3 Our Services 101 Rankings 102 Ranking Comparisons 4 Order Form 107 Customer Service Benchmarking 5 Introduction 108 Opening Times 109 Time to Answer 8 Website Review 110 IVR 9 Website Agility 111 Results 12 Website Audience Profile 24 Website Performance KPIs 113 Price Comparison Websites 27 Mobile and Desktop Device Efficiency 114 PCW Commission Analysis 123 Website Performance KPIs 38 Search Engine Optimisation 126 Mobile and Desktop Device Efficiency 39 Introduction 40 Organic Search Visibility 130 Outbound Calling 44 Organic Search – Winners & Losers 133 What Audience Do You Want To Market To? 46 Breadth of keywords 135 The Great Energy Switching Mystery 53 Brand Search Volume 58 Linking Root Domains 136 Tariffs 61 Authority of Linking Root Domains 137 Introduction 64 Link Growth 138 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis 68 Domain Authority - Dual Fuel 71 Social Signals 142 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis 74 PPC – Pay Per Click - Gas only 146 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis 77 Social Media - Electricity only 78 Facebook Content & Ranking 150 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis 82 Twitter Content & Ranking - By PES region 164 Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis 86 Energy Market Benchmarking - Dual Fuel 87 Background and Methodology 166 Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis 88 Number of calls made to each company - Gas only 89 Overall Customer Experience 168 Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis - Electricity only 90 Connection 170 Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis 91 Welcome - By PES region 94 Discovering 96 Advocating 184 Our Services 99 Closing


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Since MyOffers Research published the first edition of the UK Energy Industry Retail Marketing Report in December 2015 we have received considerable positive feedback.

This second report not only updates the information we reported in December, it also includes comparisons to show how key marketing channels have evolved. It additionally identifies industry- wide weaknesses and areas on which some utilities should be focussing to improve their business performance.

Company Website The importance of a good website cannot be overstated. A site that is quick, agile and user-friendly will appeal to time-poor consumers. In December 2015 we identified just two websites that were able to deliver an indicative savings quote in seconds, based purely on their postcode. Now there are 11 such websites.

A website that can secure a consumer’s interest in seconds with a great price is more likely to see them follow through to switch utilities when compared to those websites that require a consumer to complete 10 -15 actions before they even see a savings quote.

To see our tables charting website agility, performance KPIs, device efficiency and website user profiles turn to page 8.

Search Engine Optimisation and PPC Having a good website is important but making sure that it is fully optimised for search engines is critical. Our updated SEO reports identify the winners and losers for organic search and shows how utility websites are scoring for breadth of keywords, search volumes, link growth and more.

Paid search is a popular tool to enhance website traffic even if it is only to protect a utility’s own brand. Some companies however are missing this whilst competitors bid on their brand. These reports start on page 36.

Social Media Particularly for the challenger brands, having a well integrated social presence will boost a company’s profile and keep their customers informed and educated. Many of the challenger brands have embraced social media and score significantly higher than some of the ‘Big Six’. See the latest statistics in page 75.

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT Energy Market Benchmarking Benchmarking is a powerful tool for assessing the quality of service being delivered by the front-line teams, who are responsible for the all-important initial contact with customers and prospective customers.

Our research found that although agents are good at selling their products, there is an industry-wide weakness when it comes to asking questions about what the customer wants from a supplier.

Agents were good at structuring calls in a logical order, especially the companies who have a system to follow on their screen that allows for little deviation. On the other hand, there was inconsistency when it came to using benefits to tailor the product to the customer’s requirements.

We recorded that there are instances with some of the challenger brands where customers were not asked if they wanted to go ahead with the switch, but were simply given the information and left to close the call themselves.

There is scope for vast improvement by some utilities in the way they interact with their customers. Read the full benchmarking report starting on page 84.

Price Comparison Websites On the face of it, paying a commission to a price comparison site to generate potential customers seems like a simple and effective method of building a business. However, we have established that many of the utilities that have used this as their main strategy have found it to be seriously flawed.

Unless the utility is able to offer one of the cheapest tariffs available why would a consumer choose to switch to them? Spending valuable marketing budget driving traffic to comparison sites, only for the consumer to sign up to a different utility that offers a cheaper tariff than you, seems foolhardy.

And once consumers have experienced price comparison websites they are likely to be open to future money saving offers from them.

It’s widely recognised that around 15% of UK households have switched their energy provider. However that leaves a substantial audience of 85%(23m) of UK households who have not switched. That untouched audience will not be familiar with the comparison sites and will listen when a utility tells them that they can save £100s on their gas and electricity.

A highly effective way to target this audience is via direct contact with the consumer. Unlike price comparison websites, outbound calling allows the caller to create a personal one-to-one relationship with the consumer. Yours might not be the cheapest available tariff but the consumer doesn’t see all of your cheaper competitors. All they know is that you can save them £300 - £400 compared to what they are currently paying for gas and electricity.

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT Outbound calling is very scalable, is easy to control and is available in volume. Typically a competent agent should be able to sign up 10.5 customers per day. With just 10 agents a utility would generate around 500 new customers each week, all without the need of paying commission to a comparison site. Turn to page 111.

Tariffs We have updated our tariff tables which give a snapshot of the cost and number of tariffs available from each utility in all of the PES areas for dual fuels, gas only and electricity only. These tables start on page 134.

Lionel Thain, CEO – MyOffers Research [email protected] If you would like to receive extra hard copies of this report or you have any comments or suggestions, please email me at the address above.

Copyright Statement All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise, except brief extracts for the purpose of review, without the written permission of the publisher and copyright owners.






MyOffers Research wanted to find out how quick and easy it is to get a quote from each of the utility websites, how many hurdles do consumers have to jump to find out if they can save money on their energy costs?

METHODOLOGY The following analysis is by no means an exact science but gives a flavour of how user-friendly and agile utility websites are. Armed with a stopwatch we have visited each website and applied for a savings quote using the same parameters each time.

Location: North West Kent* Property: Two bedroom semi-detached house Fuel Type: Dual Fuel Usage: Unknown (so selected medium option) Payment: Monthly Direct Debit *For utilities such as Bristol Energy and Peterborough that only supply energy locally we entered a local postcode.

For each utility the stopwatch was started on the first click after the postcode had been entered, this allowed us to get comparable times for how long and how many actions were required to be shown a savings quote. An action could be clicking a button, selecting from a drop-down or entering a name or telephone number.

We have recorded stats for those websites that offered detailed quotes based on a consumer’s average energy usage as well as the few that provided instant indicative quotes derived just from a consumer’s postcode. Where the utility provides both types of quote we have included both in our results. Utilities that use a white-label version of a website e.g. Fairer Power, Peterborough Energy and Southend Energy have not been included. Neither have those utilities that don’t offer an online savings quote option.

It should be noted that the researchers that completed this analysis are very familiar with utility sites and switching so understood the process fully. Consumers undertaking this exercise for the first time are likely to be a fair bit slower.

KEY OBSERVATIONS The few utilities that offer an indicative energy savings quote based on just a postcode have stolen a march on their competitors as time-poor consumers can find out approximately how much they can save on their gas and electricity in a matter of seconds. If they are happy with what they are offered they can get a more detailed savings quote based on their actual energy usage.

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT Bulb Energy, , , Ovo (and its white label partners), Places for People, So Energy and Utilita are all delivering a quote within 15 seconds and four actions. Last year only two websites offered ‘instant’ indicative quotes, now 11 companies (including OVO’s white label partners) offer this option.

There is however an incredible difference in the time and number of actions required to receive a full energy savings quote. Ebico leads the pack whilst EDF Energy expects its potential customers to undertake 24 actions which took 1 minute 49 seconds to complete.

Not surprisingly the more actions required the longer the process takes to get a savings quote.

When we conducted this analysis the postcode look-up table on the Go Effortless website did not work. We also found that The Co-operative Energy website seemed to freeze and some of the images were jumping/flickering.

Green UK was the only utility that required a prospect’s current energy usage. This might be information that’s relatively easy to access at home but unlikely if you’re out and about. This may be detrimental to Green Star Energy’s conversion rate.

Of the Big Six utilities only appear in the top 20 user-friendly websites at position 9, in fact , E.on, British Gas and EDF Energy all reside in the bottom 11 websites.

It should be noted that some of the websites with higher times to get a quote, were handicapped by too much wording and in some instances poor wording. It was the reading of the information rather than the agility of the functionality that slowed the process down.


Time to No. Of Indicative Full Saving Pre-pay Business Utility Notes Quote Actions Saving Quote* Quote** Tariff Tariff

1 Ecotricity 0:01 1 Y Y Y

2 Utilita 0:01 1 Y Y N

3 Bulb Energy 0:03 1 Y N

4 Good Energy 0:03 1 Y N Y

5 So Energy 0:03 1 Y N N

6 Places for People Energy 0:04 2 Y N N

7 Ebico 0:13 5 Y Y N

8 OVO Energy 0:14 4 Y Y N

9 Scottish Power 0:16 6 Y Y Y

10 Future Energy 0:18 5 Y N N

11 Sainsbury's Energy 0:28 6 Y N N

12 GnERGY 0:32 8 Y N Y

13 Bulb Energy 0:36 6 Y N

14 Avro 0:37 9 Y N N

15 0:38 10 Y N Y

16 So Energy 0:40 11 Y N N

17 Better 0:42 9 Y N Y

18 Utility Warehouse 0:42 10 Y N Y Package of products inc. broadband offered

19 GB Energy Supply 0:43 12 Y N Y

20 Economy Energy 0:43 14 Y Y Y

21 0:43 9 Y Y Y

22 M&S Energy 0:44 11 Y N N

23 SSE 0:47 12 Y Y N

24 LoCO2 Energy 0:48 10 Y N Y

25 iSupply Energy 0:49 15 Y N N Price given, not saving quote

26 Spark Energy 0:49 13 Y Y N

27 Green Star Energy UK 0:55 5 Y N N Have to know current usage to get quote

28 nPower 0:55 14 Y Y Y

29 Places for People Energy 0:55 11 Y N N

30 E.ON 0:59 10 Y Y Y

31 Bristol Energy 1:00 10 Y N Y

32 Good Energy 1:01 11 Y N Y

33 Flow Energy 1:02 16 Y N N

34 British Gas 1:05 8 Y Y Y

35 The Co-operative Energy 1:13 21 Y Y N Site kept hanging, image very jumpy

36 Go Effortless Energy 1:21 11 Y N Gave up as postcode look-up table not working

37 First Utility 1:24 17 Y Y Y

38 EDF Energy 1:49 24 Y Y Y

* Indicative Savings Quotes derived from a consumer's postcode ** Full Savings Quotes generated from a consumer's average energy usage WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE

How representative of the Internet as a whole are the audiences of utility websites? In conjunction with comScore we have analysed a selection of utility websites to see how their audience differs from Internet traffic in general. There are a number of reasons that a consumer will visit a utility website including researching the company and its services, switching to get an improved gas and/or electricity tariff and submitting meter readings etc.

The profile of this audience can be considered as a good indicator of where a company is under or over-represented for a number of demographics compared to the whole Internet. Household Size – No. of People | Households with Children | Age | Household Income | Gender | Social Grade | Region

On the following pages we present graphs for the above demographics for 18 utilities that illustrate where there is over and under-representation. Please contact us if there is a utility that you would like us to include in our next report. At the end of this section are tables that summarise our findings.

METHODOLODGY The key measures and demographic data for this section were provided by comScore. Boasting an opt-in panel in excess of 2 million individuals and 1.8 trillion global digital interactions per month comScore is able to deliver precision data products. Using their Unified Digital Measurement Methodology, comScore has provided graphs that compare the profile of website traffic for a number of utilities with that of the Internet as a whole.

Unified Digital Measurement (UDM) Methodology comScore uses a unique methodology that combines Panels, Cookies and Tags to deliver accurate measurement of person-level audiences on multiple platforms.

Panels (People) 2 Million-plus person opt-in global panel provides comprehensive view of digital behaviour Visit Duplication | Engagement Metrics | Visitor Demographics

Census Network (Tags) Census network measures more than 1.6 Trillion Global interactions per month through tags on publisher sites Page Views & Cookies | Activity by Device | Activity by IP Address

Statistics recorded March 2016



Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 4 ,985 1.72 369 2.4 31

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE British Gas Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%



Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 552 6.71 35 2.2 12

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE EDF Energy Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% E.ON


Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 655 6.71 39 2.1 12

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE E.ON Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%



Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 66 4.95 3 1.8 1

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE Extra Energy Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% FIRST UTILITY


Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 491 4.44 33 2.5 6

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE First Utility Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%



Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 87 3.74 4 1.8 1

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE GB Energy Supply Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% GOOD ENERGY


Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 43 2.40 2 1.1 0.1

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE Good Energy Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%



Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 41 5.21 3 2.0 1

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE Green Star Energy Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% ISUPPLY ENERGY


Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 30 6.17 1 1.4 1

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE iSupply Energy Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%



Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 347 7.77 19 2.0 8

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE Npower Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% OVO ENERGY


Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 274 15.45 19 2.5 50

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE OVO Energy Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%



Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 19 3.96 1 1.8 0.2

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE PFP Energy Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% SAINSBURY'S ENERGY


Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 118 7.92 6 1.6 2

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE Sainsbury's Energy Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%



Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 496 3.75 25 1.7 8

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE Scottish Power Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% SPARK ENERGY


Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 25 4.23 2 1.9 0.4

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE Spark Energy Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%



Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 40 5.59 2 2.0 1

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE Co-operative Energy Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% UTILITA


Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 38 2.74 3 2.3 0.3

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE Utilita Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East

Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%



Total Unique Visitors Average Minutes per Average Daily Average Visits per Total Pages Viewed (000) Visit Visitors (000) Visitor (MM) 264 3.08 23 3.4 4

WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE Utility Warehouse Total Internet The graphs below compare the website audience to the Internet as a whole. Household Size Household Income Region 5+ People £50K or more 4 People £35K-£49,999 Border 3 People £25K-£34,999 Central Scotland 2 People £10K-£24,999 1 Person Under £10K East of England 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% HTV Wales HTV West Households with Children Gender London Yes Female Meridian No Male Midlands 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% North East Age Social Grade North Scotland 55+ A North West 45 - 54 B Northern Ireland 35 - 44 C1 25 - 34 C2 South West 15 - 24 D Yorkshire 6 - 14 E 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% WEBSITE AUDIENCE PROFILE: SUMMARY

By analysing the results for each company we have been able to compile tables which identify the demographic areas where each company is under or over-represented. These results may help inform future marketing strategies. We have not included the age group 6 – 14 or the Northern Ireland region in our summaries since these are not relevant.

Over-representation • iSupply Energy, Spark Energy and Utilita stand out as being popular with larger households. • Places for People Energy, Sainsbury’s Energy & Utilita are more popular with households with children. • With few exceptions most utilities analysed are over-represented in the 45 – 54 and 55+ age groups. Good Energy, iSupply Energy and Spark Energy are the only companies that appeal more to the 25 – 34 age bracket. As this older audience applies to British Gas, EDF, E.on, Npower and Scottish Power perhaps they are receiving loyalty from long-term customers or are these consumers apathetic to change? • The summary data for household income is very mixed and doesn’t really show any particular trends whilst males are over-represented compared to females by a ratio of 2:1. • The data for the regions is also mixed but we have observed that EDF, E.on, Npower and Scottish Power’s strongest audiences are still very much in the areas that they covered when they enjoyed a monopoly. • When cross-referenced against the tariffs in each PES area we have noticed that utilities that have been the cheapest provider in that PES area for a reasonably long period of time are also over represented in that area. • Finally to the social grade. The vast majority of utilities show over-representation within the B and/or C1 social grades. Perhaps Utilita is the only company to buck this trend favouring A and D.

Under-representation • Most of the results for under-representation i.e. household size, households with children, household income and gender, are the opposite of over-representation but there are a few observations worth sharing. • With the exception of Spark Energy and Utilita, all the utilities are under-represented in the 15 – 24 age category compared to the Internet as a whole. Perhaps this is not surprising since very few people in that age group will have an interest in gas or electricity. • The A, C2 and D social grades appear to be under-represented with the majority of utilities. • The results for regions clearly show London under-represented by 13 of the 18 utilities analysed. The Midlands, North West and Yorkshire regions also only appear 5 – 6 times.


OVER-REPRESENTATION SUMMARY The table below identifies which demographics are over-represented on the selected utilities websites compared to the Internet as a whole. Household Size HH with Social Utility Name Age Household Income Gender Region - No. of people Children Grade British Gas 1 & 2 No 45-54, 55+ £10K - £24K, £25K - £34K Male B & C1 East of England, HTV West EDF 1 & 2 No 35-44, 55+ £10K - £24K, £50K+ Male C2 & E London, Meridian E.ON 1 & 2 No 45-54, 55+ £10K - £24K, £25K - £34K Female B & C1 East of England, South West Extra Energy 1 & 2 No 45-54, 55+ £10K - £24K, £25K - £34K Male B & C1 East of England, HTV West First Utility 1 & 3 No 45-54, 55+ £25K - £34K, £35K - £50K Male C1 & D Midlands, HTV West GB Energy Supply 1 & 2 No 35-44, 55+ £35K - £50K, £50K+ Female C1 & C2 Central Scotland, North East Good Energy 1 & 2 No 25-34, 45-54 £25K - £34K, £50K+ Male C1 & E London, HTV Wales Green Star Energy 3 No 55+ £10K - £24K Female B & D Midlands, HTV Wales iSupply Energy 3 & 5+ No 25-34 £25K - £34K, £50K+ Female B & C1 HTV Wales, North East Npower 1 & 2 No 45-54, 55+ Under £10K, £35K - £50K Male C1 & D Midlands, Yorkshire OVO Energy 1 & 2 No 35-44, 55+ £10K - £24K, £50K+ Male C1 & E East of England, London Places for People Energy 2 & 3 Yes 45-54, 55+ Under £10K, £35K - £50K Female B & C1 Meridian, South West Sainsbury's Energy 1 & 5+ Yes 45-54, 55+ £25K - £34K, £35K - £50K Male C1 Central Scotland, North East Scottish Power 1 & 2 No 45-54, 55+ £25K - £34K, £35K - £50K Male B & C1 Central Scotland, North West Spark Energy 2 & 5+ No 25-34 £25K - £34K, £50K+ Male C1 & E HTV West, North West The Co-operative Energy 2 & 3 No 55+ Under £10K, £35K - £50K Male B & D Midlands, Border Utilita 3 & 5+ Yes 35-44, 45-54 Under £10K, £10K - £25K Female A & D North West, Yorkshire Utility Warehouse 1 & 3 No 45-54, 55+ £10K - £24K, £25K - £34K Male C2 & D Central Scotland, East of England

UNDER-REPRESENTATION SUMMARY The table below identifies which demographics are under-represented on the selected utilities websites compared to the Internet as a whole. Household Size HH with Social Utiliy Name Age Household Income Gender Region - No. of people Children Grade British Gas 3 & 4 Yes 15-24, 25-34 Under £10K, £50K+ Female A & D Midlands, North West EDF 3 & 5+ Yes 15-24, 25-34 Under £10K, £35K - £44K Female A & D Yorkshire, North West E.ON 3 & 4 Yes 15-24, 25-34 Under £10K, £50K+ Male C2 & D London, Meridian Extra Energy 3 & 4 Yes 15-24, 25-34 Under £10K, £50K+ Female A & D Midlands, North West First Utility 4 & 5+ Yes 15-24, 25-34 £10k - £24K, £50K+ Female A & E London, Central Scotland GB Energy Supply 3 & 4 Yes 15-24, 45-54 Under £10K, £25K - £34K Male D & E London, Midlands Good Energy 4 & 5+ Yes 15-24, 35-44 £10K - £24K, £35K - £49K Female C2 & D Midlands, Yorkshire Green Star Energy 2 & 4 Yes 15-24, 25-34 £25K - £34K, £35K - £49K Male C1 & C2 London, Yorkshire iSupply Energy 2 & 4 Yes 15-24, 55+ £10K - £24K, £35K - £49K Male C2 & E London, Midlands Npower 3 & 5+ Yes 15-24, 35-44 £50K+ Female A & E London, Central Scotland OVO Energy 3 & 5+ Yes 15-24, 25-34 Under £10K, £25K - £34K Female C2 & D North West, Yorkshire Places for People Energy 1 & 5+ No 15-24, 35-44 £25K - £34K, £50K+ Male C2 & A London, HTV Wales Sainsbury's Energy 3 & 4 No 15-24, 25-34 Under £50+ Female C2 & E London, Meridian Scottish Power 4 & 5+ Yes 15-24, 35-44 £10K - £24K, £50K+ Female C2 & D London, Yorkshire Spark Energy 3 & 4 Yes 35-44, 45-54 Under £10K, £35K - £49K Female C2 & D London, Meridian The Co-operative Energy 4 & 5+ Yes 15-24, 25-34 £25K - £34K, £50K+ Female A & C2 London, Central Scotland Utilita 1 & 2 No 25-34, 55+ £34K - £49K, £50k+ Male C1 & C2 London, Midlands Utility Warehouse 4 & 5+ Yes 15-24, 25-34 £34K - £49K, £50k+ Female C1 & E London, North West WEBSITE PERFORMANCE KPIs

UTILITY INDUSTRY WEBSITE COMPARISON The performance and functionality of any company’s website is important for a number of reasons including providing the consumer with a pleasurable experience and to enhance its SEO reputation.

We have collated key performance indicators for our selected utilities to compare how they rank for usability.

We have ranked the results in two ways. By Alexa Ranking By number of visits

Methodology We have used both Alexa Internet Inc. and SimilarWeb to identify key statistics about our chosen 42 utilities.

Statistics Recorded – March 2016


02/16 +/- Bounce Daily Page Views Daily Time 11/15 Alexa UK Company Name Visits** Alexa UK Rank* Position Rate per Visitor* on Site* Alexa UK Rank* Difference 1 British Gas 285 ↔ 20.10% 5.60 05:57 3,820,000 338 53 2 E.ON 474 ↔ 15.00% 5.45 06:43 2,710,000 580 106 3 EDF Energy 685 ↔ 19.00% 4.45 05:40 1,590,000 790 105 4 nPower 695 1↑ 17.60% 5.58 06:02 1,510,000 901 206 5 ScottishPower 705 1↓ 13.70% 6.04 07:35 1,430,000 813 108 6 First Utility 780 ↔ N/A 4.37 05:13 976,800 956 176 7 OVO Energy 894 ↔ 27.50% 3.58 04:15 1,390,000 1,320 426 8 Utility Warehouse 1,268 ↔ 21.30% 5.20 05:22 753,700 1,493 225 9 SSE 2,235 1↑ 25.40% 4.30 04:12 401,000 2,561 326 10 Sainsbury's Energy 2,705 1↑ 19.30% 5.30 05:46 274,300 3,004 299 11 Extra Energy 3,512 2↑ 12.50% 5.00 06:08 234,900 4,832 1,320 12 The Co-operative Energy 3,941 ↔ 10.80% 10.10 06:56 259,000 4,805 864 13 GB Energy Supply 4,390 1↑ 21.80% 3.60 04:25 237,500 6,620 2,230 14 Spark Energy 6,956 New 25.40% 4.40 05:20 151,258 N/A N/A 15 Utilita Energy 7,577 2↑ 43.40% 2.00 01:19 428,100 9,294 1,717 16 iSupply Energy 9,388 New 13.20% 4.90 06:51 92,300 N/A N/A 17 Bulb Energy 9,813 New 41.70% 1.50 00:53 8,600 N/A N/A 18 Flow Energy 11,834 New 20.40% 4.10 03:34 62,900 12,698 864 19 Places for People Energy 13,498 New N/A 4.00 06:02 11,300 N/A N/A 20 Green Star Energy UK 17,543 2↑ 16.90% 4.90 04:53 95,800 21,557 4,014 21 Good Energy 17,638 ↔ 41.70% 2.40 03:35 102,100 17,846 208 22 Robin Hood Energy 17,818 2↑ 10.70% 4.00 03:37 60,500 56,253 38,435 23 Ecotricity 17,951 7↓ 40.10% 3.10 03:39 136,000 7,454 - 10,497 24 M&S Energy 26,880 3↓ 30.50% 2.90 04:24 37,300 19,666 - 7,214 25 Glide 35,245 New 25.00% 3.70 02:41 18,400 N/A N/A 26 Daligas 56,930 New 67.60% 1.90 02:14 18,600 N/A N/A 27 Avro Energy 58,401 New N/A 4.00 05:39 16,282 N/A N/A 28 So Energy 60,307 New 5.00% 4.10 06:05 N/A N/A N/A 29 Economy Energy 60,835 New 27.30% 2.20 03:35 18,500 N/A N/A 30 Ebico Ltd 68,566 7↓ 17.90% 2.60 04:06 19,200 49,891 - 18,675 31 LoCO2 Energy 89,885 5↓ 21.40% 2.00 04:03 17,800 139,269 49,384 32 Zog Energy 93,218 New 29.40% 3.30 04:34 8,000 N/A N/A 33 Southend Energy 94,119 New N/A 3.70 06:21 2,700 N/A N/A 34 GnERGY 102,788 7↓ N/A 2.40 03:24 4,200 100,000 - 2,788 35 Fairer Power 128,232 New 13.10% 4.00 02:39 7,100 N/A N/A 36 E.org 183,402 New 58.30% 1.80 01:52 9,700 N/A N/A 37 Go Effortless Energy N/A New N/A 4.00 12:00 972,950 N/A N/A 38 Future Energy N/A New N/A 4.00 05:39 645,600 N/A N/A 39 Bristol Energy N/A New N/A N/A N/A 15,900 N/A N/A 40 Green Energy UK N/A 18↓ 63.60% 1.70 01:01 13,400 100,000+ N/A 41 Better Energy Supply N/A New N/A 4.00 04:57 5,000 N/A N/A 42 Peterborough Energy N/A New N/A 4.00 08:49 1,300 N/A N/A

Source: ©* Alexa Internet Inc | © ** SimilarWeb UTILITY INDUSTRY WEBSITE COMPARISONS: BY VISITS

02/16 Daily Page Views per Daily Time on 02/16 11/15 Visits Company Name Bounce Rate Alexa UK Rank* Visitor* Site* Visits** Visits** Difference 1 British Gas 285 20.1% 5.60 05:57 3,820,000 2,890,000 930,000 2 E.ON 474 15.0% 5.45 06:43 2,710,000 1,810,000 900,000 3 EDF Energy 685 19.0% 4.45 05:40 1,590,000 1,160,000 430,000 4 nPower 695 17.6% 5.58 06:02 1,510,000 1,090,000 420,000 5 ScottishPower 705 13.7% 6.04 07:35 1,430,000 1,110,000 320,000 6 OVO Energy 894 27.5% 3.58 04:15 1,390,000 1,120,000 270,000 7 First Utility 780 12.5% 4.37 05:13 976,800 715,200 261,600 8 Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A 4.00 12:00 972,950 3,100 969,850 9 Utility Warehouse 1,268 21.3% 5.20 05:22 753,700 610,300 143,400 10 Future Energy N/A N/A 4.00 05:39 645,600 4,500 641,100 11 Utilita Energy 7,577 43.4% 2.00 01:19 428,100 326,000 102,100 12 SSE 2,235 25.4% 4.30 04:12 401,000 399,000 2,000 13 Sainsbury's Energy 2,705 19.3% 5.30 05:46 274,300 191,900 82,400 14 The Co-operative Energy 3,941 10.8% 10.10 06:56 259,000 163,700 95,300 15 GB Energy Supply 4,390 21.8% 3.60 04:25 237,500 132,200 105,300 16 Extra Energy 3512 13.1% 5.00 06:08 234,900 149,900 85,000 17 Spark Energy 6,956 25.4% 4.40 05:20 151,258 99,994 51,264 18 Ecotricity 17,951 40.1% 3.10 03:39 136,000 108,500 27,500 19 Good Energy 17,638 41.7% 2.40 03:35 102,100 63,800 38,300 20 Green Star Energy UK 17,543 16.9% 4.90 04:53 95,800 107,300 - 11,500 21 iSupply Energy 9,388 13.2% 4.90 06:51 92,300 55,600 36,700 22 Flow Energy 11,834 20.4% 4.10 03:34 62,900 37,200 25,700 23 Robin Hood Energy 17,818 10.7% 4.00 03:37 60,500 40,800 19,700 24 M&S Energy 26,880 30.5% 2.90 04:24 37,300 46,300 - 9,000 25 Ebico Ltd 68,566 17.9% 2.60 04:06 19,200 15,600 3,600 26 Daligas 56,930 67.6% 1.90 02:14 18,600 16,600 2,000 27 Economy Energy 60,835 27.3% 2.20 03:35 18,500 18,300 200 28 Glide 35,245 25.0% 3.70 02:41 18,400 30,600 - 12,200 29 LoCO2 Energy 89,885 21.4% 2.00 04:03 17,800 1,300 16,500 30 Avro Energy 58,401 N/A 4.00 05:39 16,282 N/A N/A 31 Bristol Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A 15,900 6,600 9,300 32 Green Energy UK N/A 63.6% 1.70 01:01 13,400 9,700 3,700 33 Places for People Energy 13,498 N/A 4.00 06:02 11,300 2,500 8,800 34 E.org 183,402 58.3% 1.80 01:52 9,700 5,600 4,100 35 Bulb Energy 9,813 41.7% 1.50 00:53 8,600 3,800 4,800 36 Zog Energy 93,218 29.4% 3.30 04:34 8,000 12,000 - 4,000 37 Fairer Power 128,232 N/A 4.00 02:39 7,100 6,200 900 38 Better Energy Supply N/A N/A 4.00 04:57 5,000 8,900 - 3,900 39 GnERGY 102,788 N/A 2.40 03:24 4,200 2,500 1,700 40 Southend Energy 94,119 N/A 3.70 06:21 2,700 1,300 1,400 41 Peterborough Energy N/A N/A 4.00 08:49 1,300 6,000 - 4,700 42 So Energy 60,307 5.0% 4.10 06:05 N/A N/A N/A Source: ©* Alexa Internet Inc | © ** SimilarWeb MOBILE AND DESKTOP DEVICE EFFICIENCY

With the rapid increase in ownership of tablets and smart phones, websites need to be enabled for mobile as well as desktop devices. It’s critical that a consumer enjoys a seamless experience regardless of which device they choose to use to access a website.

Using Google Developer’s Tools, MyOffers Research has collated insights into the performance of the utility websites on both mobile and desktop devices. We also compare the current results to the analysis that was conducted in November 2015. Google states that a score of 85 and above indicates a good performance.

It should be noted that although many utilities dropped quite a few place in the rankings for all three criteria this is mainly due to us analysing 16 more utilities rather than a major deterioration in quality. See below for the exceptions to this rule.

Statistics Recorded – 18th March 2016

Mobile – Page Speed LoCo2 Energy retains its number one position as the best performer for speed on mobile devices however it is identified as having one critical fix required.

The last report identified the ‘Big 6’ as requiring improvement and British Gas and nPower have both improved their score by six points. OVO Energy have made the best improvement of 14 points.

Ecotricity (-11 points), EDF (-5 points) and The Co-operative Energy (-4 points) should review why their mobile device speed appears to have deteriorated.

With the exception of LoCO2 Energy no utilities have registered more that the 85 point threshold for a page that is performing well.

Mobile – User Experience The experience of mobile users was satisfactory for 31 of the 42 companies surveyed with GB Energy Supply, Go Effortless, So Energy and The Co-operative Energy scoring a perfect 100.

The majority of utility’s scores were almost the same as the November report however First Utility recorded an improvement of 24 points, SSE 17points and Ecotricity 11 points. Conversely E.on lost 35 points and nPower 24 points for user experience on a mobile device.

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT Desktop – Suggestions Summary Compared to the November report when only Extra Energy, LoCo2 and Utilita scored above the benchmark 85 points score, they have been joined by four newcomers, E.org, Future Energy, Glide and Go Effortless Energy.

Three sites achieved greatly improved scores with the user experience of the desktop version of their website with OVO Energy (17 points), Extra Energy (10 points) and Ebico (9 points). Only two utilities registered big negative scores which were Spark Energy (-15 points) and First Utility (-12 points). The Co-operative Energy (-7) and M&S Energy (-6) should also be aware.

Overall it should be noted that the vast majority of the new utilities surveyed have registered good to very good scores out of 100 and reside in the top half of the ranking table.

Definitions Mobile - Page Speed Page Speed measures the performance of a page on mobile devices. A Page Speed Score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the page is performing well.

Rules/Items to be fixed Google has identified 10 rules that websites should adhere to ensure optimum speed on mobile devices e.g. Minify CSS, Image Optimisation or Server Response Time.

