Issue 5 November 2011 Radical Anthropology Zanna Clay Bonobo ‘girl power’ Sheila Coulson and Sigrid Staurset Ritual at Rhino Cave Camilla Power Lunarchy in the Kingdom of England Graham Purchase on ‘The Art of not being Governed’ £4 ISSN 1756-0896 (Print) /ISSN 1756-090X (Online) Who we are and what we do Editor Radical: about the inherent, fundamental roots of an issue. Anthropology: the study of what it means to be human. Camilla Power Email:
[email protected] Radical Anthropology is the journal of the Radical Anthropology Group. Anthropology asks one big question: what does it mean to be human? Editorial Board To answer this, we cannot rely on common sense or on philosophical arguments. We must study how humans actually live – and the Chris Knight, anthropologist, activist. many different ways in which they have lived. This means learning, Jerome Lewis, anthropologist for example, how people in non-capitalist societies live, how they at University College London. organise themselves and resolve conflict in the absence of a state, Ana Lopes, anthropologist. the different ways in which a ‘family’ can be run, and so on. Brian Morris, emeritus professor of anthropology at Goldsmiths Additionally, it means studying other species and other times. College,University of London. What might it mean to be almost – but not quite – human? Lionel Sims, anthropologist at How socially self-aware, for example, is a chimpanzee? the University of East London. Do nonhuman primates have a sense of morality? Do they have