CENSUS OF INP.~i vaL ux:m-- vt.:1

lQ:he ~olue.r tdrobinet.s of ~tngnl anb 'ifttft ' . . , . . ~tnllatotit.s. ·


E. A. GAIT, P.S.s.

OP 'lrliB J5DUlf ClVIIi Btmv:ICB, · •

l!talcutta:. BENGAL SECRETARIAT PREsS• .. 1902 •.. • Published at the BENGAL SIICllBTARUT Boo& Dar&r, Writen' lluildinga, Caloutta.

O:&'FXCX.AL .AGEJSrrS, r, lrlllitl- u ...... TluoDJI, 8Piln< & Co., Calcutta aDd lliml.o. Muoao. Nawaf&lr & Oo., Ca1011tta. Mauae. Hraolllli01'Jr~ & Co., Madru. MaHUo b&OitU & Oo., Ln., Bomba:v. JIIBoou. A. J, 0oMBBID8B & Oo., Bombq, . . JIIB, E. BlmloVII B&LB, 631!splaDide Rood, Port, Bomba:f, ud Cal011tt&. TaB S'O'fBBJli'DJrDBN'l', .A.KBBto.ur B.a.PTIS'l' Musto• Paaa, Baagoon. liiB08u, B. X. L&llllll & Co., Printers and Book-oellero, College Stroot, Calcutta. lUI 8AJIIB J.L GoLAB Srii'C>B & Soxo, Proprioton of tho. Mulid·I·SIII Pro11, Lahore, Punjab, Mzuu. V. LLY.&.lf.lJU.JU. lnm & Co., Boolt-ullaN, &a., Madras. MBUU. D.JI. r.a... uan&LA, BollS & Co., Book·sellers, Bomb&:v. r, England- . . . Ma. E. J., J.a!IOLD, 87 Bodford Street. Strand, London. MBISBI. CO!AB PAuL, Tao"""· TBOBIIBB & Oo., OlwiDg Croat Boocl, Lond011o Ma. B• .A.LvDD Qu.umoJr,lll Pi.....UU:v,London. • Masou. P. B. Xr11a & SoB, a & <6 Great Smith Stroot, Woolmillller, London. Mlllu. H. B. XIBo & Oo., 86 Oornhill, LondOD. Muau. WrLLUMI AND NoBC>AU. Oxford. Mlllu. DaiGJrNJr JIBtoL & Do.,.O....bridp. o, liN C~ntirun,__ MB18u. B. PBniDLlBDD & SoJrB, BorliD, N. W. Carl~ 11. JIIB, Om> HAD&HOWift, Leip&ig. Mil. XlBL BIIIUIIJIABB, Leipzig. JIIB. EanaT Lllllou:r, 28 Rue Bonoparte, Paris. liiB, MlBTI11111 NrlJron, Tho Hague. • GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS OF· THE ~oUR· P~r~ . • · PART I -(VOLUME VI).

THERBPOBT. :PA&& • INTBODUO'l'IOllf , ...... CHA.l'TER I-DurlllliVTIOJr '"!I'D·POl'VUTIO,. 1• .. II-V.IJIUTIO:WI Dr !I'D PoPVUTIOir ••• . _, ... S9 .. m-MzGII4TIOJr . .... •••• 127 .. IV-BIILIGIOII • .., .. 1&1 .. V-.A.a:w ...... ll09 • .. VI-8..: ...... •. .23& .. VII-M.t..aar~iJa 247 ... VIIl-InUIIIITID ...... 279 .. I.X-EDVC.IoTICII •.. .897 • .. :t-WOV.IoOB Sll .. n-o.uu ... . ~ .. 947 .. :tll-QCCVJ'.diOIII 4111 A.l'l'l!.NDIOES i ... -~ . .!- --- I • •.;.n . PART Ii (VOLUME VIA). TilE IlllPBBI.AI. T.AJJLBB.

T.A.BLE I-A.au, B:ovsa, UD POl'VLM!IOB ... • ••. 1 .. II-Vau noll nr PoPVUTio,. on~ ell lS72 ... 6 .. III-Ton• .&.~~D V!LUGD CLABSinBD DY Po~otr ••• .... .9 .. IV-Porcunoll •• ToWIIs wrrn V.U.UTIO!r ""'"" 1872 ...... 1$ .. V-'l'oWIII ~Gap ,TBIIlUrDliUJILT 1nfl< Pn~tlL.lftOII' BY RBLraiOII' 19 .. VI-nwr,TATaW• - ...... uo ••• ..:.-~~- ---· ·;;;-· .. ------J6· .. VU-Aau, Sn, j,I'D Onn- OoaDn'I'OJr-...- ----::- - .... -- . .. VIII-E»'D'O.L'riOII' ... · .,, ', .. f .4 · 1 , ...... IX-E»vo.~onoll a-r SIWIC'Hl> Cum, Tamao, oa :R.uma 99. .. X-LuavJ.Ct• · - ••• -. · • 000 I liS---- .. XI-:SIBTJDIL4GI ,...... lS9 .. XII-~ ... ··- ··•- ...... oy' 187 .. x:m-o£1!11 ... ···- ••• ... oM ···- 191-. .. :tiV-omr Ootmmolf B'f .A.o• liOll llamamn> 0~ ... ;... .891 .. :X:V-QOOVPATIO. ••• .., 809 .. :XVI-QcCVJO.IoftOII n O.uu ••• 41& .. XVII-QIIaiRUJrl n 81Wl! IJlii) :&...oB ... • &O'l .. :xvm-oaarmua n :B.~oOB IJlii) .A.n •••. ... &1., • . PART ill (VOLUME VIB). PBO'P'INOI.J.:£ T.J.BI.ES (THE TH.A.N.A. IS HEBB THE UNIT).

T.A.BLB I-.A.au, llovw, .um Po.wunoll' B'f TBAN...a wm1 T.lolW.r.LIIB WBICII OONTBIBll'l'.ll 1,000 OB JIOU I!UBOl\'8 ro ~BB DIIZIIClt PO-ftQIIf ...... • 411

PART IV (VOLUME VIC). THB ..WllliN.IBrB.A.TI'P':B_,. BBPOBT. l'liB OlU.BTEJI. 1-TIDII'.uaJIO. 0mnoa ... l ~- ...... 1 .. n-rm. OoiD'IUBOII ormB B.uvr.a I' ...... 62 ., III-Tml 0- 01' llD CBI!Bue ..... 79 .A.PPE.NDIOES m ... ••• ,, i ·~· ...... DETAILED T.ABLE OF CONTENTS OF PART ~ .

CHAP'l'EB I-lhftmBlmOB OJI """' POJIIIUBOll'· Genenl a-ripliaa of Beagol-J.rea. populatimi and cleDIIily-BOUOI and' hoaiM'OOIIl-Towrul . 1 ... 'rillaget: ...... lie - ·:· Sli IJrl&.idiGIJ ~ ...... ••• - ... ••• ·- CHAP'l'EB n-v.uw.m- nr"""' ~-9•·. . ' PrelimiJWY ai1<1111ion-Weot Beagol-O...trol Beagol-Nm:Jh Beapl-But Beagol~th S9 J!ihar-N 01'1h J!ihAr-()riua-

Migration to 1111d from J!eosol.-.)fi&nlion.wilhin lhe PEovince-Genenl ooDCIBIIio~ .. , Bubridia':8 Ta&Zu ...... •• . . · .,.,· ,,1

CHAPTER IV-Rm.l:I>IOII', Diatribuliou ud Yuiation mae 1891-Baoea ud aeom of Chri.oti.ull-1'ho llluhammadlllo of • • :SODgol-HiDclu -~~ and goclliDp-Tnooll of :Svdclhiw in Beapl ... · '" · llil Buldlillf'l 2'-W. "' - •• , •• , ••. ••• 206 ClHA.PJ.'EB. V-:A.im. JDaoouroq of ogol'OIIlm-lii:Ma os• by religiOa. and ...-Deolino in tho birth.rate:.,;Looal. ~ tioul in blrtlaJaie-llloulhiT aialriba.lion of. ~:Jiirth.rato in towu - · ·~ . l!09 BulniditJt'l ruler ... - ... - ••• .•• . ... 321- OHA.l'TER VI-Bu. GODoral proportion of the iosea-Proportion in clifforont religiooa ucl cutea-Proporlion at dilforontagea-Doolino in proportion of femaloa-oausOB inllu101oiDg an: . ... ••• 236 · • AJu'twfdiar,J Xablfl ...... ••• . ••• .,. ·~·... ·- CHAPTER Yn-lll.wlue>Bo _,. f ,_ __ of ta"·ti •• . . . ·~ • ' . . Gen or.. oa •...... ,. I ..., - ....amago amoogat Hilldus~Marriago · llllODglt• lllulwmaadaus,. Animilts, Obrl•ti.utl~nd. Bua4hiatl ••• ... •"! ... • ... • ...... 247- . 8u&1idiaey !l'a<l ... "' •. .- ...... •. · 864 - . OHAJ.>'J$:B. vm-~. JD-i&y-Deaf..mutiRtD-Diincln-Leproq ... '" '" ·•••. ll79 S.Nidiar.r 2\dlfl - ••• ..• - ... ••• ...... &

OHAPTEB. IX-EDv~•. Estent of litmoJ-Dialriba.tion by religion andl.ooality~ with 1891-Euglish., eduoa­ tioa-Oompar;.n with other l'l'O'rinaos-Eduoation 'by. cute-Btaliitioa of literaoy 18 .,. indu to IOOioliiiOYimOD,.Ia ,;, ...... 297 SuNidiczr.r N"' ·...... - S06 . CHAPTER X..,...L~GVJ.~If. Valuo of tho retnrn-Qlulilloatlon of langnagea-Aryufamily-llluncla ~Dra'riai .__,_ Tiboto-:SUl'DIIIl famiq-Gtneral oonoluliona '" an_,..,.- &bridia,., !li&"' ...... ••• ...... : ... 311 ...... 340


481 418 - ... i


TaB fourth regular Ceii8118 of Bengal was taken with that of the whole of_ on the 1st March 1901. A fall account of D£D OJ' Oonll. . the procedure adop!ed · in COIIIIIllltWn with the . taking of the CenBUB and the CODlpila~ of the l'881llts luis been given in a aeparate report, but it may be interesting to note briefly a few of the · m_ore important facta connected with the operatio01. Owing to various circn.IDitances, of whic~ the dearth of literate PersoDB is one of the chief, a CenBUB is a matter o1 special .!!:=:.-tt•as ma En· difticulty in India, and especially so in Bengal, where the population far exceeda that dealt with by a single Ceii811S Superintendent in any other country-~ the world, while the absence· of a regular ,dstailed survey necessitates very elaborate ,preliminary arrangementa, in order to obtain a complete list of villages, and 'to portion them ont amongst the different grades ot CenBDB Officers in such a way that there may be no cases of omission or overlapping.. Special care has to be taken to obtain a full enumeration of the boat population. on the network of riven in East Bengal, and o£ the· wild tribes o(the Chota Nagpnr Plateau and other mmote tracta. Owing to the general illiteracy of the population, the European method of giving to the head of each family a form or schedule on which to record the desired particulars for his household is impracticable irl India, and the Census. was taken, as on previous occasions, "by peraolis apecially appointed for the purpose, called Enumerators, each of . whom dealt with a ipecifi~d number of · houaea, usually about 40. But even so, the men av.ailable were aeldom weJI quali1i.ed for their duties. They were, of C01U'88, literate, ~t their general education was usually of a very low standard, and in order to obtain correct entries in ~he .different columns of the CenBDB achedules, it was nqce888rY to drill them very carefully. .With this object in view a regular acale of Censna Officers waa appointed. The persona 'Who were entrusted with the _training of the Enumerators and the examination of the work done by them were ealled. · Superviaon and, on the average, there waa one Supervisor to every 12 Enu­ merators.. The Buperviior was DSually a non-official, and although he 'Was Bolected with special reference tn his educational fitness, and wal of a 'much ---oener stamp thir.n the Enumentors, it was still necesaary to supplement his written inBtructious by oral teaching, and to keep a oareful watch over hiS work. For this purpose every district was parcelled out into charges, each under a Charge Superintendent, who was in almost all C&B88 an official. The ~ Superintendent. were, in their torn, snbordinate to the Diatrict Magistrate and his Subdiviaional Officers, who were assisted in the task of general supervision by such gazetted officers as had ·not been detailed to take immediate charge of the work in particular charges, Excluding Calcutta and the Native ;States there were, in round uumbors, 1,500 Charge Superintendenta, 28,000, Saper~ visors and 884,000 Enumerator&. 7.. ii The first direot step towards the taking of the Census was the numbering HoVIB l

The actual Census was taken between 7 P.M. and midnight on the Is~ March. Each Enumers.tor visited in turn every To Acru.u. Cnsus. house in his beat, and brought the record up to date by striking out th!l entries relating to person~ no longer present, and entering the necessary particulars for all new-comers. In a few remote . tracts this final revision was commenced a f!fW hours· earlier, so that it might be completed by nightfull. In the Tributary States of Chota Nagpur and in the greater pal't of Sikkim there was no final revision ; the •preliminary record was there treated as the actual Census. Special arrangements, which need not be detailed here, were made for the enumeration of travellers by rail, road, steamer and boat, for . wood-cutters in the Sundarbans and other forests, and for ports, large fairs, tea-gardens, &c. iii .. On the momiDg after the Census, the Enumerators repaired to a place previ- . oasly fixed by their Snperrisors, and pr~ an 'J.'D .....,...... ,."' IIIIIVUIIo a~ showing the number of ho11881, and of pereous, male and female, in their blocks. These abstracts, a~ being hecked by a. second Ennmlmlf.or, were posted by the Supervisor in a ~mmary for hil Circle. The Circle ~ were checked and posted in 8 Charge BIIJilmarf, which W88 11811t to head-q~ where the p~vis!on_al totala for the district were compiled. The first district to commamcate Its totals was Balaaore (on the second day after the Cerisus ), which was followed cloaely by Pari, Darbhanga, and other districts. The 'Dgure& for the whole Province bad been received and reported to Governme~t by the- lOth Maroh, or within nine days of the Censns.. The total populiaion, as shown oy these ·. provisional figures, di!ered by only 2,982, or less than •004 per cent. from the result arrived at after detailed' tabnlation. The greatest degree of acearacy was attained in Pnri, Backergunge and the 24-Parganas, where the preliminary totals cllilered from the fioal figures by only 2, 5 and 24, respectively.

At previons enumeratiO':JS1 the information contained in the srllednles was · extracted -on "abstraction sheets" (one for each Pau.. uo• or :mur. T--. . fioa1 Table), which were divided by ruleji. into spaces corresponding to the headings of the Table concerned. A separate sheet was naed for each Enumerator's book of schedulee, and a tick was made in tbe appropriate column coriespouding to each entry therein. When the whole book bad been abstracted the ticks were counted. The figures thus obtained were added up for the Police Circle (this was called tabulation), and the figures for the latter were compiled into a total for the district. On the present occasion this method was abandoned, under the ordere of Tsz Sw S-rmiL the Census Commissioner f9~ :{p~ in favour of what ill known as the slip, or card, system. A separate alip containing all the prescribed details :was prepared for each person enlllllllr8ted, and theae slips were then sorted for all the final Tables in turn. Each sorter was supplied with a set of pigeon-holee, which were labelled to . indicate their contents. For instance,.when sorting by caste, ·one pigeon-hole would he labelled "Brahman," another ".Kayastb," and so oil; all the slips on which Brahman was shown as the caste were placed in the pigeon~hole. labelled " Br,hman," and all those for into \he hole labelled " Kltyastb.'' When the sorting for a Table had been completed, the slips in each hole were counted, · and the result was noted on a form called the "sorter's ticket." The figlll'es in the sorter's tickets were then. posted in "tabulation registere," and added up to forr,n the district total. Thia method of working out the results of a C~us was invented by Herr Von Mayr in connection with the ~avarian Census of 1872, and has since been adopted by almost all civilised countries, including many of the colonie& It has many obvious advant&t,"'B. It ill much less complicated than the old method; the work ill more e~sil.Yi tested; and by putting togetbl!r and sorting· at one time the alips for a large number of pereoos, .the operation previonsly known as tabulation was entiraly dispensed with. . In order to reduce the amount of writing to be done, slips .of di1Ferent coloure were used for . the di!erent religions, and symbols were printed on • • • iv them to indioo.te se:r. and civil condition. The eymbols used in Bengal were as follows:- Unmarried. Married, Widowed. Mala ... • Female ... 0 ·D The selection of the tight slip thus obviated the necessity of making any entry for religion, sex or civil condition. The lo.bour of copying was still further reduced by the judicious use of abbre\jations. In 1881, when the Tables were far less elaborate, the results were compiled Pazr~.,..,, •• o• er.•n. in three central offices, while in 1891 the work waa carried out at the head-quarters of each district. On the present occasion the slips were usually written up in the districts, and they were then sent for sorting to six central offices. A certain amount of slip-copying, as it waa called, waa also carried out in the central offices, partly in order to give the officers in charge time to organize their establishments before the more· difficult part of the work-sorting-began, and partly because in some cases there were epecial reaaons why the slips could not conveniently be copied locally. This anangement·worked admirably, and within ten weeks of the Cen&ns almost the whole of the 78 million alips had been prepared. · When the work waa in fn1l swing tbe number of men employed in the slip· copying offices exceeded five thousand. · · '.l'he sorting took longer. There were in all eighteen Tables to be prepared; and some of them, such as those con· SOBTnfQ 'l'BB lf.ll'So nected with castes and occupations, were very complicated, and involved much correspondence with district officers and ' a great deal of local enquiry. The work, however. was pmctically finished by the end of S~ptember. Then followed compilation and revision, which, for the more elaborate­ Tables, proved to be by far the most tedious part of 0ol!PJUTlOIC. the work. The Caste Tables in their original form were ready about the end of January 1902, and the Occupation Tables a month later. But the detailed examination of tbe statistics in the head-office an~ the checking of all entries which appeared doubtful, either because they d.ifiered widely from the results of the last Census, or because of discrepancies in the figures for males and females, which were purposely kept separate

throughout the earlier stages of the wo1•k1 or for any other reason, took up much time: The last of the Tables was thus not finally pnBSed until after the end of May. r ./ Until the revision of the Tables was well advanced it Wlj8 impossible to · . devote much time to the writing o~the report, and TIIB ll.uollt'· on the 1st of July more than 9irJf of !t still ~ mainetl to be written. The Census Commissioner for India/~ annona that 1t ahould be c:Ompleted at the earliest possible moment, and wi}h great efforts .the actual writing of tbe report waa completed by the 7t~ jSeptem?er, and the printing three weeks later, or more than six months earl1er than ~ 1891. It was impossible, however, in the atreSII of work to devote as much time as one II .. .. · eould have wished to the careful revision of the proofs, or to the· improvement of the style and -arrangement of what was nnavoidably a very hurried draft. The ~eport baa rnn to much greater length than I had inte!)ded, but in a · great; Province. like Bengal it is impossi"ble to · deal fully_ ~th the statistic:' within the limits which are 811fficient elsewhere. The. populat1on of Bengal·m about a qiwter of that of the whole of India, but the. results of the CeDsu& of the other three-quarters ·are treatlld of in no l~s. tlJan twenty-two different CeDIUI Reporte. In the Report, for ~ni~le, .20 ~ are ~evoted to the variations in .the population of that Provm~, which compmes about 6 million persons: At the same rate, abou~ 250 pages would be required for the 78 millions of. Bengal, but the actual length of the C01,'1'88ponding chapter of my report is only 88 pages. Nor is it merely a_quesfi'on"of population. The. local conditions in difierent parts of Bengal vary very greatly, and in respect of caste, language, religion, social customs and material condition, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Chota Nagpur differ from each•other as much ai do any two adjoining Provinces in the Empire. In the Himalayan district of Darjeeling and the Sikkim State, again, the population is

Coa-r o• TD Canvs. . been less than Rs, 3190,000, . or under Rs. 5 . ' per 1,000 of the population, compared with Rs. 7,~0,0~0, or r~ther more than RS. 9-r per 1,000 .-in 1891. This large red.uction 1n cos.t 18 due, ~ a great extent, to the introduction. of the slip ~·but oonaiderabl~ savmgs have also been effected ,in. other directions, · by 1mproved record-room arrangements, the ~ployment of men on lower pay and atriot economy at all points. · · In oonoluaion I have to express my' gratitude ~ th~' Distriot ld~~ • Aano- and other officers i!f the general Administration • for their cordial co-operation at all .stages of the operations, Fldly oooupied, as they already were, with their ordinary duti the Census _must have been a heavy additional burden, and cannot well ha': vi been regarded otherwise than as an ·unmitigated n~ce. But in spite of this, with scarcely an exception, they gave it their ungrudging attention, and it was owing to their eftorts that a very high standard of aceuracy in the actual enumeration was attained. Nor did their labolU'II cease when the Census was taken, In most districts the slips were copied locally, and the arrangements for, and supervision ~f, this operation took up much of their time; In the course of sorting the slips and compiling· the final tables, numerous local refe.rences, both official and demi-official, were unavoidably necessary, and the correspondence and enquiries in connection with these references must have formed an irksome addition to tl;le ordinary office work, but in no case did a request for information fail to receive prompt and courteous attention. There were· also innumerable special reports on religion, caste, marriage customs and the like', many of which inv?lved. a great deal of local enquiry and research. The general information contained in this volume is bued mainly on the information thus obtained;. and, as already stated, a great 'deal of ·most interesting material bas been received which I have not yet been able to utilize. · · · I am under still greater obligations to the officers named in the margin, who were associated with me in the . compilation :Mr. Moberly. of the results, and of whose industry and devotion · ., Howard, . llabu J amini Mohon D11. it is impossible to speak too highly. Mr. Howard , Monmohau Bo_y. Mr. lllaDmatha Nath Gh01b. at Dacca dealt with a population of about 15l millions, and managed his huge .Office with entire success. The work was done very quickly and methodically, and a high standard of accuracy was attained. The same may be said of the work done by Babus Monmohan Roy and Jainini Mohan Das, whose management of the" offices at Berhampur and Cuttack was all that could be desired. Mr. Moberly, atPatna, had an office nearly as large as that at Dacca and a very indifierent class · of clerb. · In spite of this disadvantage he labour~ unceasingly, and was making good progress when his health gave way and he was obliged to go on leave. His place was· taken by Monmohan Roy, who had closed his office at B'!rhampur; _nd, in spite of failing health, brought the operations at Patna to a successful conclusion. Babli Srinath Chakravarti, my Personal Assistant, . has worked assiduously throughout, and has managed the head-office very satisfactorily. He has a goo.d head for figures, and has been of very great assistance to me. Lastly, I .have to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mr. Chalmers, Supe~- . tendent of Government Printing, Bengal, for the close personal attention wh1ch he has al~ays given to Census matters, and for the gre~t help which . he has given me at all stages of the work; The form. of slip used for workmg out the results, which bas been descn'bed above, was devised by him, after many difierent devi!leB bad been tried and rejected, and it was found to answer our requirements in all respects. It was adopted, not only' by me for 1llill in Bengal, but also by the CensUs Superintendents of Assam and several other ProviBces. The arrangement of the forin in which the clifferent Tables should ~ printed was another matter in respect of which I ~under special obligations to Mr. Chalmers. · LIST OF APPENDICES.

• .P.I.&B­ APPEl.'fDU: I-III-h•n•'"H i , . .• .. n-c...... o• eoii'YDOIDJ[ .... :u~ . m-,.l'aoiO:aiU U J'D.ouB o• 0m£D-BII.lBilr& ..GB lll" TowJro " " u IV-P&OIOmox OlP 8xDa u Bnmr .....• :aii V-Pon.. liDD ....,.. !rKI BBoruo xrrii. •. VI-AM~:.U C:.U. T..w • ..irnr 'll«lRr~UOD' 1rfta :uzi· vn-AJw.DD 0. omam OJ' CDDIS 5,.,....,;. -·- . - .ldiii vnx-c.._pw. "**oea"' c-lUDJ.aa...,... 0.....: lriii - ._. ~· ' .. - A.l'PENDIX 1-llrG&'liOll Sr.A.TBIIEIIT& ·

JJIDNAPOBE. BUBDW.lll. - ...... - 1-·.. -' I • • -- • I • • • G,IRJ .... ,. &112 12,208 10.,116 ...... 26,198 I t,t:M 11.181 t.,tll ...... &&TI 7118 ...7.1125 ...... 7,41il' ·­ 11.122. 7.-- &Oil - &107 1,241 ..701 -.....la,826 ,._ J,al~

omn ruca _ - ..,,,., M,u& •- •·- Caku1ta ·- ---- ~-Cl1~---li____ - _ - 3,0112 ..... ""' ... -- .!":r --- - !1.217 .... Ifuw.ca _--- _ _ 1,21&•.oeo ..,•• CJ.875 1.111 ~~ - - 'a.:: • A.-.a --- r.r.. ___ = ~ 87.- ---- ~.:.W : : : a.•w _ • •• ,., -- .,...,, . - - - •~- - ·~-··- 248 111 --- u..... _ - - e.•:: ...,l: T;u ..,'Jf BOOGHLY. '===~= .~:t, t1: : ~ N~======"ifl====f'===;r==='i"'===l 1 1 1-t..-_.._= __ ~ __ = __ =..!:,. __~_-t-._ ~--', __:.--_,.....!!---_ .._-_...:__-_-..u_ .. _ll 00~-=.r~ =:: .= = 1...... , 7,925 ..... Baatan _ .W.,:289 . , 11.18 2,877 . 851 --­ IS.118 ,,.. e,1oa s,m a.aaa Ull -.120 11.111 BIB.BHUH. ...l'»pau~= "'700 1.0611 17.aaa ... ~016 .. Cl.209 • ..=· I===--=====~F===~===7,====9F===I---­- --- ...... ,., c,na

BANB:UlU. OO:NTIGVOVB PmBlC'III )li­B-­ ...... 1,182 ...... _ ll,2113 ·-I ~•. .,.. ~-I - llUia& comovovs DI5TB10ft ~~- e,)NJ O'f!IB& PL&CBII - - --· 711.... 6•JIR o.n1 1.e jt- lh.lbUIOfl- ..... '1,:: .. Bard... --- .1,217 1.1111 299 110 2.871 ... t,saa 1,111 27 -­1,000 .... 47 tt• ~= ...... &,&88 -­ Sl tJ.612 ...... 6 araa n.aca _ = = = 7,..... fllllll ~~be'= :: - 2e 10• 11,&81 ..... ~ - - = 2,2113 ...... 1.... ~ 8 , ..I Jl- ··- 1,111 ,: 2,968 ~~ &8 .: ..,.. = - .."-""' loa ..... 4S 1oa 11 -"'-714 Cuttict -- = 21 1S 1,570 210 , 1.841 IJMI1,1101 ._- - - .... 110 ... Baodu --- a.o22 1 .. 8 &utnl...... Ptori...,el!d Sta!es 1,184 i! 1 ___ _1 m I& 11 ... • ae.Tn ~ ~ 21.889 Ia& ,.,... 1,111 .__ 175 . •• ~ ...... - - - ...... ,...su ,.. I --• - - - - •.-, .. ii • APPENDIX r.


26-PAli.GANAS. I.'IADIA• .

BII.IIa.unL lMMIOI.Lftl. ~. Jlalt. l • • • • 1 I I • • 2'02'~ ... UB,SOO 60,017 CONTIGUOUS mB!IIIO'l'l 08,!1110 40,t3'4 fiiiJir u,3U OONTIGUOUIIIIIITIIIOTS. ,... " 80,f71 .,,flU Mtdnapore _ U,l98 18,*10 808 ... 7,93'8 ~ Booghly ... 17,36(1 D,t05 &,700 111<8 ...... ]{owrab ,,, 3,!183 S,o7o6 T 92CJ 3,1191 ..... 3,fl'•'j 1 l,oto MOil 1,2:17 Nadia ••• .. ,.., 1;486 1.oa> .....'"' 18,648 • ...1 2,724 ..... ~ ... 17,8&1 0.108 ...... - 7,581~= Ebulaa -· ..... 0.1611· ~ ,.... 11,1568 1."1 LJ3S 10,242 l,til 1.... 0.808 OTHBB PLAOBB - .. 169,on tt4.SIII ...... Bordwaa ...... ••• ... ,...... 1,215 ... OTIIJIII PLACEfl •• 117,140 ./f,JSU Banknra ... ,,, ,., 2,988 1,788 1,21,984 ... .. Calr.utta ;.. ... ,., 7,168 81,895 -...... Calcutta ... ••• - 418 115,4015 DliCCa ...... , .. 1,481 l,tn 124 Khulna _ ...... 221 ,.. 1,741 1.411 Paridpur ... .,, ,,, 1,318 085 ... Dlnajpur ,., ...... "'.. '·""MH 11118 • ..... Ba!"kCf'RUDS8 ,,. ... 1,092 1!10 " Ill.. '·""' ,. Banspar .. , -· - .. 2,282 1,6~6 Patna ••• .,, ... '7. 162 .. ,.. 80 Bogia ••• ••• ... 27 ..... Gaya .•• ... • .. 6,037 6,Utl 106 ..•• :00.... - ••• ... 101 • 1,977 1,8111 11,040 '·"" Shll.babad ...... ,., 'l,IU8 118 Darbhma...... •.. 1,078 s,oM'" 114 Baran .,, .,, ,,, 16.048 ll,7ts 82 ".. Oentr&\ Prcttlaoet •nd States 47 II '; lluzaftarpur ,.. ••. 4,148 ..... 112 lOl 'Oaile4l'rvrildlaad Btr.te& ..... ,.. 3.784 !,010!1 188 2,2011... Muoa:hJ'I' ••• ,,, , .. aa .. '.AAaiD - ••• ••• ""::: ..... CntW:k ••• ,,, ... 12.709 u.r•t 144 81 ....h..... - .... I, ISO ..... &,IIi ..... BaiUOIO - ,.. ,,, 8.702 t,..O IOI .. Purl ... - ... 81 1,001 Bua~ ... _ _ 3.488 ...... 80 .. B:t.nchl ,,, ,.. ,., 6,002 ..... 84 .. llanbh11111 ••• ... ,,, 1,684 l,OU 1aa .. O..ntn.1 Provtneosand Rtatee 1,087 ne .., \Jnital Provinocauul SI.IW. 48,296 81,897 820 ..." A~U:~.m •.. ... ,,. 241 ... 1;107 MURSlUDAll.I.D • Bn~thuul and Wales ... 1.430 l,~ '·"" Bbowhcre ,., .,, ... 0.&7a. '·"'j ·a::oso ..iiilll

7J,OIHl .·~=====.==· ==;;=C=A=r.o=· =U=TT=;=A=·=· =;;====;====-D CONTIGUO:::BI~·I /fO,IBZ Ill...... - ., .. 11,241 l,tt7 8,107 S,IM ...... 11,300 I2,2S ..., Bitbbum. - ..... Nactia. ••• 18,548 ..... 8,580 •3,tlli••• o . llaj•babl - 1,368 ... IB,­ OOIITIGUOUB llliTIIIC'rll 06,.6. ISISi110 lla. do ... 4,774 ,.,, , .... Soll'ball'Upllll ... 11,&71 ..... 8.421 ::= Bowra'h ...... 12,539 8,178 116-1'...... 82,886 ~.036 OTHllll l'LAOBB -· •o,tu ::1.4,191 14,018 ,,.., 461,"106 348,-ISS a,t..u 11,406 Oalcasta ...... - ... I ... 2,664 OTDB& PLACII ,., "" 50 3,028 1,131 DinaJpur ...... •.. .. r.~ 1,073 Jhlrdwan ••• -- 18,044 ...... 1,080 ... H.aagpnr ... - -· •• 1,128 Birbhum _ ,., ... 1,621 1,000 . 87 .." 72 ... 1,118.. 4.714 1,100 IDO .. B:wkura --- .. tf: :: :: = 1,205 061 28 '" 47,208 1;01& '" .. 8hahabo4 - -· - II )[ldDapureBootdtl7 --••• ...••• 20,442 474 HaaaribUb - ...... S1 13.406 418 1111 CeDtrall'roTIDeea llld Btatea .. Nlllll.a ..• - ...... 11,563 208.. " 1lurahldabad - ... 1;884 L1S'7 -... Urutdll'rovtDon and Stale!~ ···= !33, 7,422 110 Jttt90rtt ••• - ...... Allam -- ... 10,485.. • ··':7,IU "' 1...... J[bulu.a ..• ...... 2,208 = ·i: a.- . 2,089 1,73'7 160 Pahoa ... oH ... '·"" ~ j______R______-_! ______16,141 1J,to7B 802 11------·------_]- -· ______~ea ... '" ... 3,422 8.!05 212 100 ·-·- Mrmcnslnlh ••• •.. Fl\ridpur ... ,,. .,, 6,474 ..... Bll.("kr1gungo ...... 2,102 1,708 •aal•• "'170 TipJ'M'r:a...... "' 1,034 ... 164 'Nun.kbali •.• ... '" 2,909 !,001 IOD ".. JESSOli.E. 4,218 3,860 178 ChHtA«ntnl PrO'VIDct~~ aud &tats • 240 1,700 .. China ...... •.. Ualte4 'PrvfiQClel aad &taka 11 780 " :Hngllllnd arul Walel ... a,ea:e t=· '·"" 1,101 AIUflta ...... - ...,. 7,005 ...... "" lr,.land ... .,, •·• .... '':1;0.1 ''i,SM ...... ··~ B...,.hBnt ...... 10,&44 8,1.61 !C-- ... -- iii


1t&JSR&HI •

I ...... - ·-- ..... - I • -• • • • -• • - ,.,,. -- - COHIGWW DIIBlO'II .,.,. OOJitiGWW JIIIDIDB -..- 8,107 z...... ,._ -- ..C.ICI 2.012 01,001 _ 221 t:;.p ------I, I

00lft'IOUOU. DIIITIUOIII ...... N,llil J.,, .. 7~1======~~==~====~====~====1 1,011 ...... »,iiiS8 1.111 1,471 a.aao 1.1'" Ia:. a•• .... 1,271 lol7 U.~JI ,., - ...... - ..... :U,7U 4..810 '·= ~.­ - ... 1.171 - -..... ••2.1 :1M­ ~!"~.._...._ = 1,7!1- ~..... - - - ...... •• • ...... "-1116 -Jl·~ -- ..... -...... -4 - - llru-bba~ -- ...... - )1 ...... ·- -- •••TI -. a.-. ,~ ·­ I • i.GU. ..._- - IQ,­ ...... • l".;tlat'lr, -- I,NO ··- 1 !Po7illl 7:1 JI Bazan..._- -- I • 2 I :::...... : = .....1,7llll -·.... '-= I -­..1 ~l:t --- lll - "= -n 1.900 ~ ··lllhl>.l••... - .., ... 2 .t::"'.... Pa~P-o = :: a '~"tn.l____ ~ ..... 8lal-_ ··­ ... .. ~ : : ..... " a 1l'a1'.. ~Uil ... .. _ ....1,881 " -- .. - 1 ... ll9l' ...... ~ -... at ...&81 '"' S':=~==· ...... = 10.111 I ,Ill -...... - - ... - ==.... : = -· --- m...-._ - ...... "" ... •2 APPENDIX I,

NORTH BENGAL-concluded.

PAB.NA. I biiJGJIAJift. Bllt81U.Jirl. Dlii'IIIGI'.. Tolol...... TotaL Vole. KUCI! BIHAR• 1 I • • • .. IJiwtO&ln.. Wwtoa.ans. rorAz; ... 49,040 •• ,u. IU,306 &0,911 DIIUICft, Toll I, IIole. T<~tal. .... COIITIGU01JB DI8TIIICT8 411,66• ••,6119 I ---. .Hymentlnsb ...... 1,131 "'"'1,1111 8,879 4,471 1 I I>acc. ••• ... .. a,02a ..... 15,'236 3.IRI • • • FlUid pur ...... ··-1,721 1,86T 8,069 5,21'8 Nft.d.ia - ...... 10,242 UTl 4,200 .. ,.. 2'02'd£ .....u 11?,884 J8,70J Haj~habl ...... 1,101 ..... 7,493 . '". Bugra ...... 1,!111 .... 8,a:BB &,UB~"" OOIITIGUOUI DIITBICTI .,,,.,. .,JtJI ··-110,711 J&,71U OTBBB PLA.OBI ...... 110,606 16,,16 »11,!171 16~88 lalpt.(Jari...... T,r.f .. ,., 11.7.'>1 BaaxPur ... 14, II ,...... 4,494 ...~ Calcutta ...... I &a It 2.080 .. ,.., "' - - J'N~Dro ...... 1,040 217 ,.. Dina) par ... .•. 4a .. I,&H 1,101 O'I'BBB. PLAOIIII ...... '8,147 a,'lre ~ ., -...... 211 .. 11,111 1,11¥1 ...... -- ... 2,120 1,001 ....•...... 1,110 M.uzatrarp~r·· 1,1811"' ····· ...... •• ~1 ...... Baraa --- ...... a I llal&ribsgh .•• - 2,060 1,61t 1 Muzatrarpar -••• ... 1,427 1,111 •...... Oelltml I;JS tot ProriDCH aad Rtab!G ...... • Darbbaruca --- 1,184 ..... ······ •..... United Pro't'l.acn .ad. B~atm T,017 ----- "' -Central Prorinoe.: ud lbtl!!l 10 •...... ···---~~ Anom - ... lilil tot ,... 1,111 UDlte4 J.'rorlDcetud llatel il,74a t,na' .. Bbewhare :: ...... 1,<172 ..... A-. -· ·•• - a.l71 ..... I,M7 Bllewbete ...... -· I, laG ...... '" ll.&.LD.&. - I :ror..a ... 07,187 611.470 1111,7t16 tff,MSO

CONTIGUOUS DIBTBIOTB 871)11 &I,Sill Jl4,-ae ;1.1,881 SIKJ!:Ul. B<>nlhal P:f""" ...... 42;5715 11,101 &,255 ~ ... Munlhidaba ...... ' 11,sae .... 4,774 I,Z71 ltaJ•hahi ... 2,810 ...... 4,301 ..... Pnmea ...... - .. a,eaa 3,871 l,&Jt Dioajpnr ...- .. ... 4,011 1,71)'·"' •8,485 8,7415 2'02'..U. ... •a,oo• 1.3,437 1/,I.Btl .,.. OTBBB PL&OBB .. ... 80,7011 111,076 .1,801 COIITIGVOUI DI8TBIO'I' 1,tol 11)17 .,108 1,1)04 Rbabat.d .. ... 1,987 ... .. ·~··...... Darjeellrss ...... 1,000 1,01'7 2,108 Sa


J\O!I'AL ... ,,,... IIB17D ,.,,,, .... ., OOII'liGUOUB DISTBI01'11 .,,.,,. ,..... fiJ,211 OO,MJ XHULNA. a:.023 Pabno ... 000 s. ..a ...... Mymenllnsii' ...... 27,177 ...... 22,... 15,1:1: Faridpnr ...... 8,177 4o,IS6 19.104 11,71 Tip- ...... 10.087 ..... 16.&81 ...... ,,,7& u,oa: OTBBO. PLAOBI .. ... ao,tu ir0,17J 91 a,rl.f UIIS1 u,s.a 14,068 Rownh ...... 41 ..... 2'02'..U...... 121 •71 1,481 ....,1,17 ...Calco.&ta...... 882 ... 1&,141 47,71'1 a,ea lladla ...... •. 1,871 ...... OUIITIOUOUB DIBUIOTI ..., 1,745 •. 00 81 ...... Xh...... ,., 1.395 1,10 ... 7,181 ...... 231 •• ...... IaBol"'""' palprl ::••• 1.091 J..-re_ ... - ~708 8,078 ...... • 2,103 .., tNft .. 138 D,OOS 2.148 -...... 14,607 Jl.ltl"' - -- ...... -... ~ I,IS8 .., ·- - ·- ... 702 ,.. 6,307 3,11 ~--=--- 1,084 ,,. II U/)411 Pamo ·-...... • OTBBB PL&OBI ...... n,ooo ...... 1,178 ·-...... 48 • - 1,0111 2.9<11 ...... ,.,_ , ..,., ..... - 1,138 41 • .. M.u..trarpai'' 1,741 1,611 ·-...... !1- -... -· ·- ...... Dubt.uja,,, 1,033 88 ' -...... 1,1'46 1,811 81 .. ... -... 1110 • - 7,014 ... 1,841 ·- '·"" - 1.160 l'aridpll' ...... - ,...... X:uc·~ lbar ...... ••• •.. 48 "': " 108 Baran - --· - 1,18J Ceatral PrmiDCfl ud statft 43 " • ...... • .. 1140 ,' Ceoh'al ProrinCft and fhat.ee - '·l'f: ······ T United Prodoot~ud 81&\8 10,487 ..... Unlr.ecl PnlvfDoal and 8Mtal I, liM . I,GIO 2,040 12.7£6 10,!! 106 • Allam ...... ·- 7,1a4 !'i,Oi A,..m ... 4,178 3,lt5 ...... 2u 1,602 Blaowhere ... ., '·"' E.~whcre ::: ...... 4,5 ~~,~~'N ...... KIGBA TION STATEXElo"TS. .. 1'

- Jll:'HE"SUIGK. • nPPEBA. - _....-- - T .... . -cr. . IJaunuiw. li'Jo- !1101. or...a...... I .-DriDICr.. ' ~ !l'oloL • : -I • • .. I - - u,nz •• rom; ... ..,,. •••• ...... • • • .. u,ou IH.. OII ror.a; . ..,,.. 80;1117 OO!ITJG1!0ll8 Dtnlllcnl 4t.ln _ - ISII- ... ..• 10,!188 ..... 811,1111 40,1J17 ...- 1,1'71 .. kT28 ... 00ll'l'IG1!01111 J)lllfBIO'III ··- 11!1- - - .. .,. ~611.. 10,087 ...... 18,181 ...... I-...... 22.- ..... 21~ ...... Myl!lmlf:qb" 1,111~ 1.110 10,118 ...... - 1(1,118- '"' l..llD - ..- =-nv,_ -...... hridPIIl' · ..• - -- ...... - ·- • - ...... 881 ..... 1,01111 ..- ,,_ ... 11,180 ..... ifi,IIU -~Ill!. ...- ...... n.ao O'l'BD J'L&CD '!. - -.n• - - 7 .. lli.Oiili ...... 211 - • . Ool- ...... BDI- ••... ··- , Q,1a ?,827 . .. ,... .. = - -· I,IN...... ,. ~ CI'!IID PL&OBB - ..., - u - ... - 1.011 ... --•• ·I.OCM ·~-- - 111,7 .. ··- ...... 1 -•. 1,817•• • ...... - - - ..... •I • .a.-:.: - ..... -...... - -·· ··~·-U.lnl ...... II -iM ...... - - ...... - 1 t:DIW ...... - If.Ill -.,...... ·-. 2.418 8,880 22.0111 - 1.811 " ..• .... ~ .... 8,067 fiis& :: - 7.- ...... - - ...... - - .. ~ ...,. ·-- -- 11---·-----·--::: - ...... -


I NOAIUULL ror..a ... ·n- ...,. 7...... OOift.IOUOI!I DIITIUO'I'i II.UI iJ/1.177 ..... lf14Jo ... •...... rorAJ!_;. '!-.. .,o.n6 ifii.S83 Slfi,QII ,_...... 112,011 1,071.• .....~.- ··-...... _ -•. ... .-. t,051 ...... J:r: .. ... OOlftiGVOUI J)la'RICIII (1,8111 -...... :u.DII Ill tm :1,111 ···- .•- 1.171 I !17- 'lip- - ...... s,MI ..... 11,11112 12,388 ...... - 8,180 - .,...... - - =--..... - ll.l71 2.012 O'fiiD PL.t.CBB s,tH -- .,._ - -~ ..... ------a --...... ~ - - u- ...... ~-=-- - -· C.S..1la - ...... , ...... ll,IIN •• (1,.!1'1? l.baloa _ - ...... --,,...... CI'!IID PL&CBI - -11.767 -· 188 - ,_- -...... IGO 1,809 .. - •11 •...••• 01 1,111"= .. 7- ...... -- - a,JIJ .,. ·- - - 11.007 t::-.... - •• J,aaa l,O'If .• .... Jfoal.... - -•.• - .. Fuid..-. - Ombal...... ,...... , liar...... _ = - - IS 1,180. ... - - ..... 7 I -___ 1ft • ...... ~ 11 - ... .. - ..... lSI SIB I - • t=r'Prori-.Bd ..... '·ff1 - ··- ...... - - 117 1,078 ... VDI.a ri'OfktoN aM Ill.loll - .., .. ·-.:: llbr:•here •.• • - -...... - ...... 1,- ,..,.... ,_. ... -,Jill•• .. .,,a, ..... --- ... - ~·· I . . BACKERol'O'NGB. • • . CBITTA.GONG. . ~r..a ••.ou ...,., I ' -' 2'0Ul; ,...,. ! 1H,oil7 OON1'101JOIIII IIISftiCIII .....,. BMI ·; :u- " ...' ...... I - . lbut• ·-'··- - ... ,., ...... OOli~IOUOUB J)la'RICft 1,B1.Il -- - - IUGJ. ,_ ... - .... t;MI '=..... lfookholl:... - t;al!l 2.1175 "- -... ..1,088 1,111 Clu!'!PWBQI- - '1: 8,187 ...... - - •• lWTi...... _ ..... ==="'- --.. - . ------~ ··-..... D'rRD PL.t.CIII - - ..-., .....- 110 OfiiD PL&CBI - •1101- lt,IWI "16,/lll1 'II .- a.J~u.. ... - - 110 !1;102 .. ITt 4218 ,...... - - !I,IM•• ...... - - ... - - 1.&17 - ...107 ,tfl: . 1,111 .. ••a ...... 7 -=l'laii..o.od ...... sa --5 I --O.aoal ""'""""'- ud...; U11.i-s, ~ 1114 &~aut~ .. &Del- S&atM .. . 169 80 Uui.t,'llll"rvYbKw ·- I'll• ... - - - I ~ 125 2.016 801 ...... =- ... -... -... ¥70 ... •••• ...... 1'8.282 ...... ~ .. - "'! ...,- ..... il\048 ... ·-- ··- ... I ·--= : = ""' ..... , r vi APPE!IDIX I,

EAST BENGA~lwlkd• ..