Adherence to these rules is monitored and advice given to whether critical fixes are required or whether fixes only need to be considered when time allows. The three levels reported are:

Critical Fix - Fixing this would have a measurable impact on page performance. Consider Fixing – Only fix if it is not a lot of work. Rules Passed - No significant issues found.

Mobile - User Experience User Experience measures the ease of use of a website on a mobile device. A User Experience Score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the page is performing well. Rules/Items to be fixed Google has identified 6 rules that websites should adhere to ensure an efficient user experience on mobile devices e.g. using legible font sizes, avoiding plug-ins or size content to viewpoint.

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT Adherence to these rules is monitored and advice given to whether critical fixes are required or whether fixes only need to be considered when time allows. The three levels reported are: Critical Fix - Fixing this would have a measurable impact on page performance. Consider Fixing – Only fix if it is not a lot of work. Rules Passed - No significant issues found.

Desktop Suggestions Summary The Suggestions Summary identifies issues on a desktop version of a website. A Suggestions Summary Score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the website is performing well.

Rules/Items to be fixed Google has identified 6 rules that websites should adhere to ensure an efficient user experience on desktop devices e.g. optimising images, enabling compression or prioritising visible content.

Adherence to these rules is monitored and advice given to whether critical fixes are required or whether fixes only need to be considered when time allows. The three levels reported are:

Critical Fix - Fixing this would have a measurable impact on page performance. Consider Fixing – Only fix if it is not a lot of work. Rules Passed - No significant issues found.



Items that Speed (scored out of +/- Speed (scored out of Items to Company Name Rules Passed should be 100) - December Difference Position 100) - March 2016 consider fixing critically fixed 2015

1 LoCO2 Energy ↔ 87 7 3 1 86 1

2 E.org New 78 5 4 1 N/A New

3 Extra Energy 1↓ 77 6 3 1 77 0

4 Glide New 77 4 6 0 N/A New

5 Utilita 1↓ 72 3 6 1 72 0

6 GB Energy Supply 1↓ 69 6 3 1 71 -2

7 Go Effortless Energy New 69 4 5 1 N/A New

8 iSupply Energy New 69 4 4 2 N/A New

9 Zog Energy New 69 5 3 2 N/A New

10 Places for People Energy New 67 3 5 2 N/A New

11 Fairer Power New 66 3 6 1 N/A New

12 Green Energy UK 6↓ 65 5 3 2 65 0

13 Daligas New 64 3 4 3 N/A New

14 Spark Energy 7↓ 63 4 5 1 62 1

15 British Gas 4↓ 62 3 6 1 56 6

16 First Utility 10↓ 62 4 4 2 63 -1

17 nPower 4↓ 62 3 5 2 56 6

18 Countrywide New 61 5 3 2 N/A New

19 Ecotricity 17↓ 61 3 0 3 72 -11

20 Future Energy New 61 2 1 3 N/A New

21 Green Star Energy UK 13↓ 61 3 5 2 61 0

22 Peterborough Energy New 61 5 3 2 N/A New

23 Avro Energy New 60 4 4 2 N/A New

24 Good Energy 15↓ 60 4 4 2 60 0



Items that Speed (scored out of +/- Speed (scored out of Items to Company Name Rules Passed should be 100) - December Difference Position 100) - March 2016 consider fixing critically fixed 2015

26 Southend Energy New 60 5 3 2 N/A New

27 Better Energy Supply Ltd New 59 6 2 2 N/A New

28 Ebico Ltd 16↓ 56 2 5 3 56 0

29 The Co-operative Energy 19↓ 53 2 5 3 57 -4

30 Bulb Energy New 52 4 3 3 N/A New

31 Sainsbury's Energy 15↓ 51 5 3 2 51 0

32 EDF Energy 18↓ 50 3 6 1 55 -5

33 Economy Energy New 49 4 3 3 N/A New

34 M&S Energy 19↓ 49 2 4 4 52 -3

35 Robin Hood Energy 17↓ 49 1 6 3 50 -1

36 Bristol Energy New 48 2 6 2 N/A New

37 Scottish Power 16↓ 47 2 4 4 47 0

38 Utility Warehouse 15↓ 44 3 4 3 45 -1

39 E.ON 15↓ 41 2 3 5 38 3

40 So Energy New 41 3 4 3 N/A New

41 SSE 16↓ 36 2 4 4 38 -2

42 Flow Energy 16↓ 33 1 4 5 35 -2



User Experience Items that User Experience +/- Items to Company Name (scored out of 100) - Rules Passed should be (scored out of 100) - Difference Position consider fixing March 2016 critically fixed December 2015

1 GB Energy Supply ↔ 100 0 0 0 100 0

2 Go Effortless Energy New 100 0 0 0 N/A New

3 So Energy New 100 0 0 0 N/A New

4 The Co-operative Energy ↔ 100 0 0 0 100 0

5 EDF Energy ↔ 99 5 1 0 99 0

6 Flow Energy ↔ 99 5 1 0 99 0

7 GnERGY ↔ 99 5 1 0 99 0

8 Places for People Energy New 99 5 1 0 N/A New

9 Scottish Power 1↓ 99 5 1 0 99 0

10 Southend Energy New 99 5 1 0 N/A New

11 Utility Warehouse 2↓ 99 5 1 0 99 0

12 Zog Energy New 99 5 1 0 N/A New

13 Peterborough Energy New 98 5 1 0 N/A New

14 SSE 5↑ 98 5 1 0 81 17

15 E.org New 97 5 1 0 N/A New

16 Economy Energy New 97 5 1 0 N/A New

17 Robin Hood Energy 6↓ 97 5 1 0 98 -1

18 British Gas 16↓ 96 5 1 0 99 -3

19 Bristol Energy New 95 4 1 0 N/A New

20 Ebico Ltd 8↓ 95 5 1 0 95 0

21 Glide New 95 5 1 0 N/A New

22 Green Star Energy UK 9↓ 95 5 1 0 94 1

23 Avro Energy New 94 5 1 0 N/A New

24 Better Energy Supply Ltd New 94 5 1 0 N/A New



User Experience Items that User Experience +/- Items to Company Name (scored out of 100) - Rules Passed should be (scored out of 100) - Difference Position consider fixing March 2016 critically fixed December 2015

26 Spark Energy 12↓ 94 4 2 0 94 0

27 LoCO2 Energy 12↓ 93 5 1 0 93 0

28 First Utility 5↓ 90 5 1 0 66 24

29 Extra Energy 13↓ 89 5 0 1 89 0

30 Utilita 13↓ 88 5 0 1 89 -1

31 Fairer Power New 86 5 0 1 N/A New

32 iSupply Energy New 80 3 2 1 N/A New

33 OVO Energy 15↓ 80 4 1 1 81 -1

34 nPower 33↓ 76 3 6 1 100 -24

35 Future Energy New 75 4 4 2 N/A New

36 Countrywide New 73 3 1 2 N/A New

37 Ecotricity 9↓ 72 5 3 2 61 11

38 Green Energy UK 17↓ 71 2 1 3 71 0

39 Daligas New 70 4 1 1 N/A New

40 M&S Energy 20↓ 70 2 1 3 72 -2

41 Sainsbury's Energy 19↓ 67 4 1 1 67 0

42 E.ON 33↓ 63 3 0 3 98 -35

43 Good Energy 20↓ 63 2 1 3 65 -2 MOBILE AND DESKTOP DEVICE EFFICIENCY


Suggestions Suggestions Items that +/- Items to Summary (scored out Company Name Summary (scored out Rules Passed should be Difference Position consider fixing of 100) - December of 100) - March 2016 critically fixed 2015

1 LoCO2 Energy 3↑ 93 7 3 1 86 7

2 E.org New 91 5 5 0 N/A New

3 Extra Energy 2↓ 91 6 4 0 81 10

4 Utilita 2↓ 86 4 6 0 87 -1

5 Future Energy New 85 4 6 0 N/A New

6 Glide New 85 4 6 0 N/A New

7 Go Effortless Energy New 85 4 5 1 N/A New

8 GB Energy Supply 6↓ 84 6 4 0 86 -2

9 Fairer Power New 83 3 5 1 N/A New

10 Ecotricity 6↓ 81 5 4 1 82 -1

11 Green Energy UK 6↓ 81 5 4 1 81 0

12 iSupply Energy New 81 4 5 1 N/A New

13 Zog Energy New 80 5 5 0 N/A New

14 Bristol Energy New 79 2 7 1 N/A New

15 Bulb Energy New 79 4 5 1 N/A New

16 Peterborough Energy New 78 5 4 1 N/A New

17 Places or People Energy New 78 3 6 1 N/A New

18 British Gas 11↓ 77 3 6 1 75 2

19 OVO Energy 3↑ 77 5 3 2 60 17

20 Daligas New 76 3 6 1 N/A New

21 Southend Energy New 76 5 4 1 N/A New

22 Better Energy Supply Ltd New 75 6 2 2 N/A New

23 Countrywide New 75 5 3 2 N/A New

24 Avro Energy New 74 4 5 1 N/A New

25 Green Star Energy UK 16↓ 73 3 5 2 73 0 MOBILE AND DESKTOP DEVICE EFFICIENCY


Suggestions Suggestions Items that +/- Items to Summary (scored out Company Name Summary (scored out Rules Passed should be Difference Position consider fixing of 100) - December of 100) - March 2016 critically fixed 2015

26 EDF Energy 18↓ 72 3 6 1 73 -1

27 nPower 15↓ 71 3 6 1 70 1

28 Sainsbury's Energy 14↓ 71 4 4 2 69 2

29 Good Energy 18↓ 70 3 5 2 70 0

30 Robin Hood Energy 17↓ 68 1 7 2 69 -1

31 Scottish Power 15↓ 68 4 3 3 66 2

32 Ebico Ltd 9↓ 67 2 6 2 58 9

33 Spark Energy 27↓ 65 4 3 3 80 -15

34 The Co-operative Energy 24↓ 64 2 5 3 71 -7

35 M&S Energy 18↓ 58 1 6 3 64 -6

36 Utility Warehouse 12↓ 57 3 4 3 58 -1

37 E.ON 16↓ 56 3 3 4 60 -4

38 First Utility 23↓ 56 4 4 1 68 -12

39 So Energy New 50 3 4 3 N/A New

40 SSE 15↓ 46 2 5 3 46 0

41 Economy Energy New 42 2 4 4 N/A New

42 Flow Energy 16↓ 41 2 5 3 41 0

43 GnERGY 16↓ 40 3 2 5 40 0 INTRODUCTION












By integrating SEO criteria such as key words, meta data and rich text into a website, search engines can become one of the cheapest and best methods of delivering traffic to a website.

We asked leading search engine marketing agency, Screaming Frog, to analyse our selected energy suppliers’ websites on how well they are optimised for search engines.

The following pages report on the following: Organic Search Visibility Organic Search – Winners & Losers Breadth of Keywords Brand Search Volume Linking Root Domains Authority of Linking Root Domains Link Growth Domain Authority Social Signals PPC – Pay Per Click

Research conducted February 2016












By integrating SEO criteria such as key words, meta data and rich text into a website, search engines can become one of the cheapest and best methods of delivering traffic to a website.

We asked leading search engine marketing agency, Screaming Frog, to analyse our selected energy suppliers’ websites on how well they are optimised for search engines.

The following pages report on the following: Organic Performance Organic Search Visibility Organic Search – Winners & Losers Breadth of Keywords Brand Search Volume Linking Root Domains Authority of Linking Root Domains Link Growth Domain Authority Social Signals

Research conducted February 2016

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT Organic Search Visibility (Long-Term) The data below shows the current SEO visibility of all energy suppliers and compares it to our original study data from October 2014, to measure 17-month growth. SEO visibility considers the search volume and position of keywords to estimate organic traffic. It's a useful comparison when considering the competition, the average growth in the industry and the opportunity available. British Gas, E.ON Energy and Npower are the three most visibile suppliers currently. Energy suppliers with SEO visibility below 500 have fairly low organic visibility, while those below 100 are receiving very little organic traffic at all. The study highlights 69% of energy suppliers have low organic search visibility, including 46% of them currently have no real presence. This is due to the number of new energy suppliers entering the market, however there are also some established challenger brands without any visibility, due to the lack of an SEO strategy.

February Visibility October Company URL Difference Growth (2016) Visibility (2014)

1 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 23,865 24,698 -833 -3%

2 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 7,321 7,425 -104 -1%

3 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 7,051 6,824 227 3%

4 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 6,705 6,892 -187 -3%

5 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 4,058 3,141 917 29%

6 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 2,428 4,418 -1,990 -45%

7 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 2,352 1,918 434 23%

8 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 2,264 1,793 471 26%

9 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 2,240 2,187 53 2%

10 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 1,890 549 1,341 244%

11 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 1,745 1,767 -22 -1%

12 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 1,576 1,327 249 19%

13 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 900 n/a 900 0%

14 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 880 489 391 80%

15 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 814 891 -77 -9%

16 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 457 n/a 457 0%

17 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 371 295 76 26%

18 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 334 147 187 127%

19 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 214 n/a 214 0%

20 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 203 327 -124 -38%

21 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 178 52 126 242%

22 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 95 66 29 44% 23 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 59 n/a 59 0%

24 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 54 n/a 54 0%

25 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 47 n/a 47 0%

26 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 38 n/a 38 0%

27 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 25 8 17 213%

28 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 23 29 -6 -21%

29 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 18 n/a 18 0%

30 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 12 n/a 12 0%

31 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 6 45 -39 -87%

32 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 6 1 5 500%

33 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 5 n/a 5 0%

34 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 4 n/a 4 0%

35 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 3 n/a 3 0%

36 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 1 1 0 0%

37 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 0 3 -3 -100%

38 E.org http://www.e.org/ 0 n/a 0 0%

39 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 0 n/a 0 0%

40 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 0 n/a 0 0%

41 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 0 n/a 0 0%

42 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 0 n/a 0 0%

Average Growth 68,242 65293 2,949 4.52%

* The SEO visibility data is provided by Searchmetrics. Organic Search Visibility (Short-Term) The data below shows the current SEO visibility of all energy suppliers and growth in the shorter-term, over the last 5- months. SEO visibility considers the search volume and position of keywords to estimate organic traffic. It's a useful comparison when considering the competition, the average growth in the industry and the opportunity available. The study shows that while British Gas, E.ON Energy and Npower are the most visible energy suppliers currently, they have all experienced loss in organic visibility since our last analysis. You can read more detail on SEO winners and losers in the following pages.

February Visibility October Visibility Company URL Difference Growth (2016) (2015)

1 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 23,865 26,750 -2,885 -11%

2 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 7,321 7,431 -110 -1%

3 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 7,051 7,353 -302 -4%

4 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 6,705 5,800 905 16%

5 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 4,058 3,536 522 15%

6 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 2,428 3,232 -804 -25%

7 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 2,352 1,989 363 18%

8 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 2,264 2,455 -191 -8%

9 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 2,240 2,292 -52 -2%

10 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 1,890 1,129 761 67%

11 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 1,745 1,827 -82 -4%

12 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 1,576 2,249 -673 -30%

13 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 900 587 313 53%

14 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 880 824 56 7%

15 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 814 939 -125 -13%

16 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 457 226 231 102%

17 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 371 451 -80 -18%

18 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 334 273 61 22%

19 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 214 284 -70 -25%

20 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 203 165 38 23%

21 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 178 126 52 41%

22 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 95 95 0 0%

23 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 59 3 56 1867% 24 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 54 41 13 32%

25 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 47 n/a 47 0%

26 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 38 45 -7 -16%

27 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 25 41 -16 -39%

28 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 23 6 17 283%

29 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 18 62 -44 -71%

30 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 12 n/a 12 0%

31 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 6 5 1 20%

32 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 6 4 2 50%

33 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 5 1 4 400%

34 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 4 2 2 100%

35 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 3 1 2 200%

36 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 1 7 -6 -86%

37 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 0 n/a 0 0%

38 E.org http://www.e.org/ 0 n/a 0 0%

39 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 0 n/a 0 0%

40 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 0 n/a 0 0%

41 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 0 n/a 0 0%

42 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 0 n/a 0 0%

Average Growth 68,242 70231 -1,989 -2.83%

* The SEO visibility data is provided by Searchmetrics. Organic Search Winners & Losers - Long-Term Our analysis below highlights the biggest winners and losers of SEO visibility over the past 17-months. The winners are ordered by the highest absolute growth from 2014 to 2016. The losers are ordered by highest absolute loss from 2014 to 2016. For both winners and losers, the study requires the difference between 2014 and 2016 to be equal or greater than 100 in SEO visibility scoring. The top 3 winners are all challenger brands; OVO Energy, Utility Warehouse, who have experienced considerable growth and GB Energy Supply. The data indicates M&S Energy experienced by far the largest decline in organic visibility overall with a loss of -45%. This was followed by British Gas & EDF Energy, although this represented only a small percentage of their overall visibility.

Organic Search Winners February October Visibility Company URL Difference Growth Visibility (2016) (2014)

1 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 1,890 549 1,341 244%

2 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 4,058 3,141 917 29%

3 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 900 n/a 900 0%

4 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 2,264 1,793 471 26%

5 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 457 n/a 457 0%

6 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 2,352 1,918 434 23%

7 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 880 489 391 80%

8 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 1,576 1,327 249 19%

9 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 7,051 6,824 227 3%

10 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 214 n/a 214 0%

11 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 334 147 187 127%

12 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 178 52 126 242%

Average Growth 22,154 16,240 5,914 36.42%

Organic Search Losers February October Visibility Company URL Difference Growth Visibility (2016) (2014)

1 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 2,428 4,418 -1,990 -45%

2 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 23,865 24,698 -833 -3%

3 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 6,705 6,892 -187 -3%

4 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 203 327 -124 -38%

5 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 7,321 7,425 -104 -1%

Average Growth 40,522 43,760 -3,238 -7.40%

* The SEO visibility data is provided by Searchmetrics. Organic Search Winners & Losers - Short-Term Our analysis below highlights the biggest winners and losers of SEO visibility over the past 5-months. The winners are ordered by the highest absolute growth from October 2015 to February 2016. The losers are ordered by highest absolute loss. For both winners and losers, the study requires the difference between the dates to be equal or greater than 100 in SEO visibility scoring. The top 5 winners are EDF Energy, OVO Energy, Utility Warehouse, Scottish Power & GB Energy Supply. The data indicates British Gas were the biggest losers, with a -2,885 point (-11%) decline in visibility. This was followed by M&S Energy and The Co-operative Energy.

Organic Search Winners

February October Company URL Difference Growth Visibility (2016) Visibility (2015)

1 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 6,705 5800 905 16%

2 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 1,890 1129 761 67%

3 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 4,058 3536 522 15%

4 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 2,352 1,989 363 18%

5 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 900 587 313 53%

6 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 457 226 231 102%

Average Growth 16,362 13,267 3,095 23.33%

Organic Search Losers

February October Company URL Difference Growth Visibility (2016) Visibility (2015)

1 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 23,865 26750 -2,885 -11%

2 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 2,428 3232 -804 -25%

3 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 1,576 2249 -673 -30%

4 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 7,051 7353 -302 -4%

5 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 2,264 2455 -191 -8%

6 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 814 939 -125 -13%

7 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 7,321 7431 -110 -1%

Average Growth 45,319 50,409 -5,090 -10.10%

* The SEO visibility data is provided by Searchmetrics. Breadth of Keywords The breadth of keywords analyses the number of keywords for which each energy supplier is visible within the top 100 results in Google. The number of keywords for which a site ranks for is related to its authority, size and relevancy in the search engines. It's important to remember, that some energy suppliers will rank for more keywords, as they offer a broader range of services or products. Typically domains with lower authority, poor onsite structure and alignment will rank for fewer keywords overall. This updated analysis allows us to keep track of the number of keywords a website is visible for over time since the last report. The winners with the largest increase in number of keywords are OVO Energy, Scottish Power, The Co- operative Energy, Utility Warehouse and GB Energy Supply. British Gas, Npower and Ebico Ltd expericed the largest declines in the breadth of keywords. Please note, data from October 2015 is not availble for new energy suppliers included in the report and are marked 'n/a'. However, this comparison will be available moving forward for these new energy suppliers.

Number of Number of Company URL Difference Growth Keywords (Feb-16) Keywords (Oct-15)

1 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 28,533 31,329 -2,796 -9%

2 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 13,903 14,823 -920 -6%

3 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 12,873 13,647 -774 -6%

5 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 11,587 11,370 217 2%

6 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 9,260 8,236 1,024 12%

7 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 9,154 9,232 -78 -1%

4 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 12,204 8,701 3,503 40%

8 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 6,768 7,092 -324 -5%

9 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 3,419 3,491 -72 -2%

10 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 3,413 3,276 137 4%

11 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 2,815 2,463 352 14%

12 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 2,419 3,268 -849 -26%

13 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 2,092 2,828 -736 -26%

14 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 1,624 1,230 394 32%

15 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 1,439 1,470 -31 -2%

16 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 916 615 301 49%

17 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 744 n/a 0 0%

18 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 512 207 305 147%

19 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 426 431 -5 -1%

20 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 242 304 -62 -20%

21 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 227 298 -71 -24%

22 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 197 n/a 0 0% 23 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 194 173 21 12%

24 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 141 414 -273 -66%

25 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 126 96 30 31%

26 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 83 83 0 0%

27 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 82 2 80 4000%

28 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 42 36 6 17%

29 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 38 45 -7 -16%

30 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 30 39 -9 -23%

31 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 28 n/a 0 0%

32 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 25 n/a 0 0%

33 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 17 25 -8 -32%

34 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 16 n/a 0 0%

35 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 12 n/a 0 0%

36 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 10 n/a 0 0%

37 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 10 n/a 0 0%

38 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 3 n/a 0 0%

39 E.org http://www.e.org/ 0 n/a 0 0%

40 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 0 n/a 0 0%

41 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 0 n/a 0 0%

42 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 0 n/a 0 0%

Average No. of Keywords 2,991 4,318 -1,327 -30.73% Breadth of Keywords The breadth of keywords analyses the number of keywords for which each energy supplier is visible within the top 100 results in Google. The number of keywords for which a site ranks for is related to its authority, size and relevancy in the search engines. It's important to remember, that some energy suppliers will rank for more keywords, as they offer a broader range of services or products. Typically domains with lower authority, poor onsite structure and alignment will rank for fewer keywords overall. This updated analysis allows us to keep track of the number of keywords a website is visible for over time since the last report. The winners with the largest increase in number of keywords are OVO Energy, Scottish Power, The Co- operative Energy, Utility Warehouse and GB Energy Supply. British Gas, Npower and Ebico Ltd expericed the largest declines in the breadth of keywords. Please note, data from October '15 is not availble for new energy suppliers included in the report and are marked 'n/a'. However, this comparison will be available moving forward for these new energy suppliers.

Number of Number of Company URL Difference Growth Keywords (Feb-16) Keywords (Oct-15)

1 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 28,533 31,329 -2,796 -9%

2 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 13,903 14,823 -920 -6%

3 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 12,873 13,647 -774 -6%

5 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 11,587 11,370 217 2%

6 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 9,260 8,236 1,024 12%

7 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 9,154 9,232 -78 -1%

4 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 12,204 8,701 3,503 40%

8 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 6,768 7,092 -324 -5%

9 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 3,419 3,491 -72 -2%

10 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 3,413 3,276 137 4%

11 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 2,815 2,463 352 14%

12 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 2,419 3,268 -849 -26%

13 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 2,092 2,828 -736 -26%

14 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 1,624 1,230 394 32%

15 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 1,439 1,470 -31 -2%

16 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 916 615 301 49%

17 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 744 n/a 0 0%

18 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 512 207 305 147%

19 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 426 431 -5 -1%

20 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 242 304 -62 -20%

21 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 227 298 -71 -24%

22 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 197 n/a 0 0% 23 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 194 173 21 12%

24 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 141 414 -273 -66%

25 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 126 96 30 31%

26 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 83 83 0 0%

27 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 82 2 80 4000%

28 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 42 36 6 17%

29 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 38 45 -7 -16%

30 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 30 39 -9 -23%

31 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 28 n/a 0 0%

32 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 25 n/a 0 0%

33 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 17 25 -8 -32%

34 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 16 n/a 0 0%

35 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 12 n/a 0 0%

36 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 10 n/a 0 0%

37 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 10 n/a 0 0%

38 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 3 n/a 0 0%

39 E.org http://www.e.org/ 0 n/a 0 0%

40 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 0 n/a 0 0%

41 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 0 n/a 0 0%

42 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 0 n/a 0 0%

Average No. of Keywords 2,991 4,318 -1,327 -30.73% Breadth of Keywords The breadth of keywords analyses the number of keywords each energy supplier has visible within the top 100 results in Google. The number of keywords a site ranks for is related to its authority, size and relevancy in the search engines. It's important to remember, that some energy suppliers will rank for more keywords, as they offer a broader range of services or products. Typically domains with lower authority, poor onsite structure and alignment will rank for fewer keywords overall. This updated analysis allows us to keep track of the number of keywords a website is visible for over time since the last report. The winners with the largest increase in number of keywords are OVO Energy, Scottish Power, The Co-operative Energy, Utility Warehouse and GB Energy Supply. British Gas, Npower and Ebico Ltd expericed the largest declines in the breadth of keywords. We have not shown those companies that registered zero for Breadth of Keywords. These are all Challenger Brands which have clearly not got off the mark with their SEO strategy.

* The keyword data is provided by Searchmetrics.

Number of Organic Keywords: All Energy Suppliers



Increase in number of keywords

Reduction in number of keywords 20000 No change in number of keywords




0 SSE Glide E.org E.ON E.ON Utilita Daligas Daligas nPower Ecotricity Ecotricity GnERGY Ebico Ltd Ltd Ebico First Utility BritishGas Zog Energy Zog EDF EnergyEDF Bulb Energy Bulb Avro Energy Energy Avro Flow Energy Flow M&S Energy M&S OVO Energy OVO Fairer Power Power Fairer Extra Energy Extra Good Energy Good Spark Energy Spark Bristol Energy Bristol LoCO2 Energy LoCO2 Scottish Power iSupply Energy iSupply Economy Energy Economy Southend Energy Southend Utility Utility Warehouse Green EnergyUK Green GB Energy Supply Supply Energy GB Sainsburys Energy Sainsburys Robin Hood Hood Energy Robin Better Energy Supply Supply Energy Better Peterborough Energy Peterborough Green Star UK Energy Green The Co-operative Energy Co-operative The Places for People People Energy for Places Breadth of Keywords In this graph for Breadth of Keywords we have isolated the ‘Big 6’ energy suppliers. Over the past 3-months, the ordering has changed a little, with Scottish Power now ranking for more key phrases than SSE-Southern Electric. While British Gas experienced the most significant loss in breadth of keywords, they still out perform the competition.

Number of Organic Keywords: The 'Big 6'


25,000 Increase in number of keywords

Reduction in number of keywords 20,000




0 British Gas nPower EDF Energy E.ON Scottish Power SSE Breadth of Keywords In this Breadth of Keywords graph we have displayed the results for just the Challenger Brands. OVO Energy, First Utility and Ecotricity are visible for the most number of organic keywords. OVO Energy, The Co-operative Energy, Utility Warehouse, GB Energy Supply and Spark Energy were the biggest winners over the last 3-months in breadth of keywords in Google. We have not shown those companies that registered zero for Breadth of Keywords. These are all Challenger Brands which have yet to commence with their SEO strategy.

Number of Organic Keywords: Challenger Brands 14,000


Increase in number of keywords 10,000 Reduction in number of keywords 8,000 No change in number of keywords




0 Glide Utilita Daligas GnERGY Ebico Ltd Ecotricity First Utility Zog Energy Energy Zog Bulb Energy Energy Bulb OVO Energy Avro Energy Flow Energy Flow M&S Energy Extra Energy Fairer Power Good Energy Spark Energy Spark Bristol Energy LoCO2 Energy Energy LoCO2 iSupply Energy Economy Energy Green Energy Green UK Southend Energy GB Energy Supply Sainsburys Energy Utility Warehouse Robin Hood Energy Better Energy Supply Peterborough Energy Peterborough Green Star Energy UK Star Green Places for People Energy Energy for People Places The Co-operative The Co-operative Energy Brand Search Volume This analysis shows the average monthly searches of all energy suppliers over the last 12- months in Google. Brand search volume provides insight into which brands are the most popular with consumers. We know Google use this data in organic scoring. If a brand is searched for significantly more often than the competition, then users will expect to see it above that competition in Google. This makes brand building, as well as traditional marketing and PR offline particularly important in the online world. These numbers are the same as our last update due to relatively small changes reported since our last study, however we expect this to be more significant over a longer period of 6-12-months.

Company URL Brand Searches p/m

1 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 1,000,000

2 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 550,000

3 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 450,000

4 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 380,000

5 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 240,000

6 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 190,000

7 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 150,000

8 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 135,000

9 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 100,000

10 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 70,000

11 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 48,000

12 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 40,000

13 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 30,000

14 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 25,000

15 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 15,000

16 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 14,000

17 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 11,500

18 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 10,000 19 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 8,000

20 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 7,000

21 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 6000

22 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 5000

23 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 3000

24 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 3,000

25 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 2,000

26 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 2,000

27 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 1,600

28 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 1,300

29 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 1,100

30 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 1000

31 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 1,000

32 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 900

33 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 900

34 E.org http://www.e.org/ 800

35 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 500

36 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 500

37 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 500

38 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 500

39 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 320

40 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 320

41 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 300

42 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 260 Brand Search Volume This analysis shows the average monthly searches of all energy suppliers over the last 12-months in Google. Brand search volume provides insight into which brands are the most popular with consumers. We know Google use this data in organic scoring. If a brand is searched for significantly more often than the competition, then users will expect to see it above that competition in Google. This makes brand building, as well as traditional marketing and PR offline particularly important in the online world. These numbers are the same as our last update due to relatively small changes reported since our last study, however we expect this to be more significant over a longer period of 6-12-months.

Brand Searches p/m: All Energy Suppliers




Brand Searches p/m 600,000



0 SSE Glide E.org E.ON Utilita ehouse Daligas Daligas nPower nPower Ecotricity Ebico Ltd Ltd Ebico GnERGY FirstUtility So Energy Energy So BritishGas Zog Energy Energy Zog EDF Energy Energy EDF Bulb Energy Energy Bulb Avro Energy Energy Avro Flow Energy Energy Flow M&S Energy OVO Energy Energy OVO Fairer Power Power Fairer Extra Energy Energy Extra Good Energy Energy Good Spark Energy Energy Spark Bristol Energy Future Energy Energy Future LoCO2 Energy Energy LoCO2 Scottish Power Power Scottish iSupply Energy Energy iSupply Economy Energy Energy Economy Southend Energy Energy Southend Utility War Green Energy UK UK Energy Green GB Energy Supply Supply Energy GB Sainsburys Energy Energy Sainsburys Robin Hood Energy Energy Hood Robin Go Effortless Energy Energy Effortless Go Better Energy Supply Supply Energy Better Peterborough Energy Energy Peterborough Green Star Energy UK UK Energy Star Green The Co-operative Energy Energy Co-operative The Places for People Energy Energy People for Places Brand Search Volume In this graph for Brand Search Volume we have isolated the ‘Big 6’ energy suppliers. British Gas dominate with nearly double the number of brand searches to their nearest competitor, ScottishPower.

Brand Searchs p/m: The 'Big 6'


Brand Search p/m 1,000,000





0 British Gas Scottish Power E.ON nPower SSE EDF Energy Brand Search Volume In this Brand Search Volume graph we have displayed the results for just the Challenger Brands. First Utility, Utility Warehouse and OVO Energy have the highest number of brand searches each month across Google.

Brand Searches p/m: Brand Challengers





Brand Searches p/m



0 Glide E.org Utilita Daligas Ecotricity Ebico Ltd Ebico GnERGY First Utility First So Energy Energy So Zog Energy Energy Zog Bulb Energy Energy Bulb Avro Energy Energy Avro Flow Energy Energy Flow M&S Energy OVO Energy Energy OVO Fairer Power Power Fairer Extra Energy Energy Extra Good Energy Energy Good Spark Energy Energy Spark Bristol Energy Energy Bristol Future Energy Energy Future LoCO2 Energy Energy LoCO2 iSupply Energy Energy iSupply Economy Energy Energy Economy Southend Energy Energy Southend Utility Warehouse Green Energy UK UK Energy Green GB Energy Supply Supply Energy GB Sainsburys Energy Energy Sainsburys Robin Hood Energy Robin Go Effortless Effortless Energy Go Better Energy Energy Supply Better Peterborough Energy Energy Peterborough Green Star Energy Energy UK Star Green The Co-operative Energy Co-operative Energy The Places for People for People Energy Places Linking Root Domains Links are still one of the most important signals used in search engine scoring. This analysis shows the number of unique websites that link to each energy supplier ('linking root domains'). This is a strong signal of popularity of a website, however the reputation and relevancy of the links are extremely important. A high number of genuine links from reputable and authority sources, tends to correlate well with high organic search visibility. Domains with very few linking root domains, will struggle to compete organically. 54% of the energy suppliers analysed have fewer than 100 linking root domains. This will be due to new energy suppliers in the market, but also some challenger brands struggling to stand out from the crowd and get talked about online.

