ANNEX D Annex D – Contents

Household Survey Questionnaire First Stakeholders Meeting Advance Notification of First Stakeholders Meeting in Camauli and List of Invited Institutions/Persons of First Stakeholder Meeting in Damauli Participants Registered in the First Stakeholder Meeting at Damauli, June 2nd, 2006 Program Schedule of First Stakeholder Meeting in Damauli Brochure of First Stakeholder Meeting Presentation Material in Damauli Minutes of First Stakeholder Meeting in Damauli List of Invited Institutions/Persons of First Stakeholder Meeting in Kathmandu Participants Registered in the First Stakeholder Meeting at Kathmandu, June 7, 2006 Program Schedule of First Stakeholder Meeting in Kathmandu Presentation Material in Kathmandu Minutes of First Stakeholder Meeting in Kathmandu Media Coverage of First Stakeholder Meeting Second Stakeholders Meeting Advance Notification of Second Stakeholders Meeting in Camauli and Kathmandu List of Invited Institutions/Persons of Second Stakeholder Meeting in Damauli Participants Registered in the Second Stakeholder Meeting at Damauli, December 1, 2006 Brochure of Second Stakeholder Meeting Program Schedule of Second Stakeholder Meeting in Damauli Presentation Material in Damauli Minutes of Second Stakeholder Meeting in Damauli Reply to Comments and Issue Raised by Stakeholders at Second Stakeholder Meeting in Damauli List of Invited Institutions/Persons of Second Stakeholder Meeting in Kathmandu Participants Registered in the Second Stakeholder Meeting at Kathmandu, December 6, 2006 Program Schedule of Second Stakeholder Meeting in Kathmandu Presentation Material in Kathmandu Minutes of Second Stakeholder Meeting in Kathmandu Media Coverage of Second Stakeholder Meeting Third Stakeholders Meeting Advance Notification of Third Stakeholders Meeting List of Invited Institutions/Persons of Third Stakeholder Meeting Brochure of Third Stakeholder Meeting Participants Registered in the Third Stakeholder Meeting in Beltar, Rising Patan, Damauli Presentation Material in Beltar, Rising Patan, Damauli Minutes of Third Stakeholder Meeting in Damauli Reply to Comments and Issue Raised by Stakeholders at Third Stakeholder Meeting in Beltar, Rising Patan, Damauli Advance Notification of Third Stakeholders Meeting in Damauli List of Invited Institutions/Persons of Third Stakeholder Meeting in Kathmandu Presentation Material in Kathmandu Participants Registered in the Third Stakeholder Meeting in Kathmandu Minutes of Third Stakeholder Meeting in Kathmandu Advance Notification of Third Stakeholders Meeting in Kathmandu

Household Survey Questionnaire Household Survey Questionnaire

Development Region : District : VDC/ Municipality: Ward No. : Village : Date of Interview: Name of Interviewee : Name of Interviewer:

100. General Information/Demography 110 Name of Household head: 120 Sex: 130 Caste: 150 Religion: Sex: 121 Male 122 Female Caste: 131 Brahmin 132 Chetri 133 Magar 134 Sanyashi 135 Bote 136 Kumal 137 Kami 138 Damai 139 Sarki 140 Others Religion: 151 Hindu 152 Muslim 153 Buddhist 154 Christian 155 Others

200 How long your family is residing in this locality? 210 Ancestral (before two generation) 220 Only a generation ago 230 Recently Migrated (before 30 years) 240 If it is recently migrated then : 241 Migrated District: 242 Migrated: 243 Migrated Village:

300 Family Structure 310 Nuclear Family 320 Joint Family 330 Information about family members along with household owner: Name of family Sex Relation to Occupation Skill / S.N Age Education (2) Members (1) family head (3) Training (4)

Note : 1. Sex: 10. Male – 11. Female

A-D-1 2. Education (above 6 yrs of age) 3. Occupation 4. Skill / Training above 15 yrs of age 22. Illiterate 31. Agriculture 38. Mason 23. Can only read and write 32.Business 39.Carpenter 24.Primary (1-5class) 33. Job/Services 40. Tailor 25. Lower secondary ( 6-8 class) 34. Labour 41. Blacksmith 26. Higher Secondary (9-10) 35. Student 42. Shoemaker 27. SLC 36. Unable to work 43.Driver

