SitRep N1– Aghata UN Disaster Management Team/UN Emergency Technical team (UNETE) 31-05-10

A. Background

Description of the Events:

The first tropical depression of the year formed off the coast of Guatemala early Saturday 29th in the morning. After even better organization, the system became the first tropical storm of the Eastern Pacific Basin at midday; Tropical Storm Agatha.

Agatha has been moving near the Guatemala/Mexico border and then it has traveled through . The storm and now a depression again have produced heavy rainfall in the center, south and west of Honduras.

As a result of the rain COPECO have identify damages in different sectors, mainly houses, roads and electrical lines.

There is a lack of information at this moment so it is possible that the impact is greater that the current data shows.

Regarding to the level of precipitation, most rains are reported in central, western and southern parts of the country. The precipitation peak in the Basin was reached during May 30 (i.e. 2 inches in 14 hours in the Guacerique basin, and 1 inch in 10 hours in the low basin). However, in most of the country areas the level of precipitations has decreased in the last 24 hours and the rivers´ level has decreased constantly (see the figures below).

Source: USGS, Real time water data.


Source: USGS, Real time water data.

Source: USGS, Real time water data.

Source: USGS, Real time water data.



1. Damaged to the infrastructure:

Others Houses Bridges and roads Schools

Damaged Damaged Damaged Electricity Destroyed Destroyed Telephony Agriculture (Mz damaged) Water systems Sewerage systems

Total 763 145 55 14 13 8 26 11 0 3,019

*Sources: COPECO, May 31st.

70% of the damaged houses have been reported in the provinces of Choluteca and Francisco Morazán. Of the 26 damaged sewerage systems, 25 are located in the department of Intibuca while 5 of the 8 damaged water systems in the department of Lempira and 10 of the 11 damaged electricity infrastructure has been reported in the departments of Cortes and Francisco Morazán. Regarding the agricultural sector, most damages (2,168 Mz) have been reported in the department of Cortes, particularly in the Sula Valley.

2. Population affected:

Evacuated People in Injured Death Missing shelters 3,618 3,268 4 14 1 *Sources: COPECO, May 31st.

The data of population includes the population affected last week and not only by Aghata.


 The main impact has been identified in houses and roads.  There is a lack of information in agriculture, a sector that probably has relevant impacts.


 WFP have sent emergency food assistance for 2,000 affected families for a total of 27 Tons. WFP has 800 tons of pre-located food assistance ready to be used in response to government requires.  UNICEF is acquiring kitchen kits for 500 families and hygiene kits for about 800 families. UNFPA has the capacity to purchase humanitarian kits also.  UNDP, FAO UNICEF, UNFPA, OPS, and WFP are programming an early recovery need assessment for the first days of next week with the government and the humanitarian country team.


 The government has made and emergency statement. In this statement the government identified as the most affected areas the First Region, which includes the departments of Copan, Santa Barbara, Cortés, Comayagua y El Progreso; the Fourth region with the Departments of La Paz, Francisco Morazán, Valle, Choluteca and El Paraiso and the Fifth Region, with the departments of Ocotepeque, Intibuca, Lempira and La Paz.  COPECO is requesting support for the maintenance of the vehicles and repair of the communications system.  Health Sector is asking for vector control supplies, lab supplies, specially dengue fever and disinfection supplies and medicaments.  A meeting took place yesterday night between the Government and the international cooperation to present the impact of Agatha on the affected communities and to request support. Several donors such as USAID, UE, Japan, IDB and CABEI made offers of support but requested more information on the specific needs. The Government is expected to produce such information soon.