Kahn Mr. Jerome H. Lapidus Mr. James E. McGrory Mrs. Stephanie Nieman Fort Smith, AR Berkeley, CA Rancho Mirage, CA Columbus, GA Jacksonville, FL Mr. William R. Hoyle Mr. Thomas Hart Kendall Mrs. Kayron M. Laska Mrs. Jennifer Tobola McKeon Mrs. Patricia Jenkins Noble Huntsville, AL Dallas, TX Columbus, GA Stamford, CT Birmingham, AL Mr. Frank L. Hrabe Dr. Richard Mark Kendrick Mr. Nelson Lenwood Lee Dr. Jane C. McKinzey Dr. Magnus Gorrie Northington Birmingham, AL Northport, AL Hartselle, AL Tucker, GA Prattville, AL 21 Collegiate Fund Donors ( CONTINUED )

Mrs. Sharyn S. Nunn Mr. John W. Pemberton Dr. Alfonso Richards Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Stakely Dr. Lloyd C. Warr Tuscaloosa, AL Montgomery, AL Petaluma, CA Montgomery, AL Alexander City, AL Col. John Edward O’Connor Jr. Mr. Louis W. Perry Jr. Mrs. Ashley Thompson Dr. John M. Stallens III Dr. Forrest E. Waters III Prattville, AL La Jolla, CA Richards New Market, AL Montgomery, AL Mr. Brian Burke O’Keefe Dr. James Edward Pewitt Charlotte, NC Dr. W. Terry Stallings Dr. & Mrs. B. Michael Watson Brooklyn, NY Gulf Breeze, FL Mr. Robert M. Richardson Daphne, AL Roswell, GA Ms. Natalie O’Keefe Dr. Beverly C. Phifer Waxhaw, NC Dr. William Park Stallworth Mr. Thomas Edward Weeks St. Charles, IL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. F. Timothy Riley Knoxville, TN Nashville, TN Mr. John T. Oliver Jr. Mr. Karl H. Pilati Albertville, AL Mr. Charles Michael Stanberry Dr. Elizabeth Smith Weinacker Jasper, AL Russellville, AL Mr. James William Roemer Houston, TX Mobile, AL Mr. Larry W. O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. Brandon P. Price Washington, DC Mr. Michael Ernest Stanley Mr. Gary Harris Weinberger Tuscaloosa, AL Houston, TX Mr. Anthony Allyn Roose Brookfield, WI Birmingham, AL Matthews, NC Mr. Arthur M. Stephens Mrs. Ethel Patricia West Dr. James William Ross Birmingham, AL Harvest, AL Cincinnati, OH Mr. Calvin Weldon Stephens Mr. Donald Ray Westmoreland Mrs. Susan Kimbrough Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Septima Cecilia Rudolph Dr. William H. Stewart Jr. Mrs. Rebecca Key Wetzel Mobile, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Lancaster, PA Smith Support Mr. Ricky Sanders Mr. Jon M. Stordahl Dr. Margaret Stallworth Decatur, AL Laguna Beach, CA Wheeler Mr. Jesse Alvin Sasser Jr. Mrs. Louann Stovall Dunwoody, GA Fund Established in Atlanta, GA Shepherdstown, WV Dr. Noah Brice Whetstone Mr. Gordon Elliott Saul Jr. Dr. Jack Perry Strong Mobile, AL Biological Sciences Roanoke, VA Metairie, LA Mrs. Amanda Hunt White Dr. John Richard Scales Dr. William Bruns Sullivan Cincinnati, OH Huntsville, AL Hattiesburg, MS Miss Emily Ann White Faculty members in the Department of Biological Sciences have given Dr. Michael Joseph Scherb Mrs. Marilyn M. Tamplin Arlington, VA more than $17,000 to establish the Septima Cecilia Smith Endowed Jupiter, FL Ozark, AL Mr. James H. White Jr. Support Fund to honor the late Dr. Smith, a professor of parasitology Mr. Leonard Alan Scott Dr. Ralph M. Tanner Panama City, FL and marine biology in the College for 35 years. The fund will be used to Atlanta, GA Baldwin City, KS Mr. James B. Wilkinson support student research and recognize outstanding students majoring Mrs. Cynthia Lynne Seale Dr. Heather Marie Taylor Cashiers, NC in biological sciences. Smith received her education from The University Owens Cross Roads, AL Northport, AL Dr. David Williams of Texas-Austin and Johns Hopkins University’s School of Hygiene and Mr. Philip Alvin Shirley Dr. Samuel Edwin Taylor Tuscaloosa, AL Public Health (now the Bloomberg School of Public Health). Smith, who Madison, MS Black Mountain, NC Dr. Jimmy John Williams joined the UA faculty in 1927, was the first woman in the College of Arts Mrs. Juliet Cone Shrader Mrs. Dianne C. Teague Tuscaloosa, AL and Sciences to attain the rank of full professor. She retired in 1962. Huntsville, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Maj. Ronald Williams The Department of Biological Sciences also gives Septima Cecilia Smith Mrs. Virginia Land Sikes Mrs. Katherine Wade Pell City, AL awards each year to the outstanding graduating biology major and Monroeville, AL Thompson Mr. Stantley B. Williams marine science major. Mrs. Sybil Murdock Simpson Fairhope, AL Atlanta, GA Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Elizabeth Holman Mr. James Edward Winchester Mrs. Lela Mae Sims Thomson Naples, FL Gardendale, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Peter W. Winslett Col. George L. Singleton Mr. Fletcher Bishop Thornton Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Marietta, GA Mr. Jerry Hinton Wise Mrs. Kathryn I. O’Rear Mr. William Brian Price Mrs. Victoria Hicks Sledge Mrs. Karen Letton Thornton Huntsville, AL Jasper, AL Madison, AL Allen, TX Danville, KY Mrs. Linda Boling Woodrow Dr. David Alan Otts Procter & Gamble Co. Mrs. Ann Sutton Smith Mr. Mark Ross Thrash Chelsea, AL Murfreesboro, TN Cincinnati, OH Eufaula, AL Royal Palm Beach, FL Mr. Francis J. Wozniak Dr. Justin Michael Owens Mr. Mike Pumphrey Mr. Ernest Wray Smith Mr. Eric Carl Tidmore Fredonia, NY Bossier City, LA Madison, MS Montgomery, AL Northport, AL Mr. Gregory David Wren Mr. Bradley G. Owings Dr. Derek Brooks Purcell Maj. Gregory Monroe Smith Dr. Earl Hawkins Tilford Jr. Montgomery, AL San Antonio, TX Monument, CO Lacey, WA Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Ann R. Wright Dr. Justin A. Parden Dr. Michael J. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. James S. Smith Mr. M. Chad Tindol Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Montrose, AL Helena, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Elwanda Pender Wyatt Mrs. Rachel King Parris Dr. Yolanda Ramona Rambin Dr. Jeffrey Kent Smith Mr. J. A. Tucker Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Alexandria, LA Greer, SC Decatur, AL Dr. John Clyde Yarbrough Mr. Thomas Patrick Parrish Mrs. Edith Malone Rand Mr. Ralph Benton Smith Jr. Dr. William A. Ulmer Huntsville, AL Brentwood, TN Greenville, NC Huntsville, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Wayne Yarbrough Mrs. Georgia Tweedy Paschall Dr. Guendalina Ravello Mr. Stephen G. Smith Unalane Foundation Montgomery, AL Atlanta, GA Birmingham, AL Geneva, AL Alexandria, VA Ms. Janette B. Younkin Mrs. Algie Ashe Passey Mr. Frederick Paul Rawlins Ms. Mary Lynn Sneed Rev. David Lee Veal Atlanta, GA Birmingham, AL Newnan, GA Oviedo, FL Lubbock, TX Dr. & Mrs. James Lester Pate Dr. Alfred Randolph Rector Mr. Farley Moody Snow Ms. Despina Christ Vodantis Up to $99 Atlanta, GA Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Alabaster, AL Dr. Jon Charles Acker Ms. Charlotte Marie Patton Mrs. Anita K. Reed Mr. Stephen Lambert Speed Sen. Peter Graves von Tuscaloosa, AL Atlanta, GA Lakeland, FL Jasper, AL Reichbauer Miss Rosemary Adams Mr. William E. Pearson Jr. Mr. Joseph A. Reese Mr. Clifford M. Spencer Jr. Federal Way, WA Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Montgomery, AL Birmingham, AL Ms. Amanda Leigh Wade Mr. Altan Ahmed Dr. John Coney Pegues Dr. & Mrs. H. Mark Reynolds Mrs. Tommasina Spinola Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Brewton, AL Denville, NJ Dr. Gerald Wayne Waldrop Mrs. Sarah Shugart Akins Mrs. Marlynn N. Rhyne Mr. Paige L. Stagner III Helena, AL Chattanooga, TN Moulton, AL Homewood, AL Mr. Jimmy M. Wall Dr. Donald Lee Alexander Tuscaloosa, AL Montevallo, AL 22 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. Mrs. Lynn H. Allen Dr. Denise M. Brown Ms. Amanda Crowell Mrs. Jann Abraham Faciane Mrs. Amanda Lynn Gibson Waco, TX Alexandria, AL Stone Mountain, GA New Orleans, LA Suwanee, GA Dr. Elaine Marie Anderson Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Crowell Mrs. Marlena F. Faircloth Mrs. Kimberley M. Giles Alliance, OH Memphis, TN Enterprise, AL Clemmons, NC Cordova, TN Mr. Scott A. