The ATLAS Experiment, the World's Largest-Volume Particle Physics
The ATLAS experiment, the world’s largest-volume particle physics detector. 14 | CERN “For the physics community, the LHC is a discovery machine, in that finding just the Higgs boson anticipated by the Standard Model would be almost a disappointment.” Sergio Bertolucci in the CERN Bulletin. Physics and Experiments ALICE, probing the quark–gluon plasma continued during 2008 for detectors added later to the design ALICE is a heavy-ion experiment designed to study the physics (TRD, PHOS, and EMCAL). Thus, detector integration and of strongly interacting matter and the quark–gluon plasma in commissioning were the main activities in 2008. lead–lead collisions at the LHC. The ALICE Collaboration currently includes more than 1000 physicists and senior Several runs with cosmic rays were performed at the beginning engineers — from both nuclear and high-energy physics — of the year, and from May until mid-October ALICE was from about 100 institutions in some 30 countries. Some new operated continuously (24/7). As far as could be verified, the institutes from the US and South Korea joined ALICE in 2008, performance of all subsystems is very close to (or better than) while the associate members IPE Karlsruhe (Germany) and specification. BARC (Mumbai, India) left after completing their respective technical contributions to the experiment. During LHC commissioning in September, only a subset of detectors was switched on because the particle flux was ALICE consists of a central part, which measures hadrons, occasionally very high during beam tuning. Nevertheless, electrons, and photons, and a forward spectrometer to measure timing of most trigger detectors was verified and adjusted with muons.
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