Korinderie Ridge Native Flora
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Korinderie Ridge Native Flora KORINDERIE RIDGE NATIVE PLANT LIST This version edited by T McDonald after it was constructed by Chris Graves December 2010 - building on previous versions by Greg Phillips and Craig Robbins. Key to Initials of person confirming identification (numbers after initials refer to year of confirmation): TM = Tein McDonald CB = Clive Barker (keyed out) CG = Chris Graves (keyed out) GP = Greg Phillips Note: this table builds on a substantial flora list created by Greg in previous years GV = Gabor Varga JO = Jack O'Reilly Species Common Name(s) Family Confirmed (Initials Notes and Year) Line # Acacia concurrens Curracabah Fabaceae - Mimosoideae CG09, CB10 Most of what was previously thought to be A. leiocalyx appears to key out to A. concurrens, a closely related species, pulvinus mostly 5-9mm long; branchlets not reddish, often scurfy.(CG10). Located along our main ridges 1 Acacia disparrima subsp. Salwood, Southern Salwood, Brush Fabaceae - Mimosoideae CG09 Previously included in A. aulacocarpa. Occurs along main ridges. Very wide 2 Disparrima Ironbark Wattle, Hickory leave Acacia floribunda White Sally Wattle, Gossamer Wattle Fabaceae - Mimosoideae CG09 Many are planted. Most occur near tracks or machinery disturbed areas. Not found so much on ridge tops?, possible local introduction? Flowering July. Would like further confirmation.(CG10) 3 Acacia leiocalyx Curracabah Fabaceae - Mimosoideae See A. concurrens a closely related species. Intermediates between the two occur in N NSW. Pulvinus mostly 3-4mm long. Branchlets ± reddish, not 4 scurfy.(CG10) Acacia longifolia subsp. Sydney Golden Wattle Fabaceae - Mimosoideae CG09 5+7 Specimens, garden road, near Lyndons driveway and down main track longfolia before Rocky Creek crossing , and between tank and dam. 2 show some decumbency (Sophorae Hybrids?) Introduced? Poss. range extension (not rec, N of Kempsey). Needs further ID work(CG10) 5 Acacia longifolia subsp. Coast Wattle Fabaceae - Mimosoideae CG09 One near Tein and Graeme's, highly likely to have been planted. Possible Sophorae hybrids near Lyndons driveway entrance and near water tank. Not expected 6 on Ridge?(CG10) 7 Acacia longissima Long-leaved Wattle Fabaceae - Mimosoideae 8 Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood Fabaceae - Mimosoideae Scattered throughout 9 Acacia ulicifolia Prickly Moses Fabaceae - Mimosoideae 10 Acianthus sp. Orchidaceae Acmella grandiflora var. Swamp Daisy Asteraceae Occurs in hanging swamp above nursery dam 11 Brachyglossa 12 Acmena smithii Creek Lilly Pilly Myrtaceae Occurs along main creeks 13 Acronychia imperforata Logan apple Rutaceae CG10 14 Acronychia oblongifolia Beach Acronychia Rutaceae Chris Graves Page 1 printed 18/04/2016 Korinderie Ridge Native Flora Species Common Name(s) Family Confirmed (Initials Notes and Year) Line # 15 Adiantum hispidulum Rough Maidenhair Fern Platyzomataceae 16 Adiaritum aethiopicum Common Maidenhair Fern Platyzomataceae 17 Aeschynomene indica Buddha Pea Fabaceae - Faboideae Ajuga australis Native Bugle Lamiaceae CG09 Beautiful forb - grows in camping area and at top of new community orchard 18 19 