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Brown Mrs. Susanne S. Cunningham Mr. James Harvey Farrior Jr. Mrs. Kelly P. Gilliland Hackettstown, NJ Birmingham, AL Columbus, MS Montgomery, AL Birmingham, AL Ms. Karen Janine Askins Mr. John Charles Brown Dr. David A. Dauphin Dr. R. Wyatt Feagin II Mrs. Mary Graham Goodwin Germantown, MD Gadsden, AL Dothan, AL Birmingham, AL Owens Cross Roads, AL Mr. Frank Gerard Atkins Ms. Madeline Hansen Brown Mrs. Alpha B. Davis Mr. Eddie Ferguson Mrs. Anita R. Gorder Huntsville, AL Shippensburg, PA Birmingham, AL Gardendale, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Pamela Rutledge Ausley Dr. Robert Monroe Browning Jr. Mr. Benjamin Leon Davis Dr. William D. Findlay Mr. George B. Gordon Birmingham, AL Dumfries, VA Cincinnati, OH McCalla, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Ann Opalak Bachmann Mrs. Martha M. Brumfi eld Mr. Donald Ray Davis Winter Springs, FL La Canada, CA Birmingham, AL Mrs. Shirley Q. Baird Mrs. Suzanne Carter Bryan Dr. Jordan Kent Davis Selma, AL Lanett, AL Santa Fe, NM Mrs. Patricia Townes Baker Dr. Michael Sterling Buckner Mr. Lee Edward Davis II Anthropology Creates Durham, NC Headland, AL Collierville, TN Dr. Charles Arthur Ballew Dr. Carmen Taylor Burkhalter Dr. Paul Michael Davis Jr. Fund for Field Schools Winfi eld, AL Tuscaloosa, AL St. Gabriel, LA Mr. Benjamin Paul Bamonte Mrs. Pearl C. Callaway Mr. T. Gary Davis Mahopac, NY Ocala, FL Savannah, GA The Department of Anthropology has used donations from supporters to Ms. Charlotte Barnard Lt. Col. Donald Fisher Campbell Mrs. Peggy D. Day establish the Anthropology Field School Gift Fund, which will be used to Rochester, NY Rome, NY Cullman, AL support archeological fi eldwork. Each year the department offers two or Mr. Oroon E. Barnes Mr. Joseph W. Cardwell Mr. James Robert Deane three fi eld schools to give students experience in excavating and other Machipongo, VA Wetumpka, AL Birmingham, AL archeological techniques. The fund will pay for equipment and travel Ms. Valencia Denease Barnes Mr. Charles A. Casmus III Mrs. Katherine S. Deaton expenses associated with these schools, which are essential for students Selma, AL Montgomery, AL Mobile, AL planning a career in archeology. Mrs. Peggy Morrow Benefi eld Mr. Clyde Lester Chalkley Jr. Dr. Mary Julia Burt Dennis Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Sandersville, GA Mr. Gregory E. Bennett Mr. Philip Terrell Chandler Mr. Patrick V. Dennis Gadsden, AL Fort Myers, FL Birmingham, AL Miss Sarah Katherine Bennett Dr. Alice A. Chenault Dr. Sharon Devaney-Lovinguth Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Fleisig Ms. Brooke LeAnn Gorham Atlanta, GA Huntsville, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Gadsden, AL Mrs. Cruse Nolen Bevill Mrs. Lynne Neff Cheplen Mr. Joseph Spratley Dice Ms. Georgia Flesser Mr. Vincent J. Graffeo Birmingham, AL Monroe, NC Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Dr. Fred Joseph Biasini Mr. Edward A. Childs Jr. Mr. Woodford W. Dinning Jr. Mrs. Reba L. Fogarty Dr. Larry W. Grant Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Demopolis, AL Princeton Junction, NJ Macon, GA Mrs. Ruby McCullough Bissett Dr. Jack Keith Clemons Mrs. Sue Cleverdon Dixon Mr. Scott Fort Mr. James Coulson Gray III Sarasota, FL Albertville, AL Birmingham, AL Hoover, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. Charles Joseph Bodkin Jr. Mrs. Lori Wilder Cline Dr. Krishna K. Doniparthi Ms. Geraldine Taylor Fousek Mrs. Laura Holt Gray Brentwood, TN Salado, TX Alpharetta, GA Fayette, AL Birmingham, AL Dr. Donna May Bohn Mr. Lauren Cleland Clough Mrs. Kimberly Powell Doss Mrs. Anita Townes Fowler Mr. Matthew Nelson Green West Chester, PA Fernandina Beach, FL Kimberly, AL Birmingham, AL Umatilla, FL Mrs. Janet Arey Bondo Mrs. Anne Johnson Cody Mr. Curtis Douglass Mr. Hubert Rivers Fowler Mr. Milton Charles Grishman Columbia, SC Anniston, AL Roswell, GA Pittsboro, NC Biloxi, MS Mr. Thomas J. Boock Dr. William M. Colburn Mrs. Cherry Hughes Doyle Mr. Ira L. Frank Mr. Larry Richard Guerine Arlington, TN Tuscaloosa, AL Eufaula, AL Springfi eld, VA Kennesaw, GA Dr. Michael John Boohaker Mrs. Gayla Greene Collins Mr. Dennis Marvin Drew Mr. David Cornelius Dr. Michael Tracey Gunter Bessemer, AL Hurdle Mills, NC Montgomery, AL Fratarcangelo Opelika, AL Mrs. Christine Griffi th Box Ms. Carol Yvette Collins-Miller Mr. Thomas Van Dunion Hopewell, VA Mrs. Janet Schwab Gurwitch Sheffi eld, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Trussville, AL Dr. Alexander Frenkel Concord, TN Mr. Eugene Willis Brabston Sr. Dr. Kristi D. Concannon Mrs. Nancy R. Dunklin Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Robert M. Gwin Birmingham, AL Albrightsville, PA Greenville, AL Mr. Dennie Ray Frye McDonough, GA Mrs. Kay Wienand Braddock Mrs. Suzanne Brooks Cooper Mrs. Julie Barranco Dunn Columbia, SC Mrs. Dia Joy Hablutzel Springfi eld, TN Birmingham, AL Merritt Island, FL Ms. Susan S. Galloway Charlotte, NC Mrs. Janeille E. Brewer Dr. Charlotte Evans Copley Dr. Dennis C. Earl Birmingham, AL Mr. Robert Lamar Hales Birmingham, AL Williamsburg, VA Knoxville, TN Mr. John Gill Gamble Helena, AL Dr. Stephan Wayne Bridges Mr. Edward Aiken Corrigan Mrs. Carol Pass Edwards Daphne, AL Mrs. Ann F. Hall Darlington, SC Florence, AL Springville, AL Dr. William Lee Gamble Pensacola, FL Dr. Phillip Brandon Bridgmon Mrs. Rachel V. Cory Ms. Rachel Louise Eide Huntsville, AL Dr. Randall Lee Hall Florence, AL Brooklyn, NY Brookhaven, MS Dr. Karen Hollingsworth Pensacola, FL Miss Barbara Jean Briles Mr. Lawrence D. Cottle Ms. Janis Elkins Gardiner Dr. Brent Hamner Lawrenceville, GA Dallas, TX Northport, AL Northport, AL Martin, TN Mrs. Karen Kuntz Briski Mr. Frank Lee Cox Mrs. Carolyn Johnson Ellinger Dr. William B. Gardner Dr. Ronnie Michael Hanes Menifee, CA Arab, AL Somerville, AL Duluth, GA Union Grove, AL Mrs. Margaret E. Brooks Mr. Rush Holland Crawford Mrs. Kimberly A. Elliott Mr. Anthony George Dr. Lang Theodore Harp Jr. McCalla, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mobile, AL Parrish, FL Florence, AL Mr. Micheal Collin Brooks Mrs. Dina Crawford Crigger Dr. Fred Martin Emerling III Ms. Bunny Gerstenfeld Mrs. Carol Gann Harper Monroeville, AL Lewisburg, TN Fresno, CA St. Louis, MO Guntersville, AL Mrs. Barbara G. Brown Mrs. Nicole Sprenkle Crocker Dr. & Mrs. Willis Cleve Estis Mr. Thomas J. L. Gibbons Dr. James W. Harrell Jr. Newnan, GA Birmingham, AL Gadsden, AL Suwanee, GA Tuscaloosa, AL 23 Collegiate Fund Donors ( CONTINUED )