Company URL No. of Linking Root Domains

1 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 5,721

2 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 5,388

3 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 4,645

4 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 4,141

5 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 3,877

6 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 3,100

7 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 1,684

8 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 1,628

9 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 1,171

10 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 1,014

11 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 920

12 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 503

13 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 499

14 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 424

15 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 393

16 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 300

17 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 216

18 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 200

19 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 192 20 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 177

21 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 114

22 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 104

23 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 97

24 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 88

25 E.org http://www.e.org/ 72

26 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 57

27 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 39

28 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 35

29 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 26

30 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 25

31 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 23

32 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 21

33 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 20

34 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 17

35 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 16

36 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 11

37 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 10

38 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 10

39 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 10

40 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 6

41 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 3

42 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 2

Average No. of LRD 881 Linking Root Domains Links are still one of the most important signals used in search engine scoring. This analysis shows the number of unique websites that link to each energy supplier ('linking root domains'). This is a strong signal of popularity of a website, however the reputation and relevancy of the links are extremely important. A high number of genuine links from reputable and authority sources, tends to correlate well with high organic search visibility. Domains with very few linking root domains, will struggle to compete organically. 54% of the energy suppliers analysed have fewer than 100 linking root domains. This will be due to new energy suppliers in the market, but also some challenger brands struggling to stand out from the crowd and get talked about online. * The link data is provided by ahrefs.

Linking Root Domains: All Energy Suppliers

So Energy Go Effortless Energy Bulb Energy Places for People Energy GnERGY Future Energy Avro Energy Peterborough Energy Better Energy Supply Southend Energy Zog Energy Daligas Fairer Power Bristol Energy Economy Energy iSupply Energy Robin Hood Energy E.org Extra Energy LoCO2 Energy GB Energy Supply Green Star Energy UK Spark Energy Flow Energy Utilita Sainsburys Energy Glide Green Energy UK M&S Energy The Co-operative Energy Ebico Ltd First Utility OVO Energy SSE Scottish Power Good Energy Ecotricity E.ON nPower EDF Energy British Gas Utility Warehouse 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000

No. of Linking Root Domains Authority of Linking Root Domains The data collected shows the authority of the unique websites that link to each energy supplier. Not all links are equal, domains which are extremely authoratative in the eyes of the search engines will pass more weight in search engine scoring. If a site has a large number of very poor quality links, it might be a sign of manipulation and could be detrimental in ranking. Domains which generally attract the most valuable authority links are brands, that are getting talked about online, whether it's natural mentions, newsflow, PR or content. EDF Energy, British Gas and E.ON Energy have the highest number of the most valuable authoritative linking root domains. * The link data is provided by ahrefs.

Low Value Average Valuable Most Valuable Company URL (0-29) (30-49) (50-69) (70-100)

1 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 689 2305 1527 124

2 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 995 2816 1473 104

3 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 602 1967 1222 86

4 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 448 1572 998 82

5 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 905 2038 1127 71

6 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 1648 3311 710 52

7 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 183 977 481 43

8 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 139 465 277 39

9 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 320 855 415 38

10 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 114 590 280 30

11 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 259 599 292 21

12 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 70 241 171 17

13 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 57 252 181 13

14 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 41 153 94 12

15 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 25 88 68 11

16 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 32 218 133 10

17 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 34 106 66 10

18 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 146 197 72 9

19 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 17 97 54 9

20 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 10 49 47 8

21 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 27 99 66 8

22 E.org http://www.e.org/ 16 28 22 6 23 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 12 36 35 5

24 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 10 43 46 5

25 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 10 49 33 5

26 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 4 33 16 4

27 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 4 16 13 2

28 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 3 11 9 2

29 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 4 6 4 2

30 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 1 9 8 2

31 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 0 6 3 1

32 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 2 4 3 1

33 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 3 17 18 1

34 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 0 5 6 0

35 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 0 8 9 0

36 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 2 14 10 0

37 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 1 1 4 0

38 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 1 12 10 0

39 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 1 1 1 0

40 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 0 5 5 0

41 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 0 0 2 0

42 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 1 9 11 0 Authority of Linking Root Domains The data collected shows the authority of the unique websites that link to each energy supplier. Not all links are equal, domains which are extremely authoratative in the eyes of the search engines will pass more weight in search engine scoring. If a site has a large number of very poor quality links, it might be a sign of manipulation and could be detrimental in ranking. Domains which generally attract the most valuable authority links are brands, that are getting talked about online, whether it's natural mentions, newsflow, PR or content. EDF Energy, British Gas and E.ON Energy have the highest number of the most valuable authoritative linking root domains. * The link data is provided by ahrefs.

Authority of Linking Root Domains

0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000

EDF Energy British Gas E.ON Ecotricity nPower Utility Warehouse Good Energy First Utility Scottish Power OVO Energy SSE The Co-operative Energy Ebico Ltd Glide Flow Energy Green Energy UK Sainsburys Energy M&S Energy Low Value (0-29) Spark Energy Green Star Energy UK Average (30-49) Utilita E.org Extra Energy Valuable (50-69) GB Energy Supply LoCO2 Energy Most Valuable (70-100) Robin Hood Energy Economy Energy Fairer Power Peterborough Energy Southend Energy Future Energy GnERGY iSupply Energy Avro Energy Better Energy Supply Bristol Energy Bulb Energy Daligas Go Effortless Energy Places for People Energy So Energy Zog Energy Link Growth - Long Term The data below provides insight into the growth of energy suppliers link profiles over the last 15-months. Brands that are attracting genuine links to their website at a greater scale than their competition over the longer-term, will tend to perform better organically. It's important to remember it's not just about quantity, but also the quality of those links, and it's a useful measure to consider when analysing the competition and opportunity. Utility Warehouse, E.ON Energy and British Gas in particular have experienced the most growth in their link profiles over the past 15-months. Economy Energy are the only energy supplier to experience a reduction in the number of links during that time.

Linking Root Linking Root Company URL Domains Domains Difference Growth (Feb 16) (Oct 14)

1 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 5721 1820 3,901 214%

2 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 3877 1678 2,199 131%

3 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 5388 3697 1,691 46%

4 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 4645 3056 1,589 52%

5 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 4141 3037 1,104 36%

6 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 3100 2368 732 31%

7 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 1628 1089 539 49%

8 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 1014 494 520 105%

9 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 1684 1225 459 37%

10 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 920 557 363 65%

11 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 393 60 333 555%

12 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 503 269 234 87%

13 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 1171 966 205 21%

14 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 499 326 173 53%

15 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 192 38 154 405%

16 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 300 148 152 103%

17 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 200 80 120 150%

18 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 104 0 104 0%

19 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 216 135 81 60%

20 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 177 112 65 58%

21 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 88 27 61 226% 22 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 57 0 56 0%

23 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 114 15 25 3%

24 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 39 17 22 129%

25 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 97 57 18 106%

26 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 21 5 16 320%

27 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 23 9 14 156%

28 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 17 11 6 55%

29 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 10 4 6 150%

30 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 424 n/a - 0%

31 E.org http://www.e.org/ 72 n/a - 0%

32 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 26 n/a - 0%

33 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 25 n/a - 0%

34 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 20 n/a - 0%

35 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 16 n/a - 0%

36 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 11 n/a - 0%

37 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 10 n/a - 0%

38 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 10 n/a - 0%

39 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 6 n/a - 0%

40 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 3 n/a - 0%

41 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 2 n/a - 0%

42 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 35 269 - 234 -87%

Average Link Growth 36,999 21,569 15,430 71.54% Link Growth - Short Term The data below provides insight into the growth of energy suppliers link profiles over the last 3-months. Brands that are attracting genuine links, via SEO activity, to their website at a greater scale than their competition over the longer-term, will tend to perform better organically. However, there are many activities from advertising to PR which can impact a link profile in the short-term. Utility Warehouse, E.ON Energy and British Gas in particular have experienced the most growth in their link profiles over the past 3-months. 38% of energy suppliers failed to attract more than just 10 linking root domains during that time.

Linking Root Linking Root Company URL Domains Domains Difference Growth (Feb 16) (Oct 15)

1 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 5721 2406 3315 138%

2 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 3877 1890 1987 105%

3 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 5388 4224 1164 28%

4 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 4645 3655 990 27%

5 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 4141 3463 678 20%

6 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 3100 2671 429 16%

7 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 1628 1207 421 35%

8 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 1684 1362 322 24%

9 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 393 98 295 301%

10 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 1014 775 239 31%

11 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 1171 939 232 25%

12 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 503 305 198 65%

13 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 920 723 197 27%

14 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 300 173 127 73%

15 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 424 315 109 35%

16 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 499 414 85 21%

17 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 216 155 61 39%

18 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 104 44 60 136%

19 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 200 148 52 35%

20 E.org http://www.e.org/ 72 22 50 227%

21 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 192 149 43 29% 22 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 88 56 32 57%

23 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 57 25 32 128%

24 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 177 147 30 20%

25 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 114 72 25 35%

26 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 26 6 20 333%

27 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 97 79 18 106%

28 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 11 0 11 0%

29 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 16 7 9 129%

30 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 10 2 8 400%

31 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 20 12 8 67%

32 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 23 17 6 35%

33 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 17 12 5 42%

34 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 21 16 5 31%

35 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 6 2 4 200%

36 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 25 21 4 19%

37 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 10 6 4 67%

38 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 39 35 4 11%

39 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 10 7 3 43%

40 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 2 1 1 100%

41 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 3 2 1 50%

42 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 35 305 -270 -89%

Average Link Growth 36,999 25,968 11,031 42.48% Domain Authority The chart below shows the domain authority of each energy supplier. Domain authority is a score between 0-100, which predicts how well a domain will perform organically. It considers a variety of metrics including the number of linking root domains and their authority. The search engines do not use this exact metric which is provided by moz, however, it is a useful figure when considering how authoratative a brand might be viewed by the search engines. Sites with very low authority will generally have poor rankings for competitive search phrases. Domains with high authority are able to compete and appear far more competitive, high volume generic search phrases and receive more traffic. Domain authority is most useful for competitive analysis at a specific point in time, rather than tracking over time, due to regular shifts in the size of the moz link index which can mean fluctuations in scoring.

Company URL Domain Authority (Feb '16)

1 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 69

2 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 65

3 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 56

4 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 55

5 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 51

6 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 51

7 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 49

8 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 42

9 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 39

10 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 39

11 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 39

12 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 34

13 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 34

14 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 34

15 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 31

16 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 28

17 E.org http://www.e.org/ 26

68 18 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 26

19 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 26

20 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 26

21 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 25

22 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 24

23 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 23

24 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 23

25 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 21

26 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 20

27 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 19

28 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 19

29 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 18

30 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 17

31 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 16

32 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 15

33 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 15

34 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 15

35 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 15

36 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 14

37 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 12

38 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 10

39 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 10

40 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 9

41 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 9

42 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 1

69 Domain Authority The chart below shows the domain authority of each energy supplier. Domain authority is a score between 0-100, which predicts how well a domain will perform organically. It considers a variety of metrics including the number of linking root domains and their authority. The search engines do not use this exact metric which is provided by moz, however, it is a useful figure when considering how authoratative a brand might be viewed by the search engines. Sites with very low authority will generally have poor rankings for competitive search phrases. Domains with high authority are able to compete and appear far more competitive, high volume generic search phrases and receive more traffic. Domain authority is most useful for competitive analysis at a specific point in time, rather than tracking over time, due to regular shifts in the size of the moz link index which can mean fluctuations in scoring. * The link data is provided by moz.

Domain Authority 80




Domain Authority (Feb '16) 40




0 SSE Glide E.org E.ON Utilita Daligas nPower Ecotricity Ecotricity GnERGY Ebico Ltd Ebico So Energy So First Utility Utility First British Gas British Zog Energy Zog EDF Energy EDF Bulb Energy Bulb Avro Energy Avro Flow Energy Flow M&S Energy M&S OVO Energy OVO Fairer Power Fairer Extra Energy Extra Good Energy Good Spark Energy Spark Bristol Energy Bristol Future Energy Future LoCO2 Energy LoCO2 Scottish Power Scottish iSupply Energy iSupply Economy Energy Economy Southend Energy Southend Utility Warehouse Warehouse Utility Green EnergyUK Green GB EnergySupply GB Sainsburys Energy Sainsburys Robin Hood Energy Hood Robin Go Effortless Energy Energy Effortless Go Better EnergySupply Better Peterborough Energy Peterborough Green Star Energy UK StarEnergy Green The Co-operative Energy Co-operativeThe Places for People Energy forPeople Places

70 Social Signals The data below shows the total number of social signals across 4 key social media platforms for each energy supplier. While the search engines deny social signals are used within organic scoring, there is strong evidence to suggest that they do influence the search results. While the weight of social signals in scoring at this time is low, we expect it to grow over the coming years. In general, popular brands which users expect to see the search results will have a higher number of social shares, than companies that are not as well recognised. The study shows Utility Warehouse, Ecotricity, Daligas, GB Energy Supply and British Gas have the highest number of social share signals currently. Since our last Study, Twitter have removed the ability to count their share numbers unfortunately. It's also worth noting that social share counts can be difficult to track over time and often fluctuate in total number.

Company URL Facebook Google+ LinkedIn Pinterest Total

1 Utility Warehouse https://www.utilitywarehouse.co.uk/ 13,000 1,200 431 110 14,741

2 Ecotricity http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/ 6,000 1,100 33 31 7,164

3 Daligas http://www.daligas.co.uk/ 6,900 0 0 0 6,900

4 GB Energy Supply https://www.gbenergysupply.co.uk/ 6,700 60 0 0 6,760

5 British Gas http://www.britishgas.co.uk/ 1,100 3,000 52 0 4,152

6 Good Energy http://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ 3,100 96 91 9 3,296

7 Flow Energy http://www.flowenergy.uk.com/ 1,800 78 98 6 1,982

8 Bulb Energy https://bulb.co.uk/ 1,800 0 0 1 1,801

9 OVO Energy https://www.ovoenergy.com/ 204 927 15 2 1,148

10 First Utility https://www.first-utility.com/ 53 824 81 1 959

11 Utilita http://www.utilita.co.uk/ 749 113 10 0 872

12 Robin Hood Energy https://www.robinhoodenergy.co.uk/ 563 0 107 0 670

13 nPower http://www.npower.com/ 381 224 0 0 605

14 E.ON https://www.eonenergy.com/ 286 238 25 0 549

15 Economy Energy http://www.economyenergy.co.uk/ 325 129 24 0 478

16 Scottish Power http://www.scottishpower.co.uk/ 224 201 5 2 432

17 E.org http://www.e.org/ 332 0 0 1 333

18 LoCO2 Energy http://www.loco2energy.com/ 253 9 5 0 267

19 Peterborough Energy https://www.peterboroughenergy.co.uk/ 249 0 0 0 249

20 The Co-operative Energy https://www.cooperativeenergy.coop/ 120 51 40 0 211

21 Ebico Ltd https://ebico.org.uk/ 127 6 9 0 142

22 Bristol Energy https://bristol-energy.co.uk/ 22 0 104 0 126

23 Places for People Energy http://www.pfpenergy.co.uk/ 88 0 17 0 105

71 24 Southend Energy https://www.southendenergy.co.uk/ 3 0 95 0 98

25 Green Energy UK http://www.greenenergyuk.com/ 83 5 2 0 90

26 Go Effortless Energy http://www.goeffortless.co.uk/ 86 0 0 1 87

27 Glide https://glide.co.uk/ 61 23 0 0 84

28 Sainsburys Energy http://www.sainsburysenergy.com/ 71 6 7 0 84

29 SSE http://www.southern-electric.co.uk/ 79 0 2 2 83

30 EDF Energy http://www.edfenergy.com/ 04 68 0 72

31 Zog Energy http://www.zogenergy.com/ 43 19 0 0 62

32 Better Energy Supply http://www.betterenergy.org.uk/ 47 0 0 0 47

33 Green Star Energy UK http://www.mygreenstarenergy.com/ 41 0 0 2 43

34 Fairer Power https://www.fairerpower.co.uk/ 33 0 2 0 35

35 So Energy https://www.so.energy/ 12 0 23 0 35

36 Avro Energy http://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ 25 5 0 0 30

37 Spark Energy https://sparkenergy.co.uk/ 11 15 2 0 28

38 Extra Energy http://www.extraenergy.com/ 19 0 8 0 27

39 GnERGY http://gnergy.co.uk/ 24 0 0 0 24

40 M&S Energy https://www.mandsenergy.com/ 1 10 0 0 11

41 Future Energy https://www.future-energy.com 006 0 6

42 iSupply Energy http://www.isupplyenergy.co.uk/ 04 0 0 4

72 Social Signals The data below shows the total number of social signals across 4 key social media platforms for each energy supplier. While the search engines deny social signals are used within organic scoring, there is strong evidence to suggest that they do influence the search results. While the weight of social signals in scoring at this time is low, we expect it to grow over the coming years. In general, popular brands which users expect to see the search results will have a higher number of social shares, than companies that are not as well recognised. The study shows Utility Warehouse, Ecotricity, Daligas, GB Energy Supply and British Gas have the highest number of social share signals currently. Unfortunately since our last Study, Twitter have removed the ability to count their share numbers. It's also worth noting that social share counts can be difficult to track over time and often fluctuate in total number.

Social Signals 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000

Utility Warehouse Ecotricity Daligas GB Energy Supply British Gas Good Energy Flow Energy Bulb Energy OVO Energy First Utility Utilita Robin Hood Energy nPower E.ON Economy Energy Scottish Power E.org LoCO2 Energy Peterborough Energy The Co-operative Energy Ebico Ltd Bristol Energy Places for People Energy Southend Energy Green Energy UK Go Effortless Energy Glide Sainsburys Energy SSE EDF Energy Zog Energy Better Energy Supply Green Star Energy UK Fairer Power So Energy Avro Energy Spark Energy Extra Energy GnERGY M&S Energy Future Energy iSupply Energy Facebook Google+ LinkedIn Pinterest


Our next industry report will include additional analysis of the paid search landscape for the energy suppliers sector. We will review the big spenders in Google Adwords, identify the utilities that receive the most traffic from pay-per-click and those utilities that have the widest coverage of key phrases. We will also consider PPC visibility trends of the big six, against the challenger brands and the average cost per click (CPC) of each supplier.

As a taster for the Paid Search sector we have analysed which utilities and price comparison websites are using Pay Per Click (PPC) as part of their marketing strategy.

Methodology Entering the full name of a utility into a Google Ad Preview Tool delivered the first page of Google search results for that utility. Here we could see which companies appeared to be bidding for that company name. This tool removes any personalisation that Google might normally retain, based upon the researcher’s previous searches or cookies.

It should be noted however that because an advert is appearing against a branded search query, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are bidding on that keyword, it might simply be matching against it. I.e. a company could bid for ‘Green Energy’ and potentially this would show against ‘Green Star Energy UK’ etc. depending on the match type. The results table only reports the companies using Adwords that are identified in the first page of results. Other companies could be bidding for a brand but not enough to appear on this page. Equally a utility may not be bidding a high enough price for its own brand.

Key Observations Out of 44 utilities analysed we identified that only approximately one half of them appear to protect their own brand using paid search; that is bidding on their own name to keep them at the top of the search results page. On closer inspection it is the ‘Big Six’ & longer established challenger brands that look like they are investing in this protection.

It’s interesting to note that two utilities, GB Energy Supply and Green Energy UK have the most utilities/comparison sites on their results pages with four and five competitors respectively.

If they are the hunted then who are the hunters? We have identified 12 price comparison websites and utilities that have Adwords on other utilities’ search results but it is uSwitch (10 instances), Go Compare (3 instances) and First Utility (3 instances) who seem to be the most prolific in this area of marketing.


Utilities and Price Comparison Websites that are also bidding

COMPANY Page Money Money uSwitch own site Info. Help Help Info. Ecotricity Total PPC Bidding on First Utility First British Gas British Bulb Energy OVO Energy Go Compare Supermarket Energy Shop Good Energy Energy Bulbs 1 Avro Energy 11 2 2 Better Energy Supply Ltd 0 3 Bristol Energy 1 0 4 British Gas 1 0 5 Bulb Energy 11 12 6 Countrywide 0 7 Daligas 11 8 E.ON 1 11 9 E.org 0 10 Ebico 0 11 Economy Energy 11 12 Ecotricity 111 2 13 EDF Energy 1 0 14 Extra Energy 0 15 Fairer Power 0 16 First Utility 1 0 17 Flow Energy 1 11 18 Future Energy 11 19 GB Energy Supply 111 1 14 20 Glide 0

75 PPC - Pay Per Click

Utilities and Price Comparison Websites that are also bidding

COMPANY Page Money Money uSwitch own site Info. Help Help Info. Ecotricity Total PPC Bidding on First Utility First British Gas British Bulb Energy OVO Energy Go Compare Supermarket Energy Shop Good Energy Energy Bulbs 21 GnERGY 11 22 Go Effortless Energy 11 23 Good Energy 1 0 24 Green Energy UK 1 1 1115 25 Green Star Energy UK 11 2 26 ISupply Energy 0 27 LoCO2 Energy 0 28 M&S Energy 1 0 29 nPower 1 0 30 OVO Energy 1 0 31 Peterborough Energy 1 0 32 Places for People Energy 11 33 Robin Hood Energy 0 34 Sainsbury's Energy 1 0 35 Scottish Power 1 0 36 So Energy 1 11 37 Southend Energy 1 0 38 Spark Energy 0 39 SSE 11 1 40 The Co-operative Energy 11 41 Utilita 0 42 Utility Warehouse 0 43 Zog Energy 11 Total19221113321211029




Social media has become a very useful tool for companies and organisations to keep their customers or members informed and educated.

A Facebook page is the perfect place for a business to publish basic information about itself, points of contact, safety information, etc. Utilities’ marketing teams are posting between five and 30 posts each month.

It has to be said that a person’s energy supply isn’t likely to be a hobby or interest that could be compared to music, football or a soap opera. That’s why it’s interesting to note how many people like and engage with a utility’s Facebook page. If you take into account the size of each company it’s clear that many of the new small entrants to the energy business have grasped the importance of good social media coverage.

A Facebook page can however be a poisoned chalice as anyone with a grievance can post virtually anything they like for the whole world to see.

Our chart details key information about how the UK’s utility companies approach promoting engagement through their Facebook page. We have analysed the 33 utility Facebook pages that we found.

Statistics Recorded – 14th – 17th March 2016

DEFINITIONS Type of Facebook content There is a myriad of information that can be posted on a Facebook page. We have identified the typical content that each utility publishes.

Number of Facebook posts in the last month The number of posts made each month to a Facebook page varies greatly between utilities.

Basic information: Completion of About Us section This identifies whether the standard Facebook ‘About Us’ section has been completed.

Basic information: Customer service details available Is the utility’s customer service number published on their Facebook page? utilities enter in higher positions.


Basic information: Website address available Is the utility’s website URL published on their Facebook page?

Number of Facebook Likes This simply means that at some point, someone clicked the "like" button ONCE. Either directly on the utility’s Facebook page or on a website that was promoting that Facebook page. Many believe that this is the key indicator of a Facebook page’s popularity. It’s not.

Number of Facebook Likes in the Past Week This is self explanatory but is a useful measure of a Facebook page’s recent activity.

Number of People Talking About Them This is the actual number of people who are 'engaged' and interacting with the utility’s Facebook page. These are the folk who actually come back to the page ‘after’ liking the page. This activity can include comments, likes on a post, shares, etc. by visitors to the page.

Facebook pages that promote interesting content and engagement achieve higher performance metrics which is the best indicator of how popular a Facebook page is.

For a Facebook page with LESS than 100,000 likes, a great 'talking about this' number is about 10% of the likes.

Number of Negative Consumer Comments in the Past Month We have analysed the number of negative comments posted in a month by consumers on each utility’s Facebook page.

Key Observations Perhaps not surprisingly since our first review of utilities’ Facebook pages all of them have increased the number of likes that they have collected. Big 6 suppliers E.on (9,071) and British Gas (5,995) have two of the three biggest volume increases but it’s challenger brand First Utility with an increase of 9,312 (164%) to 14,987 that stands out, clearly they have a very good strategy for their Facebook offering.

Ranking tables show most utilities are pretty much in the same positions as they were in October 2015. The most notable exception being Utility Warehouse whose Facebook page appears to be dormant. This has resulted in a drop of 14 places in the ranking as newly reported utilities enter in higher positions.


Number of No. People No. of negative Oct-15 Basic information: Basic information: March-16 Total Facebook +/- Facebook No. New Page Likes talking about consumer Total No. of Rank Energy Company Type of Facebook content About us section Customer service No. of Facebook Likes % Diff Position posts in a in a typical week them in a typical comments. Sample Facebook complete details available Likes Difference typical month week of three posts Likes

~ Product related ~ Useful information 1 E.ON ↔ 3 YES YES 57,338 835 1,562 40 48,267 9,071 18.79 ~ Customer service announcements ~ Marketing content (videos)

2 OVO ↔ ~ Customer Services ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 9 YES YES 47,033 227 400 78 45,266 1,767 3.90

3 British Gas ↔ ~ Informal ~ Marketing content (videos) 2 YES YES 44,499 105 332 132 38,504 5,995 15.57

~ Community ~ Energy News 4 Ecotricity ↔ ~ Trivia ~ Price related 19 YES YES 33,600 62 655655 0 31,161 2,439 7.83 ~ Customer service announcements ~ Customer Services ~ Careers 5 Good Energy ↔ 54 YES YES 19,392 106 130 0 18,312 1,080 5.90 ~ Energy News ~ Product related ~ Community 6 EDF Energy ↔ 13 YES YES 15,642 42 79 14 14,719 923 6.27 ~ Price related ~ Informal ~ Fun facts ~ Useful Info 7 First Utility 4↑ 18 YES YES 14,987 46 176 56 5,675 9,312 164.09 ~ Trivia ~ Customer Service

8 Scottish Power 1↓ ~ Community ~ Marketing content (videos) 17 YES YES 14,349 70 173 37 12,012 2,337 19.46

~ Product related ~ Fun Facts 9 Flow Energy 1↓ 40 YES YES 12,673 29 95 1 10,017 2,656 26.51 ~ Community ~ Product Related ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 10 Spark Energy 1↓ 48 YES YES 7,988 10 64 3 6,117 1,871 30.59 ~ Customer Service ~ Marketing content (videos) ~ Customer service ~ Marketing content (videos) 11 GB Energy Supply 2↑ 46YES YES 6,178 60 111 13 4,472 1,706 38.15 ~ Useful Tips/ Facts ~ Useful Information ~ Useful Tips/ Facts ~ Informal 12 Glide ↔ 10 YES YES 6,177 8 16 N/A New New 0.00 ~ Product related

13 SSE 3↓ ~ Customer service ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 18 YES YES 5,872 12 22 15 5,697 175 3.07

14 Utilita ↔ ~ Community ~ Product Related 10 YES YES 5,477 90 302 30 4,070 1407 34.57

~ Product Related ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 15 nPower ↔ 10YES YES 4,020 42 241 230 3,580 440 3.90 ~ Community ~ Customer service

16 Ebico Ltd ↔ ~ Product related ~ Customer service 2 YES YES 2,998 2 4 1 2,977 21 0.71

The Co-operative ~ Useful information ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 17 ↔ 48 YES YES 2,093 14 65 16 2,032 61 3.00 Energy ~ Community

18 Green Energy New ~ Energy News ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 26 YES YES 1,516 2 3 0 New New 0.00

~ Community ~ Useful information 19 Robin Hood Energy New 74 YES YES 782 518 0 New New 0.00 ~ Energy News ~ Useful Tips/ Facts


Number of No. People No. of negative Oct-15 Basic information: Basic information: March-16 Total Facebook +/- Facebook No. New Page Likes talking about consumer Total No. of Rank Energy Company Type of Facebook content About us section Customer service No. of Facebook Likes % Diff Position posts in a in a typical week them in a typical comments. Sample Facebook complete details available Likes Difference typical month week of three posts Likes

20 Green Star Energy UK 3↑ ~ Energy News ~ Customer service 30 YES YES 584 4 11 0 370 214 57.84

~ Marketing content (videos) ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 21 Daligas ↔ 0 YES YES 496 0 0 0 495 1 0.20 ~ Customer service ~ Customer service ~ Quote 22 GnERGY ↔ 35 YES YES 488 0 4 0 459 29 6.32 ~ Useful Tips/ Facts ~ Product related ~ Energy News 23 Bulb Energy New 6 YES YES 479 11 54 0 New New 0.00 ~ Useful Tips/ Facts ~ Informal

24 Future Energy New ~ Energy News ~ Product Related 21 YES YES 446 2 65 0 New New 0.00

25 So Energy New ~ Product Related 0 YES YES 150 3 4 N/A New New 0.00

26 Zog Energy 2↓ ~ Customer service ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 17 YES YES 123 2 8 0 98 25 25.51

27 Bristol Energy New ~ Careers ~ Useful information 109 YES YES 94 8 33 0 New New 0.00

28 Go Effortless Energy New ~ Product Related ~ Useful information 0 YES YES 78 1 1 0 New New 0.00

29 Extra Energy New N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 69 0 6 N/A New New 0.00

Better Energy Supply 30 5↓ ~ Energy News ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 0 YES YES 54 0 0 0 50 48.00 Ltd

31 Avro Energy New ~Customer Services ~ Product related 3 YES YES 51 4 6 0 New New 0.00

Places for People 32 New ~ Price related ~ Product Related 7 YES YES 29 N/A N/A 0 New New Energy 0.00

33 Utility Warehouse 14↓ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,127 See notes 0.00


Unlike Facebook, Twitter is a more limited medium with which to deliver a message. However all of our selected utilities use Twitter to broadcast content such as energy news, product information, energy-saving tips, competitions and general information.

A Twitter account is an ideal medium for quickly and succinctly sharing information. Utilities’ marketing teams tend to Tweet between 50 to 70 messages per month. There are a few utilities tweeting none, one or two messages but at the other end of the spectrum nPower, Good Energy and Flow Energy tweeted in excess of 100 messages in October.

As with Facebook, Twitter can become a forum for users to air their complaints so it is important that negative comments are managed properly with prompt helpful replies.

Our chart details key information about how the UK’s utility companies approach their Twitter account. We have analysed the 35 utility Twitter accounts that we found.

Statistics Recorded – 14th – 17th March 2016

DEFINITIONS Type of Twitter content There is a myriad of information that can be tweeted to followers. We have identified the typical content that each utility broadcasts.

Number of Tweets in the past month The number of tweets made each month varies between utilities.

Basic information: Completion of About Us section This identifies whether the standard Twitter ‘About Us’ section has been completed.

Basic information: Customer service details available Is the utility’s customer service number published on their Twitter account?

Basic information: Website address available Is the utility’s website URL published on their Twitter account?

Total no. of Twitter followers This is the number of consumers that are currently following a utility.


Total no. of Tweets This is self explanatory but is a useful measure of a Twitter account’s historic activity.

When the company joined Twitter This is self explanatory.

Key Observations The majority of utilities report an increase in the number of Twitter Followers with GB Energy Supply showing the biggest percentage increase of 340% (2,527 new followers). Utilita have increased by 48% (816), Fairer Power by 42% (128) and Flow Energy by 37% (2,958). However, whilst these are magnificent percentage increases most are from relatively low starting points. It’s British Gas with 5,308 new followers and E.on with 3,921 who have managed to put on volume.

SSE appears to have lost 4,928 (-31%) followers and First Utility 2,974 (-44%) followers which suggest they may have changed their Twitter strategy or perhaps their Tweets are not engaging enough.

Like Facebook there has been very little movement in the ranking of the utilities based on the number of Twitter followers. Those that have dropped by more than 2-3 places have done so because we are reporting on more utilities.


