the future

Berlin Biodiversity

Business in Supports Biodiversity Recommendations for Action – A Guide

Business in Berlin Supports Biodiversity Recommendations for Action – A Guide

Publisher In Cooperation with Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Berlin Contents

Forward Michael Müller 4 Forward Dr. Eric Schweitzer 5 Business and Biodiversity in Berlin 6 The Berlin Strategy for Biodiversity Preservation – A Challenge 8

Development of Biodiversity on Company Grounds 11 Greening of Company Presmises – It’s Worth It! 12 Greeted with a Green Smile 14 Parking Lots – Attractive for Visitors 15 Native Plants for Butterflies and Others 16 Fire-Bellied Toads and Sand Lizards in the Urban Jungle 18 Living Space for Wildlife 20 Business Example: Queen Elisabeth Herzberg Hospita 21 Ponds – Good for Nature and Stormwater Management 22 Rainwater Management – Lowering Operational Costs 24 Business Example: IGG Malzfabrik mbH 25 On the Roofs of Berlin 26 Green Facades – More Habitats for City Birds 28 Making Glass Windows and Facades Bird-Friendly 30 Save Insects and Cut Costs – The Proper Lighting 31 Business Example: Berlin Waterworks 32

Together for Berlin’s Biodiversity 33 Berlin Foundation for Nature Conservation – Partners with Your Company 34 Donate Trees for Berlin 36 Teamwork for Biodiversity: Getting Back to Nature 38 Do Good and Talk About It 40 Business Example: WeiberWirtschaft eG 42

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Anchoring Biodiversity in Core Business Practices 43 Biodiversity as Part of Corporate Social Responsibility 44 Business Example: Axel Springer SE 46 Global Compact and GRI Support Biodiversity Management 47 Sustainable Procurement and Supply Chains – You Can Always Ask... 48 Business Example: Märkisches Landbrot 50 Make Environmental Costs Visible – Positioning Companies for the Future 51 Certifications Contribute to Economic Success 52 Biodiversity and Economic Activities Abroad 54 Business Example: Gewürzkampagne 56

Information for Implementation in Businesses 57 Business Network – “Biodiversity in Good Company” 58 EBBC – An Information Portal for Businesses 59 Planning Individualized Measures for Biodiversity 60 Contacts 61 Interesting Links to Help You 62 Publishing Information 64

3 Vorwort Michael Müller

Being proactive about environmental protection has become the norm for most us. Our businesses also know how important it is to manage their affairs in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner as more and more consumers come to expect such stand- ards. They want products that do not leave them with a bad conscience but rather the opposite – products that are ecologically sustainable and spare environmental resources. Including strategies to preserve biodiversity into these socially responsible corporate poli- cies is a relatively new development, however. Biodiversity is all the more important because our urban environment is also the habitat for more than 20,000 species of plant and animal life. They are all part of what we value most about our city, making it an exciting and comfortable place to live. Tree-lined streets create canopies of shade; parks and urban forests provide clean air; birds and bats keep insect populations at bay; and small gardens and flowing water enrich our recreational activities. Ecosystem services is the scientific term for conceptualizing what nature pro- vides us. Habitats, ecosystems, animal and plant species and their genetic resources should be pre-

© SenStadtUm served in balance with the city’s expansion and development. Distinguished as a “Green Metropolis”, Berlin needs to preserve its biodiversity as it is an important factor for where companies choose to locate. Everyone, including businesses, can contribute to the protection of biodiversity. Whether it be constructing ecological habitats on company grounds, supporting targeted projects, or voluntarily complying with higher environmental standards, businesses can make a valu- able contribution to preserving biodiversity. The Berlin Senate has taken responsibility for promoting biodiversity preservation in the city and has developed a strategy (“Berliner Strategie zur Biologischen Vielfalt”) to meet this goal in the spring of 2012. We know that it is not always easy for companies to adjust to constantly growing expectations, but their efforts are worth it as the end results benefit everyone: the environment, the consumer, and the company’s improved image, which leads to increased sales and market share. In order to preserve our city’s biodiversity, we need the support of all stakeholders involved. The business community in Berlin can pro- vide immense support for these efforts. This guide provides you with various possibilities for participation. In addition to providing numerous actionable measures you can implement in your business, this guide also offers various contacts, tips, and suggestions. Every company that increases its involvement or brings new participants on board takes us an important step closer to successfully preserv- ing biodiversity. I am excited by your interest in this important topic and the possibility of collaborating with you to protect the city we love, making Berlin a more attractive place to live every day.

Michael Müller Senator for Urban Development and the Environment

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Vorwort Dr. Eric Schweitzer

Berlin occupies a leading role in sustainable business. As the “Green Economy” grows, in- novative companies in the sectors of environmental technology and energy characterize the image of this location. People in Berlin can also see that sustainable business manage- ment has become a theme. Energy efficiency, climate change mitigation, and resource- use-efficiency are the main catchphrases. Increasingly, the issue of biodiversity preserva- tion has been coming into the spotlight. What was earlier a niche-theme confined to marginal measures such as adding a little bit of “green” to a company’s grounds, is becom- ing more and more a global mega-theme that includes business and industry. It remains a fact that economic production and consumption together with limited re- sources and demand for a high standard of living can easily come into conflict with envi- ronmental protection goals. At the same time, changing climate conditions have initiated the global loss of an uncountable number of plant and animal species. The loss of biodiver- sity has long since ceased being a problem confined to the ecosystem – it is impacting business in Berlin as well. Given our globally connected economy, disruptions to intricate supply chains – including specialized agricultural products – have consequences felt by lo- cal companies. Many companies are more dependent on biodiversity than one might think. © IHK Berlin The production of their products require functional ecosystem services and the preserva- tion of biodiversity to provide the resources and inputs they need. An internationally re- nowned study on “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity” has already proven the economic value and importance of biodiversity, which is among the many reasons why the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Berlin is supporting the “Business and Biodiversity 2020” campaign in concert with their parent organization, the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The German Federal State of Berlin has responded with and started making inroads with their Strategy for Biodiversity Preservation (“Strat- egie zur Biologischen Vielfalt”). Small, medium, and large enterprises are important part- ners as in many cases initial actionable measures can be implemented at a company’s headquarters, offering important contributions to our work. Companies in Berlin can make a leap in this field by protecting the environment, mitigating climate change, and improving their working conditions, thereby securing for themselves a sustainably competitive position in the market. These things often go together better than we would suspect. Let us take advantage of the opportunity.

Dr. Eric Schweitzer President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Berlin

5 Berlin Business and Biodiversity

„„Economic We are all concerned about the effects eco- The guaranteed availability of bioresources nomic activity has on biodiversity and try to – such as organic surfactants used in cos- „„Ecological preserve it as much as possible. In the past, metics and detergents, or natural bio-oils „„Social businesses have often engaged in finan- for lubricating machine parts – is a determi- cially supporting local, regional, and inter- nant factor in many branches of industry. national projects for nature conservation. Because of overuse and changing climate The goal of integrating biodiversity preser- conditions, regional scarcities have already vation into business management practices started to occasionally disrupt supply is new. It is, however, being adopted by chains. Often raw materials from overseas more and more businesses as an important can be replaced by other ingredients whose component of their overall management availability varies less than others. Some strategies. processing industries and large enterprises require their supplies uphold certain stan- This guide is separated into Arguments for Preserving dards through sustainability certifications. four parts: Biodiversity Biodiversity is integrated as a measurable There are many reasons besides purely criterion in these certifications. For many 1. Development of Biodiversity altruistic motives that convincingly draw companies in Berlin, biodiversity is therefo- on Company Premises attention to the importance of preserving re already a “Business Case” that is gaining 2. Together for Berlin’s Biodi- biodiversity. Legal conflicts, ecological da- more importance. versity mage, and social conflicts continue to pre- sent certain risks to the supply chains of Where Lies Risk, 3. Anchoring Biodiversity in German companies. Scandals involving Also Lies Opportunit Core Business Operations contaminated meat or produce containing There are many opportunities for biodiver- 4. Information for Alterations in pesticides are unfortunate examples of the- sity engagement. Companies that engage Business se disruptions. Compliance with environ- with this issue are resiliently prepared for mental regulations in countries of origin possible changes to their supply chains or Supporting microhabitats and higher product standards in increasing expectations from their custo- for endangered species such as the Silver-washed are cornerstones for effective biodiversity mers. A good image is becoming an increa- Fritillary is possible for nearly every company. preservation. singly important factor in a labor market where well educated employees are compe- ting for work in companies that share their values. Linkages with civil society, ethical business practices, and a communications strategy that highlights their good perfor- mance significantly increase a company’s marketability. The proper communications strategy is an advantage for a company’s public image. Having a good image plays a more impor- tant role in marketing than testimonials of a company’s technical adeptness – so- mething often taken as a given by its custo- mers. That’s why small businesses support conservation efforts and environmental

© Angelika Wolter/ education.

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Four “Aces” for Companies ...because companies and service providers Engaged in Preserving and that value and preserve biodiversity can se- Promoting Biodiversity: cure and gain market advantages for themselves 1 | Without ecosystem services, ...because businesses whose products and no industry can function... services receive extra scrutiny by their cos- ...because businesses such as those in food tumers – such as those in the in the bever- production, pharmaceuticals, or the tourist age, cosmetic, and recreational industries industry require healthy and abundant bio- – gain extra trust by demonstrating their diversity to provide and manufacture the responsibility to biodiversity. goods and services they offer. ...because the growing willingness to pay a premium for products that have a reduced 2 | Cost savings... impact on the environment is leading to ...because a range of businesses, from ho- market advantages vis-à-vis competitors tels to waste disposal, can save money on who do not implement such measures. energy, logistics, and maintenance when they integrate certain co-beneficial biodi- 4 | Promote corporate culture versity measures. and innovation...... because larger companies like auto and ...because a stronger identity to the com- machine manufactures can favorably posi- pany improves the working climate and tion themselves to receive grants and cre- productivity while reducing fluctuations in dits by complying with biodiversity preser- employee staffing and making the compa- vation criteria. ny more attractive for highly qualified ap- plicants. 3 | Developing or securing ...because company staff, management, markets... and incumbents demand the development ...because businesses such as wood proc- and integration of biodiversity preserva- essers can clearly state the contribution tion in the corporate philosophy. they are making to preserving biodiversity when relying upon sustainably certified lumber suppliers.

Green corridors are des- perately needed in Berlin for grasshoppers and other small animals. © MariiS/

7 The Berlin Strategy for Biodiversity – A Challenge

Biodiversity encompasses: In March 2012, the Berlin Senate created man activity that causes changes to habi- and adopted the Berlin Strategy for Biodi- tats or habitat destruction. Biodiversity „„Diversity within a species versity Preservation. This strategy provides loss and habitat destruction also threatens (genetic diversity) the foundations for fulfilling Berlin’s part in the livelihoods of people as our survival is „„Diversity between species the global responsibility to preserving bio- dependant on the ecosystem services they (species diversity) diversity. Berlin-based businesses have the provide. chance to play a special role and make val- This was recognized as a global problem „„Diversity of habitats and ue contributions to help achieve this impor- with the signing of the international Con- ecosystems tant goal. By providing examples of certain vention on Biological Diversity (CBD) dur- activities and measures that a company can ing the 1992 United Nations Conference on take and implement, this guide gives Ber- Environment and Development held in Rio lin-based businesses the tools they need to de Janeiro. To date, 193 states and the Eu- courageously participate in preserving bio- ropean Union have all signed the treaty as diversity. members of the convention. Accordingly, Germany’s government developed a na- Why is Biodiversity Important tional strategy for biodiversity preserva- and Why Do We Need a Strategy tion, upon which Berlin’s strategy is based. for Berlin? In the “Berlin Strategy for Biodiversity In Berlin, 31% of native plant and animal Preservation”, themes and goals are de- species are endangered; 13% have already fined for how biodiversity can be best pre- disappeared or are considered to have died served and expanded in a modern metrop- out. The global picture does not look any olis. In order to implement these goals, better. Of 71,000 known plant and animal new actors and participants need to be species, around 30% are endangered.* Ac- gained throughout the city. This includes cording to estimates, up to 130 animal spe- improvements to local ecological systems cies go extinct every day, many of which, achieved by greening company grounds however, are still unknown. The causes for and operations. A focus is placed on inter- extinction are usually attributable to hu- national economic connections.