Mrs. Connie S. Harris Mr. Joseph J. Ierardi Mr. Bryce Miller Knight Mrs. Dorothy Swindel Malaier Mr. Sherman P. Metzgar Tuscaloosa, AL North Haven, CT Raytown, MO Montgomery, AL Stockertown, PA Mr. Jerry Nix Hart Jr. Dr. Alto L. Jackson Jr. Dr. Henry F. Knight Ms. Gail P. Mallard Mrs. Eunice Starr Miles Port St. Joe, FL Santa Rosa Beach, FL Keene, NH Memphis, TN Owens Cross Roads, AL Mrs. Tina Hartman Mrs. Natasha Waldrop Jackson Mr. Michael W. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan R. Maples Mr. David T. Miller Cordova, TN Frisco, TX Montoursville, PA Mobile, AL Catonsville, MD Ms. Jeanne C. Hartnett Mrs. Elizabeth Robertson Mrs. Carolyn Allen Knutsen Mrs. Betty Jane Selbert Marker Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer Miller Cranford, NJ Jacobs Cypress, TX Seneca, SC Birmingham, AL Mrs. Nancy J. Harvey Birmingham, AL Dr. Virginia Ponds Kobler Ms. Bianca Victoria Martin Mrs. Kathleen Nichols Miller Kingsport, TN Dr. Kenneth A. Jaffe Huntsville, AL Dunwoody, GA Richmond, VA Mrs. Carolyn Langston Hasty Birmingham, AL Dr. Daniel Vincent Kyle Mr. Emmett Leroy Martz Mr. Michael Doyle Miller Huntsville, AL Dr. Robison Brown James Birmingham, AL Huntsville, AL Alexandria, VA Mr. Clifford J. Hataway Sr. Richmond, VA Mrs. Cheryl M. Lawson Dr. Nancy Susan Mason Miss Patricia Donahue Miller Montgomery, AL Dr. Lisa Jean Jashinsky Allen, TX Dalton, GA Kirkwood, MO Mr. D. Nelson Hathaway Columbia, SC Miss Christine Lee Mr. Samuel M. Masters Mrs. Sally C. Miller Fort Walton Beach, FL Mr. Birch Johnson Calera, AL Gadsden, AL Nashville, TN Mr. William G. Hause New York, NY Dr. Perry Lee Mrs. Marjorie Cain Masterson Miss Brenda Kyle Mince Dothan, AL Mr. Bradley Jerome Johnson Jr. Greensboro, GA Huntsville, AL Fort Payne, AL Mr. Murray Clark Havens Atlanta, GA Dr. Russell Velton Lee Jr. Mrs. Candice Sims Matthews Mr. George E. Mingledorff III Nashville, TN Mrs. Dona Denton Johnson Northport, AL Jasper, AL Montgomery, AL Mr. Larry Richard Hawkins Nashville, TN Mrs. Carol Lenas Mr. Ernest Marcel Maygarden Mrs. Nancy Howell Mitchell Birmingham, AL Mr. George Wallace Johnson Largo, FL Mobile, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Edwin A. Hawley Jr. Hickory, NC Mr. Rhett Leverett Mr. Clifford Stiles McAlpin Mr. Michael K. Mohan Birmingham, AL Miss Samantha D. Johnson Washington, DC Pensacola, FL Munster, IN Ms. Mallory Ann Hayes Silver Spring, MD Mr. John L. Lewis Mr. Stanley Carl McCaa Mr. Robert James Moon Lander, WY Mr. William Marvin Johnson Birmingham, AL Ruston, LA Atlanta, GA Mrs. Amelia B. Heath Tuscaloosa, AL Miss Juanita Sue Lewis Mrs. Karen Lies McCarroll Dr. Michael Moore Northport, AL Mrs. Elizabeth T. Johnston Oak Hill, VA Dothan, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Christopher E. Heckert Lynchburg, VA Mr. Robert Earl Lewis Mrs. Carolyn Maria McGovern Mrs. Julia Mashburn Morgan Lewis Center, OH Mr. Ethelbert B. Jones III Northport, AL New Market, AL Auburn, AL Mr. Kevin Lee Helms Alpharetta, GA Fayetteville, TN Mr. Frederick K. Jones Jr. Dr. Ann Henley Cullman, AL Chapel Hill, NC Ms. Judy McMicken Jones Mrs. Katherine E. Hershman Birmingham, AL McCollough Establishes Scholarship Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Lisa Gale Jones Mr. Herbert Wilkinson Hicks Hueytown, AL to Honor Her Late Husband Birmingham, AL Mr. Warren P. Jones Mr. William I. Hill II Huntsville, AL Montgomery, AL Mr. Dennis A. Joyce JOAN MACKEY MCCOLLOUGH, of Winter Haven, Fla., has given $25,000 to the College to establish the Jasper O. Dr. David Lee Hinton Mantoloking, NJ McCollough Jr., MD, Memorial Endowed Scholarship to honor the memory of her husband. Scholarships will be awarded Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Dennis Joseph Kaczor to students enrolled in the College’s premedical program. A graduate of The University of Alabama, McCollough received Dr. Linda Whitney Hobson Monticello, IL his medical degree from the Medical College of Alabama in Birmingham (now UAB School of Medicine) in 1959. After Durham, NC Mrs. Esta Diane Meyers serving as a U.S. Navy flight surgeon, he established an orthopedic surgery practice in Florida. He died in 2009. Mrs. Mary Butler Hodnette Kamplain Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. David Rubel Holberg Miss Eleanor Lodge Florence, SC Kellermann Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Holberg Crossville, TN Mobile, AL Miss Helen Roberts Kelly Mrs. Sally Wright Lewis Mr. Barry McGriff Dr. Lynda Sanderford Morrison Ms. Nanaline Joyce Holt Pensacola, FL Wetumpka, AL Cullman, AL Easton, MD Birmingham, AL Mr. David Kendrick Mrs. Kathy Libby Mrs. Jennifer B. McInnish Dr. Larry Dewayne Mullins Mr. Ernie Harold Hornsby Birmingham, AL Spartanburg, SC Sterrett, AL Madison, AL Dothan, AL Ms. Shenekia Shawon Dr. Richard Erwin Litt Mr. James T. McKay Mr. Daniel C. Murphy Mr. R. Jeffrey Howell Kennedy Coral Gables, FL Ten Mile, TN Barrington, IL Mount Lebanon, PA Dixons Mills, AL Mr. William Duncan Little III Mr. William Paul McNutt Jr. Mrs. Lindy Larson Murrell Mrs. Lily Li Hsu Mrs. Orenita Powers Kerl Montgomery, AL Asheville, NC Redondo Beach, CA Rock Hill, SC Huntsville, AL Mrs. Teresa Sheau-meiwang Liu Mrs. Bertice A. McPherson Mr. Thomas Arthur Myers Mr. Ping Huang Dr. Sue L. Kimball Canton, MI Mobile, AL Trussville, AL Alpharetta, GA New Orleans, LA Lockheed Martin Corporation Mrs. Sylvia A. McPherson Mr. Gary Ricardo Napier Dr. Heather Duerre Humann Mr. Casey Jackson King Foundation Vestavia Hills, AL Knoxville, TN Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Huntsville, AL Mrs. Dianne E. McWilliams Mrs. Valerie Roberts Nash Mr. Randy Lee Humphries Mrs. Jodi Hanley King Mr. Harold K. Logsdon Montgomery, AL Birmingham, AL Joppa, AL Herndon, VA Peachtree City, GA Mr. Donald R. Medley Ms. Lane Chambers Nestman Mrs. Kendall Ingram Hurley Dr. Thomas Patton King Mr. Aubrey Lamar Long Berkeley, CA Fort Worth, TX Mobile, AL Birmingham, AL Post Falls, ID Dr. David Clay Mellown Dr. Merlin O. Newton Mr. Wallace Joseph Hurst Jr. Mr. Marion Clifford Kirk Mr. Robert Pitchford Lott Demopolis, AL Montgomery, AL Waycross, GA Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Merck & Company Inc. Dr. Alfred Carraway Nichols Mrs. June Borders Hust Mrs. Silver Grenoble Dr. Thomas N. Magee Princeton, NJ Jacksonville, AL Fairhope, AL Knepshield Lithia, FL Mrs. Sybil Sherman Merig Mrs. Silke Verena Niederhaus Kennedyville, MD Ms. Carolyn Rosich Magers Mobile, AL Madison, WI Conyers, GA