Nov-15 Number of Basic information: Basic information: Basic information: March-16 Total Twitter +/- When the company Total No. of Rank Energy Company Type of Twitter content Tweets in a About us section Customer service Web address No. of Twitter Total No. Tweets Followers % Diff Position joined Twitter Twitter typical month complete details available available followers Difference followers

~ Competitions ~ Product Related 1 British Gas ↔ 22 YES YES YES 54,440 28,638 Jun-09 49,132.0 5,308 10.80 ~ Fun Facts ~ Customer service ~ Marketing content (videos) 2 Good Energy ↔ 162 YES YES YES 34,398 11,283 May-09 New New 0.00 ~ Useful information ~ Energy News ~ Marketing content (videos) 3 EDF Energy ↔ 166 YES YES YES 27,514 29,395 Mar-10 25,018.0 2,496 9.98 ~ Customer service ~ Energy News ~ Marketing content (videos) 4 E.ON 1↑ 26 YES YES YES 26,516 5,018 May-10 22,595.0 3,921 17.35 ~ Customer service

5 Ecotricity 1↓ ~ Community ~ Energy News 0 YES YES YES 24,247 12,468 Sep-08 22,785.0 1,462 6.42

~ Customer service ~ Careers 6 nPower ↔ 177 YES YES YES 22,419 15,225 Jun-11 20,698.0 1,721 8.31 ~ Community

7 OVO ↔ ~ Product Related ~ Marketing content (videos) 25 N/A NO YES 19,137 22,999 Apr-10 17,722.0 1,415 7.98

~ Customer service ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 8 Scottish Power 1↑ 71 YES YES YES 17,511 1,652 Apr-12 15,465.0 2,046 13.23 ~ Careers ~ Energy News ~ Product Related 9 Flow Energy 1↑ 154 YES YES YES 10,822 3,027 Feb-13 7,864.0 2,958 37.61 ~ Careers ~ Community ~ Marketing content (videos) 10 SSE 2↓ 51 YES YES YES 10,708 13,820 Mar-10 15,636.0 -4,928 -31.52 ~ Customer service

11 Glide New ~ Customer service ~ Marketing content (videos) 34 YES YES YES 9,272 4,912 Sep-10 New New 0.00

The Co-operative 12 New ~ Community ~ Energy News 14 YES YES YES 6,889 9,979 Jun-10 New New Energy 0.00

13 Green Energy 1↓ ~ Energy News ~ Useful information 603 N/A N/A NO 4,370 2,122 Jan-10 New New 0.00

~ Community ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 14 First Utility 3↓ 1 YES YES YES 3,680 13,028 Sep-11 6,654.0 -2,974 -44.69 ~ Useful information ~ Customer service ~ Marketing content (videos) 15 Spark Energy 1↓ 54 YES YES YES 3,410 6053 Feb-11 3,275.0 135 4.12 ~ Useful Tips/ Facts ~ Customer service ~ Price related 16 GB Energy Supply 4↑ 165 YES YES YES 3,399 1,062 Nov-14 772.0 2,627 340.28 ~ Useful Tips/ Facts ~ Useful information ~ Community ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 17 Utilita 2↓ 119 YES YES YES 2,491 6,276 Mar-12 1,675.0 816 48.72 ~ Fun facts ~ Marketing content (videos)

18 Ebico Ltd 2↓ ~ Customer service ~ Product related 3 YES YES YES 1,384 892 Mar-10 1,342.0 42 3.13


Nov-15 Number of Basic information: Basic information: Basic information: March-16 Total Twitter +/- When the company Total No. of Rank Energy Company Type of Twitter content Tweets in a About us section Customer service Web address No. of Twitter Total No. Tweets Followers % Diff Position joined Twitter Twitter typical month complete details available available followers Difference followers

~ Community ~ Customer Service 19 Green Star Energy UK 1↓ 3 YES YES YES 1,229 2,168 Sep-13 959 270 28.15 ~ Careers

20 Utility Warehouse 3↓ ~ Careers ~ Product Related 0 N/A N/A YES 1,216 24 Apr-09 1,101 115 10.45

~ Community ~ Energy News 21 LoCO2 Energy 2↓ 6 YES YES YES 894 1,037 Jul-09 865 172 19.88 ~ News

22 Robin Hood Energy New ~ Energy News ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 240 YES YES YES 610 837 N/A New New 0.00

~ Product Related ~ Useful tip 23 Fairer Power ↔ 16 N/A N/A YES 431 379 N/A 303 128 42.24 ~ Energy News ~ Community ~ Community ~ Useful information 24 Future Energy New 220 YES YES YES 380 2,693 N/A New New 0.00 ~ Electricity markets ~ Useful Tips/ Facts ~ Community ~ Marketing Content (Videos) 25 Bristol Energy New 478 YES YES YES 301 435 Aug-11 New New 0.00 ~ Energy News

26 Bulb Energy New ~ Product Related ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 30 YES NO YES 254 192 N/A New New 0.00

~ Energy News ~ Marketing content (videos) 27 So Energy New 9N/AN/AYES 111 78 N/A New New 0.00 ~ Customer service

28 Zog Energy 3↓ ~ Customer service ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 40 N/A N/A YES 96 397 Jun-12 70 327 467.14

~ Community ~ Useful Tips/ Facts 29 Go Effortless Energy New 2 YES N/A YES 84 113 N/A New New 0.00 ~ Product Related

30 Extra Energy 4↓ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 66 N/A Aug-13 31 35 112.90

Places for People ~ Product Related ~ Marketing content (videos) 31 New 7 YES N/A YES 61 45 N/A New New Energy 0.00 ~ Customer service

32 Avro Energy New ~ Community ~ Product Related 42 YES YES YES 55 25 N/A New New 0.00

33 Sainsbury's Energy 7↓ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 39 N/A N/A 31 8 25.81

Better Energy Supply ~ Community ~ Useful tip 34 6↓ 0 YES N/A YES 11 8N/A11 0 Ltd 0.00 ~ Product Related ~ Energy News

35 Daligas 6↓ N/A N/A N/A N/A YES 8 N/A May-12 8 0 0.00












Benchmarking is a powerful tool for assessing the quality of service being delivered by front-line teams, who are responsible for the all-important initial contact with customers and prospective customers. This report illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of all energy companies involved.

We believe that the most effective method of measuring the quality of real-time service delivery is by experiencing it first-hand. A minimum of four calls were made to each of the 39 energy companies involved, the recordings of which were then assessed against our best practice sales call handling scorecard. • Mystery Shopping Period: January – February 2016 • Total Calls Assessed: 197 (39 utilities, 4-6 calls to each) • Utilities included:

Avro Energy EDF Energy Good Energy Robin Hood Energy Better Energy Supply E.ON Green Energy UK Sainsbury’s Energy Bristol Energy Extra Energy Green Star Energy UK Scottish Power British Gas Fairer Power iSupply Energy So Energy Bulb Energy First Utility LoCo2 Southend Energy Daligas Flow Energy M&S Energy Spark Energy E.org Future Energy nPower SSE Ebico GB Energy Supply OVO Energy The Co-operative Energy Economy Energy Glide Peterborough Energy Utility Warehouse Ecotricity GnERGY Places for People Energy

Countrywide, Go Effortless Energy and Zog Energy were not included in this benchmarking exercise as we could not identify an inbound sales telephone number.

• Scoring Guidelines:

UNDER 50% 50-65% 65-85% OVER 85% Poor customer Functional level of Good customer Excellent customer experience customer experience experience experience

• Areas assessed:

CONNECTION: Ease of use of IVR, time to answer. WELCOME: Gave name, company name, mentioned call is recorded, dynamism and energy. DISCOVERING: Confirmed name, postcode, current supplier, built rapport. ADVOCATING: Product knowledge, spoke clearly, objection handling, first time capture of information. CLOSING: Thanked customer, positive close.


Although a similar number of calls were completed for each utility (call completed and recording assessed), it took a varying number of call attempts to reach the desired number. The table below shows the number of unsuccessful call attempts made to each company. A call was deemed unsuccessful if the customer was on hold for more than five minutes as we believe this is the longest amount of time a potential customer would hold before ending the call and either trying again at a later date or moving on to the next utility.

Company No. of unsuccessful calls Utilita 20 British Gas 6 Green Star Energy 6 Spark 5 iSupply Energy 3 OVO Energy 3 Ecotricity 2 LoCO2 Energy 2 Daligas 1 EON 1 Ebico 1 EDF Energy 1 E.org 1 Extra Energy 1 Flow Energy 1 nPower 1 Robin Hood Energy 1 SSE 1

It is worth noting that 20 call attempts were made to Utilita, but all of these went unanswered. As a result, they have not been included in the results. It is unlikely that a potential customer would make 20 unanswered calls and continue to attempt contacting the company. Instead, they would take their business elsewhere.

When it came to giving a quote, the vast majority of utilities did so without any issues, but nPower said they had to do a credit check before the quote could be given. However, there was a level of inconsistency amongst the agents as some would not give any details without the credit check, but some said the check would only be done if the customer chose to proceed with the switch. If the customer objected to the credit check, they were directed to the website, where a credit check was not necessary. As a result, on some of the calls completed with nPower, a quote was not given.


On the whole, utilities are very good at closing the call correctly and leaving the customer with a positive image of the company. Opening the call in a similar manner did not score as highly, but is the second highest scoring area, which suggests agents within the energy market are good at the basic job requirements.

Although agents are good at selling their products (‘Advocating’), there is an industry-wide weakness when it comes to asking questions about what the customer wants from a utility, what they are currently getting and capturing details which would allow the agent follow-up on the call at a later date, such as name and contact details.

Given below is a closer look at each element of the call, along with the utility’s individual scores relating to that section. The visual given allows for direct comparison between all the utilities involved, as well as how each utility compares to the industry average.

Energy Market Customer Experience 100.0%










0.0% Connection Welcome Discovering Advocating Closing Overall Overall 64.7% 79.5% 49.4% 73.2% 93.0% 72.9%


‘Connection’ refers to how easy it is to speak to a sales agent, including how complicated the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system is and how long it takes for an agent to answer the call after the correct IVR option has been selected.

There is great variety in the individual company scores for this section as OVO and Southend Energy scored just 25%, but Green Energy UK achieved 94%. 11 of the companies do not have an IVR system, meaning it is easier for customers to speak to an agent. However, these were all smaller, independent utilities whose customer base is smaller than the more established companies, which means they are unlikely to deal with the same volume and variety of calls so do not need to direct calls to different departments.

There did not appear to be a correlation between the complexity of the IVR and the time it took to answer the calls as, for example, iSupply Energy and Bulb both had similar levels of IVR, but Bulb answered all calls in less than 25 seconds, whereas iSupply Energy took 2 minutes and 46 seconds to answer a call.

Connection: All Energy Suppliers











0% SSE Bulb Glide E.org E.ON Ebico Spark LoCO2 Daligas Daligas nPower Ecotricity GnERGY So Energy So FirstUtility BritishGas EDFEnergy AvroEnergy Flow Energy Energy Flow M&SEnergy OVO EnergyOVO Fairer PowerFairer ExtraEnergy Good Energy Good BetterEnergy Green Energy Green BristolEnergy FutureEnergy Scottish Power Power Scottish iSupplyEnergy EconomyEnergy SouthendEnergy Utility Warehouse GB EnergySupply GB Green StarEnergy Green Sainsbury's Energy Robin Hood EnergyHoodRobin PeterboroughEnergy The Co-operativeThe Energy PlacesEnergy forPeople

Connection Average











0% British Gas EDF Energy E.ON nPower Scottish Power SSE

Connection Average

Connection: Challenger Brands 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Bulb Glide E.org Ebico Ebico Spark LoCO2 LoCO2 Daligas Daligas Ecotricity Ecotricity GnERGY FirstUtility So EnergySo Avro Energy Flow Energy Energy Flow M&S Energy OVO Energy Fairer PowerFairer Extra Energy Energy Extra Good Energy Energy Good BetterEnergy Green Energy Energy Green Bristol Energy Future Energy Energy Future iSupply Energy iSupply Economy Energy Economy Southend Energy Energy Southend Utility Warehouse GB Energy Supply Green Star Green Energy Sainsbury's Energy Robin Hood Robin Energy Peterborough Energy Energy Peterborough The Co-operative Energy Energy Co-operative The Places for People Places Energy

Connection Average


‘Welcome’ includes elements such as whether the agent gave their name and the company name in the greeting and whether they displayed a good level of enthusiasm and energy when greeting the customer.

As can be seen on the graph above, the majority of companies achieved a score of 80% or above, showing they have strong openings to their calls. However, there were two companies (Daligas, and Green Energy) who scored less than 50%. The companies that scored below the industry average lost marks for simple things, for example, Daligas agents did not give their name on any call and GnERGY and LoCo2 agents only gave their name on one call. Similarly, Green Energy UK agents did not mention the company name on any calls, and Economy Energy only mentioned it on one call.

EDF Energy agents demonstrated the best level of energy and dynamism when answering the call, followed by Economy Energy. Daligas agents were the least enthusiastic when greeting the customer. The agent’s level of energy and enthusiasm at the beginning of the call is important as it sets the tone for the rest of the conversation.

Welcome: All Energy Suppliers











0% SSE Bulb Glide E.org E.ON Ebico Spark LoCO2 Daligas Daligas nPower Ecotricity GnERGY So Energy So FirstUtility BritishGas EDFEnergy AvroEnergy Flow Energy Energy Flow M&SEnergy OVO EnergyOVO Fairer PowerFairer ExtraEnergy Good Energy Good BetterEnergy Green Energy Green BristolEnergy FutureEnergy Scottish Power Power Scottish iSupplyEnergy EconomyEnergy SouthendEnergy Utility Warehouse GB EnergySupply GB Green StarEnergy Green Sainsbury's Energy Robin Hood EnergyHoodRobin PeterboroughEnergy The Co-operativeThe Energy PlacesEnergy forPeople

Welcome Average











0% British Gas EDF Energy E.ON nPower Scottish Power SSE

Welcome Average

Welcome: Challenger Brands 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Bulb Glide E.org Ebico Ebico Spark LoCO2 LoCO2 Daligas Daligas Ecotricity Ecotricity GnERGY FirstUtility So EnergySo Avro Energy Flow Energy Energy Flow M&S Energy OVO Energy Fairer PowerFairer Extra Energy Energy Extra Good Energy Energy Good BetterEnergy Green Energy Energy Green Bristol Energy Future Energy Energy Future iSupply Energy iSupply Economy Energy Economy Southend Energy Energy Southend Utility Warehouse GB Energy Supply Green Star Green Energy Sainsbury's Energy Robin Hood Robin Energy Peterborough Energy Energy Peterborough The Co-operative Energy Energy Co-operative The Places for People Places Energy

Welcome Average


The elements used to measure ‘Discovering’ include asking for the current utility, payment method and personal details, as well as whether the agent attempted to build rapport.

There appears to be a divide within the industry when it comes to how agents approach inbound sales calls, as shown by the extreme differences in scores; EDF Energy achieved a perfect 100%, whereas Green Energy scored 0%. There are a number of utilities who ask a variety of questions, such as personal details and current utility information and use this to compare prices and send the quote to the customer at the end of the call, thus allowing the customer to easily follow up on the quote at a later date. On the other hand, there are a similar number of companies, mainly smaller independent utilities, who ask for very little, if any, information from the callers. Instead, they move on to give details of the product. Asking open and closed questions can help agents establish what the customer is looking for from the utility and tailor a quote to suit them, rather than giving all the information and expecting the customer to decipher it and make a decision. The current utility only needs to be taken when doing a comparison, rather than just a quote.

Some utilities, including Bristol Energy, EDF Energy, LoCo2 and SSE attempted to build rapport with the customer on every call, while others, including Avro Energy and Better Energy, did not attempt to build rapport on any calls. However, most utilities attempted to build rapport on at least 50% of calls. Building rapport is an essential tool to help the agent personalise the call for the customer and make them feel wanted by the company. If the agent does not seem to care about the customer, they might have second thoughts about changing their supply to them.

Discovering: All Energy Suppliers

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% SSE Bulb Glide E.org E.ON Ebico Spark LoCO2 Daligas Daligas nPower Ecotricity GnERGY So Energy So FirstUtility BritishGas EDFEnergy AvroEnergy Flow Energy Energy Flow M&SEnergy OVO EnergyOVO Fairer PowerFairer ExtraEnergy Good Energy Good BetterEnergy BristolEnergy Green Energy Green FutureEnergy Scottish Power Power Scottish iSupplyEnergy EconomyEnergy SouthendEnergy Utility Warehouse GB EnergySupply GB Green StarEnergy Green Sainsbury's Energy Robin Hood EnergyHoodRobin PeterboroughEnergy The Co-operativeThe Energy PlacesEnergy forPeople Discovering Average











0% British Gas EDF Energy E.ON nPower Scottish Power SSE

Discovering Average

Discovering: Challenger Brands 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Bulb Glide E.org Ebico Ebico Spark LoCO2 LoCO2 Daligas Daligas Ecotricity Ecotricity GnERGY FirstUtility So EnergySo Avro Energy Flow Energy Energy Flow M&S Energy OVO Energy Fairer PowerFairer Extra Energy Energy Extra Good Energy Energy Good BetterEnergy Green Energy Energy Green Bristol Energy Future Energy Energy Future iSupply Energy iSupply Economy Energy Economy Southend Energy Energy Southend Utility Warehouse GB Energy Supply Green Star Green Energy Sainsbury's Energy Robin Hood Robin Energy Peterborough Energy Energy Peterborough The Co-operative Energy Energy Co-operative The Places for People Places Energy

Discovering Average


‘Advocating’ includes elements such as product knowledge, using benefits to tailor the product to the customer, spoken pace, whether the agent speaks clearly, whether the call was structured in a logical order, how agents handled the customer’s objections and whether agents were able to capture information first time.

22 of the companies achieved a score of 70% or above, with 14 scoring over 80%. On the other hand, there were four companies who scored less than 50%. A common place for companies to lose marks was failing to handle the customer’s objections to not proceeding with the switch. Companies such as Ebico and Spark did not attempt to counter any of the customer’s objections, instead allowed the call to end with no attempt from the agents to make the sale.

There were also instances from some of the smaller independent utilities where customers were not asked if they wanted to go ahead with the switch, but were simply given the information and left to close the call themselves. EDF Energy and First Utility attempted to close every sale and counter objections raised on every call. Utility Warehouse was also very persistent when it came to closing the sale. Agents should be attempting to handle customer objections on every call as, if they allow the call to end without pursuing the sale, a large volume of sales could potentially be lost.

Product knowledge was generally good amongst the utilities with nine of them, including Bristol Energy, EDF Energy and Scottish Power, scoring 90% or above. Agents from these companies were able to answer all questions to tailor the information in a way that would best allow the customer to understand. On the other hand, companies such as E.org and Economy Energy, achieved less than 40% as their agents struggled to answer questions with confidence.

95% of agents spoke at a good pace for the customer and 81% of agents were able to capture information first time, although Better Energy and Daligas scored just 20%. The agent’s pace is important to ensure the customer can hear and follow all of the information being given and capturing information first time shows that the agent is listening and giving the call their full attention. It also prevents customers having to repeat information.


On the whole, agents were good at structuring calls in a logical order, especially the companies who have a system to follow on their screen that allows for little deviation from the agreed structure. On the other hand, there was inconsistency when it came to using benefits to tailor the product to the customer with some companies doing this on every call, such as E.ON, First Utility and M&S Energy, but others not using any benefits at all, including GnERGY, iSupply Energy and Spark Energy.

Advocating: All Energy Suppliers

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Bulb SSE Glide E.org E.ON Ebico Spark LoCO2 Daligas Daligas nPower Ecotricity GnERGY So Energy So FirstUtility BritishGas EDFEnergy AvroEnergy Flow Energy Energy Flow M&SEnergy OVO EnergyOVO Fairer PowerFairer ExtraEnergy Good Energy Good BetterEnergy Green Energy Green BristolEnergy FutureEnergy Scottish Power Power Scottish iSupplyEnergy EconomyEnergy SouthendEnergy Utility Warehouse GB EnergySupply GB Green StarEnergy Green Sainsbury's Energy Robin Hood EnergyHoodRobin PeterboroughEnergy The Co-operativeThe Energy PlacesEnergy forPeople

Advocating Average











0% British Gas EDF Energy E.ON nPower Scottish Power SSE

Advocating Average

Advocating: Challenger Brands 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Bulb Glide E.org Ebico Ebico Spark LoCO2 LoCO2 Daligas Daligas Ecotricity Ecotricity GnERGY FirstUtility So EnergySo Avro Energy Flow Energy Energy Flow M&S Energy OVO Energy Fairer PowerFairer Extra Energy Energy Extra Good Energy Energy Good BetterEnergy Green Energy Energy Green Bristol Energy Future Energy Energy Future iSupply Energy iSupply Economy Energy Economy Southend Energy Energy Southend Utility Warehouse GB Energy Supply Green Star Green Energy Sainsbury's Energy Robin Hood Robin Energy Peterborough Energy Energy Peterborough The Co-operative Energy Energy Co-operative The Places for People Places Energy

Advocating Average


Whether the agent thanked the customer and let the customer lead the call to a close are both elements used to measure ‘Closing’, as well as whether the call was closed in a positive manner.

Closing the call is the strongest area for all companies, with the vast majority of companies achieving a score of 80% or above, and 29 utilities scoring 90% or higher. 98% of calls were led to a close by the customer, rather than the agent ending the call before the customer was ready.

Although agents from the majority of utilities did thank the customer before closing the call, there were a few companies where this did not happen. Economy Energy only thanked customers on 40% of calls, while E.ON only thanked half of the customers. Thanking the customer is an easy way to end the call on a positive note and leave the customer with a good impression of the company.

Closing: All Energy Suppliers











0% SSE Bulb Glide E.org E.ON Ebico Spark LoCO2 Daligas Daligas nPower Ecotricity GnERGY So Energy So FirstUtility BritishGas EDFEnergy AvroEnergy Flow Energy Energy Flow M&SEnergy OVO EnergyOVO Fairer PowerFairer ExtraEnergy Good Energy Good BetterEnergy BristolEnergy Energy Green FutureEnergy Scottish Power Power Scottish iSupplyEnergy EconomyEnergy SouthendEnergy Utility Warehouse GB EnergySupply GB Green StarEnergy Green Sainsbury's Energy Robin Hood EnergyHoodRobin PeterboroughEnergy The Co-operativeThe Energy PlacesEnergy forPeople

Closing Average











0% British Gas EDF Energy E.ON nPower Scottish Power SSE

Closing Average

Closing: Challenger Brands 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Bulb Glide E.org Ebico Ebico Spark LoCO2 LoCO2 Daligas Daligas Ecotricity Ecotricity GnERGY FirstUtility So EnergySo Avro Energy Flow Energy Energy Flow M&S Energy OVO Energy Fairer PowerFairer Extra Energy Energy Extra Good Energy Energy Good BetterEnergy Green Energy Energy Green Bristol Energy Future Energy Energy Future iSupply Energy iSupply Economy Energy Economy Southend Energy Energy Southend Utility Warehouse GB Energy Supply Green Star Green Energy Sainsbury's Energy Robin Hood Robin Energy Peterborough Energy Energy Peterborough The Co-operative Energy Energy Co-operative The Places for People Places Energy

Closing Average


Given below are the individual scores for each section and company. These scores have been reached by calculating the possible score for each section and the actual score achieved and have been presented as a percentage.

Only eight companies were able to score above 80%; however no company achieved a score higher than 90.3%. There was a lot of variation between the utilities as there were a number of very similar and identical overall scores, but vastly different section scores. For example, Fairer Power and GnERGY both achieved 70.3%, but Fairer Power scored 37.5% for ‘Connection’ while GnERGY scored 77.5%. This highlights how different companies have different strengths, weaknesses and processes when it comes to handling sales calls.

Bristol Energy and EDF Energy scored the highest of all the companies, achieving a score of 90.3%, followed by Places for People Energy at 87.2%. Only two of the ‘Big 6’ utilities are in the top 10: EDF Energy in joint 1st place and Scottish Power in joint 9th place. This suggests that, even though these ‘Big 6’ utilities are likely to have larger contact centres than smaller, independent utilities, it is does not directly relate to a better customer experience when making an inbound sales call.

A total of seven companies scored below 65%: Green Energy (64.7%), Economy Energy (60.9%), E.org (60.6%), Spark (60.3%), iSupply Energy (59.6%), Better Energy (58.5%) and Daligas (58.3%). Although all of these companies scored highly in at least one section, their overall scores were all negatively affected by ‘Discovering’, apart from Spark Energy, who’s lowest score was ‘Connection’. This suggests that these companies follow a similar process when it comes to sales calls; a process that does not involve asking many questions.


Rank Supplier Connection Welcome Discovering Advocating Closing Overall

1 - Bristol Energy 88% 71% 90% 94% 90% 90%

1 - EDF Energy 68% 100% 100% 93% 90% 90%

3 Places for People Energy 75% 96% 80% 86% 100% 87%

4 First Utility 69% 94% 75% 96% 100% 85%

5 Peterborough Energy 63% 96% 85% 92% 85% 85%

6 Sainsbury's Energy 85% 94% 65% 79% 100% 83%

7 Flow Energy 53% 95% 63% 78% 100% 80%

8 GB Energy Supply 90% 79% 75% 64% 90% 80%

9 - Scottish Power 43% 89% 90% 86% 95% 80%

9 - The Co-operative Energy 68% 84% 80% 67% 100% 80%

11 - LoCO2 88% 64% 30% 80% 95% 79%

11 - SSE 60% 85% 65% 81% 100% 79%

13 Utility Warehouse 43% 80% 70% 92% 95% 79%

14 Good Energy 65% 90% 35% 85% 95% 77%

15 Ebico 88% 95% 20% 64% 95% 76%

16 M&S Energy 68% 89% 30% 82% 95% 76%

17 OVO Energy 25% 95% 56% 95% 94% 76%

18 Extra Energy 45% 94% 85% 76% 100% 75%

19 British Gas 65% 89% 58% 77% 83% 74%

20 - E.ON 41% 91% 75% 80% 81% 73%

20 - Green Star Energy 44% 83% 69% 71% 100% 73%

22 Robin Hood Energy 63% 85% 45% 79% 100% 73%

23 - Ecotricity 60% 66% 25% 92% 85% 72%

23 - So Energy 83% 88% 50% 69% 95% 72%

25 Bulb Energy 63% 53% 65% 82% 100% 72%

26 - Fairer Power 38% 91% 50% 79% 95% 70%

26 - GnERGY 78% 66% 40% 65% 100% 70%

28 Southend Energy 25% 92% 63% 80% 100% 69%

29 nPower 68% 80% 65% 59% 85% 68%

30 Glide 58% 90% 15% 65% 95% 67%

31 Avro Energy 78% 60% 15% 69% 100% 66%

32 Future Energy 78% 66% 5% 60% 95% 66%

33 Green Energy 94% 42% 0% 59% 88% 65%

34 Economy Energy 65% 54% 20% 62% 75% 61%

35 E.org 80% 89% 30% 46% 90% 61%

36 Spark 38% 91% 40% 51% 95% 60%

37 iSupply Energy 28% 86% 19% 67% 88% 60%

38 Better Energy 80% 56% 5% 45% 90% 59%

39 Daligas 92% 35% 5% 47% 100% 58% RANKINGS BIG SIX'

Rank Supplier Connection Welcome Discovering Advocating Closing Overall

1 EDF Energy 68% 100% 100% 93% 90% 90%

2 Scottish Power 43% 89% 90% 86% 95% 80%

3 SSE 60% 85% 65% 81% 100% 79%

4 British Gas 65% 89% 58% 77% 83% 74%

5 E.ON 41% 91% 75% 80% 81% 73%

6 nPower 68% 80% 65% 59% 85% 68%


Rank Supplier Connection Welcome Discovering Advocating Closing Overall

1 Bristol Energy 88% 71% 90% 94% 90% 90%

2 Places for People Energy 75% 96% 80% 86% 100% 87%

3 First Utility 69% 94% 75% 96% 100% 85%

4 Peterborough Energy 63% 96% 85% 92% 85% 85%

5 Sainsbury's Energy 85% 94% 65% 79% 100% 83%

6 Flow Energy 53% 95% 63% 78% 100% 80%

7 GB Energy Supply 90% 79% 75% 64% 90% 80%

8 The Co-operative Energy 68% 84% 80% 67% 100% 80%

9 LoCo2 88% 64% 30% 80% 95% 79%

10 Utility Warehouse 43% 80% 70% 92% 95% 79%

11 Good Energy 65% 90% 35% 85% 95% 77%

12 Ebico 88% 95% 20% 64% 95% 76%

13 M&S Energy 68% 89% 30% 82% 95% 76%

14 OVO Energy 25% 95% 56% 95% 94% 76%

15 Extra Energy 45% 94% 85% 76% 100% 75%

16 Green Star Energy 44% 83% 69% 71% 100% 73%

17 Robin Hood Energy 63% 85% 45% 79% 100% 73%

18 - Ecotricity 60% 66% 25% 92% 85% 72%

18 - So Energy 83% 88% 50% 69% 95% 72%

20 Bulb Energy 63% 53% 65% 82% 100% 72%

21 - Fairer Power 38% 91% 50% 79% 95% 70%

21 - GnERGY 78% 66% 40% 65% 100% 70%

23 Southend Energy 25% 92% 63% 80% 100% 69%

24 Glide 58% 90% 15% 65% 95% 67%

25 Avro Energy 78% 60% 15% 69% 100% 66%

26 Future Energy 78% 66% 5% 60% 95% 66%

27 Green Energy 94% 42% 0% 59% 88% 65%

28 Economy Energy 65% 54% 20% 62% 75% 61%

29 E.org 80% 89% 30% 46% 90% 61%

30 Spark 38% 91% 40% 51% 95% 60%

31 iSupply Energy 28% 86% 19% 67% 88% 60%

32 Better Energy 80% 56% 5% 45% 90% 59%

33 Daligas 92% 35% 5% 47% 100% 58%


The results of this benchmarking exercise are very informative as a standalone report. However how do these results compare to those from a similar benchmarking project carried out in October and November 2015.

Utility companies are welcome to request from us the full comparison results covering Connection, Welcome, Discovering, Advocating and Closing to see exactly where their service has improved or deteriorated since our last report. Please contact [email protected]

KEY OBSERVATIONS Because we surveyed an additional 16 companies during this latest benchmarking project some utilities have seen a drop in their ranking even though their performance has been pretty similar. This is due to some of the new companies surveyed, e.g. Bristol Energy, Places for People Energy and Peterborough Energy, scoring highly the first time they have been measured.

The remaining new challenger brands feature towards the bottom of the table, possibly as they build up their experience and hone and refine their processes.

British Gas, Robin Hood Energy and OVO Energy all saw big falls down the overall ranking table whilst Flow Energy, LoCo2 and Good Energy enjoyed the biggest rises.

‘Big 6’ Comparison Looking at the ‘Big 6’ utilities in isolation it’s clear to see that all six have experienced a reduction in their overall score. Three companies, British Gas, Npower and Scottish Power suffered drops of over 10% in their scores. EDF benefited from Scottish Power’s much lower score even though they also had a lower score than in late 2015.

Challenger Brand Comparison The overall scores for the majority of the challenger brands researched in 2015 have also dropped. M&S Energy, OVO Energy and Robin Hood Energy might be alarmed at drops in their scores of over 10 percentage points which was reflected in them tumbling down the rankings. Spark’s drop of 13 places is a little misleading as nine companies are new entries above them.

However Flow Energy, LoCo2, Good Energy and GnERGY all enjoyed an improvement of over 5 percentage points over their previous score. This also meant, with the exception of GnERGY, that these were the highest climbers in the challenger brand rankings.


