July-September 2017 Volume XI, Issue 2 | Price Rs. 3/-* *circulatedVoiceVoice ofof GSB,GSB, free July-SepJuly-Sep to all patrons 2017,2017, PagePage and No. life 1 members www.gsbsabhamumbai.org of G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai //
[email protected]@gmail.comwww.gsbsabhamumbai.orgVol.Vol. XI, XI, Issue Issue 2 2 From the Managing Committee We have loved bringing out each of the 40 issues of VoG over the last decade. We enter the next decade with greater To Our Dear Member friends : enthusiasm and resolve to keep delivering to our members a he July to September, 2007 issue was the inaugural issue newsletter which surpasses their expectations. We would also Tof Voice of GSB (VoG). With this issue, we enter into the like to cover events and programmes taking place in various 11th year of publication. We have now delivered Voice of GSB Organisations all over the world. To create a feeling of GSB to our members for a decade. It has been an eventful and brotherhood, and for that we reach out to each one of you. Let satisfying journey. us together make this a Voice heard. Over this period, the newsletter has evolved in several ways. On the completion of a decade of VoG, we have gone in for What began as an 8 page inaugural issue is now a 28/32 page a revamp of the cover page design. We believe the new cover newsletter. Early on, we added a cover page which gave an design, which we present for the first time in this issue, is identity to each issue and added colour and vibrancy to the simple but elegant and carries a greater impact.