24 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. Mrs. Mary Jane Hill Nielsen Mrs. Christi McGee Patton Cdr. Glenn Howard Quiggle Mr. Kenneth Douglas Rowe Dr. Miriam Kresses Slifkin Dayton, OH Northport, AL Lagrange, GA Lexington, NC Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Michael Alan Nix Dr. Robert Cecil Patton Mrs. Karla Rogers Quinn Ms. Janet Kay Roycroft Mr. David Barton Smelser Cottondale, AL Opelika, AL Deatsville, AL Birmingham, AL Pearland, TX Maj. Henry Lees Nixon Dr. Gwendolyn Smith Pearson Dr. Robert John Radel Mr. Samuel A. Rumore Jr. Mr. Dennis Carroll Smith Murfreesboro, TN Montgomery, AL Memphis, TN Birmingham, AL Fort Lauderdale, FL Dr. Garrell Cela Noah Mr. Glenn Benjamin Penner Mrs. Kathryn Kenney Rainer Mrs. Ginny K. Russell Mr. James Harold Smith Montgomery, AL , KS Atlanta, GA Mobile, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. Theron Wayne Nolen Mr. Adam Joseph Perricone Mr. Robert E. Rainey Dr. Guy Leslie Rutledge III Dr. S. Rush Smith Fayette, AL New Orleans, LA Monroeville, AL Mobile, AL Anniston, AL Mr. Hugh Norwood Sager Mr. Stewart Alonzo Smith Hueytown, AL Naples, FL Dr. Randall T. Salekin Ms. Emily Rae Sollie Tuscaloosa, AL Washington, DC Mr. J. E. Saliba Mrs. Jennifer P. Southerland Family and Friends Establish Dothan, AL Killeen, TX Dr. Michael Saliba Mr. Jason Donald Spahn Randall Justice Farmer Arlington, TX Mobile, AL Sandy Corporation Dr. Julian Ferrell Sparks Jr. Endowed Support Fund Troy, MI Grant, AL Mrs. Leslie Ward Sarvis Mr. S. P. Sparrow Camp Hill, PA Rockville, MD Dr. James Mace Sawyer Dr. Donald Gene Spencer KATHLEEN A. FARMER and others have given more than $10,000 to the College to establish the Randall Justice Montgomery, AL Monroe, LA Farmer Endowed Support Fund. The funds will be used to support the Department of Criminal Justice. Farmer, a Mr. Matthew Robert Saxe Mrs. Beverly Langston Stacy professor in that department, was also a member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for 31 years. A graduate Minneapolis, MN Atlanta, GA of and Michigan State University College of Law, Farmer was a decorated Vietnam War veteran. Mr. Albert J. Schibani State Farm Companies He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with Combat V during his service in the U.S. Marine Corps. Farmer, who Annandale, VA Princeton, NJ resided in Northport, Ala., passed away in 2006. Mr. Eric K. Schmitt Mrs. Betty Thompson Steadman Denver, NC Hattiesburg, MS Mrs. Mariann Schmitz Mr. Robert Preston Steed Birmingham, AL Charleston, SC Mr. Eric Lane Schook Ms. Amanda Lea Steedley Mrs. Kerri Parks Nouriani Mr. Daniel Roy Perry Mr. Phillip Gantt Rawls Greencastle, PA Carmichael, CA South Pasadena, CA San Antonio, TX Montgomery, AL Mrs. Frances Ellis Schwemmer Mrs. Sarah Thomas Steenberge Mr. Walter Mark Ogilvie Mrs. Mary Elizabeth A. Perry Mr. Jeffery R. Reed Huntsville, AL Thousand Oaks, CA Austin, TX Mobile, AL Palm Bay, FL Mr. W. Tunstall Searcy Jr. Mrs. Mary Pate Stefanu Ms. Jo Ellen O’Hara Mr. William Wade Perry Mr. Matthew David Reed Delray Beach, FL Syracuse, NY Birmingham, AL Winfi eld, AL New Market, AL Mrs. Amanda Thrasher Segrest Mr. Robert Alan Stelzenmuller Mrs. Lisa Tinsley O’Hara Dr. Joseph Alan Peters Mr. Michael Jason Reed Huntsville, AL Durham, NC Spanish Fort, AL Savannah, TN Lexington, AL Mrs. A. Catherine Shannon Mrs. Kristen Sundbeck Stevens Mr. Ellis V. Ollinger Jr. Mrs. Marian MacKay Pfeiffer Mr. Eugene Warren Reese Madison, WI West Point, MS Mobile, AL Mobile, AL Montgomery, AL Mr. Robert Lee Shelton Jr. Mrs. Jennine Henninger Stewart Mrs. Thelma Roberts Dr. Douglas Jay Phillips Ms. Diana B. Reynolds Birmingham, AL Stevenson, AL O’Reardon Duncanville, AL Gurley, AL Mr. Steven Mark Shelton Mrs. LaVerne Stewart Shawnee Mission, KS Mr. William H. Phillips Jr. Mr. Donald Rice Northport, AL Iron Station, NC Mr. R. Ray Orem Lexington, SC Sumiton, AL Mr. Robert Lenward Shepherd Mrs. Marilyn June Stewart Franklin, TN Mrs. Ann S. Pierce Mrs. Lindsay Stone Rice Nashville, TN Huntsville, AL Mrs. Dorothy Parrish Osborne Birmingham, AL Owens Cross Roads, AL Mr. David Walton Shoemaker Mr. Finis E. St. John IV Fort Myers, FL Dr. Duane Robert Pierson Mr. Clyde Western Richert III St. Marys, GA Cullman, AL Mrs. Sharon R. Osburn Portland, ME Springfi eld, TN Mrs. Barkley Byrd Shreve Dr. Robert W. Stiegler Jr. Tuscaloosa, AL Miss Deborah Pinkston Miss Esther J. Rigby Mobile, AL Panama City, FL Dr. Kathryn Sue Oths Huntsville, AL Lexington, KY Brig. Gen. Raymond Alfred Mr. H. Bernard Strickland III Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Toni Edward Plummer Mr. R. B. Roberts Shulstad Dothan, AL Mr. Tracy A. Overstreet Atlanta, GA Pelham, AL Land O’ Lakes, FL Mr. John Lawrence Sturges Olive Branch, MS Mr. Dennis Pompa Mr. Robert Earl Roberts Mrs. Toni Fountain Sikes Decatur, AL Dr. & Mrs. James Overton Dothan, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Madison, WI Mr. David E. Sutley Prattville, AL Mrs. Aurora Ponta Ms. LaShondra V. Robinson Dr. Jay Keith Simmons Fairhope, AL Mr. Paul Harvey Page Tuscaloosa, AL Mobile, AL Mount Pleasant, IA Dr. Perry Lynn Swann Pittsburgh, PA Mr. Gregory Mitchell Pool Dr. Julia Shelton Rogers Ms. Theresa Mayer Simmons Owens Cross Roads, AL Mrs. Susan H. Paller Montgomery, AL Brierfi eld, AL Richmond, VA Capt. Erik Howard Swenson Atlanta, GA Dr. Maxwell Gideon Potter Mr. William Clay Rogers Mr. Thomas A. Simpson Jr. Meridian, MS Mr. Thomas Arthur Palm Dedham, MA Starkville, MS Birmingham, AL Mr. Jason Michael Tanner Mobile, AL Mr. Thomas J. Powers Mr. Fernando Mark Rondon Mr. John Robert Sinclair Woodstock, GA Dr. Richard David Parker Mobile, AL Falls Church, VA Springfi eld, VA Mrs. Leisa Barton Taylor Jamestown, NC Dr. Carol A. Prickett Mr. Bernard Rosen Mrs. Jeannine Roberts Huntsville, AL Mr. & Mrs. Shaley Parker Tuscaloosa, AL San Francisco, CA Sizemore Mrs. Barbara Beebe Tennant Trussville, AL Dr. Dorothy A. Prisco Mr. Wright Hackett Ross III Trussville, AL Richmond, VA Mr. Frank Joseph Parsons Hackettstown, NJ Guntersville, AL Mrs. Mary Jane Skinner Mr. Robert Sanders Terry Oneonta, AL Mr. David Hamilton Pulliam Dr. Teri Pettersen Rowan Daphne, AL Sheffi eld, AL Mr. Jack Edward Parsons Salisbury, NC Portland, OR Pensacola Beach, FL 25 Collegiate Fund Donors ( CONTINUED )