Rank +/- Position Supplier Connection Welcome Discovering Advocating Closing Overall Mar 16 Overall Dec 15 Diff

1 - New Bristol Energy 87.50% 71.30% 90.00% 94.30% 90.00% 90.30% N/A 0.00%

1 - 1↑ EDF Energy 67.50% 100.00% 100.00% 92.90% 90.00% 90.30% 92.60% -2.30%

3 New Places for People Energy 75.00% 96.30% 80.00% 85.70% 100.00% 87.20% N/A 0.00%

4 1↑ First Utility 68.80% 93.80% 75.00% 95.50% 100.00% 85.30% 88.90% -3.60%

5 New Peterborough Energy 62.50% 96.30% 85.00% 92.10% 85.00% 85.10% N/A 0.00%

6 2↑ Sainsbury's Energy 85.00% 93.80% 65.00% 78.60% 100.00% 83.10% 88.30% -5.20%

7 15↑ Flow Energy 53.10% 95.30% 62.50% 77.70% 100.00% 80.10% 74.80% 5.30%

8 2↓ GB Energy Supply 90.00% 78.80% 75.00% 64.30% 90.00% 80.00% 88.50% -8.50%

9 - 8↓ Scottish Power 42.50% 88.80% 90.00% 85.70% 95.00% 79.50% 93.20% -13.70%

9 - 9↑ The Co-operative Energy 67.50% 83.80% 80.00% 67.10% 100.00% 79.50% 80.40% -0.90%

11 - 12↑ LoCO2 87.50% 63.80% 30.00% 80.00% 95.00% 79.00% 74.30% 4.70%

11 - 4↓ SSE 60.00% 85.00% 65.00% 80.70% 100.00% 79.00% 88.50% -9.50%

13 1↑ Utility Warehouse 42.50% 80.00% 70.00% 92.10% 95.00% 78.50% 83.20% -4.70%

14 11↑ Good Energy 65.00% 90.00% 35.00% 85.00% 95.00% 76.90% 70.20% 6.70%

15 2↓ Ebico 87.50% 95.00% 20.00% 63.60% 95.00% 76.30% 85.20% -8.90%

16 4↓ M&S Energy 67.50% 88.80% 30.00% 82.10% 95.00% 75.90% 86.50% -10.60%

17 14↓ OVO Energy 25.00% 95.30% 56.30% 94.60% 93.80% 75.60% 90.70% -15.10%

18 3↓ Extra Energy 45.00% 93.80% 85.00% 76.40% 100.00% 75.40% 82.80% -7.40%

19 15↓ British Gas 64.60% 88.50% 58.30% 77.40% 83.30% 74.20% 90.50% -16.30%

20 - 1↓ E.ON 40.60% 90.60% 75.00% 80.40% 81.30% 73.10% 77.60% -4.50%

20 - Ľ Green Star Energy 43.80% 82.80% 68.80% 71.40% 100.00% 73.10% 77.60% -4.50%

22 13↓ Robin Hood Energy 62.50% 85.00% 45.00% 78.60% 100.00% 72.80% 88.30% -15.50%

23 - 1↑ Ecotricity 60.00% 66.30% 25.00% 92.10% 85.00% 72.30% 71.90% 0.40%

23 - New So Energy 82.50% 87.50% 50.00% 68.60% 95.00% 72.30% N/A 0.00%

25 New Bulb 62.50% 52.50% 65.00% 82.10% 100.00% 71.80% N/A 0.00%

26 - New Fairer Power 37.50% 91.30% 50.00% 78.60% 95.00% 70.30% N/A 0.00%

26 - 1↑ GnERGY 77.50% 66.30% 40.00% 65.00% 100.00% 70.30% 63.50% 6.80%

28 New Southend Energy 25.00% 92.20% 62.50% 80.40% 100.00% 69.20% N/A 0.00%

29 12↓ nPower 67.50% 80.00% 65.00% 59.30% 85.00% 68.40% 80.60% -12.20%

30 New Glide 57.50% 90.00% 15.00% 65.00% 95.00% 66.70% N/A 0.00%

31 New Avro Energy 77.50% 60.00% 15.00% 68.60% 100.00% 66.20% N/A 0.00%

32 New Future Energy 77.50% 66.30% 5.00% 60.00% 95.00% 65.50% N/A 0.00%

33 5↓ Green Energy 93.80% 42.20% 0.00% 58.90% 87.50% 64.70% 62.50% 2.20%

34 New Economy Energy 65.00% 53.80% 20.00% 62.10% 75.00% 60.90% N/A 0.00%

35 New E.org 80.00% 88.80% 30.00% 46.20% 90.00% 60.60% N/A 0.00%

36 10↓ Spark 37.50% 91.30% 40.00% 50.70% 95.00% 60.30% 65.80% -5.50%

37 New iSupply Energy 28.10% 85.90% 18.80% 67.00% 87.50% 59.60% N/A 0.00%

38 New Better Energy 80.00% 56.30% 5.00% 45.00% 90.00% 58.50% N/A 0.00%

39 New Daligas 91.70% 35.00% 5.00% 47.10% 100.00% 58.30% N/A 0.00%


Rank +/- Position Supplier Connection Welcome Discovering Advocating Closing Overall Mar 16 Overall Dec 15 Diff

1 New Bristol Energy 87.50% 71.30% 90.00% 94.30% 90.00% 90.30% N/A 0.00%

2 New Places for People Energy 75.00% 96.30% 80.00% 85.70% 100.00% 87.20% N/A 0.00%

3 1↓ First Utility 68.80% 93.80% 75.00% 95.50% 100.00% 85.30% 88.90% -3.60%

4 New Peterborough Energy 62.50% 96.30% 85.00% 92.10% 85.00% 85.10% N/A 0.00%

5 1↓ Sainsbury's Energy 85.00% 93.80% 65.00% 78.60% 100.00% 83.10% 88.30% -5.20%

6 6↑ Flow Energy 53.10% 95.30% 62.50% 77.70% 100.00% 80.10% 74.80% 5.30%

7 5↓ GB Energy Supply 90.00% 78.80% 75.00% 64.30% 90.00% 80.00% 88.50% -8.50%

8 2↑ The Co-operative Energy 67.50% 83.80% 80.00% 67.10% 100.00% 79.50% 80.40% -0.90%

9 5↑ LoCo2 87.50% 63.80% 30.00% 80.00% 95.00% 79.00% 74.30% 4.70%

10 2↓ Utility Warehouse 42.50% 80.00% 70.00% 92.10% 95.00% 78.50% 83.20% -4.70%

11 5↑ Good Energy 65.00% 90.00% 35.00% 85.00% 95.00% 76.90% 70.20% 6.70%

12 5↓ Ebico 87.50% 95.00% 20.00% 63.60% 95.00% 76.30% 85.20% -8.90%

13 7↓ M&S Energy 67.50% 88.80% 30.00% 82.10% 95.00% 75.90% 86.50% -10.60%

14 13↓ OVO Energy 25.00% 95.30% 56.30% 94.60% 93.80% 75.60% 90.70% -15.10%

15 7↓ Extra Energy 45.00% 93.80% 85.00% 76.40% 100.00% 75.40% 82.80% -7.40%

16 5↓ Green Star Energy 43.80% 82.80% 68.80% 71.40% 100.00% 73.10% 77.60% -4.50%

17 13↓ Robin Hood Energy 62.50% 85.00% 45.00% 78.60% 100.00% 72.80% 88.30% -15.50%

18 - 3↓ Ecotricity 60.00% 66.30% 25.00% 92.10% 85.00% 72.30% 71.90% 0.40%

18 - New So Energy 82.50% 87.50% 50.00% 68.60% 95.00% 72.30% N/A 0.00%

20 New Bulb 62.50% 52.50% 65.00% 82.10% 100.00% 71.80% N/A 0.00%

21 - New Fairer Power 37.50% 91.30% 50.00% 78.60% 95.00% 70.30% N/A 0.00%

21 - 3↓ GnERGY 77.50% 66.30% 40.00% 65.00% 100.00% 70.30% 63.50% 6.80%

23 New Southend Energy 25.00% 92.20% 62.50% 80.40% 100.00% 69.20% N/A 0.00%

24 New Glide 57.50% 90.00% 15.00% 65.00% 95.00% 66.70% N/A 0.00%

25 New Avro Energy 77.50% 60.00% 15.00% 68.60% 100.00% 66.20% N/A 0.00%

26 New Future Energy 77.50% 66.30% 5.00% 60.00% 95.00% 65.50% N/A 0.00%

27 8↓ Green Energy 93.80% 42.20% 0.00% 58.90% 87.50% 64.70% 62.50% 2.20%

28 New Economy Energy 65.00% 53.80% 20.00% 62.10% 75.00% 60.90% N/A 0.00%

29 New E 80.00% 88.80% 30.00% 46.20% 90.00% 60.60% N/A 0.00%

30 13↓ Spark 37.50% 91.30% 40.00% 50.70% 95.00% 60.30% 65.80% -5.50%

31 New iSupply Energy 28.10% 85.90% 18.80% 67.00% 87.50% 59.60% N/A 0.00%

32 New Better Energy 80.00% 56.30% 5.00% 45.00% 90.00% 58.50% N/A 0.00%

33 New Daligas 91.70% 35.00% 5.00% 47.10% 100.00% 58.30% N/A 0.00%


Rank +/- Position Supplier Connection Welcome Discovering Advocating Closing Overall Mar 16 Overall Dec 15 Diff

1 1↑ EDF Energy 67.50% 100.00% 100.00% 92.90% 90.00% 90.30% 92.60% -2.30%

2 1↓ Scottish Power 42.50% 88.80% 90.00% 85.70% 95.00% 79.50% 93.20% -13.70%

3 1↑ SSE 60.00% 85.00% 65.00% 80.70% 100.00% 79.00% 88.50% -9.50%

4 1↓ British Gas 64.60% 88.50% 58.30% 77.40% 83.30% 74.20% 90.50% -16.30%

5 1↑ E.ON 40.60% 90.60% 75.00% 80.40% 81.30% 73.10% 77.60% -4.50%

6 1↓ Npower 67.50% 80.00% 65.00% 59.30% 85.00% 68.40% 80.60% -12.20%






All Suppliers When it comes to opening times for utilities’ Customer Services departments, all companies open at least Monday to Friday, with 23 opening on a Saturday with just one utility (Utilita) being open 7 days a week. Customers like to know they can contact their utility whenever they need to, especially if they are having a problem, for example with a bill. For utilities who are only open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, customers who also work the same hours might struggle to get in contact, especially as it means taking all the information to work with them and finding a break in their day to make the call. However, a few utilities, such as LoCO2 Energy, operate extended hours Monday to Friday with the lines open 8am to 8pm, allowing those customers who work 9 to 5 to make calls outside of the working day. On the other hand, those utilities who also open at the weekend are giving their customers an extra level of flexibility when it comes to making a call into the Customer Services department.

The ‘Big 6’ All of the ‘Big 6’ utilities are open Monday to Saturday with varying opening hours. British Gas, E.ON, EDF Energy, nPower and SSE are all open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, with Scottish Power open 8am to 10pm. EDF Energy and SSE are then open 8am to 2pm on a Saturday while British Gas, E.ON and nPower are open 8am to 6pm and 8.30am to 6pm for Scottish Power. As a result, Scottish Power have the greatest accessibility for customers to call their Customer Services department and EDF and SSE have the least.

Challenger Brands There is a fairly even divide between the Challenger Brands when it comes to opening times as 15 of the 33 utilities surveyed open Monday to Friday, and 17 opening on Saturday. Utilita is the only utility to open on a Sunday. Of those 15 utilities who open Monday to Friday, 13 only open during normal business hours, with opening and closing times varying between 8am-9am to 5pm-6pm. These utilities are restricting the customer’s ability to contact them. For example, if a customer receives a bill on a Friday, but is unable to open it and realise there is a problem or has a question about it until after 6pm, they would have to wait until Monday morning at the earliest and find time in their working day to give the Customer Services department a call. Staying open until 8pm (LoCO2 Energy and GB Energy Supply) and opening at the weekend alleviates some, if not all, of this problem.

There are also a few utilities whose opening times vary throughout the week, such as Avro Energy, who open 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Thursday, but 9am to 4:30pm on a Friday, or The Co-Operative Energy, who open 8am to 8pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, but 8:30am to 7:30pm on a Thursday. Changing opening hours during the week could lead to some confusion and frustration amongst customers, especially if they try to call at a time when the lines are closed, but had been open the previous day.


All Suppliers 17 utilities answered the call within one minute, seven of which were under 30 seconds, but eight utilities took between 3 minutes 3 seconds (Scottish Power) and 9 minutes 36 seconds (E.ON), with one further utility (SSE) taking 10 minutes 48 seconds. All of the 28 utilities who answered the call in under 2 minutes were Challenger Brands. Although customers are more likely to wait on the call until answered, rather than end the call after a few minutes like a sales call, leaving customers on hold for a long amount of time might cause further issues. For example, if a customer is calling with a complaint that by definition already has them feeling quite annoyed, leaving said customer on hold for 10 minutes will likely cause their feelings to escalate, making the agent’s job harder. Customers like to feel valued, which means being able to speak to an agent whenever they want and not having to wait a long time for the privilege.

The ‘Big 6’ nPower were the quickest out of the ‘Big 6’ to answer the call, taking 2 minutes 14 seconds, followed by Scottish Power at 3 minutes 3 seconds. However, SSE were the slowest, taking 10 minutes 48 seconds.

Challenger Brands iSupply Energy took the greatest amount of time to answer the call (7 minutes 42 seconds), followed by M&S Energy, at 4 minutes 12 seconds. Daligas were the quickest to answer the call, taking just 6 seconds, closely followed by Green Energy UK (8 seconds). 28 out of 33 utilities were able to answer the call in under two minutes. As these companies are trying to compete with the ‘Big 6’, it is important that they have good customer service in order to retain the greatest number of customers as possible and make them feel valued, which includes answering calls into the Customer Service department in a timely manner, thus avoiding the customer feeling like ‘just another number’.


All Suppliers 12 of the utilities had no IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system at all, 17 utilities had only one level of IVR and the remaining 10 utilities had between two and four levels; SSE had the most levels (four). Most of the utilities with no IVR had an automated message, but no input was required from the customer to be connected to an agent.

The ‘Big 6’ E.ON, British Gas and EDF Energy all have one level of IVR, Scottish Power has two, nPower has three and SSE has four. Although an IVR system can help direct the call to the correct team, it can also be frustrating for customers to have to navigate a long IVR, especially if the options are increasingly specific and/or unrelated to the customer’s query.

All utilities asked for an account number as part of the IVR and E.ON, British Gas, EDF Energy and Scottish Power also asked for a phone number. This information can help the agent when they answer the call to find the customer’s account, however this information should not be asked for again at the beginning of the call as it makes asking in the IVR unnecessary.

Challenger Brands 12 Challenger Brands, including M&S Energy, LoCO2 Energy, GnERGY and Ebico, have no IVR. A further 14 utilities have one level of IVR, including Sainsbury’s Energy and OVO Energy, but Utility Warehouse had the most level of IVR with three. Interestingly, three of the utilities with no IVR (Daligas, Ecotricity and Green Energy UK) did not mention the company name before connecting to an agent. Ecotricity was the only one who had an automated message; the other two utilities did not have any message before the agent answered the call. Agents from Daligas and Ecotricity gave the company name when greeting the customer, but Green Energy UK did not, meaning the company name is not given at all on the call. It is good to give the company name at the beginning of the automated message or before the IVR to reinforce the brand and make sure the customer has called the correct company.

Utility Warehouse was the only utility to ask for an account/membership number as part of the IVR. Although this might not be necessary for smaller utilities with fewer customers, it is possible that taking this information will help the agent handle the call in a more efficient manner.


Time from Connect Company Opening Hours Notes Levels of IVR Ease of IVR 0-4 to Human Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 5:3 Avro Energy 42 seconds 1 4 0pm. Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm 9 am until 5 pm every day except 0 but there is an Better Energy Supply Ltd Saturdays, Sundays and bank 49 seconds N/A automated message holidays. 3 - not full marks - the IVR gave the option to hold to speak to Bristol Energy 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday 1m 08 seconds 1 someone, but when you held, the same IVR repeated itself. Wanted customer reference 3 - Asked for Account number 2 Monday to Friday: 8am - 8pm, number or telephone number - times. A phone number was then British Gas 4m 55 seconds 1 Saturday: 8am - 6pm ignored this and was given further asked for 3 times before being options to get through transferred to an agent. Bulb Energy Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00 17 seconds 1 4 0 and no automated Daligas Monday to Friday, 9 am – 5:30pm 6 seconds N/A message

2 - An account number was asked for once with the option to say 'I don't have it' - this was confirmed. A telephone number was then asked for with the Wanted Customer reference option 'I don't know it' - this was 8am - 8pm Monday to Friday and number / telephone number confirmed. Scored as a 2 E.ON 9m 36 seconds 1 8am - 6pm on a Saturday associated with account but could because the automated message get through without this gives the option to hold, and when you hold options for unrelated things are given followed by the offer to hold again - the first hold message seems unnecessary.

0 but there is an Ebico Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 19 seconds N/A automated message Monday to Friday Economy Energy from 8am to 8pm and Saturday 2m 11 seconds 1 4 from 8am to 6pm 8am - 8pm (Monday to Friday) 0 but there is an Ecotricity 1m 26 seconds N/A and 9am - 5pm Saturday. automated message Wanted customer reference 1 (there is also an 3 - options given are 1,2,3,9 this Mon–Fri ~ 8am–8pm, Sat ~ number or telephone number - option to press * for feels unnatural. An account EDF Energy 3m 59 seconds 8am–2pm ignored this and was given further help while asking for number/telephone number is options to get through the account number) asked for 2 times. Monday to Friday — 8am – 7pm. 0 but there is an E-UK 23 seconds N/A Saturday — 9am – 5pm. automated message Monday - Friday 8am-8pm. Extra Energy 1m 09 seconds 2 3 Saturday 9am-5pm Fairer Power 8am-8pm mon-fri. 9am-5pm sat 1m 11 seconds 1 4 3 - options for a new customer 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday First Utility 1m 22 seconds 2 are in between 2 specific options and 9am - 4pm on Saturdays for existing customers. An account number was asked Flow Energy Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm 1m 04 seconds for with the option to press * to 2 4 skip Monday – Friday 8:00am – 0 but there is an GB Energy Supply 20 seconds N/A 8:00pm automated message Monday to Friday from 8:30am Glide 45 seconds 2 4 until 6pm Mon-Fri 08:30 - 17:30. Sat 10:00- 0 but there is an N/A but the opening automated GnERGY 45 seconds 14:00 automated message message is repeated twice. Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm. Good Energy 49 seconds 1 4 Saturdays 8am – 1pm. 0 and no automated Green Energy UK mon-fri 8.30am-5pm 8 seconds N/A message Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 Green Star Energy UK 35 seconds 1 4 PM UTILITY CUSTOMER SERVICE - EASE OF ACCESS

Time from Connect Company Opening Hours Notes Levels of IVR Ease of IVR 0-4 to Human

2 - The automated message tries to get the customer to go online. The customer is given the option to hold to speak to customer iSupply Energy Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00 7m 42 seconds 1 services. When you hold, options are given and one of the options is to speak to our customer services team please press 1'.

0 but there is an LoCO2 Energy Monday - Friday, 8am - 8pm 30 seconds N/A automated message 8am – 8pm on weekdays, 8am – 0 but there is an M&S Energy 4m 12 seconds N/A 2pm on Saturdays. automated message Wanted account number or 2 - An account number was Monday to Friday from 8am to telephone number - ignored this nPower 2m 14 seconds 3 asked for 3 times. Options were 8pm, Saturday 8am to 6pm and got given further options to then given. get through Monday to Thursday 8am - 8pm. OVO Energy Friday 8am 5pm. Saturday 9am - 1m 29 seconds 1 4 5pm Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm Peterborough Energy 1m 39 seconds 1 4 and Saturday 9am to 5pm Places for People Energy mon-fri 9-6 39 seconds 1 4 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, Robin Hood Energy 47 seconds 2 4 and 9am to 5pm on Saturday Monday to Friday between 8am Sainsbury's Energy and 8pm and on Saturdays from 1m 04 seconds 1 3 8am to 6pm 2 An account number/ telephone Wanted account number or number was asked for 2 times. Monday to Friday 8am - telephone number - ignored this Scottish Power 3m 03 seconds 2 The options are very specific and 10pm | Saturday 8:30am - 6pm and got given further options to then the last options is 'anything get through else'. Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm Southend Energy 56 seconds 1 4 and Saturday 9am to 5pm 8am to 8pm weekdays and 9am Spark Energy 3m 19 seconds 1 4 to 2pm on Saturdays Wanted account number - 2 - Account number was asked SSE Mon-Fri 8am-8pm. Sat 8am-2pm 10m 48 seconds ignored this and got given further 4 for 2 times. options to get through Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 08:00 -20:00. Thursday: The Co-operative Energy 1m 1 second 2 3 08:30 - 19:30. Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00 8:00am - 8:00pm Mon - Fri. 0 but there is an Utilita 8:00am - 5:00pm Sat. 9:00am - 3m 36 seconds N/A automated message 5:00pm Sun Wanted account number - Monday - Friday: 9am - 5.30pm. 3 - A membership number was Utility Warehouse 1m 24 seconds ignored this and got given further 3 Saturday: 9am - 4.30pm asked for 2 times options to get through PCW COMMISSION ANALYSIS




Price comparison websites have been embraced by the public as a quick and easy way to compare how much they can save on a variety of services including their gas and electricity supply.

What has recently become clear is that many consumers are unaware that these comparison websites can earn a commission from energy suppliers when they provide a prospect that completes a switch.

Our analysis shows which price comparison websites appear to be paid a commission by utilities.

Methodology Our research team visited 21 price comparison websites where they entered the same details for a real household on all of the sites*.

The research team established that certain utility companies did not pay commission to price comparison websites and in these cases the comparison website did not provide the facility to complete a switch there and then. We have therefore assumed that where a direct switching method is not provided by a price comparison website the utility is not paying commission.

Based on the assumption above it would appear that on some price comparison websites some utilities have both commission and non-commission paying tariffs.

*The use of just one postcode for this analysis will not give a complete picture due to a number of reasons. There are many variations between the tariffs offered by the utilities in different areas, there are different rules from different utilities about what PCWs can publish and differences in what information the PCW chooses to publish.

Here are just a few examples of how what a consumer sees will vary dependent on their existing supplier, location and what PCW they are using.

Some utilities do not like tariff to tariff switches (customers switching to another of their existing supplier’s tariffs) so will not allow PCW to publish their tariffs to existing customers.

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT 114 Consumers in locations where their gas is delivered via an IGT (Independent Gas Transporter) or their electricity is delivered by an IDN (Independent Distribution Network) may also be shunned by some utilities due to the complications/cost of installing pipes/cables or paying rental to the incumbent IGT or IDN.

Non Ofgem-accredited PCWs may choose to only show those tariffs where they can earn a commission. Again affecting the information that the consumer sees.

Statistics recorded March 2016

Notes Accredited sites There are 12 Price Comparison Websites that are accredited by Ofgem. These independent websites are obliged by an ‘Ofgem Confidence Code’ to publish all tariffs from all utilities which must be calculated and displayed in a fair and unbiased way. Some non-Ofgem accredited comparison websites do not show the consumer tariffs from the whole market.

Ofgem Accredited Price Comparison Websites Energy Helpline Quotezone The Energy Shop Energylinx Runpath UK Power Money Supermarket Simply Switch Unravel It My Utility Genius Switch Gas and Electric uSwitch

CMA Report 2016 The Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) Energy Market Investigation – Provisional Decision on Remedies published on 10th March 2016 has proposed some interesting changes regarding PCWs which could dramatically change the switching landscape.

Here are the report’s findings regarding how PCWs operate 6.105 Our aim in considering remedies relating to PCWs in the domestic retail markets is to address (in whole or in part) the features giving rise to the Domestic Weak Customer Response AEC. With this in mind, we propose remedies aimed at enhancing the incentives of PCWs to participate in the domestic retail energy markets and enabling PCWs to offer customers a better service. In particular, we propose:

(a) to recommend to Ofgem that it remove the requirement on PCWs to show the whole of market from the Confidence Code, which could be damaging to the incentives of PCWs to participate in the domestic retail energy markets and could have particular unintended consequences in light of our proposed recommendation to remove aspects of the simpler choices component of the RMR rules, and introduces a requirement to provide clear messaging concerning what results are displayed. In this context, PCWs will be required to be transparent over the market coverage provided to customers;

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT 115 (b) to require Gemserv and Xoserve (through an order) to give PCWs access to the ECOES and SCOGES databases (subject to satisfying reasonable access conditions) in order to reduce the number of erroneous transfers and failed switches and, more generally, to support PCWs in facilitating the switching process; and

(c) to recommend to DECC several changes to the Midata programme that (subject to customer consent) would give PCWs increased access to more customer data and, in so doing, enable PCWs to monitor the market on behalf of their customers and advise them of savings.

6.106 We have also considered but do not intend to pursue two further possible remedies: (a) Encouraging domestic customers to use more than one PCW. (b) An Ofgem price comparison service for domestic customers, in the light of Citizens Advice’s decision to launch a non-transactional PCW listing all tariffs on the domestic retail energy markets.

© Reproduced from Energy Market Investigation – Provisional Decision on Remedies published by the Competition & Markets Authority. 17th March 2016

Page 357 https://assets.digital.cabinet- office.gov.uk/media/56efe79040f0b60385000016/EMI_provisional_decision_on_remedies.pdf http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT 116 Price Comparison Website Commission Analysis uSwitch moneysupermarket ukpower comparethemarket simplyswitch gocompare confused.com moneysavingexpert Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission

Company Name Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

1 Avro Energy 11111111 2 Better Energy Supply Ltd 3 Bristol Energy 1 1 11 11 1 1 4 British Gas 111 1 111 11 11 5 Bulb Energy 11 1 1 6 Countrywide 7 Daligas 8 E.ON 11111111 9 E.org 10 Ebico 11111111 11 Economy Energy 1111 12 Ecotricity 11111111 13 EDF Energy 1111 11111 14 Extra Energy 11 11 1 11111 15 Fairer Power 16 First Utility 1 11111111111111 17 Flow Energy 11111111 18 Future Energy 19 GB Energy Supply 111 1111 20 Glide 11 21 GnERGY 1 1 11 11 1 1 22 Go Effortless Energy 23 Good Energy 1 1 11 11 1 1 24 Green Energy UK 1111 1 11 25 Green Star Energy UK 1 1 1111111 1 1 26 iSupply Energy 11111111 27 LoCO2 Energy 11111111 1111111 28 M&S Energy 1 111111 1111111

117 Price Comparison Website Commission Analysis

uSwitch moneysupermarket ukpower comparethemarket simplyswitch gocompare confused.com moneysavingexpert Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission

Company Name Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

29 nPower 1 1 11 11 1 1 30 OVO Energy 111111111 31 Peterborough Energy 32 Places for People Energy 1111111111 33 Robin Hood Energy 11111111 34 Sainsbury's Energy 11111111 35 ScottishPower 111111111 36 So Energy 11111111 37 Southend Energy 1 38 Spark Energy 11 1 1111111 1 1 39 SSE 1 111111 1111111 40 The Co-operative Energy 111 111 111111 41 Utilita 1111 111 42 Utility Warehouse 111111111 43 Zog Energy March 2016 Total 15 21 17 18 12 23 21 19 9 26 20 20 16 24 18 17 November 2015 Total 14 10 16 10 13 12 17 9 7 12 16 9 14 10 15 10 Difference 1111 8-1 11 4 10 2 14 4 11 2 14 3 7

118 Price Comparison Website Commission Analysis switch.which myutilitygenius unravelit.com quotezone energylinx theenergyshop switchgasandelectric runpathdigital Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission

Company Name Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

1 Avro Energy 11 11111 2 Better Energy Supply Ltd 3 Bristol Energy 11111111 4 British Gas 11111111 5 Bulb Energy 11111 6 Countrywide 7 Daligas 8 E.ON 111 11111 9 E.org 10 Ebico 11111111 11 Economy Energy 11 11 1 12 Ecotricity 1111111 13 EDF Energy 11 11 111 1 11 14 Extra Energy 111 11111 15 Fairer Power 16 First Utility 111 11 1111 111 17 Flow Energy 11111111 18 Future Energy 19 GB Energy Supply 11111 11 20 Glide 1111 21 GnERGY 11111111 22 Go Effortless Energy 11 1 23 Good Energy 11 111111 24 Green Energy UK 11111111 25 Green Star Energy UK 11111111 26 iSupply Energy 11 111111 27 LoCO2 Energy 1111111111 1 111 28 M&S Energy 11 111 111 1 111

119 Price Comparison Website Commission Analysis

switch.which myutilitygenius unravelit.com quotezone energylinx theenergyshop switchgasandelectric runpathdigital Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission

Company Name Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

29 nPower 111 11111 30 OVO Energy 11 111111 31 Peterborough Energy 32 Places for People Energy 11111111 33 Robin Hood Energy 11111111 34 Sainsbury's Energy 1 1111111 35 ScottishPower 11111111 36 So Energy 11111111 37 Southend Energy 38 Spark Energy 1111 1 111 1 1 1 39 SSE 11 111 111 1 111 40 The Co-operative Energy 111 1 11 1 1 1 41 Utilita 11 1 1 1 1 42 Utility Warehouse 11 1 1 111 1 1 1 43 Zog Energy March 2016 Total 18 22 14 21 11 23 1 33 18 21 8 21 0 33 10 24 November 2015 Total 16 9 10 15 10 13 1 24 15 10 8 14 3 24 9 14 Difference 2134 6 1100 93110 7 -3 9110

120 Price Comparison Website Commission Analysis Energyhelpline telegraph loveenergysavings energyswitchingcentre energyswitcheroo Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission

Company Name Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

1 Avro Energy 11111 2 Better Energy Supply Ltd 3 Bristol Energy 11 111 4 British Gas 11111 1 1 5 Bulb Energy 11 6 Countrywide 7 Daligas 8 E.ON 11111 9 E.org 10 Ebico 11111 11 Economy Energy 11 11 12 Ecotricity 11111 13 EDF Energy 1 1 1 111 14 Extra Energy 11 111 15 Fairer Power 16 First Utility 1111111111 17 Flow Energy 11111 18 Future Energy 19 GB Energy Supply 111 20 Glide 11 21 GnERGY 11 111 22 Go Effortless Energy 23 Good Energy 11 111 24 Green Energy UK 11 1 1 25 Green Star Energy UK 1 1 11111 26 iSupply Energy 111 11 27 LoCO2 Energy 111111 111 28 M&S Energy 111111 111

121 Price Comparison Website Commission Analysis

Energyhelpline telegraph loveenergysavings energyswitchingcentre energyswitcheroo Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission

Company Name Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

29 nPower 11 111 30 OVO Energy 1 1 1 111 31 Peterborough Energy 32 Places for People Energy 1111111 33 Robin Hood Energy 11111 34 Sainsbury's Energy 11111 35 ScottishPower 11111 36 So Energy 11111 37 Southend Energy 1 38 Spark Energy 1111 11111 39 SSE 11111 111 40 The Co-operative Energy 1111 1 111 41 Utilita 11111 42 Utility Warehouse 1 111 111 43 Zog Energy March 2016 Total 21 18 21 18 13 22 9 27 17 23 November 2015 Total 16 8 15 9 15 10 7 12 14 10 Difference 5106 9-2 12 2 15 3 13


Website Performance KPIs The performance and functionality of any company’s website is important for a number of reasons including providing the consumer with a pleasurable experience and to enhance its SEO reputation.

We have collated key performance indicators for our selected price comparison websites to compare how they rank for usability.

We have ranked the results in two ways. By Alexa Ranking By number of visits

Because the URL for the Telegraph’s switching site (http://energyswitching.telegraph.co.uk/telegraphmoney) contains the main newspaper’s URL the statistics are those of the newspaper and not those of the switching portal.

Six PCWs namely moneysavingexpert, moneysupermarket, uSwitch, comparethemarket, gocompare and confused.com are far ahead of the rest of the pack in terms of Alexa ranking and number of visits

Methodology We have used both Alexa Internet Inc. and SimilarWeb to identify key statistics about our chosen 21 price comparison websites.