28.Intermediate 37. Others (Specify) 44.Construction 29. Bachelor 45. Weaving Doko/Nanglo 30. Master 46. Hetuada Cement Employee 47. NEA Employee 48. Other (Specify)

400. If some of your family members have gone ouside for employment: Relation to Inside country Abroad S. N Average monthly income (Rs.) family head destination Destination 1 2 3

500. Agriculture practices and livestock raising: 510 Do You have land under your family ownership Yes No 520 If you own land give the following details of your land ownership and tenancy type: Own land S. N Land Type Rented- in Rented-Out operated R A P DRAPDRAPDR A P D Khet Bari Kharbari Forest Orchard Total Note: R = Ropani, A = Ana , P = Pisa, D = Dam

A-D-2 530 Main crops their coverage area, productivity and income from the sale of them Cropped Area Production Unit Price Total Sold quantity Income from S. N. Main Crops R A P D (in KG) Rs. Rs. Kg sale Rs A Bari Upland paddy Maize Wheat Millet Pulses Oilseed Potato Sugarcane Other (specify) B Khet Paddy Wheat Maize Potato Pulses Oilseed Winter vegetable Other (specify)

540 Is your own production enough for your family? 541 Yes 542 No 550 If not, for how many months is it deficit? 551 3 months 552 6 months 553 9 months 560 How do you meet your food requirement for the deficit months? 561 Wage earning 562 Loan 563 Service 564 borrowing 565 Selling of fixed assets 566 Selling of current assets 567 Other (specify) 570 How much you spend for deficit food in last year? (Give in Rs) 580 Have you taken loan from any source? 581 Yes 582 No 590 If you have, provide the following details? Name of source Amount of Loan Interest /Annum 591 Agric. Development Bank 592 Bank Limited 593 Rastriya Banijya Bank 594 Cooperative organization 596 Micro credit 597 Local money lender 598 Relatives/Neighbours 599 Others (Specify)

A-D-3 600 Raising of Livestock and Poultry Birds 610 Give the type and numbers of animals and birds and income from the sale of them: Last years' income code Type of livestock Local Improved Total from the sale 611 Cow/Bullock 612 Buffalo 613 Goat/Sheep 614 Birds (chicken, duck, pegion etc.) 615 Others (specify) 620 Last years' income from the sale of livestock products Code Type of Production (1) Unit (2) Sold Quantity (3) Total Income (4)(Rs.) 621 Milk/Khuwa 622 Ghee 623 Egg 624 Wool 625 Hide 626 Others (Specify) 630 Have you planted fruit treesin your farm land? 631 Yes 632 No 640 If you have planted fruit trees then give details Types of fruit trees Total No of Fruit Total sales quantity Unit cost Total sales (1) No (2) bearing trees (3) last year kg (4) (5) Rs (6) Rs

650 Are you involved in vegetable farming? 651 Yes 652 No 660 What are the different types of vegetables you are growing in relation to the area? Types of Total area Production Total sales quantity Unit cost (5) Total sales (6) vegetables (1) (2) (Kg) (3) last year kg (4) Rs Rs R A P D

A-D-4 700 Energy Use 710 For cooking purposes what types of fuels you use and quantity? Code Fuel type Quantity Unit Cost Total cost 711 kerosene 712 wood 713 bio gas 714 LPG 715 Electricity 716 Others 720 For lighting purpose what types of fuels you use and quantity? Code Fuel type Quantity (1) Unit Cost (2) Total cost (2) 711 kerosene 712 wood 713 bio gas 714 LPG 715 Electricity 716 Others

800 Irrigation 810 Do you have irrigated land 811 Yes 812 No 820 If you have irrigated land then what is your means/source of irrigation? 821 Channel 822 Canal 823 Pond 824 Pump set 825 Rain water 826 Other (specify)

900 Drinking water 910 What is your source of drinking water? 911 Piped water supply 912 spring) 913 Irrigation channel 914 Streams/rivers 915 Well /Kuwa 916 Other (specify)

1000 Health/Hygiene 1010 Recently, was any member of your household ill? 1011 Yes 1012 No 1020 If yes state the followings Relation to family Sick days Type of disease (2) Sex (3) Age (4) Head (1) (numbers) (5)