Endangered Species in Berlin

Example Group Number Number Percent of Species of Species of Endangered on the Red List Species Algae 27 24 89 % Vascular Plants 1.393 665 48 % Mammals 59 26 44 % Birds 178 71 40 % Amphibians and Reptiles 21 15 76 % Beetles 2.622 992 36 % Butterflies 983 567 58 % Bees and Wasps 664 276 42 % Dragonflies 58 30 52 % Totals 9.237 4.064 44 % as of 2005 (next update 2015)

* Source: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUNC)

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By importing and investing abroad, Berlin- based companies influence the ecosys- tems, living conditions, and beloved natu- ral spaces for people in regions throughout the world. © Schubert/SenStadtUm © Schubert/SenStadtUm

Left: The Common Red- start was found in abun- Themes and Goals in the “Berlin Strategy for Biodiversity” dance around manufac- turing and business centers 30 years ago, but is now highly endan- Species and Habitats Genetic Diversity gered. „„Species diversity and responsibility „„Regional diversity Right: Arid and semi-arid set-aside areas found for certain species „„Preservation through use around many manufac- turing locations are the „„Foreign species „„Regional plants perfects habitats for Eichium or blueweed. „„NATURE 2000-Habitats „„Genetically modified organisms Standorte für den Nat- ternkopf. „„Preservation and development of habitats (goals 4 – 13) The “Berlin Strategy for Urban Diversity Society Biodiversity” identifies four „„Typical urban species „„Public building and procurement pro- thematic fields with 38 strate- „„Urban wilderness development cesses gic goals. „„Urban gardens „„Legal rules and planning frameworks „„Green spaces „„Environmental education To better understand the goals „„Private gardens „„Research most relevant for Berlin-based „„Biodiversity on Company Premises „„Nature experience businesses, please continue (goal 23) „„Economic Engagement (goal 34 + 35) reading. „„Street trees and landscaping „„Global Responsibility (goal 36 + 37) „„Urban open spaces „„Social engagement

9 Direct Goals of the “Berlin Strategy Audit Scheme) certifications, and other es- for Biodiversity” tablished assessments/certifications (i.e. ISO 14001), the impacts that manufactur- Goal 23: Biodiversity on Company ing and production techniques have on bio- Grounds diversity are examined across a product’s “In cooperation with local businesses, Ber- entire life-cycle.” lin is creating incentives for increasing bio- diversity on company grounds and build- Goal 36: Global Responsibility – ings.” Foreign Investments. “Berlin-based companies and credit insti- Goal 34: Economic Engagement – tutions guarantee compliance with Ger- Promoting Protection and man and international environmental Research standards while also taking account of so- “Berlin-based companies are becoming in- cial standards.” creasingly involved in the promotion of projects for research and conservation of Goal 37: Global Responsibility – biodiversity in Berlin.” Environmentally and Socially Responsible Imports Goal 35: Economic Engagement – “To help protect biodiversity in countries- Certification and Accounting of-origin, Berlin seeks to increase its share “In statements from Berlin-based compa- of imported goods and natural resources nies contained in environment/sustaina- from socially and environmentally respon- bility reports, EMAS (Eco-Management and sible sources.”

Berlin is known for being a green metropolis and seeks to use its global reputation to help pre- serve biodiversity. View above Friedrichshain. © SenStadtUm

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Development of Biodiversity on Company Premises © FBB © Walter Eberl/ © Brigitte Reichmann © Brigitte Reichmann © Malzfabrik © Maria Stark

11 Greening of Company Premises – It’s Worth It!

Plants should be selected with Experiencing nature does not have to be primarily chosen for these site-specific pro- care and be fitting for the limited to vacations and free time. It is pos- jects as only they can provide the valuable desired location. sible to incorporate recreating natural biodiversity habitats sought by bees, but- spaces in the landscaping and construction terflies, and other insects. of company grounds. This benefits biodi- versity just as much as people – especially Trees for Birds and Squirrels in congested areas such as Berlin. As the Throughout the year, trees offer a pleasant rule of thumb in marketing goes: the first aesthetic, provide shade, and are the habi- impression sticks! By representing them- tat and food source for numerous species. selves with biodiverse, green company Birds use trees for their nests and perches. grounds, a company can exploit many op- Other animals such as squirrels and bats portunities that potentially add up to eco- also visit frequently. With careful arrange- nomic advantages. ment, large green spaces can be nicely di- vided by rows of trees, providing employ- A Field of Indigenous Flowers in ees and guests structured natural spaces Place of an “English Lawn” where they can relax outdoors. Fields of blooming flowers can add color to a company’s grounds from spring into late Living Hedges Instead of Green summer. The conversion of a portion of Walls lawn into a field with native plants does Free-growing hedges from native wild mean an initial investment, but this more shrubs offer ecological and financial ad- than pays for itself after a few years through vantages as opposed to manicured hedge- savings on maintenance costs and benefits rows. While the typical squared-off garden to biodiversity. Even so little as native flow- hedge needs to be pruned once to twice a er boards around walkways can be a mag- year to keep it under control, a wild hedge net for butterflies and an attractive lands- only requires a snip every 10 to 20 years. Wildflowers instead of lawns. Even small strips caping feature for customers and Additionally, native plants are cheaper to of nature provide food for bees and butterflies. employees. Native wildflowers should be plant and thrive in their native climates,

The installation of a biodiverse field of flowers costs comparatively same as that of a lawn: around 8 € /m2. Consid- ering the maintenance costs of cutting a lawn 10 times a year at 2.50 € /m2 to that of a field needing cutting only twice a year at 0.60 € /m2, the installa- tion costs of a field of native flowers will have paid for itself in around four years while saving the company a an- nual of 1.90 € /m2 (figures obtained from landscaping firms). For butterflies, bees, and bumblebees, the investment reaps benefits in the first year. © GNF Archiv

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Measures „„Installation of dry stone walls „„Plant native trees „„Plant wild shrubs „„Seed fields of wildflowers © Joachim Donath Photographie 2007 limiting maintenance and the need for re- Dry Stone Walls newal. This obviously saves time and ener- Walls constructed out of loose stone with- gy, and from an ecological perspective, out the use of mortar can enrich the green- free-growing hedges offer many benefits. ing of any company’s grounds. These walls can support a ledge or a mound and also „„They offer a complex habitat for a va- differentiate or section off large open spac- riety of animal species. es. Ideally, dry walls should be constructed „„They provide a shield from the wind facing the south, that way the gaps and and a visual screen. openings in between the stones can provide „„Aesthetic value from added landscape habitats for a diverse array of succulent color with flowers in spring and bright plants and rare animals such as the slow- leaves in the fall. worm and sand lizard. „„Hedges filter dust, dirt, and harmful emissions from the air.

Above: Large campuses Hedges created with native shrubs there- can be developed into valuable natural habitats fore provide a huge plus for biodiversity that are more cost effec- tive than traditional land- where there is sufficient space for them. scaping techniques. For areas with limited space, there are also Below: Squirrels indicate the presence of natural native shrubs available that do not grow as structures around compa- ny grounds. tall as others and require less clipping. Yew and privet trees are such shrubs, and al- though they only growing to a height of 1 to 1.5 meters (3 to 5 feet), they still offer plenty of places for birds to perch or hide from predators. © Schubert/SenStadtUm

13 Greeted with a Green Smile

Measures An accommodating reception and green „„For limited spaces, a green or “living „„Greening of entryways entryways can act as a welcoming adver- wall” can make a strong first impres- „„Inform visitors of green tisement for many companies. Converting sion. measures these areas into natural spaces supports „„For narrow entryways, a mixture of pe- the image of a company that voluntarily rennials can be planted that bloom takes responsibility in matters beyond its throughout the spring and summer. core function. The company thereby ac- Combined with a dry stone wall const- tively engages in preserving biodiversity ructed without mortar, these offer ha- while awakening interest in the environ- bitats for a variety of small animal life. ment and sustainable management. Infor- „„Ponds are an eye catcher all year round mation placards are one way of highlighting because aquatic plants like purple loo- the green features of the company grounds sestrife and water lilies stay alive and and the services they provide. Having posi- green even in the winter. Dragonflies tioned itself in such a way, a company can and other insects are frequently obser- serve as a role model for others and more vable visitors from March to November. easily integrate in its surroundings. „„Large empty spaces can be seeded with native wildflower varieties that can be In the driveways and around entryways, it found for any location. Many different Green entryways to is important to carefully select landscaping small animals find a cozy habitat in buildings offer visitors a friendly impression in features that will look appealing through- these fields which maintain their ap- both the summer and winter seasons. out all seasons. pealing green structure even in the win- ter months. Butterflies, bees, and others find comfort here into the late fall. „„Green islands with flowering, fruit bea- ring native shrubs are visually pleasing and serve as important habitats and food sources for many insects and their larva. Birds enjoy a harvest of berries in the winter. „„Fruit trees are attractive for the same reasons: they canvas the visual field with bright booming flowers in spring and yield delicious fruit in the summer and fall. Orchards occupy an important role as habitats for a large number of animals that include the green wood- pecker.

Many landscape and gardening companies have therefore started implementing these ecoscaping, naturescaping, or nature sen- sitive techniques. A list of native plants can be found in this guide under the “Plants for

© Sven Schulz Berlin” section.

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Parking Lots – Attractive for Visitors

Private asphalt entryways and parking lots Measures often cover large sections of a company’s Native Trees Suitable for Parking „„Expose surfaces of concrete grounds. To the advantage of conserving Lots parking lots and ecoscape water and providing new open spaces to „„Install rainwater catchment plants and small animals, parking lots can „„Beech (Fagus sylvatica) systems be slightly changed by partially exposing „„Field Maple (Acer campestre) „„Canopy parking lots with certain sections of them. „„Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) trees „„English or French Oak (Quercus Outside of Berlin’s water protection zone, it robur) is possible to undergo a complete or partial „„Elm (Ulmus glabra) resurfacing of parking lots, converting them into green spaces. Linden trees and birch are not fitting as shade trees in parking lots as they „„With new or converted parking lots, cause significant organic messes during materials such as water permeable certain seasons. Observe the instruc- pavement and cobblestones allow tions for using native species. rainfall to trickle down to underground water tables instead of running off into ing additional splashes of natural color to Parking lots that vary in the municipal drainage system. the visual spectrum of visitors and pas- design are visually rel axing, provide microhabi- „„Light traffic areas such as pathways sersby. Butterflies and other insects are tats for insects, and aid with stormwater man- are unbound (i.e. constructed without also pleased to find sources of food here. agement. the use of mortar or joint sealers) and marked with lawn stones or grass. „„Unused areas of the parking lot that are sealed with pavement should be completely exposed, landscaped with native plants, and ideally constructed at an angle to allow rain runoff from the parking lot to water the vegetation and trickle into subterranean water ta- bles.