Statistics Recorded – March 2016


Mar-16 Daily Page Views Daily Time on Company Name Bounce Rate Mar-16 Visits** Alexa UK Rank* per Visitor* Site*

1 telegraph 38 80.20% 2.67 03:01 134,500,000

2 moneysavingexpert 80 50.60% 3.11 04:35 21,700,000

3 moneysupermarket 168 35.40% 3.48 05:04 7,800,000

4 comparethemarket 204 18.40% 6.91 08:40 4,700,000

5 uSwitch 293 38.00% 3.20 03:51 5,600,000

6 gocompare 307 25.00% 5.90 09:06 3,100,000

7 confused.com 476 32.00% 4.94 06:46 2,700,000

8 quotezone 2,717 14.90% 4.80 13:26 238,900

9 Energyhelpline 5,401 32.40% 3.60 04:22 197,900

10 ukpower 5,698 44.10% 2.37 02:48 330,900

11 energylinx 22,951 50.40% 1.50 02:59 54,100

12 simplyswitch 30,824 30.30% 2.60 04:16 55,100

13 runpathdigital 47,396 44.70% 1.60 00:19 38,200

14 myutilitygenius 55,540 47.40% 2.30 03:24 12,600

15 theenergyshop 87,744 43.50% 2.70 03:30 17,600

16 loveenergysavings 177,088 81.50% 1.10 00:58 14,300

17 energyswitcheroo N/A N/A 2.00 N/A 817

18 energyswitchingcentre N/A N/A N/A N/A 180

19 switch.which N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A

20 switchgasandelectric N/A N/A 1.80 02:25 3,300

21 unravelit.com N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,400

Source: ©* Alexa Internet Inc | © ** SimilarWeb


Mar-16 Daily Page Views Daily Time on Company Name Bounce Rate Mar-16 Visits** Alexa UK Rank* per Visitor* Site*

1 telegraph 38 80.20% 2.67 03:01 134,500,000

2 moneysavingexpert 80 50.60% 3.11 04:35 21,700,000

3 moneysupermarket 168 35.40% 3.48 05:04 7,800,000

4 uSwitch 293 38.00% 3.20 03:51 5,600,000

5 comparethemarket 204 18.40% 6.91 08:40 4,700,000

6 gocompare 307 25.00% 5.90 09:06 3,100,000

7 confused.com 476 32.00% 4.94 06:46 2,700,000

8 ukpower 5,698 44.10% 2.37 02:48 330,900

9 quotezone 2,717 14.90% 4.80 13:26 238,900

10 Energyhelpline 5,401 32.40% 3.60 04:22 197,900

11 simplyswitch 30,824 30.30% 2.60 04:16 55,100

12 energylinx 22,951 50.40% 1.50 02:59 54,100

13 runpathdigital 47,396 44.70% 1.60 00:19 38,200

14 theenergyshop 87,744 43.50% 2.70 03:30 17,600

15 loveenergysavings 177,088 81.50% 1.10 00:58 14,300

16 myutilitygenius 55,540 47.40% 2.30 03:24 12,600

17 switchgasandelectric N/A N/A 1.80 02:25 3,300

18 unravelit.com N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,400

19 energyswitcheroo N/A N/A 2.00 N/A 817

20 energyswitchingcentre N/A N/A N/A N/A 180

21 switch.which N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A

Source: ©* Alexa Internet Inc | © ** SimilarWeb


Mobile and Desktop Device Efficiency With the rapid increase in ownership of tablets and smart phones, websites need to be enabled for mobile as well as desktop devices. It’s critical that a consumer enjoys a seamless experience regardless of which device they choose to use to access a website.

Using Google Developer’s Tools, MyOffers Research has collated insights into the performance of 21 price comparison websites on both mobile and desktop devices. Statistics Recorded – 21st March 2016

Mobile – Page Speed None of the 21 price comparison websites (PCW) that we analysed achieved the 85 point threshold for a page that is performing well.

Love Energy Savings with 77 points Energy Switching Centre (75 points) and uSwitch (74 points) were the best performing PCWs but only Love Energy Savings wasn’t flagged as having at least one issue that needed to be critically fixed.

All of the other PCWs had a number of items that needed fixing with Energy Switcheroo at the bottom of the table with a measly score of 8 points, only one rule passed and nine items requiring attention.

Mobile – User Experience There is a totally different picture with the user experience statistics. All but two PCWs achieved a fabulous 94 or more points out of 100 (85 or above indicates that the page is performing well). Energylinx, Run Path Digital, Switch.Which and Switch Gas and Electric all achieved a perfect score of 100.

Even The Energy Shop and Unravelit.com scored a respectable 71 points which indicates that they shouldn’t need to do too much work to achieve the required threshold.

Desktop – Suggestions Summary Six out of 21 PCWs achieved the 85 points or more for user experience on a desktop. Quote Zone, Energy Switching Centre, Confused.com, uSwitch, Money Supermarket and Run Path Digital scored between 85 and 89 points so there is still room for improvement. In fact all of these had items that should be considered for fixing.


The middle ranking PCWs are not far off the 85 point threshold however three price comparison websites, Telegraph 36 points, Money Savings Expert (34 points) and Energy Switcheroo (13 points) all require important remedial work to improve the user experience.

Definitions Mobile - Page Speed Page Speed measures the performance of a page on mobile devices. A Page Speed Score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the page is performing well.

Rules/Items to be fixed Google has identified 10 rules that websites should adhere to ensure optimum speed on mobile devices e.g. Minify CSS, Image Optimisation or Server Response Time.

Adherence to these rules is monitored and advice given to whether critical fixes are required or whether fixes only need to be considered when time allows. The three levels reported are:

Critical Fix - Fixing this would have a measurable impact on page performance. Consider Fixing – Only fix if it is not a lot of work. Rules Passed - No significant issues found.

Mobile - User Experience User Experience measures the ease of use of a website on a mobile device. A User Experience Score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the page is performing well. Rules/Items to be fixed Google has identified 6 rules that websites should adhere to ensure an efficient user experience on mobile devices e.g. using legible font sizes, avoiding plug-ins or size content to viewpoint.

Adherence to these rules is monitored and advice given to whether critical fixes are required or whether fixes only need to be considered when time allows. The three levels reported are:

Critical Fix - Fixing this would have a measurable impact on page performance. Consider Fixing – Only fix if it is not a lot of work. Rules Passed - No significant issues found.

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT 127 Desktop Suggestions Summary The Suggestions Summary identifies issues on a desktop version of a website. A Suggestions Summary Score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the website is performing well.

Rules/Items to be fixed Google has identified 6 rules that websites should adhere to ensure an efficient user experience on desktop devices e.g. optimising images, enabling compression or prioritising visible content.

Adherence to these rules is monitored and advice given to whether critical fixes are required or whether fixes only need to be considered when time allows. The three levels reported are:

Critical Fix - Fixing this would have a measurable impact on page performance. Consider Fixing – Only fix if it is not a lot of work. Rules Passed - No significant issues found.



Suggestions Items to consider Items that should Company Name Summary (scored Rules Passed fixing be critically fixed out of 100)

1 quotezone 89 4 6 0

2 energyswitchingcentre 87 4 6 0

3 confused.com 86 4 6 0

4 uSwitch 86 6 4 0

5 moneysupermarket 85 3 7 0

6 runpathdigital 85 63 1

7 loveenergysavings 82 6 4 0

8 comparethemarket 78 4 5 1

9 ukpower 78 3 5 2

10 unravelit.com 78 3 6 1

11 gocompare 76 4 5 1

12 Energyhelpline 75 4 5 1

13 theenergyshop 74 5 3 2

14 switchgasandelectric 73 3 5 2

15 switch.which 72 2 6 2

16 energylinx 70 6 3 1

17 simplyswitch 65 4 4 2

18 myutilitygenius 53 2 4 4

19 telegraph 36 3 4 3

20 moneysavingexpert 34 5 3 2

21 energyswitcheroo 13 1 3 6



Speed (scored out of Items to consider Items that should be Company Name Rules Passed 100) fixing critically fixed

1 loveenergysavings 77 6 4 0

2 energyswitchingcentre 75 6 3 1

3 uSwitch 74 6 3 1

4 moneysupermarket 71 3 6 1

5 confused.com 70 4 5 1

6 switchgasandelectric 70 4 5 1

7 energylinx 69 7 1 2

8 runpathdigital 65 6 3 1

9 gocompare 64 4 4 2

10 unravelit.com 64 2 1 3

11 comparethemarket 60 4 4 2

12 quotezone 60 3 6 1

13 theenergyshop 59 5 2 3

14 switch.which 57 2 6 2

15 Energyhelpline 55 4 4 2

16 ukpower 55 2 6 2

17 simplyswitch 53 4 4 2

18 telegraph 51 3 5 2

19 myutilitygenius 44 2 3 5

20 moneysavingexpert 30 5 2 3

21 energyswitcheroo 812 7



User Experience Items to consider Items that should be Company Name Rules Passed (scored out of 100) fixing critically fixed

1 energylinx 100 0 0 0

2 runpathdigital 100 0 0 0

3 switch.which 100 0 0 0

4 switchgasandelectric 100 0 0 0

5 confused.com 99 5 1 0

6 Energyhelpline 99 5 1 0

7 energyswitchingcentre 99 5 1 0

8 gocompare 99 5 1 0

9 loveenergysavings 99 5 1 0

10 moneysavingexpert 99 5 1 0

11 moneysupermarket 99 5 1 0

12 quotezone 99 5 1 0

13 simplyswitch 99 5 1 0

14 telegraph 99 5 1 0

15 uSwitch 98 5 1 0

16 myutilitygenius 96 5 1 0

17 comparethemarket 95 5 1 0

18 energyswitcheroo 0 95 4 2

19 ukpower 94 5 1 0

20 theenergyshop 71 3 1 2

21 unravelit.com 71 4 5 1




Potential Market As we know over 90% of consumers that have switched energy provider were driven by price. The majority of the c. 15% of the total market that has switched in recent years has done so via price comparison websites (PCWs) and call centre activity. This still leaves 85% of the market that has never been driven by price to switch. Yet according to the CMA 70% of these are still paying a Standard Default Tariff. When considering the audience it will market to, a utility should bear in mind the merits of switchers and non-switchers.

Switchers – 4,076,000 (15%) Households • Already understand how switching works • Currently paying between £725 - £950 for their energy* • Regular switchers tend to be ‘Deal Chasers’ looking for the cheapest tariff • Less loyal resulting in low margins • Can regularly be remarketed to by PCWs

Non-switchers – 23,100,000 (85%) Households • Still paying between £1,000 - £1,200 for their energy* • A £350 - £450 saving should be extremely compelling to loyal and apathetic consumers • Current savings on a dual fuel tariff are considerably greater than one and two years ago • Happy customers are more likely to tell their friends about how much they have saved

The case for data and outbound calling The 23.1 million households that have not recently switched, either through loyalty or apathy, are still paying between £1k and £1.2k annually for their energy. Many utilities can save these households up to £450, but they need to be able to communicate this to them directly via outbound calling. Here are some more great reasons for considering data:

• You can build a rapport with the customer through personal contact • You can address concerns and answer questions immediately • Your tariff does not have to be the cheapest • No commission to be paid to PCWs • Immunity from the volatility of constant tariff changes on PCWs • Higher R.O.I.

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT 133 Outbound calling can produce an SPH of 1.5 - 2.50. This is as a result of being able to offer a substantial saving and remove barriers to switching during the call. The call can still be effective even if the price is not the lowest in the market because the consumer is comparing their existing tariff to that quoted by the agent and the savings are compelling.

To maximise this rich vein of new customers it’s imperative that you partner with or build your own Call Centre staffed with experienced agents and supply them with the best quality opt-in sales leads specifically collected for your brand.

If you would like to receive an outline on available data volumes, SPH build up and a compliant data collecting programme, please contact Toby Selves at [email protected]

*Prices based on an average annual use of 12,500 kWh gas and 3,100 kWh electricity. ** 27,176,000 UK Households *** 27,521,000 Domestic Energy Users

© MYOFFERS RESEARCH: UK ENERGY INDUSTRY RETAIL MARKETING REPORT 134 THE GREAT ENERGY SWITCHING MYSTERY Why won’t 85% of the UK Population switch their gas and electricity supply to utilities that could save them £350 - £450 per year?

NON-SWITCHERS POWER STAT 27,521,000 DOMESTIC 85% OF UK HOUSEHOLDS ENERGY USERS In the UK there are 27,521,000 domestic electricity customers and 23,074,000 domestic gas customers, a total of SCOTTISH HYDRO 50,595,000 fuels* 716,108 Households NON-SWITCHER Non-switchers 608,692 NON-SWITCHER HOUSEHOLDS Switchers 107,416 UTILITIES 23,100,000 Not Switched Dominated by Big 6 Paying £1,000 - £1,200 p.a.** Few Challenger Brands

SCOTTISH POWER NON-SWITCHER 1,965,478 Households SWITCHERS Non-switchers 1,670,656 PROFILE Switchers 294,822 Loyal to existing supplier 15% OF UK Apathetic to change HOUSEHOLDS MARKETING AUDIENCE NORTHERN Never switched ELECTRIC Happy to save £350 - £450 even if not NORWEB 1,490,885 Households the cheapest tariff available Non-switchers Good at initiating Friend get Friend SWITCHER 1,267,252 Switchers 223,633 2,047,827 HOUSEHOLDS 2,280,899 Households Households Non-switchers 1,938,764 Non-switchers 4,076,000 Switched Switchers 342,135 1,740,653 POWER STAT Paying £725 - £950 p.a.** YORKSHIRE Switchers ELECTRICITY 307,174 THE BIG 6 The ‘Big 6’ utilities are the energy companies that supplied the UK’s SWITCHER MANWEB MANWEB EAST MIDLANDS energy before the deregulation of PROFILE 1,269,540 ELECTRICITY the market. These companies still Households 2,596,965 Households Switching Savvy Non-switchers Non-switchers 2,207,420 supply 84.5% of UK households. 1,079,109 Switchers 389,545 Less Loyal Switchers MIDLANDS British Gas, EDF Energy, E.on, 190,431 ELECTRICITY nPower, Scottish Power, SSE 2,396,363 Households EASTERN Non-switchers 2,036,909 ELECTRIC Switchers 359,454 3,343,106 Households SWALEC Non-switchers 2,841,640 781,685 Households Switchers 501,466 Non-switchers 664,432 Switchers 117,253 2,816,196 Households LONDON ELECTRICITY Non-switchers 2,393,767 1,980,206 Households Switchers Non-switchers 1,683,175 422,429 Switchers 297,031 SOUTHERN SWITCHER UTILITIES SWEB SEEBOARD Mainly mixed suppliers 1,329,475 Households ELECTRIC Dominated by Challenger Brands Non-switchers 1,130,054 Switchers 199,421 POWER STAT

2,157,013 Households CHALLENGER BRANDS Non-switchers 1,833,461 There are now more than 40 Switchers 323,552 independent energy providers for MARKETING AUDIENCE consumers to choose from. Combined Regular Switchers (Deal Chasers) these companies have a 15.5% market Lower Margin share.These are some of the bigger Locked in by cancellation fees challenger brands: * Some multiple occupancy properties will have several meter points Extra Energy, First Utility, OVO Energy, ** Price based on an average annual use of 12,500 kWh gas and 3,100 kWh electricity. Switcher and non-switcher figures for the regions are estimated based on the 85%:15% ratio The Co-operative Energy, Utilita, Sources Utility Warehouse www.myoffers.co.uk Department of Energy & Climate Change – Sub-national electricity and gas consumption statistics. December 2014 135 INTRODUCTION










There are 14 PES/Distributor areas in the UK. Below is a count of how many households are present in each of them. This information is presented in alphabetical order and size order of PES regions.

Energy suppliers update their tariffs and ranges of products so frequently it’s sometimes difficult to keep track. In this report we have sought to provide a snapshot of the dual fuel, gas and electricity tariffs that are available in each of the PES/Distributor areas.

The data is presented for both direct debit and pre-paid tariffs in two formats. We have highlighted the three cheapest tariffs in each PES area in green and the three most expensive tariffs in red.

Total Total PES Region PES Region Household As a % of UK Household As a % of UK Alphabetical by Size in Area in Area Eastern Electric 3,343,106 12.3 Eastern Electric 3,343,106 12.3

East Midlands 2,596,965 9.56 Southern Electric 2,816,196 10.36 Electricity East Midlands London Electricity 1,980,206 7.29 2,596,965 9.56 Electricity Manweb 1,269,540 4.67 Midlands Electricity 2,396,363 8.82

Midlands Electricity 2,396,363 8.82 Norweb 2,280,899 8.39

Northern Electric 1,490,885 5.49 SEEBoard 2,157,013 7.94

Yorkshire Norweb 2,280,899 8.39 2,047,827 7.54 Electricity Scottish Hydro 716,108 2.64 Scottish Power 1,965,478 7.23 Electric Scottish Power 1,965,478 7.23 London Electricity 1,490,885 7.29

SEEBoard 2,157,013 7.94 Northern Electric 1,490,885 5.49

Southern Electric 2,816,196 10.36 SWEB 1,329,475 4.89

SWALEC 781,685 2.88 Manweb 1,269,540 4.67

SWEB 1,329,475 4.89 SWALEC 781,685 2.88

Scottish Hydro Yorkshire Electricity 2,047,827 7.54 716,108 2.64 Electric

TOTAL 27,171,746 100.00 TOTAL 27,171,746 100.00

SUMMARY BY TARIFF TYPE We have listed the cheapest tariff provided by each utility in each of the PES/Distributor areas. This information is provided for dual fuel tariffs as well as gas and electricity tariffs individually.

SUMMARY BY PES/DISTRIBUTOR AREA Again we compare dual fuel, gas and electricity tariffs but this time for each PES/Distributor area. We have also indicated in which quartile the utility’s tariffs fall into in each area.

Statistics recorded March 2016


Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis - All companies - DUAL FUEL (1) Tariffs Tariffs

London Eastern E. Midlands Manweb Midlands Northern Norweb

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 736.96 2 732.80 2 723.20 2 776.96 2 750.31 2 744.75 2 738.73 2

Better Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Bristol Energy 797.76 4 778.56 4 775.53 4 823.23 4 788.79 4 795.33 4 800.67 4

British Gas 1013.37 4 999.68 4 987.52 4 1043.93 4 1005.49 4 991.77 4 1019.50 4

Daligas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

E.ON 1008.02 6 1000.21 6 998.91 6 1059.78 6 1008.35 6 1009.00 6 1026.90 6

EBICo 1179.28 1 1164.95 1 1162.68 1 1236.56 1 1171.79 1 1184.48 1 1188.39 1

Ecotricity 1118.71 1 1127.65 1 1112.07 1 1157.92 1 1144.88 1 1130.25 1 1135.05 1

EDF Energy 829.26 3 836.94 3 818.31 3 786.89 3 841.24 3 841.87 3 833.58 3

Extra Energy 743.74 4 752.91 4 734.08 4 785.38 4 757.97 4 758.21 4 748.99 4

first:utility 808.01 4 732.13 4 722.92 4 785.86 4 747.72 4 743.80 4 740.83 4

Flow Energy 737.28 2 746.67 2 728.18 2 779.10 2 751.57 2 752.43 2 742.51 2

GB Energy Supply 758.50 2 762.72 2 747.58 2 797.21 2 758.50 2 767.32 2 762.72 2

GnERGY 742.48 3 750.30 3 749.97 3 790.33 3 761.04 3 758.76 3 765.92 3

Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A 771.62 1 822.76 1 792.99 1 811.14 1 798.81 1

Good Energy 1095.49 1 1106.43 1 1095.26 1 1138.02 1 1106.81 1 1108.40 1 1118.28 1

Green Energy (UK) 1106.22 2 1099.98 2 1098.68 2 1143.74 2 1125.79 2 1126.44 2 1127.33 2

Green Star Energy 814.89 6 789.42 6 775.22 6 838.58 6 770.19 6 834.42 6 811.66 6

isupplyenergy 745.28 1 742.54 1 736.66 1 782.72 1 752.51 1 749.65 1 759.49 1

LoCO2 Energy 865.20 4 859.61 4 860.27 4 925.04 4 863.19 4 883.75 4 881.75 4

138 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis - All companies - DUAL FUEL (2) Tariffs Tariffs

London Eastern E. Midlands Manweb Midlands Northern Norweb

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs M&S Energy 1035.52 4 1005.09 4 995.90 4 1069.86 4 1021.08 4 1015.83 4 1027.59 4

npower 809.03 4 741.01 4 723.95 4 829.66 4 751.69 4 858.50 4 741.87 4

OVO Energy 818.67 6 788.79 6 778.28 6 838.37 6 797.94 6 809.97 6 814.61 6

Places for People Energy 729.95 4 733.85 4 725.05 4 778.29 4 745.49 4 743.12 4 742.38 4

Robin Hood Energy 832.67 4 845.70 4 770.93 6 867.65 4 858.74 4 827.69 4 837.54 4

Sainsbury's Energy 1013.37 4 999.68 4 987.52 4 1043.93 4 1005.49 4 991.77 4 1019.50 4

Scottish Power 838.93 5 733.16 5 708.94 5 838.98 5 748.73 5 744.82 5 838.98 5

So Energy 743.14 1 740.42 1 725.12 1 777.90 1 750.33 1 747.96 1 748.60 1

Spark Energy 991.86 3 977.21 3 972.86 3 1049.37 3 989.32 3 979.02 3 1014.95 3

SSE 981.54 6 955.36 6 947.48 6 1010.37 6 968.41 6 964.47 6 974.27 6

The Co-operative Energy 759.25 4 761.50 4 751.20 4 800.13 4 769.26 4 765.18 4 767.90 4

Utilita 1151.43 1 1151.80 1 1153.95 1 1193.57 1 1145.06 1 1157.37 1 1170.05 1

Utility Warehouse 965.57 4 946.19 4 943.08 4 988.78 4 957.98 4 950.65 4 963.56 4

Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

139 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Tariff Analysis - All companies - DUAL FUEL (3) Tariffs Tariffs

Scot. Hydro Scot. Power Seeboard Southern SWALEC SWEB Yorkshire

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 763.42 2 737.76 2 757.60 2 742.17 2 758.97 2 788.98 2 731.60 2

Better Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Bristol Energy 850.43 4 805.08 4 825.33 4 793.69 4 811.41 4 840.13 4 773.96 4

British Gas 1037.73 4 998.30 4 1010.79 4 1021.56 4 1025.99 4 1033.16 4 986.53 4

Daligas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

E.ON 1031.46 6 986.54 6 1018.44 6 1010.30 6 1015.51 6 1039.60 6 1002.82 6

EBICo 1242.10 1 1179.93 1 1173.09 1 1185.46 1 1223.22 1 1207.92 1 1167.56 1

Ecotricity 1138.47 1 1135.80 1 1130.56 1 1132.48 1 1137.62 1 1148.47 1 1120.37 1

EDF Energy 766.88 3 804.17 3 854.81 3 846.13 3 770.30 3 879.07 3 827.41 3

Extra Energy 760.85 4 753.42 4 770.39 4 752.79 4 768.71 4 793.19 4 742.21 4

first:utility 826.82 4 803.16 4 776.02 4 761.28 4 769.29 4 837.88 4 730.68 4

Flow Energy 781.12 2 719.96 2 764.19 2 746.23 2 762.29 2 786.83 2 729.27 2

GB Energy Supply 757.35 2 719.99 2 780.73 2 769.23 2 783.80 2 808.90 2 735.51 2

GnERGY N/A N/A 754.20 3 768.20 3 751.60 3 795.87 3 797.49 3 743.14 3

Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A 785.84 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 819.33 1 N/A N/A 769.87 1

Good Energy 1133.66 1 1115.03 1 1099.13 1 1100.22 1 1121.75 1 1125.58 1 1102.66 1

Green Energy (UK) 1142.15 2 1139.18 2 1113.06 2 1108.62 2 1130.76 2 1137.47 2 1125.79 2

Green Star Energy 850.57 6 814.76 6 812.14 6 811.75 6 827.69 6 856.00 6 795.02 6

isupplyenergy N/A N/A 748.09 1 768.88 1 765.12 1 766.05 1 799.74 1 731.05 1

LoCO2 Energy 913.37 4 870.36 4 885.06 4 888.42 4 908.17 4 935.34 4 853.05 4

140 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Tariff Analysis - All companies - DUAL FUEL (4) Tariffs Tariffs

Scot. Hydro Scot. Power Seeboard Southern SWALEC SWEB Yorkshire

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs M&S Energy 1060.68 4 995.90 4 1042.03 4 1053.84 4 1060.79 4 1075.23 4 995.90 4

npower 858.65 4 833.24 4 777.03 4 748.65 4 857.43 4 862.27 4 743.16 4

OVO Energy 895.43 6 841.40 6 843.97 6 817.30 6 830.25 6 857.36 6 790.43 6

Places for People Energy 796.65 4 753.60 4 754.73 4 741.95 4766.094789.05 4 728.88 4

Robin Hood Energy 862.27 4 821.55 4 846.58 4 890.97 4 883.91 4 878.63 4 815.32 4

Sainsbury's Energy 1037.73 4 998.30 4 1010.79 4 1021.56 4 1025.99 4 1033.16 4 986.53 4

Scottish Power 838.92 5 838.95 5 838.91 5 735.34 5 838.92 5 838.92 5 731.71 5

So Energy 771.00 1 737.18 1 768.26 1 751.57 1 765.60 1793.311730.07 1

Spark Energy 1053.62 3 978.37 3 1010.69 3 1013.10 3 1038.03 3 1041.84 3 979.02 3

SSE 1002.49 6 947.48 6 987.39 6 996.58 6 1002.26 6 1015.39 6 947.48 6

The Co-operative Energy 802.60 4 761.39 4 780.51 4 775.01 4 793.88 4 813.20 4 752.51 4

Utilita 1190.88 1 1161.65 1 1156.93 1 1167.93 1 1185.92 1 1193.66 1 1151.61 1

Utility Warehouse 980.74 4 936.90 4 967.43 4 970.25 4 976.21 4 981.57 4 943.93 4

Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

141 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis - All companies - GAS (1) Tariffs Tariffs

London Eastern E. Midlands Manweb Midlands Northern Norweb

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Better Energy 434.18 4 434.18 4 434.18 4 434.18 4 434.18 4 434.18 4 434.18 4 Bristol Energy 401.68 4 379.37 4 374.12 4 383.30 4 381.99 4 375.43 4 388.55 4 British Gas 545.12 3 542.49 3 528.06 3 539.87 3 535.93 3 530.68 3 538.56 3 Daligas 346.97 1 346.97 1 346.97 1 346.97 1 346.97 1 346.97 1 346.97 1 E.ON 565.04 2 565.04 2 565.04 2 565.04 2 565.04 2 565.04 2 565.04 2 EBICo 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 Ecotricity 626.07 1 621.07 1 611.07 1 621.07 1 637.32 1 619.83 1 616.07 1 EDF Energy 387.58 3 420.00 3 377.61 3 347.16 3 395.33 3 417.11 3 381.81 3 Extra Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A first:utility N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Flow Energy 351.64 2 341.03 2 329.20 2 341.67 2 353.00 2 339.84 2 340.99 2 GB Energy Supply 391.89 2 391.89 2 389.97 2 386.14 2 389.97 2 382.31 2 388.05 2 GnERGY 551.10 1 551.10 1 551.10 1 551.10 1 551.10 1 551.10 1 551.10 1 Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A 371.29 1 386.29 1 380.04 1 387.54 1 386.29 1 Good Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Green Energy (UK) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Green Star Energy 399.63 4 378.03 4 397.61 4 382.44 4 397.75 4 371.78 4 395.70 4 isupplyenergy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LoCO2 Energy 537.13 2 530.57 2 530.57 2 530.57 2 530.57 2 537.13 2 530.57 2

142 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis - All companies - GAS (2) Tariffs Tariffs

London Eastern E. Midlands Manweb Midlands Northern Norweb

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs M&S Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A npower 370.99 3 352.82 3 332.60 3 391.84 3 352.13 3 428.42 3 356.62 3 OVO Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Places for People Energy 361.75 4 352.15 4 364.15 4 365.40 4 370.91 4 360.50 4 351.75 4 Robin Hood Energy 434.52 4 454.89 4 411.99 6 423.52 4 460.89 4 423.64 4 433.64 4 Sainsbury's Energy 576.62 1 572.68 1 558.24 1 570.06 1 566.12 1 560.87 1 568.74 1 Scottish Power 416.78 5 353.51 5 333.56 5 386.98 5 367.03 5 354.56 5 411.26 5 So Energy 365.40 1 350.96 1 350.96 1 357.53 1 369.34 1 357.53 1 356.21 1 Spark Energy 606.90 1 606.90 1 606.90 1 606.90 1 606.90 1 606.90 1 606.90 1 SSE 543.38 6 526.32 6 518.45 6 526.32 6 530.26 6 526.32 6 530.26 6 The Co-operative Energy 459.03 1 453.81 1 454.46 1 459.03 1 458.76 1 455.29 1 457.75 1 Utilita N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Utility Warehouse 527.99 4 517.62 4 511.32 4 515.91 4 519.19 4 505.94 4 512.63 4 Zog Energy 362.49 4 330.21 4 325.87 4 338.01 4 336.70 4 330.49 4 338.01 4

143 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis - All companies - GAS (3) Tariffs Tariffs

Scot. Hydro Scot. Power Seeboard Southern SWALEC SWEB Yorkshire

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Better Energy 434.18 4 434.18 4 434.18 4 434.18 4 434.18 4 434.18 4 434.18 4 Bristol Energy 388.55 4 388.55 4 399.05 4 392.49 4 381.99 4 396.43 4 372.80 4 British Gas 538.56 3 533.31 3 547.74 3 551.68 3 535.93 3 537.24 3 526.74 3 Daligas 346.97 1 346.97 1 346.97 1 346.97 1 346.97 1 346.97 1 346.97 1 E.ON 565.04 2 565.04 2 565.04 2 565.04 2 565.04 2 565.04 2 565.04 2 EBICo 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 Ecotricity 607.33 1 607.33 1 633.58 1 633.58 1 617.33 1 626.07 1 613.58 1 EDF Energy 336.92 3 384.30 3 390.99 3 436.67 3 340.33 3 396.38 3 383.12 3 Extra Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A first:utility N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Flow Energy 346.57 2 346.57 2 355.27 2 348.72 2 334.44 2 351.84 2 338.76 2 GB Energy Supply 370.81 2 370.81 2 391.89 2 389.97 2 389.97 2 389.97 2 380.39 2 GnERGY N/A N/A 551.10 1 551.10 1 551.10 1 551.10 1 551.10 1 551.10 1 Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A 365.04 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 385.04 1 N/A N/A 372.54 1 Good Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Green Energy (UK) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Green Star Energy 372.99 4 381.78 4 398.31 4 396.84 4 419.13 4 402.28 4 403.56 4 isupplyenergy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LoCO2 Energy 537.13 2 530.57 2 537.13 2 550.25 2 537.13 2 556.82 2 524.00 2

144 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis - All companies - GAS (4) Tariffs Tariffs

Scot. Hydro Scot. Power Seeboard Southern SWALEC SWEB Yorkshire

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs M&S Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A npower 409.49 3 390.59 3 356.61 3 356.57 3 422.10 3 418.31 3 347.83 3 OVO Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Places for People Energy 373.00 4 353.20 4 364.28 4 364.45 4 364.15 4 369.05 4 356.85 4 Robin Hood Energy 433.64 4 436.14 4 439.52 4 474.15 4 460.89 4 442.38 4 423.64 4 Sainsbury's Energy 568.74 1 563.49 1 579.24 1 583.18 1 566.12 1 567.43 1 556.93 1 Scottish Power 379.50 5 395.12 5 402.21 5 353.91 5 398.93 5 394.99 5 351.55 5 So Energy 349.65 1 353.59 1 373.28 1 361.46 1 365.40 1 370.65 1 358.84 1 Spark Energy 606.90 1 606.90 1 606.90 1 606.90 1 606.90 1 606.90 1 606.90 1 SSE 518.45 6 518.45 6 543.38 6 552.57 6 530.26 6 543.38 6 518.45 6 The Co-operative Energy 447.81 1 438.48 1 462.40 1 472.35 1 457.78 1 460.28 1 462.51 1 Utilita N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Utility Warehouse 506.99 4 508.04 4 524.18 4 530.48 4 519.19 4 521.95 4 516.44 4 Zog Energy 322.61 4 343.76 4 346.28 4 363.96 4 335.74 4 351.24 4 328.34 4

145 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis - All companies - ELECTRICITY (1) Tariffs Tariffs

London Eastern E. Midlands Manweb Midlands Northern Norweb

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 369.79 2 376.01 2 368.63 2 402.15 2 378.04 2 383.48 2 376.85 2 Better Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 396.08 4 399.20 4 401.42 4 439.92 4 406.80 4 419.90 4 412.12 4 British Gas 483.25 3 472.19 3 474.46 3 519.06 3 484.55 3 476.09 3 495.95 3 Daligas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A E.ON 479.39 6 471.58 6 470.28 6 531.15 6 479.72 6 480.37 6 498.27 6 EBICo 529.59 1 515.27 1 512.99 1 586.88 1 522.10 1 534.80 1 538.70 1 Ecotricity 507.64 1 521.57 1 516.00 1 551.84 1 522.56 1 525.43 1 533.97 1 EDF Energy 441.68 3 416.94 3 440.71 3 439.73 3 445.91 3 424.76 3 451.77 3 Extra Energy 388.06 4 401.44 4 404.02 4 439.47 4 407.89 4 420.85 4 410.59 4 first:utility 422.57 4 394.51 4 394.22 4 429.46 4 402.71 4 407.97 4 395.69 4 Flow Energy 385.64 2 405.63 2 398.98 2 437.43 2 398.56 2 412.59 2 401.51 2 GB Energy Supply 366.62 2 370.83 2 357.61 2 411.07 2 368.53 2 385.01 2 374.66 2 GnERGY 436.19 1 423.78 1 444.25 1 499.74 1 451.06 1 475.25 1 485.79 1 Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A 400.33 1 436.47 1 412.95 1 423.60 1 412.52 1 Good Energy 507.52 1 518.46 1 507.29 1 550.05 1 518.84 1 520.43 1 530.31 1 Green Energy (UK) 513.96 3 507.13 3 505.83 3 550.75 3 534.47 3 535.45 3 534.47 3 Green Star Energy 430.26 6 426.39 6 392.61 6 471.15 6 387.44 6 471.78 6 430.96 6 isupplyenergy 370.71 2 383.19 2 386.44 2 418.36 2 395.68 2 401.63 2 394.11 2 LoCO2 Energy 470.36 3 458.31 3 463.20 3 524.07 3 476.54 3 478.82 3 496.72 3

