Elena S. Danielson Archivist Emerita, Consultant
Elena S. Danielson Archivist Emerita, Consultant 1712 Harte Drive San Jose, California 95124 +1 408.265.7585 elenad@stanfordalumni.org Elena S. Danielson, PhD, worked for 27 years in the Hoover Archives at Stanford University, serving as head of the archives for the last ten of those years. She began writing about the ethical dilemmas of archival practice in 1985. Topics of interest include access, privacy, restitution, and authenticity. In 2005 she won the Posner prize for an article in the American Archivist about access to East German political police files. Employment HOOVER INSTITUTION LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES Stanford University, California Archivist emerita, Stanford University 9/3/2005 - present Associate Director, Hoover Institution 1/1/2002 - 9/2/2005 Director of the Hoover Library and Archives 1/1/2002 - 9/2/2005 Head of Hoover Library and Archives 9/1/2001 - 1/1/2002 Archivist 1997 - 2005 Archivist (Acting) 1996 - 1997 Associate Archivist (collection development, bibliographic instruction, 1988 - 1996 exhibit programs) Assistant Archivist (reference services and outreach) 1981 - 1988 Archival Specialist (technical processing) 1978 – 1981 Education M.L.S. School of Library Science, U. C. Berkeley 1979 Ph.D. German Studies, Stanford University 1975 A.M. German Studies, Stanford University 1970 A.B. German major, Slavic and History minors, U. C. Berkeley 1969 with Great Distinction Honors Diploma de Excelenta, Fundatia Europeana Titulescu, Romania 2006 Silver Medal for Human Rights of the Russian Federation, Moscow 2005 joint award for editors of The History of Stalin’s Gulag Ernst Posner Prize, Society of American Archivists 2005 Order of Merit from President of Romania, Bucharest 2004 IREX Travel Grant, Cheliabinsk, Russia 2003 Laurel Award of Polish Prime Minister, Warsaw 2001 NEH grant $287,440, with Charles Palm, Hoover Institution 1999 - 2001 Fulbright Fellowship, Goettingen & Munich, Germany 1976 Whiting Fellowship, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland 1973 Teaching Fellowship, Stanford University 1969 - 1972 Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, U.
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