Art Rambles in Shetland
BY |0HJS T. FE^ID- “ Here rise no groves, and here no gardens blow, Here even the hardy heath scarce dares to grow ; But rocks on rocks, in mist and storm ar^y’d, Stretch far to sea their giant colonnade. With many a cavei^t seam'd, .the dreary haunt < >f the dun seal and swarthy cormora^nt, Wild, round their rifted brows with frequent cry, As of lament, the gulls and gannets fly, And from their sable base, with sullen sound, In sheets of whitening foam the waves rebou^^l.” Sumi EDINBURGH: EDMONSTON AND DOUGLAiS^. I869. [A/l Rights Reser^'ed.] To Tde 'kiyld Hcnazirable « , Cijomas e^arl of Zetland, &,C., Baron Dnnt^ag, Thi3 Volume is re^pe^tfi^iriy dedicated nv J OHJJ T. T(eid. 9 ■« I Preface. It is the hope of the A^uthor of the present volume that his Readers may derive some new^pleasure, if not some new information, from the fruits of a labour which has been a very enjoyable one to himself. Intelligent admirers of the beautiful in Nature do not confine their interest to one type of beauty : the stern has its attractions for them as well as the sweet. To such it ought to be a matter for congratu lation, that there is afforded them, within the circuit of their own country, so unique and varied an exhibition of all the grander and wilder things in scenery as is afforded them in the Shetland Islands. The Author is not without a hope that he may contribute something to the interest in these Island.s which has been recently awakening here in the South, and that he’ may put it into the heart of a few to traverse for themselves the sublime, if comparatively desolate, region which he tries to bring nearer to their homes.
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