A Green Canopy for Cool Cars Exposed spaces around parking lots can be planted with trees for shade, making cars more comfortable in hot months and the appearance of the parking lot more ap- pealing. Trees can reduce solar radiation up to 90%, providing a significantly more comfortable climate under the shade of their protective leaves. To be effective, a tree should have a space of at least 4 square meters (13 square feet). The area under the canopy can be planted with ap- pealing wildflowers and perennials, offer- © Maria Stark

15 Native Plants for Butterflies and many Others

Measures In the design and restructuring of open Up to 25 different species of butterflies „„Use native plants for open spaces, native plants should be preferred set their eggs on sloes, hawthorn, and spaces because they play an important role in the blackberry bushes. The caterpillars that food chain while also providing many small eventually hatch are dependent upon these animals with a habitat. Native trees and habitats. There is an additional 100 species shrubs are adapted to the climate and rug- of moths that survive the same way. ged enough to withstand even harsh win- Non-native trees and shrubs can provide ters. They do not require fertilizers or pes- flowers and nectar for most adult butter- ticides and are therefore easy to clean and flies. The calyxes of some exotic flowering affordable to maintain. However, you do plants are too deep for native butterflies, need to pay attention to eventual size, depriving peacock butterflies and others shape, and habitat requirements of the of their nectar. The fruits of non-native plants you chose. plants feed only about four species of birds while native woody plants provide Better Native Than Exotic food sources for over twenty different Sloes and native plants The flora and fauna in Berlin have jointly species. are food sources for bees and other insects. developed and adapted to each other. Trees and shrubs with red or bright yellow foliage may be interesting from a land- scape design perspective, but are not suit- able for insects. Small organisms do not recognize them as food because of their unusual color and the green camouflage used by caterpillar cocoons is ineffective against red and yellow backgrounds, mak- ing them easy prey for birds. Under no circumstances should fast-propagating plants be used such as the Canada golden- rod, Japanese knotweed, or giant hogweed. They are invasive species that displace na- tive plants. As the situation currently stands, their spread is already almost im- possible to prevent. Exceptions prove the rule as there are a also a few non-native plants that can be used without causing negative affects. Quite the opposite: lavender and summer lilac or butterfly-bush attract swarms of biodiversity in the summer months.

Plant List In the guide “Plants for Berlin – Using Native Species”, a complete catalogue of plants is provided according to regional suitability and recommends for suggested

© Maja Dumat/ uses.

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Suggested Plants: „„Common spindle (Euonymus europaea) Small to Medium Sized Trees: „„Common dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) „„Field maple (Acer campestre) „„Common hazel (Corylus avellana) „„Mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) „„Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) „„Willow (Salix caprea) „„Alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus) „„Dog rose (Rosa canina) Large Trees: „„Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) Shrubs and Ground Cover: „„Small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata) „„Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) „„Wych elm or Scots elm (Ulmus glabra) „„Marsh bedstraw (Geranium palustre) „„Silver birch or warty birch „„Thimbleweed (Anemone nemorosa) (Betula pendula) „„Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) „„Beech (Fagus sylvatica) „„Meadow sage (Salvia pratensis) „„English or French oak (Quercus robur) „„Vetch (Vinca cracca) „„Sessile oak (Quercus petraea) „„Maiden pink (Dianthus deltoides) „„Black alder (Alnus glutinosa) „„Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) “Wallflowers”: „„Mossy stonecrop (Sedum acre) Bushes: „„Orphan John (Sedum maximum) „„Blackthorn or sloe (Prunus spinosa) „„Lemon Thyme (Thymus pulegioides) „„Elderberry (Sambucus niger) „„Creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum) „„Guelder rose (Viburnum opulus) „„Blueweed (Echium vulgare)

Perennials such as the Viper‘s Bugloss attract many butterflies and other insects. © Erika Hartmann/

17 Fire-Bellied Toads and Sand Lizards in the Urban Jungle

Berlin supports a diversity of habitats both Berlin’s Green Infrastructure inside and outside of the city center. Many In their requirements to adapt the biotope of these green and open spaces are inter- network as part of the city’s “green infra- connected, but some still remain isolated structure” in the coming years, Berlin has islands in densely populated urban areas. included 34 species of plant and animal life Linking these habitats – or the “biotope – representing most of the biodiversity network” – is important to prevent animals found within the city limits. Species such as from being isolated and to help plants the red-bellied toad regularly move be- thrive. This means connecting the city cent- tween spawning grounds and terrestrial er with natural habitats on its outskirts. habitats in the spring and autumn. Walls and gravel areas serve as the habitats for Only sufficiently large populations of the sand lizards that use railway embank- same plant or animal species can survive ments as migratory pathways. with any sort of guarantee, which is why Small openings in these enclosures are al- breeding pairs must be able to locate each ready helping animals access their habi- other. Existing open spaces are therefore tats. Even small scale natural structures being connected to form a habitat network. such as hedges, ditches, or strips of wild Green premises can be prepared by taking flowers are easily incorporated in the plan- Even in commercial areas, small measures to support this network ning of commercial and industrial areas the sand lizard prefers to move along railway system. Animals and plants should be able and can connect isolated habitats as corri- embankments instead of vegetation. to reach these areas without problems. dors or step-stones. Placing shrubs along © Stephan Bratek/

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property boundaries, sowing wild herbs ate valuable habitats around little-used Measures and flowers around recreational areas, and areas of corporate and manufacturing „„Adapt measures to target- allowing rainwater to collect in low lying campuses. The Berlin Senate Department species in the biotope net- areas are all techniques that help provided for Urban Development and Environment work habitats for a variety of species. offers extensive pragmatic planning aids. A „„Reduce over-maintenance of look at biotope type mapping enables the open spaces Together for the Biotope Network recognition of nearby habitats and protect- „„Construct passageways or of Open Spaces ed areas, creating targeted operational corridors for small animals Dry areas that are kept open offer a par- measure that adapt to species in the bi- in walls and embankments ticularly good habitat for many animals otope network. Through the joint activities „„Add native shrubs and hedg- and plants in the big city. They can take ad- of several companies within a commercial es to edges vantage of the higher temperatures in the zone, a green network of ecological and „„Plant wild flowers in open city. There are many good chances to cre- aesthetic value can be created. spaces „„Enable the collection of wa- ter in seasonal ponds

Berlin’s Tiergarten is part © Dieter Schütz/ of its biotope network

19 Living Space for Animals

Measures Biodiversity thrives in the presence of di- The cracks and holes of “insect hotels” are „„Construct habitats for verse habitats and biotopes that include used by solitary bee species for rearing their insects microhabitats and niches which provide young and winter hibernation. These bees „„Set up birdhouses homes for animals. Unfortunately, such can be observed with the first rays of sun- „„Install bat boxes habitats tend to be scarce in cities, but with shine in March. Depending on their prefe- „„Leave leaf piles for winter a little money and effort, attractive living rence, companies can decide upon const- shelters spaces for insects, lizards, Carabid beetles, ructing a multi-storey insect paradise, „„Build up stone piles and small animals can be created on com- insect-friendly sculptures, or simple woo- „„Leave fallen/dead trees in pany grounds. There is almost always space den blocks with holes. The wild bees them- place for the construction of these habitats. selves do not have much of a preference and take advantage of any such structure. Stone Piles and Walls as A small sign with information about the Microhabitats otherwise neglected animals in addition to Small animals usually have low demands the insect-friendly facilities opens the em- for habitat sizes. Living spaces for wildlife ployees’ visibility to these new miniature can therefore be constructed with little ef- worlds. The ideal location for constructing fort by piling up old bricks, rocks, or neatly these new wild bee habitats is a sunny spot stacking sandstone and granite blocks, as that is sheltered from the wind and rain. done at Berlin’s Nordbahnhof. These struc- These are important considerations when tures can be used when designing an out- constructing safe habitats for bees to raise door area to develop a relief. Handcrafted their young. multifunctional objects act as a focal point at entryways. Such structures serve as va- Nesting Boxes for Every Situation luable habitats for small mammals, lizards, There are many various nesting boxes, bat Be sure that old trees do not and beetles which nestle in these ecologi- boxes, and hedgehog houses available for endanger traffic. cally upgraded areas. purchase in stores and on the internet. There are do-it-yourself options for con- “Shelter” for Insects and structing nesting boxes as well, with many Other Small Animals designs available online. In ideal cases, do- Insect hotels are nice features and important Wild bees are the peaceful relatives of ho- ing “nothing” can be one of the best actions breeding grounds for many small animals. ney bees, 243 species of which live in Berlin. as old bark and dead trees that are left to naturally decompose offer many insects a habitat while providing woodpeckers and other bird species an abundant and essen- tial food source. Other bird species use tree groves and decaying trees as nesting grounds while hedgehogs like to nestle un- der piles of leaves for their winter hiberna- tion. Without disrupting visual aesthetics, these fallen trees and piles of leaves can be kept in out-of-sight locations while still pro- viding animals with peaceful winter quar- ters. © Hans Buch/Wikimedia

20 Practically Applied: Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Nature Also Enjoys Healing at the Hospital Queen Elisabeth Herzberge

The Protestant Queen Elisabeth Herzberg and the creation of pastureland for sheep. Hospital (KEH) lies in the middle of the Trainees learn about the ecological frame- Herzberg Public Park in Berlin-Lichtenberg. work of the KEH during these guided tours, Roughly 80% of this nearly 100 hectares creating an interest among the next gen- (250 acres) large park is used and main- eration of staff and administration to con- tained by the hospital. Six natural pastures, tinue practicing biodiversity management. a forested biotope, and two glades all con- nect to form a living mosaic. With this background, the park applied for status as a protected landscape in 2013. “Since we’ve been incorporating our staff into biodiversity activities, they’ve all participated enthusiastically.” The KEH integrates biodiversity as part of Dr. Henry Hahnke, Office of Green IT & Ecology, Queen Elisabeth Hospital their business model because the medical staff there understand the important role Two nature conservation projects were im- green trees and chirping birds play in their plemented by the hospital: patients’ healing processes. The doctors and management have been preserving its „„Around 70 birdhouses and nesting natural surroundings throughout the hos- compartments were constructed for pital’s variable 120 year long history. With- various native bird and bat species. out any public support, the hospital in Ber- Some of these are directly visible to pa- lin’s eastern Lichtenberg district was a tients, visitors, and staff, providing natural jewel since its opening in 1893. them the relaxing opportunity to watch Wetlands covered the grounds with valua- and listen to the sounds of nature. ble aquatic habitats that supported sensi- „„During a survey of the area’s approxi- tive amphibians such as the crested newt mate 5,000 trees, the ages and species and green toad. In the woody areas, haw- of roughly 3,500 of them were record- finches, short-toed treecreepers, and ed. The project will finish its survey in nightingales found ideal breeding grounds. the future. A special feature of this Five birds of prey species can be seen dur- project is the availability of all data on Dozens of birdhouses and ing the breeding season: the common buz- an interactive website accessible here: enclaves in the walls are the nurseries for black- zard, goshawk, sparrowhawk, kestrel, and birds and others. peregrine falcon. For years, applied ecology has been an in- tegral part of education in the nursing pro- fession at the KEH. The program includes lectures and guided tours around the natu- ral areas. Trainees receive information on the ecological landscaping of the area and how this is important for preserving biodi- versity. The city district authority in which the KEH is located supports this activity with various improvements to the land- scape and its natural systems that include uncovering paved areas, canal restoration, relocation of subterranean heating pipes, © Hahnke/KEH