146 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis - All companies - ELECTRICITY (2) Tariffs Tariffs

London Eastern E. Midlands Manweb Midlands Northern Norweb

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs M&S Energy 472.27 4 461.53 4 461.53 4 526.30 4 472.27 4 472.27 4 478.78 4 npower 438.05 3 388.20 3 391.35 3 437.82 3 399.56 3 430.08 3 385.25 3 OVO Energy 408.98 6 411.90 6 413.21 6 448.36 6 417.11 6 430.46 6 424.60 6 Places for People Energy 375.70 4 389.20 4 368.40 4 420.39 4 382.08 4 390.11 4 398.13 4 Robin Hood Energy 398.15 4 390.81 4 373.97 6 444.13 4 397.85 4 404.05 4 403.89 4 Sainsbury's Energy 484.23 1 473.16 1 475.44 1 520.36 1 485.53 1 477.07 1 497.25 1 Scottish Power 409.77 5 390.14 5 385.88 5 462.50 5 391.28 5 400.75 5 418.46 5 So Energy 377.74 1 389.46 1 374.16 1 420.38 1 380.99 1 390.43 1 392.39 1 Spark Energy 520.15 1 493.19 1 481.74 1 533.61 1 505.59 1 484.78 1 509.48 1 SSE 438.15 6 429.04 6 429.04 6 484.05 6 438.15 6 438.15 6 444.01 6 The Co-operative Energy 379.63 2 387.02 2 375.59 2 422.46 2 390.37 2 389.44 2 389.93 2 Utilita 557.94 1 545.18 1 547.06 1 581.08 1 549.78 1 540.63 1 545.80 1 Utility Warehouse 463.58 4 454.57 4 457.76 4 498.87 4 464.79 4 470.71 4 476.93 4 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

147 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis - All companies - ELECTRICITY (3) Tariffs Tariffs

Scot. Hydro Scot. Power SeeboardSouthern SWALEC SWEB Yorkshire

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 387.06 2 379.92 2 387.84 2 374.76 2 387.84 2 402.04 2 373.18 2 Better Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 461.87 4 416.53 4 426.28 4 401.20 4 426.28 4 443.70 4 401.15 4 British Gas 514.18 3 480.00 3 478.04 3 484.88 3 478.04 3 510.92 3 474.79 3 Daligas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A E.ON 502.83 6 457.91 6 489.81 6 481.67 6 489.81 6 510.97 6 474.19 6 EBICo 592.41 1 530.24 1 523.40 1 535.77 1 523.40 1 558.23 1 517.87 1 Ecotricity 546.14 1 543.47 1 511.97 1 513.90 1 511.97 1 537.40 1 521.80 1 EDF Energy 429.96 3 419.87 3 463.82 3 409.46 3 463.82 3 482.70 3 444.29 3 Extra Energy 467.86 4 432.04 4 415.57 4 407.08 4 415.57 4 440.13 4 401.78 4 first:utility 474.00 4 440.18 4 419.73 4 399.05 4 419.73 4 463.91 4 394.11 4 Flow Energy 434.55 2 373.39 2 408.92 2 397.51 2 408.92 2 434.99 2 390.51 2 GB Energy Supply 386.54 2 349.18 2 388.84 2 379.26 2 388.84 2 418.93 2 355.12 2 GnERGY N/A N/A 457.89 1 441.15 1 446.11 1 441.15 1 504.70 1 458.51 1 Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A 420.79 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 397.34 1 Good Energy 545.69 1 527.06 1 511.15 1 512.25 1 511.15 1 537.60 1 514.68 1 Green Energy (UK) 542.61 3 546.19 3 514.94 3 515.27 3 514.94 3 524.06 3 534.47 3 Green Star Energy 492.58 6 447.98 6 428.83 6 429.91 6 428.83 6 468.72 6 406.46 6 isupplyenergy N/A N/A 399.84 2 399.97 2 390.14 2 399.97 2 429.19 2 385.36 2 LoCO2 Energy 537.41 3 469.38 3 481.10 3 484.35 3 481.10 3 526.34 3 467.75 3

148 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis - All companies - ELECTRICITY (4) Tariffs Tariffs

Scot. Hydro Scot. Power Seeboard Southern SWALEC SWEB Yorkshire

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs M&S Energy 526.30 4 461.53 4 478.78 4 478.78 4 478.78 4 511.98 4 461.53 4 npower 449.17 3 442.66 3 420.42 3 392.08 3 420.42 3 443.97 3 395.33 3 OVO Energy 493.61 6 439.57 6 446.08 6 416.79 6 446.08 6 454.22 6 412.23 6 Places for People Energy 431.15 4 407.90 4 397.95 4 385.00 4 397.95 4 427.50 4 379.52 4 Robin Hood Energy 428.63 4 385.42 4 407.06 4 416.82 4 407.06 4 436.24 4 391.68 4 Sainsbury's Energy 515.48 1 480.97 1 479.02 1 486.18 1 479.02 1 512.22 1 475.77 1 Scottish Power 456.09 5 423.28 5 425.49 5 391.93 5 425.49 5 452.02 5 390.66 5 So Energy 421.35 1 383.60 1 394.99 1 390.11 1 394.99 1 422.66 1 371.23 1 Spark Energy 481.84 1 528.96 1 514.27 1 524.44 1 514.27 1 524.14 1 482.99 1 SSE 484.05 6 429.04 6 444.01 6 444.01 6 444.01 6 472.00 6 429.04 6 The Co-operative Energy 435.84 2 401.64 2 398.67 2 383.32 2 398.67 2 434.95 2 369.22 2 Utilita 591.51 1 536.16 1 533.91 1 559.40 1 533.91 1 557.37 1 540.89 1 Utility Warehouse 499.74 4 454.86 4 469.25 4 465.76 4 469.25 4 485.62 4 453.49 4 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

149 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the London region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

LONDON Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 736.96 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 369.79 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 2 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 797.76 4 2 401.68 4 2 396.08 4 2 British Gas 1013.37 4 4 545.12 3 3 483.25 3 4 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1008.02 6 3 565.04 2 4 479.39 6 3 EBICo 1179.28 14649.69 14529.59 14 Ecotricity 1118.71 14626.07 1 4 507.64 1 4 EDF Energy 829.26 3 3 387.58 3 2 441.68 3 3 Extra Energy 743.74 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 388.06 4 2 first:utility 808.01 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 422.57 4 2 Flow Energy 737.28 21351.64 2 1 385.64 2 1 GB Energy Supply 758.50 2 2 391.89 2 2 366.62 21 GnERGY 742.48 3 1 551.10 1 4 436.19 1 3 Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Good Energy 1095.49 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 507.52 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1106.22 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 513.96 3 4 Green Star Energy 814.89 6 2 399.63 4 2 430.26 6 2 isupplyenergy 745.28 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 370.71 21 LoCO2 Energy 865.20 4 3 537.13 2 3 470.36 3 3 M&S Energy 1035.52 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 472.27 4 3 npower 809.03 4 2 370.99 3 1 438.05 3 3 OVO Energy 818.67 6 2 N/A N/A N/A 408.98 6 2 Places for People Energy 729.95 41361.75 4 1 375.70 4 1 Robin Hood Energy 832.67 4 3 434.52 4 3 398.15 4 2 Sainsbury's Energy 1013.37 4 4 576.62 1 4 484.23 1 4 Scottish Power 838.93 5 3 416.78 5 2 409.77 5 2 So Energy 743.14 1 1 365.40 1 1 377.74 1 1 Spark Energy 991.86 3 3 606.90 14520.15 14 SSE 981.54 6 3 543.38 6 3 438.15 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 759.25 4 2 459.03 1 3 379.63 2 1 Utilita 1151.43 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 557.94 14 Utility Warehouse 965.57 4 3 527.99 4 3 463.58 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 362.49 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

150 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Eastern region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

EASTERN Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 732.80 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 376.01 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 2 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 778.56 4 2 379.37 4 2 399.20 4 2 British Gas 999.68 4 3 542.49 3 3 472.19 3 4 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1000.21 6 4 565.04 2 4 471.58 6 3 EBICo 1164.95 14649.69 1 4 515.27 1 4 Ecotricity 1127.65 14621.07 14521.57 14 EDF Energy 836.94 3 3 420.00 3 2 416.94 3 3 Extra Energy 752.91 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 401.44 4 2 first:utility 732.13 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 394.51 4 2 Flow Energy 746.67 2 2 341.03 2 1 405.63 2 2 GB Energy Supply 762.72 2 2 391.89 2 2 370.83 21 GnERGY 750.30 3 2 551.10 1 4 423.78 1 3 Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Good Energy 1106.43 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 518.46 14 Green Energy (UK) 1099.98 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 507.13 3 4 Green Star Energy 789.42 6 3 378.03 4 2 426.39 6 3 isupplyenergy 742.54 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 383.19 21 LoCO2 Energy 859.61 4 3 530.57 2 3 458.31 3 3 M&S Energy 1005.09 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 461.53 4 3 npower 741.01 4 1 352.82 3 1 388.20 3 1 OVO Energy 788.79 6 2 N/A N/A N/A 411.90 6 2 Places for People Energy 733.85 4 1 352.15 4 1 389.20 4 1 Robin Hood Energy 845.70 4 3 454.89 4 3 390.81 4 2 Sainsbury's Energy 999.68 4 4 572.68 1 4 473.16 1 4 Scottish Power 733.16 5 1 353.51 5 2 390.14 5 2 So Energy 740.42 1 1 350.96 1 1 389.46 1 1 Spark Energy 977.21 3 3 606.90 1 4 493.19 1 4 SSE 955.36 6 3 526.32 6 3 429.04 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 761.50 4 2 453.81 1 3 387.02 2 1 Utilita 1151.80 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 545.18 14 Utility Warehouse 946.19 4 3 517.62 4 3 454.57 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 330.21 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

151 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the East Midlands region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

EAST MIDLANDS Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 723.20 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 368.63 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 775.53 4 3 374.12 4 2 401.42 4 2 British Gas 987.52 4 3 528.06 3 3 474.46 3 4 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 998.91 6 4 565.04 2 4 470.28 6 3 EBICo 1162.68 14649.69 14512.99 14 Ecotricity 1112.07 14611.07 14516.00 14 EDF Energy 818.31 3 3 377.61 3 2 440.71 3 3 Extra Energy 734.08 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 404.02 4 2 first:utility 722.92 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 394.22 4 2 Flow Energy 728.18 2 1 329.20 2 1 398.98 2 2 GB Energy Supply 747.58 2 2 389.97 2 2 357.61 21 GnERGY 749.97 3 2 551.10 1 4 444.25 1 3 Go Effortless Energy 771.62 1 2 371.29 1 2 400.33 1 2 Good Energy 1095.26 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 507.29 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1098.68 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 505.83 3 4 Green Star Energy 775.22 6 2 397.61 4 2 392.61 6 2 isupplyenergy 736.66 1 2 N/A N/A N/A 386.44 2 2 LoCO2 Energy 860.27 4 3 530.57 2 4 463.20 3 3 M&S Energy 995.90 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 461.53 4 3 npower 723.95 4 1 332.60 3 1 391.35 3 2 OVO Energy 778.28 6 3 N/A N/A N/A 413.21 6 3 Places for People Energy 725.05 4 1 364.15 4 2 368.40 41 Robin Hood Energy 770.93 6 2 411.99 6 3 373.97 6 1 Sainsbury's Energy 987.52 4 4 558.24 1 4 475.44 1 4 Scottish Power 708.94 5 1 333.56 5 1 385.88 5 1 So Energy 725.12 1 1 350.96 1 1 374.16 1 1 Spark Energy 972.86 3 3 606.90 1 4 481.74 1 4 SSE 947.48 6 3 518.45 6 3 429.04 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 751.20 4 2 454.46 1 3 375.59 2 1 Utilita 1153.95 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 547.06 14 Utility Warehouse 943.08 4 3 511.32 4 3 457.76 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 325.87 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

152 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Manweb region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

MANWEB Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 776.96 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 402.15 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 823.23 4 2 383.30 4 2 439.92 4 2 British Gas 1043.93 4 3 539.87 3 4 519.06 3 3 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1059.78 6 4 565.04 2 4 531.15 6 4 EBICo 1236.56 14649.69 14586.88 14 Ecotricity 1157.92 14621.07 14551.84 14 EDF Energy 786.89 3 2 347.16 3 1 439.73 3 2 Extra Energy 785.38 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 439.47 4 2 first:utility 785.86 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 429.46 4 1 Flow Energy 779.10 2 1 341.67 2 1 437.43 2 2 GB Energy Supply 797.21 2 2 386.14 2 2 411.07 21 GnERGY 790.33 3 2 551.10 1 4 499.74 1 3 Go Effortless Energy 822.76 1 2 386.29 1 2 436.47 1 2 Good Energy 1138.02 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 550.05 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1143.74 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 550.75 3 4 Green Star Energy 838.58 6 3 382.44 4 2 471.15 6 3 isupplyenergy 782.72 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 418.36 21 LoCO2 Energy 925.04 4 3 530.57 2 3 524.07 3 3 M&S Energy 1069.86 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 526.30 4 4 npower 829.66 4 2 391.84 3 2 437.82 3 2 OVO Energy 838.37 6 2 N/A N/A N/A 448.36 6 2 Places for People Energy 778.29 4 1 365.40 4 1 420.39 4 1 Robin Hood Energy 867.65 4 3 423.52 4 3 444.13 4 2 Sainsbury's Energy 1043.93 4 3 570.06 1 4 520.36 1 3 Scottish Power 838.98 5 3 386.98 5 2 462.50 5 3 So Energy 777.90 1 1 357.53 1 1 420.38 1 1 Spark Energy 1049.37 3 4 606.90 1 4 533.61 1 4 SSE 1010.37 6 3 526.32 6 3 484.05 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 800.13 4 2 459.03 1 3 422.46 2 1 Utilita 1193.57 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 581.08 14 Utility Warehouse 988.78 4 3 515.91 4 3 498.87 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 338.01 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

153 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Midlands region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

MIDLANDS Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 750.31 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 378.04 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 788.79 4 2 381.99 4 2 406.80 4 2 British Gas 1005.49 4 3 535.93 3 4 484.55 3 4 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1008.35 6 4 565.04 2 4 479.72 6 3 EBICo 1171.79 14649.69 1 4 522.10 1 4 Ecotricity 1144.88 14637.32 14522.56 14 EDF Energy 841.24 3 3 395.33 3 2 445.91 3 3 Extra Energy 757.97 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 407.89 4 2 first:utility 747.72 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 402.71 4 2 Flow Energy 751.57 2 1 353.00 2 1 398.56 2 2 GB Energy Supply 758.50 2 2 389.97 2 2 368.53 21 GnERGY 761.04 3 2 551.10 1 4 451.06 1 3 Go Effortless Energy 792.99 1 2 380.04 1 2 412.95 1 2 Good Energy 1106.81 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 518.84 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1125.79 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 534.47 34 Green Star Energy 770.19 6 2 397.75 4 2 387.44 6 1 isupplyenergy 752.51 1 2 N/A N/A N/A 395.68 2 2 LoCO2 Energy 863.19 4 3 530.57 2 3 476.54 3 3 M&S Energy 1021.08 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 472.27 4 3 npower 751.69 4 1 352.13 3 1 399.56 3 2 OVO Energy 797.94 6 3 N/A N/A N/A 417.11 6 3 Places for People Energy 745.49 4 1 370.91 4 2 382.08 4 1 Robin Hood Energy 858.74 4 3 460.89 4 3 397.85 4 2 Sainsbury's Energy 1005.49 4 4 566.12 1 4 485.53 1 4 Scottish Power 748.73 5 1 367.03 5 1 391.28 5 1 So Energy 750.33 1 1 369.34 1 1 380.99 11 Spark Energy 989.32 3 3 606.90 1 4 505.59 1 4 SSE 968.41 6 3 530.26 6 3 438.15 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 769.26 4 2 458.76 1 3 390.37 2 1 Utilita 1145.06 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 549.78 14 Utility Warehouse 957.98 4 3 519.19 4 3 464.79 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 336.70 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

154 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Northern region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

NORTHERN Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 744.75 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 383.48 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 795.33 4 2 375.43 4 2 419.90 4 2 British Gas 991.77 4 3 530.68 3 3 476.09 3 3 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1009.00 6 4 565.04 2 4 480.37 6 4 EBICo 1184.48 14649.69 14534.80 14 Ecotricity 1130.25 14619.83 1 4 525.43 1 4 EDF Energy 841.87 3 3 417.11 3 2 424.76 3 2 Extra Energy 758.21 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 420.85 4 2 first:utility 743.80 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 407.97 4 2 Flow Energy 752.43 2 1 339.84 2 1 412.59 2 2 GB Energy Supply 767.32 2 2 382.31 2 2 385.01 21 GnERGY 758.76 3 2 551.10 1 4 475.25 1 3 Go Effortless Energy 811.14 1 2 387.54 1 2 423.60 1 2 Good Energy 1108.40 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 520.43 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1126.44 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 535.45 34 Green Star Energy 834.42 6 3 371.78 4 2 471.78 6 3 isupplyenergy 749.65 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 401.63 2 1 LoCO2 Energy 883.75 4 3 537.13 2 4 478.82 3 4 M&S Energy 1015.83 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 472.27 4 3 npower 858.50 4 3 428.42 3 3 430.08 3 2 OVO Energy 809.97 6 2 N/A N/A N/A 430.46 6 3 Places for People Energy 743.12 4 1 360.50 4 1 390.11 4 1 Robin Hood Energy 827.69 4 2 423.64 4 2 404.05 4 2 Sainsbury's Energy 991.77 4 4 560.87 1 4 477.07 1 3 Scottish Power 744.82 5 1 354.56 5 1 400.75 5 1 So Energy 747.96 1 1 357.53 1 1 390.43 1 1 Spark Energy 979.02 3 3 606.90 1 4 484.78 1 4 SSE 964.47 6 3 526.32 6 3 438.15 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 765.18 4 2 455.29 1 3 389.44 21 Utilita 1157.37 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 540.63 14 Utility Warehouse 950.65 4 3 505.94 4 3 470.71 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 330.49 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

155 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Norweb region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

NORWEB Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 738.73 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 376.85 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 800.67 4 2 388.55 4 2 412.12 4 2 British Gas 1019.50 4 3 538.56 3 4 495.95 3 3 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1026.90 6 4 565.04 2 4 498.27 6 4 EBICo 1188.39 14649.69 14538.70 14 Ecotricity 1135.05 14616.07 1 4 533.97 1 4 EDF Energy 833.58 3 3 381.81 3 2 451.77 3 3 Extra Energy 748.99 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 410.59 4 2 first:utility 740.83 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 395.69 4 1 Flow Energy 742.51 2 1 340.99 2 1 401.51 2 2 GB Energy Supply 762.72 2 2 388.05 2 2 374.66 21 GnERGY 765.92 3 2 551.10 1 4 485.79 1 3 Go Effortless Energy 798.81 1 2 386.29 1 2 412.52 1 2 Good Energy 1118.28 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 530.31 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1127.33 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 534.47 34 Green Star Energy 811.66 6 2 395.70 4 2 430.96 6 3 isupplyenergy 759.49 1 2 N/A N/A N/A 394.11 2 1 LoCO2 Energy 881.75 4 3 530.57 2 3 496.72 3 3 M&S Energy 1027.59 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 478.78 4 3 npower 741.87 4 1 356.62 3 1 385.25 31 OVO Energy 814.61 6 2 N/A N/A N/A 424.60 6 2 Places for People Energy 742.38 4 1 351.75 4 1 398.13 4 2 Robin Hood Energy 837.54 4 3 433.64 4 3 403.89 4 2 Sainsbury's Energy 1019.50 4 4 568.74 1 4 497.25 1 4 Scottish Power 838.98 5 3 411.26 5 2 418.46 5 2 So Energy 748.60 1 1 356.21 1 1 392.39 1 1 Spark Energy 1014.95 3 3 606.90 1 4 509.48 1 4 SSE 974.27 6 3 530.26 6 3 444.01 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 767.90 4 2 457.75 1 3 389.93 2 1 Utilita 1170.05 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 545.80 14 Utility Warehouse 963.56 4 3 512.63 4 3 476.93 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 338.01 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

156 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Scottish Hydro region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

SCOTTISH HYDRO Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 763.42 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 387.06 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 850.43 4 2 388.55 4 2 461.87 4 2 British Gas 1037.73 4 3 538.56 3 4 514.18 3 3 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1031.46 6 3 565.04 2 4 502.83 6 3 EBICo 1242.10 14649.69 14592.41 14 Ecotricity 1138.47 1 4 607.33 14546.14 14 EDF Energy 766.88 3 1 336.92 3 1 429.96 3 1 Extra Energy 760.85 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 467.86 4 2 first:utility 826.82 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 474.00 4 2 Flow Energy 781.12 2 1 346.57 2 1 434.55 2 1 GB Energy Supply 757.35 2 1 370.81 2 2 386.54 21 GnERGY N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Good Energy 1133.66 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 545.69 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1142.15 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 542.61 3 4 Green Star Energy 850.57 6 2 372.99 4 2 492.58 6 3 isupplyenergy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LoCO2 Energy 913.37 4 3 537.13 2 3 537.41 3 4 M&S Energy 1060.68 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 526.30 4 4 npower 858.65 4 2 409.49 3 2 449.17 3 2 OVO Energy 895.43 6 3 N/A N/A N/A 493.61 6 3 Places for People Energy 796.65 4 1 373.00 4 2 431.15 4 1 Robin Hood Energy 862.27 4 2 433.64 4 3 428.63 4 1 Sainsbury's Energy 1037.73 4 3 568.74 1 4 515.48 1 3 Scottish Power 838.92 5 2 379.50 5 2 456.09 5 2 So Energy 771.00 1 1 349.65 1 1 421.35 11 Spark Energy 1053.62 3 4 606.90 1 4 481.84 1 2 SSE 1002.49 6 3 518.45 6 3 484.05 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 802.60 4 2 447.81 1 3 435.84 2 2 Utilita 1190.88 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 591.51 14 Utility Warehouse 980.74 4 3 506.99 4 3 499.74 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 322.61 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

157 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Scottish Power region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

SCOTTISH POWER Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 737.76 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 379.92 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 805.08 4 2 388.55 4 2 416.53 4 2 British Gas 998.30 4 4 533.31 3 4 480.00 3 4 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 986.54 6 3 565.04 2 4 457.91 6 3 EBICo 1179.93 14649.69 1 4 530.24 1 4 Ecotricity 1135.80 1 4 607.33 14543.47 14 EDF Energy 804.17 3 2 384.30 3 2 419.87 3 2 Extra Energy 753.42 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 432.04 4 2 first:utility 803.16 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 440.18 4 3 Flow Energy 719.96 21346.57 21373.39 21 GB Energy Supply 719.99 2 1 370.81 2 2 349.18 21 GnERGY 754.20 3 2 551.10 1 4 457.89 1 3 Go Effortless Energy 785.84 1 2 365.04 1 1 420.79 1 2 Good Energy 1115.03 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 527.06 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1139.18 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 546.19 34 Green Star Energy 814.76 6 2 381.78 4 2 447.98 6 3 isupplyenergy 748.09 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 399.84 2 1 LoCO2 Energy 870.36 4 3 530.57 2 3 469.38 3 3 M&S Energy 995.90 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 461.53 4 3 npower 833.24 4 3 390.59 3 2 442.66 3 3 OVO Energy 841.40 6 3 N/A N/A N/A 439.57 6 2 Places for People Energy 753.60 4 1 353.20 4 1 407.90 4 2 Robin Hood Energy 821.55 4 2 436.14 4 3 385.42 4 1 Sainsbury's Energy 998.30 4 4 563.49 1 4 480.97 1 4 Scottish Power 838.95 5 3 395.12 5 2 423.28 5 2 So Energy 737.18 1 1 353.59 1 1 383.60 1 1 Spark Energy 978.37 3 3 606.90 1 4 528.96 1 4 SSE 947.48 6 3 518.45 6 3 429.04 6 2 The Co-operative Energy 761.39 4 2 438.48 1 3 401.64 2 1 Utilita 1161.65 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 536.16 14 Utility Warehouse 936.90 4 3 508.04 4 3 454.86 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 343.76 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

158 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the SEEboard region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

SEEboard Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 757.60 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 387.84 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 2 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 825.33 4 2 399.05 4 2 426.28 4 2 British Gas 1010.79 4 3 547.74 3 3 478.04 3 3 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1018.44 6 4 565.04 2 4 489.81 6 4 EBICo 1173.09 14649.69 14523.40 14 Ecotricity 1130.56 14633.58 1 4 511.97 1 4 EDF Energy 854.81 3 3 390.99 3 2 463.82 3 3 Extra Energy 770.39 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 415.57 4 2 first:utility 776.02 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 419.73 4 2 Flow Energy 764.19 21355.27 2 1 408.92 2 2 GB Energy Supply 780.73 2 2 391.89 2 2 388.84 21 GnERGY 768.20 3 1 551.10 1 4 441.15 1 3 Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Good Energy 1099.13 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 511.15 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1113.06 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 514.94 34 Green Star Energy 812.14 6 2 398.31 4 2 428.83 6 2 isupplyenergy 768.88 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 399.97 2 1 LoCO2 Energy 885.06 4 3 537.13 2 3 481.10 3 4 M&S Energy 1042.03 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 478.78 4 3 npower 777.03 4 2 356.61 3 1 420.42 3 2 OVO Energy 843.97 6 3 N/A N/A N/A 446.08 6 3 Places for People Energy 754.73 4 1 364.28 4 1 397.95 4 1 Robin Hood Energy 846.58 4 3 439.52 4 3 407.06 4 1 Sainsbury's Energy 1010.79 4 4 579.24 1 4 479.02 1 3 Scottish Power 838.91 5 2 402.21 5 2 425.49 5 2 So Energy 768.26 1 1 373.28 1 1 394.99 11 Spark Energy 1010.69 3 3 606.90 1 4 514.27 1 4 SSE 987.39 6 3 543.38 6 3 444.01 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 780.51 4 2 462.40 1 3 398.67 2 1 Utilita 1156.93 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 533.91 14 Utility Warehouse 967.43 4 3 524.18 4 3 469.25 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 346.28 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

159 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Southern region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

SOUTHERN Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 742.17 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 374.76 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 2 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 793.69 4 2 392.49 4 2 401.20 4 2 British Gas 1021.56 4 4 551.68 3 3 484.88 3 4 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1010.30 6 3 565.04 2 4 481.67 6 3 EBICo 1185.46 14649.69 14535.77 14 Ecotricity 1132.48 14633.58 1 4 513.90 1 4 EDF Energy 846.13 3 3 436.67 3 2 409.46 3 2 Extra Energy 752.79 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 407.08 4 2 first:utility 761.28 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 399.05 4 2 Flow Energy 746.23 2 1 348.72 2 1 397.51 2 2 GB Energy Supply 769.23 2 2 389.97 2 2 379.26 21 GnERGY 751.60 3 1 551.10 1 3 446.11 1 3 Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Good Energy 1100.22 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 512.25 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1108.62 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 515.27 3 4 Green Star Energy 811.75 6 2 396.84 4 2 429.91 6 3 isupplyenergy 765.12 1 2 N/A N/A N/A 390.14 2 1 LoCO2 Energy 888.42 4 3 550.25 2 3 484.35 3 3 M&S Energy 1053.84 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 478.78 4 3 npower 748.65 4 1 356.57 3 1 392.08 3 2 OVO Energy 817.30 6 3 N/A N/A N/A 416.79 6 2 Places for People Energy 741.95 4 1 364.45 4 2 385.00 4 1 Robin Hood Energy 890.97 4 3 474.15 4 3 416.82 4 3 Sainsbury's Energy 1021.56 4 4 583.18 1 4 486.18 1 4 Scottish Power 735.34 51353.91 5 1 391.93 5 1 So Energy 751.57 1 1 361.46 1 1 390.11 1 1 Spark Energy 1013.10 3 3 606.90 14524.44 14 SSE 996.58 6 3 552.57 6 4 444.01 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 775.01 4 2 472.35 1 3 383.32 21 Utilita 1167.93 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 559.40 14 Utility Warehouse 970.25 4 3 530.48 4 3 465.76 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 363.96 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

160 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the SWALEC region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

SWALEC Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 758.97 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 387.84 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 811.41 4 2 381.99 4 2 426.28 4 2 British Gas 1025.99 4 3 535.93 3 3 478.04 3 3 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1015.51 6 3 565.04 2 4 489.81 6 4 EBICo 1223.22 14649.69 14523.40 14 Ecotricity 1137.62 14617.33 1 4 511.97 1 4 EDF Energy 770.30 3 2 340.33 3 1 463.82 3 3 Extra Energy 768.71 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 415.57 4 2 first:utility 769.29 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 419.73 4 2 Flow Energy 762.29 21334.44 2 1 408.92 2 2 GB Energy Supply 783.80 2 2 389.97 2 2 388.84 21 GnERGY 795.87 3 2 551.10 1 4 441.15 1 3 Go Effortless Energy 819.33 1 2 385.04 1 2 N/A N/A N/A Good Energy 1121.75 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 511.15 1 4 Green Energy (UK) 1130.76 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 514.94 34 Green Star Energy 827.69 6 2 419.13 4 2 428.83 6 2 isupplyenergy 766.05 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 399.97 2 1 LoCO2 Energy 908.17 4 3 537.13 2 4 481.10 3 4 M&S Energy 1060.79 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 478.78 4 3 npower 857.43 4 3 422.10 3 2 420.42 3 2 OVO Energy 830.25 6 2 N/A N/A N/A 446.08 6 3 Places for People Energy 766.09 4 1 364.15 4 1 397.95 4 1 Robin Hood Energy 883.91 4 3 460.89 4 3 407.06 4 1 Sainsbury's Energy 1025.99 4 4 566.12 1 4 479.02 1 3 Scottish Power 838.92 5 3 398.93 5 2 425.49 5 2 So Energy 765.60 1 1 365.40 1 1 394.99 11 Spark Energy 1038.03 3 4 606.90 1 4 514.27 1 4 SSE 1002.26 6 3 530.26 6 3 444.01 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 793.88 4 2 457.78 1 3 398.67 2 1 Utilita 1185.92 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 533.91 14 Utility Warehouse 976.21 4 3 519.19 4 3 469.25 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 335.74 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

161 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the SWEB region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

SWEB Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Avro Energy 788.98 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 402.04 21 better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 2 N/A N/A N/A Bristol Energy 840.13 4 2 396.43 4 2 443.70 4 2 British Gas 1033.16 4 3 537.24 3 3 510.92 3 3 Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A E.ON 1039.60 6 4 565.04 2 4 510.97 6 3 EBICo 1207.92 14649.69 14558.23 14 Ecotricity 1148.47 14626.07 1 4 537.40 1 4 EDF Energy 879.07 3 3 396.38 3 2 482.70 3 3 Extra Energy 793.19 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 440.13 4 2 first:utility 837.88 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 463.91 4 2 Flow Energy 786.83 21351.84 2 1 434.99 2 1 GB Energy Supply 808.90 2 2 389.97 2 1 418.93 21 GnERGY 797.49 3 1 551.10 1 3 504.70 1 3 Go Effortless Energy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Good Energy 1125.58 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 537.60 14 Green Energy (UK) 1137.47 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 524.06 3 4 Green Star Energy 856.00 6 2 402.28 4 2 468.72 6 3 isupplyenergy 799.74 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 429.19 2 1 LoCO2 Energy 935.34 4 3 556.82 2 4 526.34 3 4 M&S Energy 1075.23 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 511.98 4 3 npower 862.27 4 3 418.31 3 2 443.97 3 2 OVO Energy 857.36 6 2 N/A N/A N/A 454.22 6 2 Places for People Energy 789.05 4 1 369.05 4 1 427.50 4 1 Robin Hood Energy 878.63 4 3 442.38 4 3 436.24 4 2 Sainsbury's Energy 1033.16 4 3 567.43 1 4 512.22 1 4 Scottish Power 838.92 5 2 394.99 5 2 452.02 5 2 So Energy 793.31 1 1 370.65 1 1 422.66 11 Spark Energy 1041.84 3 4 606.90 1 4 524.14 1 4 SSE 1015.39 6 3 543.38 6 3 472.00 6 3 The Co-operative Energy 813.20 4 2 460.28 1 3 434.95 2 1 Utilita 1193.66 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 557.37 14 Utility Warehouse 981.57 4 3 521.95 4 3 485.62 4 3 Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 351.24 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