A-D-5 1030 If yes then where and who was consulted for the treatment? 1031 Dhami/Jhankri (local healer) 1032 Herbal medicine 1033 Healthpost 1034 Other (specify) 1040 How much was spending for treatment? (in Rs) 1050 Have you constructed a toilet in your house? 1051 Yes 1052 No 1060 What type of toilet is it? 1061 Pit latrine 1062 Latrine (Permanent) 1070 Are the livestock kept in the same house with human beings or separately? 1071 Separately 1072 Not separately 1080 If livestock are in the same house what is the arrangement? 1081 Livestock in ground floor 1082 Human beings in upper floor 1083 Both in ground floor 1090 Have you installed smokeless oven in your kitchen? 1091 Yes 1092 No

1100 Involvement in any organizations/groups 1110 Is any of your family members involved in any Organizations/Groups 1111 Yes 1112 No 1120 If yes then provide following details? Sex of the member Name organization Membership type Objective of organization

1200 Income/Expenditure 1210 Provide the details of the annual income and expenditure of you household. Income Expenditure S.N. Main Topic Rs S.N. Main Topic Rs Cereals 1 Food grain purchase Pulses 2 Vegetables/fruits Dairy products 3 Meat/egg

A-D-6 Income Expenditure S.N. Main Topic Rs S.N. Main Topic Rs Livestock 4 Ghee.oil,salt,spices Vegetables 5 Milk,sugar,tea Fruits 6 Cigarratte,bidi,tobacco,tamakhu Fish 7 Alcoholic beverages Cottage industry 8 Clothes,shoes,sandals Wage earning 9 Jwellery Salary/pension* 10 Kerosene/electricity Income from foreign country** 11 Fertilizer/seed purchase Interest 12 Livestock purchase Business/trade 13 Expenses to agriculture Selling of asset 14 Education of childrens House rent 15 Medicine expenses Loan taken 16 transportation Contractor 17 Taxes Others (specify) 18 Purchase of assets 19 Expenses for religious purpose

*Salary/pension: earned in long-term stay, Use data from Questions 400, 530, 590, 610, 620, 640, 660, 710, 720, 1050 for income and expenditure as appropriate. **Income from foreign country: earned in short-term stay

1300 Information on the Project affected Property Only 1310 Details of Registered land affected by the project under your ownership Types of Is the land Who cultivates S.N. Area Registered land Plot No under tenent the land

A.1 Khet A.1 A.1 A.2 Bari A.2 A.2 A.3 Kharbari A.3 A.3 A.4 Forest A.4 A.5 Orchard

A-D-7 1320 Details of unregistered land affected by the project used by you Types of Is it under From whom you S.N. Area unregistered land registration process take the land R A P D A.1 Khet A.1 A.1 A.2 Bari A.2 A.2 A.3 Kharbari A.3 A.3 A.4 Forest A.4 A.5 Orchard

1330 Production and market value of the crops grown in the affected area: S.N. Main crops Production (Kg) Unit price (Kg) Total value Bari 1 Upland paddy 2 Maize 3 Wheat 4 Millet 5 Pulses 6 Oilseed 7 Potato 8 Sugarcane 9 Others Khet 1 Paddy 2 Wheat 3 Maize 4 Potato 5 Pulses 6 Oilseed 7 Winter vege. 8 Sugarcane 9 Others A-D-8 1340 Do you grow Fruits/Vegetables in the affected land 1341 Yes 1343 No 1350 If fruit cultivation practiced on affected land, provide the following details: Total No of No. of fruit Production Types of fruit Price Rs/Kg Total cost (Rs) plants bearing trees in (Kg)

1360 If vegetable cultivation practiced on impacted land, provide the following details: Types of vegetable Area Total Production in (Kg) Price Rs/Kg Total cost (Rs) RA P D

1400 Views towards the project 1410 Do you like the project 1411 Yes 1412 No

1420 If Yes, give three main reasons of liking 1421 1422 1423 1430 If No, give three main reasons of dislike 1431 1432 1432

1500 Preferences for compensation, resettlement and rehabilitation 1510 If you are likely to loose a major portion of land or entire asset, what type of compensation package so you prefer (select your priority for two in your priority and write 1 and 2) 1511 Payment in cash only 1512 Land for land 1513 House for house 1514 House for house and land for land 1515 Othars (specify) 1520 If you prefer cash compensation, please specify the reason. 1521 To purchase land 1522 To build house 1523 To pay debt 1524 To start business 1525 Other (specify)