21 Ponds – Good for Nature and Stormwater Management

Detailed information on the Ponds and aquatic features have an impor- and animals. As rainwater retention ba- greening of buildings and tant ecological role to play in addition to sins, ponds relieve the hydraulic burden on passive cooling systems are improving the visual aesthetics of a com- storm drains and reduce leaching of harm- provided by the Senate Depart- pany’s grounds. Depending on their size, ful substances into canals that feed into ment for Urban Development they can also be integrated into a sustain- larger bodies of natural water such as riv- and the Environment in an able rainwater management system and ers, lakes, and oceans. They also provide additional guide. stormwater control. flood protection and reduce the cost of maintaining central water drainage sys- Elegant Solution: Aquatic Biotopes tems. and Water Systems Rainwater management has changed sig- Lots of Life with a Little Water nificantly in the past few years. As opposed The effect bodies of water have on biodiver- to channeling rainwater into canals and sity significantly increases with their size. storm drains as quickly as possible, today However, even small eight square meter (26 processes that integrate sustainable square feet) ponds with a minimum depth stormwater management are being pre- of half a meter (1.5 feet) are sufficient to ferred. Stormwater management means create a stable biodiversity community. rainwater storage and use, green roofs, de- Dragonflies hover over the mini-wetland centralized processes, and the integration while amphibians and water beetles move of these systems into recreational areas. around the water. Fish and countless aqua- Naturally constructed ponds with bounties tic invertebrates inhabit the water. Birds of aquatic and shore vegetation thereby come to the pond to drink and feed on the play a dual role for biodiversity and people small insects there. Last but not least, com- Heavily vegetated ponds who enjoy these relaxing spots. Aquatic ar- pany staff and visitors will enjoy this green provide habitats in densely populated areas. eas create many new habitats for plants oasis as well. © Rainer Sturm/

22 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Tips for Planning a Pond: Measures „„Construct ponds and aquatic „„Deciduous trees should be kept away habitats from the pond. When their leaves fall „„Create relaxing recreational in the water, they can cause nutrient spots spikes and algae blooms. Sunlight, „„Enable diverse uses for rain- moreover, is good for aquatic life. water „„Naturally constructed ponds should be preferred over concrete-lined ba- sins. Existing concrete ponds can be easily converted and ecologically en- hanced. „„Aquatic plants can be densely placed © Schubert/SenStadtUm around the pond’s rim, broken up oc- casionally with small stone-lined en- Reduce Costs of Rainwater: tryways for animals to access the wa- Sustainable rainwater management ter. If necessary, the shore’s edges can saves your company operating costs. Even be stabilized with natural-looking during strong storms, rainwater that falls stone gabions. on the company’s premises or surface „„Stocking the pond with goldfish and areas (e.g. rooftops) will be naturally carp usually has negative effects on captured, used, evaporated, or allowed biodiversity as these species decimate to seep into water tables wherever pos- dragonfly larvae and tadpole popula- sible. The living layer of soil in construct- tions. The Berlin Fisheries Office ed ponds containing reeds and cattails (Fischereiamt) can offer advice on al- functions as a natural filter for the water. ternative fish species if desired.

Above: The presence of dragonflies indicates a healthy pond. Below: Stormwater man- agement at Potsdamer Platz. © Marco Schmidt

23 Rainwater Management – Lowering Operational Costs

Measures Fewer sealed surface areas and localized ideal living conditions to biodiversity.The „„Create plans for possible rainwater retention are important princi- following methods are suggested for im- rainwater management ples in sustainable green building. Old con- plementation: systems struction techniques implemented the use „„Consider rainwater manage- of many impermeable surface areas, chan- „„Surface Infiltration: Large, natural ment systems while devel- neling rainwater into storm drains. This green areas where rainwater is allowed oping construction plans or practice ultimately upsets ecological bal- to percolate on a long-term basis. Such renovations ances and water cycles, prohibits the re- areas are ecologically enhanced and charging of underground water tables, and develop into seasonal wetlands. They reduces the evaporative cooling effect on offer habitats to rare migratory species the city’s microclimate. During strong throughout the year. Surface infiltra- rains, aquatic plant and animal life in riv- tion is recommended for areas with ers, lakes, and other natural bodies of wa- well draining soil. ter can be severely compromised by the „„Trench Seepage: Large fields not per- city’s chemical runoff. mitting, rainwater can be collected in naturally constructed trenches where Please note water quality Depending upon local conditions, there are aquatic and semi-aquatic plants can recommendations given by workable solutions for reducing this runoff help soak up the water during rainy the Berliner Wasserbetriebe by unsealing concrete surfaces, reducing seasons while also providing micro- ( water authority) before the burden on centralized stormwater habitats for many insects. repurposing rainwater. management infrastructure, and imple- „„Trench-Swale-Seepage: When the soil menting ecologically-friendly solutions for structure does not permit water seep- retaining and repurposing rainwater. age, water absorbing swale is con- structed under the trench. Swales are Retaining Rainwater and Creating constructed out of rock particles and Microhabitats buried under the soil. The trenches are Rainwater from roofs and paved surfaces is landscaped the same as with trench allowed to seep into the living soil in many seepage systems. commercial areas outside of Berlin’s water protection zone. Areas where rainwater is Repurpose Rainwater for allowed to percolate into the soil provide Commercial Use Rain water is collected in tanks and used Areas paved or cobbled with lawn pa- for different applications. Buffer tanks are ving blocks or special types of materi- commonly used for water storage cisterns. als, [...] are areas not included in the Uncontaminated rainwater can be used for calculation of the rainwater disposal irrigating gardens and green spaces. Rain- fee. With green roofs, 50% of the sur- water has no dissolved calcium and is face area is deducted in calculating the therefore “soft water”. As such, it can be fee for rainwater disposal. The storm- used in commercial production, for clean- water fee is currently € 1.825/m2 of the ing applications, in building cooling sys- drained base. (BWB, ABE 12/2013) tems, or as grey water for toilets.

24 Practically Applied: Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

IGG Malzfabrik mbH – An Industrial Monument Goes Green

The Malzfabrik in Berlin-Schöneberg is an office and living space for its tenants and industrial monument characterized by cre- business partners, the company seeks to ativity, culture, and sustainability. The IGG harmonize ecological, economic, and social Malzfabrik mbH is a real estate develop- factors. As part of these plans, their rain- ment company with a sustainable develop- water management system will be opti- ment strategy that transformed this place mized to the benefit of natural and eco- into a vibrant green island in which sus- nomic considerations. In the future, tainable events find their home in the old rainwater from 27,000 m2 of roof and offices, studios, and manufacturing areas paved surface area will be collected in re- that distinguish this historical urban indus- tention ponds that also serve as valuable trial site. aquatic habitats.

The restoration and conversion of 15,000 “Our mission is to convert the company grounds using sustain- m2 of industrial wasteland, that includes able and environmentally-friendly construction techniques. the creation of a wetland, has increased This impacts not only the daily operations in our office space

CO2 capturing and storage capacity while with improved energy efficiently but also influences our ten- providing habitats for regional biodiversi- ants and partners who we actively advise in such matters.” ty. The area is covered with native and par- Frank Sippel, Head Manager, IGG Malzfabrik mbH tially endangered species of plants, thus creating a space to experience nature with- The commitment is worth it! in the city. The 900 m2-large roof of the The Malzfabrik won the 2011 NEXT building has an extensive green roof “Berlin Environmental Prize”, that cleans dust and pollutants out of the provided by Friends of the air, improves the energy balance of the Earth Berlin (BUND Berlin), building, and offers a habitat for plants for its sustainable real estate and small animals as an ecological buffer development strategy and the zone. 2012 “Location Award” for its innovation in sustainability. These measures are two of the many “green steps” the company has taken as part of its plans for the future. In its mis- Green roofs are a corner- stone for the integrated sion to construct a sustainable and envi- rainwater management strategy at the IGG Malz- ronmentally friendly and energy efficient © Malzfabrik fabrik mbH. © Malzfabrik

25 On the Roofs of Berlin

Because of their favorable Green roofs have advantages for rainwater Depending on the construction and planned effect on water, soil, micro- retention, city microclimates, aesthetic val- use of the space, one can prefer extensive climates and biodiversity, ues, and air filtration/purification. Green or intensive green roofs. Intensive green green roofs are recognized as roofs enhance the visual effect of a building roofs have a substrate layer of 20 to 40 cm fundamental compensatory while providing space for recreational activ- (8 to 15 in) and can be turned into signifi- measures for conserving nature ity and relaxation. They also have an eco- cant gardens, supporting larger plants like in developed areas. nomic advantage by lowering energy re- perennials, shrubs, and bushes. Depending quirements for cooling and prolonging the on the amount of vegetation, intensive life and limiting the maintenance require- green roofs also have to be watered and ments of the roof. Above all, they provide maintained accordingly. The care is worth ideal habitats for over 100 plant and animal it, however, as intensive green roofs have species. the extra advantage of being accessible to company staff who want to enjoy of their Green Roofs for Office Buildings, recreational qualities or relax on benches Industrial Hangers, and Shopping during breaks. Centers Conventional flat roofs can be converted Less Maintenance Required for into green roofs, thereby lowing long-term Green Roofs maintenance costs. Slanted roofs can be Most green roofs in Berlin are extensive tested for suitability of a green roof conver- green roofs, which means they have the ad- sion. The construction of a green roof con- vantage of not needing to be irrigated or sists of an insulating layer, a waterproofing watered. It is becoming common practice to membrane, a root barrier, and water stor- water visible areas of the roof with collected age capacities, topped off with the place- rainwater. The 6 to 20 cm (2 to 8 in) thick ment of a substrate layer. The construction substrate layer is planted and seeded with is handled by an experienced company. Ma- drought resistant grasses, herbs, and suc- An extensive green roof can also be combined terials and construction methods have been culents. The roof should be inspected twice with a solar installation. The evaporative cooling developing and improving throughout the a year to make sure that tree seeds trans- effect of the green roof lowers the temperature 40-year history of green roofs. In Berlin ported by the wind or birds have not sprout- of solar modules and im- proves their efficiency. alone, 65,000 m2 of green roofs have been ed into saplings that could damage the constructed between 1983 and 1996. roof’s root barrier as they grow. Biodiver- sity benefits greatly from the presence of extensive green roofs which, function like natural calcareous grasslands (dry and nutrient-poor regions in the countryside).

