The Edda of Saemund the Learned

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The Edda of Saemund the Learned The Edda of Saemund the Learned Benjamin Thorpe The Edda of Saemund the Learned Table of Contents The Edda of Saemund the Learned.........................................................................................................................1 Benjamin Thorpe............................................................................................................................................2 Part I...............................................................................................................................................................4 Preface............................................................................................................................................................5 Introduction to the Völuspa............................................................................................................................7 Völuspa The Vala's Prophecy........................................................................................................................8 VafÞrúðnismál.............................................................................................................................................19 The lay of Vafthrúdnir.................................................................................................................................20 Grimnismál: The Lay of Grimnir.................................................................................................................29 Hrafnagaldr Odins: Odin's Ravens' Song.....................................................................................................38 Vegtamskvida eða Baldrs Draumar: The Lay of Vegtam, or Baldr's Dreams.............................................43 Havamal: The High One's Lay.....................................................................................................................47 RunatalsÞáttr Oðins: Odin's Rune−song.....................................................................................................68 Hymiskviða: The Lay of Hymir...................................................................................................................73 ThrymskviÞa eðr Hamarsheimt: The Lay of Thrym, or the Hammer recovered.........................................80 Alvíssmál: The Lay of the Dwarf Alvis.......................................................................................................87 Harbarðslióð: The Lay of Harbard...............................................................................................................93 För Skirnis eðr Skirnismál: The Journey or Lay of Skirnir.......................................................................101 Rígsmál: The Lay of Rig............................................................................................................................108 Ægisdrekka, eða Lokasenna, eða Lokaglepsa: Ægir's Compotation or Loki's Altercation.......................117 Fiölsvinnsmál: The Lay of Fiölsvith..........................................................................................................129 Hyndlulioð: The Lay of Hyndla.................................................................................................................137 Gróagaldr: The Incantation of Groa...........................................................................................................147 Solarlióð: The Song of the Sun..................................................................................................................150 Part 2.......................................................................................................................................................................163 Preface........................................................................................................................................................164 Völundarkviða: The Lay of Völund...........................................................................................................166 HelgakviÞa Hiörvarðs Sonar: The Lay of Helgi Hiörvard's son................................................................174 Helgakviða Hundingsbana Fyrri: The First Lay of Helgi Hundingcide....................................................184 Helgakviða Hundingsbana Önnur: The Second Lay of Helgi Hundingcide..............................................195 Sinfiötlalok: Sinfiötli's End........................................................................................................................207 SigurÞarkviða Fafnisbana Fyrsta eða Gripisspa: The First Lay of Sigurd Fafnicide, or Gripir's Prophecy....................................................................................................................................................208 SigurÞarkviða Fafnisbana Önnur: The Second Lay of Sigurd Fafnicide...................................................219 Fafnismol...................................................................................................................................................225 Sigrdrifumal: The Lay of Sigrdrifa............................................................................................................232 Fragments of the Lays of Sigurd and Brynhild..........................................................................................239 SigurÞarkviða Fafnisbana Þriðja: The Third Lay of Sigurd Fafnicide......................................................243 Brot af Brynhildarkviða: Fragments of the Lay of Brynhild.....................................................................256 GuÞrúnarkviða Fyrsta: The First Lay of Gudrún.......................................................................................260 Helreið Brynhildar: Brynhild's Hel−ride...................................................................................................266 Drap Niflunga: The Slaughter of the Niflungs...........................................................................................269 Guðrúnarkviða Önnur: The Second Lay of Gudrún..................................................................................270 Guðrunarkviða Þriðja: The Third Lay of Gudrún......................................................................................279 Oddrúnargrátr: Oddrún's Lament...............................................................................................................282 Atlakviða: The Lay of Atli.........................................................................................................................289 Atlamál in Groenlenzku: The Groenland Lay of Atli................................................................................298 Gudrúnarhvöt: Gudrún's Incitement...........................................................................................................317 i The Edda of Saemund the Learned Table of Contents The Edda of Saemund the Learned Hamðismal: The Lay of Hamdir................................................................................................................322 Gunnars Slagr: Gunnar's Melody...............................................................................................................328 Gróttasöngr: The Lay of Grótti, or The Millâ€'Song.................................................................................333 ii The Edda of Saemund the Learned The Edda of Saemund the Learned 1 The Edda of Saemund the Learned Benjamin Thorpe This page copyright © 2002 Blackmask Online. • Part I • Preface • Introduction to the Völuspa • Völuspa The Vala's Prophecy. • VafÞrúðnismál • The lay of Vafthrúdnir. • Grimnismál: The Lay of Grimnir • Hrafnagaldr Odins: Odin's Ravens' Song • Vegtamskvida eða Baldrs Draumar: The Lay of Vegtam, or Baldr's Dreams. • Havamal: The High One's Lay • RunatalsÞáttr Oðins: Odin's Rune−song. • Hymiskviða: The Lay of Hymir. • ThrymskviÞa eðr Hamarsheimt: The Lay of Thrym, or the Hammer recovered. • Alvíssmál: The Lay of the Dwarf Alvis. • Harbarðslióð: The Lay of Harbard. • För Skirnis eðr Skirnismál: The Journey or Lay of Skirnir. • Rígsmál: The Lay of Rig. • Ægisdrekka, eða Lokasenna, eða Lokaglepsa: Ægir's Compotation or Loki's Altercation. • Fiölsvinnsmál: The Lay of Fiölsvith • Hyndlulioð: The Lay of Hyndla. • Gróagaldr: The Incantation of Groa • Solarlióð: The Song of the Sun. • Part 2 • Preface • Völundarkviða: The Lay of Völund • HelgakviÞa Hiörvarðs Sonar: The Lay of Helgi Hiörvard's son • Helgakviða Hundingsbana Fyrri: The First Lay of Helgi Hundingcide. • Helgakviða Hundingsbana Önnur: The Second Lay of Helgi Hundingcide. • Sinfiötlalok: Sinfiötli's End • SigurÞarkviða Fafnisbana Fyrsta eða Gripisspa: The First Lay of Sigurd Fafnicide, or Gripir's Prophecy. • SigurÞarkviða Fafnisbana Önnur: The Second Lay of Sigurd Fafnicide. • Fafnismol • Sigrdrifumal: The Lay of Sigrdrifa • Fragments of the Lays of Sigurd and Brynhild. • SigurÞarkviða Fafnisbana Þriðja: The Third Lay of Sigurd Fafnicide. • Brot af Brynhildarkviða: Fragments of the Lay of Brynhild. • GuÞrúnarkviða Fyrsta: The First Lay of Gudrún. • Helreið Brynhildar: Brynhild's Hel−ride. • Drap Niflunga: The Slaughter of the Niflungs. • Guðrúnarkviða Önnur: The Second Lay of Gudrún. • Guðrunarkviða Þriðja: The Third Lay of Gudrún. • Oddrúnargrátr: Oddrún's Lament • Atlakviða: The Lay of Atli. Benjamin Thorpe 2 The Edda of Saemund the Learned • Atlamál in Groenlenzku: The Groenland Lay of Atli. • Gudrúnarhvöt: Gudrún's Incitement. • Hamðismal: The Lay of Hamdir.
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