J Ewish Treason Against the Laws of Life: Nazi Religiosity and Bourgeois
18 Jewish Treason against the Laws of Life: Nazi Religiosity and Bourgeois Fantasy ROBERT A. POlS llver the years, puychohistorians have made increasing use of the concept of 11 grou;> fantasy. 11 Even if the term is not utilized explicitly, reference has been made to a putative state in which a given group of people, due to events of a physically singular or traumatic nature, cor.1es to share or participate in a fantasy, a recrudescence of accur.mlated myth-grounded responses to historical eilallenges .1 Haturally, psycholtistorians generally must believe that r,roup fantasies are the products of phylogenetic forces. Their various contents certainly are time-baund and, in some cases, quite singular. Even the most nonreductionist psychohistorian, however, must percieve general, underlying forms, which are representative of phylogenesis. In this chapter, the writer, while not concerned with ascertaininp, phylogenetic origins, has no intention of calling this assumption into question. Rather, assuming that the existence of group fantasies has been determined, we will be focusing upon one that he perceives as being of immense importance for lleimar Germany' s bourgeoisie~- the fantasy of return to a natural order ir.nnune from the challenges presented by military defeat and by the social, economic, and political uncertainties posed by life in Weimar Germany. This orderwas one in which elements perceived as inimical, or at least alien, to Ger1Mn national life would either have no role to play or would exist as entities to be overcome. llational Socialism was ia large measure both a product of and response to this group fantasy.
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