~ , :brJaoaa-. __ ...a ...... DBn1ar. ... - ..... -. '1'otol. - ..... ~~a~ .. 'l'Oial. l I I - I 1 - I I • -I ' I'OI'.LI:i ...... H :ro:r..u:; ..... 181 ... 1,871 '1,109 •• '"" OOII'nOUOUB Dli'BIO'DI .,,701. 11,136 114 001l't101lOU8 DISTBICTB f,SH '""' 1,J164 808 .. 'I'Ip,.,...... lJ,Gal .. .., T• ••••• Nolili:hall ...... 4,148 ~.,, Ohlllat""' ...... •. ... 8,1112 ...... • Iiiii '.l PPt~ ...... , 1,228 0.. Chitta..... "'Ill TriOla -.. • .. . Oblttar""' 11 ···n "' I ... 1,228 ··""... --· 17 ...... MDBB PLACIIII ...... iJoo /Ill 817 801 GTBBB PLACBB '" ... I011N 11..... Centnll"hmaea IDII Statal .. tlonlnl_ ...... Dnlkel Ptorilura aa4 &tal• ··-10 """u ...... 110 "' A... m .... a.a ..... Ual... _oa481AW ..... • -.. -- A..,. - .. 18,108 ...... •····· I l ...... :: -... - iU 610.• ,...... ~ ,_ --- .... liT • - - - """ •• I . ' . NORTH BIHAR.

BaA.\1. MUZ.lPJ'.lliPUR. ·

: 2'02'..U ...... 11,468 IUI,UO 174,170 ro:r..u; - tn,'lot /JJ- 161...., IJ8,JI07 OOII'riOUOUB DIBTBIC7H· JJ,74J ,,,. IS4,11S1 119,6119 OON'l'IOUOUB DIBTBIO'DI 7J,t01 114,696 80,'111 RtJ,uc Patna ...... 15,181 .. ,. 8,872 ,,181. Palna ...... 8428 ..... 8,830 .. ., Bhababad - ...... CI,D8T 1,81\ 7,190 ..... s...... 12:eaT 7,991 9,820 1,411. 1,071 26,452 16,4116 Champaraa ·~ CI.~':K:;n ...... a:,aea ...... 18,4at ..... 28,888 10~ Jl .. ... ' ... 8,821) I ,oil 12,Ba7 7,11111 Darbti&Dga .. -...... 12,711 S.t7i a1,1a1 u. ... • OTBBB PLAOBB ...... u,o, 211111 181~110. 144,JI41 OTBBB PLACBB •• 10,4H 7,/J04 ,.,,,. DO~tl 84• 118 7,1188 6,000 H...,~ - .. Ill 78 !.181 1,1111 Hooo~ ...... How ...... ~ 11 &.681 7,061 Bo""' ...... 8 2,283 1,981 ... ~·- ... u 10,048 11,7!8 t6-Parpn.u·:•- ...... 182 101• 4,148 ..... CoalcoU...... 17,768 u.... Caleu.tta - ... 12.831 u..., Khulua -...... 1,272 l,26l Dln•Jr.::; ,., -... - 8 I .. I.TGI BajoJWd :: 1,oao I ... -... ll• '"'• ... l•l~= '" ... - I,OU ...... • 6,466 0,111 DaiJH - ... -... -IS• 1,7811 .... ·- 11.-DIPDJ' ...... 1 - -...... 481 ...... """"a.ooo ...... ))j= ... """i l,aTT Daii.. - .. ·-·· ... 2.8&1 ..... Pabua - ... • •' ~ ...... -... - 7 I U,IB_I 11,0117 - ... ··-... 1 -·., 1, ... l.UI - I 1 I TaD ...... ~- -...... I 1 1,891 ...... - .. .. ~126 ...... 1,121 .., 1,201 t.rn - - ·-· C8 ...... 2,837 ]I par ... .. us ... 6,881 ..... ,.,_.....,... - 11,748 u...,.... Purl•ea "' ...- 108 .. 7.234 ...., - - .. 7 I 2,180 Jl•lda ... •.ara =POrldpor - .. ... • • ..... - .. 1,027 - 1,881 .- - ·=-Kucb Blbor - ...... 'flppera - ...... O.tnl Pro9la01111114 8tatll ······us 17 '·"' -Qaya - ... ..- '"'4at 1,1oa ... '·"' - 4,064 Ualted-11114810.. ..., Tal Dubbqp- ... an :us ...... - 111 71 1,&88 l,Mt AAun ... "'OS: •' ..888 ...~" .Hh pUI' ... 71 ., 7,048 ...... 1<... 1 -... -•. ... t,laa .... -... Bllllwhere i!,OTI . • ·:;:na ~ ...... I I 4,696 1,8110 ...... -.. ·-= ·-· - 1,064 878 )hlda ::: ...... 1 Sontbal Pugaou .. ... 4 i 1,370 ... Kuch Bihar ... •.. a e,aa2 5,876 Central PrnYioteiiD4 fltat• IO• u 84 .. United FroTlaCBiaM Btal.M 12,081 11,017 87,027 U,Oll DABJ!HAl'iGA. Au•m .. ... 8 7 12,328 lO,&IS Bllewbere ::: ...... 1,028 .. 6,129 ..... 2'01'.0, 90,JIBO /Jitfo73 1J1,JIU 68,44< . • .. COKTIOUOUS DIBTBIO'DI 11,11/11 U,.SB 14tfo88 n,so; . Pa...... a,aos ...... )(uzaft&I'VIIi'' a7,1a1 32,711 .8,oi7 OHA!oiP.lE&'N • ...... 18,1548 4,91-t 17,831 7,1G _ ~4 Jlt,t 10 t:=...... -... ..- •• ..... ·- ..... ommr. PLACBII ... 111.. /n 20,'111ll 87- 80..... ll'02'.U. 108,711 UJ/11/1• 88,.o7'1 1-- - .. _ Co- ... f76 no .... - If- I,CJ78 1,111 ... -...... 1,828 l,t'l - 10 DiaaJJJIQ' :: Oolll'l'IOUOUI DmBIO'l'l ...... filS,- ... a -··· 1,188 1,111 - 1,841 "•"' 1,111 -ot!l':,Ja qrf - • 6 • !.41 ... H.4H ...... - ..- . 88 • 1,031 ...... H.888 10,101 I0.4illl... - ...... 1':: ... - - ·- Pumeo..... - - 8,473 1,11 -Xuth Btllll'- -:: :: ..... "'= 1a184 . 1,1'" - 111,661J OTB8B PLAOBB - .. •• ,..1 ...... Oeatral ProYiuet ID4 Rtat• 27 --··1· --27 1,000 ,., 1,874 ~ I I il'o811 Ualted Prof~Dce~lll4 Btalel .... ~ ... - ... A••m ...... 8 1,826 ... ·eeutral Prorinoel and 8t1tu 2,877 ....'·""'. G'ta 7,1592 1,flS6• 'uotted Provtnccaau4 Statol li,OOO..... 'T;il4 ~t'(llol ••• ... -...... 17,241· ·-7... ~llewhere ... a:,aso 1r;aaa ...... 880 ...... f.•....cpal ...... 18,540 8,8118• BtMwhere .., ... 4,881 B,ll'lt '8,474 ..4.71e - (•) laeludllll,l,. pei'ICIJII (lPmale•ad l,Mt f•&) lo Ballla. IIIGRAl'IOli STA.TEIIE!ITS,

NORTH BIHAR-..ncladtl.


-. -- J------~--~----~~---1~~----f-XdL----t----~------il--~--~--ti~KdL~-t·--~----t- _XdL I I • A I • Jo •• I _,..• • ee.ou ~0'1,60 ,.,.. 2'0rAJO - .... /ll,tH ii1M¥7B :n,UJI omrwo110111 :rnnaxcra ,.., ..,.. ...,. H,7M OOll'l'IO)JOIJ!I 1IJimllO'JII .. 7;094 ~ .. DiDajpar 1,1158 1...... ~ ti,IIO e.n• -- 0.618 ll2,61il ~...... !!!'-~­ 148 ...... at,eea " 8,965 .. - - .. 11."'" aa,678 ,._,. _. 22. -- - 4,78ol .. 4,783 Uti ..... l"lltn.. - -- II.~ .. ... _ ...716 ...... "" &,888 """ -- , .... 11,811 ...... =~-= - ..... l,aa4 ...... lhal--- .. :$17411 ..... om.B& PUCJB -- ,. ..,, ...... il,60~ ,_... #11,.001#. S,ltl -WI-- ..... O.fttta - - - - l!in.Jpar - ... .~ .. 85 ... c;.,.. __ _ ,.. 11,0821 e.w. Of.: PafDa - -' - ...... p .. ~ua ... - ... 1.007• 2,417 1.... 21 11 1,4H 78 G..r- ... - -- ...... ~~. J.Ul 22 - 118 ~- ·- e,eea ...... - ... 5 • "b.,.W- -- 72 ..... knll ... -- ,, ... .. 8l.raa - ·- - 7,230 O,VU 109 • Jlualfarpar -- .. If 'l;talllrpa' ...... 1.881 8.&73' ·168 1.. MaOda ·- ••• ••• ~ 7.0~ ~"' Dub~- -- 111,888 i114 ,.. l~ral~udltaa. -·174 •lS V•I~Pro"-...a81&a. .,_ '184 l!o'::'.:F~.-.-- --U ~' 11,881- • Unifl!d. .PrariDI:I!IM4 sa.. t&,0711 ...... - ...: ...... 1,072.. 2,- .. ·-·-·-- "" 1,111 J

l'A.!l'.NA. ,._ BII.. B ..,1177 ft,679 COll'nOllOUB lllB'!&Uil!l U,BU II,BOO 9,11>11 $11,787 .,., !lif-9,784 H,HJ' .. s.m OOII'I'IOUOVB DI8DIO'I'B ...... - - ..... 8,120 71- ,,,. II,IIIII ,, ... ~~=·7,180 a,OOT l,m·~ • ' ll,414 ...... 1,784 ....TI 12,11117 t,m ·t~ 4,235 ..... 8,871 f,lll ! 8,185 ...... 8,428 OTHB& l'LACIII - #I,tiN '18,1JQ :Uti.Mn n_.:n :~,aae e.aoa ,., 111,8116 18,1118 ----- 118 3,188 ...... - . - e ~ Birbham ·- _ _ · !28 lS 1,568 1,1... lS lfidiiiii!CftHooohiY ---- _ _ -..!!. :1,312 O'fiiDPLt.CII- 7.HJ lst 2.288 f.: HoYnli --- 211 11 7,050 ..... Ru ...... _ - - ...... _ -- .... 11,040 1...... Ul Ill 1&,090 ...... "·-~~'--­u.. ..,q_-- .. ~.... =: ~ .. 1,200 INl 16-l'araa. -- 1,294 c.JM~Ita ... _ _ - • a: r::.- = = - .: 1.278 ...... - - - !I-""' ... .. -- 18 •11 1,1151 I ...... ~~ ~hJr -- :: aaa ... 1,748 1.... - - - Bp-- - .. 188 ...... ,.,.. ... urue& ~ ..,. - _ 22 .. Roalt.lPumM .,.,.._...• -_ --· _ ..= - ,_ 1.78J. - --17 • 1,887 Ceoflal l'nwiDtWP4 .... • ~PlaP- : - - 7 8,54il ..... ---1 l nl~ l"nw'-all...._ ...: - -- : 1112 1,481 ~:­ .._ .Jiaobhlllll. -· - 12 .­ 1.457 l,YO .. - - - Cmtnl tiOnDCIIIIDd ...;- Ill ...:: u.-...... _ .... _ CI,IA • 142 w: 42,880 ..:: - - 17 15,229 ..... --- c .... : : =! II;~, ..... 11,635 ...... GAYA. MONGRYR.

/17,11H 1M,Ut# t/6,6« ror..i£ I#IMO HM7 ifll,837 U,UJ u.n• ,., li,M7 18,805 Ull ...... 7,142 ..... 18,001 uoo 7,Ta8 -­uos . .19.643 ..... 8,120 ..... I,U> ... .. il7,563 ll.rt5 7,14Sl ...... , 12,476 s..m. l,tol ..,.. I,GII ..... ::= 7.- "" ..- ID.Mn, .,...... ,o.17 181 IU­o4,807 ..... 1,20J'. •. tllO 87 ...,. - 2.5!1iJ 1115 ...... " .., ...... L"" '1,784 5 Ill.. &112 ··­ &.71a - - 7..M. 1.. e. on ..,..... I . ll.- '"""" 1 a8,8511 ...... • • 1,471 ... Llllll a.oau· L .... II 2.417 -·"'= 15 • ..,., ..r &.088 - •• 1-1,148 ••a& I .....1 .... e.t21 ... It.: ...... Y:y 1.215 I::! 17a r. . 1.- ..... 1,m 1,122 C! • •• ,.. Ja,885- ...... lM 1,418 1,111 11 a.OOT- ,...._ ..: 410 2,940 !I, &aS .. 1 .... 1.1177 .. I,Ba2 '"":I ...... ~ 111.0811 J.t1S ll,lll ,,_ ,... , ...... 1&,648 ...: .....""' T,iM ..... 'till·- · .lPPENDU: I,

OR.ISSA. CHOTA NAGPUR PLATEAU. - - .. .. B.U:&RIBAGB. - --·· . .. . - - CU'lT.!CX...... lift...... • Dlonm• I . Tolol. llaJo...... -n. •...... ,.. I l I I • I ·--...... -. i m.u: - .,... ',.,...... ,,. I l • I -I • OOll'l'IGlJOUI llliTBIIllll a.-a ..... ~ ...... II.IIU f,CIOD . ror.u: 61,/IM Jl,eetl u.,.,.. ,,.... 1,411 -.. --.. ..,_ .. ,.. •.a~• ... - r::::,.Ban•k - I. WI l.TII 1.2N .... hia••a - 1,011 C:O!ftiGOOVI DJII'fi.ICI'B . •,.a ...., - - ...... )lubham : 1.2110 te.ooe·- ...... - &.•11 ...... - -· 1,711 • Ill ••151 1,048 11.110111 ..... 8oaobal'"- - .... - 11,1&4 18.890 ~ - .- ···" Po.! ·- ...-· ..... II,OM ll,M... - Mlliiwr•.ai. -· 7,167 1,101 ma.. rL&OD - - ...... , .. ··- ..... - ,. 1,111 Ol'JlU l'LAOII .... ••1171 ...... - ...... •. .. - ...... H~hly - .... ···- - ...... _ - - - .. ·-~· ...... IN.. • 1.744 - - ...... , .. - 107 ••... --~ II • 8.1Da ... ·::....· - - .... - -... -... 21 u ...... I, I It ,._-·· ... 144 12,7oe ...... Din•IJJOP ••• - .•- -- "" ... - •• 17,illl ... • •I I.IIU ... 18.488 ... .. -· 188 ...... - Olkw* - ... ··- Bo.r. •• I ·=- 1,1133 I I ..... , ·- ..- • .. ~ ....ipri •• ::: =I 48 1.044 1.71lf Po- - I I 1.060 1,111 A.rrpl - -· - .. .,, Min&hbllalll 1,2GT "' ll!llbblnam - .... a I 1,148 - - - I'll IL"ll 1,448 ..1 .. ! ~ .. ··- o.itnl PruriMN ad ltata ... l:bo1a ~~- " lllllqd_.... _ 1,004 I aa ...... - " ...... I.M ... as ...... e.aaa •' B-nt,.l PrariDNIIIIId lt.._ .. • 811 ... -· ; .. ·- ... .., .. "" ...... - "87"2,184 ~ 'f,iaD ...... • - ; ..::j ------...... • .....• •"• ...... ·------.' -- -- ··- . .. - ' ·-- . XUI~HL . • . . ' :SAL&SORE. I J'OJ'.U: ,.. n,.. ..,...., ..... ,. . .. ' I . . - - I . ; OOII'I'IGUOUI J)IJ I&ICII ....,...... ,. u .... ' ~,, !'OrA£ ...., U,U. •PH H_,..., ' ...... ,.. - 1,7JI . - .. ... hi-"-• ... - ...... , .... •aabha•- - ' - ... 782 ...... &,7M OOJITIGOOUI JllftBlC'JI ,.,.,. llinPblnna - - II,II'IJ ..'·"·, ...... Otota M...-r ;;;u;...;; ..- ·- ... ·- 1,747 I,!Ill Ill&...... Cu-k .• ...... •• ..2.101 ••••...... ,2&a' - .i- .·, .· .. _'rri._...,._ ... &,118 . 10,182 1,100 - ~.- OTBIB PLAUII .,~H ...,, ,,, --.,., ... ·-·- ··- ' ··- . . . 11,638 Hoorhlr ' - ..- &Ill OTKBB PL.U:BI li,oe• ....71 - . ... ··~· l ...... Bowr.b ·'I ' ·- ...... •oo I ... ;'Of . I ...··""' ~ ...... , f,ITO ..... -... 14 ,, II 6,0oll ..... - 76 e,7ot ...... lla- I - ..- • ...Teo ...... ()olea.... - -· ITI•••"" II 7.182 blllajp"' - -· . : •• "'\" ...... - ..... bap.inrl- .. ·•··· ' 10.4.le... liqbbbaa(loDINIPtuo ___... - 12 11 ...... "·=- . - .- 1 , aa : II ... ·- .. - . - 712 Duleelilll ~ I T.IMI -·- '18 - ~ ...... • (08 21 - ... ~,,. ~:::...... ,..- ..... • ... 1Jai-~---... - I 1,801 " - --, ... . ._.., . N ... G..,_ .... - , I, lit ... ..0111 • LJU ...- • -= - .... ~~.- ...... · ...... •. .. - Oontral ..__lllld 1,171 ilia..; - •••• l Ill .... United PIOt'I.Doe !lad l&a'- -u ... Ioiii ..... ~ · r.1 81,7M 61,11J7 t••m ·~· ' 11 '... . 4,111 ...... ,- 1,1118 ...... - l ...... -• - w I ~ :·- --, ' I .. .PURL ' fU.UI..UJ,. -· ' ,·_. ·- - -· . : . \ t I. . • • , • fir.u: ' ' J'OI'~£ • ...... "U,2 ll•IIM GJIIN ,. ti,Mw ...... - ...... ' ' "' ; : ·.l,. '·1 ...... COII'I,'IG1iOVI DIITIIIOTI . IJriN ,:-:IIIJI " JO,IJO'I COHIGOOUI DIBI'&IC'H llif,O'I .,,.,. 7,1101 I ~ ..... ,, Gay• : 0 ( ... ' 15,447 "'"'·' 'f.ll'O .. -.o!!! loOII ~- ...... 18,8110 ..... 11,2114 1,81111 6b«babad ...... •- 4,~aa t' ...... \-'. a',4,. 1,086 ...·- 1',l47 1,1n 111,180, Bazaribaf!h .,. ' 4,888 1,011 I.NJ ..... Jl:a.ucbi ••• ...... '· ... l,llft ' 1,1¥' ...... ,. I 1U11 -'~'~~"--· !Mmiaatl , O'I'JlU 1'LAOII .- 1• ,,... 1,.. ·- ..... u,. •• .,n• ..., Clwr. ·-.... 1'... , ' .• ... 1,873 14 • .-' - ...... - . 18 - ' ... l,oa? 111 Ill OTBBB PLACM ;,. 'IMtl ~ :.. 11.- ...... Ul .. '1111 .... ~ - - ... - Ooalnlrr.ot-lllld-· - ...... 1,1.- tiN Oantral l'lotbiw-01111 ...,_ ,... ' VofW:PM'- _..,_ ...., =-- ..... II ... lhd..-ll'tolt-.. 1•1 11.116B ...... "" ·2~ia1 ..... ··-87 ., . Ill 191• A..am ...... d- .. I I e.ne .. ~ ...... 1,718··- 1,0111 .... ~~.u .. ,,. • I .IIlii S,0711 1,171 "-· ...... 1,821 =rlldlii.-- ... 1,148 ..... ·•···· .. ... 7,1141 11,111'1 '1;4• "i,":igo •" ... 11""1-(a) lnaiudoo 1,100 ,....,.. Ifill malot aDd 1,1179 ,..,.,.. , ,_ JIIIUPI'• ·---· ' • IIIOB!TION STADIIElilTS.



'J'ol&). If& I& .,otol, -- - ..... IM:JII&B.lnlo Dllrmor; -·1 • • • • !l'oloL ' ... , TolaL-- ...... • .. rtn.U:. .,. ..,.,111 1n,611J 166,11711 #U11U6 . I • • • • I OOIR'IGIJOVI DIIDICft 4!1,1611 , .1... Jl%,6'16 . .. !l'Or..u: .. 111- ..., ~ :J,70f ,0,848 . Bml_, ...... t.lfl ...... H&tlkara ...... 12,889 • 8.445 1,101 )!Jrlnar;: :: ...... 788 "':f. 770 ... OO!!':IG110VI DIBTBIC71! tll,7113 4,fltn :1,7011 fkmlhll ,.,gaou ...... 1,909 ltfll 0,028 I,IUI JfaUtlblcb, ...... 10,088 IO.MI 8,280 1,918 Orlao !l'rlbalarJ &loteo ... 12,760' .... 1,701 B.nehl ...... 4,7!5 1,718 ::782 ..... ··-6, '"" 114 ~,... fllr~~bW.G111 ... l;bo'.a ...... 'bt~ ormm l'L&OIIB - ..,. 1,utl lltlt ...... 40 1,347 ... - 2,044 - - • I Oaltlet ... • ... •.. 1,'106 48 ao ' Contotl -...... - 2,772 08 o!lllla PLAOa ... 111,1161 ,.,.., ...... M,Q'I Unlled P.roriaeuad Btatel 12 "'fr ··-·· ...... AlllDI '" ·•• •. ·- 8 - ~· ..... II...,Ir "' ...... 8.2 ..,. I, lOt ... lfad.ru lll41t&SII ...... (a)a',822 "J;;a _,,··-. • ... ,.,.:::ru ...... , 1,664 I .... Ellewbere '" a29 Ill 37 """so .. 1,804 I'll ...... J~J· ...... 7 ...... 8,278 "• 10 10 Sh&habtdG"'-' ,,,- .. 1,467 •••1,145 12 JfiJ~IIp ...... - 2,8&3 !,Oif 48 ..• .lll--(o) _I,OII_(i'lf_lllldl,tM '-'ea)flamGIDjam. Ita • ...... - lll ... Oti&M TrlbalarJ' llafal ,,, • 4.307 Crnlral PrmiaON aud Bf.atel ·-·... 7 -m • 48 ":: Ualle4 Prorilalau4 B&alll 8,1180 l,lf1 ··-10 A~•m II 88,728 15,1'1t• ...... 4,81a'•• Ulllwhm :;: ...... • 1,7'17 . OHOTA. N40PUR TRffiUTARY STATES • SINGHBHUM. ·- '

rtn.U:. I.H,67e 81~4/S iH,;JR U,H& ror.u:. - ••,..0 VI.R• G,IIIHI 111- - .OO!!':IGUOUI DIBT1!1C71'1 18,768 8,136 .,118 0011':10110118 DIITIIIO'rB /16,101 U,.0/1 48,~ 1111,714 •••••• . Baneld ••• ...... 80,024 1,006 1611 llldn•r"' ...... 7,457 ...... I,IIG8 Palam111 ...... 7,998 ":;~ 1,68' RAorh ••• ... 1!>.287 IIIII llaobbum ::: ...... ,.. J,347 +14 Abablmm ...... 3,114 ... ~:· Slngbbham ~- 10,390 .,,... Oil&.. Ml• 0r111' Trlbut.rr ltalq ... 1,~ ...... Ill,om ChWa 'llbufarJ ' ...... I :0.412 2,oaa 1,160 Ohnt• x.. pur Trtb&~tur *' ...... - ..... Ml u-JD,aao 4116 ' ODIBB PLAOII8 ...... 48,1107 116,11t17 :t.ti,JI:t.'l 8,IM 01'DBa PL.&O.IIII lt,.l7 ...... 1,711. :IJI,6'17 11,11'19 a.,. .. 1 ••• • .. 1,4&8 1,018 ll4 8 nan'knra ... 1,841 ll,oSI 1,'1'11 29 ... .. J,otl 210 ,. Ha=bCentnl ro.taeesud ... Btatel- (a) 14,704 ,.,. 10,788 e,n. .hlt•ll'llrl •.• •• ...... 1· l,aaa United. Pnrria.oes and Stat. ,7,sa& 14 lhya (,~58• 116 7 . tatt (hltlllC'Ir ...... Aaam i'' .. , ... I 1 .... • 1,249 II ""'I• Rajpulau tat• - 1,898 ...... lJalunro ~ ... •.. 1,412 ll2 .._()!ont;,.llncUa , SlaW ...... --··· m n 1"678 7,818 .,.,~h __ ... -· u•• 1,287 ...... ,.. 80 77 11,470 . "i;m Otlntn.ll ~and lt•te. 840 IH Ill ...... J,10l "2:* Uallfllll'Minoea....S ac.tw 1,1&4 m I ,... " ... 12,8ll7 ..,,,. -... !1,818...... ···-:: - ... llon-(o).lllcludea s,m penou (S.m mala 111111 l,a?a femaloo) 1r<1111 Salllbololu- · BOIITHAL PARGANAS. -

.ror..u; .. UI.,IIU "··1 U6,8N ORISSA. TJUlroTABY STATES. • OO!I'liGVOVI Dlll'I'BIC71'1 8!1,8:1. 11#1,111111 -·-11.,... ••,~66 nnrdwaa ...... !2,940 1,111 13,821 ,,118 I lllrbluuu. ... 10,768 2'0.1'~ .. :1.a,n11 66,1SOO 67,489 IllMil Mo14• ...... t,Ut 26,082 11,MO ...... 5,2615 ..... 42.67& ll,ta5 Hhq•ll'lat •.• ...... 22,7155 10,011 9,7.18 ... J'urnn. .,...... liS ,... OOIITIGliOUI DIBT&IOTS JH,/J70 47.. U u,us 14,7tl'l ...... ~h,. ... 12.478 ..... , ...... , 8S7 Hun•ldabid. 11.421 ..... 8,Jll2 ...... 1;101. 11,671 ... 800 1511. Cot ...... Al~t~thltUCD ,., ~-· - ...... 8,020 1,111 !l.i188 ,...... • •• 094 11,488 7,167 t,aea lloutlbaah ...... 12,048 2,721 .. .. . 10,882 7,8011 6.118 l,GOI ..m ' I'll A"'))l ...... &,lila 1,7118 p,,.. 13,160 ..... Bingbblnaa.'" ... .. f,SII :•~r~ 1.1n OTilBa PLACBS ...... JIB 1BH :tll,tllll U,448 111,011 1,690 IJJ9,086 IP.t&l -·-Chota !t'IIPV Tribatai7 '117 C.l&Outt. ... 1,413 B!ala ...... 2,saa 1,1180 8,412 ll.o!•IUt.hl .. , ...... 600 ... Iolii ...... 8,481 ... 11\n!\hlu.r ...... or 48,1181 ...... Jaltllol~lltl •.• '""7 '".. 18;711 MilD PLAOBa - ii'I,II.IJI Z/1,1189 ...... I 10,1182 ,u;rcs J.tar!"' IO« "' ... . 41 ,!19 •. llo&n~P~tr ... 18 -2.881 I ,Gill ...... 88 ;uq Baoohl - ;r.rso I,'liD 740 1118 B.•Ar. ... 8 .. - 4,007 1,!86 ... -... 1,1100 ..... -· n,_,.,...... • ... OrntrU P'lorblee8 aud.Statl!t...... 10;480 · i3.au ...... 1,&41 United. Pnwm. aad StaN 478 ·-..... NhAhlbad .. .. --··Al•m ... ..• •.. -·· ...... 8,540 """••• • 19 "=10 Kllrau .•...... ,.. 17•• lladru 111111 ltoloo ...... 1,370 000 4 (o) 8,969 8,177 ······ ······ l\lnl"'1 Pnmn~ and fllab 80 ' Bllewbere ...... 2,417 1,811 ""~g ""las 1Tulto~ll'ro,ini"CC• a.ad 81a~ 7,747 .. .. "•• ...... • '" .A ..tn ...... • 6,1t7 0 ... ar,...,.. ~~~, ¥1•wtwro ...... 7.148.. .. _ ...• 1,811 ""' liiOD-(o) Ioelatl•e,071_. !l.'lllll-111141,871'"-"""' GIDjam. X APPENDIX U.


.&tracts fr~~m Di.trict Reports regardi11f! call8el of Oonvmion to Mukammadani8m. , lllidMp!Jre."-The considerable Muhammadan _llopulntion in East and North Bengal offers 11 fertile field for the pr~aoher nod maulavi. 'l'he ~uudr.eda of students that come out eve!1 year from the Dacca, Ohittagong, Oaloutta, and RaJshahi 1\{adr&BIIS completing Arabic etud1ea are mostly. absorbed in the above oooupatioJ18. There is not a village inhabited by Muhammadans which is not periodioelly visited. by the ~here and maulavio. The vioitoro do not levY any fee or subscription, but are voluutenly invited tn praaoh from village to village, where the;v are not only fed very sumptuously, hu~ alt!o offered cash presents in addition. The Hindus generally attend such assemblies and Iiston to the preachers. The doctrines of Islam are simple rnough for everybody to understand, and some of the Hindu• who appreciate the good lessons and nrobably those who have not many relatives to indu.,.; them to hang baok, renouooe Hindufsm and embrace Ialam. The above cause has been at work almost everywhere at all seasoDB from a long time, and has produced the pre""'t astonishing result. It never attracted publio notice owing to the instances of conversion at any particular pla.oe being few and far between, but on the whole it has been the chief cause of the gradual increase of the Muhammadan population. · H&oghlv.-Fresh acoeseious to the Muhammadan faith are still being reoeinod from outeide by the conversion principally of low-caate Hindus. There ia no organised propaganda, but maulavie and other learned men ooeaaionally ~ about their religion. 'l'be follow­ ing instanoee of conversion ooourred. in the town of Hooghly.· About &·year ngo a Native Christian was converted to Muhammadanism. Very recently a Dhoba womon was. converted. A Hindu, by caste Kayastha, who read up to the First Arts, embraced Muhammadanism with his wife a few years ago. Some families of Banias, Surie, Telis, Mayme and Brahmans who have been converted are living_ in Pandua. In the Berampore Subdivision the .Mutwali of Sitepur reporte that oooaaionally one or two Brahmans, Kayasths, Ahirs and Bagdl8 a.c:oopt the Moslem faith. · · e~Pargafi(JJI.-Oonversions from other religioDB are still to be seen. This is generally effected by maulavis, who deliver religious lectures. There are no organised societieo for propagating the tenets of the religion. [.N.B.-In response to a request for some speciflo instanoes of conversion with the reaaons for tlie aame, the following forty cases were reported):-

:Name and addreoa of persona Profession. Cause of converaioa. Former oonrortod. caste.

1 2 s 4

J. Multta Muohini of Hydarpur, DJly.labouror She fell in love with ooe Mucbi. thana Bad.uria. Jhaon Sheik of her vWoge, who converted her and afterwards married her. lJ. Muklll Doai of K&iutolla, Ditto ... She married a .Mrrbemmadan • Goala. Haaoaobacl. 8. J4athura Bauia of 1dagrahat... l!ailway gate­ He fell in lore with a M •· Bauia. man. b•mm•dan girl aud married hor. '- Deg&mbari Dui, Mograhat .,, Da,..labourer She wu a poor widow with Dhopa. two little children, and under the inducement of a rieh.Muh&mmadan ahe was converted wilh her two boya. &. Jasodia Telini, daughter of Mill-huul She fell in IOTe with her Tell. Ajt&m Tell of Souari, thana Muhammadan ~mour, MuBrak, district S&ran. who converted her· to his agod SO years. faith. • 6, Nanku Kalwar,' ali .. Naoku Ditto Embraced the reUgton of , )lian, 1011 of Biaseuwar lfuhammad of hill OWD K&iwar of Debary, t1uma accord. llfadhubanjia, diatriot Sa· ron, ·~ed Sll ,...... 1. Dalu Mali, aliu Dil Moham.. Ditto Ditto ditto ... Mali. mad, BOD of Heta Mali of Belr.gaoj, thana Belaganj, ,.di•tricl...... Bolasanj, aged SO

• ~ autbor of uu. report ... a )lnhommecJep CAUSES 01! CONVEilSIO.!l' '1'0 HIJRAMVAD~ ••

J.ll..ame and ocldre" of penoDI coaverled.


a. lbhadeoya Ohama~iu. Nil ... Muriecl a M•••lllll!!!daD Cllamar. daughter of .!lanker Chamar while ;._:.,;c~:.bea. .. · ' of Karli. lhaDa Dildar- pge, clilmo' Ajlmgorh, aged1Byean. 11. Lokpatia Bharin, alitU Ball- Mill-hand ... Pell in looe withhu Hilham. Bhar. man Bibi, dauKhter of moclu .paramour, aDd wu Jllarsing Bhar of Bajanpnr, OOimll'led to hi• IIIith. thana llirganj, diatrict Saran, ogod ll6 yaoro. 10. Jilu Xabar, a!iiU Situ Mian, Ditto ... oon of Thakuri Kahar of Vikarao, thana Mlrganj, diatriot Saran; aged 46 ,...... d ht of Di"- 11. lfathia Bhai'ID, aug er · uu ... Pell in love with1181' Mnham. Bhar. · J.llarolng Bhar of Bajanpur, madan panmov, who OOil• . thana J.lirpuj, ilialriot varlad har to hialllith. . Sarao, aged 80 'fe&ra. "'~- Ill. Lokpatia Gurarur, daughter ..,...... , ... • ~· ... of Kula Garori of Maha- n~. thaoa Alohanla, dil- triol Shahahad, aged · 80 • · yeart. · · .. 18. Bandaria Xahario, daughter Ditto ... Embraced Kv•ammederri• Xahar.­ ofThakorXahari>lVikllllllo, Df har cnna IOilOid. tblll& Mirguj, cliltriot. SarOD, oged 60 ,...,., ·' 1'- Andia Xaharia, daughter of · Ditio ... Poll in l ..e with her Mnham. Do. 1'haknr Xahar ol Vilw'llll, madOD pol'liiiODr, who .,.,.. thana Mirgau.j, diatnot verted her ~ hill failh. Sorau, aged 80 yaor1. 16. P&rmoowar Xahar, ali .. Dil Ditto ... Embraced · Mnhlllllllioclaalam Do. Mublllllmad, ooo of Bhago• of hill OWII &QOOI

6 2 • xii APPENDIX JI,

Name ODd addNu of ponoDI ProfeniOD. . ea... of COUTeniOD. \ p..,... COD1'eiled. ~ I caale, ------~----~------! 1 8 I , 28. llahDI Chandra Ghooe, ton Nil ... Comclion of tho lrulh of Goal&. of Haran Obondia Ghooe Muhammad anUm. of Sewli, th011a Barraekpore, •Red 80 yean. 27, Mahendra N a pit, 10~ of Day-labourer Joined • bmd of 111gician1; Nopil. Radhonath Napit of Gam. marriod the girl of, one of bhirgaohi, aged 86 :rearo, them, an,d became 1 Mubam. mad11n. 28. Dasi Goolini, daughter of Nil ... Two yean aftar the deoth of Gaala. Koran Mall of Durga~ara, her huaband, abo feU ia love aged 28 :flll't, with a Muhammadan named Soleman of Bandipur, lllld embraced Islam. · 29. Mookhada Dad, wile of Nil ... She embraced Mubammadu. Do. Ni'mchand Ghoso of Xam• •iSlB. when dri9"eD ont of her dobgachi, aged 25 or 80 father's bouo for heJ' ·jm. yean. . moral eharaoter. 80. Abhoya Dui,.wife of Nakai Nii ,., She embraced Mnhammad­ Do. Ghoae, Xhark~ aged 30 or IIDimn on eccount of her 82:fean. . husband'• lll-treatment. IL Daai Bagdini, wlfe of Tutu Nil ... She fell in Jon with Xhooh Bogcli. Ba~di Of Xhamur, aged 80 Monda! of ldadaoaram and or26Iear&· · afterwards muried him. 82. Satya Bagdiai, wife of Poti ... Owing to her otraitonod cif, Do. Bagdi of KoiWiii. eumstanee~ 1he embracdd Mubamma.daoilm. SS. lliluhi Baarclini, wjdow of Nil Ditto ditto ... Do. Hora Bagcfi of Niaohinda· pur, aged 86 or 86 )'eara. M. Parao TIJ'tr, oou of Natabar Nil •• . Owing to his olraitenrd oir· Tiyar, Tiyar of Xalimpur, aged cum•t.sncea he ·embraced so or sa yeors. :Muhammadanism, 85. Bhehu Bagdi, oliiV Shamoer Nil Ditto ditto ... Bllj(di. Mundo! of Ohandigore, agod so or 35 yeara. 86. Badon . G&ose, aon of late Nil ... Fell in lo•o with a Muham• Hayen Ghoao of Degha madan womaa aod became a Nobodhin (preoenl abodo), conurt and merriecl her. aged 80 or Sii yearo. 37. Xumi Daoi, wife of Nim Nil .•. She ,... enticed from the Do. ChllldGhoao, protection of bet hnoband by a Muhammadan 111111.ed Kedar Mandai, who COD• · Yerted her to bia faith and manied ber. 88. Pnnchi Dui ...... Nil ... She wao entieed away by her Do. :Muhammadaa paramour, Obijuddi, and eoo•ertad t.o hia faith. 89. J. llagdi woman at Bankura, Nil ... She was e~~.ticed away by a Bogcli. in thana Dlllll·Dnm. Muhamm.adn, who 1ubee. quently eounrted her ud married her. , .a. Wi!o of Prom Chand l!~ak, Nil ... She eloped with a Muham • Dhoba. Rajarhat, thana Dum-Dum. madan, named Push& Gor. wan, wl1o subsBC{uentty ~OD• verted and mamed her.