Biodiversity on Various Types of Flat Roofs* Plant Animal Types Types Gravel Roof 12 7 Extensive Green Roof 53 36 Intensive Green Roof 43–57 30

© Brigitte Reichmann * see Zimmermann 1987

26 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Advantages of Green Roofs these cost savings in their “Leitfaden Dach- Measures begrünung für Kommunen” guide. The ta- „„Convert gravel roofs to „„Conventional roof surfaces experience ble below summarizes these cost-savings. green roofs temperature fluxes up to 50°C (122°F), For a 100 m2 (330 ft2) extensive green roof, „„Integrate green roofs into contend with UV rays, and are subject savings of up to 15% can be attained. reconstruction plans to mechanical troubles. Green roofs The stormwater fee in Berlin is protect against this, prolonging the life € 1,825/m2 of drained surface. of the roof. For green roof areas, only 50% „„Green roofs have an insulation effi- of the respective base is inclu- ciency of up to 10%. With this addition- ded in the calculation of the al insulation, energy costs can be no- fee for the rainwater disposal. ticeably reduced. (BWB ABE Stand 12/2013) „„Green roofs dampen noise in the city, absorbing sound, reducing echoes, and making it quieter inside the building. „„Under a green roof, summer tempera- tures fluctuate by only 10°C (50°F), lowering the heat load for cooling the building by up to 60%. „„Green roofs can host a variety of func- tions to include roof-top restaurants Intensive green roofs such as this one at the and recreational activities. Wiegmann Clinic’s on the Westend-Area are eye- „„Depending on the construction of the catching spots to relax and provide valuable hab- substrate, 50-90% of rainwater is re- itats for many animals in © Optigrün International AG urban spaces. tained, evaporates, or slowly runs off the roof surface. Cost Comparison of Various Flat Roofs „„Green roofs lower the temperature of a city’s microclimate in the summer by Extensive Green Gravel Roof evaporation and solar absorption. Roof „„Plants sustainably improve air quality Upfront Cost by filtering dust and pollutants. Ni- Construction 3.000 € 1.000 € trates and other damaging particles (30 €/m2) (10 €/m2) are absorbed and converted by the Completion Care 100 € plants. Restoration after 20 Years* 2.500 € „„Green roofs and parking garages add Restoration after 40 Years* 1.700 € 1.100 € value to the cityscape, harmonizing its Total Upfront Cost 4.800 € 4.600 € skyline with the natural landscape. Yearly Costs Maintenance and Upkeep 1.100 € 600 € Green Roofs are a Money Saver (0,50 €/m2) (0,25 €/m2) Converting a conventional gravel roof into Rainwater Taxes 2.100 € 4.200 € a green or living roof provides an immedi- (0,92 €/m2) (1,84 €/m2) ate benefit to nature and a long-term Sum of Yearly Costs 3.200 € 4.800 € financial benefit to the investor. The Ger- man Green Roof Association (Deutsche Total Costs 8.000 € 9.400 € * with discount factor Dachgärtner Verband) precisely calculated

27 Green Facades – More Habitats for City Birds

In the congested city, there are often only a plants can grow. Filled with a growth me- few possibilities for dual-purposing com- dium for supporting plants, when planned mercial spaces for ecological uses. The lack correctly, these living walls can provide of open spaces and the high price of real habitats for a bounty of biodiversity. Living estate leave little room for urban nature walls need to be maintained to keep up spaces. Even trees suffer from cramped con- their image, providing people an improved ditions on many streets. Green facades, quality of life in return. however, offer alternative “horizontal green spaces” that improve living condi- Keep cool with green walls tions in the city in addition to providing safe Lush green facades provide habitats for habitats for many birds and small animals, numerous bird species. Blackbirds, robins, The plant systems should be increasing a building’s energy efficiency, wrens, black redstarts, and finches feel at carefully considered in the and creating a valuable marketing image home here. Nesting boxes can be added to initial planning phases. for a company. the facade greenery for titmice. The facade vegetation also has a cooling effect on the State of the Art: Living Walls microclimate in and around the buildings Trellised buildings with planter filled balco- and helps mitigate the effects of seasonal nies and outcropping architectural fea- temperature variations. When the leaves tures were “en vogue” in the 1980’s. A cur- fall in autumn, the sun heats the compart- rent architectural trend becoming popular ments behind the wall. In summer, the foli- Modern and Ecological: A trellised green facade at in modern buildings and cities are green age shades the facade, and evaporative the Humboldt University in Aldershof. walls that contain dozens of niches where cooling reduces the heat in the rooms be- © Adlershof Projekt GmbH

28 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

hind the wall. Air conditioning is rarely living wall, sufficient root space and a reli- Measures needed, adding up to energy savings for able water supply are required. Some plants „„Convert facade to living wall the building. require permanent trellises. Depending on „„Incorporate green walls in the plant, ropes, rods, grids, or networks construction plans Plants for Every Wall constructed from different materials can be Facades can be greened with climbing used. Stainless steel is usually chosen, but plants that are rooted in the ground. For a structural steel can also provide visually in- teresting effects after a layer of red rust Native plants are ecologically more forms over the surface. It is important to valuable than imported plants because keep the structure at a sufficient distance they benefit a wider variety of species. from the building wall as some plants deve- In Germany, native species grow natu- lop strong woody stems after several years. rally in the forest and enjoy partial Newly developed systems are gaining a shade (east or north side), making them strong presence in the market and can be unsuitable for sunny southern facing integrated as architectural elements. facades. These surfaces therefore re- A green wall addition can be quire the use of non-native plants. Ivy integrated into existing plans and Virginia creeper are climbers that without much effort. Inquire grow without trellises, but must be with your horticultural farm or trimmed regularly. All other species landscaping firm about suitable require trellises. plants for your building and request a maintenance plan. Native Species Common Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum/L. xylosteum) Old Man’s Beard (Clematis vitalba) English Ivy (Hedera helix) Vertical Green Spaces: Hop (Humulus lupus) Green walls on old and © Schubert/SenStadtUm new buildings in Berlin. Common Grape (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris)

Non-Native Plants Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus spp.) Pipevine (Aristolochia macrophylla) Clematis (verschiedene Zuchtformen) Russian Vine or Bukhara Fleeceflower (Polygonum aubertii) Japanese Wisteria (Wisteria floribunda) Climbing Hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris) Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans) Japanese Rose (Rosa multiflora) Grape Vine (Vitis vinifera) Honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.) © Schubert/SenStadtUm

29 Making Glass Windows and Facades Bird-Friendly

Measures Glass facades dominate the skylines of the initial planning of commercial build- „„Use bird-friendly construc- modern cities. The Sony Center and various ings, making obstacles visible to birds and tion and architecture other buildings in Berlin also try to inte- preventing collisions. Glass connecting „„Avoid woody vegetation in grate transparency into their grass struc- structures between buildings, glass corner the vicinity of (big) glass tures, avoiding the look of a concrete jun- constructions, reflective or transparent windows gle. Unfortunately, birds can not perceive facades in vegetated areas, and freestand- „„Refit glass facades and these huge glass facades as obstacles, and ing glass walls are particularly dangerous. windows bird-friendly just as they do with windows, birds fly into The glass industry offers a wide variety of them, usually resulting in death. patterns that can be factory-printed on windows, making these surfaces visible The Ornithological guide from Glass facades and glass panes near areas and avoidable for birds. Sempach, Switzerland, offers of vegetation (trees, shrubs, flowers) are valuable tips. the biggest traps. Especially in urban areas, Protecting Birds with Subsequent birds frequently collide with windows. In Measures Berlin, along with common species of birds, The expensive and complex process of rare birds such as the kingfisher, wood- retrofitting buildings to make them bird- cock, and hawks also have deadly acci- friendly can be avoided with good plan- dents. The building or facility management ning. The widespread use of black stickers should seek advice concerning whether in the shapes of birds of prey is a complete- bird collisions are a problem in their loca- ly ineffective solution, however. It is impor- tion. tant to make the critical glass panes visible as obstacles. Possible solutions include: Preventive Architecture with Bird- Friendly Measures „„Vertical stripes 1-2 cm, with a max. Bird-friendly architecture should, as with 10 cm (horizontal, up to 5 cm.) space residential buildings, be incorporated in between one another are attached to the outside surface of the glass, acting as an optical grid for the birds. „„Bright blinds, roller shutters, curtains, cord tapes, foil, tape, strip curtains, and louvers can reduce window trans- parency and slightly reduce reflections. „„Colored decorations or colorful water soluble children’s finger paintings com- bine bird protection with creativity. „„Company logos, window decorations, decorative sprays, and window colors transform glass panes into advertising space. „„Grilles, mosquito nets, coarse mesh, thick grids, and perforated plates are optical barriers.

Reflective glass facades near trees are dangerous © Schubert/SenStadtUm for birds.

30 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Save Insects and Cut Costs – The Proper Lighting

Berlin shines with bright colors even in the seen insects circling outdoor lighting on a Measures night. The lighting of buildings and outdoor warm summer night has observed this. Ex- „„Convert to insect-friendly areas has become an essential means to terior lights are therefore a major cause of lighting fixtures present a business to the public and ensure death for many nocturnal insects – in addi- „„Consider protecting insects a friendly environment for customers and tion to the amount of routine cleaning they when planning lighting staff. Adhering to legal safety standards require to remove dead bugs and spider arrangements is also a consideration. Consequently, our webs. cities have become so bright that many Our guide contains valuable in- people miss the darkness. The theme of Saving Energy for Nature formation relevant to business. light pollution has become a topic of dis- Conservation cussion among scientists and experts on This can all be avoided with relative ease. the matter. For powerful outdoor lighting, modern so- dium-vapor lamps are less dangerous to Traps for Nocturnal Insects insects. The same is true for common ener- There are many various nocturnal flying gy-saving lamps. Among the best perform- insects. These include mayflies, stoneflies, ers are energy efficient LED bulbs that caddisflies and nocturnal butterflies. They attract very few insects. Warm white or all represent important links in the food yellowish colored lights are especially chain, serving as meals for birds and bats. advantageous. Higher initial costs pay for themselves with lower energy bills and Insects see differently than people. Many the possibility if eliminating the need for Improper lighting attracts insects and raises insects are particularly sensitive to the cleaning. cleaning costs. blue/ultraviolet color spectrum. Thus, they are irresistibly attracted to common light- ing features that intensely emit light in this spectrum. These include mercury and halo- gen metal vapor lamps. Anyone who has

Easily Implementable Measures: „„Select lights with the lowest possible blue and ultraviolet spectrums. „„Only use as much lighting as is re- quired. „„Dim lighting as much as possible, control it with motion sensors, or shut them off at late hours in the evening. „„Wherever permitting, point light so it shines directly downwards. „„Select the lowest possible light inten- sity. „„Chose enclosed lighting fixtures that keep insects away from the hot bulbs. © schubalu/

31 Practically Applied:

Green Gems around the Berlin Waterworks

The Berlin Waterworks (Berliner Wasserbe- these areas for breeding and raising their triebe) provides around 3.5 million people in young. Kingfisher, beaver, woodlark, fish the capital city and its environs with clean otter, cranes, crested newt, red-backed drinking water and handles sewage treat- shrike, narrow-mouthed whorl snails, red ment for around 4.1 million. To accomplish kite, marsh frog, black woodpecker, barred this task, they operate an immense infra- warbler, black tern, corncrake, red-bellied structure that includes 19,000 km of piping toad, spadefoot toad, and dwarf snaps can and canals, fifteen treatment plants, and be found here. 164 pumping stations. This infrastructure is By maintaining natural open spaces for spread out among around 270 facilities, many years, the Waterworks has been suc- nine of which occupy particularly large na- cessful in balancing operational issues and tural areas that dually serve as conservati- costs with ecological interests such as bio- on zones. Together with the water protec- diversity conservation and enhancement. tion zone that covers nearly a fourth of the This has allowed the establishment of many city, these natural areas are indispensible in valuable habitats with a large number of providing habitats for countless plant and rare and endangered “red list” species. Nu- animal life. They also offer people many re- merous plant target-species (including laxing recreational opportunities and serve thrift, common vetch, hartman’s sage, an important role in helping stabilize the small meadowsweet, and eyebright) loca- city’s microclimate. ted in these areas give them an especially important meaning for the city in terms of Having committed themselves to biodiver- nature conservation. sity preservation, ecological issues play just Nationally important bat caves and slee- as big a role for the Berlin Waterworks as ping quarters located at the Waterworks economic and social considerations. Above facilities in and Friedrichshagen are all, this entails the sustainable manage- registered in the EU Habitats Directive. ment of water resources. Given that the city Roughly 2,300 bats of various species hiber- is supplied with water from its surround- nate here in the winter and include the ings, it is vital to maintain high standards greater mouse-eared bat, brown long- for sewage treatment and stormwater ma- eared bat, Daubenton’s bat, and Natterer’s Left: The greater mouse- eared bat feels at home nagement. bat. A contractual obligation of the compa- at the waterworks in Ber- lin-Tegel. Rare plant and animal life can find ecologi- ny with the State of Berlin ensures the con- Right: Solar panels on bi- cally intact and healthy habitats around the servation of these obsolete structures as odiverse meadows are an ideal combination for property boundaries of the waterworks’ fa- habitats for bats. conserving nature and sparing the climate. cilities. Many species of birds and bats use © Schubert/SenStadtUm © Joachim Donath Photographie 2007

