Tasmanian Government 2012 Transport Submission to Infrastructure Australia New Bridgewater Bridge August 2012 Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Proposal Summary Initiative Name: Burnie to Hobart Freight Corridor: New Bridgewater Bridge Location (State/Region(or City)/ Locality): Bridgewater, Southern Tasmania Name of Proponent Entity: Tasmanian Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Contact (Name, Position, phone/e-mail): David Spence, General Manager Infrastructure Strategy Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Tel: (03) 6233 2089 Email:
[email protected] Executive summary This project has already been recognized as a priority by both the Australian and Tasmanian Governments. Federal funding for planning was approved in February 2009. This current submission seeks funding for the next stage of this major project leading to its construction. The Midland Highway, of which the Bridgewater Bridge is a key component, is the State’s major north-south transport corridor and a key link in Tasmanian’s National Network. The Highway is both a critical freight connection facilitating access from the Southern region to the State’s northern ports and the major transport link for passengers (including tourists) travelling between the northern and southern regions. The primary function of the Midland Highway is to provide safe, high-speed travel for freight and passenger vehicles. However, safety and efficiency over the southern section is currently significantly compromised, with implications for future economic growth in Greater Hobart and southern Tasmania more widely. The existing Bridgewater Bridge was built in the 1940s and does not meet contemporary loading and design standards. It is not able to reliably perform its functions as part of the National Network due to dimensional limitations and the increasing likelihood of periods of closure from climate change-related events (e.g.