1 BONNIE HONIG Nancy Duke Lewis Professor of Modern Culture and Media (MCM) and Political Science (by courtesy, Dept. of Religious Studies and Graduate Field Faculty, Theater and Performance Studies [TAPS]), Brown University
[email protected] and Senior Research Affiliate, American Bar Foundation, Chicago and Affiliate, Digital Democracies Institute, Simon Fraser University, B.C. Employment 1989-1997 Assistant and Assoc. Professor, Harvard University, Government Dept. 1997-2007 Professor, Northwestern University, Political Science 1997-2013 Research Professor, American Bar Foundation, Chicago 2007-2013 Sarah Rebecca Roland Professor, Northwestern University 2013 – Nancy Duke Lewis Professor (-elect) Brown University, Professor of Modern Culture and Media (MCM), and Political Science, Religious Studies (by courtesy) 2013 – 2017 Affiliated Research Professor, American Bar Foundation, Chicago 2014 – Nancy Duke Lewis Professor, Brown University, Professor of Modern Culture and Media (MCM), and Political Science, Religious Studies (by courtesy) Short term 2008 Visiting Professor in Law, Gender, Social Theory, Kent and Westminster (1 week) 2010 Seminar leader, School of Criticism and Theory, Cornell (6 weeks) 2016- 17 Chesler-Mallow Senior Research Fellow, Pembroke Center Faculty Seminar Leader 2017-18 Phi Beta Kappa, Inaugural Carl Cranor Scholar (5 trips) 2017-18 Interim director, Pembroke Center for Research on Woman and Gender 2018 Senior scholar in residence, Cornell University, Society for the Humanities (1 week) 2019 Visiting Fellow, U. of Illinois at Chicago Institute for the Humanities. Publications Books Routledge Innovators in Political Theory: Bonnie Honig. A volume of my selected works in political theory plus an interview with me by Alan Finlayson, editor (fc 2021-2). A Feminist Theory of Refusal (Flexner Lectures, Harvard University Press, f/c 2021).