32 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Together for Berlin’s Biodiversity © Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin © SEKISUI SPR Europe GmbH © SenStadtUm © SEKISUI SPR Europe GmbH © Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin © GNF Archiv

33 Berlin Foundation for Nature Conservation – Partners With Your Company

Would you use your companies business nificant contributions to preserving and trips to facilitate in the environmental res- protecting Berlin’s biodiversity. The foun- toration of local marshlands? Do you find dation enjoys an impressive network with the prospect of saving Berlin’s local biodi- hundreds of experts and institutions, giv- versity in a group action with your col- ing it the resources it needs to work on all leagues interesting? Are you also seeking kinds of specific concepts and cooperative to sponsor a forward-thinking initiative to projects for the continued preservation of promote your company image? nature and biodiversity in Berlin. The foun- dation’s work is supported and made pos- Supporting Each Other – sible by the Berlin Senate. Setting the Tone Together Since its founding in 1981, the Berlin Foun- Our Projects – Your Opportunity dation for Nature Conservation has sup- Much of our cooperation is directly or indi- ported over 1,000 environmental and na- rectly targeted toward implementing the The “Long Day of Urban- ture conservation projects. By fostering Berlin Strategy for Biodiversity. The spec- Nature” is a flagship project of the Berlin service-oriented partnerships with the trum of this work ranges from conserva- Foundation for Nature Conservation. public sector, the foundation has made sig- tion programs supported by young volun- teers that are targeted at protecting endangered species to official partnerships for large projects. There are numerous op- portunities for companies seeking the per- fect location to showcase their social and environmental responsibility right here in Berlin.

Climate Change Levy Since 2009, all official government air trav- el conducted by representatives of the State of Berlin has been levied with a cli-

© Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin mate tax. The foundation is responsible for the collection of this levy for the Senate. The funds are solely used for supporting restoration projects for Berlin’s marshes. These marshes provide benefits to biodi- versity and the climate by serving as car- bon sinks for greenhouse gases such as

CO2 and also creating habitats for severely endangered species of plant and animal life.

Opportunities for You: „„Since November 2013, companies in Berlin are encouraged to voluntarily offset their carbon footprint by sup-

© Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin porting this successful initiative.

34 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Plant Conservation lin Foundation for Nature Conservation Measures Threatened species of plants also find com- maintains a calendar of environmental and „„Engage in common projects fortable homes in Berlin. Conserving habi- biodiversity themed events. There are „„Participate in voluntary cli- tats for swamp sweetheart, military orchid, around 400 hosted events that thousands mate change levy dune fescue, and around 240 other species of Berliners participate in and enjoy. To „„Assume conservation spon- of plants is an important task for Berlin’s view the current user-friendly calendar, sorship for native species nature conservation. The Berlin Founda- please visit the online portal at: www. „„Be a partner in The Long tion for Natural Conservation’s coordinat- Day of UrbanNature ing office for plant conservation organizes „„Take part in the Berlin Envi- conservation measures for the Senate De- Opportunities for You: ronmental Calendar partment for Urban Development and the „„With advertising banners you can build Environment. your company’s credibility and market- ing imagine. Opportunities for You: „„A partnership demonstrates your com- Have we gained your interest? The Berlin Foundation for Nature Conservation is „„Maintenance operations with staff per- pany’s commitment to supporting Ber- excited to hear from you. sonnel lin’s natural environment and biodi- Contact: Holger Wonneberg (Managing Director) „„Sponsorship of plants or habitats versity. Tel.: (030) 26 39 4 - 0 Email: [email protected] „„It is recommended to stay up-to-date Long Day of UrbanNature on current presentations and corpo- During the annual “Long Day of UrbanNa- rate events by accessing the online cal- ture”, the Berlin Foundation for Nature endar. This could be a valuable way of Conservation coordinates and organizes a generating ideas for participating in program of around 500 biodiversity themed nature conservation and environmen- events and presentations that take place tal protection. The Berlin Environmental Calendar provides infor- during a non-stop 26-hour timeframe. mation on current envi- ronmentally-themed More nightingales live in Berlin, for exam- events and presentations. ple, than in many German states. On walks and bike tours, over 20,000 participants each year are surprised to learn about and discover wild animals like beavers, otters, cormorants, and herons living comfortably around the city.

Opportunities for You: „„By becoming a sponsor, your name can be associated with this innovative event. „„Partnerships can be tailored to indi- vidual company abilities. This can also include the design or hosting of special events.

Berlin Environmental Calendar Whether a bird migration, photography workshop, or wilderness training, the Ber- ©

35 Donate Trees for Berlin

The Berlin Senate initiated its “Trees for 3,000 trees yearly, but in the last few years Berlin” campaign in the fall of 2012. By the it has become financially unfeasible to re- end of 2017, local citizens and businesses place all fallen trees, leading to an unfortu- plan to plant an additional 10,000 trees nate decline in their number. The gaps of along Berlin’s streets. In addition to small missing green throughout the cityscape gardens, cemeteries, and patches of urban are becoming visible. This overall reduction forest, the 440,000 trees that already line in green subsequently means an overall re- the city’s streets have long since estab- duction in the many services that trees lished Berlin as a world renowned green provide people and the environment. metropolis. Why Is It Important to Have Trees Disease, pest infestations, root and bark in the City? damage, and the spreading of salt on the Trees increase well-being and quality of life streets in winter are among the stresses and are of great use to people and animals that weaken and harm city trees. To keep as well. people safe and limit property damage, many of these compromised trees have to „„Trees are beneficial to biodiversity. be removed every year. The cost of plant- Their trunks, branches, and leaves are ing and caring for one street tree within the habitats for tiny critters like beet- The donations are supple- the first year of its planting is around € les, butterflies, and bees. These in turn mented through the State’s budget. 1,200. The city regularly plants around serve as food for birds in the city, which also help control populations of invasi- ve bugs like the horse-chestnut leaf miner. „„Tree-lined streets offer protection from the wind and rain. A 100 m long row of 20 m high trees can shield wind for 3 hectares of urban area – a noticeable effect that makes walking around town a lot more comfortable. „„Trees provide shade by reducing solar radiation up to 90%. Considering the implications of climate change, the cool shade trees provide can make increa- singly hot summers more bearable. „„Through photosynthesis, trees lower

the levels of CO2 in the city while provi- ding oxygen in return. In addition to this invaluable service, their leaves also filter other pollutants and fine particles out of the air that are damaging to peoples health. „„Tree-lined streets beautify the city and improve the quality of life for its citi-

© Edenspiekermann zens and visitors.

36 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

New Trees for Berlin’s Streets – Measures If you are renting space or do not have An Opportunity for Berlin-Based „„Take part in the “Trees for room on your own property for trees, Companies Berlin” campaign through participating in this project is the per- This project offers companies many inter- single or group donations fect opportunity for you to do some- esting opportunities for participation. The from your company, em- thing for the city’s microclimate and campaign is organized on the basis of a ployees, or customers. Berlin’s biodiversity. matching funds model: for every € 500 in total donations it receives, the Berlin Senate „„Complete Donation: entails € 500 provides the rest for the funding needed for for every tree. planting one new tree. Whoever donates a „„Partial Donation: donations are col- total minimum of € 500 can select the place- lected together until € 500 are ment of their tree using a map or list indicat- reached for funding the planting of ing available locations around the city. The a tree. planted tree will also have a sign in com- „„Employee Donations: colleagues memoration of its funder. Lesser donations can pool their donations together are collected together. People donating less and request their company make than € 500 can designate in which city bor- up the difference to total the re- ough they would like the tree to be planted quired € 500 to plant a tree. that they helped fund. They can alterna- „„Costumer Donations: You can set tively designate their funds to go toward up a donation container for your planting a tree in one of the many famous customers, announcing the cam- sites around Berlin. To date, the project has paign and its goals to attract more planted trees in four boroughs. Plantings interest and participation. take place early in the year and in the fall.

Michael Müller, Senator for Urban Development and the Environment, opens the “Trees for Berlin” campaign.

Hotline “Trees for Berlin” Campaign: Tel.: 030/9025-1234 Mo-Wed: 9:00-17:00 & Thu: 12:00-18:00 E-Mail: [email protected] Further information on the “Trees for Berlin” campaign is available online at: © Lichtschwärmer – Christo Libuda

37 Teamwork for Biodiversity: Getting Back to Nature

The Berlin Foundation for Do you want to add biodiversity as a central agine a nature drive. There is a lot to do in Nature Conservation offers its theme to your company’s sustainable man- the woods and meadows as many conser- support to these efforts. Other agement plan and help make the topic ac- vation areas need regular care to protect Berlin-based conservation cessible to your company’s staff in order to their biodiversity. Many protected biotopes organizations also offer their gain increased support for the new envi- have been created through extensive farm- advice and support. EUROPARC ronmental measures you are adopting? As ing practices of earlier times. They are now offers a German-wide “Market- part of a company excursion known as cor- becoming overgrown, and without our sup- place for Nature” for compa- porate volunteering or as part of a “nature port, sensitive orchid species and many nies. action day” on the company grounds, col- other plants are being lost. leagues and their families can come and enjoy the fun together. „„Nature conservation organizations and the Berlin Foundation for Nature For a Day of Fresh Air and Dirty Conservation help with the organiza- Hands tion of an action day. On your compa- Conservation workers building a habitat for Think of a different kind of corporate ex- ny’s trip, staff can help plant trees, kingfisher birds at airport lake. cursion: instead of a cultural program im- mow fields, remove brush from dry grassland, and much more. „„Programs for departments or trainees can deliver content about biodiversity responsibility and include tangible ex- periences during multiple day-long re- treats to nature camps under the lead- ership of conservation organizations.

For the Company, Staff, and Biodiversity Cooperative actions bring colleagues to- gether by fostering a team environment, which delivers a direct benefit to the com- pany by improving their work relation- ships. Using their own strength and com- petence to build habitats for animals during a nature action day located on your company’s campus is a great way of en- gendering acceptance and awareness among your staff for the greening of your company’s grounds. By building bird houses, insect hotels, or bat boxes around the company’s campus, family members can also join in, creating a stronger identification with their family member’s employer. Individual depart- ments can take over the role of specific projects such as building an insect hotel or

© Frank Sieste nesting boxes.