. JIIBoro."-The following are some instances of oonversion which took plaoe recently in the Jessore district:- · · (a) Four Hindu families of the Kan caste of village Ul01bi, statio!! Saraha, consisting of about 18 perrons, become Muhammarians. . (b) One Hindu barber of village Kauri&, station Kotwali. (c) Mati Lal Ghosh of Mandalgauti, station Kotwali of Kayasth •te. · {d) A Hindu barber woman of Rajapur, station Kotwali. · {•J A Hindu barber woman of Dorajhat, station Kotwali. · (Jl A Hindu barber of Dighalia, station Narail. (g) A liaherwoman of Kaitkhali, station Narail (4) A woman of carpenter caste of Bhekutia, station Kotwali. (•) Devendra Nath Mukerji of Taliganj, near Caleutta. He is an educated man, and lias married in. a Muhammadan family of Itaa, station Lohagara, where be io now :residing, (1) A Brahman woman o~ Kharlri, station Kotwali. • .Roport. written b1n. Hindu gentleman. -· CAUSES OP CONVERSION .TO HUBAlULU>.ANISll. ·- (k) A family of native RomaD Vatholioa of Ghope, ~tion ~. CODSisting of four (I) mevJ:i: Proteetant cimm.n families, OODBiltiDg of· about 4o per80Jl8. of Daulatpur. _ . · There ue many other like iDst.mcea which it oeems 'IUIIIeOiialary to detail for the J:!1ll'POII8 of this report. HOlt of theN converts ue from among the lower o1aa& of Hind~ DinajpNr •-It ofteo happeaa that Hindu females~ fallen -1n.Jove with Muhlllll­ madan malee' adopt the Muhammadan religio11. It n.. t ~aeDtl7 happens that Hindo& ha · fallen ill ue treated by Huhammadaoo, who provide them with food ud water, are 011~ by Hiodm, adopt the Huhammad&D faith, and are reoeived with open arms by the Huhammadaoa. . There ia no orgaoiaed propaganda to pro_p~gate the faith of Islam, ~t the mosquae 808ttered all ov~~~: the country represent the rehgtouo centres atouod which are irouped the Muhammodou people, whose sooial habits and fraternity tempt the men of other perouasions U. enter into the foliis of Islam. I eame to know o[ 8 K4~ha who was employed 81 a vernaoular teaoher in a village ID the Thakurgoon nbdiviaion. He wu among AI nham­ mod8na. He fell ill His Hobammadan neighbours tended him and saved his. life. He embraoed hlamin gratitude for the kind ireatment of the ¥ubammadana._ Last year a Brahmin, who will a sweetmeat.aeller of thiS town, beoame a Muhammadan. 1 me orou a dt!"DIBI1 who io 8 disciple of apir of Panip8t, named Brali Quolonder. He 98 8 1 said bill fatiaer wae a Ohhatri of Ajmir, whose name wae B8mchaud. Ramoband's wife gave birth to a number of children, but none of them lived. _Then the parents said that the •next ohild who would be born to them would be gh>en to Allah.· The liOy was 10 given away; he lived and is now a t~m~;.A with tha name of Wahihubh.. . . Thora ia a Mapr-Mi of the Suborclinat

• Writte:D. \y a ltt~hammada.a. geo.tleuwa. t Dilto br • HiD.du.. I D"to b7 a HubmD:&d&a.. lbUo 1:1) • Bmdu. . xiv APPENDIX Jl,

'JI[uh~m~~anism, but the girl:s father ult~ly refll8ed to 1Dlll'l')' his daughter to him· The pnys1c1an oould not agmn beoome a Hindu, aa the Hindu society dooe not take baok a renegade. · (~) 0~ U:mnkanta. Sarkar of Kalipnra in Tippera ~braoed Muh!IDimadanism under the fo~:Iow•ng ':"~umatanees :-He woa a lani!Jord of oonsiderable lnftnenoe. Hia faith in the Hindu religwn woa not very ftrm. Taking ad'fanta_se of tbil, the Muhammadans of tbe neighbourhood perauadod him to embrace their nligion, giving him to undemtand that he would be made the head of the local Muhammadan oommunity. He beoeme a Muhammadan and tried to oonvert his wife and.his mother also, In this he failed. (7) A man of the Sudra caste of Belka in Bikra~'!khembraced Muhammadanism under the following oircomemncee :-Tha man waa rather · eaded and poor but at the same time had a mania for marrying. Beinf poor and half aa idiot, l}e oou1d n~ get a wife from his own sphere of life, but the looal Mu AJDmad•ns gaw him hopes of marrying if he became a Muhammadan. He did so, but I could not ascertain whether he 1111ooeeded in getting a wife (8) The ancestor of Asad Ali Khaa, a zamindar of the district of Ohittagong is said to have been a Hindu of good family. It is not known how and why he beoeme a Mubammadn11 but it is a faot that in social and religioUJ ceremonies, he ued to viait the Hindu family :&-on: whioh his ancestors oame. · . (9) A widow of the Kapali oaate Will treated unfairly by her deoMsed hnsband'o brother and fell in love with a .MubfL!Dmndan neigb\lour, who helped. bar in eeveral ways. She beC81118 a .M.ubnmmadan, and is likely to be the mother of a progeny. (I 0) The widow of a Lagdcb,rjya Brahman entertained Muhammadan lovers of whom she had more than ono. 'J.'be jealo111y among two of them became so keen that one was murdered by the other. The oriminaloase inotitutad hronght the matter to light. The widow was not allowed to remain in society ancl eventually became a .Muhammadan. (11) A notable case of theoonvereion of a respectable Hindu oooarred at Nakhanda, in the :Manikganj mbdivieiou, eeveral yeare ago. The convert waa a high-oleee 1Uyaeth, a 1amindar nomed G;uru Prasad Ba~. He ":as oonstan~ly taken t~ taek by his~, Rash Bebari B11111, and other neighbours for his non-Hmdu practices .. This annoyed bm muob, eepeciolly when be fonne1 some difficulty in m=y~ his daughter, and be determined to take revenge on his cousin b~:::uming a :MnhfL!Dm an. Be aooepted the faith of Islam, taking the neme of. Habihar man, and slaughtered oowe in the preoinoto of the very building where his father had worebipped the Hindu gods. He invited DUIDmiDII .Mnhaaimadans to the bouoe, and married his daughter to a high-class :Muhammadan, who is now living with him. He is treated with regard by .M.ub!UTimsdalis. His Hindu wife was rescued by his neighbours at the time of his conversion. . . (1~). One Mohesh Chan~ Sik~, son of Ramjoy Sikd~ of Sivalay, a Su~a by oeste, fell 1n love w1th one Satya Kalnm of· Arioha, a :Muhammadan Wldow. He .marned her br niktJ and beoame a, Muhammadan. He has now taken the ~of .Maftzuddin Khan, and acto aa· a :Molla amOJJg the local :Muhammadans. (13) A Sudra named Dinanath oo.me from Bylhet and settled in Harina. He fell in love with a Mubommadan womllll of the :Musalman Kahar clw, and became a Kabar bimself and married her. He retained his old .name, and is now known as Dinu Kabar. He had several obildren, and gave one of his daughters in marrisga to a Knlu. He tbuo beoame a Kulu himself, and the Kabars ga,ve him up. In a ehort time he found that his new statU!! did not suit him: it raised him a little eooially, but oil-pressing woaless profitable tban palki-bearing .. H~ wanted to ~e a Ka~r again, but: the Kabarl wo:oJd not take him back until he got his dallll'hter divorced by his Ktilu son-m-law and mamed her to a Ko.har after giving a substantial feast to the Kohar community. (14) One Rajaui Sahn of Elaobipur had 8 amell eho\::a~aaara, where he fell in Jove with a Muhammadan girl. He took boiled rioe from her This DBDll! to light, and he wae ont-oaated. He beoame a .Mu!Wnmadan and took the DIL!De of ~m Khan. There are eome other inetancea-of a similar nature, but it is now very diffioolt to trace the origin and the caUJe of convereion. There was a Muhammadan landowner at Shaorail in thana Keranigunge, who is BILid to be descended from 8 Hindu family. One of them, Oliulla Ohaudbury, actually celebrated with pomp. This_ Kali Puja he uoed to perform every year. The family is now reduoed to poverty, though they are now still regarded ae very roapeotable, having daeoended from a good f8mily. Mymemingr..•...;..In a congested. Pro~ where all pooaib!" arable Iande have _been tilled, the po11ulation does not gr~~w eo rap1dly ae m ~ newly.eet&led!'-oh co~. As an instan~ Y'e mJ!.Y 01te 'the example of England and the Umted States. Smce tho eiDI!Vation of the Bntish and other European settlers to the United States of Amerioa, the populalilon of that country has grown more rapidly than that of England or any other country on the Oontinent of EUrop~. Now I would ehow that the same cauees wbioh aooelerete the growth. of population in the United States are also at w~k for the ~ of lln~fL!Dm•dan J!Dpul;ation in East Bengal. East Bengal is throughout mterperaed Wlth man1 !D'gbtyand !Hi nvero, and alloviallands ate formed every year on aooonnt of th!' penodioal. overflowmg of ~be rivers. '£be :Musalman l!easants, de}j~:ng, as they do, entirely on agncnlture, and be1~g more adventurous in epint than the · duo, emigrate to chur ~de for better prospeote m life, and there they get fresh air, fresh water, and plenty of edibles. Any one who ~as

• Wri.Uoa by alf.uhemmed•g OAUSD OP CONVEB8ION TO mJB'AHHAD.AMSM, rv ·- 'fiaited theH ellur !aDds will have found that theH trad.s are almost entirely inhabited by the sturdy Hlll&lm&D Pe-ntry. The Hindu bas no aettliag propensity. He is more attaohed to llis own hearth and Jiome, and so is satisfied with wh&teYer he gets in his ilood­ damaged village~. Thie, oombiaed with other disadva.ntagee, 1110h u ohild-marriage, foraed widowhood, liviag U,POJ! UDSIIbetautial food, et.o., is the 0&- of the gradual deollim of the • Hindu J"'pulatiol& m ~dia in the gnat atmggle for amtmloe, whioli ia oontinually going on in tbl8 world. - - · • • . - Faridpul' -The followiDg are some well !mown Cll898 of OOD'Y8lllou from Hiad1ll8Jil, ' (1) The Meehl of Xuela :-Zamind""' of K.otali!"'l'& belOJig to the lam& .took with the 1iki zamindan of Puohimpar who ate Barhi Br~s The latter still admit the re]a. tiouship and help the former in their struggles. .The Meabe are admitted to the zenana of tbe Paaehinlpara zamindara and addreeB the women as if they were still Bra.hmine and relations. The foremost repreeentati ve of this family is Maalavi Hem.yat.uddia, a pleader a:ud a pnb!io-spirited oitizen at BariJal.; . · (2) The XhaDB of Khan para. A branoh -of the Kayaath zamindl!rs of Ujaui in :Mnk- JUdpur thana. The aeuior representative of the family is Anwarud~ Xhan. · . The oonvereion in both 08888 ooourred long ago and the caDBe is not known. The old story of expulaion from Hinduiam on ·aooonut of their having. partc&ken of the fiavour of non-Hindu food (11•eoislly beef, &o.) quoted for the Tagore fariilly of Oaloutta is said to aooonut for thet18 oouversioDB. It is obvious, however, that there were .other caDBSI also aa the OaLmtta 'J.'agore1 are ztiR.within the pale of , .wherelia the .famili81 here deeoribed nre not. · - _ - 3) Islam Khan of :Hehillpar,_ P. S. Mabhudpur, 'Willi Prablac1 Blur. (oaate Shah&). . 4) lalam Khan of 1'epabbela, P. 8. Xotwali, was Guru Oharan Shaha before. . 6) Xudi a/iaf SN&rll& was eeduoed from her- hubaud by a l{naalman a:ud ,...- oonverted~ by him. · . (61 Faridpur town ohankidar Abdnl.manied Durga Oharan's sister from Goalohamat (Fari~nrl and made her a Mnhammadsn, · _ . . . . (7) The Oollaetor'l! ohapraai, Jaaim, married a Hindu prost.itute by Mnbammodail :rite& and &be is now a Hubammldan. . _ _ · : · _· (!!) Debendra Nath Ohakra'arti, a Brahmin, became ftret a Ohri.atiim and thou a Muhammadan, takiif tile name of Din :Mahomed, • · · (9) Kbanu :MoUa of 1gail married a Kayuth widow and Bhe and her ohildm:i by her first huabaud embraced Muhammadanism •. - . (10) :Maniru.ddi of Sriram.kandi seduced a Namaandra woman from her. h111band and merriedher. . I.•· '' ., . (11) Raju Khan, botel-keaper of Faridpnr, wu formerly a Hindu with the name Rajaui Shaha. - He partook of food oooked by his Muaalman mistreu a:ud on being outoaated he became a M11B&lmau. The only organised M nhammaden propaganda is that of Baijuddin Kbau; hia main thought ia to uphold the tenets of his partiQnlar BSOt rat.her than to propagat.e tbe doot.rine& of lalaui amongst pereoD8 of other religion&. · · Badmrgung•."-1 oame aoroaa ten 011ee of oonversion to Muhammadanism, and in an o8aee love or luat waa the motive. In one .,_ the man waa a respectable Hindu belonging 'to one - Kayaath oaste and waa a private tutor in a Muhammadan family. He fell in love with a girl of tho family! a~d th•y 8loped and then married. In another oaae lit Brahman: became a oonvert for aumlar reason& In Bix oaees the oonverta were low-cute Hindus, who lost their oaate on aooount of intripee with .Muhammadan women. The oaaea of oomroreion reported by f:b~ Subdi~ Ollioer of Pirojpur '!-" all due to love-intrigue, and he uya that rebg10111 oonnoti0111 are never the motive. The Subdivisional · Ollicer -.of Patnillali d001 not mention any apeoifio inatauoe. The Subdiviaicinal Officer of Bhola I!&YB. that although there are many 0&888 of oonverta in his subdivision, yet they are mostly J ogta by caste. T•pper~, ~-Thore are inatan~ of ~du familiea of higher olauea embracing Islam. The J?ewan fsmiliea of Pargan~ Sl!"a~ m Tippers. and of. Haibatnagar and .Tangalbari in Mymen­ amg~ aad few others of th!ft d11triot were converts from high-oaate Brahm !IDa, They have still rotamod a me111anto of thell' old faith in their title of Thakur. ~. · Amongst the ~ant ~onverta of this district, the following are worth mentioniag :-- _ (•) One M:~j&D GanlfUli.. h111band of a uieoe of the late Babu Giriah Ch~ndra ~'&Duh&rjl, onoa a leading pleader of Tippera, embraeed 1a1am, and is now a - . "" mmwlau pzeaoher under the Daul8 of Din :Mahamed. · (io) Uma Xanta Chandra, a high-oaate Hindu. talukdar of Xali.pura in thana Matlab . • Bazar, aooepted ~ M:nhammadau religion with his f8mil.y. The name h edopted on oon'Y8lllon was Omarkban. e (ioi) In viU&ae Kalikaohhya in thana Brahmaubaria, one Gurudaa Ba~ · hew 8 • emOzaoeol the Hubammadau religion and Jll&l'ried a Muhammadan 'Lep . (oo) One ~ango Pal1!fln of Barup Pal, a· XAyaath, resident of Brahman fiha 'tala m thllll& Jlloradnagar, aooepted the Muhammadan zeli • · PI rn ~ammadan girl of village Ramohandrapur. zo~~~rd:! are other inatauoee of oonversion from low-oaate B:ind118, whioh nre nat wortL enumeratiDI!The~ here. · "'

• Writtoo. by a Btndu. xvi APPENDIX Jl,

Noakhali."-Oonversion to the Muhammadan faith on ncnountof a belief thntit · th t faith does not exist, at the present time at le118t, · There have been i~~&tancea of 'i •a::: Hindna embracing the Muliommadan faith, beeaUB& they have been excommunicatedbw 'th · oaste-fellowo. '!'here have bee!l instances, again, of Hindna ~bracing the Muhammnda~ fo.i~h beoause they could not othei'Wlle ally themselves to the object of their love. Snob in ta can hardly ~e called inetancea of true con'l'ersion. I will now oita lhe instances which hoes come to nottoe :- ave (1) The moat recent oaae ia that of a llrahman woman who left her husband d became a Muhammadan because her lover is a Muhammadan. There was 8 aensar:U criminal case instituted by th'e hue baud· against the lover, Lol Mea. La! Mea waa oonv! ~d1 by the Se.,iona J odgo, but was acquitted on appeal. 10 e (2) The . Su~di~on~ Ofl!oer of Feni repo~ t~at abou~· ~ years ago a Sudra by the name of Judhiatbir,ltvmg 1n village Tetenrar, mthin the. 'JurisdiDtion of Feni subdiviaion was excommunicated b;r his oaate-fellowa becanse he bad taken food from the haod of ' Tipara. Re became'% Muhammadan to avoid {urtherpersecotion. a . , ,(3) ,V!lJ.age. Ohampoknagar within the jurudiction of thana Chagalnaia in the auh­ dtruton IS inluibtted mmoly liy the Knmhar (potter) oaate. · A. family of Kumhars bronght up a waif found io the street. m~tely it was diao'!Vered that this boy oame of Muhamma­ dan ,Parentage, aod the Kumar family, was excommnoteated by their caste-fellows. The whole famtly embraced the Muhammadan fatth. (4i Bho.irab Saba of Paohgaohia was converted to Muhammadanism because he ooold not otherwiae marry the objeot of his love, Foqan. (li) A. llhuinmo!i widow of llamn1, named :Padma, took a second btiabend Bona Mea syce, and ia now li'!':.~ witll him in thie town. She is now a Muhammadan. ' (6) A Bhuinmo!i . 9 of Kheri, with a wife and children, became a Muhammadan to marry the object of his love, a Muhammadan woman. (7) A upit (barber) widow, whose sons are still Hind1m and follow their ea.te­ prof~on (one of th~ sons is my barber), 1~ ber home with a Muban!madan, and was th11B converted into that fBith. · ' · . (8) A Feringi, who has taken the name of Din Muhammad on conversion emliraced the fe.ith of Islam about four years ago. He gi'l'es out that he 'became a M.iliammadan because be bad dreamt that he- woold iidfer everlasting punishment if he remained in his faith (Ohristianity). . . (9) Ram Kumar Saba of Barakol in Tippera embraced Muhammedanism about twenty yean ago. He now goes by the name of Abdul Karim, and · aells potatoes in this town (Noakhali). Be himself wos questioned by me. He said he was without relative1 and money. There waa no ope who would lend biin any help to get a wife. He became a. Muhammadan and married a M nbamm•dan girl. In this oaee, too, the sole object seems to ·have been to obtain a wife. (10) A family of Brahmans of Kabars, consisting of a man and his wife, Jxooames Muhammadans about ll or 2 yeara ago. The report is that tho woman had an intrigue with a Muhammadan, .and her oilste-fellowa exoommuoicated the whole family, who bad thus no other alternative but to torn Muhammadans.. Instances can, no doubt, be moltiplied of ~onversions like the above. It will, however, be seen that, except perhaps the Feringi, all became converts for definite cauees other than a belief in the creed of Il!lam. Love in a 'l'ery few CJBSes end oriminal intrigue mostly are the oauso which cbieB.y work in increasing the followers o,f the Prophet in tbi8 dietriot. Formerly no ·doobt the low-caete Hindus embraced Muhammadanism in large· numbers. owing to the ()ppression of the ruling race and of the degraded position tl:ey held in their own community. Govo.t-The number of Muhammadans descended from local converts alone ia very smoll. The origin of such deacendanta mny be traced in many eaaes to tho union of a Muhammadan prostitute witll a Hindu, the oftspring being debarred from caste and becom­ ing Muhammadan, as is the oaae of BBverol descendante of the Tikari Rajas. Severa! 08BeB are however, known in wbioh whole vi!lagea have become converted to Islam. Thus towards Da~dnagar and the north-west of the district, whole vi!lBges IDll:Y: be met with filled with Muhommadans, the descendants of K4yosths and Babhane. One village is known in which all the inhabitants were B4bbans two or three genenr.tione ago. This part bee for a lOIIJ time been a centre of Muhammadan inftuunce. Daudklmn, Mter whom Daudnagar 18 named, was 8 Riaoldar of Aurangzeb, who gave him three parganas in this direction as 8 reward for oonquering Polamau. It ie not strange, therefore, to find vague stories. that many Bindue to tbe north-west of the dietrict became perverts to Islam during tho reign of A.urangzeb. Booidee the desoondanta of Daudkhan and his followon; the moat noticeable Muhemmadens of foreign estraotion are found to the south of' the diatriot, where one village kotlli ia comprised ofthe deaoendants of Pathans from the Afghan Valley of Kohat. ~·he Pathans to the south Ol'e subdivided into Rohilla Pathana and Magabya PatMns. The former of whom Muhammad Baksh Khan, of an old and pure lineage, ia the chief representative, trace baok their descent to Rohills aoldim of fartune; the latter claim to be deooendanta of Afghan military adveotlllW8, of whom the chief was one Qazi Ibn W alid, and attribute the name Mogahya to their long residence in,Ma~h. . . . . Conversion to Islam at the present tune 1s a rOl'e event. It 18 sa1d that dnrfn!!' the time of the Kings of Oudh several influential Hindus became MuhBllllDadano, probal!ly m hopes of

• Written by a WDda. t Tbo writor .... El>ilfolmwl, 1 rl r r.:itirr.t::ti!fll!~~!Ji!{i :f~~!iril~~~lli i(J.!.t!~ .:J~Jttri:i[~:l ~ ~ ~ .1 U f i: • i r 11· 1- ;; r~ f ~J ~ 1- r Ji. • 1 •· i' ! a. i r. ~ ~ } ~ s·.: f ~ l l

• ·-- r-·~ j. Jrf .i'f •. &•.J .tJ .... ~·fa..t.'i J·t' ~ J'~ l~~~r :~ 1[! ~f · ~

••• ~ . t ~~•·1 ~ .. ~ J t~. r t~rt1U ~n ut~·"l fFl• ~-- •I ·r~ L. I

( .I ' ' 'l'·f p~ ~~ Ph f-Jifllf !r(l·:r!~ irl u~~n~ r.• lr r ·-f. Jll•·E· .. Jt~ :a. ·1II ~~. J,- I.. . 1f~ 'J f·•J~N~~'Imr:'l f'~[~!hfit .· ~·r.:· fWJJ"fFf·rurJ.. i,.~l!: 1r. . !! .· .. frum~JJfJlJrh. J!ffn!!f~f.i!nl flrl·hfthhH( ~dn I a, :xviii Al'PENDIX II,

Kahar who with hia whole house heoame a Muhammadan • the other of a Kaya&th. The others tha.t have ccime to my notice are of two ola&,__ ' (1) A very low-oaste Hindu haa beoome a :Muhammndan. (2) Evon leae reputable recruite-outOO.tea of Hindu oeatea ; most Hindu wom•n out­ casted for aenal irregularities or becoming prootitutu alao coll themsslv011 Muhammad&Da. Of organised prt>paganda there aTe praotieal.ly none in tl•la subdivioion. • Ohampllt'lfii,"-:-Fresh II;OO!SS~Ons to the Muhammadan faith are &till beingreeeived from mthout. Ialam, like Obnattamty, appeala to every human aonl. It is not like the Hindu religion1 which cannot admit convert&. It ba& been estimated by a 1118olsvi, who is one of the religion• preceptors in this diet?-"iot, that within his knowledge a little over thousand persons became Muhammadans -dun!'g the !aat lti or. 16 years. _The most important cause of conversion is poverty. Dunng the t1me of fam!lle or soarmty, poor people became Mohammedans or Chriatians 'by hundreds. Any H1ndu who takes the food cooked by a Muhammadan doea not remain a Hindu, and his place of shelter is only among the Muhammadans or the (Jhristians. Many persons embrace the Muhammadan faith in order to raise their social rank. Conversion for the sake of women is comparatively rare, and the number of persons who become Muhammadans from oonviotion is still less. There are no organieod propa­ ganda., but fresh aeoeeaions to the faith aTe slowly going on. Converts to lelam at first are oalled "Nan Muslims" (new Moslems), and in course of time this epithet diaa!•peara. Mun•hi Ram N ath, an old aml&h of the colleotora.te, who hns lately retired from service, had a BOD· in-law named Ram Narayan. This man acoepted Islam with all hie children several· yean ago. There ia aJao one Waliullah at Dariapore, who was originally a K'yaath. At prcsen~ he ia aaid to work as a munshi. [n village Jhumka there is one Abdur Rashid, oon of Hafiz Abdul Karim. The latter is said to hav.e beon the BOD of & OODTert. Hafiz Abdul Karim and his brother, A bdur Rahim, were regular maulavis, and thsir family made 1118ny converts. It is &&id that gradually almost the entire village of Jhumka turned Muhammadan owing to their prcBching. The two brothers were Ghair Mnk.allids. There are many Ghair Mukallids at Jhumka. An important point worth notioe here is that a eon of Abdur Ka.shid is said to have been married tn a daughter of a Mir. Several more cases can be given in which it is believed that "the aooeptanoe of Islam was ·due to· conviction. · llfonghgr.t-Fresh IIOCessions to the Muhammadan faith 11re still being received from outside. The mullos, such as Manlavi Mubommad Ashraf, Maulavi Abdulla, and others usually come and preach on lelam. Their preachings have produced muon effect en the audienoe. Non-Isllimio notions and misconceptions of Muhammadan faith which had hitharto prevailed among the wild tribes, who were nominally Muhammadans, are giviul!' way, and the true Islamio faith is being implanted in their minds to such an extent that now they aTe in a position to comprehend the golden qualities of the Almighty God and his Prophet, There are numerous iuatanoes showing persons of other religions becoming Mubo.mmadans, amongst which the conversion of the lirother of Raja Ram Naryan Singh of Khair& is the most notable. This Dl8n's name is now Manlavi Abdul Rahaman Khan, l'BIIiding at Dl8uzah Moroha in thana Si~andra. • Purrua.-Men of other perBU881oua, mostly low claaa pe,nple, sometimes embreos Mubammadn..U.m. The Mtl881 of their renonnoing their own fo.ith are many-(1) their straitened oiroumat&noes, which lead them to lll8rrJ Muhammadan widows having aome property; (2) expulsion from their own sooiety for some misdeed; (3) the falling in love with a Muhammadan, either male or female. · The year before last a Muhammadan. woman of Kbaze.nohi H~t fell in love with s Bania named Babu Loll, and the Bam& embraced Mubammadantsm. A well-to-do Brahman named Kumar Chowdhury of Dhubania, in the Raniganj thana, with his whole family, and a wealthy K'ya&th of Gondwara than& also embraced Muhammadanism, as they were excommunicated from their society for some misdeeds. Intermarriages of these converts. from tho high-class Hindus take plaoe without much diflionlty with the ednoated class o! Muhammadans who call themselves Asbrafs. Malda.-Fresh nocessions to the :MubammadBD faith are still being received from other Hindu and Christian people. The principal o•uee of conversion nt present is rep_orted to be the falling in love of non-Muhammade.ns with Muh~mmn~e.n women, an~ _"•••. o.rsd, In former days people of the lowest. o!ass, in .order ~ av01d thell'. degraded pOSitiOn m the Hindu sooial system, welcomed a 1'l'lig~on that proclanned the equaltty of Jll men. Him Mani Adhikarioi of Naidha falling in love with her -Munammadan servant, Ganga Shaikh, aooeptod Muhammadan faith. Bujguri Tiyarni of Biihunpur ~ell in love wi~ a low-caste man and was outoasted; ultimately she emblaeed Mnhamnuidanu•ll!· ~"!'nn of Marifpur in oonneotion with the above ease beoame Muhammadan. Ali Baunm o! Babadurfella fell in love with :Mababir Shaikh and became Mubamm•dan. Jatan Mecbuan1 fell in lovo with Akbar Shaikh and beeame Mnbammadnu. • (1) Toni Harini, (2) Sunduri, (3) Kurtina of Bogobara,. (4) Bina Gonesbin! (6) Baghu H 111ini, (6) wife of Bani Oharan :Beldar, (7) Jhuno :UeohUBDl, (8) Ohaman Beldari • WriUon by a Muho.mmadan. t <d on notea by a ~ahamma.daD.. ~AUSES OP OOiirEBSluN TO JIUJJllNADAlUSJL ·- (9) Kaneh•n HariDi, (10\ PJOtima X"""""i, aDd l.Z or 13 other penDDS alao ...._.,, · lfvh•m..dn• wUhiD the jnrisdiotioa of :Kharta tbans.. . • · . &.llltll Pargor ...... -Them ua atill fnah am s"ODI to Uae llvhammadm 1llitJi from­ oot.ide, ,.,., Chhedi Dhauok of Deogh8r is uow Abdul Bahunwi This ID8D tvmecl a :M:vhammadau through a female Dom GOilTert. Chhoti Ojha. hi now Dil llnhammacl A Halwa.i. tamed HaMiman. · , The following may be called the ahief 0111181!8 forsnohaonveniou into Mvbunmsdanfsm :­ Men tluough WomeiJ.I!l'd eiu_wr.t. · Wllllt. ., • Fa.milyq~ C11UW.-TJme are at p!a84t 'ff1r1 few ~or other aoeea&iODB to the lluham.- - madaD faith. 1118 low-mate Hindu ua DOl; at all amiou to ohaDge their mligiou, ud do •• - to fiDd their degraded palitiou iD the Hindu eaclal system eo --very galling. They 8YIIU take a pride in being HiDd111. Oouvemi01111 of Hindu widows for marryillg Hilham. madam huh&nda are very rare. The lower oastes of Hindu allow :re-ma.rriloge of yooug widowa, ud the bigh-G881e wida'WI think it a great degradation to take al{ohamm•dBII bnahaod. · • • . XX APPENDIX Til.


lfamber PopaldJon.l ...... of

1 a • • • 7 BUBDWAN DIVISION ,., nordwaa ...... 7 .. Mlll -11'9 K11.lna •• , ,., .. .. l,(r~!l ,, ... - 23'!1 K11twa "' 011 1,0U 1,101 -lB'ol D1olnh11t,., _ .. ... 7.. 147 - 19'7 UnnlgnDJ ... f,¥.~:1 I ItBit - f'G ;\!ian'f)l .. , ,., ::.I 2,M19 s.... + 8"1' Surl ... '" 1,301J 1,-i-141 - s·a Han1rnra .. , ... 3,1U l,-i22 - 11'0 Vhlmupur ,,. ~·19 8,1tl0 - 0'11 8onamukbl .., ~·oo 1,210 - 5'41 }lidnnporo ,., f,6-Kt ..... - Ui'l TILIT,}Uk ,,, on 1,138 1,3.,. -H'T Oh.o.tal ..• ,,. S,O!IS 1,:.107 - 11'7 Chandrakona ••• 1,310 J,b38 -u·7 Rnmjihanpur ...... t,BU - a·s KJ•irPai ... - ,,, l.m -·Ja·o Kharar .•• ••• ,,, l,.. Ui J,OIJ)••• _,.. lhqbiJ ao4 ChiDIUn. - I,7Gl f,OI8 -!2'6 Bt·rampore ,,, ..... 7,SSJ -u·s Ut•arpara ... '1118 1,1r.1 - 31'6 BaldJabali ,,, ..... 1,113. -IG'I_., Jsluulrt'lon.f ...... _.,.,. Kotrang... _ ,.. '-::t i'aDihari• ... -13'0 Ara~eba(lh 7'0 ..... 18,1•03.'·""'.... -nt ;.n;-h: - ~ 1,070 _., .. PBESIDBNcY DIVISION Ol'.!D.fta,,t...... _.,., CMblJI(ft•\iUtpur 40,060 .lf,Gil '·"97 0,7Sl l!fkhir.ktala .,...... 13,!U a,:UI -10'7 UnmiiiCilr ,., ...... ·~"'26,4.1'! 10,0~ t:: -11>11-·· B.nmnrbatl ,,, U,2U1 ~.., 1,87G 1,1111 -u·o ...... 2d,37-6 12,203 S,t!O "'"' -14'8 lolnuth SabQI'bl ,., ...... -16'j Tol\yguo.. ... '" 1:1,821 IS,Ci93 1,700 11,1115 Onrdon Y.e&ab ,., ... !8,211 11,283 .. ,...... -· D'O R::ajpur ... ,., ...... 10,713 &/illS 1,6l6 lillrulpor .,, ... '" •,zl7 1,007 1,= - ·~ 1,-126 -u·" Jnynagar ,., ...'" "'.. 8,810 "" ...... Budgr--Hadge ,,, ...... ta,u:n '·""6,010 J,7UO 1,1611 -so·a Sooth Dum-Dam ...... 10,006 f,651 ],1565 1,71l9 -13'0 Norlb Duro-Dum ...... 0,1116 8,&!.1 78Z - 61!'1 South Banaclr.pore 18,307 8,0115 1,31' 8,186 -68'!1 ... "' 2,11G9 1,6!11'·""" -lt'O 1~.~.!!·" ...... U,l18 !S,l!S ),&If l,S.., -17"0 Jf.,rth BaraetpoN' ...... 11,000"·""' &,177'·""' 1,763 1,070 -Iii'& Garulia _ .,, 'I,:J715 1,556 ... 1,2-17 -U'I Bni'Q.Aot ,,, ... 8,0,. t,ons 1,2fo3 1,41$ _- ....IZ'l Nalhatl ... - 1.1,7~ ..... B,IM ..... Bbat,_,. -...... ~~ -18~ Oobardanp ...... m ... - ... Blllrirbat_ 17,0'11. ~ 1,7111 ..... - 1'41 tw.urla ... .. - ...... 1,411_...., ...... - ... Tald ••• ...... 710 ••• Kriahai!U' .. ... Sf;Ml 1!,!91 ..... ··=.. ... -t• .. Nadia _ 10,880 ...... -n'll Bantipur... 20, ... U,381 ~11 ...... - .... Ranagbat -... .-.. .., ...... 1,191 MOl - J7't Kuahtla...... -u·e KumarkbaU ...... ''".. .. 8'11 J[eberpur 1,700 t,9U 1,197. .... _,+13'0 8,12& ...... ~~...... 767 ...••• -18'4 BPZ"hamporo ,,, ta,3J7 ~~ ...... -aa·a Murshldabcld ,,, -...... 1J.168 ?',&!0 .....,,.,. .. ~ ••• Azlm~"nj U,3S5 ~ s.~ - 12'1) ... 1,707 1,80t 10,9Jl 0,7-J-2 .., Jan~rur ... 1,980 -li'lli Kand ... "' ...... 11,037 6,136 1,738 8,0~ 1,011 1,829 -13'0 Jflr-101'0 ...... S,lH5 Koiechandpar .,, - lf,OI]) t,liJ5 ..... 1,-llli ,., Jh.be•hpar ...... f,l80 J,H.8 810 ... -JO'D Kbula!l. .. , ...... 10,·125 4.24!2 1,337 l,'l'BO -19'1 St~tkhlra •., 1.3110 s,ozo 1,310 1,319 - .'1) Vebllbta ...... 2,085 ... 900 - 1'7 RAJBDAHI DIVISION ...... Rn.mptlf'•Boolla ,., 9l,M9 ...... , - 16'0 ... e,a.u 4,0% 1,310 1,62.8 Nlltnr ...... "·""' -12'0,••• Din~~ojuur lS,.UO 5,36.1 1,0150 B,'!IG ...... 0,708 3,Glt5 ].307 -18'1 J11lf'D.i urt ... 2,7JI1 - 19'7 ! nnrjrt"!lng ... 16,wt ~0\83 ..... '·"' KutNOODg 7'81 ...... -17'8 ll.aiiJpar ...... J,tdl""' ..... _..... Baidpur -· ...... -...... -11'1 NUpbtomvt ...... Ku1loam 1,777 ... I!IS -.w·s .,, -Sl'9 Oailmndba ...... '"'... !70 IJomar ... ., .... 708 ... -u:-a ... 7,0111 1,025 1,171 -1:1'1 Uogra .,, ..... fJ71 8herpar ... - f,1o& ... - w• I 18,4:6 '·""'0,7 .. !,771 ..... - a·s ....Palma, .... , -· os.u• ...... 81 • - ... ' DACCA DIVJIJON ... ··-· j 1!.918 _,.., D•ce& ...... 'l,7-IO _.... N~tralnpnJ ...... 1-6,479 t,au -17"8 Nulr•bn.d ... 7!1 _,. .. Muktnga.cbt ...... ·~...... tlhcrf.otll' ...... 11.~:1 J,liM - 6'8 KiBhCirganJ ld,~-66 !,007 - 2'8 10,lli17 1,077 + l'-1 lluli!IJUr.. , J,GU - II'S . Nctrokon• ... . n,..ot I 2,!!..'1!1 + 11'0 •ran~ull ,., ...... 10,6cl0 71 Jrnunlpur t7,91l5 9,7-l7 ...... ll,tUD -li'& P"rldpur •• ...... l7,-IU3 ,. 2,-IDS - 13':1 !hr.dflrlpUI' ...... l,llo.5'·"" - Sl)'j UIU'iul ,., 18,1178 - .. ''' I PBH!LES OF CHILD BBAI!Il!'G .A.GB IN TOWNS, xxi

APPENDIX Jil.-SBOWilfO TH!! EXCE68 _OR DE~r ·ur T.H~ NUMBER Oli' HARHIED li'EIU.LU OP CHILD BEA.RIIIO AGE· lll' CZBTAIN TOWIIIIl AS COMPARED WITH 1 BE OEHEBA.L POPUL/i.TION- concludeil, - • JS- of , .... .,1[1111J-• ., ...... -· • ...-... ':f ...... -. of .. .,., IID.i.BD.. l'oJalolloa ...... ,...... ooluran f. ,la ...... l ...... _ popgletiOD, ...... ~--· ·- olll-40. . , - GollUIID I • I 6 I' 1 J - • --• 7 - PAOO& DIVIIIOll'-- I , 1'10 17'1 lfllohlt.l .,1 ...... I .lfl•l•k•tl...... ~"· ... ,.. ... - 81'7 - 14,1UJ 1.... - r•lrojpur -...... 18'' l'at.UUball - - ...... ••- - ..... I ...... '·= - .. - OIIITTAGO!IO DIVI8105 ...... "~ ··-·· ...... ~mill& ... 'tD,180 7, ... 1,511. ' I,IU ... . ~··· - 18'1 } Tbe nC17 fa eola.nm ' il Brnbmanbuil ... .. 19,1116 ...... 1,1188 - 1'1 01117 an NtimaW>. The· Ctu.Ddpor - ••...... 879 691 actul Dgurer are DOt 8udharam...... &,117 783 t:m -..,. an.Ua.bJeo. •• 12,1...... , 8.1111 - Ohltla~nll' ...... -...... - Cl Cos.'• rar ...... 8,811 ...... - 11,:! PA 111A DIVJI!Oll ...... '" ... ·····• ...... ·~·- l'alno ... _, tat,7a 111,711 11,8111 l't - )!... .. ·. .... : ...... s::= +' 1'<1 Bihar .~ r •.-.. - ..- - .. ... as. no + a-a . ll1upore-:: - -· ...... 11.101 .....~= - .... l'balw.~l.- ... I. l,7H .'1: + n· Mokamell -.. ..- ...... - ..... 1,187 + 8"1 Kba.caal .. ...-- .. l;ld ,..,.''" ..... + ...... 'II...... 18.1• ~l'fll + ••• '.rllr.•rl - - -...... J,OIJ •...,•• . - 1,173. - lloouda•!l!c -.• -.. •... '·"' .....= ~ + 711 Bl~q..tl'"::'r.' ...... t~ 1• ..., .. I•=.,. - ...••• Nawa..._b .. -...... -+ n ' U...a .... •• - f,?Ol raft tv= 1,108 + .lan.-.W .7.011 • ~!11 ·=I,lSI •• .. .. + 1'0 Arrah ... - 411,170 ..... 8,008 7,618 111 ... .. -... ~101 .+ ol•«lldhpur ...... U 1411 101 ...,.. 1,888 + 8'1 Ru:~ar ...... 18,DID 7,U88 J,SOl + ••• Dutai'ILOD ...... •• 17,280 9,177 ·I:= l,81t + 8'1• • :Uhalma ...... 8,.., 1,035 Pst + 1011 Sharam ...... 18,2GS'·""' 811 Clwprn. .. , ooi ...... Mi,901 ...... 7,178..... J:!Ji 1'1. •. Ilt!velgan) .• ... .. 0,7815 6,301 1,707 • l·ll11 ~·+ ... Stwo.r1. .. , ...... 11,760 7,8'1 »,709 ,81)1), + 6'8 lllr~oJ . u.ws 1,!4.3 ... "'· ... e,oot + IIJ"' llotr.hnrl ... "' .. 18,730 1,730 ..... t:= 711 Uultla.h ... .• ...... 1J,3!1& . 3,0UI t,o7D - lln~~tft'n.rpur ...... - M,UJ7 %1,111 ,,til ?,liST - ...1'1 Untttour - 11,308 n.n1 8,881 - ...... 8,009 + ..8 Ln.lr~anJ ..• ...... 1lo601 ..... :a.o~ l,B91 + 8'8 8ltauu1thl ...... P,aas ..... 1,&81 l,D7t + Do.rblwlJga ...... 60, ... 13,3117 11,003 10,V80 + 1'1••• Uowra HO ...... " 10,115 ...... + 18'1 . Str.wullpu.r .. ... t,tOl ...... 1,801...... Jladbullir.al ...... '" •. 17,800 .... 8,1111 ....., +- l:J - . - BIL\GALI'UB. DIVII!Oll ... ··-· -·· ..... -... lloaahJr ...... -11,1117 ,.. 88 -'ama1pur -...... - Klr.aprl• ...... - u ...... !,807 ::= - . Bhatll~ur& ...... 10,158 ...... ~. - 11'1 . '" .... + JllllplpUI' .. .. ,.. ,., ...... 1'1.810..... Oolpn••• '" ...... =1,'119 u.m - .10'0 Pu•ht'& ...... U,OOl 1,7111 .. .. '" I.Ul'l 1,811 - I Kbhtnpnj ... - 7,071 ...... 1,1118 - ....,., hatll&lll' ... ! .. t,711 ..... 1,187 .1.111..... - 16'1 E1~f'l•b Bt.aar - 18,1107 - .• ...... I.U73 .. 8'1 01 •hldo4 •• ... .. 1,7 •• 1,...... 018 - lO•.f Nn·aba"uJ ...... 11,018 1,76() 1!,153 1,608 -+ •.• ll~dhupur ...... 1,183 ~1,111 1,118 l'B ~IUl' ... &.961 I&Qj ...... ,,,...... -+ e·a ...... 1,101, 8,780 1,518 ...., + 8'1 Q!U88! DIVI810ll ...... _ ' -··· ·~..... Outt.Aclr ...... 11.881 ll,lllll '-174 1,671 , ..1 Jaj~u.r ;:: 11,111 K•·ndrap&ra •• ...... 1,986 1001 - 0'1 ...... la,ttll ,,'i06 1:ua - 8'6 111llll'l(\f0 ...... 0,100 - llhadrat ...... 18,Gl8 9,760 ...... 8,0515 ••• l'lltl ...... 6D,S3i"'·'"' "·""' ..... -+ '" ...... 1,1~ - J=l OllOT.I. NAGIUB. DIVJJIOll - -... --- ..... Daarlblllh .. 11,'111 ..... -...,., -. Chalra ·- ...... ,..., ... Olrldth ... -... - ...... ,,.. -+ ... l&llarbl .., ... -.. ta.e:o.. 1,01 ,~=.... + .. J.ohanlap - ,...... •;ass U'O. .. .. - ..... - 8'1 - ].,";'jj ... uarln -.. ~ ... ._ ..= ,.. !:':""'" .. - .. 801 IJaltmr.IUJ - ...... - 111 ' ...... ,., .I.Bifo ... O..rhwa - - .. I,GlO 1,6<1 ...... Pwnlla - - .. -·18'8- - .. 11.1111 ...... llr.ald~ ••...... , s.:: G'O &;qrbunalbpar ... - - tm ...... - •..,•• .....,_ ... ~ '" 8...... , ... - - - 1...... - .... PBUDATO•Y I'I'ATBI '" ... , ..HO ...... lllj..,h (Dh..n..l) G,OOO 1,014 - UhuU.n ...... s.m ,l,BM... 1,100 - .. ~ll.rlfllUt& "' .. + 11'1 1,613 . Jlrlljlflt,l h tK.I;'OII)hiU') ...... I 719 110'1 .- ... "1.~..0 ...... K1wb Ulht.r - ...... ' TiS ,.. +·- 1'8 ... 10, ... Lilli hill• ...... 1,, l."l'd ...... l,JI07 .. lhlbnN1aDp ... 101 190 - ~ ~ 1,11S .•n Haldtbatl ...••• Ill - ., ... 1.111 lx:t .. - 181 Ap;~la. e,al.S ... - ., ... -•. .. l,c_sa ),Ul 1.110 - 11111 :·!I I - .. :lXII APPENDIX IV,


(i) BEI!lG.U. I'BOI'EB.

