The Design and Implementation of 3 Kg Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Closed-Loop Supply Chain System by the Role of Stakeholders Case Study at Indramayu, Subang, Purwakarta, Kuningan and Tasikmalaya, West Java Lindawati Kartika1 *), Andita Sayekti1 Departement of Management FEM-IPB
[email protected] Abstract The existence of competition among the 3 Kg LPG distributors makes fluctuation at downstream demand, so the amount of tube safety stock owned by distributor becomes very high. Currently scenario, scenario which retailers cat get supplies from a number of different agents and move to another agency, cause demand instability at SPBE and agents. Government makes policy for kerosene conversion to gas according with Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation No. 104 in 2007 concerning supply, distribution determination of 3 Kg LPG for households and micro-enterprises to solve that problem. This policy was followed up by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Regulation, which is Regulation No. 26 in 2009 concerning LPG supply and distribution, No. 17 and 5 in 2011, and No. 1714 in 2012 on the 3 Kg LPG benchmark prices establish enclosed scenario to assist in monitoring of LPG distribution, either quantity, quality or distributor. The objective of this study is the arrangement by enclosed system of specified LPG distribution by optimizing the role of stakeholders, so only groups of people with certain criteria are entitled to get distribution with guaranteed quality. The results of this study, alternative strategy, are policy recommendation that can assist in the monitoring and distribution of LPG by the role of stakeholders. Keywords: closed-loop supply chain, LPG, SPBE, stakeholders 1.