Mr. Jason Charles Thomas Mr. Harry Alden Wagaman Fairhope, AL Williamsport, MD Mr. Steven Allen Thomas Mrs. Cathy Duncan Wahl Jasper, AL Decatur, AL Murrays Establish Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Sid J. Trant Mrs. Carol Hughes Waites Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL for Blount Undergraduate Mrs. Orpah Stewart Travis Dr. Harriet Cabell Walker Fort Myers, FL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Charles Ramsdell Trew Dr. J. Edward Walker Jr. Initiative Arlington, VA Huntsville, AL Mr. Lee S. Trotter Jr. Mrs. Martha Fulton Walker Gadsden, AL Knoxville, TN DR. AND MRS. RHETT B. MURRAY, of Huntsville, Ala., have given more than $20,000 to the College Ms. Patricia Tulloss Dr. Susan Ulmer Wallace to establish the Dr. Rhett B. Murray Endowed Scholarship, which will be used to support students in the Birmingham, AL Clemson, SC Blount Undergraduate Initiative. Dr. Murray, a third-generation graduate of The University of Alabama, Mr. Charles J. Turner Ms. Joan Monica Wanat where he received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, summa cum laude in 1982, at the age of 19. Upon Wetumpka, AL Chicago, IL graduating fi rst in his class from The University of Alabama School of Medicine, Dr. Murray served UAB’s Mrs. Nancy Baird Turner Mrs. Janice P. Watkins Medical Center as an intern, resident neurological surgeon, and chief resident of neurosurgery. He entered Nashville, TN Atlanta, GA private practice in 1992 and became a clinical assistant professor at The University of Alabama School of Dr. Millard Barton Ulmer Jr. Mrs. Annette Jones Watters Medicine–Huntsville. Currently, he is the senior partner of The Spine and Neuro Center, a multidisciplinary Inman, SC Tuscaloosa, AL practice with six neurosurgeons and three physiatrists. He has served on the College of Arts and Science Capt. Douglas B. Upchurch Mr. John Paul Weber Leadership Board for fi ve years. Through the Crimson Tide Foundation, he has endowed the Pat Trammel Falls Church, VA Tuscaloosa, AL Sports Medicine Fellowship. He is actively involved with and supports First Presbyterian Church, The Mr. Lawrence Michael Vance Dr. Signe O. Wegener Huntsville Museum of Art, Lincoln Village, and Randolph School. He also serves on the Board of Review Birmingham, AL Atlanta, GA for Pro Assurance and the Madison County Medical Board of Censors. He and his wife, Melanie Hammer Dr. J. H. Van De Car Jr. Dr. Ann Fite Whitaker Murray, a 1987 UA graduate, have four children: Blake (SMU 2015), Davis (USMA 2016), Robert, and Dollie. Orlando, FL Huntsville, AL Dr. Kenneth L. Vandervoort Mrs. Betty Poag White Anniston, AL Centreville, AL Mr. George Dewey Vann Jr. Mr. Dewey A. White III Mrs. Anne James Wilbourne Mr. Guy Homer Wolf II Mr. Herbert Lee Woolf III Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL Hammond, LA Towson, MD Huntsville, AL Mr. Daniel Thomas Ventre Ms. Pamela Joyce White Mr. Philip Kent Williams Dr. William Anthony Womack Mr. Jonathan Patterson Worrell Germantown, TN Tuscumbia, AL Charlotte, NC Spanish Fort, AL Atlanta, GA Mrs. Sue Smith Vice Ms. Clementine M. Whitman Mrs. Vicki Sullivan Williams Mr. Robert E. Wood Mr. Oren M. Wyatt Athens, AL Little Rock, AR Mount Olive, AL Haleyville, AL Shelby, NC Mr. Timothy Wayne Vick Mr. Jerry M. Whitmire Mrs. Leigh Eckles Willis Mrs. Sharon A. Wood Dr. James David Yarbrough Montgomery, AL Pisgah Forest, NC Maplewood, NJ Phoenix, AZ Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Melanie Pitre Vigelis Dr. Mary Alice Whitt Dr. William Thomas Windham Mr. Grant Marcus Woodham Jr. Mr. Alfred H. Yeager Birmingham, AL Gadsden, AL Murfreesboro, TN Norman, OK Maylene, AL Dr. Richard G. Vinson Mrs. Elisabeth Watts Whitten Dr. Jerry Phillips Winfi eld Dr. Louie Albert Woolbright Rev. Davis Yeuell Winston Salem, NC Huntsville, AL Charleston, SC Montgomery, AL Richmond, VA Dr. William Beverly Virgin Jr. Mr. Edwin Lindsey Wiggins Jr. Mr. James M. Wiygul Mrs. Cherokee W. Wooley Safford, AL Charlotte, NC Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL

anks to Your Support of the COLLEGIATE FUND

e Collegiate Fund invests in quality education— It’s easy to give to the and the returns are great. e fund provides enriching components to a liberal arts education that Collegiate Fund. state funds just don’t cover: On-line at or by • Enriching student programs, expanding horizons calling us at 1-800-365-2302. and leadership opportunities. • Faculty support, enabling faculty to apply new Mail your check to: teaching methods and technologies in their classes. • Value-added College activities that maximize Offi ce of the Dean contributions and increase scholarship support. Box 870268 • Much-needed annual scholarships to reward Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0268 deserving students when all other sources of scholarship assistance are exhausted. Visa, MC, Discover and American Express • A lasting source for student scholarships through credit cards accepted. Contributions to the the Collegiate Fund’s annual contribution to Collegiate Fund are tax deductible as the Collegiate Fund Scholarship Endowment, provided by law. maximizing the impact of every contribution and ensuring a perpetual source for scholarships.

26 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. Other Contributors

The following friends have made BioWorks Dr. Thomas Joseph Mulhern gifts to individual departments or Victor, NY Nyack, NY programs in the College that are Dr. Judith Lenora Bonner NuStar Energy not included in the previous lists. Tuscaloosa, AL San Antonio, TX Bon Voyage All gifts were received between Drs. Kimberlee & Guy Caldwell Mrs. Catharine J. Parker June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012. Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL These College of Arts and Sciences faculty Community Foundation of Mr. Ellis Jackson Parker III members have retired during the 2011–2012 $100,000 & above West Alabama Palm Beach, FL Westervelt Company academic year, trading class time and offi ce Northport, AL Drs. Sandra & Lawrence J. hours for more leisurely pursuits. Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. & Mrs. John Cranton Parker Jr. Daphne, AL Daphne, AL $50,000 to $99,999 Lowell Baker Philip Hardee Mrs. C. Brenda Crayton- Mr. Louis W. Perry Jr. Art and Art History Physics and Astronomy Mr. William G. Anderson Pitches La Jolla, CA Shreveport, LA Stone Mountain, GA Dr. Walter Gay Pittman Arthur Benke Robert Mellown Delta Zeta–Alpha Gamma Birmingham, AL Anthropology Art and Art History $10,000 to $49,999 Chapter Renaissance Charitable Dr. Melanie & Mr. Walter Tuscaloosa, AL Foundation Inc. Graham Ms. L. Susan Doss Indianapolis, IN John Crowley Jerry Rosenberg Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. James V. Roberts Jr. English Psychology and Levitetz Family Foundation Inc. Mrs. Rebecca Paul Florence Spanish Fort, AL New College Boca Raton, FL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Diane Boyd Schultz Tony A. Freyer Erie Hall Meyer Charitable Mr. Wilson H. Foote Starkville, MS History Richard Tipping Fund Inc. New York, NY Mrs. Jennifer Gerardo Taylor Physics and Astronomy Mobile, AL Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Franklin Alexandria, VA George C. Meyer Foundation Houston, TX Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Glyn Weaver Gulf Shores, AL Mr. Albert Wayne Gray Tuscaloosa, AL Parkinson Association of Dr. Ernest McNealey Mr. Peter Andronaco Kennesaw, GA Tuscaloosa, AL Rockwall, TX Alabama Inc. Dr. Judy E. Hall $500 to $999 Birmingham, AL Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murray Mrs. Arlene Karpinski Ashe Bethesda, MD Amer. Assoc. of Petroleum Crownsville, MD Sheffi eld, AL Ms. Patricia Hall Geologists Foundation $5,000 to $9,999 Mr. John Thomas Nichols Dr. & Mrs. James D. Askew New York, NY Tulsa, OK Manassas, VA Tuscaloosa, AL Alabama Credit Union Mr. William Alton Hall Ms. Nancy M. Callahan Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Donna Northington Dr. James Carroll Bailey Ossining, NY Tuscaloosa, AL Atlanta, GA Mobile, AL Exxon Mobil Production Co. Dr. Mary Elizabeth Hendrix Dr. Karyn Cumberbatch Theodore, AL Dr. & Mrs. Norvin W. Richards Ms. Emily L. Baker Birmingham, AL Wharton, TX Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Nick’s Cigar Company Dr. & Mrs. H. Scott Hestevold Drs. Carolyn & Dennis Dahl Hialeah, FL Mr. & Mrs. David E. Roberts Jr. Mr. Hillyard Jefferson Beans III Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Houston, TX Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. Nick Perdomo Mr. Benjamin D. Holmes Mrs. Carnetta Nabors Davis Miami Lakes, FL Mrs. Robin Lawson Scheuer Mrs. Paige Whetstone Biddle Irvington, NY Birmingham, AL Nyack, NY Birmingham, AL Mr. Russ D. Spahr Mr. R.J. Hoyman Delta Zeta Alumni of Theodore, AL Ms. Robin R. Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Estan J. Bloom Eugene, OR Tuscaloosa Tyler, TX Northport, AL Mrs. Ann Karpinski Jones Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Seither Boeing Co. Charitable Trust $1,000 to $4,999 Birmingham, AL Edison International Mr. Lyle Aitken Mandeville, LA Seattle, WA Dr. Larry R. Kirkland Princeton, NJ Dr. Bernard James Sloan Mrs. Carolyn McCarthy Bolt Tuscaloosa, AL Atlanta, GA Mrs. Julia Hall Friedman Alpha Lambda Delta Panacea, FL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. & Mrs. David Joel Landau Fairhope, AL Southeastern Music Gallery Inc. Mr. & Dr. Lee Wood Borden Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mr. Tomislav Galjanic Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Tuscaloosa, AL Tallassee, AL Lindahl Family Foundation II Los Angeles, CA Mr. & Mrs. E. C. Stone Miss Janie Elizabeth Boswell Houston, TX Sacramento, CA Mr. James I. Harrison III AT&T Foundation Birmingham, AL Northport, AL Mrs. Charlotte B. Marshall Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Jack Perry Strong Mr. & Mrs. David W. Boykin Jr. Princeton, NJ Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Susan Oswalt Helmsing Dr. Elizabeth & Mr. Alfonso R. Metairie, LA Atlanta, GA Lt. Col. Marvin Lynn McCloud Mobile, AL Dr. & Mrs. Joab L. Thomas BP Fabric of America Fund Aversa III Lutz, FL Ms. Jan Herlinger Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Princeton, NJ Ms. Pamela McCollough Northport, AL University Foundation BP Foundation Inc. Avery Island Inc. Katy, TX Idaho Community Foundation Avery Island, LA Tuscaloosa, AL Warrenville, IL McIlhenny Company Boise, ID Dr. Patricia S. White Mr. & Mrs. James S. Brooks Baldwin Co. Electric Avery Island, LA Marathon Oil Company Inc. Membership Charitable Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Gina Sealy Miers Princeton, NJ Ms. Lauren A. Wilson Ms. Penelope H. Brooks Foundation Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. James Lynne Summerdale, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ashland City, TN Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Mixter McHugh Sr. Dr. William W. Winternitz Dr. & Mrs. John J. Burke Naples, FL Huntsville, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Dr. Thomas L. Wolfe Ms. Susan L. Burkett Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL We appreciate your gifts to the College and want to Dr. Carmen Taylor Burkhalter thank you properly so we are very careful to record $100 to $499 Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Susie Allison Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Burrows each gift and membership—however, mistakes do Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL happen. We apologize in advance if your name is not Alpha Psi Omega Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Butler Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL listed properly on these pages. To notify us of any error, please contact Kelli Wright at (205) 348-8539 or [email protected]. Thank you. OOPS! 27 Other Contributors ( CONTINUED )