PtnlCBM'TA.OB OW Number NV'IIlll& OJ DIB'tJIJ, PII\Ci:lfT.AnR OW 'I'B.La£z. Toz~•• or 1anlo Nvxua OIJIJann. Numbor YIA.ALY Tutu., ot h,,le Jlotrm~Yua. birth• Kona .L"D '!•&.&. II ...... t.\r1hl llalo. Jlalo. Pemale...... ,... ' toJ•-o ... P.-la. I ...... I ' -I . • • • l -·• -• • I • 688,608 ~ 1011 JANUAllY -,11811 •••• ... .n/Z.F • "' ... /ID6,JJ61> 1161~01 6#113 ... ,. 107 ... - 88,•1111 St,71Jl 'J'I6 7'01 110 lOIII .. ... 2!,968 ti,II'IT ...... , lfl;l:l ... -... 'SG,MT 61,210 8'96 107 ... 11,-HI .., ... ~ ..... '""lt-06 78,1tl 14,463 tz·zll 1!1:'"8 1~0 ...... ·~·8'01 ...... 8'31 G·~l '",,~ ... tl0,303 61/>89 9'61 106 ]11;:)5""" - ~.737 4.,,1>31 '"',.,. ... 87,364 IU,Ol!9 .11'0& 9'14 "' ...... '"' ...... l!lt'fl .. . 41,0«1 "·""'~.014 ,., 6r.7 101 '""' 83,141 18,3:0 s·aa ...... '" ... .. 47,7~ 46,1.21 8'17 ,.,.'"' 1'"'.. 1"0!1 641,oRO flt,7D7 0'16 .... .ft,S'l!l od,O'.!I I"" 6":!1 '""'JijOO ...... 89,128 M,IISII. 11'17 11'88 1"".. 1!1!1!1'"' ...... ,.. . 49,011! ...... 46,1i10 e·u 6'01 1U7 1UOO ...,., ....,. 11'30 u·to 100"' 1000 ·~· ... - - - ...... 107 PBBB.U.A.BY &ao,.oz lUll,Mil 9•18 •·to 101 d.UOU81: ilfi7.N7 11Bf,001 ...... •·u G•1• 10f 1...... 11.161 111111 10111 ,...... 11>.1\7 ..,. .... 101' 1...... 117,918 ...... "'100 1!193 .. ... ID,US ...... o-n .... 101 .... - -... oP,.Sl l$,303 IOlt ...... 11,205 ...... I&'JI) Gl,t!IO 1n.r.o1 .,., 106 l!,ft1'11 6'11 ...... -...... 108 . 107"" )804 ...... 'IO,SI& 00,003 ...... "'"""'"7.617 63,978 1'40 ...... 65,133 81,2-'7 8'112 .... I<~ lllt17 ...... 11',112-l 10,137 7'311 7~" 27 1•o8 !l3,nt7 -,... 7'fhl IBOS M,r.:,g ·~.r.u "0 7•16 "" ...... , 68,376 60,331 I .. '""' ...... 71,G41 0'03 "' 1!!19 ...... tu.';:sa G'!7 6'18 101"' 78,U41 1Jj,IJ73 q·os ,... 106 1000 ..~ 17,:SSS ....'"'' ...... ·~· "" ... .,...... 6'17 101 .JtABoa ...... 048,4&6 0081840 10·1- ~10'11» 100 Bl'JPXBJnl'£11. ... 410.&68 3711,'781 0•30 0•81 10B ...... ,. n·llt U'OO 107 ,...... 11,,71 ...... ,;. .... I'JG 106 .,., 48,118 1...... •...... 61,3!16...... 101 - ...... 177 ., .. ,...... IOi IS,SOO 107 43,181.. 1...... «<,GTI .... .•.. , .I"" ... -... fn,:us .... 101 11~ , 1.... Al,f.BO ""·"'" ... I"" ... to,r.lf ...... ,..,...... -417,....0 ·~ .tO!\ -...... 77,676 n·H 11'17 100 1~7 ..- 11,7118 .417,111. .,.,,.,. . ••.... 100 F:"' ...... G2,!11CI IKI,UI .,. ... ,.. 1...... - ... fi,7M 7·~ 107 .. . 105 ...... 77,!101 18,411 1170 ....,...... 48,tlltl ..,. 1'2S .... 1800 .. ... ,...... 78,018 ,..... 10'10 10'88 '" ...... <1,060 678 100 '"' - ·~· .6.PZUL ... .. 644,16. &!0,&114 8•/14 8•&1 100 OOXOBBB ... 6891M34 UfJ,U/1 9'118 .. ., 1D7 ,...... 41,511 8'36 108 ...... ,. .,.. 11 110 ... )8')3 10'80 1r1:J ...... l.il,%11 G8,GG6 .... lOS ...... '16.-1:57 70,0'30 ~~~ 107 67,D9S &41,311 0'11) )110 .. 68,llil 63,361 11'15""" 10D ...... ,_,...... ·~· 101 ",,...... 00,798 ... .. tMI! 11,ue ..,. .. ,...... &s,'nJ 1'111 101 18,V77 . 1...... ,.,...... ,.. ,.., ...... 8'10 .., 101 - ...... &&,&SO . .. 101"" :::: . .. ,. .., ,., Ill 47.701 . 1 ... .• ... 50,11413 ...... ,...... -.. ,...... , . - ""' 71.... 1...... 47.011 113.7!1 8'31 ..... ,"'.. 1... -... .. 78,18t .... 100 D'Ol 108 1100 ,., '18,011 10'U 1100 - ...... ~ ...... - ... .·~·...... Md.F ...... 4111,116/J -,917 r47 ,... 106' NOYB.UBB ... d'J1,7.M 10'3'1 10•87 106 11'!1! ...... ,.. 411,711 a·oa 8'011 IOD 1...... 117,29? 159,108 to·• 1073 107 1!1WJ ... 18,620 .. ., 8'67 100 ...... ,.. M,:JM ...... ·Q,Si3 611,8119 • .0'8\ 101 - ~.TSJ 43.071 ... 7'U ,...... --'~"" ... , I"'' .•. ... 160> ... 46,tiGS ...... lo7 1811 ...... GV,I.o!J ...... 10'00 ]0'0!\ '"' •...... 9'61 67,&9 6'75 . 1!11)1 70.'if.lt 17.\70 1116 18\111 ...... 110,&63 ...... "' IP>T ..- ... 67.141 ..,781 ,''"'... 108"' ... , ...... 80,MIJ 711,1.S 10'!.11 11'01 I!I!IFI • ll,llBT 'U&7· 7'111 7'18 107 1808 ...... 88,19!1 n,ua JS"t 1~"!5 ...... 1.010 'lti,:SW 10'011 )fJ'4ll '"'lot t~:JI ·~· ...... ~~· . 1M 11100 ... '17.101 10'01 10"07 ...... - ...... "'""' ...... - - "·'" .n!NJI ... - $.1.,1.7• 111111,6113 ..Ill •·u DBCB'IIBBB ... 64B,U6 11111- 10•1111 1o-3~ 1D& , ll,tl!l 111,181 8'11 .... 101 ...... 10'110 100 ...... IIGS 119,141 ..,. 107 ..,,006 .... lOS ...... I"" ...... - OO,IDI 10'48 ,..,.. lOS 18!J.t .... 101 .... - ...... 8&,371' 11,1. u·~ 10S J!l:l.\ =·~fli,Ul IS.OH l,i'iji ... 106 -...... 61,1'i38 7'6$ .'"" 1.. 7l! 655 IJ'78 ...... 16,981...... I .., lo6 .... .7,IM Cl'lll . 106 '"'' ... ,.,.,. lhll'l ...... u:"' ...... 81,188 'J'tl,41'7 l\~ 11'1!> "' 63,0$3 ... ost 6'ot II'PS 106 I"" ...... , ...... l.i'70 100 '"' '16,000 "101 "'... ,... 166 till~ ... u. -&.1,1'il\ ...... "'" ... .. 80,lat 70,46i ,. 10'68 , 17,910 ~It 100 ...... lliOq ...- ...... ·~· - I ..

Bi) paras • -

:PsJEcd:Y.AfB OS' ~ PncD7&dOW ...... BJIIDI. .-n-. DUSrll'II'U.L ...... r...... - ...... :Ko5'm .uu TK&L ....,....dDY:us..r ·-- ..... ,_ ,_ """'"...... p-.., ·- ..... -- I ·- I - 1 - • • 1 -• • • -·• • • ....,_. .. C'trB 1 .. iTULr '- .2..,.. :r.o :Ia J~A.r -.-a .... ~- - no - 111 .,. .,...... ,... .•. .., ,.,,.. ,.. ... - .,..., ... 110 •.t.U .. l!"lll - ...... ~ ...... - ...... ,_ U'W .. - - ---.!40 ...... ,.,•• .... - - . 1'71 . HI' - .,...... - - 8.177 I:.M - .... -- .....-,... - .... - .,..., ...1'01 ...... "' :IIOJ4.1 ... - ... .. I!.S7l ,... •·· . -.od ...... ,.., -· ... .,.. m ...... - - ...... 111 1'71 Ml •• ...... ,. - •·· "'-""M.!5f ... - - - -111 ...... - ~ ...... - ..... ll.t11 ...... - - ...... f'"Z --- - ...... -""" - - - . ,... 7".. .-.utRTa .... - ,..,_na JD- ...,... ------"'- ...... no .... -· ...... I •.., .. ,...... - - ...... 11,111 - . VA ...- ...... -·•• -- - ...... - - r..:ra ...... ]01.. 111 - = ...... ,.,. - - ...... ,."·"'.... ,.,,.,. 'MI - - - ...... , -...... - - r..~ 11.411 ...... - ...... ·-...... ,.. ,...... IH , ·- ...,...... ll',:Ar lUll ... - ...... ,,., •·· .... 17.111 10111 JO".W ...... HS 1!111 - - .a. ... h,...... ,. ... ,- - - ...... ,..'"' ' f7,MI ta,GII -...... 1-.;.'IJ ...... •• - 17,111 ru ..... 100 - - ...... ••• ...... - - ::: ~,._., lUI_.. :1117 JJBPnDIBBB - . • .AJU:B- - -.-. 1141- -~ .. -· 110 l!ie ...... ' ..... •.tn ...... - ..... 671 ...... tt.r• 1'11 ...- ...... - ,.... •...... "" ,.... - I!,Jil. ~=., ..... JOT -HI' ...... 31,:.» -...... ·"" ,... -•. ·- ...... , , - G,Sll ..... -...,. .-.s ,...... ,..• ... ""...... - ...es ..IX IV,

• (ili) OBISBA.

lfUIIII& 01 BDDI.. t PnclUI'T&OB o• ll'nmblll' YB&.BLT~A.U, of rr.•le lfu•na 01' BD1RI. hRCJli'UO& b11 ~ :fl:llll'lb-t MolJITB UD YBJ.a. blrlh• Ilona A.JV Yua. U4&LYTOTU•, I •t m.olo roroo blrliu Mala. l'nule, Mble, l'omale, remaiN, lo\tlo I ~ Femllle. Male. Female. femalel, 1 I • • • 0 1 J • • • • JANUABF •. 114,tBr ID,BBII B•J• ..u 208 .1ULF ... 11!1,191 J·J• 2~ - ,...... ,..,.,...... 1110 1!1!11 - 118- .. "" lR\13 ... ..t,-170 .... .7'...... 7'31 , ...- ...... , 1 ... :-;:: ...... ••• ;fD .. ... liJ!tt 7.oSI 11'21. It'll 100 ...... ,... •:•&'i ,.., - , ~~~ ...... - ...... 7'110 7'10 ... -...... ,.,...... "'"'.. ,...... - 1,166 ,,,:nl ...... 1111 .1...... - .. . , ...... '"'... 1897 6.~~ 8'11 ,., ...... a.•n .. ,... .1<4 ...... ,... 1&-'1 .• - ..... e.:no e.ms '118 111118 .. 5,-110 &,tr.lO ,... 7'68 100 ... ,... 101 ... . 11,411 &,1"'8 ... 10,310 0,411 lfl.1"17 -...... T'MI '1''16 , ... to·r.s ~ ... "'"...... 7.~.!14 7, ... ,... 8'111 )1·"1 ...... o.uoo .. ,. lOIS ...... "'' 1000 ... .. 7,696 7,a:ll ... .., '"' PBDIIUABI" 48,031 41,818 rJo 1'114 '"' ... 107 AUGUS'Z ... 111,9.. ~0.... 7'10 7•9J 101 Hll'll ...... B,IJI!Ii ·~,. .... 8'1SI 100 1!1\lS +,017 4,476 tR:t:. 8,NIA S,t~l5 ...111 ...... 100 ...... 113 lSIIS .. ... fi,71)3 ll,l'ol4 .... .,. 101 ...... f.ll\0 ...... 117 1... 1,818 1'13 18.. 1.131 no ...... , ...... 1801S . .. "''· ...... 7'11 111) ...... -· f.ftl8 ..Oil ...... 101 1 .... - ...... 11!17 , ... ·-.. t,m I.Olt 8117 ...., 1110 101l7 .. ... r.: ...... 811 .. 1110) - ...... l$1 B.GOI fi'lD ...... a.sat ..., 107 111118 1,1188 .8'01 18tl ·- D.tM ID'II 10t .-.. - ..... 101 ... - .... 1"" ... .-.. IJm ll;!IJ7 , ';"6:5 ,,.., 0.116 .. - ,.., 1117 ··~ ..... - ... """' .... . - ...... ,.., •' MABOII .. , ... ,,,,... 10,860 s·so 8•04 lOB BBP!rBIKBBB- ... 44,6'7. 41,701 671 6'07 100 ...... IS, 18-lo . 9'61 9'60 S,ft:BO 1,1101 110 6'7& 1'193 8,701 8'15 ...... ,.. "" ...... G'S' . . 1898 .. 4,:;23 O'tB 6'18 1!1!1 .. 5,228 ••• ...... 869 8'U 107 "".~...... , .. J,r.l!8 ... 6'117 101 ,.,...... 8.1188 0'67 .... ,., 18115 5,79-6 D,S.KI . 867 "" . IllS 11190 .. 757 ·~·8'116 8'!16 106 1 ...... -...... 6,71-6· 6,11118 ... 7':10 lOS lfll1' ... 8,GlU '1,P31 10'26 10'01 108 1.. 7 ...... fi.m 4,718 ..... fi'!o!l Ill 1 .... - ..... •• 130 liS 1...... , ... ,... 105 l~'lt - 8,..0 8'!19 101 .. - ...... ·~· ...."'" .... 1,;48 .I'll 107 .. 1111 ·- ...... 1000 - - ,...... , ...... -· .-·...... 4,11111 ...... APBU...... •..., 60,018 e-oo ..114 OCZOBBB- .. llll,ISOil IJB,IIH ..84 ..Ill 104 181111 ...... 11 i.s:rt ...... 116 1801 ...... ,.. 11,11111 ,., ,... 108 Jlf.13 ·-...... ll,?'st ...liM .... ,. .. -111 1\!03 ...... 7.103' 1117. n.., Jlr.J ...... fi,'170 .... 0'":'8 ...... IS,lliO 4,11'18 .., ...... lj,1 ... £;,146 ...... -.. . 6,107 .... .,. Jill lHIIG ... 7,000 0.713 ... 0'01 ,.. 18:16 ...... Mill '·""'...... 1••"" 1BI>J ... -... ?,ll..O 7 .. illl .... o·aa 106 1897 ...... IS, HI~ .4.1161 8'18 «1'21 ...09 G'ISO 7,106 ·~· ...... ~ ... 10'11 10'18 ... 8,701 lt,3:1G ..... 1.. 1&111 ...... 6,f'i94 G,fUI 7'00 6'11!1 100"' IWO ,,.., g~ ,'"" 10illl S.ti!.l 7,11\J1 ,. .... "' ""' -...... - ... • 8'16 101 MAr ... - 67,•• , :Jtl'16 ttl'liS 100 NO'YZJIBIIB ... ISIJ,71M IJBI)IO .." .... 1H 1...... ,,...... lJ'IIt ,._ Ill ...... 00 ... 101 ,... -...... 7.1f6 8,6SI to· ..a , ., lOS 1801 - ...... 110 . 108 ,,.. .f,&d: .7• .. 1001 ...... 3 -... ,... ,.. ,... - &,1411 ...... 7n lUI ...... ~ ...... 100 8.91.. . 1... '1,3Ui "- 9'17 , 871 108 -... - ... .. -,...... '·*...... , ...... 8,3!'1 1••"4'1...... 10& "''1807 ...... ,. .... 1...... -... tm 8'21 ...... 1190 -...... 8,1110 11'17 u-n .1•1.. 111\11) ...... 10.&11 0,986~·"' ll'JD ]1'11 105 ...... "·""6,0.)0 IS,'fM .... 6'·Y1 101 ...... 10'01 lei"IL ,.. ,...... 7'Ci8 7'ffl 101 '"" ... - ..... "'" . oTU~'B ...... 61,804 IJ7Pl0 9•111 o·to 107 DBOBJDIBB ... ll4,1W) Gl,'lft B•IIIJ ..as 104 1...... &,1&6 .... 9'81 108 1801 ...... f.MS .. .,. 7'43 .... Ill 1 ...... , ... 1801 ...... ,. 6,7..0 ,.,. u·uo 11lt ,...... •.m ..., .... 1116 ,...... ,... s·.:o I til ]F:lli ...... 8'"' ,... lUI ,...... - .8,!118 ..... ](l'll:i 1!1'811 101 7,•tl0 • 9'411 - ,...... D,S\0 B,fil 11'31 ll":lt 1111 ... -00 .... ,.. ·-. 8,700 10'to 11!'01 . .., ,.. 1"" ...... - .....'·'"' .. . 10'88. 11'01 1.. 1""' ...- ...... 11l8 ... -... - "·'"...... 7,-tSS . 108 ""' ....1 - ...... 8"36 ...... 1900 - 7'110 .1U4 1,... - ...... ·~71 ...... ""' ... - ...... ,... PnclllftA.fJII ,. lll'DIIIbor l'nGD>lO'I .. • ..bor lll'DdDO-J. ~T%0r.&l& Ill malo ~ waua.r sour& ...... ,....,., _...., ...... toiOO.... Mo.,..-UD~L ,._10100 ...... _- I 6 6 I - -• -• • I -I - -• • ·- ·-·• .. ..,. :t.H .,... • ltHI Jf/7Jf .... .- ... ,.....,. .... tltl,trl ..,.,. •.D• oT-'NUABr •. •tniJ 1M80 1,98'1 • 8'41 a... ·108 ..,. 111'1 1111 .. ... 9'81 9·os 108 •...... 7•nt 1801 ...... 1...... ·~71 7'"" .101.. 18M.: .. ;::= ...... ,.. .. 11'17 INS 100 ... . ,.... .71111 ,...... lOS ...... '·"'· ...... •••• ...,. 101 ....18118 ...... a...... 1007 - - 1,9?1 .. -... r.: ,..., 7'ft 108 ...... 1110 .... -...... IJtll ns1 ,... . ,.. , ...... I'll 101 JBill ... .. 103 ... 1,1fl ...... IDI 18911 ... O'll80 t~ ...... '·"" 1,748 0'01 ... lD,d 0,011 ,,.,.. 101 .... IIIDO ...... - ...... 1,101 ...... '""' ...... , ...... - .,._ - A.l16TIB'I! . ,.,.., :f.. ,, ..... ;~-- R,M1 o-n ..., ,IIBBJIA/a ... - . 7,708 tO'FII 10"11 107 ...... 18111 . 7111 108 ...... • IM.. e,tUI Mil ..... 8,.11'7 10118 to ... ,.. ... lOS .. , - ... t,llf/ ...... 7,011 ...... , 107 ,.,. .... 1...... 7'7• 7'71 108 . 7,1111 ...... 7,110 . ..:~ , ..... ::• ...... 101 - ...... 1... - ...... • 101 ... I'll -... 11'8].. vtn 1.811 ...... ,.., - ,...... ,~. ,.., ..... 1... - ..... 1898 !0,(106 e,t7t 18'00 u·aa lll9 -...... ,.. - ... 10'941 10'79 - 11.04'1 1Lt88 ...... ""IDI 1181 ' . - ...... -... ..- .101 7,117 ...... -lllolO • '1,8111 . 1,918 • 7:&!1 7"111 '""-••m ...... ~""' 7'11t 7'88 .1111 ...... 7.sn·"" '·"· - -· 8 ..81 :,.·:Mill· '7'8. ,.. -1(11 4JQi'2'JDIIB B - alta ...,...... -~11011 Q,IJ"n ll't,#JI.O .. ... ,.,. 101 Ill 1181 •... 8,175 &;Ill .... .-.. ,,,..., ~,. ....,.., ...... 8'117 • a·"' IM ...... J,'t01 1,8<11 ...... -"' .8,718.... 8,817 7'09 8'27 101 ...... ,..., •••s·u 108 lost ...... 7,..0 ..... 108 IIIII 8.8741 '·"'8.010 .... ,...... I'll a-ar ... •••• ,"'" I,ttl ...... 8,1"' 8'87 lOl ... - ' Ill ., ...... ~· .... 7'1111 lhl ... -...... 10111...... ,,.... 101 ,.., ...... ,.., - ,,... - ' 11'89 11"71 1<8 ...... 1,171 1'10 108 1...... "" ...... 1808 - 10,003 .• 9~9 .. , ..... 101 .. 1'111 ... -··· .... ,,1711 ...... 7,001 .... ,..., IM

lf'craa o• Blln'D. !<...... ' DUL'I:'J'OI'UI,...... olmale lf...... oJB.._ Pa&c:nu••ow JIOW!lr A.Wtll Y•.a.L blrl.... Ta.t.I.LT 10l'£U. 1<•- - ..... 1101ft'lr U» 'lw.w.. of mal• !Iloll. Pemala, Ualo, Jemalt. ,_ ..,,. !Ia.. !laW. female • I -·-- I I -.... • • 1 I I - • .. I I JA.F(IA.Br .. IIJII,4U •. ., -..- Jfiii.. IHI ... ,...... IJ,1SI ..,. -· 7'N 11101 .... liS 11111 - ... - "' ....,. 18,ttt• .... 100 liM• ..., 1... "' 18,170 .... ,.,. 17,7111 110 ID,7n 11'88 ...... - 11"'111 "' - -•. 114\11 1... -"' ...... 100 10,\11'1 18,117 ...... ,., 8'10 ··-1~"" ... 6'1il ~·· ·- ...... -till - ...... IO,fiM "' -.. . 11 ...... 106 .. ,... 11111t - 18,'104o ...... so:na 1.8,RD6 s·oa -t'l,~a . . "' &17 .... IOI '""' .... 106 1...,""' '" "·""" 11111 ... lii,UJ 16,761 7'11 ... 19,001 "'107 , ,... 108 '1... - 111;019 '"~~ ,... 1M ...... -... • 10'1'1 1'71 1~1 ,... .• 10'" 1.. 1... tl,na"·""' 110 =:m 18'10 - - "·"" ...... 1.. - ~= "' - - =:~ . .'Mt I'BB&UA.BF - - .. J7JI,IIH ..... 7•82 A.f1tn/U ''" ·- - '" ,...... ttl,Bil 111,131 - - ..... ttn 111 ... 111111 14,11'17 ...... ·1111 ,.,.., ...... 107 .. ·-~ no ,,...... 189S .. ID,087 D,2110 10.'18...... --...... roo 8'18 i -...... ,., .. "'·'"' 1111 18~ "·"" - 16,1178 ...- u,tn 16,301 1'11 "' -- .... lOT .... , ' , 11,711 20,111 .. 1... JS,lld 17,011 '""...... -· 7'711 - ,... ,.., , I . ,.., ... 107 1'"'... .• 107 - 10,101 18,767 .... 107 -...... 036 &'18 .... ,., , -· 14,0U 121,:1111 : ..., ,... -"' .... 1'417·~ ... -.. ...,...... - 11'01...... - ..., ...... 101 - ...... n ... 11"1> ,.. -... - ...... , ... -.. -...... ,.110 .... "'.. - = . - - ~= .... .101 llA.BOB- ... J7fl- ..IE ,. - - .. 1111PrBJn]I!J]I!J- - ,..,_ !1'711 u.su 1... , ...... - ...... , .. ,, 100 lOIII ' ll,frl ,...... 11,966 1..... I'll .. ... 17,0t8 """ .... 108 ,... 1P,068 ...... --...... 106 .. "' ...... l811t ..lt;518 li,Stl ...... - ... n,m t·ee ., ... ·~I - ... 107 ...... 111'1 IIWI -· J&,tJG .... ' l!UIS 11.101 - ... 1.... 10'11 - ...... "" "'"' ...... 100 lOll ..lSI...... ,.. ...·- - ...... I'll , 11110 ...... m 111111 111,017 ...... -... .13,131 .... . -...... , , '""' ...... m 1...... ,... - ~;!: ,., - ...... 10111 ,.. - - ...... 1811 - - ...1130 ...... , - -· G ...... - - to,m=== ...... ,.. ' - - ''ll '"' uau.- ...... :l'I'6,SB .,.,. ,. 7•8/1 :ttHI OCIS'OBB. -· . .. - ... ,.. ..._ to·•f a.. lf,tl'l IJ,ofl ,.., •. - at ,.. 109 11111 ... •,na 10'00 -... - ...... 111'1 , ...... -~·... 107 11,<72 ...... 11'11 u·...... - ~ ...... 100 ' - ,.. - 17,M ,. .. - ... ~ ..,, ,., .... - .... 107 1101 "'·"'...... - .... ,.. 11~1 ,... - ·- ::::: ,...... - ... 100 17,Ul ...... - ·-... =.... 1CII .... - -.• ...... ""'""'...... - ...... 108 .... -... ·- 1'1.-.._, ...... - ...... =...... 1.. - -·- 5 ...... -...."" - ... ::: ...... ,.. - -""' '" JIUZ' 1111,1111 I'III,GI - "" .. 11QBJI:B]I!J]i!J - "' = ...... - ...... ~ 1•11- IIIII lf,rn ·- - ...... no ttllll - ... FUIII .. .. ,...... , ...... ,.. - 1';,.174 ...... , ...... "·"' ,.,...... -107 - tt,MI :::.: -""'.... ,...... 1'10 --- -,., ... 1... - - tl,ltl ..... 10"411·-·· ,.. - ...... 1llll . n'll 11'11 111... - - ...... -1... -•. -...... -1817 -· ,. ..., - ...... 11.- I'll .... ,.. 1... - ...... 1!08 - -- - r:: ... .., 103 .....- ...... - - -...... ,.,. -IIlii --...... ,.• , ..,...... ,.. "' "...... - - ...... ··'"'..... "" ...... JU1111- -· ... ,.,-·..... JH...... ,. .. J)BOJIJQIZ- • ... ,_ ..,, •. ., .• ... ,.,., ttl 1111111 11113 ...... ,...... rr ...... ll'tJ .... ,.. ... '" ...... 198 ...., U,IJII . -.. - ... rn ...... 1 ... 1110 ... - --...... 1110 I'll - - ...- ...... -· ::=....., 11'111 U'tl , 18110 ...... ,.., ... - ...... - ...... 1... ,.,. 1107 ...... ,,2111 "" - - ...... ,.. - -... -...... 101 - -... . , 11!011 11,:1815 1'111 ,., .... t•.• .. - ,...... I BIB ...... 1.... 1111·~ , ,.,. "' U,~l .1'93 - ...... ,. I'll ,.. ,...... ~= Sl,tll--~~~ "",.,. --- , ••• Ill •. ... :;~ ..• , .'"... ,"".. - = - "' ·- \ ·-xxrii



Note i8 A.. E•I!I.W, EsQ., U., Ikprllg fJ«nmiB,W,er, o..,·.. .,, • pslt...,.l-ia BJWmllllll ma.• I. PrtlimlMrg.-ln Bpellking o-f Sikkim ~ C!OIIll8CtiOB with 1111lYBI!-drf• the people of Tibetan origin onlrliving in Sikkim we, of CII1JrB8, nf81Tecl to. Th8 mdlgenons Lepoha population of l!iklmn il not, and never -was, addi~ !o polyandry';. while t~ immi~ Nepalese notoriOUBl.r have no noh custom. The inhabitants .of f3mim ~ Tibetau ongm, oalled in Tibetan, Denjongpa, and, in Englieh. Sikkim llhotiaa, hll\'8 derived their religion and oaotoma from Tibet. "In epeaking, therefore, .of polY~t:ncifT in- 8i.klrim, it is im~ble not to oonllider limultaneo-asly the same praotioe m Tibet. I Wll, therefo!e, m the following notes, mention both conntries, and «ate how m the Cllltomof Siklrim difiera from that of Tibet. I now proceed to Teply writslim to the qnemon~ pu.t b.r Mr. Risley in his note of 4th Nomnher 1891. _ . 2. Jlr /liti.Y• gu.MW. No. 1.-R il atatec1 that polyandry ....., in oldea times mUGh more ~~tin Sikkim than at prMent. It ill llllid alBD to be on the lleeline in 'Fibet. The foUOWUJg farm ,of -polyandry esiats in Sikkim and Tibet :-If the e~ of a group ef Juothora awriel a 'WOIDIUl, llh8 is :regarded • the ~~ -.rife ef .U the broth11111.. It deea Dot., Jurwemo, net"earrily follow that llhe will cohabit WJth all the ycnmger- llmthan. 8he exmieea much h"herty in thill'lllp80t. and it , •.-u ~a -- 1lleaanril• to whetker she will cohabit witb. anr. parlionlar ycnmger brotbar. If the eldeli mother (i.e., · the -.1 huaband) diea, the wife pe.uee to one of the younger 'bmthen -.liDg to her GWJl tleleeti011. • Should her ohoioe fall on the nest brother, ohe will atill be the GOIIIDIOn wife of the JOIIII8V Juothera. Should, howerer, aha select AD)' of the yoanger 1lrothen, abe "lrill -be the WliliilOil wife only of those younger than him, and, if he be the ~ she 'WiU b!l his -wife enly. If the eld< brother of a group of brothers does not ~. lint the 1800Dtior tlmd brother does ao, then the wife will be the common wife of lMoh 1800Dd -or third brother and his younger brothera only. Elder brothers, in suoh IBI!ee, wilt 11epsrate tmd leave the family, having no olaim on the wi'rea of the y01mger -brotlxera. -cousins,- both on -the father's -and mothlir's aide and half-broth&~~ m&ybe admitted 1181D&m"tlrll·llf ~ group of brothen rmfy if 1M AwbGnd agru• and lla• no ln-uthllra of his OIDII. Several oonsine CJI!DDot take -a wife botween tbam azoept in the instance just quoted. There -are inatanoee in the Darjeeling district, but apparen.tl,y not in 8ikkim or 'l'ihet, of -a number of m-en, not brothers or near relatioua, taking a wife between them, but this appes:ra to ·be -a novel-praotioe introduced for I'~ of eoon~y. There appeam to be -no tradition -of aayt~~oh Gll8tom in Bik!rim and Tibat m former times. . . . · 8. Jl,.• .Ilhlq'a flllllio• No. 1.-Fxom oloee gueetioning flh- examined it WG1WI appear that the origin of ~andry ia to 1Je found in the -deaire to -prevent the division of pro])flrl.y. the ooontry being poor. Every -man, "1rbo 118pU&tee from the family group and iieU1ee "aleewbere, is IIBISIB&d eepamtely to .'18V8Dil&.. 'POlyandry tmde te oheok tbia, aad, heuoe, is · popular. Fantaatio npliea -were given to this -queation to the eleot that family lcm keeps groups of brothers together. Tlmre ill -no1orue ~ in laBd, 88 ~JaiBed in zepq to queation ·6 below, but oniJ. a Ollltomar,y right to 11118 tlie eame; Fropeny in laud, 88 tbua 11Dderatood, mey be aub-dividea in 1he same -way • moretible property. Polyandry appears, u indicated abo11, to be primarily oonneoted_Vifh tbe dmsion Vf DIG'r8able Jll"'P811iY. Tlle practice of polyandry aroae in Tibet whioh, agri.oaltnrally speaking, is a poor ooont>ry u oompared even with Biki:im. · It ia a.P_parently on .this aooonnt leas. prev&leut in the latter than in tbe former oountry. · ' 4. Jl,., Bislev'• guralion No. 3.-Tha eldest -brother o'f the group is· ·the teal husband. It ia .DDly when he .is .abaeat from home that a younger brotlier ean wbabit 'With the oommon wife. It ia11lwaye antirell in the l'ower of the -wife to decide with whom abe wiJ1 ·sleep, and abe neod not lleep With any of the younger brotihers 1Dil811 ehelikea·; abe mo.y, if

6. Hr. Bltl.Y• fiJI"Iion No. 6.-If a yo11nger brother of a pol;randrio hontehold tow a aeparah wife, h~ leaves t~e family and lives in a aep~ hoaee. He has no funher o!aim on the oommon w1fe, and his other younger brothers wdl have no ola.im on his wife aoll!8s he­ agrees and takes one or more of them with him to hilnew home. He baa, in ~11 OIVo8l a right to a share of the moveable property, but" will be allowed a share of the nae of the la~d only if he rem•ins in the same neighbourhood. Speoiflo inatanoes have been fnrnilhed by Rai U gen Gyatoho Bahadur, and wlll be found in the .Appendix to this note. 1. Mr. Bi•l•g'• quedion No. 6,- (a) It mut bo_etated at onoe that there ia no trne property inland. The praotioe io 88 aet forth in Mr. Edgar'a book entitled "Sikkim an.ol Tibet Frontier" pages 62-64, Land u 8818BOBd to revenne, hnt belongs to the State. It is ooly the ouatomary right to make 018 of oerta~ land and to pay reveoue therefor that is, by praotioe, inherited. The only true property 11 moveable property. _ (b) TIBBT.-The ordinary ODBtom is foJ.'property to pass, on the death of the eldest brother, to the remaining brothere and the sons as joint pro11erty. There are no traoeo of any ollBtom that a man's sister's son should "'""'"'·i/JI be biB heir. A m••n's sister's son may inherit in the absonoe of nearer male relative•. Adoption of sons is albwed and an adopted son is, for purpose of inheritance, in the same position as a real oon. Th~ adopted oon beoomes the husband of the dau~~:htera, if there are any. A neO\r relative oannot be adopted, if there are da•oghtera, as he cannot, on aooount of near rolationahip, b.1oo111e the husband of the daughtors. Women oan only inherit in the absence of m•l• r01latives. A woman, who has inherit& I property and marries, retains h•r riJ;ht to_ ber property aa against her husbaad, Snob property will, however, ·pa'l8 to her mue on hor deatb:, and to her hllBband only if she b os no issue. If a widow with d ..ughtera, who has inherited property, re-marries, the property will pass to the daughters on her re·marria~~:e. In tho ab.eooe of heirs property passas, after the payment of funoral e:tpeulyandrio family in Sikkim aatl l'ibet, is the eldest brnther. The other brothers are oalle-1 uuoles (Akbu). !t io not on insult to ask a man who ie hio father. A m•n is uot dpoken of-as the ••n of snob and such a fa•nilv, uor as the son of his mother. After the death of the elde•t brui.hor the obildron wlli opMk nf the deoea•ed as their father. lL Air. ll.i•'••l• q•~eslio• No.lO.- (a) TIBKT.- L'be. feeling of the p'lOple, men and women, a• to 6hi!dren and obild· bearing is th"t the more children (especially males) that ""! b~rn, the b_e~ter. ~rho. m!'re children people have, the more the'{ c•m please the e!JC!leotasttcal authont•es by d<'C!toatmg . BOos and dau,bters t.> monasteries an• naoneries. Evary family has to send one BOD (if there are oo~s) t<> a moooUJtery. If there be only one S'IU, he will be devoted to mon~~io life, and an adopted san will inherit the prnperty. Everything, ~herefore, make~ for child­ bearing among the laity. On the other hand, L~mas are sp,eotally reverenced 1! they ore celibate. '!'be origin of polyaoriry is not, as suggested by rurnor, to be lounf! 111 the faot that the upper ala•seslook on marriage as something odious and shameful. Prohnbly be thought that tho Lamas ware drawn from the uppor classes only; wb.ereas, on the contrary, they ore taken from among the families of all clas.•es of the lai.ty.. • . . (b) SutxiN.-The rule abont sending sons to mollastenesll! less striot, and, 1f there •• only one son, there is "o obligatio'!- to devok him to. ~onastio life. , .· (a) 12. Mr. lbileg'• guealoon No. 11.-Indtvlduals of mature agcJ are allowe~ as m Europe, to select their own partuera in life, Marriag.. BN also arrangetl by parents lD the case of minors. ·u f I' •t tl (b) Astrologer& are consulted &II to whether a .m~loge w1 prove e 101 nus or o •or- wise, and proposals f,.r marriages a.re only pro~eeded w1t~ 1f Lhe reo,lt be . favourable. The calling in of ,.,.trologers is oalled 1'bunte•-oaloulat•oo. Astrologers class women .. follows: · . · 1 h (I) Ynu conN cu1~ -A p~raon with a olean eye, '·'·•. a~ 1uou woman. n suo oases aetrologors take parboalar puns. . . . . (2) LHAZ.\ THOuK. KuYBK-A. penon w:ho"! fa~il~ name IB po11oned, 1.1., a womaa who has bad intercourse with meo. Lela attent•on 11 paid ID suoh cues by OB!f~logere. ·- (h) ".A.t1aia ia Lingdam there is a. ma.n oallei Liobook, who baa two brothen, Dukda., and ·Golroy W ugdi. ttichook :married & wife in the joint namee of all three broth ora. They lim toguUter for 1101118 time u joint haabanolaof Liohook'• wife. After eome time DukdaiDUiriocla wife eepa.mtely•. and got hia own ahare of the hooaehol4 propertiee appor­ tiuaei by a. J*lOba.ya.t. The JODUR81f; brother Golay Wa.ugdi lived. eometimeo with one, &ad aometimee with the obher brother'e wife. But tble unoertain mode of life waa rendered imposaible by the two wives' jealoi!IT, ed he elao ended by manying a wife for hiiDII!If. The two elder brothers then gave him aome property, wherenpon he removed to Ralang, 1rbere he ia at 'J'""'ent. In thia oBII ibere wu uo land to be divided. There may be .-al illlila.n- of this eort too. (oc} "In Liagau there is & family of four brother.:, ht Nillllriug, 2nd Loda.n, 3rd 8eugkya.p and 4th Dubnng. 'Dhey a.U fnr lived u joint huabanda of Nimarillg'a wife. I.ut y- ~he 3rd brother Sengkyap ma.rried a wile for himtelf, a.nd went awa.y to live in the hOule of hie wifa'a parente at Gangla. He 4id not ~et lillY fOl'lion of the houeahold J~Nperby, u the property wae very ama11 a.nd not worth dividing. Ni'lllllring, Lod&R and DU~&~~g are aijjl .u...m, .. joint .buabmua ef Nimarin(.• wile. Th- _, elao -on ryotl, .ad hacl110 la114 to di'Vide, - maoh property either. ' .. " . APPENDIX VL ·-

c..... Jtuqan.. t ...... I F- I 1 I I I • ' 6 ..~,.... 1.010 Jrt4r11Jpon ·­ lioclor4C U.lf-u.. AboW ·- - ·~ll,aN 8,ilt .llunhiclobod, Raj· A lcnr lftth•mm•deg cute. The 111811 castrate - - ;;.·.:::! IIUl~ bolloob IIUltbo-... u lllidwi-. '""'- AdoJkl 1,1111 1,4!e a.,.. -- A llul,a -· SeD ....lobloo ODd dOll! io groin. - - Samoanoalthalm. Alohill ...... Ill Patu •• - Tladeno tromAipiaillaD. -~:l Ge)'autd Kbnla&. = --· - 8,7H• 8,181 CbotaN_.-- Apnila - - 18,111 u.• ...... - - - -· .Ap..l ...... t,5N 1,111 7,116 11M ~-- - .Apobld - - t,lill t,t7t M.n~u.,. uu. tf,ll7 . 46,701 tn1a. 1,1114,n& 1,884,223 - Oowllordo • Iaolwl• lbo llguJw for GGQhbo. .Abir'"" Gaan. ---·- 806 ll88 •• A""'bato, jiJI!IIIera ODd ubibitoto ot puppeb. Similar to ROIL l'aolibl7 lbo amo ao Aheri4 orGopQ, · · · Jtjdt ...... 1.#1 ... - .. It~elvHll• .l"allar, ' Ajlt I,OU - lluhemmedens or 'tVJ' Jow IOCial ~tion who' do - - not boloq lo lll1 of tile _.wed funod..W Ajobi ...... •• lD Mazallarpor sro•i!o "'-' . . . . ·..ubuadjl ·- - 17 8(11) lllymooaiDgh Aut - -· •••078 10,111111 ,._ 6111 161 - lA A¥ar - ·-...... _ 10 Anlkh - -... Ill .,. II .A- ·-- -.. - - •1t -AHr - ... 1,118 Aluhbla - ... 17 Atlth 11,11111 Alni(AjW)- ·-- 2H,no 116blwl - • 572,475 on,111 1,1188 '114~1 ... .. 810 lliadl .. -{1109,911 "= 521,1111 "NcbuU .. .. 1,8111 Baloolil -- t,4t1 .....1Jalell4 .,.. -- 71 Bald,... -- u,~ .U.riJ& •• - 11;161 M!e.~ ... - 11,011 llaiolmob (Bolatom) ..... Blitl_ 8,750 ..., 1.615 101 618


NUM&IUO&L &'fRIJfQt'IL I WheroohleBy · fwlld. llalo. FOIIIO!o. I

1 3

~., -· 119 94 Ma~J.f_~ ...... Bu.nd6.wat ••• 3,11M 8,984 Hararibe{lh ·~ Bangrs &flU G5 85 Dinojpur .. •.. Bangtul&ri .Ba.nU r;e 1111 Purnea ... •.. Bo.ol)'a ... ••• ~03,006 108,615 Tbe wbola Prorinoe

181 149,'11) l'l'rihatary &lata Baajlr& (toblni) "' { 8 ll(ll) of Cbola N....,.r. l'anj6;1 817 84D Cbltt..goag H i II T...to. Ba.npr.r 2,599 2,Bfl Blbar ,.. A bna.ttng aad 81blog cute. :rrom boo (wood) ami pbll.r (to apl!t). Blatar 10,343 u.~ Do. ... -- Bukot and maHDU:en; UaUcLen. Boa..... 428 4'1.5 l!omtbal Parga... - 1. ...n llno'II

B4rn& Bankar 3,878 ·. 8,019 Bihar, Chota Nagpu and M.id~porv. llama- '" 12,882 12,1Bf Blbar "' "' I. onl>eule of Boolyu eapged Ia tnde .Pol· tore and .mo. Ia. Bihu. · Dim c&atall 145,379 147,81M llencal oad Bihar... Jlolcl.Jeof- A1eo eollecl Plaeri. »atbudl ••• 22,Ml 2:1,8911 Ori-. iocladiag ·A .....U ol>origiaalln'he. Loaauac• BllbodL Tribotar, Statce. • Baurl 2113,591 801,2116 Oria~a, Woatorn PUki·boaren, ea.rib·workon ud allltivaton. ... -· Docgal aod Cbob N~r. Bod• - 10,7SS 17,163 Cllooa ~ ... Bodiyi (BidiJ') ... { 8,i74 16,448 1ti~ l Boapl oad lllbar

23,753 23,159(111) }l!'aolorll Beagal ...... '" { 6,0Sl(H) -- ~~ fi,Ofll. --· ... 19,238 48,817(B) ... { 2,817 2,8.15(M) ...... 1,541 1,510 l.ay aatin of Boopl.