A-D-9 1530 What kind of resettlement support do you expect in case your residential house and major portion of land is affected by the project construction works and reservoir? 1531 Resettle by self in the nearby locality 1532 Resettle as community if the project offers this option in the nearby locality 1533 Resettle as individual outside the locality 1534 Resettle as community if the project offers this option in the outside project locality 1540 If you prefer outside project area then where please give three localities you prefer 1541 1542 1543 1550 If the project affects your land and property what kind of rehabilitation opportunities/ benefits do you expect from the project? 1551 Employment 1552 Skill Training 1553 Soft Loan 1554 Others (specify) 1560 What are the problems that you/your family might have to face as a result of the project implementation? Please specify. S.N. Social Economic 1 2 3 4 5 6 1570 What are the advantages that you/your family would get as result of the project construction works? 1571 1572 1573 1580 What are your three main suggestions to minimize loss of income and property? 1581 1582 1582 1590 What will be the positive and negative impact of the project? Solutions and suggestions SN Positive impact Negative impact regarding negative impact


23.4 Comments of the interviewer


Focus Group Discussion –List of Users’ Group

1) Community Forestry Users' Group. 1. V D C- Chhan-4, Chokre X 2. V D C- Chhan- 5, Fulbari Ghaderi X 3. V D C- Chhan-7, Jhakash Fulbari X 4. V D C- - 1, Khanaltar X 5. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan X 6. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan - Kharkhare 1 Ghumaune Community Forest user's Group Ward NO 9 Working Committee User's HHs-150 Dalit 25 MF 2051/4/7 Non Dalit 125 8 3 (Magar ie, Janajati) 2 Bhadauredanda Community Forest user's Group Working Committee User's HHs-325 Dalit 75 MF 2050/1/7 Non Dalit 250 10 3 (Newar, Gueung, Magar, Chhetry, Bramhin Both of the community forest users' HHs are nearly the same. Ghumaune Community Forest is located at Ward NO 9 whereas Bhadauredanda Community Forest is at Ward NO 8. Bhadauredanda Community Forest is larger in area and it is likely that the users' HHs are also more than double. 7 V D C- - 1, Maidan Swanra Kalika Community forest user's (Group) households are reported 165 of which only one household is from Dalit. There are 11 members in working committee and all of them are female. 8. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 3, Bakle Bakle Community Forest user's (group) households are 100 and non dalit has been included in the group. The forest is located at Siddasthan of Ward NO 3 and has been formed with 11 members working committee including 2 females. 9. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 1, Beltar There are two community forest user's group in Ward NO 1 of Kahe Shivapurnaluly Salbas Community Forest user's group and Bochang Community forest user's group and the users HHs are the same of both group. They are located at Dharapani and Beltar respectively. A total of 250 HHs are included in the users' group of which 40 are dalit and rest 210 are non dalit. Total of 17 member working committee with 3 females have been formed in Salbas group and 13 members working committee headed by a woman in Bochang included 2 female and 11 male members. 10. - 7, Tallo Patan X 11. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beni Patan X 12. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beteni X 13. Vyas Municipality - 5, Baireni-Botegaun Two community forests have been reported used by the residents of Bairenitar but both of them are located outside of the impacted area. Kandathumki is located at just upper part of the Bairenivillage and Tekanthumki across the Madi River at Gunadi side. They are just users and not included in the working committee and each of the household pays Rs 60 per year as member fee.

A-D-12 2) Drinking Water Users' Group Name of Working Name of the Beneficiary HHs SN source Committee Initiated by scheme scheme Gurung Newar M F 1. V D C- Chhan-4, Chokre X 2. V D C- Chhan- 5, Fulbari Ghaderi X 3. V D C- Chhan-7, Jhakash Fulbari Chitung Khola Drinking Water Users Group Chitung Khola Chitung Khola 75 25 8 3 Ex-Indian Army soldiers' DWUG association 4. V D C- Bhimad - 1, Khanaltar X 5. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan Charchare Charchare Dalit Others 9 2 District Drinking Water DWUG Khola 1 199 Office Note: Other caste- Chhetri, Newar, Magar 6. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan - Kharkhare Sindus Khola Bokse 30 90 8 3 District Drinking Water DWUG Chhahara, Office Tarebhir 7 V D C- Kotdarbar - 1, Maidan Swanra Chandiya Chandiyan 1 34 7 2 VDC-Fund Khola DWUG Khola Kapidi DWUG Kapidi Muhan - 103 9 2 VDC-Fund Chabadi Chabadi - 14 7 2 VDC-Fund DWUG Muhan Arkhodi Arkhodi 13 13 5 2 VDC-Fund DWUG Khola 8. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 3, Bakle X 9. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 1, Beltar Linde Khola Linde Khola 40 131 13 3 British Welfare Fund UK DWUG Pinsili Khola Pinsili Khola Mukuluk Mukuluk Reportedly these three sources are also handled by Linde Khola Khola drinking water users group. Chanp Khola ChanpKhola 10. Vyas Municipality - 7, Tallo Patan Asapuri Asapuri Janajati - 5 2 DDC and Municipality DWUG Muhan 25 Magar,Tamang 11. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beni Patan Giri,Newar,Boti X X X X X X 12. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beteni Beteni DWUG Beteni Kholsi 33 2 5 - Byas Municipality Magar Ranabhat 13. Vyas Municipality - 5, Baireni-Botegaun X X X X X X X