38 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Measures „„Implement nature action days located on the compa- ny campus „„Conduct nature protection company activities © Jens Scharon/Nabu Berlin

Suggested Nature Action Day „„Planning and layout of outdoor seat- Activities Located on the Company ing and overhead canopies that can Campus: serve as break areas „„Energy and climate themed photo „„Construction of nesting boxes, insect competitions with a follow-up exhibi- Above: Contractors can offer support when heavy hotels, and trellises for climbing plants tion at the company office machinery is needed as seen during the restora- „„Construction of dry stone walls and „„Fruit harvest tion at the Biesenhorster Sand in Berlin... ponds „„Create environmental working groups Below: ...or as seen with „„Preparation and seeding of flower according to the interests and hobbies the construction of a bird field station during the meadows of staff (i.e. company beekeepers or “96 Hours” campaign ac- tion with local radio sta- „„Planting of trees and bushes vegetable gardeners) tion, zibb RBB. © Birgit Dorbert/Nabu Berlin

39 Do Good and Talk About It

Public relations and customer Do you inform your staff and the public with involved partners, customers, and service areas offer special about the services your company provides suppliers to exchange information on your opportunities for information for biodiversity, sustainability, and the en- engagement and strengthen the trust they sharing. This is your chance vironment? For many companies, adopting have in your activities. A transparent expla- to comprehensively inform social responsibility is an integral part of nation of opportunities, risks, decisions, important stakeholders about their management philosophy. Many com- and mistakes are all necessary components your company’s biodiversity panies forfeit important opportunities by in these dialogues. management, answer questions not openly publicizing their activities. Good about it, and find new partners internal communications strongly support Get Staff Onboard with Biodiversity for your projects. company operations while a convincing ex- Staff and management are important dip- ternal communications strategy promotes lomats for a company. They should there- the overarching goal of preserving biodi- fore be integrated in the communications versity. strategy at an early stage. If they are con- vinced of the quality of the company’s Factors for Successful Communica- products or services and are also firm be- tions: Dialogue, Transparency, and lievers in its social responsibility, they will Credibility take ownership in talking about the com- Credibility is the most important factor for pany in public, thereby building a desirable successfully communicating a company’s image for customers and potential employ- social responsibility. What the company ees. Routine internal communications A company’s commitment says and does need to correspond; an- practices can also be used to spread infor- to biodiversity can be represented to specific nouncements must be followed with ac- mation about biodiversity measures taken customer groups at trade fairs. tions. As a company, you lead dialogues by the company:

„„Company information seminars during staff meetings „„Discuss the CSR concept in personal conversations and encounters „„Internal memos, emails, and newslet- ters reporting on current actions and measures „„Publish information on the black- boards or on internal brochures

Small Steps for Biodiversity in the Office and Cafeteria Support Internal Communications Numerous small company projects are ac- companied with effective internal commu- nications for biodiversity. Measures taken by the company unburden the environ- ment, spare resources, and show employ- ees that sustainable management and bio- diversity preservation entail a multifaceted

© GNF Archiv approach.

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Examples for Implementation: Your Public Relations Support Measures Biodiversity! „„Integrate biodiversity into Measures for the Cafeteria External communications is responsible for the company’s internal com- „„Purchase local and seasonal organic presenting the company to the public and munications products whenever possible creating an image. How a company’s biodi- „„Support internal and exter- „„Offer vegetarian options versity engagement is communicated is nal communications with „„Source coffee, tea, and chocolate from important for showing the public that all small actions fair trade/organic suppliers social stakeholders are actively working for „„Offer beverages from regional distrib- its preservation and to encourage more uters members to join. Use common public rela- tions techniques for drawing attention to- Measures for the Office ward your company’s biodiversity activity. „„Stock printer paper, envelopes, and other printed materials from recycled „„Press conferences, ribbon cutting, and materials or FSC/PEFC certified sources ground breaking ceremonies for an- nouncing new projects Measures for Hygiene and „„Press releases, interviews, and tours to Left: Presentations or in- Sanitation introduce new projects formation in the lobby of- fer opportunities for pub- „„Paper towels/tissue from recycled ma- „„Publish information online about ac- lic statement such as here at the Scandic Hotel terials tivities and projects in Berlin. „„Use biodegradable cleaning agents „„Create a newsletter Right: Employees receiv- ing information on inter- „„Issue project reports and updates nal company actions. © Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin © GNF Archiv

41 Practically Applied:

WeiberWirtschaft eG – The Women’s Business Center with Ecological Goals

Located in the center of Berlin, the Weiber- „„Elements of Water: Accumulated rain- Wirtschaft eG has a reputation known far water is evaporated through the green beyond the city limits as setting an example roof, slowly drained, or allowed to sink for women who start and lead their own into water tables on unpaved surfaces. companies. 1,800 women have member- The rest is stored in 5,000l (1,320 gal- ships in this cooperative where they man- lon) tanks for reuse in the building. age Europe’s largest business startup cent- „„Elements of Green: Available open er for women. In the early 1990s, an empty spaces are largely unpaved and land- piece of real estate was purchased, fully scaped with native plants. Roofs and renovated, and modernized. With “Green walls are largely greened. Numerous Building Blocks”, an important contribu- nesting boxes and insect hotels are tion was made to biodiversity in a congest- constructed for birds and bugs. Bee- ed area. keepers take care of hives on the roof. „„Elements of Construction: To spare Inviting: The living roof and inner courtyard of That is how a this pilot project in Berlin was natural resources, standing buildings the WeiberWirtschaft building. started, showing small businesses how were left in place. Environmentally sus- they can do something together for pre- tainable, regionally sourced, and reus- serving biodiversity. The WeiberWirtschaft able construction materials were cho- eG follows clearly defined economic and sen wherever possible. ecological goals: Biodiversity is also an important considera- „„Protection of natural resources i.e. tion in purchasing. In the cafeteria and for through the use of environmentally- presentations, attention is given to sourc- friendly construction materials ing seasonal food from local organic pro- „„Reduction of environmentally damag- ducers. In general, the vast majority of pur- ing emissions through climate-friendly chased items come from local regional energy use producers that have environmental and so- „„Improvement of local microclimates cial certifications. Office operations func- and quality of life with green spaces tion on a paperless strategy by using digital and vegetation forms for internal communications. Neces- „„Reduction of business costs through sary printouts are made using FSC certified © WeiberWirtschaft eG energy and resource efficiently or recycled paper. „„Make the connection between business 60 small businesses of various branches – and ecology visible including a child day care center, confer- „„Feature the adaptability of measures ence room, and two restaurants – use this for other companies in communica- 6,000 m2 area. Their concept ensures af- tions strategy fordable, long-term rental agreements in an efficient social infrastructure. Building Blocks for Diversity In a project supported by the State of Ber- lin, the founders have implemented their upgrades with six leading principles or “building blocks” – three of which are di- rectly relevant to biodiversity: © WeiberWirtschaft eG

42 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Anchoring Biodiversity in Core Business Operations © Johann Püller/ © GNF Archiv © GNF Archiv © Radka Schöne/ © Jenni Mealing/ © GNF Archiv

43 Biodiversity as a Part of Corporate Social Responsibility

Business gains to profit from actively en- Reduce Costs, Minimize Risks – The gaging in biodiversity. This can easily be Expense is Worth It done in concert with other future-oriented Large Berlin-based companies and enter- activities such as resource and energy effi- prises have CSR or sustainability represent- ciency or climate change mitigation to cre- atives that conduct stakeholder dialogues ate an all encompassing sustainable man- with political entities, interest groups, resi- agement plan. Adapting socially responsible dents, etc. They develop sustainable strate- business practices has come to be defined gies, define goals, establish management by the concept of Corporate Social Respon- plans, lead projects, which exceed core sibility (CSR). business operations. Such activities can verify a company’s commitment to social The Berlin Senate offers valu- Improvement of core business operations responsibility and help identify risks before able information on the topic and voluntary actions beyond the immedi- they become unmanageable. of CSR. Berlin-based companies ate supply chain stand in the center of this CRS is comprised of internal processes and can access this information and approach. It is in the company’s interest to external activities. The three pillars of sus- other support online at: www. include in these processes and dialogues as tainability – economy, environment, and many stakeholders as possible beyond the society – are a part of business activity (see management level – such as staff mem- graphic below). bers, company personnel, advisory groups, customers, and suppliers.

Relationship of CSR to Business Sustainability and Sustainable Development

Community Environment Human Ressources Market

Internal CSR Corporate Citizenship (Legal Compliance, Supply Chains, Sustainable Management)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Economy Environment Society Corporate Sustainablilty

Sustainable Development

Adapted from “Der CSR-Manager”, Altop-Verlag 2012

44 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

„„Where does the company want to go? Measures What is CSR? Strategic decisions are met. Connec- „„Introduce biodiversity into “CSR is a concept whereby companies tions between the core business CSR management integrate social and environmental con- operations and engagement are „„Add activities for nature and cerns in their business operations and envisioned. Risks, opportunities, and the environment into CSR in their interaction with their stake- chances for social influence are exam- management holders on a voluntary basis” (EU Com- ined. Company goals are agreed upon. mission Green Paper). For businesses this means a cost that is worth making „„What will be implemented? as company operations that follow the A plan of action is drafted that takes principles of sustainable management market, environmental, and employee help identify risks and unexploited op- concerns into consideration. Potential portunities for increasing efficiencies. collaborators are identified and project timelines set. CSR for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises „„What is communicated? In small and medium-sized enterprises Contents for internal communications (SME), the company’s activities are usually with staff and marketing materials for less complex, with a few managers in external publication are finalized. A charge of most activities. Introducing and decision is made considering which implementing CSR management into SMEs communications methods are availa- can therefore be rather simple. Five guid- ble for use. ing points may be helpful in the decision- making process: „„What is achieved? Usually an evaluation of progress is „„What is the status quo of the company? conducted. Papers and CSR Reports An analysis looks at the current mis- can be issued according to set stand- sion statement, amount of engage- ards such as those provided by GRI. ment, and relevant stakeholders to Successes, goals, and projects can be determine the company’s level of self- explained and future activities an- compliance. nounced in these reports.

5-Step Plan for Implementing CSR into Core Business Practices

Initial Assessment Strategie Implementation Communication Review

Adapted from “Der CSR-Manager”, Altop-Verlag 2012

45 Practically Applied:

Axel Springer SE – You get out what you put in.

