A2-Central Catalog No 01

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A2-Central Catalog No 01 1991 Since the day the Apple III (RIP) introduced in 1992 was 1980, the''experts'' h ave 1993 been saying the Apple II is a dead machine. I the 1994 Apple III couldn't kill it, the Usa (RIP) or the PC Jr 1995 (RIP) or the 128K Mac 1996 {RIP) would. Some people never learn. I thinkw e'll 1997 see 2001 before we see the end of the Apple II. 1998 Here's wby••• 1999 A2·Central • We're Apple H experts. 2000 Winter 1990 2 A2·Central Catalog !Yumber 1 Introduction As we've tried to show on our cover, people have been predicting the demise of the Apple II since the Apple Ill was introduced in 1980-just a few months after I bought my first Apple II. I once told people that I carried around in my billfold, where most people have pictures of their children, a seasonally-adjusted chart of the rate at which computer industry pundits were declaring the death of the Apple II. It's always been ridiculous. Let me be clear: When I started this company six years ago, there were just as many unfounded rumors about Apple's upcoming discontinuance of the Apple II line as there are today. Here's why we've never believed these rumors and why you shouldn't either: • Apple has sold over 5 million Apple lis (well over half of them since the Macintosh was introduced, incidentally) and continues to sell about half a billion dollars worth of them each year. Public companies like Apple don't just stop selling profitable products, product lines this large, or brand names as well known as this one. • Don't be fooled by the apparent lack of dealer interest in the Apple II. Retail salespeople at Apple dealers rarely know anything about the Apple 11. Meanwhile, the dealer's education salespeople in the back Hi. I'm Tom Weishaar. I've been using Apple lis since 1980. I've written room are selling them by the truckload. Apple II soft;�Nare that was published by Beagle Bros; I've written articles • About two-thirds of all computers in U.S. elementary and secondary and :books about the Apple II for Softalk and Tab Books. I've been schools are Apple lis. The other third is a mix of various kinds of interviewed in Nibble (February 1988, page I 0}; and inCider called me incompatible equipment. The U.S. education system is highly unlikely an Apple II hero (December 1987, page 68). On the other hand, I could to throw away its investment in hardware, software, and training any tell you about the time my Toyota stationwagon rolled into the creek time soon, particularly whilethe Apple II continues to meet the needs behind my house, but that story isn't so flattering. of the system. Six years ago, as computer industry experts were declaring the death • The Apple llgs is a state-of-the-art computer, not "ten-year-old of the Apple II, I started an 8-page monthly Apple II newsletter called technology," as IBM education salespeople like to say. Its system Open-Apple. It was immediately successful and grew into A2·Centtal, a software provides its users with a reliable, tested, and fully up-to-date small company that's now at the heart of the world-wide Apple II desktop interface, it comes with built-in networking capability, its community. memory can be expanded to five or even eight megabytes, its sound I still publish that 8-page monthly Apple II newsletter, but now it's and video capabilities are superb, and it is price-competitive with called A2·Central and it's edited by Dennis Doms. We also publish a similar systems from other Fortune 500 companies. version of A2·Central on 3.5 disks. Dean Esmay puts that together for • Apple's managers have repeatedly said that they intend to demonstrate us. and provide a long-term commitment to their Apple II customers. This year we started two other 3.5-disk-based publications. The first, During the summer of 1990 they made a giant leap toward that goal Stack-Central, edited by Terry Baker, revolves around HyperStudio and by creating a high-level executive position that is concerned with multimedia on the Apple llgs. The other, TimeOut-Central, edited by nothing but the Apple II. Ralph Russo, a seven-year Apple veteran Richard Marchiafava, revolves around Apple Works and the TimeOut with a strong commitment to the Apple II, was appointed to the post. series from Beagle Bros. Each month we include a 4-page catalog in the envelope with our Six years ago I started a new Apple 11-only publication and the newsletter. Qur goal has been to provide the Apple II community a "experts" said I was crazy. In 1990 I started two of them. Glory be. reliable source of high-quality hardware, software, and books that are of Jay Jennings, Jeff Neuer, Joyce Hammond, and even my mother, Jean usually not available from local dealers. Tom Vanderpool, who was Weishaar, who spends one week a month here making copies of our recently elected president of our local Apple user group here in the monthly disk and sending them out. Kansas City area, runs this part of our business. The significant thing about the Apple II has always been the A2·Central manages the Apple II areas on GEnie, General Electric's community of people that has sprung up around the machine, teaching international online information service. Chet Day is our head sysop. other people how to use it, designing hard and software for it, exposing Two years ago we started the A2·Central Summer Conference, its inner flesh to light of day, and using it to manage businesses, run which takes place at Avila College in Kansas City in late July. Popularly church groups, educate children, and turn out prosperous and happy known as "Kansasfest," our summer conference is heavily supported by human beings. Apple Computer and has become the premier technical gathering for You are the core of our business and we pledge to be here as long as Apple II hardware and software developers each year. Sally Dwyer is o�.:r you are. We're Apple II experts, we're proud of it, we use Apple lis every conference manager. day in. our personal lives, and we envision continuing to. do so as far Right behind these people you'll find the A2·Central supporting cast ahead as we can see. 22 A2·Central catalog Number I Index A2·Central Newsletter Info .. ............................ .. .4 Editorial............................................................... 2 Monitors ............................................................ 18 A2·Central Subscriptions ... ........ ......................... 5 Education ......................................................... 20 Music ................................................................20 A2·Central Summer Conference ...................... 12 Electronic Imaging .............................................. 9 Nexus ..................... :........................................... 8 Applesoft Utilities .............................................. 13 Fans.................................................................. 19 Paint Programs ................................................... 9 Apple Talk Books ............................................... 18 Fastdata Pro ................................. .. .... ..... ... .. ... ... 5 Pascal ............................................................... 15 Apple Talk Connecters....................................... 18 File Conversion................................................. 19 Printer Books .................................................... 18 AppleWorksAdd-ons ....... .................. ... .. ...... ... ...7 Fonts ...................................................................9 Printers .............................................................18 AppleWorks Books ............................................. 6 Games .............................................................. 21 ProDOS 8 ......................................................... 13 AppleWorks/GS Books ....................................... 6 GEnie................................................................ 10 Programming Courses...................................... 15 Assembly Language /16-bit............................. 15 Graphics Utilities................................................. 9 ProSel ............................................................... 20 Assembly Language /8-bit ............................... 13 Greetings ............................................................2 RAM.................................................................. 17 Audio Tapes ...................................................... 12 GSNumerics ................ .. .... ............ ............ ...... ...3 RAM Disks .................. ....................... ............... 17 Battery .............................................................. 19 Hard Drive Utilities ........ .-................................... 16 Resource Editors .............................................. 13 C Language ...................................................... 15 Hard Drives - External ...................................... 16 Salvation Utilities .............................................. 20 Cables ............................................................... 11 Hard Drives - Internal ..... ... .. ....... ..... ........ ... .. .. .. 17 Scanners ............................................................9 ClipArt ................................................................9 Hypermedia ........................................................ 8 SCSI Cards....................................................... 16 DeskAccessories ............................................. 21 HyperStudio ........................................................8

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