3) Irrigation water users' group Name of the Working Name of Beneficiary HHs Irrigation Committee Initiated or SN source Remark Water user Trained by scheme M F group 1. V D C- Chhan-4, Chokre X X X X X X X X 2. V D C- Chhan- 5, Fulbari Ghaderi

A-D-13 Name of the Working Name of Beneficiary HHs Irrigation Committee Initiated or SN source Remark Water user Trained by scheme M F group X X X X X X X X 3. V D C- Chhan-7, Jhakash Fulbari X X X X X X X X 4. V D C- Bhimad - 1, Khanaltar Jidi Khola Jidi Khola 38 Brm 2 8 1 DADO- Joint venture Birta Pachar Birta Bandh Tanahun & local users group 5. V D C- Rani Pokhari – 9, Rising Patan Bidhuwa Hentang 12 Dalit 102 Brm 12 3 DIO- Irrigation Khola Tanahun Water users group 6. V D C- Rani Pokhari – 9, Rising Patan - Kharkhare X 7 V D C- Kotdarbar - 1, Maidan Swanra X 8. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 3, Bakle X 9. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 1, Beltar X 10. Vyas Municipality - 7, Tallo Patan X 11. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beni Patan X 12. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beteni X 13. Vyas Municipality - 5, Baireni-Botegaun X

4) Livestock Raising Group Beneficiary Members SN Name of group Objective Who trained/Initiated household M F 1. V D C- Chhan-4, Chokre ------2. V D C- Chhan- 5, Fulbari Ghaderi ------3. V D C- Chhan-7, Jhakash Fulbari ------4. V D C- Bhimad - 1, Khanaltar ------5. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan BudhuwaRhising 42 HHs 11 Livestock DLSO-Tanahun Patan-Joint Livestock Gurung, Brm promotion & raising group Newar income generation 6. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan – Kharkhare ------

A-D-14 Beneficiary Members SN Name of group Objective Who trained/Initiated household M F 7 V D C- Kotdarbar - 1, Maidan Swanra Chandra-Tara Pig Total 150 2 9 Income Urja Bikas keeping grp Dalit 1 generation Other 149 poverty Majority reduction Magar, few Chhetry, Bramhin 8. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 3, Bakle ------9. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 1, Beltar ------10. Vyas Municipality - 7, Tallo Patan ------11. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beni Patan ------12. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beteni ------13. Vyas Municipality – 5, Baireni-Botegaun Goat keeping group All Bote 48 Income DLSO-Tanahun Female 48 generation and poverty reduction

5) Cereal Farms Group Name of Members SN Objective Who trained/Initiated group F M 1. V D C- Chhan-4, Chokre ------2. V D C- Chhan- 5, Fulbari Ghaderi ------3. V D C- Chhan-7, Jhakash Fulbari ------4. V D C- Bhimad - 1, Khanaltar ------5. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan Vegt. Cereal Brah Gur 4 28 Vegetable DADO-Tanahun Farmers Group 31 1 production income generation 6. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan – Kharkhare Jana Uddhar Total HHs 5 18 Vegetable DADO-Tanahun Krishi Samuha 23-Newar, production Chhetry, Bramhin income generation 7 V D C- Kotdarbar - 1, Maidan Swanra Chandra-Tara Dalit Other 2 9 Income Urja Bikas Beekeeping 1 149 generation group Chandra-Tara Dalit Other 10 15 Vegetable vegetable 1 149 production promotion income group generation 8. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 3, Bakle ------