2,161 ll'llbermea uad caltinton; alliod to the CbmcW&. 2i3 Pedlars and. veodon of mWcei1Aaeocd goods. 1,462 Proetitutea. Tbe term iD no IOD.&O iodlcat• cute, but, II tho penou uoncerned ha.TI h•t. C&Bto, tbero W no bottcr hoadtng .,.. A uc.tariu group, partly Hindu. aDd p&rilr Hnbammadao.. Bbaka(; ... 1,1188 lfldaepon­ ,,, A VaiJdmau ac\. Bhaadirl '" 11,785 on- ... _ Barbers; abo callod Bajjlm, BbAa.r 13/l(ld) lllbar ... •· A llnba.mmadan cute, alto l:aown u 'Bh!trw• wboae r:con and women daace ud act. Tbu mea are often pimps. , llhar 11,706 180,807 Baopl, lllbar oad Cnlt.iYGion. Chota Nagpur. 1lilJ m .Bl•l• ••• ••• ltKl•ll«l 4• Nae.-.. -., 6 r.tlv.rl«l Ua oo«ri-. BAhat• 17 BAdrt~d OM 1fT 109(M) ~ ... ::: Incll«f.erJ i" BMnr. )lhtooloor 231 184 l'Aieulta..... and Palo· ~ake idoll of •toRe, wood or metaL Allo palo ten," 16,8!1 18,,94(B) } __....__. a---• GeaoalosiAa ead tamily bordl. -{ 8.301 8,968lM) ~.uv•- 1178 1,300(111) iio.r •. ... A ""'Y low J(abe...... W. ...to ·-.._ .., gnue, do qoWe work aad. ODOk for .Hahamlaldla tra"Den. 14f . U6(Rl Co.lcmtta. aad A low moncUcaot oada. Lin by cluoi.q, BUfty& ... { 095 1,056(M l Baagpur. ' jutNling and singing. B/wiAar 3/l[i6 1,703 BIM.r ... ,,, I.ultUUd •• Garri Bhilli 222 276(M) Cb•m~ran · 40,22! Chota liogpur :: Paroh me. Soaaetimel ~ to bo aaubdiriske of Jlbog~& 37:o>7 x....rrir. Eboi ... 167 167 Mldoapore, Cutt&ot pd Dnlasore. llhollo 2,328 2,291 BirbA11• and Jill¥'• r..z.dollo,ll4g4i. •Mdabad. BA

I 1 2 I • I

- - li!O.'J/11 U8,tJ8 7 -(II) ·-- - llll,e1f n,seo 1,PH t,807 - - ... 8110

BWi• ·- 1,1181 l,GS,4211 -·.a-·""''.... -- l,t47,137..,. f,08B Bdh.- -- 1,181 ... B•dJb;A (IJ-) •• •• 1 Burmeee -- 760 118 C441A ... ,oo Cbi.ill -- e:'/.fJ .t: 60 f7, - - llll,f25 28,11118 - &7l,lillli 811,1811 J,4N l.f/61 1,131 t,Ol, t,W

... f19,678

14,668 .u.w - ·- m..ot - A-qf- 011111-. ("""""";. " Bclr...... ,... , 771 .- p,,... """""' - ;. .... ,... "' 1/lflfl 6§ ..,.;!'l;.o.ladi4«laK.u.... -- --(...... ). Ch&t.ul '" ON 61 87 &c~ ... A MUI&Imaa. weafl.Dg cute. CAG.IUld.U ON - 6!19 • /16() 14·Porgo.., ... .4 Jt.W..-..~ ...... 'locl..Wi• Nil«m. Chaudbarl .... - 618 660 (H) Dttto - Vbau~ (CIIapuf.l) il,f88 2,8fll l'um. ... ·- W•..,., AzooaidiobaTOOOlDIIivmN'oclladuring a tamiD.e. , Charo ON - 12,078 12,oi7 Bibar and Cbolo A llllclboldlog ..d ouitimiog 01110. N_., CAlr'u - •" 1,!116 1,:1111 GllooiN- Cu.trior CAAclri •• 1,m 11116 Cbblplcv (:II) - 1a 1& -- 22 a ~~!t:! ::. : lfll 1J7 - Cblt - CblD- , .. - Cbltra.._, ...... Ob~ ... 161 - 7,M llaUII ••• f,CIM Dl.l ..• "' .. 10,722 Dalbaju ~- 14,812 ll&IUI ·eo

DQu , .. 2,1118 Do""l ·- 3,178 no..,. lldJI.I ... UPfi 1lorli ll(ol ·­ II lbni ·- r,

• xxxiv .A.PPENJ>Il VJ.

NUWUIOA.L l'l'BDOTB. 0m1. Whe... obltftJ I fouud .. 1 's 4

48 I Dorbbaup_ ... -' 702 7tl ll,.....mp ... Ddn RMri.l t30 IIIII CMI4 NogP"r /lllgriiU'" o., .. 8,1108 Onlli- (Dalai) ... Dl·-·Jlbbot ... S05,t08 Bihar ... A aultl.. tiac' ....., llt.ny ul u ._I! 0 - ·Ori-- - aernotl. 2,!57 A m:imiaal clau. :M&I:IJ are cbaulddan and Dblri (Db~rhl) ,, { 1,918 ml}Do, ...... culttf&toNo 'l'ho MualmiD. Db&ria are m\llluiana as 82 &I { aDd pi'Oiiitut-. D,_(lloriAu) 783 888 &Rd.t: ...... dUo ciflcd J01~ &r Got~~•'"- Jldf aM 11U ltf'1'n9.1 !O"'•• .•,...,...,Ac ...-or..w. /adM«J .... 9ot4UA. Dbari ... l,t95 8,908 Beopl - llnlwomadAa p61tl·'-mw. Dbenu'r ...- ... 244 248 Chota Nagpur - A. amaU tribe ; poqibly allied to the lfundu, Dhlmil ...... 838 299 Darjeeli~ ~d Tho Dbim611 often call tbltnNh·• &jbawit Nepal eraL Their tid• II Maulik. TheJ haYo a J&Dpag~ . - (Db_im&l), bat many now 1poalc: Bengali. Db!mll' ... 811 .6111od to .Kibir. Dboba ·-... 281,877 Pilki·-·WaahllllllltD. - Dbobl ... - 24,752 Ditto. - 1,069 Hubammadaa cotton-can:lerw. Dbooi6 (Dbullka:) ,.; { 95,303 l>igambdri ••• •.. 68 ln.tlttdal i• Jain (Un1p.) Doroi(DaoyM) ... 14,862 Wood-cutten, p6.11d·bcaren1 fllah-nndon aad mat.­ maten. l'rol>abiJ ollied to the &jap .,. Kocbh IUbde. 858 1,248 ...... F.....,lyd'twuo...._ 1,f16 1,189 - '" Batt~.rdi of W •ocilll po•itiort. Is'"'' pltUu, i• u, trtid """' tlw lcrm •Mw.tu r.W olf•l!!i•fl of fmw.l• Kdyrutht ~ me& of lvw wrte. lndudul in Baru..a.U:ctr. 177,824 181,1111 Tbnasbout Bnal1 S.U.&; .arul m&t.-maken. Boaaa Dow lin by cu.l• tiYati!)ll. In On.& thefas-. often drummera. 1D Cbittqoag (aa Ia lhl A-.m. Valley) tboy an ' ftobe,... aod ...... dto the Pitaia ol lloopl and the Dam P6.tnia of Ruspur a ad Sylbo'- DoiAdh ... 676,584 ' 599,287 Bibar ·- ... Labouron and watcbmea, Du.t Kllori.l ... 88. 86 CA«a. Nagpt4r 8UK11 lndtukd ;,. Koon·a.. M,l!16 116,3!'JJ Wt&lfl'a Ben.gal ... lndvdld i" B6t}di. DviO

eo- I·--- lfalt. I l'elllllo. 1 2 8 4 ' • Ol>i .. ... 1l1f , o..u - .. - .• Oool" - - ...... Ooklli ... !2.11111 Go!£ - 10,780 ~~ Oolba - - 112 - -... 101,467 100~11) -Clom' (Ooadb) ... 88,923 • 87,7f7 Om~rbl ... 71.~7 70,8110 Gorila ...- - 6,878 f;Hf

O..Ua - u,oaa o...ko.Prria - 1,160 Oujlr ·- -.. 118 O.Juf.ll ... OulgWii - -"' 388"· 41urtr - 187 101 Gurii ... -... 88,656 71,068 Gunaag ...... 774> 7,80i • B&loold 2 ll6dl -·- - D,lll Dliaal - ... 11,188 --u...a.'J'- ... - { 111&,18818,8511• BaWJt.r ... t,tJOl HuJ.•dlw.r CAIHII ... 14,164 · Balilkhor ... •.. { 8 ~ Batl'm ... · _ 1:000 HAiwil •• .., 78,768 JJ6ri ... ••• 150,817 JloiU ... - Mil ·700 BiJ11 - .. .. 1 Bljri - ... 11111 81(11) Do - - 187,7&1 . IJ7,1S7 lrlki (ldlp) .... Iii IUw ~ Jldapolfa - -•. { u J•"' - - 6'1 Jola(11111Po) ...... IIIII .1411,. - ... ZO.SG.f Jdli,4Dt...... U,881 .JGJM.IW. ou ... ~~ ,,160 Japau011 - ... liS fO J4rf4i •• ... 101. 19 .!U ... 1,116 1~.11) Jdlllf' - ... 17l J •••,.,., - 1,668 1,'198 .IA4/o .. - l/if/8 l,6JO ...... ~,if~ ... 188,!111 1M,OI1 ... ,.,. . - ... 1&8,&21 011,085 ... I,S81l . I,tal -... ..- - ii;llll 1.:0. • • ' . :us. vi APPENDIX VI,

Where chie8.1 fowlol. BIKUU,

1 8 • '

KablrOIIDthl Bihar ·­ - A foDcnrer of the nlfcioaa reformer Kablr. Jtooh'ri ••• &otl!oagal. s...te... lleapl ·- Oriua -- Do. 8,87' 9,818 Bbage.tpur and Sontil.l Po.rg&TW. 22,140 22,940 Oriataaud Midna.pore 100 87(11) Hoogbl7 and Farid· Paper ma.ko!":' Tbo term prob&blr mere1y roren par, to oocupatioo., K4h'l" .... 195 208 Puri ••• ••• Danei11$f girll at temple• '! ofl'~prln~r of prostitotee. Knhir 286,766 298,601 'l'bo wholll Pro.lDce P6.tlti.boafora, Froquon\ y dom•tia terTauk. K.lilibart.ta ••• ... '1,249,47' 1,286,181 Dougal Prope• aud Thil ftgure illoludoa CI!Aol111d J•U76. Purnoa. · 'ltAibartta. (ChW or 976,91S 988,1&8 Bongo! - ... Cu!H'Ito.._ Balia). Kolbartla (J,li;yi) - 133,600 182,949 J)Q, - Pilhermoa. KaWpr ·- ••• 1111 82(11) Cham.....,.Bhat;alpur. """ 14,166 18,880(11) Bihar Ollld Chota - N'IIIR'pur. JCahoada< ••• 158 178(11) Mid1111poroudBiha KrJlii:Aa 6 . I Jl,.....v.gl ... - - 150 JU 4,112 - - ··~ KIJtuya (Kolthl) •• 2,120

...... 78,384 78,603

Knlw&r ••• ... 12o,789 118,231 K 11malpuri ••• ,,. 1!1 Ka"'' and Lobir ... 876,920 880,:tr IUml 7,891 8,1140 n~rit~!ng 69 9(1I) ... { 19& 245[/ol) ! Calcutta ••• K6.atldri ••• Ill tJ6 Ma/4 Kaadb (Khoad) ••• Gl,271i t3,0G6 Oriaa

74,600 70,705 .Do, !U,l:U 262,944" Bihar 1,7113 1,8118 Do. -Kiudri (Kaaari) u,oes 20,1197 (.l

1,~58 1,808 ... 1/.J 1m Allll'.l'&\CT OP CABTB TABL& WITB BBOBT UPL!NATOBY 1101'111. · .Quii

• Com. - ··· Ia•- . ,.

1 - • • • •• ...... 1,981 1,1110 - ·- • &- - -· 81,181. Ka"'U -· 188 677 'Iii ,..&II -· 11E,Il37 114,1116 ...... - . -• Ill 181(11 • '1 .. ... - 1,1111 ~ - - ... ~ - - ...... &w.6 - • • 11,fGI ,...... - - 18,0'J7 !1,166 &"- ... ~ ...... ,...... , - u ...... " - - 'IIA,INI Kb~DdM.W- ... llt, ~...... - ~~· .. 48• Jtllu6dl -- e lSI tH,ll'l '1 .... 1~) -

4,4111 IO,M7 l,t7t KM -- a~ --·­ .1,1118• ...... ·-- - I ,toll ...... l.ba\lt . - -... ••• XW.tft - . - 8,801 .,..._ ---- 661 Blaelta·~- .... _...... f •• j .. ',1 '·" r· . 1,1111 .IDiiltaw'l -- .. , . . . . .~ Kld&i.._- 1,018 ... - ',1 ··} .....1-. - - Jill .161 Kbvla (ltulll) ' : ;., .· 12,1M7 Kb.uddr .., ·. M(K K..,...IDoal · .. toe 110 Cbltlogvag BiU Kb)'lltl'- - ~·· .. ' 'l'aoYi .' ., N n- Xlololk -· ... .. -~ . . . .. - Cla - 6iMJA . - ·~ . : IJ#J .,. .a.,.. ' z.;.;,;...' ... ' 811,188 ' .... .Banco~ end .... -I...... hmoo.. K 041,111 .... Cb* .... • - ...... 11...,.. • .,. Orialo Stalol oDII &ull .. .• ... 180 XoUi li,IIH n,eu Birb mn oa4 ».,.. - - . ,, .id••tl·~· • 'i7. ' ' ' &:...... ,....., "'. .... " ·---·- - -· 'Wl!.~mt able&J found. llnuu, Mate. 'l'oiiiAie.

1 8 fj - M,DO - ...

Koob11o ...... 1,661 1,671 Chota llagpur ODd Ori.a. Ko\61 ...... &,289 li,IOB Bnrdwan and Mur­ abidabad. 1,033 1,060 JliJ.Mporl JJWU,

ltuld 1,1128 - "' '·"' Kumcr!Aag :" .,. 1,116 lod..W I• .lldlpo.ldri4. ' Kumh'r (ltumb~ { 871,085 Pollen. hr), 151 Kwol (Kbaml) ... 761 A lribe allled to lbe Kuldt. Spook lboir owu lauguago Kuml. ltuiDUU ... l,IIM - Trtden, c~1 ia artlol• of food. Said to haft K uo

Hvi ... .. lf,954 1!

110 702,11811

6,1181 7,066 6,795 2,766 Ulborl ... 866 Lepcba ... 9,068 L

Luahol - R2 73 Hm Tippera ... .ll

1 t I 4 5

llij....uJ lllllo ia - - ...... lold to 110 Jflll. 'l'llo -...-.. - Pupau. -116U lo ..... to dlolillfl"lob ... tribe ..... tbo IIIII-ol ~ lllo 1W Pah6ri6o of tloo Soalhtn> HDio. - ""' ....Uy Iliad-. Tbeir lo•II'UII" lo II lo orll6jmolaali. 1U1bb ·- ... 1M 7l1 Orioa Slo.teo W Collool wild bODO.Jo · Bawibol!h . IUUorlUW... 'N&~~ } Tbo wbole .Pr.m..c. Garland·lllakero. la 'l'lppora IIlli moo .. Bhnla· ntw)'aet)s m,U,aad t.he S11draM'6UiarelmowD .. Pbalmili, Ma!Wo ••• -·· } Bihar ... ••. A boatiog-cute, IM'a11.7 penotul of other caatel, 1,647 M aooh u Kowal, 'Burabl1'• Goarhl, 'Miilo. Ch81n. Diad, ~lfAI'J_elo., aN oflea loooeiJaolled llalllib.) Jfnllik 1,6¥J(BI .M'4•&Au. ••• • ••• Indtt4«1 "' JJidl. . Mallllc ...... U,hll(ll Bibar and w.. lora Thero_po .... roprdfaglbloouloaN~dlvergonL Beapl. In CbaDipll'lll! they aroald to be the ducendanta of Saiadl, ud fD Shababad theJ are a Jow cute of aiagan. la. South Blbar, wbere they are nome roo., ft II stated that Chq are the deeoeu.d~ ante of saiad Ibrahim uul hi& 101dier'- m01tl7 hit OQ tribcmDIJi. •• reWCou., Jl''1o .... 117,101 ll0,882 A bootiag and ldlag- Aloo nollod JhAia. Jlllll'oll6rl6 - 16,141 11,0811 LiYod naw.-tft -.., bnallag aad iAoa oalli­ - 4 • qtioJL TbeJ' are DOC u a rule madtu. Their ..._kJWl'ahllri6. •. ... II 1 Kd BiW - 2'M•ff•prjog~F""-•· I~ ill lk'JiL fl ro(ll) Bun!- ... •.... hill"l(obeld·maa. . 10,107 1,7118 Jalpalpl, D..-. Oao or lbo llbllag triboo of!lepol. Their Jaa. - leellugoad- _ .. 11_. . JldogM .... , . 14(B) JL-ff"'l'"" ... .lndw.W ia.Boil/4r, • JlbJjl& -· - ... I 11!(11) llaoui ••• ••• Uonally ...... ,lnthomo .... oalll...... JlpilJlda• 16 fOO Bill fipplns •• .lad,.,., Ia)(... _,..,.._ 1,798 1,109(8) } BW 'l'lppooa _ ImmiJPUio &om ~JI'IIr• Spook tbo Jfoolpuri lllaalpari - - { 1t6 1!1(11) ...... • . .~~ ~-- ff/1 101 ' lJilt4 ••• IaclidJ lA Jtulpw:,_ · Ma"9*""... HAoJri,G.. 61118 Diao ... I•t:l1UUGI11 N11nlpt,l, Jl4ft.tP"ri lhulPtJ - '·~ 6IXI lJUio ... .locl,.,.,lo Maolpllrl. M6ojld ...... 1,081 1148 Jalpodgurl, Dar- Tho boolfag- of llopol, :r...... ,. Xhukaro. loeliag oad Slkldm, MdnfM - .. .., ' 9,160 91 fl60 Wm Bo"'!lll ... Ioul-io B48

Noaato.r. I'I'BDO'l'lf. • C.A.ITJ. Where chleB:r found. Bill•au. Male. J'emaie. I 1 I • ' • )luW...... 11$9,780 806,067 Blbar . Pllld.bearen oDd &old !abouno.., ltua~m .. lii;..p> 9,655 8,772(14) .. ... N 1,\ga,r ••• ... 17,606 20,214 Bb:tpU;'DtmrOD Cultln.tora. ~f.iarobl ••• 9,817 ... 9,088 Eu rn Bengal ,.. A Uuhamaur.d&G drumaun•-cute. Allo oaOed .N·"\U'O ••• - 837 81!0 AognJ oad Kholld· AD oborigU>al tri malo. • l'li.ik 8,959 f,98l~Bl ...... { 15 I. Nicboadii ...... 986 1,1)89 Oo)'l\ and Baari· ODO of tho Boalyo ...... bilgb. Nlk~rl ... 21,746 22,642 Bongal ... M'ahBmma.dan Blbiii'IDID aDd fllh...Um. Aho ...... ooliod Powlr. l'liy~ri ...... 8,2G4o 7,!30 o.- ... Sift. Mh01 ofJold.lmltbt' abopa in liMrOb of ICI'Ipa ... of gold or ,.,. Ill &nkura. theJ are .aalt.ift.. tonoadia- .Noo114 ... 7,8111 7/}1/J Bi112'1ppm& ... l..Z..WiaTIJ!dtd.· Nodb (Led"') - c,w 8,771 Uri-...... Vleldlabcnuen. ' Nani4r ·- 16,311 14,t116 DW.. .. IMlvtlel '• Ra••idr• - 189,1~1 17',248 Bihar &l&petlo-mmkorw. Are uow cbief!7 oart.h-wofttn. NUDIJ4 - ... aad··c,.trii- Nurl ... 463 619 w... Mak:en of lao bAq:'lll1 ~. ·- ... Beagnl. Or ...... 1m &Mhi .. . Indvdol '• NAolU. o~" ... 294,842 !jg~~ Chota Nagp·~~ ... ~Ilk a.laDgwr.a:e of tbtir own~ X.tli'Dukb or ·- oobaakluala Ronobl,aod ID P-~ Arv ...... u, llilldae. ~ 0;;,6 ...... 7,UI 6,898 llld...... fhl4 ...... ·/iQT 691 N.-....,oa- r.. I..WitoB..u,.t. Oaw" ...... 4,781 1,578 ~~ Pab~ ... 4118 m Manbbum ... A •mall tribe fouad malDlr iD P1uJtDa DaJme in ...... Mo.obbum. Alliod to tbe Xoeb or &jbead. Pali7~ ... 168,260 136,261 Nort:h Bengal and - '" Mnlda. in Puro.oa.. P•lw6r ...... 136 878(B) llalda and 11111'· Traden and fr&de~me'• mubarrTn. Also boat- oiUdahad. maD, eulli.ntort, b. Said to be d...u.i bGm _..., Ti:raro aad IJoo6dlg. Pol.. 87 l..Zv4.4 .. Jltilldlo. Pol-' ·- ...·- !06 .:N) N.,.,.,.;;;UA ... lrtelwlt4 '• OGanar. Pia (Plalk') 220,962 2llll,~75 Chota Nagpur and A WeG'riag and. billcet-makihfS out& ... Ori... 636 810(11) Soraa and A functional dCIIIIJ'D&UOD, and meaDI a miD who Piatrl .. .. ~· 10111 beto.l-lo&'t'll, l'iakba 78 68 0r.::.·· agoag Bill Aa aborigioal tribe...... T ...... p.,a.o;, ... l76 lwlvdMI '" -... •.rot 8,815 ~."So.tbii Culti...... fr..14.Ia- ~·' -· . Pergoaoe. Porhaly6 ... 8,904 4,079 OhotaNogpar. ... Ditto. 76,988 Bihar Toddy-dn.wun hd. dllti1Jerl, P&ol ... -·...... 7•·:t~ ·- ... /1f.&lvtWJ in KaldJ. P411 ...... Patbb ...... 214, ii77 209,ab8 Througb~~i' Bo13Kal A moe or Mubll.annadaal. Aul"n ...... 166 198 Clwla .NatfP-1' &alii Trt.tlf'dtd ira.Kalbarliil. 3,609 4,047 &at. Bon.ral ... Mat-mak0111, Collod Po.tita io Pabna, Pl\lol ... Fiahermeo. Originally Do~~~~o lo Rn.agpnr the -· 111,678 31,111 Ditto ... Pitall -· RitnU are buket.-m&kers. .In Batlr:orgunKO aod - Kuoh Bihar they en fen'J'DlOD aadlook liD o.b.- !:;f. u a ~ occupotioll. 16f(M) Cretral •"" Norllo 11 ..WiaM Pdtn\ ...... 144 1Je11gal, 19,218 21,662 Ori.llsa ••• ... l)ealon ia 111111: oloth aod pioco~•· Potrl ...... 'IM tamd tU Jr4"!/• 8pf'(l); JtAA~ la"lllllg~ • PrUtua 1117 1!18· · ~tJI'!I 814'" of ...... Oriua. /Mludal i• PcUud. • 7,&011 7 }Bibar ... Makara of fana7.Uk ltrin&'l 411d friogea. PaWfl '" - { 822 '!:M:l "' Jr...... ,..;OlWI--L...... 1 I 2 I ' I· • 441 :' /{ ... -· 110 . JIU,71111 - m - 17,f7J Pnjro -· 48 II p,,.. ...- 1/1¥1 1,1¥1 ,..,... r;,.~;:4 1Ji,48l 18,8i1 ~jbud - ..·- l,OH,IIOI _est,Oil • IUjblaor - - I,till II,HI 116'1111o& ~.... - 71111JIII'·"' R6ja ... M,CIJO RaJ•ir - - 71,618 Jl4adro< - 841 a..... B,"1H 1,!111(11) - 1,003 1,127 ~ - lt,600 D,Ma - I8,JOll -.~, Baatf6 liii,IIM - liD lllll --Bt,_, - 9,1JIII. _, S.Mkbli .IUS .. If ...... 288,071 ::~ - -. 1,011f Bobar - 88,10& 8olad l19,&lei a.;,- ••- - 187 &j9

&,.n·d ... 11 l!onU.ll!!'nk) ..-· 8,11111 llo""c' 680 Boldir - - It - ..- 1,116 ..; .. fl,BU -...... - liP,lU m Ill! 0,167

Sblah ...'• ... &I~ ...... ;q . '" ltl•mo&• .. 11 lkkll ... -... 11!01 ''tor .. libJav ... l,OM BaUi• liAIIill .. 1.107,!1) 4.® 4,11~ s.u... lkod.uni •.-· 1,187 - - - ... IIJior - - llioloolooo ' !I - ...... Colooha. --


Jlolo, ' J'omalo. 1 I ' 6 Blt&H,.. 79 101 ON-. &&tel "' Noma.dfo brut worker~. Biy.. 8,198 8,218 OriN& - ... Toddy-dmwen. 1bi'oJ81< 809 2118 llidnapore ad Came from Oujarat In at al:r;: geurattoDS .ap .lleluor'a. lPhabit llob&D.pu outpoet · Ia Dutua. ta...: 8 ..... Siyalgir, a cllalecO of Gujuad. Soldir 1,778 8,3« H~ ... A oleaa, oul~YMIDI.,t.e, 1ti,16Z 128,:JO~(IIl Sow ·- ... { 67 The whole Proria.ce The p:oldam.ltb taM of Bihar, 97\~l t Bubam&ba.Dlk 79,09' 78,613 Bnoal oud Orlla Tndon. Suo!U ... 83,742 84,027 ()rilq, ... ,., ro~morly IIDNed. ID per.onal unioe. Now chtefly oultl:t'aton. 110,809 6,480 l!uton1 ~ .- l>eKeDded ,..,. mald...... u bJ tbolr - ':a good ...,. ; W. ooUod GOllm .. Gotam -Sukll ... -· 19,6111 1D,068 Mlduepon, DqhlJ and Botrrab, lloiiWaA ••• .. Cui= 8.1:11 2'41111 ... •.. 868 fJI1l ln.el'IUUd '" S.l:li. ~\\DDI . ,.. ... 6,021 4,031>(11) Tbo whole Provlnoe, Suuri or Sbibh. (Sau) • 804,1569 311,66ll . UeDgal ••• ...

11,768 2,~ 8-hl,. •.• 1891 &,718 Bihsr Surajhilllll ••• a;ue 8,o9ll ·-·­ 811raltlldl4 ... 69 lfl -Bl/uor

Surbbang ••• ••• 189 295 Champaran. &dillllT -· -· 8B liO Pv:r'IIU'4 ••• - Sui!Odhar (Cbhut6r) 88,216 88,D88 Beapl -- 8""4""'""' ...... ll B<=riJasA - ... Tomir" - ... .~ 1,1188 Siogbbhwn oud Ttl· butary u..... of On.... an4 L'botA­ Nngpur. Tlmbull (Tamoll) _ 11,868 42,681 Bengal, Bihatl ud Prepare and aeD hete1-1eaf, llaDJ DOW tlell ill o...... gr&in or keep 1mall ebope. Tau\! ••• -· } ,71,883 473,130 Tbe whole Protlaee Tot.w~ - ·- Ta.ul' ... . ••• lO,OW 11,611 on­ Telaaa - ... 1,174 1,174. on-. 189,811& 708,006 Beapl, Bihar ud Oil·preuan.. Xaa7 hawe tabD to trade. It fa 'l'eli. ·- ... Orissa, eladoa tho 8gtlftll for 'l'ili also. TeliDp ...... 1,110 884 Midna.pore, Calcutta, &id to.be do~Nnded from lladra.d.HpoJ'Io Banknr~, Rang. par and K.aoh Jkbar. 7'tRt.l14 • fl) Mil) fil,l$8 lVt.&tn& BnlgqJ ... Incltukd i• B4!1tl'- ~ ~m 1,618 Cbomporan ... CultiY&IOn. Ji6Jpqt oollftl'b to Yalaammaclan­ iam. Tbilml 74 17 Coloutta, Jalpicuri Tbo Tb6kurio of Nepal an of 11oJa1 deOeeat. and Sikklm. Longuage Khukara. . 'l'blml 188 105 Darjeoling ••• ,., Tbeir language il Nmf. Tla'tu ...... 14,88& 13,t98 CbAmpanu~. ••• CoeliDg oud lbhiuseut.. a.-aloo-nod ID,88C on-...... Jalpaigurl - •• .._ ....U tn'be .Uied to the 1lhotW. Tho1 speak Toto n thoir own laDg~ (Toto}. Tollbhlu6 ... 1,884 Ori&Sio ... .., Cottoo-spinllorlo Sometimes olaim to bo 'I'M~ 86,880 Bihar ... .,. Musiciaus. LAllo a 111bro nnd 'l'rlbu· A dqpoded ..... of llohm'-. Uji~ ta.ry St.Mtul of Orilla. Voll7a t,112 Dongal ...... Trade,., 1 •··-•• 1;&1' Jalpa.lguri and Dar• A ~tnllll agrfcuUurat ~ribo. The r -.-o 1• Y6W. jooling. 1:ma. 1'holr Utlo 11 Dolft.D. xliii ·-


zi.'Jd J.GUBI<•> MO weot]leapL r BAT I.GUBIC•I - Woot:BePpl. Tho h..& mmibor of a JW ..:~ family nar1 the II8Cl'Oil th...a ed lut al0118 • .;, tate part&, t!'e 'Pftfo"""""' of lh• ..ligioaa ...a &-odi. atftlllODieo, in whieh the olher memben - :aot ollowed to JOIIIo 'Doe lW ' • .... 110 ..... dloliDctioD IUid -·of !h.... ·-the thrud. • • • . :Koeh ...;C...... u1-itaolf oaperior to the other•• IDten!UDiap lo aboofldeJy fedlid,de& ~ IIDd okiJt loj(elhor do DOl lftlll to 'be IGrbiddP m 'Birblllml. la Bud...,. th07 will eat, . four -~: - (>) Bhapml, (D) PalobiDi 1'ud. (DiJ XMipari, ODJl (D') Jlu:pa'--.a. after their pJa

KRRTRI ••• Weol BeapL 1 BNTULI& (a) WeotlleagU. TRAYOD.A.B (<) Diito. xuswrn& Dit&o. . I <•I IWDA(.f) ... weri .Bengal. • TU c~i4antialiaa hy •hautol - 1IUIIY &om noi.JeaM Ia diffilnai laMiitieo aad parily from _-. Tho IfodU who on .-Ally ...... ,pnDDitlow in -ae-. TbeTeomiii oceupia lha llil!beot nak ill Birhlmm. ID llirbhamildumuriogeuDOtolloored, hut the memhen of the diBerftt aabcu\eleaa omolre &DJI oat ooolred riee togetheo. ID .Bmrrah inlmllarriage io allowed hatween lbe Tenlolii and Tra7odu aobaulflo hal rarely betwem the K1111111etm and Noda, ·w&o wiU Dot eat ri~ with neb otbn. Tho period or IDODrDing nri••· Ills ohaOITed for 81 da71 br the Kumeli& and Ten111lii IIDd • for 18 and U dayl by llle Tn,Ddll ODJl Noda HlptiORYeiy. BARAI.

:HAGAlliA.(I) ••• Bihar. UJTA.ISW .CN-(a.) Narth :BWr. JA.IBWAR(/) ... Da. BISWAlf!•l ... • Ditto. CHAURASIA(/) Do. KA.NAUJI.A. '(I SOul~! llihu, 8EMERYA (f) Do. MASA~.It ... - -Dillo. 80KH W.A. 1•1 - Do. RKUS (•) - Ditto. TA.MIIOLI(f}- l'lorlbll~~-r~.r • JI,{IS (a) -... DiUo...... , .., ••• hlh Bihar. - The Chlanoia ill .. ..Ued for ealliratiDJr, ODJl the zu ..... r Ua &meryi far aelting. lletel-1..:..... Bokh'll'l iiiiiiiiOii after 8< lr:ba, ill tutelary doily. The Kanonjia aDd the lllaga bia are 10 called fro.m 1be plaeoa whore •hoJ originally "'lided. J!ach oabeule el&imB a higbernnk lhaa lbe 0\bero, bJU ill 10me aDtrietolbe Chaunria ia admitted ID ~-~the lh.,uahia. boca1let il_abalaina ~m drinking. in whieb. thelallerilldul~ol freely. latermomage 10 otric•IJ' forbulden euept m & f- diatriota. All the· au)>. _,.. wiU drialr: - ~ ••h ocher'• Jaaad& and IIODUIIimeallliloke, hat lb07 will Jll$- tocelbe.' Admiooinatoothtcl1l~ll~allund,andeacla u. ...,...... ~ ' BAR HI.-

lU.GAB:TA(I) .. _. BiborudCbota.Naepar.l_ A17 R A. N G I A.- ... Iforlb Bihar. KAN.\UJIA(I) ,,. Dil&o. LOHAB. (f) JiOKAIII


BA 11111 (I) ... W oAt, Central ancl Eul NATHAN Bonaal.. ... Wool Bongal. BlB.BN DBA (I) ... Beaga[ JESSORI (I) ... Ditto. UTTAIJ ... Wott Bengal. SUKfl (a) . ... 24o·Par~auu. OlllY A (I) ... Ditto. BAN TAN 1•1 ... Ditto. . GHAZIPURI (I) ... Ditto. .IIIR MOHAN (o) J.lillo. GANGA1'IN Ditt•. GAUTAI4 (a) Ditto.

The Boruio cloim their doacent from ono Madhob, who waa orealed by Brehm6, al th• requoat of the Br6hmano, to nlievo them of the Iohoar of hote! •..me oultintiollo MadiUh hacl four oona -~ Suklj, BanalaD, Hir6mohan oud Goullm, aud the four oub.eastea of tho 24-Par~auu toolt th.U aame1 from the fnur aona The two orchaary aub eootea iD llengal are B4rhi ana Birendra which ore purely genovaphic:al nameo. The ~rhis are ~ul'lber aubdivided iato two oeotiona; Utoar Rirhi oud Dakabia Rbhi 1he former do PuJ& to thear Pdn ~&rdenJ on the 9th dny of A~~:rahaya.o, whUo the latter ob1eorYt tho ooromony on tho 6th daf of Ba1sakh. In ~eaaore the BArer.dra hu two subdivilion•, Nithlan and Kota. The women of the former wear noae-rlDoiCI. but those of. the l&tter do zwt. Intermarriage il permitted among tho sub11ectioDJ, Oiry& it also a terriLorial name. The relative raalt of the two main oab-eaatoa (llirbi and ~bendra) variea acoordiug 1o thoir aumericol atrongth. The Oriyi ranka hi1bor thea the Ultam.. Tho Ganaalin anbcaato ia looked on aa auperior in Howroh. 1u the ~6-PargaDU the Oriyi alaDda Bnt. . Iatormarriago io abaolatoly forbidden, oseept iD Nadia, where it ia Kr&Cluollr coming into vo 0 In Nadia and 24-Parga.nafl, aU tlae mbnaste1 freely eat, drink and amoke together, bui in other diJtrfc:1• commenao.lity ia confined to paltki iood. Each of the aub088tel hal a 1eparate admiui1tnr.tion. ' Th~ vroo:ioe of kolinilm is ia vogue. 1'ho Xulinat.ko money whou marrying a aon or a daughter to a Maulik. .


DHULIA ... Ba1t, Woat ancl Oontrai MALU .( • .. Eul Bengal. Bengal. l'ATOIIU. ... Ditto. J n.(TJ.( (c) ... West Bengal. THATL\ . .., DiLto. MALLA IIHU. MALLA BBUMIA (I) Ditto. Mil (tl Ditto. IIOL.l ... Eut &lld Central Bengal. XlTHUIIIl (fl ... Eaaland Weot BqaL SIKJU.Ill.l {I) OR PAN OK4 XOTI (I) Ditto. GOUAIUA. ... Wral aud Ccntrallleagal.

. !.'alii Bhwn'a d•uotea a II"'"P -.ho w~ro origiallly res~donto ol Manbhum• 111d Sildloria, thoao oJ Stkharbbum, the tract between the Kuu and Barakar nven; Pauchakoti 11 al10 a territorial aame and refer• to Paehe~ in Man~bum. The word Gubaria is aaid to refer to the pra,cbce of wing oowduoR to dean up tho pl&ee where food hu beea eaten. Jh&ti& iJ the IWD.t of a aubcaato, whoso momberl aimply aweep away the fragmoall of a meal• without waabing the place. Tho aob011leo are all oquol ia rmk, aud loaol auperioriiJ genomlly depeada on tho niUDerical al1'o':fi,~'aoci&\ cuatoms differ in va~ouo dialrioll. In Bordwaa, Hoc~hly aud BirbhlllD intermarriage ia forbidden Oll pain of aocial escom.m1;1nicatioo. . In Paridpur and N ad.ia. the same rule i• in ·vogue, ba.c the offeadiag party may be roadmHied to h11 owa subeaste on P•J•ng a poaalty. In Bankure inter· marriall;O il ffeely allowed to all. ln Burd.wa:a. they neither drink nor smoke with eaoh other, brd in Hooghl7 they do so e.s:cept on ceremonial oooaoiOIUL Ia Birbhnm aud l.'aridpar thoy omoke, but wilt uoleat or drink togelhar. Ia Nadia &lad Bsakura the;r fr


BENGALI (I) ... Oriaaa. GqLA(~ ... ().;- DA KSHlNI (t) Do. HaTUl (f) ... Do. DESI (II ... Do. 8ASAN1 (e) ... Do. KH..!.RIA,(fl ... Do. JK&RI..( (I) ... Ohola N!J!pur Platoao, li;HARDA 1t) ... Do ouru 111 ... Ditto.

Dift'oronoe of locality or occupatioo oocouat lor tho origia of oaveral aub-outoo. Tho Khan.l Bhan, dario are ao oalled from having worked aa eoolioo in the eall maaufactorioo and ore aom ...hao delnded. Tho HaiDio &lld Golu are loweat in aocial roak. Tho Golaa ahave the Mahammadaaa oud aloo ont tho Jiaihl of the 81111era (not of the toea) of tho Golao, who are a nry low 011to. The Hatwio are tho10 who oha.,e the Katuia (i.o., peo~le who earry on trade aud frequnt hilts or morfo Dokahioi Bhan. diria lived oril!illally in tho lOUth of Oriata. Tbo Khard4o claim anporiori!J cl raok, becaoN the Raja of Pari uaed 1o emplor them.. '!b. real cu:e all equal !n oociol rank, 1'h8 Oriyi and Jhori& are reported from An!fUI only. The Oriy ...... CODIJdered oopenor to the Jhanb. J!:s::cept in Pun whero it il puniahod with aocial, exeommunication, intermarriagt", though ~usa~, i• not absolutol:r forbidden and in any case tho offending party baa ouly to pay a fine to av01d aenou1 oon1equeocea. Beng11li hhand6ris, -however, cannot •• a rule, intermarry wi~ the o1her 1ub-cute~. , Escept. in Balaaore and ~uri, they drink and smoke together and eat pakki, but uot eooked rtoe. Io Baluore and Pari they neither oat, drink nor smoke together. · Tho mt.eulu hove Btpan.te paacha;ratl in Outtock. In Baiooore oud Puri, where tho pi.DChaJal •r•lcm ;. aol in rope, eacli aubcaole baa •t• own heacl.....,., WLYSIS OP CERTAIN 8UBCAB1'ES. .. . xlv


]IJmbhDIII. · Dilfo. : lforib Bihu.


XOL NO Claoia IVagpar. BA.RA.BRUMI.( (I) ,_-a.osa Nogpat'. liURA Ditto. SIKHAl!I..{ (I) -· Dit&o. TII.AKU8. ·.:· Ditto. PATKUMJA' Ditto. M!I"NIU ... Ditto. TA.MA'KlA '(I) ••• DiU... DKBI(Il ... Di&to. The ftnl foar 111b ...oteo..., found Ia MoDbham md thsy rmk ill the order iD which the]' are oatered. The re1t ore fouud iD lliDgbbhum whore lh• Deoi llloado finl, tho l!lfthhumi' lllld Bikharii oeoood, md tho PalkiUDli dWd ill rmk. The Tamina nDira Jut. Tho Deoio ..., tho ori,PrW. iDhlbilaDto af the ooDDir]'. The Jhua •• 1D1eomuo7 wllh the 8ilrhoria, Patlrumii ud Buabbumii. .a.n af them, o:reept tlio TIIDW driDir toaether. Tho llambhumi' ... iDiol'llllll'I'J' lllld doiDir with tile 8ikharii ODJ.r. Tho Patlnamlb unohllowed lo _...,. wilh tile Deal or T ....Uil. .No 0.. of ""T aah-culo .... pia IAI..U.. aiou to IIIIOiher. . • . . • ' ID lolmhhum, tbam ia """ JIIIIIOU]'al for the whole cute. Ina& iD SiDsJahham, • .,...,. BOlb.-.le baa 1t...... pulcbayal, • BIND.

