AP European History Chapter 5: 1490-1519 Section 7: 1510-1519 Political History By Dallin F. Hardy Portuguese Empire

 Conquest of Goa

 1510

 Portuguese

 Decline of Venetian Trade

 1510

 Due to

 Portuguese overseas trade routes

 Holy League

 1511

 Allied

 Pope Julius

 Ferdinand of Aragon

 Venice

 Emperor Maximilian I

 Swiss  Against

 French  Battle of Novara

 1513

 Swiss vs. French

 Results

 Swiss Victory

 France

 Forced out of

 Italy  Battle of Marignano

 1515

 Swiss vs. French & Venetians

 Results

 French & Venetian Victory Florence

 Return of the Medici

 1512  Giovanni de’ Medici

 1512-1513

 Lord of Florence

Catholic Church

 Leo X

 1513-1521

 Pope

 1st Medici Pope


 Giuliano de’ Medici

 1513-1516

 Lord of Florence  Lorenzo II de Medici

 1516-1519

 Lord of Florence  Giulio de’ Medici

 1519-1523

 Lord of Florence

Political Theory

 Niccolo Machiavelli

 Florentine

 Political philosopher  The Prince  1513  Guide for  Dictators  “Machiavellian”  Ruthless political expediency  "From this arises an argument: whether it is better to be loved than feared. I reply that one should like to be both one and the other; but since it is difficult to join them together, it is much safer to be feared than to be loved when one of the two must be lacking."  Niccolo Machiavelli


 James V

 1513-1542

 King of Scotland France

 Francis I

 1515-1547

 King of France England

 Thomas Wolsey

 1515-1529

 Lord Chancellor

 Cardinal  Birth of Mary

 1516

Political Theory

 Thomas More

 English

 Political philosopher  Utopia

 1516

 Depicts

 Fictional island society  The Education of a Christian Prince

 1516

 Erasmus Scandinavia

 Christian II

 1513-1523

 King of Denmark, Norway, & Sweden


 Conquest of Navarre

 1512

 By

 Castile Spain

 Kingdom of Spain

 1516-present

 Charles I

 1516-1556

 First King of Spain

 Jakob Fugger “the Rich”

 1511-1525

 Imperial banker 

 1513-1545

 Archbishop of Magdeburg

 Albert of Brandenburg

 1514-1545

 Elector & Archbishop of Mainz

 Albert of Brandenburg

 1518-1545

 Cardinal

Catholic Church

 Indulgences to Rebuild St. Peter’s

 1517   Indulgence

 “Remission of the temporal penalty imposed on penitents by priests as a “work of satisfaction” for their confessed mortal sins.”  Indulgence Preachers

 Sold indulgences

 John Tetzel

 Indulgence

 Preacher

 Salesman

 “When a coin in the coffer rings, a soul to heaven springs.”

 John Tetzel  “Don’t you hear the voices of your dead parents and other relatives crying out, “Have mercy on us, for we suffer great punishment and pain. From this you could release us with a few alms…. We have created you, fed you, cared for you, and left you our temporal goods. Why do you treat us so cruelly and leave us to suffer in the flames, when it takes only a little to save us?”  John Tetzel Protestant

 Professor of theology

 Luther’s Pilgrimage to

 1510

 “Justification by Faith Alone”

 Sola fide

 Developed by Luther

 Salvation is gained by

 Believing and trusting in Jesus Christ

 Ninety-Five Theses

 October 31, 1517

 Martin Luther

 52. The assurance of salvation by letters of pardon is vain, even though the commissary, nay, even though the pope himself, were to stake his soul upon it.

 Protestant Reformation  1517-1648

Debate  1519

 Martin Luther vs. John Eck

Holy Roman Empire

 Charles V

 1519-1556


 Conquistadors

 Sought

 Gold

 Glory

 God  Hernando Cortez

 1519  Conquest of the Aztecs

 1519-1521  New Spain

 1519-1821

 First governed by

 Hernando Cortes