A-D-15 9. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 1, Beltar Vegetable Dalit Janajati 13 12 Promotion of VDRC-Gaindakot Promotion 3 22 offseason group vegetable 10. Vyas Municipality - 7, Tallo Patan ------11. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beni Patan Matsyakanya 30 HHs 30 - Vegetable Yokoyama Japanese Club & Local Namuna group all Magars production Rotary club income generation 12. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beteni ------13. Vyas Municipality - 5, Baireni-Botegaun Dharapani 15 15 - Vegetable ID Nepal Tarkari Bikas All Bote women production, Samuha income generation & poverty reduction

6) Women's group Name of Group W. SN Members Registered at Remark group objective Comt. 1. V D C- Chhan-4, Chokre ------2. V D C- Chhan- 5, Fulbari Ghaderi ------3. V D C- Chhan-7, Jhakash Fulbari Amasamuha Women Gurung Newar 11 DAO-Tanahun Jhakash awareness 75 25 and empower 4. V D C- Bhimad - 1, Khanaltar Matrisisu " Total 80 11 DAO-Tanahun Bramhin,Kumal, kalyan S & C 50 Bram 30 Newar, Magar, Chhetry, Amasamuha Kumal Newar Saraswati " 18 Total - 6 - Bramhin,Kumal, Samudayik S & C member Magar, Chhetry, Amasamuha Newar Magar " 100 Magar - 15 - All Magar Amasamuha S & C 5. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan Kalyankari " 37 Bramhin - - DAO-Tanahun All Bramhin Amasamuha S & C members 6. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan – Kharkhare Janakalyan " Total 54 11 DAO-Tanahun Magar-13 Amasamuha S & C Dalit 8, others 46 Gurung-13 Newar-14 Rest-14 (Kami,Bramhin, Chhetri, Damai 7 V D C- Kotdarbar - 1, Maidan Swanra Kalikamai " Total 60 13 Initiated By All Magar Amasamuha S & C Urja Bikas 8. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 3, Bakle Janakalyan " Total 22 9 Local women All Magar Amasamuha S & C

A-D-16 Name of Group W. SN Members Registered at Remark group objective Comt. 9. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 1, Beltar Laligurans " Total-48, 7 DAO, Others-Thakuri, Amasamuha S & C Magar-34,Dalit-5,others-9 WDO-Tanahun Ranabhat 10. Vyas Municipality - 7, Tallo Patan ------11. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beni Patan Janachetana " Total 70 11 DAO-Tanahun Mixed caste Amasamuha S & C 12. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beteni Janakalyan " Total 35, 5 Local women Amasamuha S & C Magar-33,Ranabhat-1,Dalit-1 13. Vyas Municipality - 5, Baireni-Botegaun Kalyankari Total 48 7 DAO-Tanahun All Bote Women Amasamuha & initiated by WDO-Tanahun

7) Saving and Credit Group Beneficiary Name of the Member Initiated/ SN Household Objective Remarks group trained by M F 1. V D C- Chhan-4, Chokre ------2. V D C- Chhan- 5, Fulbari Ghaderi ------3. V D C- Chhan-7, Jhakash Fulbari Babu Kosh 75 25 7 - Saving & Local farmer Gurung 75 Newar Samuha credit 25 Ama Kosh Samuha 75 25 1 6 " " " Ekata Uva Club 75 25 4 3 " " " 4. V D C- Bhimad - 1, Khanaltar ------5. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan ------6. V D C- Rani Pokhari - 9, Rising Patan – Kharkhare ------7 V D C- Kotdarbar - 1, Maidan Swanra ------8. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 3, Bakle ------9. V D C- Kahun Shivapur - 1, Beltar ------10. Vyas Municipality - 7, Tallo Patan ------11. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beni Patan 1. Tol Bikash Mixed caste 38 38 Saving & Byas muni- Gurung, Brahmin, Samuha – Upallo - credit cipality & Newar, Magar & Tallo patan Partnership dev. Prog. 2. Beni Patan Tol " " 25 39 " " " Bikash Samuha 3. Mahila Samuha " " _ 25 " " " 12. Vyas Municipality - 7, Beteni Beteni Tol Bikash 33 2 5 2 " " Magar-33, Other- Samuha 2 13. Vyas Municipality - 5, Baireni-Botegaun ------A-D-17

First Stakeholders Meeting