LODIIIYA' ON .1'1 orih Bibu. RAJW.All. (a) ... SoulhBih&ro GONR (a) "' Bihar. .1'1 U l'l IYAl£k ... - Ditlo. • XHA_f,IAT (/) Ditto. _BINlJXH (~)' JUL .IITIA. -Dit!o. - Dillo. A. W AJ>HIA (I) ,., Dit&o.- NUN (.f) : South. BiJaat. 1- ... Tho A....U.U aaboute u· •aid to ..... eomo hm Oudb; tile Xlaariat;, 10 umod from their maiillc tlari (IOUJIOIN)• • , - Juliali& memo eldoat or hoot, md Nllll JDIOU ll<. It i1111oid ill MoagiJ]'r that tho N ua Biado are DOt Bindo al all, but NDDiyao, whooo hmldlq oeaupat.ioa ia to pre)lll'O uU md aallpetre. Tho Goar aubouto raoko ftnt, aad tho Kliariat soooad, lho rut boiDg oil oquool. Tho Billdkbam cloimo to be a 111boasto of th• N oai]'al, but IOJJll ao:r it ia a au boule .af J4ilWl lllld ia oo-oolled _&oza ito ocoupalion, i.o., makiac lbhi!!IJ not1, . _ __ . - Tho Biada of Soraa 107 lhsl tho]' h&ft ao 1nboulo1, but it appouo tlaat oil boloag 1o tho Klaariat ouboute. Joterm.. rlage bolwoo11 lho 111boutu ia olrioll7 forbiddoll undor pollllity ..C beiag ODioootod. l'hoy Dei thor oal, driDit aor amolro together, ROopl ill l'uraoo, whore lbo]' 1JJ10kB. md driDk, but do 1101 oo1 .Jl oompm]'. .

BRACH MAN. BlRHI (ll -}Well, CoalraliDd .B11t BlREl'IDR.A. (I) ... Beogol. · BA.IDm ( •) ... Xu! Bongo!. • MA..IHI.Y.A. 88ENIJ W·~ I! _, . VYABOK1'A (f) ... W 011 JleacoL (I) -• eo,.-•. BA. RNA lilt&: B. · MAN (/) ... . Dlllo. • lUNY.A.KUB.T A (1)::: South Bihor '&lid Ohola .AGRADAI'jl (f) ... Wellud But BapL Negpar• KA:NA.UnA. (I) ...- Wool Beap.l, JYOTISI{ OR}Weot Beapl. IIA.B.W ABIA.(I) ...') · GIIAHAOHl&o 8oalh Bihor ud Chota YA (f) ... N"'IJJIU'. TAIL.A.NQI fl) ... , · - lii:ARNATJ (I) '" MAITII.lL(I) "'}Woot BeuploatlOiutta MAHA'li.AS8TBirA. mxAL m .N N·BJ>Or· _ MAG H11 A (41 ... But .11oagaL (I) ...JCJaota N~. lUll' DRAB· . lfAGOB (I) ... . Mt.l'l.( f) Baath Bibu, GUBGUBBTA .. . DR.AVIBI (I) Dillo. PAIICIUGRAM(t) 8AIIASW A'l' (I) ... South llihu oDd Ohola JA.IPUHIA.(I) ""} Ch Ia ~T Pia • l'logpur, DA.KHI.l'IDlG:NA. (I) o -"agpur, • '!••• UNDWIPl (I) ~· Rut Bengal. GUR.rOR.A (t) ... Ditto. lJHAIIIII..f) ,., &uthBibu. Go\:NG.U:,t'TRA (/) • Ditto. . GAYSWiL(f) Ditto. MAHA.PaTIIAJ.fl Chura Nagpv, · GAUIIA (II South Bihar oDd Chota PA:NCHADBS~ VI ~ Napv. IIA.BAN (e) ... Ori-. 8AliOTBl.A. (•) ... lJillo. L.AUKIK ~) -· - Do. II.&KADWIPI (•) ... Ditt.o. S.!B.ACHATIA (1)... -Do. xlvi • " .

NearlY all tho onb·outes are territorial. Tho ~hi aud ~&rondra Hmhmano ~ llengal, traee their origin from lho O.e prlooto brongl!t from EaoonJ In ~ho moth oontn'1., b7 Ad11n~. for tho purpose of porlormi~g oomo V odic I&CTiOcoo. AllhonRh tho pmoll bronj!bt thoa wlYel Wtlh tbom, thOJ. ooot""""'d morrtORH with tho women ;8 Boagol, oad lhdr ohildraa by the latter woro the anoeoton of tha llinDdra onbouto, while tholl&rhio NPJ'<',..& tho olfoprlng of the origilllll Binduolloni wino. Tbe Baidikt oM dlvided into two oeolioae. P6oohitya, that io of· W eotorn Indio, and Dukbiaitya that II of Sontbern India They olaim to be tho original oetlkro in Bengal who 1'8101ed m&lrimonoal alliano~o. with .tho • ...,·00111•••· Tho Rarhlouimo o~perlority OY!'f tho other lwo onbeutoo, hnl ill Dacca lift! Baodoko olllllll higher ~aok on the •ooore of punly 111d leormog and tho &ot tlW, u otil zoconllr no mom her of their alioo .accepted ....,;.. of 101 kiud, though the ll&rbio and ll&r1111dru lw\ don~ .., loag IJIO. Tho VJ'oooldo, Bama-Brih- Allf8d'oi, J yotioh ar GrahiebAI'JI., and Mahi Drib-no are fuoalicnool onboaoteo who are regorded ao degradea Ol! aooount of thoir In ooeupadou. Food and waloY toaohod by them azo ooaooidorjo Dilal, tho ~plo of Bandiwip wore oompollod to marrr indiocrlminately by brcakingca&te ruloo The Dhimia and tho Gay&w&lo derive their nameo from G•'4 dAd... They"'" prio&to •ho oiliriato at 1bo olfering of l'iodao and take the ofi'cringo m•do. Tho Gaaru are dindocl into two oab-oloooleo, yjz., (i) MadhyA Gauro, and (iii Adi Gaura. Tho 8at01riao deri•• their name• from Brolll. Ori_ginally they wore great Pandito, but aow they are olton qorito illltoroto. Tho llakadwipi, illl ..;d, were brought from Bakadw!J>o bJ Srikrishna through l!iarad&'a adtioa to )J"rform thoworobip.of the Bon. i'hey did eo and tho l'riaeo· reOOYOred. 8rikrimna thea perouodod thomto oettle ia India. Tbe KAnyakubj• were present ol· a Y•i•a bold br B~jA Daoaratb ..a were ot!ored dGn or remuneration which they refueed -:to a.crpt, and ao bl\d to l"&"o the place and 1ettle •loewbere. i'h•y are no• divided i11to many onb-olaoooo .,;..- (1) Eauoajio ~roper, (u') Sar,jupari, (iii) Sarwa•ia, (I• I Jahull•, and (v) u... udhia. OCrtod to Orio"' by tho IltHrl or Lioa d)'111111y are eallod Baoan Br4hma111, ~ud lbo,. who emlgralld to Oriooa p,...ion!IY Blld W!fl • ~bjeotod to lluddhiot inllnonooo are oolled Laulnk Bribmou•. Othon "Y that tho li6J& of Pan diflded the lJrflb.man• into two claaBes and thAt those who regll!'dcd all tbe i_njunctioDI of, the 8"adrru tra.re ca.lled Ruan a.nd that tbn.. who did not were oallod Laukik. The L•uk•k Br&b-n 11 farther mbdOYodod onto three olaues, •. q, Snrka (whoso occu,ation i• to ({rOW taitu or kadu, a kiJ!d of ,9cgcttt~le), Saraibat~ or MaatAn1whote Chief oooup&tion is cultiv&tion), o.nd D4nu4 (who accept ofiol'IDfl Jn reltg~.oull oeremOD1e1). Banobatia ia not a-ouboute, but lhe name-of tho rich Brihmono who live neor tho Bd:ili Gopallon>plo arul. d.alln ooooonuta. • . Jt hu already beta oaid that the oloon llribma111 Will Dot OYl'D omoko w!th thou .....,,. of low olsal. n. ltigh•r clao&el willamoko, drink and oal pakki food lt>B•thor, bat will not Oil uy aeoonnl take cooked rioo iD comp&lly. ' . . dilf ~ f 1 Iularmarriage i1 &bJOlutely :f9l'biacleD. No one•Cift g.UD admtiiiOD to & erent t~uOIIte, 0 equa or higher e•a1us. The high•r suboa.t~te1 may, however, be degraded to lowrr oaea by adoptiDg tbei'l''J'I'Of••· lioll Eaoh mbeute bu a oopanto Samoj of ito own. .


BAllA CHAIN ... Maida. CHOTA ·cHAtN , .. M•lda. The !lara Chain• rank aboYO tho Ohola, Tho former will lmoko ana drink, bnt wil! not eatpwi~ 1ht" latter. Jf a lara marry a l.ho~ be io degraded to that anboaato. Eaeb an boule hu Its own ono oya •


c:ilA:MIR T 4l'l TI (/) Bengol and North l!ih&r. LARKOl!. "' Boogod. DOHi& ,,. Dill& RA.BIDAS ... J>o. DIIARH (a) ... North B•~gal and Bi!'••· RISHI ... Jlo. ])II.USI.i ,.. Bengal, Bihlll' 111d Chota lUGHA (d) .... 'ltut llengo!. JCHU •TIA. CJU. Ditto. ' NaKJJar. M4a. GORlA (•! ... Bengal and Bihar. BARAHH4GJ.C (o) North B-aL J AISWA.R ... Di•to. xoru ... Ditto. JANAK PURI (I) } North and ]!:oat Bengel XANAUJIA (I) .,, North Bengal u4 :NorLh J AUN PU III (I) end Chota N o~nr. Bihar. J4AGAHIA (I) ... North and South Beng•l CRUNITTARN ... .North Bihar. ..a l!ih... Jlilto. AOHHIAN ... North BODg&i !11111 fCIIIth KUPAA" P Bihar. . TJRHUTIA II) • Ditto. ltOI!AOHAUlf .... • Ditto. 1Ui4TIM4Hln4 ... llongal. MOCB.I (J) ... l'orih Bihar.. KU1f4B ... Uo. · d d from Obam6.r fa thor and Go&li mol-her. Ma~abia ond Eananjia • The· Goriaa ol~im to be desoen e a ro do ded because Magba entered thei.r Ze.DIDJI. are mere ~oograpb•oal nam.••· .u'f!l• Ma~ha•1 "ninoj~ Barabhigia 1o "$'or to Gono. and Jaunrarto Rabidios !• mporlor .t~~ :i .fu\' b.: Dhllllio io IUJ10rior to all 0 other rub.eaat~o. In Saran Dhaoia; botm 114Jm01111n!"'on -•J"·" thiroJ.Cium&r'Ihlifourth M~ahlaJiflhiD~ Tboo J(&Dauji& ot&ndo lint, Ulo--- . """"" nolaro all equaL Ali'ALIBIS · OP cml'AIIr SU.BCABl:ES. :drii

Jntermarriajre bebreea &he 1011btut4o J. otriclly forbidden oa paill af beiDg 011ieuted. Bill tbe 1<11 of a Biolu eoD marrr the da~ of !' JlablciU oa pa;rmea& of a be. If~. Joiswar marri"! a Dha"!a .in DilUijpur, he ur obe beeon... 1 Dht~~to. ~ole Dhams am .Dli!"T Jiiaaaajii 'IJ<)mea, bill iJ a Dba11a gul nurn• a Kanaaji&, m•n. the latter ZDUiigJYe a fe11t to the ~1• reJabvu. • Tho memben of dolforoat oabcasteo will ao' as.,.lly eo I, drink UP lllloke logethn, bat a Rabic!U mar oat aud drink will> Ri.ohi, and tho .l~war &lid: Dhusia subeutea freely eat, ~riak ond ~oko wilh, eocll other. Ia MJmooulnlh Goris aad Dhuo ... ouly drouk together. Ia Sal'llllo Dhu>u., XanauJIB &Del J1111Wu ~•y•moke tv~~t.hor. . . A Rithi.., boooiDo a Rabic!U on paymeul ofa fi~o. No IDonobor of any ooher mbctslo "!"' guo. odmiooion to aaolher, ...,.P' ill a few 01101 b1 iatorm.amap ao aotod &bore. Every mbcaste b.u il1l Olnl poachaJnl,


lliLI4 (I) ... Cmtrol, Eut aad North BAGG.U. ... Central and Bao~ BeagaL Beagol. J IAN! ... Ditto, JALIA ~ ••• Vilto, N A!4 ... Cca•ral BeugaL lilALI ... Well, Coalral aacl P.aol KORa -· Ditoo" Ben_~oal. P.•NFJ.LIA (/) ...w ..t Bengal. l'IUNIJ {/) _ Woot oad Oentral Bengal llt!OHO tO .. -, Ditto. CHA~l(fJ ... Di&lo. . B.lBUAL(f) · . , •. .li:aot Beogal. GO.LUK · Ditto. KARAT(Jf). - · Ditto. XESH l'RA !f) llitlo•. CHAN DAL Ditto. BAJDANd~/) Ditto. H.t W A ~· Ditto. XOTALlA ·••• Ditlo. KA H A:S ••• Loitto. NAMASULI 4 '-'itto BERU.{([) Ditto. TlYAII. ••• Ditto. KATURIA' (/) Ditlo. 1 ... Ceotral and F'aal DougaL 1'ACHHU Dilto. · ~r:tc "' ... Di~to. Moot of tho Obaadltllllboaotea are ruaelioaaL • . . . lluna ia from 6or, • bounboe fl.ohiag ooulriftDce used by &he au boule 10 aamed. Boirhai and Xarati aro earponton·; t.be Kibi'Lr lo a palki bearer 1 lhe K.eshura doal.o in the "''lt af thet IllUDe; &he Phphali,. doall ia pon;ohel and makea trap.a oncl IDiftl; che Xot61i& ill a •il~ watelullaa; lhe NuDia prepar01 . all• the Utari' mokos weedon nteaoilio ancl bnollll ahollo for Iinte; theJ6liy4 is ali•W.rman; &ho Chhi a . eaiLintor, lhe .Kitjbanoi a wuoa; tho Botr~ila pecllar, aad ao G.L The .Dh&ni llllb-ca•te is Riel lo have booa d.grodecl bo ..uu af pollutioa bJ Magill. :£he lUiii aad Bent& &1'8 laid to have be..,me oepuatod · boeauoe thor aH dilfo•nol kindo of lllohilll! nolo. l11 IODl8 paris Si41i. aacl Jmm are looked oa u ll&b· divitionl of Hili6. aDd not a• independent rubcutoa. .. ·· 'l'bo Namundro, proporlyao called, nab highest, and &hen iD ordu the B6jban•i, !liyar and Kola!. In Howrah t.be Ob&ai aubco•to forbida oidew !Dmiage and is on lhil uoouot awarded. &he 8rit plaae ; it io foUowod b.fll41i4, Barhi, Borur., Joill.f4, and Paobiiil&, whila.iha...llhaui, NIIDia and XAnll are saicl to como l111t. · . . Iatormorr!llgo ia generally forbiddeD. Whoa: It DOOUl'll &he bricle or briaeiP,'!'OID..,u the nu8 "'•:r. ·­ be, io dcgraded to tho oubeuto af the olher party, bat tho Nllllll~uclrola, .K&Jbana•o &Del Ti:yara caa iatmnarry oa payment of a liae, Tho .HAI.iU alld B&rhait permit intermarriage botwoea theiDIO!Yeo, bDt not mtll o

CH-'IS-'1. ORH f.fl ... Orlan. ·SUXULIY .C (o) ... Oriaaa lllCNA:'l'IY,( (q) ... Do; KOLT.liA (d.) ... Do. CHUXUL1YA (f) Do. I The Orll OhAoAo, it is uid, ,.... the lin~ of tho aborigial trihea who oott!ocl In on- IIDd bOfiiDllo oulti~lo the oooil. They were verr anm-... alld obi eonnlry wu oalled after them. Tile. lleaatiyUo •lei to ba•o ~ !""•tod. fro!n a tuft of &he B ..a·graoa or to b.. closeoacled IrQm &h.,..;wlw &rot ma~o lho bmd 8t for oullltahon by olaanog away tho B.,., gran. 'J here ;. no malo rial clillerenoe botw ..a lho Chukuliy(> sad tho SukuliJII, a&Telbat I be latter do 110~ allow !hail females to appeor 1n pnblie. they both oatroeloalt frvm tho- water. • The B•~ti,)'4 oub~to ataada _6nt iD nnk sad. the Sukoliyf.. !'lid the Ohnknliy6 lowoat. ID Pnri thoro · w no •e•k'loUou 011. mtermarrutge or atiDR tor.ethor. • In Outtack a BeDi.tiy' may i.Dterlll~ wilh lho ot.hor oabautea on poymoat ol a fino to his l'anobayat; all the mlocaaleo moy drinlr alld omok• togotb~r but may DOl porloko of oookod , rioe. , !11, 8al10ore intermarria.JJ& &ad nommensallly are boca prahibiud, -•P' betmJen tho Chnknhyo\ aacl Sakuliyi 111bautea. Bieh 'membftoo of the S ...uli:yf. or • Chakuli,yf& tnbeolotea oaa obtain ~01 Irom tba bighor alaueo, bu...,. no& allowed to eat, drink or liD..._ wilil. &hOm. The K.ollbl nbaaslo ,. zoported ft0111 Augnl. hut it aoemo to be realiJ a aoparate oaote. 6lltha aubculel b&To- oeparale l'&noh•Jato. e:uep1 in"l'wi, "hare ODe .Wp .P&IlchaJ-* ...... tho wholocaale. Jtlviii APPENDIX VII,


DU:lHWA'R ... Biblr. BIGHA JAISWAR ... Do. .•• Nor!h Bilw-. XAN AD.TIA (I) Ditto. MAGARIA. (t) .,. Do. BUR.AI BANAUOHIYA ... l'lorlb Dihu. ... DittiJ. CHIRAUT(Il ... Ditto. XATHAUTIA Ditto. XHAPARI& BILHOT!A (1) Ditto. ... South llihu.

' Moolol_t~o ouboaoteo oro lerriloriol. The Kboporiao ~.. oo-eaUecl from theirti · • &bat b-' In Moagl•yr tt •• doubtful .'"bother lhe JoiJnrU'o aro llbinuko or Kurmio. 't'UISID c ""buto. ' Tho Dndhnra rouk h1gbor than tho Jaiowan in Mougbyr oua Bbaaalpur where tJ.- do lro'ringo of higher outeo •• tho Joi-on do, buUho lol\er Hllk oboYo ollt~o other ou.,;''t . ~ oal tho Tbolludhwar_ a~d th~ Ma~o~ia are conllidored oupnior to all in Dorbhnnga. ID Potuo ait'::'r~n ~golpur. lntor-mornogo II forbidden. CommonoaUty io otrictly prohibited, bu~ in Mrngb~ •L-eq u' d . L water from 011oh othel"'a hand1. ' ~a »M""J' W'l nna · A. momber.of one a~bcaate ca~not gain admi11iou to AnothPr ucopt in Mnughrr, wheu • Da.dhwir osn beoomo o_ ~"JIWII!,. Jlltnmarnoge,.. Eoeh oubeoole hu a ooporole p~~~~

D~I\GL.( ... Bengal Proper. . T.CNTI (•) ... Wool Bengal. BALWARJ•l ... :North lleogal eua Bihar. liARA BAMAJj•l Ditto• MAGHAY (I) ••• Ditto. OHOTA SA'I'I A (•) Ditto. XANAUJIA (t} ••• Ditt?. l8·Z2 BAMAJJ.~l ... · Ditto. ·rmatJTt..C (11 ... Nortb~al BALON SAM J (G) Ditto. OlliY.{ (IJ ,,. West, and Central Reugal 8~0 KHAN A (•) Ditto. and Chota N agpur R II HI BAMA,J (I) JJitto. Platenu. · B \~{A DHOJ!A (•) E011 Ben&al. JHA'RU l. "' Chota I:lagpnr Plaleou: 811'.( DHOBA (••) ... Ditto. . CHAIIA JJHOR.( (f) C.ot-ral Bengal. liHULUA ... Ditto. DliOBASI:f ... Ditto. JDGIDL\ I itto. l!IITIBIN ... Ditto. SUN l'IP (I) ... Ditto, JIAKSHA.Y ... West lleugal. GORSAR ... Bihar. ATE liRA Y ... Ditto. AWADHtYA (I) ... Do. KANDU Ditto. ·• GADHYA ,.. Do. . GAJJHPADYA. Ditto. liATHUI: ,, South Bihar. XHOTTA (I) ... Ditto,

The .1llimo Dhobi and Bitli Dhoblioloim a-tmm. tho llloD wliowaohed the clothes ofll&m and hil 'conoorl Bita, ...,.pocllveiJ. There ia a tradition that Siva oreated a Dhnb& from a Ihl fruit to w•oh Mo wifo'l elothoo, ond thuo tho Bebror Dhob& eame into niateneo. Kanouji&. Ma,ha:yi, Tirhuti& oud Oriyli ore ~oographieal di-rioiooa. Tho Oriy& and JbArn& aobcaate• appear to have tho oome orig;11, bolt heir residenoo in separate J»l&ce• caused them to become septrate. Cb,!t& Dhob61 are IO-c&lltd ~auo the hove taken to eullivotioo. Tho Khottoo emiJII'flted from Bihar tn Weot Bengal. The Tinti Dbobo\o ar~ T8ntil who took to wubio~ and graduill1 came to bo el01sed II Dhobli. Otbeu hold that they hove b- 10 nomod from tho faot that they oro employed bJ the Tnntio. They troth ooly clothea fresh from the loom. lu Hoor,hly thoro oro ~wo clilforent Bamojoo. llara Samaj, Chota Samij. Originally thore,... oue Samaj oJI'd one hoadiJ!on. After tho death of a certain h-.n hie two •one dirided tho Samaj betwOftl them. Thooe who joined the older bfothor WDO to be known ao memhen of lbo llara Sama) and thooo who joined the younoor brother wero term•d Chota !lamaj., Tbore i• no bud aod ful dislinotion betwten tbe 18·28 SamAj, Balun Ssmaj and BarakbAoa oubcasteo. • In Woot Bengal theonbcutos are all of equal raok. bul in Rajshahi the Maghay6 olanda &nt and the Kanoojii. lowest of aU. Tho Chao& Dhoblia are eoneidered bighut in rank in Oeutral BenRol. They ha.-e three eubdiri~iooa, Utl&r ltarfii... Dakhin IUrhi. aDd BU.ndra, among whom intermarriage il for­ bidden. but tluoy 'Ifill eat I!Jgoth~r ~d omoke from tho. oome bUd. In_ Noakbali, Bhulua otaada &rot, . J ugidio 1_.,d, and Bundip third m rook. Tho Onya otanda lint 1n Au£U). The MaohaJa rank• tiral ;,. l'alllo, -nd iJP Goya, thiecl in llhohobad, and _below tho AwedbiJ!. in 'Bhagal~ur, Tho K.naujii 1tands firat ia Gaya and Saaaram, and •econd. tn Patnaaod Bunr. GtneralJy ~be potltion aDd· •ocial rank of the su.bc&1tet vary from plaDI!I ~ place according to iheir numeric~tl elrength. Inter-marriage ia forbidde!l among all the ",uhr.aatee on fain of social ?•tracism, ~xcept io tho follow­ in,; ci.lrl. In, Anga.l, .the Ony&s. ~d the Jb!l"ru&s_ have o late·allow~d tnter·m~mage on paym(lot of a peaalty to thear reapoottYe eommllDltiee. Ill Ka]shahi. thoae who have tnter-marned. are ooneidel'f'd aa a aoparole aubeoatr. Iu Hooghly inter-marriage io allowed botwoeu I he Sara Samaj and the Chota &maj. In Bbog•lpur. the Magbayl and Awodhi1a aubc-tot01 ..., intor·lllllrPJ and in SaroD the M.. bayi eon do 110 witll the Kanaujii on payment of a &ae. In Suanm, though iatefoomarriace il unoommon, if a oaember of one JDbcute happeoa to take a wife from anoUler he will be admitted to hia OWD 1ubcure, . or tn thd of hi a wife, after ~ying a fine and givinK' a fea.at to hi1 fellows. Tho different subo"tte• do not gtnerally eat, d.Iink, or 1moke together. But in Bajshahi the Bengali, Jehrar, Maghay&, and XauaujiO. auboattes dine, em.oke, and drink together. In Booghly, commtDJnlily io allowed botwren the Bora SamAj and Chota ilaJDJ\j. In the 34--Parganaa, no membd• ia tho hoooo of au ordiOO:,. DhohlL The Dhobu!n .ua tho NttiJ.in will only ~rink and_ •moh toge~ber•. In Bb•~~&lpur, • the l'dogahay6 and the Awadh•ya may oot IOI(elher. In Omoo tho Onyi and JbAruB and m Wool Beo111l . tho Barihay, Atarb•y, Kandu, and Gadhpod:ya will omoke and drink together. · lll Suar110 tho Il


lUGAHIA (I) ••• Wetl BOIIR&L Chol&- XORA Cf) ·- Wen BeDpl. !l~oadBihar. XURllf l•) ... Ditto. Ba:'ISPHOR(f) ••• Ditto Xlla.BU: (f) - Ditto. TIRHU:rU (1) ... Cholalhgpar ud South Gila. KAlil if) Ditto. Bihar. BANS ••• Ditto. DAKHI!dLJ:.A (t) Cbo&a NIIIIJ>IIr. BETBA (f) •.• Ditto. ANKURIA (f) ••• W011 BCDgioL HlBI fa~ •• !lartb BeDglll aDd Bibar. BlBDELIA (f) ... Ditto. JJBlPRa ••• Bihar. • BAJANIA (f) ••• Ditto. CHAPARJYA •• , Do. TUUI ,., Dit;LO. DHARK,(R (f) - Do. · PAN DIT (f) ••• Ditto. BHAGALPtT.RIA(I) Nartb Diw. DAI DOM"(f) ••• Ditto. DOMCW: •• : Ditto. MtdtDAFABlSH(f)' ' Ditlo. DOMBa. ... South Bihar. S,HWIU (f) ••• loitlo. DO:MABl!A. .,, Ditto. IULll'iD.f(/) ... Dillo. Ha.BK.(B Dilto.

One Kala Bir i1 oald to be tho progenitor of the Dom ciate. He had four 1001, &lid from them the Ankllrii, the BillloliA. tho .l!ajania end th Magabi& sobcaoteo alaim to be desoended. Tho other subc&~:es sroN P.riucipall7: from the different calliog• pUI'Bued by the memb.ell. ~he ~hone work. ia bamboo, and the Ohar~• were exocutionera under the Hindu Xingl. ~~~~ Anlcuri' ancl the 8Bnchi &•nerall;r work in bamboo. Tho l!ijonoa lind the Koliodi are drnmmero. The x-s ue eomh..eutten. The Ankariio l<'rYO oo pritoll in Midaaporo.. Thr Gha•ami• eoaalroot that.hed haiL ·• The Dii Dom pracli- midwifer;r. The Mardafuuh ill liD uderlaker. The Xhari8s ..,...... ; their bukoto with a IOrt of reed oallod I:Aari. The .Botra Dom JIIIIDnfacloN caae chain. The Knrmi DOIDI are eaid to be dHcoaded from Xormil. Magahi6. and Tirbulii •- a~phjcel nemes. In .Midnapore. OYerJ oubeaste claims to lnlnk ab u omen, liuHho · ns Dome oeem to be the biahnt. and an followed by lho Betrao, the Khoriiio, and Jut of all lhe·XnrmiL The 118nophora ..., generally conaidered to ranll comparorinl;r high. aa the;r da not remove dead bodi" ar eat the leoriugs of othon, bat in Paino ond Saaarom lhe;r are placed below the .Magoohi& :&om their eatiog food eookod b;r Dbobioo and eatiJnglbe nmbiliool ao..t. The Dh8pral. lllJJb lowell in Haaghyr, where hn rrmoyoo dead bodiPI. In Bhoplpar owd. Pain& the .MogabiA OJtanda hittheal, and oeeonil io Ga;ra 1111d llhababad. In Shehabad the J)oma ill eollllidered lowoat in ranlr, aa be ..to the areuea of d0111 and dookoya Tho Dhark&r ..Uodo·4rlit in Suarom, because be dioJdaina tho learinga of a foasl of which the· other nbca•teo freely partake. _ · Intcr.marriage;, generall;r forbidden oo pain of beiog oaloeated, but in Hoogh\y Ibis depends on tbo d11cretoon of tho ponoba;rat. Io lloogb;rr a Dh&pra doeo oot ·Jooo his position b;r marrying a BBnttJbor. In Suaram. a member of aay aubcaste can take his wife from anothw and. dill retain bia au boule if ho poyo 1 Ono lo tho p.,o•ho;rat and gi•eo a feaol to his QUie-people. In Ga;ra inter.marriage ia allowrd botw•en tho Jllinopbor and Mol!"bifL. . . Io Ho,.rah tho Aokurioi and ~Anobi amoke from the same A•l:k4 and tho Xalindi. tbo SAnchi end the Xora oat food cooked by tho A.oknriA, hal not fli••·•tr•d. lo Patoa, lbe :Sanrphor md ~bia sometimes omoko togotbor. CommonsoliiJ ill allowed in l'omea. With these ezooptioll8, the inboaalea =:r not ftt, drink, or IDJOke togeLher. . - · Thl' memben of one aabc&llte CIDDot gain admiaion to any ot~ ...... Dhark&r, howm• may be .odmiltod to other onbellllteL and ao aloo oaa tho B6naphor in Mongh;rr. · Eooh aobcaole hu ill own aeparote pomchaJal or adminiot.ralion.


.M.!GAHil It) '" Bihar ud rn.-.!lacor.nlll:JI. (41- _ ---lllhao-. BliOJ PUJU,{ (f) •M Ditto. KAMA:B (f) · "· North Bihar. SUUNTI(t) ... Chota NljQHI1". KURMI Cfl ••• Ditto. Ba.HALIA (t) ••• Bihar. IU.NAUJ.U (I) ••• Sooth Bihor. PHLWAII M Do. G .&DAR OM •• Ditto. . SUIOTIA (t) ... Do. BHEDa.R •• Ditto. XUIU . ... Do. . KOl'Bp-DHW A ... Ditto. 'I he Dolluibo claim to bo dooi!Oildod from tho oololien of tbe Pand••• Prince Bbim. Magabi&, Kanaojia, Bhojpnrii. and Srianli are geograpbioalnameo: Baholi& io laid to be deriYed. from Jld•l, &n appoin\ment. · · · · The .MagabiU. otand 8nl in •oak in Chota Na~pnr, BhaR&lJ.'Dr ud Patna. ..tbe .Sironlia seoond in. Patna, &Dd tho Knrmia 8nt in Boron. Each aobcasto olaima highar rank thea the olhe,. in' Bhahabad. AU are equal in ldODMhyr and other plaoto. · lnlennarriaRO io gononll:r forbaddon 011 pain of lou of ·

GANDHABANIK. DBSA(•) ••• Wnt. Ceatra! oad North l!.onpl. I lUT lBIWl(•) .•. Cenlnl. North ~ B.st . l!.onpl. CHHA'I'l'RIS(o) ••• Ditto. TillS. ••• WeB SAl'! .E. B.A. (f) ... Beap\. .Be!JpJ. The D.o6s olsim thoir tt..at from tho fam..,. Cbi.od &digar h ned ·th . ROdden of oorpeall, and lho .{~t&snm from B•imontaS.d&gar. the;,p~/kuar."ro of":J. ~~di DeYi, lh~ who made • "'101!" lo Co11on JD oeareh of hia loot fath Dhena 11• • "~ e ~ ollongal ttadition Sin beiDR In noed of opireo for hia marria ~ 'th ~·-o::d ~~~ to another J" 0 Gandhabeniko from hio fvrah~d,lho Sankha from hi!! ,.:,:Opi~tho ,(~:bi. ao.nl &lid:. ~hi..~": 1 APPENDIX VII, frDill hU foot. The Saakhobaniko are a fun•iional oaboulo ha 10u '- llhello. 1:ho Dou nab abon tho oth- Ia tho H.Par " unceloll modo from .c:oneh Obhatlrit, which illow.. t ill tho 24o·Pargaau, ill hiBhool iD ~~~~:;:,and~": ~~ io Midnoporo, while "OIJ"!"hore ucepl In :U..jahabl, where it holdo lha \oweol U.:'' au.... a~boaale ••••d•1 third while m tbeii.Pargaau It ill ucoud, and in 1!ajobohi it iolnfori~ t!''D::.. ,.. .. •p•o .iat • ••4_1 &rot, In Wool Jlou~al, Nookhali and IIP'!euio h iulermo .1 n Nadia oil oro equol m rook. forbidden 011 tho poill of looo of ...to. but•o Bauk:ro it ill .u~:otmoDB8 tho oabc•llleo io aboolutelr wth~~L~!_!• len olriogeot. In the 24o-Porgooao tho Do.a. !at ood~at~".:b:dteO~hattr o. l£lonclo- o unuu .....,..... o momber of her huoboud'o oobcaote. Iut • be ' IIDiermorrJ • uooolin ~·j•hahi, Murohidobod, Docea and Jooooro, and it il ::::.'r'':..'b!ti~.... bidD dlho. biliKhor. mbcuteo il In ll•rbhum oommODIIIliiJ io allowed bot . Mid d ~ or onto lllaJpur. cooked rico !Ggotbor. In Bownh tb "~ tho':.,. r.r an ·~· • tho ID)>collloo mar Dot eat r-l'Norgaudi .. uttJi, 0 Db •",· Cbbattrill IDd "'at ·~bcaot .. ool to.!t'..~~t'~.;·.. llf:!:'.~. :.t:r!t~~ l" L thh. n • a a IU 011 01 ma.y amoko 1md dr1nk bot not oat in . h 1 · ~ an. L Dina] pur nommooaalit.r ls freelJ allowed In' uo e&IO ca~ a :::::; 'ofw I a tD bMar~~ld&}'ad, D~a. aod another, eave oul7 h711ltermarrilp oo uoted above Whore thio io all ... gow admuOlon to aubcaste. • owe do~·, WW~ hride•••~goes to the bUJband'• In MidDaporo each •ube01to baa ito owD govemin bod I tb 0 ftop preoideo over tho Deal., .Ant and Obhaltrillouboaeto• bf!; 1 th YSa 0~b 1 ~ org11111 aliuglo panehayat DOW oleo, eocb lllbcaole uoually boo ill own paaohayat. • • e gol a 10parato one Rvorywhoro boiu!'h;i'ft~'~:!Ti~•.~~f~ K~t ;.':!llMaulikl•. but tbe two ola11eo freolr lnlermarr,-, 1 bride-price i~."ro KuUoo. AI Maullk by acto :.£' ,::~·~~b;~,.li,~'~;d ~;!:tf,;K t:...::~~~.;'~·:;~:·~

GARERI, NIKHAR ••• Sbahabad. GA.I!IGAJALI ... 8hahobad. JJHE~G.U. .,. Di_tto.

Tho tbro~ o~bcalloo raok ill tho. order io W:hieh tboy atoncl. lntor-morri•1• il prohibited ou ill of OECOlDIDUDlcatioa. Oommooubty u aloo forh1ddoo. ~ar of ooo oabcoote oaa gain admio 1 ;/:1o aoothor, oDd each baa a uparato puchoJOI· --- · .,

GO.GIL.GI. NURU ... Chota !'lagpv. PALLAB l(l ... :BIIlg&l, llihar and o,; .... G!UBA. (f ••• Ditto. XH!NDAL ... Ditto. GOP (a) aud (&) ... Nortb aud Eoal Beug&lood BANCHU! ... Dotto, Chota N agpur. M!THURAB,(si(I) llilto. liA'GRl! (I) .,. !'larth lleugal. ll:AII.IUJA. ... Ditto. KOE&PALAS (•)... Ditto. GORY.{ ... Bihar. :NANPA OR M!JR.l'U¥/) ... Do. N ANDAGllOS.Il KANA.UJI (I) ... Do. (n) •.. DHto. CH!NTI:I ,.. Do. RI&Hl (I) ... l!aol, North aud OeDtzal SI<:PA!Il ... Do, lltDial• JA'l, ...... Do. lliRENDB.A. (II ... Ditto. lU.RGAW B •.. llortb Bihar• .A Hill (co) •• 'l'broasboat B1111pl. GUJIAR ... Ditto. llUGAlliA (I) ... BeJII!OI, Bihor and Oriooa. GHASI BIABUT (o) Ditto. ..JUJUBHA.Tl OU. DHoli!IOI:IAR ... Ditto. MAG"Al --m·We~~~•JhaprL CBIJIAUT •·• Ditto. BARQUAIII.A.R .,, JJtite. BANLI ... Ditto. GB OS!N ... North Bihar, Welt J1eop1 Ml BALI ... Ditto. . ud. Chota Nagpor. GOliAGA. ... Ditto. KISN olUT (I) ... Ditto andllihor. DUMA.LA .,. Orillao. BHOGA OR :DAG.A. JllATiiU:&fi'URIA GOAL.&. (.f) ... North, Ceoual. and East (II. ,., Do. BenBtL GOPAPVJUA (I) ... Do. BHUIYa (f) .,, Do. B!DGOP ..,l!aalond North llengal. DUSIU. •.. Chota N 'IPur. A few of tho mbdivioi•DI &re l•rrilcrial ouch ae RArbi, llheadro. Bsgro, Magohi6, Kanaujii Matburi.pw:iA aod Gopapari&. Tho P.Uiabo foUow tho degrading OCOUl'aliol> of b1'1111dln~ cattle. Tho namo il doriTed from a red dye lormerl1 uoed b7. theii fe10aleo lor odoroiug tho feet. Tbo Xoor· palos clolm to bo Vai11•• of royal descent. It ia ..,a that Srikriabua forobadolho Goilr.. to aell milk and ito preporatioDa, aud thoae who obeyed hill mouclate wpro, ll1led Sadgopa. 'l'ho Nudoghoah cloim •• bo doacended from tho foalor father of Krishna. The Ahir lraoll Ita doaceut from oDe of tho oono of Byom~hooh. Tho Kianaato wore originally rooideuta of Brindobau and oa:r that Kriabua IJ?ODI hia child· hOod iD their family. Tho Biah~l• are oo called bocauso tho1 forbid wiaow marriage. , :J:ho Goarao are J>•ll'i-boarero.Tho Bha.lya Gauroaro raall:r Bbuiyas who hove adopted the oooapolion of Goilao. Tho Bhogao (allo eallod. Dagao), brand cattle wilh a red-hot irco and oalllrale bollockl, and are looked down upon in ooooequenco. In Mocghyr, lho Majraul aubeaote baa • dogndod ooctioo known •• Pariaha Majroal (l'iri mouo rellow) wtio mauofaclurod oakeo (for paiutiug) out of tho urillo of oowo. Iu Orillu. tbo Mathurapnriu are olio o.Uod ObatiaghoriB, u 411 &miliea omigr&tod thither from Mathur6. In l"aridpar tho looalooboalloo are of equal rook. Killoanto OOCJider lhomfOI•oo mpmor io rauk. aod in Gara thox do Dol ..~ food cooked oveo by BribmaDO. Their alaim ill gooerallr admitted. ""copl . ill Bu:qr aod Bhngalpur. 'l'bo Majranl aiJIO Uuk high. The Nanclo. Kiaoial and Mathuribiai ara goaorally odmittod to llollk lint owiDR to their origin. Tho BiroDdn oubeaote CODOidon itoeU aoporior to tho Pallabo. Tbo rank of the latter nrioo; i' ill high ill Diuojpar, MldDaporo aDd :N-Pargauu, bal illfori'" ill Bajohahl aDd ][hoiaa. In Diuojpur-lho ll&reudroo and lbo Bagroo are regarded u oleaoor · !bon tho ll&rhlt. Tho Rirhia are rugardod ao illforior, awing to t•oir braodiog boO. with rod-bot ~ ID Nodi& all tho oubcutoo, esoop~ tho Ahir aud tho Bhoga, acoup:r tho same ~lioo.. T1!o Gonao generally ccOUPL a low plAce beoauao, uo1iko tho other oub ..olol, th•1 do lUll oilal4 tho milk before JiiakinB liattor. no Jil aud Sopari oubcaoteo are hold io low oolimaliOO. .AliALYSIB OF CER'UIN SUBCABrES. li

Int.mnarriago ~au rale, ablolulely f~iddm OD J.ldn of sooiol o:rcollllll.lllli~. . In M"!"'id•had laOW'OYer, intenn&rrJ8ii00 tboagb DDtuu&l. ,. only penalized by temporary GGOIIIIII11111C&tiOD, whicb. -­ after the olfeader bu made atonement lad tPftD a feu~;. Ia BackergiiDjlO aad M.idaapore, if a marriu a w0111111 of aaOiber 111bcule, lao Jau to &ad alaeller in lho low!" lllbcalie. In Howrala a Mandavan malo om marry a Pallob t...W., ·blll.oot oiH -64. lntenaarriep 11 DDI aliogelhH 1111b.om1 be...... , lolajraulo and Klaoaulo. ,_ • • Commontalitr iJ absolutely promoiled, euept in a few illalauea. In .nndpar, Nadia and Pam.. lho mbouteo UIOJ IJDI!kO from the aame -l•A-.1:• and drmk, b~!i. uol ·diu toptbOI'. In W~ ~gal p•Ui maJ bo ealeu 1D componJ, bot DDI U..Ui. In JJowrala diDing lojlelher u padaaiJT being mllo­ dDOeci. In llonRhJr all mb.. tteo, esuptlhe Jato, m~oke ond drink, ud when away froiD home tbeJ may oyon oattogelbor. Ill Darbhaaga and Palaa the .!llojlaate uul. the Ximaalo UIOY. eat loplbor, bot in Goyo onlJtbo moleo do so. . · All the •uboaltel ba't'e 1eparatepanch•yat1, except in Balasore and Puri. . Traeeo of Kuliniom are to be found, sud familieo who are wealthy, or -who Jaave at onetime ormolhor · rsoolnd mariti of ro1al favour, or halci ollloe, are rogarciod 01 Kalina.