Allocasuarina torulosa Forest Sheoak Casuarinaceae 20 Alloteropsis semialata Cockatoo Grass Poaceae TM08 Scattered throughout grassy areas - distinct tall seed head Alocasia brisbanensis Cunjevoi Araceae Under Bangalow palms at creek bottoms near 'creek crossing' on main road 21 in. 22 Alphitonia excelsa Red Ash Rhamnaceae Scattered on ridges 23 Alpinia arundelliana Narrow-leaved Native Ginger Zingiberaceae 24 Alpinia caerulea Native Ginger Zingiberaceae 25 Alyxia ruscifolia Prickly Alyxia Apocynaceae CG09 steeper dry slopes e.g. Main rocky creeks 26 Amyema bifurcatum Loranthaceae 27 Aneilema acuminatum Aneilema Commelinaceae CB09, CG10 28 Angophora bakeri Narrow Leaved Apple Myrtaceae 29 Angophora floribunda Rough Barked Apple Myrtaceae Near nursery 30 Anstida sp. Weepinq Three-awned Speargrass Poaceae along road near tower 31 Araucaria cunninghamii Hoop Pine Araucariaceae CG09 Mid-to-lower sections of Rocky Creek Archontophoenix Bangalow Palm Arecaceae Bottomlands where creeks join 32 cunninghamiana Aristida benthamii var. Poaceae 33 benthamii 34 Aristida sp. Three-awned Speargrass Poaceae 35 Aristida warburgii Poaceae 36 Arthraxon hispidus Hairy Joint Grass Poaceae TM, CG10, CB10 in hanging swamp above nursery dam 37 Arthrochilus proxlixus Leafy Elbow Orchid Orchidaceae CG10 Arthropodium milleflorum Vanilla Lilly Anthericaceae 38 Asplenium attenuatum var. Aspleniaceae 39 attenuatum Asplenium australasicum Birds Nest Fern Aspleniaceae CG08 40 Austromyrtus dulcis Midgen Berry Myrtaceae CG08 Mostly plantings, natural? population east of garden road near junction with 41 old road in (CG10) 42 Backhousia myrtifolia Grey Myrtle Myrtaceae Mainly along the main creeks 43 Banksia ericifolia Heath-leaved Banksia Proteaceae One specimen found. Likely an outlier 44 Banksia integrifolia Coastal Banksia Proteaceae 45 Banksia marginata Proteaceae Banksia oblongifolia Proteaceae Occurring where higher water table - e.g. near nursery and western 46 boundary Banksia spinulosa ssp. Collina Proteaceae Occurring where higher water table - e.g. near nursery and western 47 boundary Chris Graves Page 2 printed 18/04/2016 Korinderie Ridge Native Flora Species Common Name(s) Family Confirmed (Initials Notes and Year) Line # 48 Baumea rubiginosa Cyperaceae 49 Billardiaria scandens Common Appleberry Pittosporaceae CG10 50 Blechnum cartilagineum Gristle fern, Soft Water Fern Blechnaceae Boronia chartacea Rutaceae ? Has limited distribution, has possibly been confused with B. Polygalifolia, 51 may be here, needs confirmation (CG10) 52 Boronia polygalifolia Dwarf Boronia Rutaceae CG10 Brachychiton populneum Kurrajong Sterculiaceae 53 54 Brachycome microcarpa Grassland Daisy Asteraceae CB09 55 Breynia oblongifolia Coffee Bush Euphorbiaceae 56 Brunoniella australis Blue Trumpet Acanthaceae 57 Bulbophyllum sp Orchidaceae 58 Bursaria spinosa Blackthorn Pittosporaceae Caesia parviflora var. Pale Grass-lilly Anthericaceae CG10 59 parviflora Caladenia alata White Caladenia, Fairy Orchid Orchidaceae ? Check that mid lobe has only one large square tooth on each side and no 60 calli (CG10) 61 Caladenia caerulea Blue Caladenia Orchidaceae Caladenia carnea Pink Fingers Orchidaceae ?CG10 ? Confusion with C. quadrifaria and possibly