Capstone Bank Dr. Herman Joseph Fritz Jr. Mrs. Betty D. John Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mendle Dr. & Mrs. V. C. Scott Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Mrs. Jennie C. Cowart Mrs. Jenny Garrison Mrs. Laurie Pratt Johns Mercedes-Benz U.S. Mrs. Anna Jacobs Singer Tuscaloosa, AL Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL International Inc. Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Jackie Brunson Crowell Dr. Susan W. Gaskins Mrs. Jane Hopping Joslin Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. John L. Slaughter Enterprise, AL Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Charles Perlis Miller Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Smith Mrs. Betty Jo May Goldstein Dr. Lawrence F. Kohl Montgomery, AL Ms. Donna S. Smith Crown Jr. Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. James David Mills Tuscaloosa, AL Nashville, TN Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Gregory Mr. Christopher Kozak Birmingham, AL Lt. Cdr. Edward S. Smith Jr. Mr. Charleigh Robert Davis Wetumpka, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Joan & Mr. William Cropwell, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Curtis Dale Gunn Dr. & Dr. Ralph H. Lane Mitchell Ms. Kay S. Smith Dr. Helen Delpar Andalusia, AL Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Cottondale, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Halli Jr. Mr. Richard L. LeComte Mrs. Mary Jo Modica Dr. Richard Maxwell Snow Ms. Carla Dempsey Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Fairfax, VA Mrs. Angela Barron Hammond Mr. Steve Lindamood Dr. Dennis Monk Snow Sleep Center Dr. Samuel A. Denham Tuscaloosa, AL Houston, TX Annapolis, MD Tuscaloosa, AL Huntsville, AL Dr. Luoheng Han Ms. Theresa Littlefield Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Moore Mr. Kirk Sparkman Dr. Rona J. Donahoe Tuscaloosa, AL Fort Lauderdale, FL Tuscaloosa, AL Cypress, TX Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Dilin Liu Ms. Abigail L. Morgan Dr. Joseph Terrell Spencer Cottondale, AL Birmingham, AL Ms. Rebecca Moseley Dr. Beverly E. Thorn Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. & Mrs. Charles Leatherbury Ms. Molly Francis Brooke Professor’s Estate Establishes Newman Threadgill Gadsden, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Anthropology Scholarship Mrs. Jennifer Walton Horne & Mrs. Claire Black Tisdal Dr. Donald R. Noble Jr. Tuscaloosa, AL Cottondale, AL Mrs. Phyllis Todd DR. ALLEN R. MAXWELL, professor emeritus of anthropology, died Nov. 16, 2011, at his home at the Mrs. Patricia Jenkins Noble Tuscaloosa, AL age of 71. Part of Maxwell’s estate was bequeathed to The University of Alabama to establish the Allen R. Birmingham, AL Dr. James C. Walker Jr. Maxwell Endowed Anthropology Scholarship. The scholarship is designated for graduate students in the Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. O’Brien Birmingham, AL Department of Anthropology. Alabaster, AL Mrs. Juanita Goodman Watson Maxwell retired from UA in 2010 after 36 years with the Department of Anthropology. He continued to Occidental Petroleum Austell, GA teach courses in linguistic and cultural anthropology after his retirement. Maxwell was recognized at UA Charitable Foundation Way, Ray, Shelton, & Co. for raising the national profile of the Department of Anthropology, beginning with a major revision of the Tulsa, OK Tuscaloosa, AL anthropology curriculum when he joined the faculty in 1974. Dr. Robert F. Olin Mr. Louis Clyde Whetstone Jr. Maxwell, known to friends and colleagues as Max, was born in Hanover, N.H., and raised in Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Massachusetts. He earned a BA in anthropology from the University of Michigan in 1969 and a year later Drs. Linda & Terry Olivet Mrs. Elizabeth Williams completed a master’s in linguistics from the same institution. He was awarded a doctorate from Yale in Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL 1980. Mr. Timothy M. Parker III Dr. Priscilla Wilson During his years at UA, Maxwell published more than 80 scholarly articles or book chapters and gave Tuscaloosa, AL Montrose, AL 68 major conference presentations. His work as an ethnographer and linguist centered on the peoples of Mrs. Voncile Roberts Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Neil Wimberley Borneo, especially Brunei and Sarawak. A consummate ethnographic fieldworker, he enjoyed an interna- Tuscaloosa, AL Hope, ID tional reputation for the depth of his understanding of Borneo’s many cultures. Mrs. Joan Hibbard Prescott Rev. Hoyt Winslett Jr. As a teacher, Maxwell was known for his detailed and comprehensive approach to instruction. Dr. Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Michael Murphy, chair of the Department of Anthropology, said Maxwell’s enthusiasm for anthropology Dr. Carol A. Prickett George Wood Chapter and linguistics endeared him to his colleagues and to generations of UA students. Tuscaloosa, AL Wildflower Society Mrs. Betty Hamilton Quarles Knoxville, AL Tuscaloosa, AL WOTM Corp. Mrs. Paula Fink Quarles Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Kathy Yarbrough Mr. & Mrs. Rex Richter Rev. & Mrs. Michael Harris Sr. Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Kate W. Ragsdale Birmingham, AL Dowling Atlanta, GA Mr. Kaiyu Liu Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Alphonse Jeffrey Zieman Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Haun Houston, TX Dr. Jane F. Rasco Mobile, AL Mr. Hermine Melton Downing Northport, AL Mrs. Constance Marsh Northport, AL Dr. Carol Prejean Zippert Brewton, AL Mrs. Elizabeth Higginbotham MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Reach Eutaw, AL Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Echols Laurel, MS Weaverville, NC Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Donald L. Hiltz Dr. Glida & Mr. Richard Mrs. Joy R. Reinecke $99 & below Mr. & Mrs. Jon Mark Erstine Rainbow City, AL Magnani Houston, TX Mrs. Harriet Hawkins Adams Germantown, TN Ms. Jenny J. Hudson Birmingham, AL Ms. Mary Delchamps Reyner Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Thomas B. Fanning Birmingham, AL Ms. Debra Marks Mobile, AL Ms. Adrienne Adams- Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Mary Scott Hunter Florence, AL Dr. & Mrs. H. Mark Reynolds Parboosingh Fitts Architects Inc Huntsville, AL Ms. Dorothy J. Martin Brewton, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Jackie Wuska Hurt Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Michael Wayne Rhiney Ms. Stacy Latham Alley Mr. & Mrs. Rex Lloyd Forehand Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Michael Martone Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Charlotte, VT Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Ingalls Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. John William Ross Jr. Alpha Chi Omega Alumnae Mrs. Marjorie H. Forney Montgomery, AL Mr. John Beatty Maxwell Jr. Tuscaloosa, AL Club Birmingham, AL Ms. Joanna Jacobs Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. & Mrs. E. Roger Sayers Montgomery, AL Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Franklin Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. R. Lamar McClure Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Cheryl Sparks Altemara Houston, TX Mrs. Frances Jecen Rocky Face, GA Ms. Anna Self Schuber Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Donald P. McDermott Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Torin Alter Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL

2828 CollegianCollegian ThisThis isis howhow collegecollege isis meantmeant toto Ms. Amy Anderson Ms. Robin Carmichael Mr. Howard M. Denton Jr. Mrs. Charlotte Kruger Gattozzi Dr. Sharol Jacobson Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Charles Frederick Andrus Ms. Connie Carnes Dr. William Floyd DeShazo IV Ms. Kim Gentry Mrs. Olivia B. Jamin Tuscaloosa, AL Huntsville, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. William P. Armstrong Mr. Eric Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Neil Dietsch Dr. Tanya L. Gille Ms. Rebecca Lynn Johnson Gardendale, AL Grand Rapids, MI Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Joan & Mr. Jon Atkinson Mr. Michael J. Carr Mrs. Murrie Grace Dixon Mr. Steven Ginzbarg Ms. A. Erin Jones Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Laura H. Atkinson Mrs. Nancy Carson Dr. William G. Doty Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Gleaton Mr. Graham Douglas Jones Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Duncanville, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Pete Austin Mrs. Mary Beth Wear Cavert Mrs. Denise T. Downs Mr. & Mrs. George B. Gordon Mr. J. R. Jones Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Kathy A. Bailey Dr. Ibrahim Çemen Mrs. Adelaide S. Drennen Mrs. Clara L. Granata Mrs. Sharon M. Jones Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Helena A. Bain Mrs. Jennifer J. Clay Ms. Frances Self Drennen Mr. Matthew Nelson Green Mrs. Shelley Edwards Jones Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Cottondale, AL Umatilla, FL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Rebecca M. Ballard Ms. Elizabeth Brantly Ms. Lucia Smith Duggins Dr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Green Mort Jordan Enterprises Inc. Tuscaloosa, AL Cochrane Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Jena Clayton Barrett Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Betty Godfrey Duncan Miss Freda D. Griffi s Mrs. Sandra Heifner Junge Northport, AL Mr. Steve Cole Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Evansville, IN Mr. Christopher Beasley Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Lillian Duncan Ms. Kelly Griffi ths Mr. Patrick Kees Northport, AL Ms. Jennifer Lynne Collins Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Roger Neal Beck Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Dunn Mr. Dayton Foster Hale Sr. Mr. Robert Deavours Kemp Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Vickie R. Collins Merritt Island, FL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Anne J. Bell Northport, AL Mrs. Linda P. Eddins Mr. & Mrs. Jon L. Hall Ms. Melissa Paige Kent Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Susan Colvin Cottondale, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Jeanette Lundquist Bell Cottondale, AL Ms. Amy Lynn Eifl er Ms. Kelli Hall Ms. Marina Klaric Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Jessica Sadowski Comas Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bell Brooklyn, NY Ms. Cassidy Danielle Ellis Ms. Peggy Hamner Mr. Harvey Kline Northport, AL Ms. Ann Combs Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Arthur C. Benke Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Joanna Kiersten Ellis Dr. Andrew G. Harrell Ms. Mary Katherine Klose Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Timothy Connell Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Dr. Jonathan Benstead Cottondale, AL Mr. Gregory Enns Mr. Kevin D. Harris Ms. Heather Kopelson Northport, AL Mr. Brandon Cooper Tuscaloosa, AL Huntsville, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Laura A. Berkowitz Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Mary Ervin Dr. Justin Lane Hart Miss Anika Kuczynski Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Chip Cooper Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Owens Cross Roads, AL Mrs. Angela Berry Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Richard A. Esposito Ms. Karen L. Hawsey Mr. Lorne S. Kuffel Jr. Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Margaret D. Cooper Birmingham, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Dr. Donna May Bohn Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Miguel Fernando Etayo- Mrs. Judy Moore Hayes Mr. Simanti Lahiri West Chester, PA Mr. Patrick S. Coryell Cadavid Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. William R. Bolch Tuscaloosa, AL Houston, TX Ms. Heather Headrick Mrs. Margot Opdycke Lamme Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cowgill Mrs. Claire L. Evans Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Melissa Boler Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Joanan Heineman Mrs. Lorrie Lane Cottondale, AL Mrs. Gwendolyn Crocker Ms. Victoria Ann Farr Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Carolyn McCarthy Bolt Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Vassar Hemphill Mr. Joshua Brandon Lard Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. M. Kay Culton Ms. Mary Finnell Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Blake C. Boyd Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Suzanne A. Herrod Ms. Kim Lawrence Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Lucy D. Curzon Mr. J. Evans Fitts Tuscaloosa, AL Moundville, AL Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. Branch Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Ann Marie Hewitt Dr. Rasma Lazda-Cazers Cottondale, AL Ms. Marci Daugherty Mrs. Katharine Woollen Fitts Cottondale, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Julie Alice Brand Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hisey Ms. Glenda B. Leasor Northport, AL Davenport Designs Flower Show Judges Council 8 Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. & Mrs. Matt Branneman Tuscaloosa, AL Gardendale, AL Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Hobbs Mr. Patrick R. Leclair Ithaca, NY Ms. Catherine E. Davies Ms. Janet Fowler Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Deborah Glynis Branyon Tuscaloosa, AL Biloxi, MS Ms. Winifred H. Holland Dr. Lisa LeCount Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Nicholas Warren Davis Mrs. Heather Cass White & Rome, GA Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Clark Brasel Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Randolph Mott Fowler Mrs. Anne Sikes Hornsby Dr. Kevin Neal Ledgewood Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Sara D. Davis Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Mr. B. Scott Bridges Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. David A. Francko Ms. Kay Houston Ms. Grace S. Lee Northport, AL Mr. Terry Wayne Davis Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Gayla R. Burns Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Geremy Richard Freeman Mrs. Brook Ann Hubner Dr. & Mrs. John Lee Jr. Charlotte, NC Mrs. Rebecca L. Dawson Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Ethel Caffee Hazel Green, AL Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Freyer Mr. Cecil L. Hurt Jr. Ms. Katherine Lee Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Nancy R. Campbell & St. Simons Island, GA Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. & Mrs. Drury S. Caine Mr. Charles L. Day Mrs. Julia Hall Friedman Mrs. Kathleen Hutchins Ms. Pamela B. Lee Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Fairhope, AL Northport, AL Woodstock, AL Dr. Wayne Cameron Mr. Mark Lynwood Dedmon Mr. Grady Preston Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Bob Jack Mr. Jack Register Leigh Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Russellville, AL Kingsport, TN Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Jennifer L. Caputo Ms. Brandy Hearn DeFalco Dr. Marysia Galbraith Ms. Dorothy Jackson Ms. Joy Manning Leigh Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Linda Y. Carden Mrs. Barbara Church DeLaire Ms. Karen Fowler Garrison Miss Ernestine Jackson Dr. Joyce Cooley Levey Elrod, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL 29 Other Contributors ( CONTINUED )

Dr. David E. Lewis Dr. Pamela Hughey Parker Mr. Charles Shelley Mr. Wayne Taylor Mrs. Debbie Hassell Wilson Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Mr. William A. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Yorgo Pasadeos Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Templin Mr. Max Carroll Wilson Gadsden, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Sherrill Woodbridge, VA Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Lichstein Mrs. Meg Paul Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Jacque Thiele Ms. Susan Rains Windham Tuscaloosa, AL Hattiesburg, MS Ms. Marilynn J. Shirley Cottondale, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Little Bee Designs Mrs. M. Sybil N. Phillips Cottondale, AL Ms. Margaret Ann Toohey Mr. John Michael Wingard Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. John Alan Sikes Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Lowe Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John Pickering Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Thomas Alvin True Dr. Alvin L. Winters Huntsville, AL Charlottesville, VA Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Simons Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Jessica M. Maddox Mrs. Jill Marie Picone Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Jessica Marie Hoadley Mr. Rayburn L. Wise Cottondale, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Jane Cason Simpson Tuggle Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. S. Michael Malinconico Dr. Jean Pointon Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Mr. Sharon Wise Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Cdr. & Mrs. Brandon M. Sneed Mr. Alan Tyler Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Sarah Marshall Ms. Ann Powers Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Ms. Joan L. Wood Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Ellen G. Spears Mr. Mark Tyner Duncanville, AL Mr. Richard Martens Ms. Lisa Quintero Prewitt Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Joni Lynn Wood-Gruber Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. & Mrs. Warren H. Spruill Ms. Patricia Valleroy Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Alvin J. Mathews Virginia M. Price Tuscaloosa, AL Duluth, GA Mr. John C. D. Woodruff Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Mrs. Kathryn O. Starbuck Ms. Charlotte Van Dyke Charlotte, NC Mr. Joe Wayne McBride Ms. Jan Pruitt Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Tammy Lenita Woods Scottsboro, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Major & Mrs. Joe E. Steakley Mr. Howard T. Vaum Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. George W. McClure Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Banks Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Nell Wright Tuscaloosa, AL Quarles Mr. Edwin C. Stephenson Dr. & Mrs. Pieter B. Visscher Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Patricia A. McDonald Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Mrs. Sarah McGee Wright Bankston, AL Dr. & Mrs. William H. Rabel Ms. Sharon Lee Stewart Mr. & Mrs. James W. Ward Cottondale, AL Ms. Marcella Rose McIntyre Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Mr. Brannigan H. Yarbrough Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Brenda Thomas Ramey Ms. Sandra Stimpson Ms. Rheiannon Ward Spanish Fort, AL Ms. Ann McKaig Tuscaloosa, AL Coker, AL Northport, AL Mr. Steven Dewayne Yates Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Josalyn Elizabeth Randall Mr. Richard Winfried Suhr Drs. Patricia & John Wheat Bessemer, AL Ms. Leslye McKinney Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Mr. Darren Evans Young Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Laura Reed Ms. Barbara S. Sullivan Prof. & Mrs. Edward C. White Northport, AL Mr. Jonathan McLelland Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Deborah A. Young Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Laurie Reinwald Mrs. Rosalind Thompson Rev. Nelson E. White Hickory, NC Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. McNutt Tuscaloosa, AL Sullivan Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Steve Zary Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Beth Alison Riggs Birmingham, AL Ms. Leslie Martin Whitlock Hattiesburg, MS Ms. Joanne McNeece Miles Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. E. Jean Swindle Birmingham, AL Mrs. Richard Zoellner Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Terri J. Ritchie Clanton, AL Mr. Ernest Sanford Williams Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Jennie Adams Miller Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Martha Corriher Tate Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Gale Koven Zumpano Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Judith J. Rives Tuscaloosa, AL Mr. Brad Wilson Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Leslie J. Miller Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Alice Taylor Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Metka Zupancic Tuscaloosa, AL Mrs. Paula Hickman Robinson Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Linda Jean Mills Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL Miss Cheryl Lynne Rolf Mrs. Valery C. Minges Northport, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Thomas A. Rosenstiel Mrs. Katie P. Mitchell Tuscaloosa, AL Decatur, AL Mrs. Robin Lea Runcie Mrs. Patricia S. Moore Northport, AL Collegian Northport, AL Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Russell Robert F. Olin, Ph.D. Ms. Martha Irene Morgan Tuscaloosa, AL Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Cottondale, AL Mrs. Carolyn R. Rutner Ms. Shannon Leigh Murphy Northport, AL Rebecca Paul Florence Kathy Yarbrough Northport, AL Ms. Jennifer P. Rutsche Director of College Relations Director of Development Ms. Rekha Nath Alpharetta, GA Associate Director of Development Northport, AL Mrs. Valorie Ryan Dr. Charles T. Nevels Tuscaloosa, AL Kelli Wright Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Karen Schlesinger Editor/Writer/Communications Specialist Ms. Nancy W. Newton Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Ms. Catherine Anne Chris Bryant, Richard LeComte, Cathy Andreen Jeff Hansen, Bryan Hester, Kaly Glass, Mrs. Robyn S. Nichols Schreiber-Jones Writers Scott Allen, Kaylene Beal, Angela Bergner Bessemer, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Photographers Dr. Patricia Ann Norton Mr. William H. Scott Tuscaloosa, AL Dothan, AL Anne R. Gibbons Easty Lambert-Brown Mr. John C. O’Connell Ms. Linda K. Selby ARG Consulting Borgo Publishing Fort Wayne, IN Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. Kathryn Sue Oths Ms. Ruby M. Shaffer Tuscaloosa, AL Northport, AL The Collegian is published by the College of Arts and Sciences of The University of Alabama. The Collegian Ms. Kim Ouderkirk Mrs. Alice Browder Sheffi eld welcomes your suggestions and comments concerning this publication. Please send address changes and Tuscaloosa, AL Tuscaloosa, AL correspondence to Kelli Wright, communications specialist, Offi ce of the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Box 870268, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0268; (205) 348-8539; E-mail: [email protected].