GONRHI. BANPAR (o) ... Bihar. XOLII ,;, North Bihar, KURIN (al ... Do. OIIHOTAR ... Do. BAILANATIJ (/) IJo, XULAB ••• .Uo. DIIARR (o) ... Do. MUDIA!H (f) ... South Bihar. ClUB . ... North B~. KEWAT (f) ... . Do. ·

Tbo Banpar and Kurio mboaoleo IN allol(ed lo he tho olneeDdonla of Gonrlaio, who lad &om the holtle hid of Kurukohetra IOd ooooealod lhomaolvoo in wooda a olitcbao. 7Juo Bailan8lh ie degndecl for boring tho noalrila of baUooko, Madiari• - ao -nod, "-uao in 6ahiug lhe7 eeiu lho· head of tho 6sh. Kowall ara boalm••· Ia DIOI& plooo1 all are oboal '"\ual in rant. · Intermarriage iJ olrioiiJ forbiddaa oa poin of aoolal excommunicalioa. Oommmaaiity io aloo prohibit­ ad, osoopl in Dorbhaap. In Pumaa lhoy take Wiler from eooh otbol'• haDda, ...,.{ the Xaiiu1 and ·Obbotabo amoko together. No member of rmr oubeulo 0111 gain admi11ioalo anolhOI'. TboJaR hevo ooporalo ponohaJalo. . • HAJJICM. AWA.DHd (I) ... Nortla ond South Bihorj SRIBiBTA.B (I) ,;, South Bihar. and Ohola Nagpur. KANAUJii (I) ,., Ditto SEONARNI ... Ditto. MAGA.Hii-(1) ... Ditto . · BENGALI (I) ., Ditto. BlAHUT (o) ,., Ditto i:I!J2!USAT ... North Bihar. TillHUTii (I) ... North ond SouU1 Bihar. ~.H'IA_. , ,,. Ditlo. Motl olthe tnboott.. are of tho lorritorlaliypo, ,.g., A~ii ki:m:ujl&, 'ri%huti6, Srib"B~UJ>· ~ Srinasor) and .ldogalll".i~~~ 'Riohota do not allow widow marriage.· Tho Biahnte oiaim to he lho -..... ofllpnng of the 1lr~t, or ~haal Wife oCtlie common ant~~::otcQo o1 the casta. . . Tho raok of tho nnolll onboastoo Torloo-from pboolo plaoa aecoriUIIjr• lhei:r 1oo&l ltrength. Intormarri~t~o io abeolatolr forbidden oa paiD ol eooioi ostracism. . OoiDJ!l•naaliiJ io Ra&oraily prohibit.~ but in Paina all lho aubeaatoa -·-ko,· d.mt and eat p..tn together. Jo Pumea they amoke onci drink together, a iD. M

HICLUADJ(S_ ·---·--·--· ~-----~ BALU.C ·- Jro.at B-pi. I . GA'Zli ... :But :Dangel. · DSTIA. .... :East :Dangel.

Tbe Ilalnaa and tho Guill ....;k hi~her Chm tho Kooliao. Intermarriage anti· oommoa.ality lll'8 allow•d botwoou the &rtltwo, but Dol with tho Koslias. . , , . li o member of an;r tuboule nn pin admiuion lo another, anci each hu ita on penobaJal •.

HAL:WICI • li&DHESU (I) ... Bilaar•• , I KANA.U.Jil (t). .,, Bihar. M.6.UA.H.L& (I) ,., ... Bihar. Thol!od.booih ol.rinkwini md. rmk below lho K!1DA~jiu. Intermarriage laalrio~forb"dd paiD of botng outoaot.d. · • "" 011 ThoJ do !'"I .... drio!< ~·'"'!Oft logalhor. No member of 0110 II1IIJ.oule 0111 pia admisaioa 1o --~~- onci oaoh hu 111 011'11 admilUIIraliOII. ... -""""

HICRI. XANTll lf) ... North Bihar. PHUL BJm:i"' We~Uiagal. MACHHUA. !.f) - Ditto. I METHAB H lti Dillo BENGAL( (It _ ,... Ditto, KE.IIIGILI.BI .,, Dilto: '1: H A RA UUlU& (t) Ditto, li.AUT ' _ Ditto. KA:rKI . ... DiHe. Tho worci Knlai memo an ilonuleusil for rooting. The HAril w- formerly emplo ed 1o 1 lho ut.nllilo in ~· b~UIO!I of ~iRh o!o•• Bind"'!· • The Macbhuos are oo aaJied beca111e lhor Zaa ,; R~ ond tho lloogalio, owwg 1o t.hmr ha•mg 001110 Ollginallf' from Eul Bengal. 0 -. II 2 • Iii APPENDIX VII. ·------The Kantai• olaim to be higbellt in rank. Tho Khankpuriat lltond bigheot in rank in Bhagalp•r Iutermarriago i1 forbidden amonK•t all the aubcauea and they do not t•ke eooked food· fr~m • ead other, .Knch ha1 aeepar&to adminiatration of ita own.

JUG I• • MAHATMJ ••. Conlral and Eaot Do!liKal• T.(!iTI (f) ••• Well Bengal • KHKLElWA Ditto• BAf.OLif) ... Dauo. .IIAIUlNDRA (I) ... North Brn~al. N 'l'H (a) •.• Eut Hcngol. l!A I!Iii (I) (.'entral Ben&al. EnVASl (c) ... Dano. DAG llA II) Ditto. M BY A (o) ... Ditto. MAGENTA Dalto. H LW A (/l ... Dilto. GlRIK(TLIA Ditto. BA!!IIACHAl'IGI Diato. P.t"'CH!IOJU. . •. Ditto. J,lAGHUA (d) ... Ditto. JALKMWAR (a) ••• Ditto. BY A!11V E Ul (c) Vi lao. ASIGHORia (a) .•• Ditto. JAJU.I! VEDl (c) Ditto. tliVAKUL (o) W eot llo•H•I.

Some of tho J'ugi• elaim dcacent from the Yogis. They aay that Yogibar. a R!'C&t Pandit. waa tJ11 Mahant ofJaloswar Mahadeo. On a certain Siwa Chaturda•hi night, after the Puja wu oYer there wa:

a ~iapute botwe~u tho lia~an~ Yogibu a11d Bnladova lJhaUa, lhe prir~t of lWi.jai Dallaln 'Soua, wh 1 Wished the ofierlng• to be d1stnbutcd among1t nil tho Brll.bmam, on wh1ch Yogib&r turned bim out" the Temple. Tbia enragod the RUjU. Yogi bar wa1 degraded and hi11 desccudanta formtd a uparat~ cast.. 1'hoy 10"0 •s their own priesla in many in11tanoos, an•l110mo wear the ucred thr03d. Tho bivakula claim tbl'ir deaeent from a Jugi who n• a YUliiJ of 8iV'a, They were originall• ~ggar•I!-Dd h•d. no fixed h11bitati~. but ro~med from one cremation ground to aoolher, whore tboy praC tit~~ tb~r pe~uhar form of wurthlp.- In )11dna]XJre they a:re_no better tl•~n tbe other aob-o4!1tet, tho oniJ d1ahaction be1ng tha.t they &Illume the sacred thread at the tJme of mamngl' and then l"l'toi:.~ it or etu~ it off BRain aa tbo,l please. Tho Tnnti-Jugia are wenvora ••The J:Uwla aro profca,ional h<',l.?'gt~n and sC1m1 earn their living by snako-charmina. 'l'hu BP.rcndra. and RArbi aubcaatoa are of ~Otlrk tf'mtorial. Magh: are said to haYO pUae4 tbrough tho hou11e of tho MaKbUU &JJd •o eauted thl'ir dcgmdation. The Syamv.. :J. and the JajiU'V'ecli are ao namod on account of tho Vedic rilcl which lbey obaon·u. 'J:h.., Ehda1i and tb1 MS•ya mourn for 11 and S'l days, reiiJieetively. The Byamndi tubcsste ia ag11iu divided into fow territ.orlal ,ub•lvctiona Chandradipi, Bao~o~ronai, Dorohazri nnd Song11lW.bU..i; 1be;r do DOL ia.term1U"17. '!be Bil.ruodraa and }({t.rhla are equal in rank. In Mymensmgh the .Ek8.dasi 1tanda ht, MM:ya 2nd XhelendrO. ~rd, HAlwa 4th, aDd l:Jnniachnogi 6th in rank. 1lhtt Ms~huaa nre looked otaas the loweat. 11 !tadia the Jugi1 do not admit the exietrJWO of auy eubeaatel. Intermarriage b6tweeo diftcreut aubcute~ it atrrotly FQhibited OD: paiD. of lm1 of ca.te. In Poridpm a man taking his wifofrom an iu~erior sub.cut:e i1 degrade~ to her level,_crg. ~~ al'&th marriea a Maghu1 "ir1 he himself becomes a ltJo.ghua. In .Khulna o .HO.rht moy take h11 w1fe from aoy other mbea11tt u~pt Kheleuda and Magenta, who are regarded aa vel')· Jow. The Ek6.d&!lil, who alone follow the r1te1 of br6.hmon1 the others nevur marry b<'youd their own circle. Comm.eo~lity ia ~nerally. forbiddeD1 but not drinking or tmokin~ in compeny. Tbe llArbia an~ J!Arendr.. howo•er, oat togeltior. In Voeea tbo Mahalmio will not t l!k4daui subeaoto tD ~I ym~omgb. tf allowed by lbe P~nrhiyal. Allaubclstea hav.., separate admiouslra.UODI.


----N .~l'(yV"ll~---....-liMgolpnr. DURHAI ... Bbogalpur. HAZAR[ JJitto. I BAREl ... Uitto.

These 811b.caatoa are not yet fully eJIIta.-~li~hcd U snelL. A.Tl.Are equ~l1"1D rank~ Jntormarringu and com• meaau.lity are allowed. They can gain PdmlillOll to any aubc:aste by 1n.teamamage, but toach grouv hu a ll'par'lltfl adminiairatioD. KAH.«R • .. Bihar and Cbotalla"por. DHTTSIA ·-Chota Nagpur. RAW 1.:>1 TORAH Ditto. )>HARW AR (a) ... Ditto. MAGAHIA (I) ... Ditto. GAYARA ... Ditto. G4RHU.K ... North Bihar and Chota DHUJUA ... Bihar. .L'Iagpur. xucH (G) ... .l'iortla Bihar. JAISW f.R Ditto. KHA'l'WE ... Ditto. Di!IMAR (a) , Datto. D.liUSIA ... South .llibar. The :RawAoil of M.onghyr are divided ink) two seelion1. Mng1lhi&. and :Mongiri&, Th~ fonncr are de-. · taded becauae they all01t their femaloe. to render pononal aernce to o1her t..'lltol, thoy alao eat the g · f h 18 and earry dead bodiea. lea"Vlflg:l o 0 or tb u beutel aoom. to be «"qual in rank, oxecpt the TuraMt wh, are aot reoogoiscd a1 ~ !it 8 R bin l\Io~g Yfo tho; 8 clllng fiah. Tbe MagRhiUs al'e aecond ~ P,atna and ~uurth jn Sh1habad, the . n rs. owm4' d · n tU' aod third in Saaaram and tbe Kat we 11 held lowest m Darbhan~a. Ji..lu~rlwu.ra nro _aeco~ lD !!~lv forbidden on peualty ~f beiDJt" outeastod, but in llaJama.u it ia Rllcr1\'od with ntert·pw-~&g~_ 16 ganon·'·'- • t• in Oaya and Snsaram au- ufieodor against the rule may be readmitted to h11 f h 6 IUDOIODO1 WI 0 p !,;UA{ 6 • do .. OWia 011bcoato =-~D~OD~:mD:Dto:bidd:u~lb:gi~ ~!~ghlf tbey CIO IDJOk& and driB~ fogefhor, an~ i~ Purne~tl:;"oa~ oni; t~o water from eau~ olher'• hand11. .In Snsaram. all tilu subcu.stu1_ e.scept the TurtilUA ca.t drink and amoke together. "b · P'-'· h 't · -'1 od with ' A trauafer from ono aubcaate to another ia not poss1 le, except m ~mau, w ero 1 18 at ow theJM'I'miMion of tho Panehayat. llaoh subeaale hu ills own Pauoh&yat. • ANALYSIS OP CERTAIN SUBCASrES, liii

KAIBARlT.A. AI'ITA OR JIILIYA JWnt, !.forth ami But .on ••• :North Beapl. I 9& liACBHl V) BeoaaL · .. liAJ?HY,\ OB.J Weot, North IIJid Eut BA~U: 01£ BeopL · D.a.S · ••• WaUW.oL CBASI (f) ·- . -- Tho "odhy., wore roparoted &om the other 1111bcuteo cnring to the &Yoar of BoiWa 8eDa. Thoy fqand hi• ...., lor him m


Tho Jalarire, it;, ellet~ed. haft got lhoir uame from lhrir mother Juo. Some .of the Jaiaw&rs who· look to oolling ltqaor, were ootCAated ead wore called Kalwira. Othoro aoy lh&t the7 were so eaUed for m11kiog oopper. ln " o11to meeting tbe Jairw6n of Karida did not attend and were therefore outoasted aud attorward• got tho nmmo of Kbarid6h&. Tho first progenitor of chis caste had two wil'es, onfJ ~ rirllin aad the othor a widow. Sons of tho wadded wife are o.Uad Billhuta, while from the •agili w1fo doaoeadod the ot.hor Ja.boaatoa. 'Ehe lJit\huts noTPr allow widow~JIUU'l'iage, bot the Saphutl permit tho praclioa. The HIAhull aro gouor•ll:r COIIBidored higbeot and the Sal!llhato loweab in nDk, tho rest boing .U oqnol. lntermorrioge io olrlo&lr forbidden UDder penalty of ooing ootcooted. OtiiDlllensaliLy ioalao probtbitod, but in 10010 places the7DIAY smoke or drink togoth... NomOJDbarof 11111·ouboaote ,.an g.in adminioo to 107 other, and_,....1l.hns n oeparoto Panchoyat. · I ,J, ~· .. .

BU'T.!.GRAMI (ll '" Oealral BmpL HAITI ••• Oenlral &agaL J4A.ll'IDOJI.AZl(df ••• J>ilto. MA.lNA.GORI (1) ••• Ditto. Saptogrami and Meinagoriare aamoaderived from their original lt.":' of l'elidenoe. Some n to aoother. excepl-in the case of the ~p~grami •. whO IUY be degr.ad•d to aq ot.b•r aubcule by iutonparriace. .Kaub aubOasw h.a a separate ad.mln1etr.ti(tn of ita owa. · Thoro aro Ko!ioo ond Alaoliko, bat the dittinotion inrolvea no reatriction oa marriag.,.

KANU. KAilHNCH ... MA.GA.Hl! (I) Bhagalpar• MA lliJKS!A (lr .I Tbcy rnnk in lho lame order lu whioh . t~ey otand. lntermariiage . and oommenaality ... abaolut.ly fo~b~ddon: A member of one aubo••te can not g:Un adm.iuion to another, and eaob. h.as a •tti•&rat.o admm11Lrahon. . · · KEWAT. DlfiB.I.Ria) ••• W eot U•apl. SlGHAR . ••• North Ribar. GONR. (II Oitto. GA..RBAST ••• Ditto, KAIIIARTT! ... Ditto. RASI trl ... Chota l'fa!Qiar Plateau. GHlW.I. ••• North llihor. BENLI(f) ,., Ditto.

The Rasi ·~d S..li appoer to han 00111e o.,;~lJ.ly from ·the ·ama otook. They "ere all of ual rank. ln~vrmar~UIO 11 DOt allowed, and. oomm8DJI!lhty ia forbidden,_ except. ill Wot Beuja1 when Uil&h. 1uhraatea mtn.diu.o. • 0 ... K&NTI ·~· Bugpnr. MARIKA , ,;; · :&ingpar. Intoomurioge md oommouali11 ..,. net allowed between the aaboaatoo, liv APPENDIX VU.

KOCH. x.( NT.(I DULIA (f) N orlh Seapl. DOBH.(BIA ... North BeaaaL DAK.U ... · Ditto. KOCH (o) ... Dillo, R.(J IIA~J'II 81 (G) ... Ditto. DESl (G) ... Ditto. PALIY ... Ditto, BABU (o) Ditto. dLU ... Ditto.

~amo, IOD ol KDibyapa Mnai, io oaid to h•!• marriad ~ir&,, Jir6, Udi16 and Tor&. Tho olr.pringo' ., Hu6 ""? Koclaoo, thooe • ., Tnr6, Slidhu .Paliyao or R&Jbanoao, thooe of J!ri Babuo, aod thO .. of Udya, Do11a. 'lho X6nt6ao are eallad DnJ,&o, becaooo they .,....,. tho p&lln. Tho Dttio oro 10 rallad because their forefa.thera were the oarlieat aettlers. The aubcaate B6jbiLDii ia further IUbdiTidt'd into (•) Rajbanai, (b) Bhagawau lUjbaooi. 'I bo latter ia bigbor in rent, So aloo Paliy6 b11 three oobdinoiooo (a) Badhu, (I•) Dooi, (c) BaW. Tho Paliy&a oro highest in rank, whUo tho Dok6i, J6.lu6, and Dobhluil. are roga.rd~d 11 of low rank. Intormarri•••• though not nona!, ia not forbidden 1 in JolpaiJ!Uri, II II laid to be puniohod b degradation to the lower sub cute, but tho penalty is not, howcl'er, rigidly enforced. 1 The R:enorr.l practice is, tha.t tho•ubcutes drink and smoke together, but wont nt. The Dalrai tob­ caolo io, bowovor,lookod. on ao dogradod and lhoroforo ox~l~dad. la Jolpaiguri the7 DlaflllkepaH:i together, but not. oookod nco. No mombor of any on bolito can gain admisaionto another except bJ .Damage 1 In Dinajpur the tuboaslos havo ooparato pancAGf1alo.

• KOIRI • BAIIXI.DAI'IGJ Ia) Bihar aDd Chota Nagpur. GURIA ... ChotoNa1J111r. CHHOKJU.DA:NGl(a) Ditto. I CHIRMAIT1 ... North Bihar. B.&.NAPAK ... Ditto, TIRHUTI{ (I) ... Ditto. JAIIUHAR ... D'"n J.lLAKUB Ditto ...... ___.KANAUJfl (I) ... D~tto. aun.o. "' Ditto'. ~Dn.~.. Ditto.- RARDI (I) ... l:lo~IL Bihar DAXINl (I) ... Choto IVanor. DH.{BH '" Ditto. '

1& ia Aid that oaoe be Xoiri brothoro on baing atllicked l'llll away and hid lhomoel,.et, 0118 in a droia tho 10eood i.u a jungle, and tho third uoder tho-~~ of a traa; tho fourth fted to Magadhaand tho fifth aorou the nver. Tboy were, therefore, termed Dh6oJ11, Dllll&pi.r, Jarubar, Magabi6, and Chirm6it rea~ootively. Tho Dhaogia alao claim thoir origin from tho Yagn11 of a R'i' oamod Dlogi. from which the1r common aoceator wa1 born, Hardis c:ame from Hardi. in tho district of ijallia. r 'fhe Darki-D6.ngis are hiRheat In rank, because they never allow widow-marriage, and do not eat floah or drink wino. Noxt como Cbhoki·Dt\ogi and llanop&r, while tho 7dasahi6o are rog&rdod ao tholo1mt. ~ Palo& and Shababad all·tho auboaotoa are equal in rank. Iotormarriogo is abaolutely forbidden uodor penalty of oocial oxcommunicatioo. Commen..Uty ia a lao not uouolly allowod i but in Mougbyr, tho Magahi&a and tho Xaaaujw, and in l'urueo, tho Ba.rkidS.ngis, .MagahiB.a ana. Tirhuti.b, smoke and drink with one another. , No membor of rmy subcaste can Jtain admission to another. Each has a IOp&r&te Panobayat of itt owo, e~:cept in the So~thal PargaDU where dl.Bputea are &elitlcCI. If, a gC~nen.lmeaLi.llg of th.o uulo people. KURMI. JAISWAR(tl - Bihar and Chota NOfiPilr. BARAKUllMI(G) ... Chota N'IPur. SAll'ITHW .41!. ,.. Ditto. CHOTA XURMf(cJ nillo. AW AD IllY A (I) Bihar CH.AU& ,.. TJitto. "' ' KH.AJI.CRW.(a ... Ditto. BHlAS'IIU "' Do. JALBANWAR llitto. OHANDEL "' N.c:rlh.-agpur. Bihar and Chota JALBH.!.NDA Ditto. X.lCBA.IS.&: ~. South Bihar ...a Chota OHILBANDA Ditto. :N gpur KKSIV AR ... llitto, ""GII.i'MEr.A:- ·- ···· .a --.m.....--- -- DuultiAlL Ditto. M&GAHU (I) ;;: Borth Bihar: 'KOIRWAR ... Ditto. DHA N KUBMI ••• Ditto. XECHIKESSJU Ditto. DHIILAPIIOR(,., ... Ditto. MUTARWAB ... Ditto. TERAHGHARU (11) Ditto. BAGESRI(c) ... Ditto. CHA.NAUR(t) ... South Bihar. ME


BA'RASAJIJJ ... Jl~aoiagl&. ~- .\JA(A ••• Mo &allull Parp.au; TERAS,\ 'I!AJ ,., Ditto. Dl{A.l!!U. SAT B&RA. 1SBAKA. '" Bon thAI Plll'pllu. .(SBA.XA . · Ditto. li:UB.t. ... Ditto. , In ILJIIIIIIria~h lotormtrria~e ilaJlowocl, bat ia tho 8011t!W Pargtau 'it ill ~biddoa IUider peaa!tT. of Sao en ucoiiiDJaaiooliml. Commonulity il pmnitted · aad they f:eely •*• drink and moke ~ether· llombon of oae 111b- - gain admi11l011 to aaothsr ia MJ1110Diri;"l!h. ~ the ~ PUP.nu euto qnottl0110 are deoided by lbe memboro of lbe eule or ouli.olo m IIUIOiiag, aad m MymODuagh eoch. ouboaote hu a ..,...to admiaiolrolioa of ito OWl>. · •. MADHUNAPIT. BIBW.

MAL • RKJBA.NSI ... WootBengoL DHALIK . ... Won Bengal • KALEVA. •,; - Ditto, GOBB.& ... Ditto, XUBMETU Ditto. XHEB& ... Dilto. Mli.LLIII: Ditlo. B&NA:G&NTH& .;. Ditto. In Birbham latomarriage Ia allowed balwooa tho lllalon, Xnmoll& and Mallit -.OUbooalao ·..a ;;. Baabr& II il allowed bolwooa the Dhalii, Gold., Xheri aad 118D4gnlhi mbouteo. TM ll&jbaaoio, •owG'for, dn 1101 intermarry witk aay other oabouta. In Birbknm the'ro il DO restriotion on DOIIImeaoalil;y, bat ia Benbra tho clilferaal oubooalao will eat only,p•Ui aad aol oooked rioo. Eaoh. oabouta hu ito ...... admiailualicm. · · MALl •. PIIUL Ill ... lJlrbhum. XHANDA.L (e) · ;.. ADJtDl • DOU.N'U. ... Ditto. SANK:HU A (o)' ... Do. TELNOPA· ... Ditto. · ... BANSI.'.II.OR.." 1 .ManbhWJI. POOHA . - Ditto. PA.TAR ' .'1" · ..;· -Dill<>. DEULI& (o) ... hltnL BULA.NXI ... Ditto, TDHI.Il.l (o) .•• Do. 1JIULIOB.Jl.UWLI Ditto. In A.afllll all are uia to 1101110 fmm lbe 111110 otook, bat-~ uparatod owing: to thoir~kiag' J'&rl i~t dilforoatcoremouleo. Tloo Deulils am thOM who pomn,m lbe woreliip .of Bba in tho tample; tbe Tahirio ooUoot 8owore for lbo woahip, lbe .B:baadall oarry a •word, aad lho Saakllaao blow lho aoaoh ohell at tho limo of worohip. · - • . . · . Intermarriop II aboolutoly forbidden. Oolllllleaoalil;y io aloo prohibited, OJ:cept iD Birbham. No mombor of ono oubaute oan gaia admluiall to aaothor. Thorell .a aoparato adminiotralioD for ..,.eh. 111boooto ill :Maabh111Jl. · Mf:CH. __ · • - .6.GNU li:BOEI ... JalpUgari. I · ;Jifn MBOH ... ;Jaipaipri.' • Tho ~at& Moah il higher in ..U than tlio Jili lli.eh.. Into~~~~~rriogelo DOl Umai. All Ago.~£ 'lreot~. mo,r marry tko doaghtor of a J6ti Mooh, hal in thalaaae ohe IIIIJ DO loa_gor ..., at h.8r fatlliir'1 hoaoa.· &n Al!nil Koeh 10111otim01· f!IYos hio da!llhtor ia 1111niago to a Jati llleob, hat in ouch a l!&oo tho brido'o people waald not eat food oooked byD.or after the marriogo, Dllloaa tko bride-. booomoo aa A.gai' by 111'rin~ a lout to the Panohoya6. · · · Tho AI!Di6 Moab do not eat food aookod bylbe J6ti Mech, nor Ito they amoke in their llukkcl. · Bat tkoy will drink wator from tho kaad of a J'ti Moeh. A J6ti M:eoh IIIIJ beoome ._,. .AI!Di6 Meah by b>termarriago a• otatod aboyo, nnd Ill .Asoi& M:eoh lilly by dogroclatioD become a Ji$1' MeOlo. · The two oabouloo h&oo clil!neat Panohe,;roto. · • -. · MUSAHAR. JIAGBA~AI (I) , ... Bihar, ..a·Choto. Nag- pur - ... NCII'Ih Bihor• DHARW .CR. ' •• Obota N•IJ!lll'• DESW.CB ... Ditto. BHUNARAB Ditto. OHA.URW .i:B South BihR. I>H.UB!P. ,,. ... Dille. RAJW.lB. D'tto RIKRIASAN Ditto. XHA.RW..{B Dltto: MAHTW'iR Dilto. Dli.iRH - Ditto. BIOUW.All.. Dalto, I .B:AN.!.UJJ.6. (I) Ditto, TlRvUTI! (I) Bih&r and Ohata :l'as- . BR.A.TWA.l!. - Ditto. DA..B:IIINA..RA. (I) Bl:: ' PACHB.AISL ... Ditto. There io DO porliDillarraak IIIIODg lh.OID hat tho Jlhatrin aad Jt&urin U'e ...... 0,. -.iama oaporior to the mt, be ...... they ao 110& .., aaalleo. . . · lvi APPENDIX VII,

Io ~hagalpu~ ucl Huari~h, "iole~rriago aucl oommeu•litr prnail. Ia Sbababad time iJ ao regular IDtermarriiRO• but whea 1t oocun 1t 11 condoned on paymeut Of a due aud airing a feut. Ehewhere &be 1uboutu do DOl interma1'17 or dine with one another. • A penon ol oae mboule euoolgaio admiooioa to aoother, eJ

NAP IT. Bn'GHARI.f (I) Bmt"l rroper. DESI NKI>IT Wast Boogol. R.OUU (I) .,, ... itto. HALDAI£ _(j') North and Co alTai BBDRAI, BARENDRfJI.l Ditto. KHOTT1 Jlttto. SA.PTA.GR (I) ... Ditto. BHULU Ceotral Bcogal • AN A.RPURIA (1o Ditto. SAN DJ L' KJ'l ... Ditto• BURDOW ANI 31 Wool Bengal. llA.NSDA A nitto. MADHYAS&I! (a) ... . [Iilio, BA.MAJ.Io BA.NB Ditto. MANDARA..NI Ditto. .KOTA Ditto. RA.IHATl (II Ditto. MUSGANJ Ditto. PHUL.N API'f ... Ditto. SHA.HAJI, N .IIPlT (i) East Bengal • DRtANAPlT· ... Ditto. BltUU ... Ditto. GAU&IA.NA.L'lT ... Ditto. BANGALl NAPIT (j) Sootbal Parganu. Moat of the aaboaateo are territorial. . Tbe higher elaoo N&pita, ••I• ll&rhi. clo aot ohova lOW! cutoo. The Rt.ldan who do ao are deJI"I'IIded 1n con•eque!le!'• Thote 1U.bcute1 who allow widow marriage llf8 also looked dowa upOn. In M.idnapore tbol'holnap•lll Grot Ia rank, aadta followed by the Mad.hJaareoi. Oriyi aad Gaari4. Iote~iage u a~oolutol7 forbidden except iD Mrmoaoiagh ucl Marebidabad. Ia Nadia aod Romg­ pur there •• uo reatrlcCJOD of mte1marriage amoog the H&rhil aad Bireoclra1. Ia Mid.napore. it. i• oot aliow•d, aDcl if a maa of a higher 'IUbcute gina hiJ daoghtor ill marriage to a mao of a lower oae, be himoelf become• a member of the latter. CommODYtity iJ alao forbidden, exeepl iD l'ladio, MJmeaoiagh, aad Manhidebad. Ia Birbliom an4 Butara. the1 oiDoke tbo oama bld:4, aDcl partake of pakki together bat not o<.okad rice. · They omoko aDd drink togotbor in Hownh ODd Dacca. · Each ouboute hu. a oops rate plllohayat. . · . PASI. ' BEHAD.(l) ... Bhogalpur. J MAGASI.f (l) ... BhaRalpur• Tho Bohada is higher iD raak than tho Magahi&. Ioter.marriago ito forbiddea and also commoasality • .No ooe o&D abuse hi. IGboaa~, aud ea.ch has a separate adminiatratiou. . ·

PATNI. .- JlT PATNI (c) ... Nortb and Eut Beagal. BA.KLAI (.f) ' ... Eul Beugol. GHAT PATNl (c)· . Ditto. • SHO.NBS.lUBA.Zl DOM PAT.l!I (() Ditto. (f) ... Ditto. BA:NS.PHOR (c ,, Ditto. MURADIA (f) ... Ditto. BHALO P.ATNI(o) Baal Bengal. AGLI (f) ... Ditto. J4AGHI1.1 (d) ... Ditto. .KAPOBDAI(/) Ditto. Tho Bht.lo Patni came to be a aeparate oohcute owiog to the degradatioa of lbe Maghw, wbooe hoao01 were eotered h1 )lagbo. Tbe four aabcuteo, Jat, Gh&t, Doln, aacl Binephor, an ·oaid to have deocended from the fDur brothero, Jaclab, Kalabir, Madbeh. Narhari. Diffrreaoe of ocoopation ia the eauoe of aeparatioo of the.mbouteo. Baklai, Shooeohabasi. Mumilii. Agli &Dd.Kapordai. . • In Mrmootoingh tho Jat otaoda &rat, Ghat aecood, Dom thml. aacl BAolpbor fourth ia rank. Tho Jilt • Patnia ha.ve retained tbeir oriKIDal caste, while t.ho others are defl.'raded. Tlie Dom .Patnil keep pig• ud tbe BAnaphon dilpose of dead bodi••· Io Backorguoge the Boklai slatt4o flrot, Shone•babui oecood, Muradi.lr.lhird, Agli fourth, l!ld .Kapordai fifth ill raok. · The J&taod Bhlllo are alao soporior olouea of Patois. · · Inter-marriage io absolutely lorbi~dea, but iD Faridpor tbio bar applleo tx> tbe Bh.Uo PatuiJ onlJ. Commenalllity io a lao forbicldon, but io Diaajpur it;, allowed betweea the Jilts aad Gbits. · No pt;r•on of one sub-cute can gain adm1ssion to another. except' in Nadia.. where il. GhAt may become ~ J~t, mLh the permiaaion of the panchayat. Each aubcaate has. a separa~ admioiatration of ita own.

POD. CIIA:Sl (J) ... West BengaL BASUDEB l'AUN. CHHAI!l'08I (.f) Ditto. ORA (a) ... Ceottal Bengal. . .TAIIU Jll (f) ... Ditto. I. SA.NTAPA:&Jl ... Ditto. The Buudob• Pauadraa oWm deoceot from the family of Pooclra, lbe lOB of Baaadeb, while the 8aotapuhs oay tbat tho;r .., deaoeodad from Beli Rajo, lbe !""' of Sutopa. Tbjo Bundeb_ ~·o~ru are cli-rided. into two aeetioao, the Uttar .llarhi aod Dakohill Barhi. The Sutaparha ·are a1ao di-ridecl mto two oeolioao, the tJ tbl or Oriya &Del the Jlaogaj&. • · Among the CbUi ODd the Ch~chi mbcasleo, thooe who omplOJ lh~o•lno aa carW!riven or fioh· moag~n are degraded to the Juan mbcastes. and are regarded ulowefi m ruk. .. - . No ioter.marriage caD lake ]>lace amo0111he dilfereot mhut -.r tab .P'Jilfri food together. ~he . 0l'Jf. oeolioDI of the Saotreparbe will lel

RAJWAR. J.rlL ] . .ANGW iR, Manbham. SIXHAHia RA"JBANSI Tluo JUjbonori lUjftn ue mel to be tho firol in rank.· Inter.mon!age one! eommensality o.r& ob10lulely forbiddn. So member of 0110 oubooote can gain admislion to onolhU, one! each bu a eeporal" ponohaya~ · SADGOP. · KUMAR (•) ... Burdwan ond Birbhnm. I PURBAXUL II) ••• BDl'dm ond Birbhum. PA.OHHIMKUL (I) ••• Burd'lflln and B'irbhum. · The Ku-ro plyfeu to Ire the deooendADio of eight Bajao who hod their -• ill Gophhum, Buoro JUnkao Khotangarh and Disnoll""• P,.ehhimhl i.od Purbahlare territorial aam.., nferriag to the """' ..;d oaol bonk'• of the· n•er HooghJJ. Tluo ~~mfuaed toaoce.l'l XJilinism, who"!&" the latter: oecepled it. Thor are all equal ill roak. ID~e •• nul allond ID BUbham, bul m Bnrdwau, the Purbokula ""d Paobhimkula DOW inlmnarrr. h Birbbnm the Xumtn 11'011'1 eat· rice with: the othon. but in Buedwon thq mar dina togvthnr ia th8 honoe of a BJ61uua. Each llllboaot.e haa a 10panle edmjnietratioJI. · ·

• RAGHUNA'l'RPU&U (f).!. Wet! BengaL BALGUIU.(f) ... Weellloagal. BIBHNUPUBIA (I) •• J>lllo, I BA.BA. (I) ... Ditto, Tho oubculoo ara all lorritorial~ Intermarria~e and oommeualil:r ara allowed onda membarol any 0110 ouboaole OlD gain admiaoion to anothor, by l!'•in& a feast. Each lw ilo DWII admiulalralioo. · . . .. . 'SARNAKAR. UTTAR RAl!.HI (1) .. , Weal, Oentral111d l!aal :OA.SANDA.Ll Ol!. · · · · BenKo!. BA.SANTARI ... Weat and Central BousaJ. DAKHINRAR.HI (f) Ditto. BOI'iARU) - , .. Wool Bengal. B.4l!.ENDlU. (I) ,., Oontraland Elll Bengal. X AMAR (f) .,, Ditto. SAl'T.oi.GR.UU (I),.. Weotond Central ~engal. I!URSUTYA. '... Ditto. JiUJIDW.ol.lU (I) ... Oeatral Boogal. , Kool of tho oaboulet ha"' lerrilorial Dllmeo. Tbe Bimio am pnml17 regud«<. u · hlgheat ia ftok ond nut oome tho B6Nadr.. , but a good deel depanda a- llioir ~81 ..fength. Jn Howrab . tho Soptagramll oland lui, and in thoU Parg&DII the BaldWIUiia olaiii.auperiority m.r the olbara. Intonnarriage io otriollr forbidden, uoepl ia HoosWT. In Howrab il is paduall7 "coming ialo YOKUO. Oommeooality io prohibited, -p& ill Birhhnm. In Howrah then ia DO realrio&n in the molter ofomokiag, oad tho praelioe of eatill11 togvther ia graduallr eoming Into• Togae. The ll6rhia and B&rendno will dloo toplhar ia Nadia. In .the ~ thoy Will DOl w eooked riee. ia oomP""f• bat thoro ia DO I'OIIriolion to parlakiDg of --~~.. ond driaJdDc IIDil omoldiag from the aamo Aooka. , · · .No mombarof Ollooaboule ean pia admiuion_toanolhor, aud each bu a ·oopiale poncha:JIII of ita· on. Xuliniom io ia Togue. X:ullDi raoolve pafmenl when mli'J'7ing in a Mauli!C fomlijo, . · . - ' SONAR. AJODHY1B1SI (I) Bihar and Chotal!iagpur. liAIS l!ihar. KANAU.fiA (I) ,., Dllto. CHA.KHA. ::: Sonth Bihar. BHOJPU.KIA. (I) ,,. . Dilto. OHANSW A.l1. (I) ... Ditto. XAM.fR KA"LL~ (o) Bibar. BA.,RH.ol. (I) ... . . Ditto. TRTHIHI UK lUI& · 1 -.,; North Bihar. THA.THER.ol. (f) ... DUto. Tbo ~ameo ollb~ ouboaotoo ara moltlflerritorial. The oubo&ote X:.na~ia ia furlher divid~d iato · '"" ...""'!"• lho Bt4bul and Sagahut, amon11 wjuon. ialermarrlag_- o and oommanulity are fwbiddea. The Toth•n• or Tholbono are IQ·D&mec! from lh•u preparing brua alODaila. · Alllh~ aubeaotoo oro equal '!'rank i'\ Pabul, MoagbJr, and Pala-u. The X•D&UJi& rankalalgheal ia GaP. ond 11 followed bJ' the J.jodbfbui. In Shahabod the Oharhe ia flnt, Bbo 'purla -a; Barba third, and _Oho!'"""" rourth, Ui rant.. Intormanioge ia abaolalel1 forbidden am ~ all the oub-lea. Oom"!•••al•ty !• aloo PJ:O!i!bile!b buc ID K011gbp lbe7 will drink walft flom ao1a~ ond ia l'anaea •ho AiodhJ•b41io and Telhino will emote i6 lbe oame lotll:a. . ' Ji"ach aubooote hoo a ltporale ponehoJU nf ita """"_ · ' hiii, APPENDIX Vm•


No. 2650,, dated Ranohi, the let October 1901. From-H. 0, 8TRBA'UBILD, EsQ., Deputy Commissioner R&nchi To-The Superintendent of Oei18U6 Operations, Bengal, ' ' WtTR. refereDoe to your No. l84T., dated 25th May Iaat, I h&ve the honour ·to eubmit the followmg report on tile preoedenoe of ~ in this di!trio~, and to e:rpreae my o:rtreme regret at ~he dela,r t!'at baa o~urred. H"'ml!' prepered a preliminary note and oonaulted B&bu Kriabna Kali M:ukhel'JJ, Personal AB&18tant to the·Oommieaione~ on it, I !oat .;.,.ht of the matter until reminded by you reoently. · · . ' --.. 2. The ~ist of tribes given in your letter under reply is aa follows:.:.... (1) Al!'ona, (2) Aeur,. (3) Baudawat, (4) Banjara, (6) Baraik (chik) 16) Bcdi (7} Beyer, (8) Bba-r, (9) Bhuinya, (10) Binjbia, (11) Birjia, (12) B~rhor, (ljJ)' Chen, ll~ Dhenuar, (15) Dherkor, (16) Ghasi, (17) Good, (18) Gorait, (19) Gulgulia (20) Ho (~1) Jhorn; (22) Kondra, (2a) Kaur, (24) Kliaira, (26) Kharia, (26) Kherwar, (27) Kora' (28) Korwa, (29) Koahta, (aO) Kurmi, (31) Lobar, f3~) M:ahli, 133) Mallar t34) Mar' (85) Manlik, (36) M:unda, (37) Nagesia, (38) Nizan, (39) Ora.on, (40) Pan, (41) Parhaiy~ (42) Rautia.and (43) Barak, Of the!&, the, .Ba!'-dawat, ~onjara, Beyar, Bhar, J)henuar, Dherkor, Gulgnlia, Kandra, Mar, M:aulifl:, Niy&l'l, Parhaiya Ollltea are either non-e:liatent in thia distriot or of ·SUch infr1111uent ooourrenoe that I .am unable to 1188ign them· a eooial position in relation. to the other tribes. The olwiflcation of the teiDBining tribes and castes aooording to their aooepted eooial position is by no meims an eaey task, the etetus of the several 0118tea varying .greatly in loo81 eetimation from plaoe to plaoe aooordiug to the numbers of the · oaate in a particular locality, and especially according to the etending of ita leading numbers ~'hus in the BBB&ia and Palkot Parganas ·the .hereditai'J' zamiodere a.re I:!antiaa, in Bha~ l'ahar l'argaua the zamiudar ia a Bhogta, in Biro. Keaalpor the zamindnr is a Jliora, in Parbaorga a Binjhia, and in these partictilw: parganoa and their neighbourhood the oaetea concerned undoubtedly take a far h!gh~r position than elsewhere in the district, Similarly the M:undaa ~.the eou~h-east of, the dil~ct, where they form almost the entire populatimi, oocopy a distinctly htgher social -pos•tion. thBll wh~ they are soattered about in isolated families; and in that tract their leading families are belllg to claim Kshatriya rank and oall themaelvea Manki Ohattris. The Blio.iyae again in the sooth of the dietriot are aonoeoted 'With ruling families in the Native States, and are often themeelves land-holders ; they oall ~hemselves Khandait Paiks, and de~y any connection with ~he Bhniylla of the north of the district and l'alamau, who rank with the M:usaha.ra of Bihar. On the other hand, the Xherwars and Oheros in l'alaman, where they have great traditiona, rank muah higher than they do in Ranohi. · . · · 8. I have, in· attempting to an.ange the tribes of this diatriot aooording to their social position, divided them into the following olaeses :- · · · , (a) Oastee served by regular Brahmans, andf rom.whom orthodox Hindus will take wator; · (b) Oastea served by inferior BJihmana or Goea.ins, from whom the local Hindu castes will usually take water; · , (c) Outes whioh claim to be Hindu, but are to all intents and purposes outside. the Hindu fAle ;, , · · . (d) Puzely ammistio tribes, . and endeavoured within these claB&Ss to plaoe each tribe aoo~rding to the estimation in which it is generally held. I oannot be absolutely sure of my facta, ainoe lam a_t ~t 1/~ti­ eally devoid of subordinates wh_o !tave ~ado any study of ~e esstea ps~ to thia d~ct, but they are as nearly ecirreot as It 18 ~SOlble to make them Without the det&•led and IDlnute ·enquiries which the snbjoet really deamanda. Babn .Krialma Kali Mukherji, Personal Aeoistant to Oommiaaioner, has kindly. aeeiated me in the preperatlon of thia list. 4, An &J1Dotated liat of the tribes arranged on the above principle is attached.