C. porphyorea, needs 62 confirmation, books differ in descriptions (CG10) 63 Calanthe triplicata Christmas Orchid Orchidaceae Callistemon linearis Narrow-Leaved Bottlebrush Myrtaceae CG10 Single specimen between Egg's and garden turnoff east side, on side of drain, possible range extenstion or at least no records for this part of NC. 64 Introduced? by machinery? (CG10) 65 Callistemon salignus Willow Bottlebrush Myrtaceae 66 Callitris rhomboidea Cypress, Port Jackson Pine Cupressaceae 67 Calochlaena dubia Soft Bracken Fern Dicksoniaceae 68 Capillipedium sp. Scented-top Grass Poaceae 69 Carex maculata Cyperaceae 70 Casuarina glauca Swamp Oak Casuarinaceae 71 Cayratia eurynema Soft Watervine Vitaceae 72 Centella asiatica Apiaceae Centratherum australianum Asteraceae CB09 ridge top beside old road in see TM 73 Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia Rock Fern Sinopteridaceae 74 75 Cheilanthes distans Sinopteridaceae Cheilarithes seiberi subsp. Poison Rock Fern Sinopteridaceae 76 Sieberi 77 Chenopodium carinatum Keeled Goosefoot Asteliaceae Chorizema parviflorum Eastern Flame Pea Fabaceae - Faboideae CG10 Two forms occur in same population, 1 without any red (flame) on flower 78 (CG10) 79 Christella dentata Thelypteridaceae Chris Graves Page 3 printed 18/04/2016 Korinderie Ridge Native Flora Species Common Name(s) Family Confirmed (Initials Notes and Year) Line # 80 Cissus antartica Vitaceae 81 Cissus hypoglauca Five-leaved Watervine Vitaceae 82 Cissus opaca Small-leaved Watervine Vitaceae 83 Clematis sp. Ranunculaceae Clerodendrum floribundum Lolly Bush Lamiaceae Formerly Clerodendron (CG10) 84 Commelina cyanea Commelina, Native Wandering Jew, Blue Commelinaceae 85 Periwinkle 86 Commersonia bartramia Brown Kurrajong Sterculiaceae CG08 87 Cordyline petiolaris Asteliaceae 88 Cordyline stricta Narrow-leaved Palm Lilly Asteliaceae CB09 89 Corybas aconitiflorus Spurred Helmet Orchid Orchidaceae 90 Corybas barbarae Fairy Lanterns Orchidaceae CG09 Check C. aconitiflorus as both may occur here (CG10) 91 Corymbia henryi Broadleaved Spotted Gum Myrtaceae 92 Corymbia intermedia Pink Bloodwood Myrtaceae 93 Corymbia maculata Spotted Gum Myrtaceae Cotula australis Creeping Batchelors Buttons, Common Asteraceae CG08 94 Cotula, Carrot Weed Curculigo ensifolia var. Orchid Palm Hypoxidaceae 95 ensifolia 96 Cyathea cooperi Straw Treefern Cyatheaceae CB09 97 Cymbidium madidum Orchidaceae 98 Cymbidium suave Snake Orchid Orchidaceae CG08 99 Cymbopogon refractus Barbed-wire Grass Poaceae CG09 Same genus as lemon grass, tasty!(CG10) 100 Cyperus polystachyos Cyperaceae 101 Cyperus sanguinolentus Cyperaceae Davallia solida var. pyxidata Hares Foot Fern Davalliaceae 102 103 Daviesia umbellulata Prickly Daviesia Fabaceae - Faboideae CG10 Dendrobium aemulum Iron Bark Orchid , White Feather Orchid Orchidaceae CB10 Jones seperates this into Tropilis aemula. (CG10) 104 105 Dendrobium aemulum Brush Box form Orchidaceae Jones seperates this into Tropilis radiata(CG10) 106 Dendrobium Iinguiforme Tongue Orchid Orchidaceae Jones seperates this into Dockrillia linguiformis (CG10) 107 Dendrobium kingianum Pink Rock Orchid Orchidaceae CG10 Jones seperates this into Thelychiton kingianus(CG10) 108 Dendrobium tetragonum