30 Collegian This is how college is meant to be. Alumni Notes

1954 1982 Michael I. Green (physics, BS) has semi-retired as a guest scientist Dr. Cal Dodson (microbiology, BS) received the 2012 Chapter from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. His son Advocacy Award from the Alabama Chapter of the American College of and daughter are married, with two sons each. He has acted in thirty Physicians. The award is presented to those who have worked on local, theater productions since 1999 and is still racing sailplanes. state, and national health and public policy issues.

William C. Harris (history, BA, MA, PhD), professor emeritus of history of 1986 North Carolina State University, is the author of Lincoln and the Border Dana Gynther (political science and French, BA; French, MA, 1991) has States: Preserving the Union (University of Kansas Press, 2011), which written her debut novel, Crossing on the Paris, which will be released is his fourth book on Lincoln. He is co-winner of the 2012 Lincoln this fall by Simon and Schuster. She has lived in France and currently Prize for Civil War scholarship awarded by Gettysburg College and the lives in Valencia, Spain, where both she and her husband, Carlos, are Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History for this publication. teachers and translators. They have two daughters, Claudia and Lucia.

1963 1993 Frederick Marchman (art, BFA) has published Word in Space and Duets Jenna M. Bedsole (English, BA) has written a children’s story called with Erato (Xlibris Press), a book of poetry with illustrations done “Sam the Spider” that is now available as an app for iPhone and iPad. by him. He also has a monthly cartoon strip titled “Modern Plastic” Bedsole is an attorney with Baker, Donaldson, Bearman, Caldwell, and that appears in Gulf Coast Newspapers and the Fairhope Courier. He Berkowitz in Birmingham, Ala. teaches art at Faulkner State Community College. 1997 1965 Peter B. Gushue (history, PhD) has started a new business specializing Dr. Gaylon McCollough (biology, BS) has been named a “consultant in in residential remodeling and mold remediation. He has plans to start facial plastic and reconstructive surgery” to the National Academy up a training academy for skilled craftsman. In February he and his of Medicine, a Washington, D.C.–based organization. McCollough, a wife, Jill, welcomed their fi rst granddaughter, Alexia. member of the clinical faculty of the University of South Alabama’s Department of Surgery, serves on the State of Alabama’s Medical 2006 Licensure Commission. Margaret Case Little (political science, BS) was recently promoted to senior director of communications and public affairs at the National 1970 Retail Federation where she has worked since 2010. She lives in Falls Patti Harriman (sociology, BS) is entering her 26th year of international Church, Va., with her husband. cat breeding and showing. Her oldest son, Gregory, is an investment banker in Charlotte and her youngest son, Patrick, is a journalist for 2010 Politico in Washington, D.C. She is a fi rst-time grandmother to Scout Joanna Yarbrough (music, BM) has been offered a full-time contract Margaret Gavin. with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Yarbrough, a French horn player, won the 2009 International Horn Competition of America in the University Division.

Legendary Biologist E.O. Wilson Visits Collegian College as Scholar-in-Residence DR. E.O. WILSON, a University of Alabama alumnus and than 40 years as the Joseph Pellegrino University Research two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, visited as a scholar-in-residence Professor in Entomology. He now lives in Lexington, Mass. with the College Sept. 11-12. Known as one of the world’s most Wilson is the author of more than 30 books, including infl uential scientists, Wilson is the founder of the theory of so- the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Ants and The Naturalist. His ciobiology, which proposes that human and animal behavior next release, scheduled to debut later this year, is a profi le is shaped by evolutionary forces, and its offshoot, evolutionary of his boyhood hometown, Why We Are Here: Mobile and the psychology. He also has developed the base of modern biodiver- Spirit of a Southern City. sity conservation. Wilson is most recognized for his work in entomol- Wilson kicked off the 2012-2013 Alabama Lectures on Life’s ogy—the study of insects. His lifelong passion for study- Evolution, or ALLELE, lecture series with his talk, “The Social ing ants in particular has made him the defi nitive expert Conquest of Earth,” which is the title of his most recent book. on the tiny creatures and on the social structures of all His lecture focused on three questions that have been the sub- animals. ject of debate in the religious, scientifi c, and philosophical com- Wilson has been recognized with more than 100 in- munities: “Where do we come from? What are we? And where are ternational awards. He is a recipient of the U.S. National we going?” While on campus, he also addressed students in the Medal of Science, the Crafoord Prize from the Royal College’s Blount Undergraduate Initiative. Swedish Academy of Sciences; the International Prize A native of Birmingham and childhood resident of the Gulf of Biology of Japan; and the Nonino and Serono Prizes Coast, Wilson earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from for Letters and Sciences of Italy. In 1995 he was named the Department of Biological Sciences at UA. He received his one of Time magazine’s 25 most infl uential people in doctorate from Harvard University, and he taught there for more America. E.O. Wilson

31 Million Dollar Band kicks off Centennial Celebration with trip to italy

One of the most widely recognized elements of the Crimson Tide foot- ball tradition is the Million Dollar Band. This year marks the 100th an- niversary of The University of Alabama’s marching band, whose mem- bers perform at each home football game. The band kicked off its Centennial Celebration with a 10-day trip to Italy in May 2012 that included stops in Rome, Florence, Venice, Padova, and Torino. The trip was made possible with assistance from The University of Alabama and personal funds of participating stu- dents, who also got course credit for their overseas experience. The Million Dollar Band’s fi rst performance was a parade through the The Million Dollar Band marches down the streets in Padova, Italy. streets of Florence. This was the fi rst time an American band had been permitted to march through the city streets. In Padova, the band per- The Million Dollar Band is under the direction of Dr. Ken Ozzello, formed with the colorfully costumed medieval drummers known as the professor of conducting in the School of Music, and Associate Director sbandieratori for more than 1,000 spectators. The grand fi nale of the of Bands Randall Coleman, an assistant professor in the School of tour included a concert with members of the Alabama Wind Ensemble, Music. In September there was a Centennial Celebration Weekend which is part of UA’s School of Music, along with the ensemble Antica where alumni and supporters came to campus for a special gala and Musica del Corpo dei Pompieri di Torino 1882, which is celebrating its concert. Past band directors conducted the band during the concert 130th anniversary this year. and on the fi eld during the Florida Atlantic football game.

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