1 Tms oaste I place in a olaaa b;y itself ainoo it ia purely Aryan with no s11spioion of _ ' aboriginal blood or aboriginal origin. The Damo is· said Bmk or Sorawot. to be a oorruption of the Satll!k~t Smvak_ (disciple), a DBD_UJ of the Jain laity, and the oaste would seem to have been .ongmaljy . Jam, They worship Hindu gods, bat touch 1!0 a,nimal food, oyon flsli, !-Dd have pneets of tDeu., own oaste, ~ough also oocuionally employtng Brahmana. The,- will not take water even from a Brahman, nor will Hindus take water from them. They are well-to-do land.holdera _and money­ lenders u 11 rule, and take the title " lJJ dnjM "; they say they oame from Mymensmgh.

' 0LAI18 A. 2. To all app1WBDC811 purely Hindu, though in many OBBes they appeer to have inter• . _ _ married with alioriginals. They olaim to . have oome from BiDJbia. the eouroea of the Vindhyas, whenoe the"' name. In tho south of the district they are well-to·do and talk OriY"! pointing to the!t' hn'1ng oom~ in from the aonth, take the title" Jltittjlli," and do not Gall thamaelves "Swgb, ' or clnim to b1 R6jpute.. · ' . CA5l:E PRECEDEliCE IN C&Or&· !IAGPUR. lix

ll toodo lalld-oWDiog cute. divided into three n:Og&moat aub-east... All ...u 3. A '!" - themtelves Singh, but do not, u far as I have beard, Bauu.. eeriously claim to :rank as · ChhatrL In appearaD;O!' the;y: The better claM COliform to Hinda USBges. The inferior families eat are 11011- ana. thiJ is denied, and 1fOtlld proporly . came under elass B fowl• and, beli"!l', Jl!ll'k. though into &biB· dief.rioi from the Rohtesgarh plateau, and or 0. The "!'ate 18 ·~~.to haVB .~~ ..- 18----" two clitferem 111igrations ·• but the the two Dl8lll mbdi- of ,... -- 1'•-- · ~ --=-• and · diileNDoe in OllltOm8 appeara to me to be doe. m~ •to ~he aeoidaDt v~ ...,..... peaD1l1&l1' tiDn f pattioular familiea than to an! racial distinction. • , • poll 4 °TJie Bho ...a• of this' district olairn to he Hindu and to ~ave been hron~ht mto thts ' · e- . district by one of the MaharaJas of Chota .Nagpnr from Bhogta. , Briodaban- In a~oe and ousloo!a they ·closely 1'818111ble the Raulilll and freqnsntly oall themselves Singh. They claim to he quite di8tinot from, ll1ld 811J18rior to, the Khorwar Bbogtaa of Palaman. . . , 6 Ia this diatriot there is now only one family of any poaition which is of Kherwar • · · origin. They oall themselves Singh, and I have known Kharwar. a Kherwar cultivator to call himeeli a Bajput. They ltave · by uo maallll a good repntatinn 4ere, and but for their standing in-Palamau I shall .plaoe tbelll mnoh lower. • ,d--'--~ d --'1' th---1 A. tribe talkillg a form of Mnndan, but now H'm .....,.. an .... mg ~...-.vea Sadlin (non-aboriginal) ; ere cultiv&t.ota and, WOJ"ken iD. wood. Tad. atld bamboo. · · '

Cr.ASS B. 6. There is only one family _of lbisK ~ iD ~ ,::ot.thatthath·.of ~tekh~"!, Sfiogh ' MaoJhi of nla.. era. ..,.eo e 1!1 qu1 al""". rom 'Raj Claud. and above the ordinary Gonda, and I BDl informed tha~ Rindua generally recognize the distiaotion. · · . • . .· 7. A tribe claiming to be A.ryaD, not abOl'lgmal m · Nopla. · appearance, but uuall;r found iD very jllogly villages. · 8. Then ant v~~ry few Oheroe here, and Palaman 18 their real home: appear to he purely · abori~inal, who have been, to a .oertaiD uteut,. Hindnised aiuoe c-. . they ~ to rule iD Palsmsn, . • . . . , 9, The history of this tribe ia peculiar. Their caste · profession is gOld-waahing;. They are absolutely non·Aryan _in appearance, and seem to Jhora. he oonoeoted with the .Gonda. Th8 head of their familv, the jagirdar 'of .pargansa Bini, Xssulpnr, has for eeveral genemtious olaioted f.o he ·a RAjput, and has gralually been aooepted as IIUI!h, and would now deny that be is a Jhora, Tbe other members of the caste, not to he left behind,. by. their chief, now olaim to be puroly Hindu, and call themBBlves Gangbansi R~jput. · · 10, This caste it, I believe, l'8ally not distinot hom the llhllinyds. ,They do not mind . calling themBB!vea Bhnioy&s, but say .that the Bhuinyh of Xharulalt palk. (~huioJ••l· liBDgpur and Orissa are quite distioot hom the degraded C!a&t.e of that name found in Palamau, Buaribagh and Gaya; which ia frankly nou-R'mdn. They follow Hiodu onstoma, and - reoopized by the other tribes iu this olass uliiDdDL · - Koohta · 11. A weaving olo•s calling th8DI8elves Das 'and · , abatainiug from aDiiDa1 food. . 12. 'l'hia aod the following funr castes est fowls and pork. except when brought' moon- . · tact with orthodox Hindus, aoti are JtOt really lliBdn except Ka-. . in name end in their· wozsbip. I believe, however;. that tha other 088tes of this alaes taka water from them. There are several BUb-oestes, of which some are more Hindu than othen, but they all take tha title Mahto, and I see no reason to doubt that &hoy are identical with the Kurmis of Bihar, but have adopted many of the onsto11111 of the aborigines. . · 13. Also call themselves Mahto. They are more or lese A.rym in appearance, end-·have .t.hlr. several BUbdivisioua. Their history iJ· probably the eame as · that of tha K111'111is, whom they olcisely resemble in habits. · 14. A oultivatior oiao. in the north of the cliatriol;, who go. iD laTgely for trappio~ lladla. big game, more or less Aryan in appiaraooe. · · 1G. A. well kuo\VII jungly tribe, who olaim to he BindllB, but are to all intents and purw Good. poses aboriginals. They are not numarous in this district, and thair proper position is not easy to ascertain. 16. A. weaviugaaste olaiming to he hsan and Hindu. They appear to he quite dis- Citlk ButoDt. • tine& from the &na or lather Pams, heiug :fairer ·end more Aryau in appearance. Probably immigrants from JleugaL 17, Usually aaid to he identical with the preceding, but neither caste admits' this and 'p..,ora.wul orPanr:!r.wuL the ~au!' are far. more like the M:undas than the' Qbik- Baratb m appearance end habits. ' · · · 18. A. laod-hohliug 0Mte in the south-west of the district, eall themselves Biugh end . Boy, but are generally believed to he Korwas iD orighi: &uno They ~to he Hindu, but are not, I believe, genemlly: · reoogn11ed as SDoh. · ' lx APPENl)lX VIU,

llJ. There are in the diatriot aoertain ~umber of Lohara bolongmg to the Bad Lqbar Lober.,., Lohno; oaa~, and th18 ~ the Loban ot the looal origin are alwaya . etri'nng to attam and with 10111e fnlooPII. In purely aborigi- nal V1llagea, however, the Lobar~ are .u'!-doubtedly of purelv1aboriginal origin, and make 00 pretonoe to any other langnage or rel1g10D than that of t~ !eat of the village Tbey were un­ doulltedly originally membere of the aboligioal tribee, ·.. "o have taken to black'a.nith.work from ta•t~, an,d I am tol~ th~t am?ng. the 'Mu'!du to this ~ay. a man can work as blaoklmith and retain his oaste until his vamty mduoes h1m to show his 8kill by making an iron needle • after that he becomes a I.olwtJ. Being artisans and village senante they are generall reckoned as diatinotly below the_a"'!rlginal tribe to whioh they are attaohad, hot 1 hl.ve piak them at the bottom ~the paa-Hindu esetes aa the only possible plaoe for their oaste as a whole. :40. Village watoh1110J1 aad rnnnere, appa~tly oloMly IN8mble the Doa6dhe of Bihar. · I have my suopxmoDll that they are i11 fact Doo6dhe, who have oorall. aunmad a ·new title from their employment, eat beaf, pork and fowls. Ohllll 21. Fishermen, l'thi'is and muaioians. Have 11 very bad · all-round reputation. Also do bamboo wo•k. 22. Subdivided into. Patar. Mahlis, who preu oil and. ~r and Bans 'Mahli1, who work llahll . m bamboo; the former oonaider themaelves muoh mperior to . • . ~he two latter-the Ore olaim in pi'!- to be distinet frOm · and above the 'Mahlia, bot I thiuk tha.v are only a mb-oaste. It ,. a question whether tha Mahlia are not degraded offahoos of the Mundaa. They often talk MIUldiri as their mother­ tongue, but that proves nothing, as Baraiks and Panrs.ofteo do tbe same, bat the Khaogar 'Mnndas, a sub-caste thnt is said to have been turned out of the :Munda oommon1ty for un­ clean eating, are also called Mahli 'Mundas, and.Mahlis oome into very old Munda tradi­ tions and even into their mythology. They have a thieves' slang of their own, and a bad all- round reputation. , 23. A etrange oaste which I ain unable to looste properly. I know of one or two Jlolll> families living among .the Mundas, and praetically indistin- • guishable from them, but the genuine Mallars do not acknowledge them. The oaste prof888ion is OIUiting in hrB88 from asnd moulds, br888 grain, measuree, stirrups, walling-atiolt heads, powder-horns, ornammtal rings on opeare IUld .,..., and simil.Rr thiugs are cast in brass by them, tbe decorative patterns being often obtained by pressing string into the wet mould. The women also tattoo. They talk among themselves, a dialeot made oy deliberately. penertiog Hindi, but though this forma a rei1Ular thieves' slaog, they are not, aa far as I know, diahoneat; they have no priests and aetUecl homes, wandering from village to village as they lind work, and where a -Mallar diee, there he is bvied and forgotten. Local tradition aeserta th!lt the original Mallar was elder brother of the original Oraon, and took to hrass-eastiog by ohsnee, hot the Ma11an, while admitting the ~valenee · of the tradition, deny ita oorreomees and o1aim to be 86d

...... 1111 it ia natmal thBt the iron-6llleltillg blSIICh of the tribe should 1lave Ch.,... •• agpur, a · _,..,_ Tita · th Is -~ ...... ,ed tlie name fivm to the zron...muu.wg llliiD. s g""'!'- • 30 The Bhwyf. although they have no .,rt of tribal~~ aor my languap of • their own make no p>e1enoe o1 8Jndmam, and mast tharofom ..,._ be oJaMei among the purely uimiatie tribea. I~ plaaed. t~ abnlutRly.t the llottom of the Jist of oettled lribea, !Ill rihout ha~ ~ any­ thin from eontaGt with eiviliAtion. they have loot the~-iDdependant_Bpirit !hich ~ t · g the aboriginala gen.. rally. They are the ouly aboriginal tribe which receJV88 outsidem i~tJJm oommunity. Oheroe who haw joined Bhuiyf. (genarally on 11eC01JDt of a. Lmo aif&ir with a Bhuiyi woman) ue DOt 1lllCODUIIOD in P'!lamav, an~ keep ~ l!llrllame 8~ and I hue blown a Kberwsr ~ who had. a Bllilsa with a BhuiJ' ~ Jom the Bhmya community, the oeremony including tho soting of pork ~ the 'WODIIID alumds. . . 31 A jlmgly tribe with no tised habitation, roammg from foreat to fonat, living on · c.,snd monkeya, and by the mannfaotnre and ¥ of Bltbor. and· wooden vesels. They tallt almO!IIi pure :Munderi, and the fact that their name Birbur means jungly DIAD in M110d&ri ~aludes t!i8 !Ord.Horo m•aning man, which the Mundu apply exolu.aive!y to themselvea, J!OUltB to their being merely an off ..boot of the Kunda& that baa prefened tbf! ]nngly to l!8ttled llie. • • . . 32. I pot the Korwaatthe bottom of tholist,Mthoogbtheybavetraditiona ofrule!D.tba la.nd, and aro in feet probabl;r the neareat to true aborigms ][...... , . of any of the ~od aborigin~ m'!-t .and though fi!ley are !.!• wandering than the Bubon, and do a sortain amount of oultivatiDJI. 10 a •P.'mnodio way, . tbeir phyoique and m&D1181'11 are diatinotly inferior, and their OOOIIIionalrelaJ1188 into prec1atory · oavagury mark them oat u the one tribe in (.lhota Nagpnr to whioh the atareot,.ped. IUIW!t­ pnpor deacription of the Chota N~ aboriginals ulittle ll!liUmld fmm animal• to a ~ uteot applioa. I han met veq mtelligent Korwaa, however•

.No. 762. datod Onttaa1:, tile lith September 190L. From-BAIIU JA'IIUU :Moa.u D.u, Deputy Soperiotendmd of Oeneus, Cuttaok,. To-'rbe Soperintandeut of Cenms Operat.iona, Bengal . I JU VII the honor to submit the following ~rt on the oluajfimtion of m"bes found in the Oriun Trihot1111 8tat011 in the order of their social proeedence. • · : · · : .. 2. The TribUtary Statea oontain a oonsidorablo population of)i,indu an~ Rmi-Hindn- · · ial'

:Bbanja Pamna, are also poworiul in that Stoto ns well aa in Keonjbar. Tho Dhumiju bold a rather low poaition in Mourbhanj ~~.in Dhalbhum they aro still very J'OWerful. 'l'he Sa bar and Sahara, probably of tho eamo Orlg'ID1 were once the owners of DheoknDBI and tbu Ruban atill h6ld very high mnk in Mourbbanj and Puri. ·The Kaudhil in Kaodhmal, the Mund88 and o-in Chota Nngz>ur, the Bonthala in Bantal Po.rganBB, the Kola. in Bingbbhum BJJd the Gonda in tho Central Provine.,. are still very fulluential. . . ' It it very doubtful wl.other Kurmie and LodhBS are aboriginal tribei, and I have not therefore, included them in the liat. · ... ' 'l'ho Taulna and Dauria who are of about the same rank should not, I thinlr, be trcnted 88 aboriginal tribes. .. The Taulaa are found only in Oria• and are evidently a aub-tribe. :Both TauiBB and Dauria are aomi-Hinduizcd and 88 such ehonld be grouped with Hiodns. 6. I do not think the teats prescribed fDl' determining tlio social position of HindUJ apply to aboriginea any more than they apt>lY to oUteroivilizod or 1111oivilized riiCC8. The aame tribe is diil'erently treated by the Hindus m diil'eront ploooa, aeeordiog to their loeal Jloeitioo 11nd habits. 1 think the degree to which the Hindoa I\8800iate with a tribe shows the ox tent to which it bill! advanced towards conversion to the Hindu fllith. Such aemi-Hioduizod abori· giital tribes may be olasaed with Hindus on conalderatioue which Bpply to Hindu• bnt the pure aborigines who 11re, strictly speaking, yet Animists should be viewed from oth~r stand· points. It would be well, 1 think, to leave them unohlasified. 7. The ocoupational groups, below the first group Bf plll'9 aboriginal trihea, have been ola.soed rather .by their oooupatioue and habit. than by the rank which they themselves accord to ooch other in sooietr. 1 oanliQt attempt any further sublhvisioue on the basis of the information available. · In ooaclueion I beg to eay that the mbjeot ia too oomplioatsd to bo adequately deolt · witb amid the press of heavy routit~o duties and within the short time available for ita ooDBideratioo. T tie information collocted is very meagre, but I doubt very mnoh whether more naoful iofol'lllation can be colleoted withont local. enquiry by an ollioor intereatod in the question. -----· . · Statemml illoi,Qi"!J tho clrasijication f!j a6Driumal tri!Ju in tile Orilsa Trilnttaru States accordino to tlleir social preccrlence. ·

Cbaraoteristio determining Common cha•aoteristios or oa•tea the position of the in each group. ><••\group. ,._ ...... group. ----7,------~------~

BhniyflBathnri "''"· "'I Bhomij ... Dhatua ... Gond Kandh All these tribe• are infiueotiallf. con­ I Kharia } Purity of occupation and Kol ... inflneotial oooneotion nected with land in eome p aoe or };[ da. .. , with laud of the main other, and still hold high rnnk where orl!n •• • bddies of eaoh tribe. they are strong in numbers. With· iu the group, they may be all token Bovor 88 o~ equal rank. Sahar ... I l SanMl ... "' Kbair& ... ) 'f li :::. Position of . arti111111 in These are all arti!ana and na such < ~~& t may be taken as of equal,raok. Godr6 ... J Hindu 110018ty. :MnlMr .. . I1 i'nmarili ·.. . Jhorli ... } Girgir\' . All those castes oatoh flab, lii

B. s, l'reoo-JS64J-s08 29·&·1902-.!.· W. w. "oth-. 4. ~ • ...... GENE"R.A.T• DEPARTMENT•


• OALOUTTA, ms 4Ta NOVEMBER 1902. . RESOLUTION-No. 31801tfis.

Ru~ . . The Report by E. A.. Gait, Eeq., I.c.s., Bnperintendent of Oeneus Opera6ions, Bengllf, on the 08DS1II oi Bengal taken on the let Maroh 1901. • The fourth oomplete census of the Lower Provinces of Ben~l, which· was taken on the night of .the 1st .March 1901,_ show1r the po~lation. of the Provinces within tho Lieutenant-Governorship of Bengal, · mcludmg the Feudat.ory States, to have been on that date 78,493,41f) persoils, of whom a9,278,186 were males nnd 39,215,22-1: were fe~ales.. . • The Superintendent of the Censua Operations 1n Bengal, lfr: E. A. Gait, i.c.s., has submitted his Report within twenty months from ~he ~ate of t~~ census or after an interval six months shorter tlian that . o.ccupted 10 oompdmg the figures and writing the Report of the Cen8118 of 1891, · · · 2. The Report is contained in four. volumes, of which the first_ three · form Volumes VI to VIB of the Imperial Serif'&. • Tho ~pori, ~bloo 1111d ollan The first volume comprises the Report Proper, tl•e ~nlormalloo aompaled. seoond oontains the Imperial' Tables in which the district ia th9 unit, and the third the Provincial Tables, in ·which the unit· is the Police circle ; tho fourth volume, which is the Administrative Report, gives a full account of the procedure adopted in taking the census and in compiling the results, matter which on the occasion of each previous 'Censua has been· included in tho Report Proper. In addition to the abovenamed volumes the Cen8118 Su perin• tendent hns supplied to each district manuscript volumes of village Census Tables, with an index, giving for each "village" and" mauza" the popul"tion by sex o.nd religion. Volumes have also been prepared showing in alphabetical order the cloBBi6cotion adopted under the heads (tJJ language, (b) caste, .(c} occupa· tiona ; these volumes, and another which contains specimens of all forms used tbro~~out the operations, are likely to prove. most useful at the next cen8118. Mr. uait also reports that he has caused to be paged, indexed and bonnd up-, the voriona reports on the subjects of caste,. sub-caste, ·marriage cnstomB, language, Hindu religion, and Muhammadanism which oontain much inform­ ation that bas not been utilised in tile Census. Report; ·but which may hereafter prove to he useful. . · · · · · 3. Hr. Gait bas summarised in the Introdnctif)n to his Report the import- . : . ant facts connected (1) with the work of the .. Work of Enumeration, Oompila- enumeration and (2) with the comdilation of the ijollo Ohock 111111 Oollo ' • • , . · figures recorded 1n the schedules; an xt will suffice t? ~ention ho~e under the lirllt head that the arrangements made w.ere very Blm1lar to those of 1891, but that the . number of enumerators excluding Calcutta and ~he Feudatory Sta~ in 1901 was 384,000 against 315,000in 1891, and of superVISors 28,000 as agamst 26,000. Under the head·of compilation it must be mentioned that the "slip system" which has long been in·li8e in census work in other countries was, for the first time, adopted under the orders of the Census. Commiesioner, Mr. Risley, in a Bengal Consu in 1901; the .innovation was a !'Omplete .success both in expediting the work of oompilaUas and occupations, as he explains in his Administrative Report and a~ ~~ a dotaped oheclt ~ the figurea of marriaga by caste for all cast~ and all dli!trtots.. 'I he tabulation for all the earlier tables was checked· throuo-hout 0

• ( 2 ) item by item, an~ the testing of the Cll8te and occupation tables, though not ili'ffPlete, ~ attll.ve.ry thort. ·The statistics for the eight natural divisions are ordinluily taken in the Report as the nnits for discus•iOn, and the figures for individual wstricts are dealt with only in Chapter II which treats of 'he variations in the popula­ tion, and also in special places where such aeparate treatment is required. Another feature of tlie Report which is deserving of speoial notice conaists of the &Dl&ll mapa and diagrams printed with the letter·preas. Those which illustrate the Chapter on castes have been prepared on the system recommended by Mr. Jacques .Herlillon as esplained in par~h 622 of the Report. These diagrams illustrate the· atatiatica very graphi :y1 and the WI& of Bimilar diagrams in future reports may be commended• . · 1),. 'l'urning to · the results of the census, it has first to be noticed · · . · . . that of . the nataial divisions Oe~ . Bengal Den"!ty ua Y&l'llliODI o! tho hllll the greatest den;g of l)opulatlon. VlZ. 77 fj populatiOD. . • d' .... H' ah · . persons tu the square e. f !&!nets, owr with 1,668 persona to the square mile is the :moat thickly peopled and then follow Dacca with 952 persons, and Muza:ffarpur and Saran with 917 and 907 persons to the square mile, respectively: · the Chota Nagpur plHteau ia the .area of least dense population, with. only 152 to the square mile. The g~neral increase of the population during the deCade· has ~El!lD li'.l. per cent. agamst 1 per cent. in the previous decade. East l:len~ WJth an mcrease of 10·4 p~r .c11ut. is the most progressive part of the Provmce and the general result .of t_his census and of the preceding cenans ia to show that the 11entre 'of _populatiQD of the Province is moving towards the east and aonth. . . It appellorB from the Report that from ~872 to_189! there was~ steady improvement in the accorac)" of the enumeration, ~nd that part of the mcreasaH brought out by the Censuses of 1881 and 1891 was therefore unreal: on the other hand that disclosed br the present census is attribu~):lle solely to the growth of 'me population. Mr; Gait writes:- . . "The standard of &OOJII'BOY in 1891 bad reached a star' wbiOh left but little room f~ · further improvement 1111d, is compared with that oensus, ic a probable that tho general. ~ on this aocount at tho preaent enumeration. doea not at the outaide ~~. ~0(!,000, while lD ( 3 )

the diBtriole whelll plagu waa prevalent, the oen.111a of 1901 w8a I8u comPlete.~ ita predeoeuor. Taking the ,.m and IOM r.ogather, it may be eoiWluded. ~ tbare baa been Db . appreciable improvement 111 the matter ·of 8llll1IJ80Y ali the preaen$ 08DIIII. . • A close appromnation between the growth of the total population- as aacertained by the eensua and that indicated lJy the vital ltatiatica o} the Province ia noticed in paragraph (10 of the repoli; and paragrapha 23a and 396 to 398 dileu&s a gener&l fall in the birth-rate. To the m811 of tlle people the moat .important event. of the. decade were the aearcitiea of the 7eer1 1891-9~, 11:!96-97 and 1899-19001 the outbreaks of plague which began 111 the Province in 1898 and the development of the mining and mill ind ustriu which Jed to a .great increase in the industrial population therein ell!ployed.' . T~ Chittagong the cyclone and. stor';D·Wave. of 1897 which oiiused directly or mdirectly 50,000 deaths, was a b'Tlevoua calamity, No c:mnection appear. to exiat between famine and variations in the population in Bihar (paragraphs 176, 181, 186 and 229 of the report); but. 1t would seem that in Ubota Nugpur a certain amount of the mortality il possibly attributable to famine (paragraphs 199, 20~ and 206). · . . Seven districts have decreased in. population Iince 1891, viz., Jessore, Patna, Gaya, Shahabad, Saran, Champa.ran aad Ptm:188, the decrease .. ranging from 8·4 per cent. in Patna to 2·2 per cent. in Saran. TheN can be no doubt that the decrease in Patna is mainly due to moriality from plague, to the ftight of the people from their hourea on account .of that disease, and. to incomplete •numeration in certain places due to the disorgan.non of the. censu arrangements by pl~e•• In ~aran the Iolli ~f population is a1s_o .accounted for by tbe plague epideDllO which was more nrolen~ there ·than- ;m any other district of thi8 Province, except Patna. In Jeeeore, ChampBI'8Jl and .t'urnea, the decrease is due ·to the prevalence of. fever and in Purnea alio to a nry severe outbreo.k of cholera which occurred in the year 1900. .In South Bihar generally, Mr. Gait nuda a diminished birth·rate (paragraph 896) •. That Bengal like the rest of India is a land of villages and not to.wns has long beeu known, and it appears that at the· present time out Qf every l 00 persons in the Province, 95 live in villages . and 5 in towna.. In tba statistics for towns the most·strikiog features are the mdreslle in. tbe population of Calcutta and Howrah and their suburbs, and tbe (iecrease in 'the towns of nihar, which was due to plague mortality and to temporary in Bihar, in ChotaN~pur, and 10. Western .Bengal, but males are in excess in the east.ern half of ~he Pronnce~ an_d especially in the districts where th~ Mongolo~d ~lament in \h~ populatton _u strongest, viz., in Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar, DmaJpur, the lJbittagung HiD Tracts, and Hill Tippera.. . • .,. It is a commonplace that every: o~e m Bengal mar!'les· The average a.,e of marriage for (!irls all over . the Provmce was stated 1n 1891 to be eleven ( 5 ) yean. Doubtless because of the inaccumcy of th8' age statistics, ¥r· Gait haa. not atulmpted to ltate the average age of marriage for the Pro'flllce or for particular areas ncept Chota Nagpur. where, he says, that the usual age o£_ marriage for a girl is between 17 and 18. But the geDeral concllllioua of the census of 1891 stand good for the later C8IJIIUII. Hindu girls, except in Ori-, are married earlier than Muhammadan girls. The marriage of infante. below tea . yean is most common in Bihar and specially' in the Darbhauga district and parts of Hozalfarpur and Bhagalpur. The proportio~ of widows !Uld of marriecl girls nuder ten yean of age is declining slightly. · :. : · · · . · : The marria~ oustoms of the difiorent Hindu cutes are uamined in detail; and Mr. Gait amves at the conclusion that the price ·paid for a bride or bride, groom depends ultimKtely on the laws of supply and demand (~ph 424), · and that tlie age at which a girl ie married varies to a great extent wllh the BUill which baa to be paid fbr her (paragraph 438). Aformez. theory that infant. marriage in India is based on the practice of hypergamy amongst the higher castes which leads a man to seek to marry hie dangliter to a suitable bridegroom at the earliest JX?ssible moment, and that the lower castes have copied the practice of the bxgher castes ,in this matter WBB contested by·Hr•• O'Donnell in his report for 1891. Hr. Gait supports Mr. O'Donnell'& conclns1ona and finds that aa a rule the lower castes marry their daughters earliest. The difierenoes are, however, in the main local rather than pereonal (~ohs 489 and 440); It is uually thought that .in!&nt marriage and the pro!U-bmon of . wido!" remarriage go tor,ther .i ~t th11 18 not the case. Where infant mamage IS­ most common, wxdowa treely :remarry and -(in some C11888) fetch a higher price . than virgin bridea, owing to their greater llkill .in the Cl8Bte oconpati.on ~ grapbs.44land 424). · . " _ ~ 11. The infirmities recorded at the census as on- former occalions were insanity, deafmntiem, blindneu and leproSy-. The . . IaSrmlllu. number of persons a:fll.icted with these infirmities shows a progressive decline due, as ie believed, in the main to more accurate enumeration and more careful exclWiion of persons whose infirmitiea, whatever they might be, did not fall within the scope of the sailetioned. ~einition. 'l'he maps given in paragrafhs i57, 463, 470 and 476 of the Report sh_ow in very strilnng manner the loca prevalence of infirmities, lnsanity is most prevalent in North Bengal and in Chittegong and the Chittagong Hill Tracts; and Hr. Gait finde that the prevalence u a matter of race and that the Koch ill specially liable to this infirmity~ Deafmtttism is generally 888ociated with c~eti~ism and .~itre: it. is most common in the .Bim&laya!l and sub-Himalayan dtstracts, and 1t u especially prevalent along the course of certain moribund riven near the foot of the Himalayas. · Deaf mutes are v~. ihort-lived (paragraph 466}. Blindnees ia most common -in the hot and dry districts of South Behar and Chota Nagpur. In connection with the decrease in the number of blind pereona recorded, Hr. Gait notioes that lo,987mcceesful ope!ati~ns for cataract were perf'?rmed in the ~ublio hospita~ and diepen• 11mes m tho last decade •as agmnat ?,434. d~g the prenous ten yelll'll. The great centre o.f !eproay. m these Provll!oes hes m the three western diStrict& of the Bnrdwau DlVlmon, nz., Bankura, Bll'bhum and Bnrdwan and in- 'the ad­ joining di.strict of Manbhum. In the Province generslly the ceniiUS shows 11. . 10 decrease the number of lepers, who number 48 for every 1001000 as com~ pared :with 60 in the last census ; but there appeara to have been a spread of •the disease in Hanbhum and the Sonthal Parganaa. The decreaae ia probably due to more caref11l enumeration resulting .in the excllllion of those who are dected merely with leucoderma. 12. At the censDB of 1~1 the_ population ~dividec!-~tothreecategories, Bdacalloa. . 'mi., hterate, leanung ancl illlterate, but at the . census of 1901 the ~atiou WSB broadly divided 'into two great olusoa only, the literate and the illiterate; it. o! those who-are or u:e n?t able both to read and write. This change -of system, though it·­ has. mmp~fied the work, h!"' obsoured the resulte and made a detailed com­ panson difficult. Comparmg the figures, however, for persons over IS yean of a~, tbe n?-mber of lite~ males in the whole Province is 146 per 1,000 8IJ agatnst 137 m 1891, and the number of literate females1 per 1,000 againR ( 6 } ~ only in 1891 •. ··lt will be noticed that" the figures -given in the 484tl. pamgrapk of the report· ~ow the absolute and not the proportional increaae Of literacy sinoe· 1891, . ' Wi!l~ \as. ia th~ ileld for the improvement of primary education am~ng the male population, still ~!lore remains to be done among tbe female population, 4nd the progre88 dunng the last· decade haa been proportionately greater am,?Dg . f9ina!es ~~I! among males, thongh not absOlutely ao great. Mr• G~t nrgee •. lD hia 486th paragraph that female education baa made great · . atndea dJI\'lllg the decade; but looking to the very small number of educated fe!Dales in ·the whole Provinoo, this seems too confident a eta.tement and it can . hardly be accepted for any area except Calcutta. . ' · · "Th~ cop.~ued and increaain~ auperi?rity of the Hindus over the Muham· madans ~n. hteracy, the la~ge amount of literacy among converts to Christianity, and ~he .marked auperiont,Y of the metropolitan a.rea over the rest of the Provmce !'-1'~ the·moat strilnng features of the chapter,dealing with the statistics of education. The most backward part of the Pronnce in educa.tion·, in spite of the efforts of the Christian Missionaries, a Chota Na.gpm:, an1l next loweat !a ~orth Bihar. . · · . ." . . . · · . · · . The eta.tiatice of knowledge of English may wiflt:advalita.ge be more fUlly ezamined than haa been done ¥1 paragraph 486 of the RepQrt. .Table VIII ahowa that in thA. whole Province 31H1T04 .males and 2~ 1 966 females are !'literate in En~lish," i.1., are able to read and, wri~ EnttliBh. Deducting hom the~~e numDel? 24,156 malea and 15,089 females who returned English· pnly as theh:, "la.nguage ordinarily USf'.d," i.~., .the European and Eorasian' population, it appenra tliat there are 327,548 male~~ and 7,8i7 females among the native population who ceti. read and write English. . So far as these Sgure8 can be compareif with. the statistics. .'of the last census-, it. would appear that, aa might be e:ipecled, .there has been a considerable. increBSe in the number of English-~o~nJ person~ among the native :popula.ri!)n of the Province sinc.e 1891. . ' ...... ' . . . . . L : 13. Mr. Gait's -chapter on the la.ngunges of . uguage. •. • the Province i.q of tl•e highest intere~t: : Omitting Europeans and Eurasians but including a.Il other immigrants, the peoJ:>le of the Province spea,k 74 languages, viz.,· 15 grouped under the :Aryan Family, 16 under the .Munda Fa.mily, 9. under the Dravidian Familyi aM 34 under the.Tt'beto-8urman Family. Tht there baa been no unnecllltll8.rJ aub-divisiou o~ la?'~u~ in this catPgO~-~ be u.uderstqod, when it ia. men· tioned that BlDdl mcludes Urdu and Bihan the latter of "which Dr. Gnerson once divided. into &even dialects. Out of every 1,000 persons in the Provine~ .528 apeak .13eng~, 3U Hindi (including BihariJ, 79 Uriya and 1 speaks ){has (or N"epal~·Hindi) leaving 51- persons per 1,000 for all the other 70 languages put totre~er. It_ is i.n the Chota N~pur.platea.~ wit~ its M~nda and Dravidian dia.lects, 111 Dal'Jeeling and. Sikkim w•th thell' T,1beto:Himalayan dialects, and. in the C'hittagong flill Tracts where the Kuk•, ChiD and Bodo dialects are' spoken that .the great congeries of non-Arya.n lan~ages are found .. Mr. Gait bas a.voided a detailed examination of Aryan di~lects ~artly _in order to curtail his rt'port, and also because Dr.· Grierson IS dealing with these dialects; but lie bas discUBSed the Himalnyan, Sikkim and Nepal groups of languages more fully than the others, because they have not yet Iormed the eubje"t of any reports in the linguistic survey. . , . The -oo~usion at which Mr. Gait arrives in his 545th para!Sraph .aa to the absence of any necessary connection between .t:ace and language 18 noticeable. . - u. The ehapter o1r castes ia the loogest in. the vqlnme, and takes up • . nearly one-fonrth of the Report. Mu~h labourwaa ; · ·· . : C~•· . · , given to this part of. the ~numera.tio~. . A caste • dex largely based on Mr. Risley's "Caste and Tribes" waa Cll'culated to £ensus C)ffioera of higher grades, and greatly faciJ!ta.ted th~ work, but even . 'th this help the olaasification of doubtful entries gave lDl.mense trouble. :Tl.e diecuBBi~ns on the origin of caste (paragraphs 550 to 574), and · ·:On tbe . aocial )ltece~ence of castes (paragraphs 575 to 621) ~ave beeu, .inserted in ~cpr~a;nce with dire11ti9ns given by the Censu,s Com0118Sloner. ; c 7. } · With iusufficieot timfl at· his -disposal· fur wodwig. up iii~ -nsulta of hii ~ or for follcnri!lg up the uumeJ'ob8 au~ difticult side .issua w~ch arose io the examination of the caste figures, Mr. Gait hu uevertheleu made. a mll&l import&Bt contribution fn thie chapter tD the ethnography of .the Province, aud. hu praeuted sever&! ob8CII1'8 q~estioits in a clenrer light than h• before. been thed OD them. · · · . · · · . · . . · · . . , . . The origin of exi8ting cutes i8 discussed in paragraphs 566-:tm, of. th~ rePort and the origin of the reatrictio~ which chalaeteriae ~h~ institution of c:ute il distingoiahed lrom the qneation 1!8 .&o how thiJ existing castes . werct reeroited. 1'he vilin held by M. Senati tbat.the mb-caate ia the true .caste, and that caste WBB a utural development of ~he famil,r and tn"bal'organization of the Ary8DI are cited in Jlaragraph 562; bnt llr. Gait holds that caste ia mor~ likely to be due to the infiuence of the paacbayata of the functiouaf,groups; He IJUOteB the definitiona of 11 caate" given by h:iB predeceaaors in thil field o* eoquey-:M888rs. Nesfield, Haines and. Rwey, !'Jld · propolll1da the .~ollowing careful definition qf .hi8 own:- · · ' . . , ·. . ,. .A -te' ia an..u.J~ g\'OCip or ;. ooll. otliUah groupe iJ,:aring ~· ooiamao mme who, by ftiiOD ol limilarity of tnditiGonal oooupal.ioa sad reputed origiu, are genemlly . regarded, t.y thOM of their ClO.antrymen wh!' ·ue ~t ~ give.an opiDioa, as forming a lingle homogenoua eommaDJty, the ClODBtituem pane Of ~hioli.lllf! :mora-1.1 zeleted. ~ · each Other than th"Y are to aay other aeetion of the aety." . . · . · -. llr. Gait adds that the decision as. to easte mnat lest "ith enlightened publi~ opinion; and Dot with public opinion gen~rally, aa it·often happen-. that a Hin~Ji lr.oows little about any C8l!te other than his own. . . . , · · · · .. · -. . The orders issued with regard to afl'!lngemen_t of castes according to. their IIOcia1 atatua gave rile to mauy acrimODious diaputes, •· g., specially with reference to the relative precedeJiee of tJ.e and \he Kayaa~ aud thlf position of the Chasi.-Kaibarttae. • .,In- order t<• ~oid·as far aa pOI!IIible giving' offence to 'rival casteR, Mr. Gait hBB 'made his:diBerent groups fairly wide,: and U a rule bas avoided mention of the reJatiV!I posi~ion of CaStes iJ?. the. same group. · · · Of the ~stea other than Muhammadan there1 are ,fifleen havin~ more than a million members, viz, (in onier of numbers) the Ahjrs {11r .Goalas), Brahm801, 'Kaibarttaa, · Rajb~sia (or Kochea.;, · (Chandals}, Sautal•, Cbamors (Muehis), Raj puts, Kurmis, Telia, Kayaatha, Koirie, ~ Dabhana arid Dagdis. Th-e· Ahirs· who me nearly four millio111 are a long way the moat numerous; next follow the Brahman• with nearly: three millio1111, the Kaibarttu who are nearly two and-a-half millions, the Rajbanaia with over, two milliona, the NamasudrsB and the Santals each with over eighteen hundred. thousand ; the ChaiDBl'll with sixteen hundred and twe'nty·aix thousand~ while the uther eigM castes named are each between a. million and a million-and·a­ half atrong. The diatribntion of the main castes- is illUBtrated by a aeries · of 101lpa which show in a very atriking way how strietly local .are many of the main groupa. The Babhana. Dhanuks and Koiris for imltanee are confined to Bihar, the bagdia aud Sadgope to Weat Benglllt the Chaaas and Khandaita to Orissa, the Chandela to East Bengal, the Pods to Central Bengal and the .Rajbanai8 to North Bengal. . Among the notes on particular cutes and tribes possessing special interest· are to be mentioned those rel!erding the Seraks (pamgraphs 778-780) . an interesting archaic community, probabl1 of Jain or Buddhist origjn, Iound in. W eatera Bengal, Chota Nagpur and Oriaaa, the notes on the clispoted quation of the origin of the Rajoonsi.a (pamgraph 617), on· the Sec:tariaJi castes I ~hs 782-787), on Muhammadan castes aud tribes i paragraphs 81 'l_ · 817), on the Nepali tribe of New&rB (pamgrapha 886--894).. · - 16. Thb scheme of occupations prescribed for the census waa very Oeoapati-. elabOrate, comprising, as it did, eight classes, · twenty-four orders, seventy-nine anb-ordera and five . hundred and twenty gro~pa, and lbe prepe~tion of the ·retl1l'll8 under this head WIIS therofo~ very labonona. The Supenntendent states (puagraph 905) that from _one-third. to a qu~~ of the ootire ~diture on the census operatio111 . waa m~ . m eompilmg t~e occupation t9;bles. The ariuments used by llr. GBJ\ m paragraph 905 m favour of havmg a ~ler cla_oei6cation in· ( ~ ) • future are well worthy Of attention, and BeeDl to' be. concluive against the attempt to collect statistics of occupation in anch elabonite ·detail aa liaa hither­ to been done.· Th» aeema to be a caae :where elaboration defeata itaalf and where the ~ruth ia to be obtained only. by a broacl and general clllllllifioation of ocoupationa. · • Changes of a~m ~hleh &re notieecl in paragraph 906 and following paragraphS, of the Report have c:onfnaed comparison with the corresponding return lor· 1891, and make. detailed examination 111111l8sa. Speaking generally, however, it apJleara that nearly 67 milliona or 72·6 per cent, of the ~pulation are c1aaaed· under .the main head 88 employed on 11 Pasture and Agriculture;" nor .ia tbia an exhaustive statement of persons occupied. with agriculture 88 jt ia probable that a consid~ble number of the five·and·a-half million general labourers returned aa non·agncultural are at some aeaaons of the year employed in agriculture, and it will be safe to say that over three-fourths of the popwa· tion are dependent on the land. .Artilians and others claued under the head " Preparation and aupply of material aubstances" · make up over 9i millions l>r 12 per'cent •. , and unSkilled labourei'l, not, .agricultural, are over ·6 millions or 'll •per ~t. ~ the population. The statistios ~hioh have been collected showing · the. ama1l e1ui.r8 of high · appointm~nta in Government BerVice which. are ·held by Muhammaclan8, and· the praotioal monopoly of all auch apJ,!ointmentl' held bY. Hi~dnt ~. members of ~he Kayaath1 Brahman and . taates may be mentioned aa a feature of this chapter. 16. In. eoncluaion, the Lieutenant-Governor .desires to record bia .high appreciation of the laboure oJ. the Superintendf!Dt and the Dietrict 0~ aa >well at of a large number of officials and non-o&ic~la, w¥~ have resalted m !'. ·.moat .aucoMful oanaua of the ~ple, and he ha• m addition to thank Mr. Gatt for " Report of singular merit and ability. Mr. Gait's oomm~n~tion of the work· of his Assistants, Mr. Howard, Mr. Moberly, Babu Jamm1· Mohan Das, · Babu Mon Mohan Ray, and Mr; Manmatba Nath · Ghoah, will be recorded in · the Appointment Departme~t, · · . . . . · ' .. · ~· • By order of the Lieutenau_t-Governor of »engal, -' ' . P,l• · .' ' W, C. MACPHERSON, ,~. ~ { ~~~~~ ~ .' . J .. Ofg. &er•ltlrg lo .1111 fJOPINirMfll of Bengal. flill;\{11 . .. i.: . .

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