162 Regional Energy Direct Debit Tariff Analysis Most Expensive Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Yorkshire region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

YORKSHIRE Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

Avro Energy 731.60 2 1 N/A N/A N/A 373.18 2 1

better energy N/A N/A N/A 434.18 4 3 N/A N/A N/A

Bristol Energy 773.96 4 2 372.80 4 2 401.15 4 2

British Gas 986.53 4 3 526.74 3 4 474.79 3 4

Daligas N/A N/A N/A 346.97 1 1 N/A N/A N/A

E.ON 1002.82 6 4 565.04 2 4 474.19 6 3

EBICo 1167.56 14649.69 1 4 517.87 1 4

Ecotricity 1120.37 1 4 613.58 14521.80 14

EDF Energy 827.41 3 3 383.12 3 2 444.29 3 3

Extra Energy 742.21 4 2 N/A N/A N/A 401.78 4 2

first:utility 730.68 4 1 N/A N/A N/A 394.11 4 2

Flow Energy 729.27 21338.76 2 1 390.51 2 1

GB Energy Supply 735.51 2 2 380.39 2 2 355.12 21

GnERGY 743.14 3 2 551.10 1 4 458.51 1 3

Go Effortless Energy 769.87 1 2 372.54 1 2 397.34 1 2

Good Energy 1102.66 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 514.68 1 4

Green Energy (UK) 1125.79 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 534.47 34

Green Star Energy 795.02 6 3 403.56 4 2 406.46 6 2

isupplyenergy 731.05 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 385.36 2 1

LoCO2 Energy 853.05 4 3 524.00 2 3 467.75 3 3

M&S Energy 995.90 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 461.53 4 3

npower 743.16 4 2 347.83 3 1 395.33 3 2

OVO Energy 790.43 6 2 N/A N/A N/A 412.23 6 3

Places for People Energy 728.88 4 1 356.85 4 1 379.52 4 1

Robin Hood Energy 815.32 4 3 423.64 4 3 391.68 4 2

Sainsbury's Energy 986.53 4 4 556.93 1 4 475.77 1 4

Scottish Power 731.71 5 1 351.55 5 1 390.66 5 2

So Energy 730.07 1 1 358.84 1 2 371.23 11

Spark Energy 979.02 3 3 606.90 1 4 482.99 1 4

SSE 947.48 6 3 518.45 6 3 429.04 6 3

The Co-operative Energy 752.51 4 2 462.51 1 3 369.22 21

Utilita 1151.61 1 4 N/A N/A N/A 540.89 14

Utility Warehouse 943.93 4 3 516.44 4 3 453.49 4 3

Zog Energy N/A N/A N/A 328.34 4 1 N/A N/A N/A

163 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis - All companies - DUAL FUEL (1) Tariffs Tariffs

London Eastern E. Midlands Manweb Midlands Northern Norweb

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs British Gas 1071.22 2 1057.52 2 1045.36 2 1101.77 2 1063.33 2 1049.62 2 1077.35 2 E.ON 1109.46 2 1101.32 2 1100.02 2 1162.52 2 1109.79 2 1110.44 2 1128.67 2 EBICo 1179.28 1 1164.95 1 1162.68 1 1236.56 1 1171.79 1 1184.48 1 1188.39 1 Ecotricity 1118.71 1 1127.65 1 1112.07 1 1157.92 1 1144.88 1 1130.25 1 1135.05 1 EDF Energy 1077.79 2 1080.72 2 1074.21 2 1117.17 2 1072.26 2 1080.72 2 1097.32 2 Extra Energy 1196.19 1 1185.12 1 1187.40 1 1232.32 1 1197.49 1 1189.03 1 1209.21 1 first:utility 1126.66 1 1266.08 1 1112.79 1 1187.79 1 1131.46 1 1102.45 1 1347.35 1 Green Star Energy 1088.47 1 1071.79 1 1067.90 1 1122.07 1 1064.28 1 1085.46 1 1083.74 1 npower 1199.48 1 1198.50 1 1201.10 1 1206.31 1 1204.36 1 1205.34 1 1206.31 1 OVO Energy 1049.58 1 1014.14 1 1013.47 1 1076.13 1 1035.71 1 1060.83 1 1052.37 1 Robin Hood Energy 1072.27 1 1041.47 1 1009.85 2 1064.95 1 1055.42 1 1022.17 1 1033.05 1 Scottish Power 1142.27 3 1096.49 3 1093.57 3 1173.39 3 1104.81 3 1092.22 3 1108.07 3 Spark Energy 1062.67 2 1035.72 2 1024.26 2 1076.14 2 1048.11 2 1027.31 2 1052.00 2 SSE 1183.60 1 1152.85 1 1142.35 1 1219.25 1 1169.16 1 1163.91 1 1176.00 1 The Co-operative Energy 1150.63 1 1097.64 1 1096.99 1 1213.71 1 1078.00 1 1156.74 1 1113.19 1 Utilita 1046.72 1 1047.02 1 1048.99 1 1084.99 1 1040.96 1 1052.20 1 1063.70 1 Utility Warehouse 1191.98 1 1171.69 1 1168.34 1 1216.39 1 1184.15 1 1175.96 1 1189.75 1

164 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis - All companies - DUAL FUEL (2) Tariffs Tariffs

Scot. Hydro Scot. Power Seeboard Southern SWALEC SWEB Yorkshire

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs British Gas 1095.58 2 1056.15 2 1068.63 2 1079.41 2 1083.84 2 1091.01 2 1044.38 2 E.ON 1133.55 2 1087.00 2 1120.20 2 1111.74 2 1116.95 2 1142.01 2 1103.93 2 EBICo 1242.10 1 1179.93 1 1173.09 1 1185.46 1 1223.22 1 1207.92 1 1167.56 1 Ecotricity 1138.47 1 1135.80 1 1130.56 1 1132.48 1 1137.62 1 1148.47 1 1120.37 1 EDF Energy 1115.55 2 1090.48 2 1086.25 2 1093.41 2 1112.94 2 1110.66 2 1075.84 2 Extra Energy 1227.44 1 1192.93 1 1190.98 1 1198.14 1 1218.32 1 1224.18 1 1187.73 1 first:utility 1104.43 1 1097.23 1 1148.66 1 1306.43 1 1132.42 1 1163.50 1 1237.03 1 Green Star Energy 1066.56 1 1093.85 1 1086.18 1 1134.22 1 1083.58 1 1103.72 1 1084.94 1 npower 1218.68 1 1194.27 1 1205.01 1 1205.01 1 1205.34 1 1205.66 1 1203.38 1 OVO Energy N/A N/A 1056.28 1 1088.29 1 1069.77 1 1068.32 1 1100.04 1 1019.72 1 Robin Hood Energy 1058.78 1 1016.15 1 1078.15 1 1089.31 1 1082.08 1 1136.46 1 1009.15 1 Scottish Power 1163.77 3 1109.56 3 1136.99 3 1143.60 3 1152.30 3 1155.69 3 1086.63 3 Spark Energy 1077.99 2 1024.37 2 1056.79 2 1066.96 2 1072.46 2 1066.66 2 1025.52 2 SSE 1208.75 1 1142.35 1 1190.44 1 1202.25 1 1209.85 1 1224.29 1 1142.35 1 The Co-operative Energy 1198.42 1 1131.04 1 1172.10 1 1105.73 1 1185.72 1 1196.13 1 1139.15 1 Utilita N/A N/A 1056.03 1 1051.82 1 1061.72 1 1078.14 1 1085.16 1 1046.95 1 Utility Warehouse 1207.84 1 1161.65 1 1194.18 1 1197.08 1 1202.46 1 1209.15 1 1169.70 1

165 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis - All companies - GAS (1) Tariffs Tariffs

London Eastern E. Midlands Manweb Midlands Northern Norweb

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs British Gas 573.99 2 571.37 2 556.93 2 568.74 2 564.81 2 559.56 2 567.43 2 E.ON 600.06 2 600.06 2 600.06 2 600.06 2 600.06 2 600.06 2 600.06 2 EBICo 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 Ecotricity 626.07 1 621.07 1 611.07 1 621.07 1 637.32 1 619.83 1 616.07 1 EDF Energy 585.77 2 585.77 2 585.77 2 585.77 2 585.77 2 585.77 2 585.77 2 Green Star Energy 566.95 1 542.41 1 542.41 1 542.41 1 545.03 1 545.03 1 545.03 1 npower 640.90 1 640.90 1 640.90 1 640.90 1 640.90 1 640.90 1 640.90 1 Robin Hood Energy 564.87 1 551.12 1 539.50 1 517.87 1 557.63 1 517.87 1 528.75 1 Scottish Power 597.03 3 593.88 3 599.00 3 602.81 3 591.00 3 587.98 3 589.16 3 Spark Energy 663.62 1 663.62 1 663.62 1 663.62 1 663.62 1 663.62 1 663.62 1 SSE 655.22 1 635.53 1 625.03 1 635.53 1 640.78 1 635.53 1 640.78 1 The Co-operative Energy 638.56 1 605.75 1 605.75 1 629.37 1 594.81 1 629.37 1 596.56 1 Utilita 539.50 1 551.40 1 551.67 1 556.73 1 541.15 1 560.69 1 567.53 1 Utility Warehouse 656.51 1 647.06 1 644.04 1 648.38 1 650.21 1 643.26 1 646.54 1

166 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis - All companies - GAS (2) Tariffs Tariffs

Scot. Hydro Scot. Power Seeboard Southern SWALEC SWEB Yorkshire

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs British Gas 567.43 2 562.18 2 576.62 2 580.56 2 564.81 2 566.12 2 555.62 2 E.ON 600.06 2 600.06 2 600.06 2 600.06 2 600.06 2 600.06 2 600.06 2 EBICo 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 649.69 1 Ecotricity 607.33 1 607.33 1 633.58 1 633.58 1 617.33 1 626.07 1 613.58 1 EDF Energy 585.77 2 585.77 2 585.77 2 585.77 2 585.77 2 585.77 2 585.77 2 Green Star Energy 532.17 1 532.17 1 545.03 1 566.95 1 542.41 1 566.95 1 542.41 1 npower 640.90 1 640.90 1 640.90 1 640.90 1 640.90 1 640.90 1 640.90 1 Robin Hood Energy 528.75 1 531.38 1 570.75 1 571.37 1 557.63 1 597.75 1 517.87 1 Scottish Power 591.13 3 591.00 3 600.05 3 613.70 3 594.80 3 584.17 3 576.03 3 Spark Energy 663.62 1 663.62 1 663.62 1 663.62 1 663.62 1 663.62 1 663.62 1 SSE 625.03 1 625.03 1 655.22 1 667.03 1 640.78 1 655.22 1 625.03 1 The Co-operative Energy 630.68 1 630.68 1 637.25 1 600.50 1 630.68 1 629.37 1 626.75 1 Utilita N/A N/A 568.62 1 566.43 1 553.18 1 585.44 1 578.47 1 555.23 1 Utility Warehouse 641.68 1 641.68 1 654.68 1 660.06 1 648.38 1 646.41 1 642.60 1

167 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis - All companies - ELECTRICITY (1) Tariffs Tariffs

London Eastern E. Midlands Manweb Midlands Northern Norweb

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs British Gas 512.22 2 501.16 2 503.43 2 548.03 2 513.52 2 505.06 2 524.92 2 E.ON 529.40 2 521.26 2 519.96 2 582.45 2 529.72 2 530.37 2 548.60 2 EBICo 529.59 1 515.27 1 512.99 1 586.88 1 522.10 1 534.80 1 538.70 1 Ecotricity 507.64 1 521.57 1 516.00 1 551.84 1 522.56 1 525.43 1 533.97 1 EDF Energy 492.02 2 494.95 2 488.44 2 531.41 2 486.49 2 494.95 2 511.55 2 first:utility 564.36 1 657.16 1 570.74 1 653.48 1 578.41 1 572.27 1 738.92 1 Green Star Energy 521.52 1 529.39 1 525.49 1 579.67 1 519.25 1 540.43 1 538.71 1 npower 558.57 1 557.60 1 560.20 1 565.41 1 563.46 1 564.43 1 565.41 1 OVO Energy 550.64 1 551.94 1 552.60 1 595.56 1 561.71 1 580.26 1 571.80 1 Robin Hood Energy 507.40 1 490.35 1 474.85 2 547.08 1 497.79 1 504.30 1 504.30 1 Scottish Power 538.28 3 481.87 3 485.51 3 575.15 3 499.90 3 490.07 3 506.70 3 Spark Energy 541.31 1 514.35 1 502.90 1 554.77 1 526.74 1 505.94 1 530.64 1 SSE 528.39 1 517.32 1 517.32 1 583.72 1 528.39 1 528.39 1 535.22 1 The Co-operative Energy 512.07 1 491.89 1 491.24 1 584.34 1 483.19 1 527.37 1 516.63 1 Utilita 507.22 1 495.62 1 497.32 1 528.26 1 499.81 1 491.51 1 496.17 1 Utility Warehouse 561.46 1 550.62 1 550.30 1 594.01 1 559.93 1 558.70 1 569.21 1

168 Most Cheapest Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis - All companies - ELECTRICITY (2) Tariffs Tariffs

Scot. Hydro Scot. Power Seeboard Southern SWALEC SWEB Yorkshire

Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Lowest No. of Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs British Gas 543.14 2 508.97 2 507.01 2 513.85 2 534.03 2 539.89 2 503.76 2 E.ON 553.48 2 506.94 2 540.14 2 531.67 2 536.88 2 561.95 2 523.86 2 EBICo 592.41 1 530.24 1 523.40 1 535.77 1 573.53 1 558.23 1 517.87 1 Ecotricity 546.14 1 543.47 1 511.97 1 513.90 1 535.29 1 537.40 1 521.80 1 EDF Energy 529.78 2 504.71 2 500.48 2 507.64 2 527.17 2 524.90 2 490.07 2 first:utility 581.38 1 572.92 1 596.61 1 698.26 1 601.50 1 608.30 1 665.73 1 Green Star Energy 534.39 1 561.68 1 541.15 1 567.27 1 541.17 1 536.77 1 542.53 1 npower 577.78 1 553.36 1 564.11 1 564.11 1 564.43 1 564.76 1 562.48 1 OVO Energy N/A N/A 574.40 1 593.28 1 569.52 1 587.75 1 601.10 1 550.97 1 Robin Hood Energy 530.03 1 484.77 1 507.40 1 517.94 1 524.45 1 538.71 1 491.28 1 Scottish Power 568.84 3 529.06 3 536.94 3 539.22 3 555.92 3 570.73 3 491.70 3 Spark Energy 503.00 1 550.11 1 535.42 1 545.59 1 551.09 1 545.30 1 504.15 1 SSE 583.72 1 517.32 1 535.22 1 535.22 1 569.07 1 569.07 1 517.32 1 The Co-operative Energy 567.74 1 500.36 1 534.86 1 505.24 1 555.04 1 566.76 1 512.40 1 Utilita N/A N/A 487.41 1 485.39 1 508.54 1 492.71 1 506.69 1 491.72 1 Utility Warehouse 592.16 1 545.97 1 565.50 1 563.03 1 580.08 1 588.74 1 553.10 1

169 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the London PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

LONDON Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1071.22 2 1 573.99 2 2 512.22 2 2

E.ON 1109.46 2 2 600.06 2 3 529.40 2 3

EBICo 1179.28 1 4 649.69 1 4 529.59 1 3

Ecotricity 1118.71 1 3 626.07 1 3 507.64 1 1

EDF Energy 1077.79 2 2 585.77 2 2 492.02 21

Extra Energy 1196.19 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1126.66 1 3 N/A N/A N/A 564.36 14

Green Star Energy 1088.47 1 2 566.95 1 1 521.52 1 2

npower 1199.48 1 4 640.90 1 3 558.57 14

OVO Energy 1049.58 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 550.64 1 4

Robin Hood Energy 1072.27 1 2 564.87 11507.40 11

Scottish Power 1142.27 3 3 597.03 3 2 538.28 3 3

Spark Energy 1062.67 21663.62 1 4 541.31 1 3

SSE 1183.60 1 4 655.22 1 4 528.39 1 2

The Co-operative Energy 1150.63 1 3 638.56 1 3 512.07 1 2

Utilita 1046.72 11539.50 11507.22 11

Utility Warehouse 1191.98 14656.51 14561.46 14

170 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Eastern PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

EASTERN Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1057.52 2 2 571.37 2 2 501.16 2 2

E.ON 1101.32 2 3 600.06 2 3 521.26 2 3

EBICo 1164.95 1 4 649.69 1 4 515.27 1 2

Ecotricity 1127.65 1 3 621.07 1 3 521.57 1 3

EDF Energy 1080.72 2 2 585.77 2 2 494.95 2 1

Extra Energy 1185.12 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1266.08 14N/AN/AN/A657.16 14

Green Star Energy 1071.79 1 2 542.41 1 1 529.39 1 3

npower 1198.50 1 4 640.90 1 4 557.60 14

OVO Energy 1014.14 11N/AN/AN/A551.94 14

Robin Hood Energy 1041.47 11551.12 11490.35 11

Scottish Power 1096.49 3 2 593.88 3 2 481.87 31

Spark Energy 1035.72 21663.62 1 4 514.35 1 2

SSE 1152.85 1 3 635.53 1 3 517.32 1 3

The Co-operative Energy 1097.64 1 3 605.75 1 3 491.89 11

Utilita 1047.02 1 1 551.40 1 1 495.62 1 2

Utility Warehouse 1171.69 1 4 647.06 1 4 550.62 1 4

171 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the East Midlands PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

EAST MIDLANDS Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1045.36 2 1 556.93 2 2 503.43 2 2

E.ON 1100.02 2 3 600.06 2 3 519.96 2 3

EBICo 1162.68 1 4 649.69 1 4 512.99 1 2

Ecotricity 1112.07 1 3 611.07 1 3 516.00 1 3

EDF Energy 1074.21 2 2 585.77 2 2 488.44 21

Extra Energy 1187.40 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1112.79 1 3 N/A N/A N/A 570.74 14

Green Star Energy 1067.90 1 2 542.41 1 1 525.49 1 3

npower 1201.10 1 4 640.90 1 4 560.20 14

OVO Energy 1013.47 11N/AN/AN/A552.60 14

Robin Hood Energy 1009.85 21539.50 11474.85 21

Scottish Power 1093.57 3 2 599.00 3 2 485.51 31

Spark Energy 1024.26 21663.62 1 4 502.90 1 2

SSE 1142.35 1 4 625.03 1 3 517.32 1 3

The Co-operative Energy 1096.99 1 3 605.75 1 3 491.24 1 1

Utilita 1048.99 1 2 551.67 1 1 497.32 1 2

Utility Warehouse 1168.34 14644.04 1 4 550.30 1 4

172 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Manweb PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

MANWEB Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1101.77 2 2 568.74 2 2 548.03 2 1

E.ON 1162.52 2 3 600.06 2 2 582.45 2 3

EBICo 1236.56 14649.69 1 4 586.88 1 4

Ecotricity 1157.92 1 2 621.07 1 3 551.84 1 2

EDF Energy 1117.17 2 2 585.77 2 2 531.41 21

Extra Energy 1232.32 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1187.79 1 3 N/A N/A N/A 653.48 14

Green Star Energy 1122.07 1 2 542.41 1 1 579.67 1 3

npower 1206.31 1 3 640.90 1 4 565.41 1 2

OVO Energy 1076.13 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 595.56 14

Robin Hood Energy 1064.95 11517.87 11547.08 11

Scottish Power 1173.39 3 3 602.81 3 3 575.15 3 2

Spark Energy 1076.14 21663.62 1 4 554.77 1 2

SSE 1219.25 1 4 635.53 1 3 583.72 1 3

The Co-operative Energy 1213.71 1 4 629.37 1 3 584.34 1 3

Utilita 1084.99 1 1 556.73 11528.26 11

Utility Warehouse 1216.39 1 4 648.38 14594.01 14

173 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Midlands PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

MIDLANDS Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1063.33 2 2 564.81 2 2 513.52 2 2

E.ON 1109.79 2 3 600.06 2 3 529.72 2 3

EBICo 1171.79 1 4 649.69 1 4 522.10 1 2

Ecotricity 1144.88 1 3 637.32 1 3 522.56 1 3

EDF Energy 1072.26 2 2 585.77 2 2 486.49 21

Extra Energy 1197.49 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1131.46 1 3 N/A N/A N/A 578.41 14

Green Star Energy 1064.28 1 2 545.03 1 1 519.25 1 2

npower 1204.36 1 4 640.90 1 4 563.46 14

OVO Energy 1035.71 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 561.71 14

Robin Hood Energy 1055.42 1 1 557.63 11497.79 11

Scottish Power 1104.81 3 3 591.00 3 2 499.90 3 2

Spark Energy 1048.11 21663.62 1 4 526.74 1 3

SSE 1169.16 1 4 640.78 1 3 528.39 1 3

The Co-operative Energy 1078.00 1 2 594.81 1 3 483.19 11

Utilita 1040.96 11541.15 1 1 499.81 1 1

Utility Warehouse 1184.15 14650.21 1 4 559.93 1 4

174 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Northern PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

NORTHERN Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1049.62 21559.56 2 1 505.06 2 2

E.ON 1110.44 2 3 600.06 2 3 530.37 2 3

EBICo 1184.48 14649.69 1 4 534.80 1 3

Ecotricity 1130.25 1 3 619.83 1 3 525.43 1 2

EDF Energy 1080.72 2 2 585.77 2 2 494.95 21

Extra Energy 1189.03 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1102.45 1 3 N/A N/A N/A 572.27 14

Green Star Energy 1085.46 1 2 545.03 1 1 540.43 1 3

npower 1205.34 1 4 640.90 1 4 564.43 14

OVO Energy 1060.83 1 2 N/A N/A N/A 580.26 14

Robin Hood Energy 1022.17 11517.87 1 1 504.30 1 1

Scottish Power 1092.22 3 2 587.98 3 2 490.07 31

Spark Energy 1027.31 21663.62 1 4 505.94 1 2

SSE 1163.91 1 4 635.53 1 3 528.39 1 3

The Co-operative Energy 1156.74 1 3 629.37 1 3 527.37 1 2

Utilita 1052.20 1 1 560.69 1 2 491.51 11

Utility Warehouse 1175.96 1 4 643.26 1 4 558.70 1 4

175 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Norweb PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

NORWEB Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1077.35 2 2 567.43 2 1 524.92 2 2

E.ON 1128.67 2 3 600.06 2 3 548.60 2 3

EBICo 1188.39 1 4 649.69 1 4 538.70 1 3

Ecotricity 1135.05 1 3 616.07 1 3 533.97 1 2

EDF Energy 1097.32 2 2 585.77 2 2 511.55 2 1

Extra Energy 1209.21 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1347.35 14N/AN/AN/A738.92 14

Green Star Energy 1083.74 1 2 545.03 1 1 538.71 1 3

npower 1206.31 1 4 640.90 1 4 565.41 1 4

OVO Energy 1052.37 11N/AN/AN/A571.80 14

Robin Hood Energy 1033.05 11528.75 11504.30 11

Scottish Power 1108.07 3 2 589.16 3 2 506.70 31

Spark Energy 1052.00 21663.62 1 4 530.64 1 2

SSE 1176.00 1 3 640.78 1 3 535.22 1 3

The Co-operative Energy 1113.19 1 3 596.56 1 3 516.63 1 2

Utilita 1063.70 1 1 567.53 1 2 496.17 11

Utility Warehouse 1189.75 1 4 646.54 14569.21 14

176 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Scottish Hydro PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

SCOTTISH HYDRO Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1095.58 2 2 567.43 2 1 543.14 2 2

E.ON 1133.55 2 2 600.06 2 2 553.48 2 3

EBICo 1242.10 14649.69 14592.41 14

Ecotricity 1138.47 1 3 607.33 1 3 546.14 1 2

EDF Energy 1115.55 2 2 585.77 2 2 529.78 21

Extra Energy 1227.44 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1104.43 1 2 N/A N/A N/A 581.38 1 4

Green Star Energy 1066.56 11532.17 1 1 534.39 1 2

npower 1218.68 1 4 640.90 1 4 577.78 1 3

Robin Hood Energy 1058.78 11528.75 11530.03 11

Scottish Power 1163.77 3 3 591.13 3 2 568.84 3 3

Spark Energy 1077.99 21663.62 14503.00 11

SSE 1208.75 1 4 625.03 1 3 583.72 14

The Co-operative Energy 1198.42 1 3 630.68 1 3 567.74 1 3

Utility Warehouse 1207.84 1 3 641.68 14592.16 14

177 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Scottish Power PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

SCOTTISH POWER Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1056.15 2 1 562.18 2 1 508.97 2 2

E.ON 1087.00 2 2 600.06 2 3 506.94 2 2

EBICo 1179.93 14649.69 1 4 530.24 1 3

Ecotricity 1135.80 1 3 607.33 1 3 543.47 1 3

EDF Energy 1090.48 2 2 585.77 2 2 504.71 2 1

Extra Energy 1192.93 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1097.23 1 3 N/A N/A N/A 572.92 14

Green Star Energy 1093.85 1 2 532.17 11561.68 14

npower 1194.27 1 4 640.90 1 4 553.36 1 4

OVO Energy 1056.28 1 2 N/A N/A N/A 574.40 14

Robin Hood Energy 1016.15 11531.38 11484.77 11

Scottish Power 1109.56 3 3 591.00 3 2 529.06 3 2

Spark Energy 1024.37 21663.62 1 4 550.11 1 3

SSE 1142.35 1 4 625.03 1 3 517.32 1 2

The Co-operative Energy 1131.04 1 3 630.68 1 3 500.36 11

Utilita 1056.03 1 1 568.62 1 2 487.41 11

Utility Warehouse 1161.65 1 4 641.68 1 4 545.97 1 3

178 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the SSEboard PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

SEEboard Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1068.63 2 1 576.62 2 2 507.01 21

E.ON 1120.20 2 2 600.06 2 3 540.14 2 3

EBICo 1173.09 1 4 649.69 1 4 523.40 1 2

Ecotricity 1130.56 1 3 633.58 1 3 511.97 1 2

EDF Energy 1086.25 2 2 585.77 2 2 500.48 21

Extra Energy 1190.98 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1148.66 1 3 N/A N/A N/A 596.61 14

Green Star Energy 1086.18 1 2 545.03 1 1 541.15 1 3

npower 1205.01 1 4 640.90 1 3 564.11 1 4

OVO Energy 1088.29 1 2 N/A N/A N/A 593.28 14

Robin Hood Energy 1078.15 1 1 570.75 1 1 507.40 1 1

Scottish Power 1136.99 3 3 600.05 3 2 536.94 3 3

Spark Energy 1056.79 21663.62 1 4 535.42 1 3

SSE 1190.44 1 4 655.22 1 4 535.22 1 2

The Co-operative Energy 1172.10 1 3 637.25 1 3 534.86 1 2

Utilita 1051.82 11566.43 11485.39 11

Utility Warehouse 1194.18 14654.68 14565.50 14

179 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Southern PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

SOUTHERN Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1079.41 2 1 580.56 2 2 513.85 2 1

E.ON 1111.74 2 2 600.06 2 2 531.67 2 2

EBICo 1185.46 1 3 649.69 1 4 535.77 1 3

Ecotricity 1132.48 1 3 633.58 1 3 513.90 1 2

EDF Energy 1093.41 2 2 585.77 2 2 507.64 21

Extra Energy 1198.14 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1306.43 14N/AN/AN/A698.26 14

Green Star Energy 1134.22 1 3 566.95 11567.27 14

npower 1205.01 1 4 640.90 1 3 564.11 1 4

OVO Energy 1069.77 11N/AN/AN/A569.52 14

Robin Hood Energy 1089.31 1 2 571.37 1 1 517.94 1 2

Scottish Power 1143.60 3 3 613.70 3 3 539.22 3 3

Spark Energy 1066.96 21663.62 1 4 545.59 1 3

SSE 1202.25 14667.03 1 4 535.22 1 2

The Co-operative Energy 1105.73 1 2 600.50 1 3 505.24 11

Utilita 1061.72 11553.18 11508.54 11

Utility Warehouse 1197.08 1 4 660.06 1 4 563.03 1 3

180 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Swalec PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

SWALEC Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1083.84 2 2 564.81 2 1 534.03 2 1

E.ON 1116.95 2 2 600.06 2 3 536.88 2 2

EBICo 1223.22 14649.69 1 4 573.53 1 4

Ecotricity 1137.62 1 3 617.33 1 3 535.29 1 2

EDF Energy 1112.94 2 2 585.77 2 2 527.17 21

Extra Energy 1218.32 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1132.42 1 3 N/A N/A N/A 601.50 14

Green Star Energy 1083.58 1 2 542.41 1 1 541.17 1 2

npower 1205.34 1 4 640.90 1 4 564.43 1 3

OVO Energy 1068.32 11N/AN/AN/A587.75 14

Robin Hood Energy 1082.08 1 1 557.63 11524.45 11

Scottish Power 1152.30 3 3 594.80 3 2 555.92 3 3

Spark Energy 1072.46 21663.62 1 4 551.09 1 2

SSE 1209.85 14640.78 1 3 569.07 1 3

The Co-operative Energy 1185.72 1 3 630.68 1 3 555.04 1 3

Utilita 1078.14 1 1 585.44 1 2 492.71 11

Utility Warehouse 1202.46 1 4 648.38 14580.08 14

181 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the SWEB PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

SWEB Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1091.01 21566.12 2 1 539.89 2 2

E.ON 1142.01 2 2 600.06 2 3 561.95 2 3

EBICo 1207.92 1 4 649.69 1 4 558.23 1 2

Ecotricity 1148.47 1 3 626.07 1 3 537.40 1 1

EDF Energy 1110.66 2 2 585.77 2 2 524.90 21

Extra Energy 1224.18 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1163.50 1 3 N/A N/A N/A 608.30 14

Green Star Energy 1103.72 1 2 566.95 11536.77 11

npower 1205.66 1 4 640.90 1 3 564.76 1 3

OVO Energy 1100.04 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 601.10 14

Robin Hood Energy 1136.46 1 2 597.75 1 2 538.71 1 2

Scottish Power 1155.69 3 3 584.17 3 2 570.73 3 4

Spark Energy 1066.66 21663.62 1 4 545.30 1 2

SSE 1224.29 14655.22 1 4 569.07 1 3

The Co-operative Energy 1196.13 1 3 629.37 1 3 566.76 1 3

Utilita 1085.16 11578.47 11506.69 11

Utility Warehouse 1209.15 1 4 646.41 1 4 588.74 14

182 Most Expensive Regional Energy Pre-paid Tariff Analysis Cheapest Tariffs Tariffs

This chart lists the cheapest pre-paid tariffs available for dual, gas and electricity from each company that supplies fuel in the Yorkshire PES region. The number of tariffs per supplier in that region is also displayed.

We have only listed those utilities that offer pre-paid tariffs.

YORKSHIRE Dual Fuel Gas Electricity

Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Cheapest No. of Company Name Quartile Quartile Quartile Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs Tariff Tariffs

British Gas 1044.38 2 1 555.62 2 2 503.76 2 2

E.ON 1103.93 2 3 600.06 2 3 523.86 2 3

EBICo 1167.56 1 4 649.69 1 4 517.87 1 3

Ecotricity 1120.37 1 3 613.58 1 3 521.80 1 3

EDF Energy 1075.84 2 2 585.77 2 2 490.07 21

Extra Energy 1187.73 1 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

first:utility 1237.03 14N/AN/AN/A665.73 14

Green Star Energy 1084.94 1 2 542.41 1 1 542.53 1 3

npower 1203.38 1 4 640.90 1 4 562.48 14

OVO Energy 1019.72 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 550.97 1 4

Robin Hood Energy 1009.15 11517.87 11491.28 11

Scottish Power 1086.63 3 2 576.03 3 2 491.70 31

Spark Energy 1025.52 21663.62 1 4 504.15 1 2

SSE 1142.35 1 3 625.03 1 3 517.32 1 2

The Co-operative Energy 1139.15 1 3 626.75 1 3 512.40 1 2

Utilita 1046.95 1 2 555.23 1 1 491.72 1 1

Utility Warehouse 1169.70 1 4 642.60 14553.10 14

183 174