The Axel Springer SE (Societas Europaea) Only by sustainably managing pulp planta- has had an active influence on the supply tions can there be any assurance that the chains involved in creating and delivering forest ecosystem will remain a valuable the printing paper used by the company. and reliable producer of natural resources. According to the company’s philosophy, Therefore, six indicators are regarded dur- whoever works on the offensive in journal- ing paper purchases: sustainability of wood ism must themselves be able to withstand harvesting, protection of forest biodiversi- sharp criticism. The company uses a combi- ty, wood purchasing controls at the pulp nation of optimized wood production and factories, proper training of forestry work- the substitution of virgin fibers for recycled ers, consideration of native inhabitants, paper. Self-reporting is currently conduct- and communication of ecological prob- ed along the newest GRI standards, and all lems. company locations are EMAS certified. There are many details to consider that makes this a complex task: newsprint for “We highlight our special responsibility as a media publishing newspapers and magazines has to be re- house [...] by assuring social and ecological standards along sistant to tearing and is manufactured our supply chains for wood, pulp, paper, printing, and recy- from long spruce and pine fibers that are cling. And the more we transfer our business to the internet usually supplied from Europe’s evergreen and mobile devices in the future, the more important transpar- forests. Other types of paper require short ency of standards will become along our digital supply chain.” fibers from trees such as the eucalyptus. Dr. Mathias Döpfner, CEO, Axel Springer Publishing One example of a project is “From Russia with Transparency” that was implemented in 2005 and 2008 by the Axel Springer SE, The Office of Sustainability of the Berlin- Transparency International, and other based company, examined 50 paper facto- partner organizations. The project focused ries in fifteen countries in regards to their on looking at how to best avoid corruption Visit to southern Portu- compliance with ecological and social risks in the cross-boarder timber trade be- gal: A WWF expert reports on ecological standards standards. For transparency purposes, tween the Russian Republic of Karelia and and the sustainability goals of the Axel Springer contact information for paper suppliers is Finland, thereby helping to reduce the de- SE to an expert forester at the Portucel pulp pro- available on the internet, making it possi- forestation of old-growth trees in the bo- ducers. Portucel has cer- tified 120,000 ha ble to keep an eye on the entire supply real forests. (296,525 acre) of euca- lyptus plantations ac- chain. Visitors at the production sites are Through the invention of newsprint varie- cording to FSC and PEFC standards. led around the premises by company ties that contain large proportions of recy- guides and representatives from environ- cled paper of up to 100%, the productivity mental organizations like the WWF and of wood in the product life-cycle could be Greenpeace. drastically increased – an advantage to bio- diversity as well. 13,000 pages of newsprint Sustainable from the Tree to the can be manufactured from the virgin fibers Newsstand of a single pine tree. By using 70% recycled The company takes responsibility for all material in the manufacturing process, the the possible effects of its economic activity, paper yielded from one tree can total over starting with sustainable forestry, to envi- 37,000 pages. This reduces the resource ronmental standards in paper production/ strain placed on sustainably managed for- printing, to vending at newsstands, and fi- ests.

© Axel Springer SE nally to the disposal/recycling of materials.

46 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Global Compact and GRI Support Biodiversity Management

Performance measurement, goal setting, biodiversity measures into a company’s Measures and implementation of strategic changes in management strategy. The GRI develops „„Conduct GRI self-reporting business operations are the goals of the guidelines for conducting company sustai- „„Become a UN Global Global Compact and Global Reporting Initi- nability reports. The reports contain infor- Compact member ative. Both standards operate from a point mation about economic, ecological, and of voluntary compliance and both organiza- social performance measures as well as in- tions support companies in their shift to formation about the behavior of the sustainability. company’s leadership. It enables the conti- nual gathering of relevant information and United Nations Global Compact the transparent communication of positive The “United Nations Global Compact” is a and negative effects on sustainability. strategic policy initiative between busines- Currently, 120 GRI indicators have been de- ses and the UN with the goal of promoting fined, 30 of which match ecological criteria social and ecological considerations in glo- such as material use, energy/water use, balization while further serving internal and emissions. Four indicators in the most business processes. The Global Compact recent GRI 4 relate specifically to biodiver- serves as a forum for companies whose sity: goal is to engage in socially responsible ac- tivities and are interested in networking „„N11: Operational sites owned, leased, and exchanging dialogues and information managed in, or adjacent to, protected about corporate social responsibility. Glo- areas and areas of high biodiversity bal Compact was launched in 1999 with 260 value outside of protected areas Germany companies and 80 other organi- „„EN12: Description of significant im- zations wishing to participate. The city of pacts of activities, products, and serv- Berlin has been a member of the “UN Global ices on biodiversity in protected areas Compact Cities Programme” since 2005. and areas of high biodiversity values Member organization pledge themselves to outside protected areas ten principles, the compliance of which are „„EN13: Habitats protected or restored examined by yearly progress reports. „„EN14: Total number of IUCN Red List Three of the ten UN Global In developing and emerging economies, en- species and National Conservation List Compact Principles are directly vironmental effects such as land degradati- species with habitats in areas affected relevant to biodiversity: on and the release of toxic chemicals are by operations, by level of extinction risk „„Businesses should support a directly connected to negative impacts on precautionary approach to biodiversity. Companies that embrace the Participating companies voluntarily publish environmental challenges Compact’s environmental principles will ac- a report every two years that explains how cordingly help protect biodiversity. Re- they are complying to the indicators. Infor- „„Undertake initiatives to pro- porting after the official GRI4 criteria is re- mation and data on business operations mote greater environmental commended after joining the Global are essential for the report, yet become responsibility Compact in order to confirm a company’s more and more complex with the size of a „„Encourage the development commitment to biodiversity conservation. company. The accuracy of these self-re- and diffusion of environmen- ports is not reviewed, and they therefore do tally friendly technologies Global Reporting Initiative not represent any form of certification. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is part Companies that self-report openly commu- More information: of the United Nations Environment Pro- nicate this and receive closer public atten-; gramme and supports the integration of tion.

47 Sustainable Procurement and Supply Chains – You Can Always Ask...

The Berlin Senate has made As a Berlin-based company you can avoid „„Which materials and products are nec- it mandatory for its contrac- negative effects to biodiversity directly and essary for production, for further as- tors to abide by sustainable indirectly through the proper procurement sembly, are routinely purchased for procurement procedures. The of raw materials and resources. Nearly all reselling, and which have known or standards for implementing raw materials and semi-finished products possible effects on nature and the eco- regulatory procurement and purchased by a company are connected to system? environmental procedures biodiversity relevant aspects of the envi- „„What information can suppliers and serves as a guide for compa- ronment, especially when they originate other business partners give concern- nies interested in sustainable from countries and regions with high levels ing origin countries, regions, cultiva- procurement. of biodiversity or a significant status for tion, and production conditions of cor- nature conservation. Your demand for sus- responding raw materials? tainably produced products will positively „„What ecological information is availa- affect and change the supply. ble in the internet concerning cultiva- tion and production? How Can You Take Biodiversity Preservation into Account by Your Sustainable Procurement through Purchasing Decisions? Optimization and Substitution: Business consultancy firms have been tak- Mangos from the Rain Forest ing up this question for years in addition to We can use a restaurant that is planning on engaging in advising companies about serving a new dessert as an example. They projects for sustainable supply chains and want to create something with an exotic bringing more reliable transparency about fruit such as the mango. From the whole- imported product origins. Many companies sale market it is learned that mangos come have already started gathering informa- from Brazil, but there is no information tion on the origins of imported raw materi- concerning their cultivation techniques. It Monoculture or a thriving als and products as part of their outward is possible that intact virgin rain forests landscape – your demand influences the supply. risk analysis to determine: that provided habitats for numerous plants and animals had to be clear cut to make way for the mango plantations.

The restaurant is not just buying a tasty fruit. It is also assuming some responsibili- ty for the environmental impacts of its purchase. To reduce these impacts, the re- staurant can consciously purchase environ- mentally-friendly mangos from certified organic farms, thereby choosing the “opti- mization” strategy. The restaurant could alternatively decide not to use mangos, re- placing them with fruit from Germany’s Havelländer region – preferably certified organic. By using a “substituting” strategy and replacing an exotic product with regio- nal one, the restaurant minimizes its im-

© Maria Lanznaster/ pact on biodiversity. Further examples are:

48 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Measures The optimizing strategy is chosen in The substitution strategy is usually pre- „„Examine supply chains for cases where no alternative materials or ferred whenever possible because re- biodiversity impacts inputs – such as rare minerals – can be gional products from Germany and oth- „„Adjust procurement and found locally or regionally to replace er European countries have to comply manufacturing processes to certain components or ingredients in with reliable environmental legislation be biodiversity-friendly manufacturing and production. In such that ensures control over impacts to bi- cases, labels, certificates, and voluntary odiversity. In general, these policies and commitments play an important role. regulations prevent or reduce negative effects from manufacturing.

„„Large expanses of wetlands are de- reducing damage to biodiversity. The avail- stroyed in Eastern Europe to provide ability of sustainable products has been the peat soils and substrates used in rising for years as their demand has in- gardening and landscaping. These can creased. be replaced with compost. „„Pulp and paper from unknown origins are manufactured by clear cutting old- growth forests in Russia and Canada. These can be replaced with recycled paper and FSC certified wood and pulp. „„Rainforests are disappearing to manu- facture windows and furniture from exotic woods. These can be replaced with native woods such as larch or Compost instead of peat. black locust. Apples in place of man- gos. Are these options for „„The cultivation of palm oil products © Mussklprozz/Wikimedia your company? used in cosmetics contributes to the pollution of lakes and rivers. These can be replaced by oils made in Eu- rope. „„Vast landscapes are torn apart while mining coal to run electric power plants. This form of energy can be re- placed with renewable sources.

Companies do not have to completely ex- clude the use of certain products in their sustainable procurement activities. It is of- ten the case that necessary imported prod- ucts and inputs can not be replaced on short notice. In such cases, any gradual steps toward replacing unsustainably pro- cured products can have a great impact on © Gallus Tannheimer/

49 Practically Applied:

Märkisches Landbrot – Our Daily Organic Bread

Regional, socially, and globally aware is how varieties. 1,600 tons of biodynamic pro- the medium-sized, Berlin-based baking com- duced grains are processed yearly, corre- pany, Märkisches Landbrot, likes to make sponding to approximately 700 ha of land. their products. Their organically produced Large areas of fallow land are also brought grains originate from Demeter farms out of into production as part of a crop rotation Please write or visit: Brandenburg that have signed the Märkisch plan. On these organic fields, it is clear that [email protected] Trade Association’s “fair & regional” Char- many more animals and wild herbs thrive in ter. Biodiversity preservation, production contrast to their conventionally cultivated free of genetically engineered crops, and the counterparts. promotion of organic farming are important themes in the company’s strategy. CO2-Neutral Bread As pioneers in their field, the Märkisches “Märkisches Landbrot contributes to the earth’s recovery Landbrot bakery has been publishing Prod- through ecological production techniques and the use of or- uct Carbon Footprint reports for all of their ganic ingredients. Healthy products such as these also benefit baked productions. This is an integrated ap- the wellbeing of people.” proach for analyzing and undertaking im- Company Statement provements to specific sources of carbon emissions along their supply chain and post- With just 50 employees, the bakery and mill production. The bakery in the Pankow Bak- leave nothing to chance. In addition to ery Museum (Museum Bäckerei Pankow) is sourcing their ingredients from Demeter- the first carbon-neutral bakery in Berlin. quality producers, internal and external op- erations are checked according to their eco- „„Environmental successes are ac- logical footprint and goals. Among others, tively communicated to encourage the EU-Eco-Regulation, the Eco Manage- other companies to replicate their “fair & regional, Bio Berlin- ment and Audit Scheme, the Economy for actions. The company wants to sus- Brandenburg” stands for com- the Common Good concepts (Gemein- tainably transform the food industry mitment and management on wohlökonomie), and the Demeter stand- and accepts that this may reduce the an equal footing in the organic ards for processing support an overall con- unique position they now occupy. food industry. cept that benefits biodiversity. In addition „„For the 2002 school year, the Märki- to these standards, the company submits sches Landbrot bakery distributed reports of the highest GRI level – which also organic bread boxes to first graders. includes biodiversity criteria. Since then, they have been engaged Biodiversity in the organ- ic food industry is pre- in nutritional education and teaching served with old varieties such as the variety Diversity through Organic Farming about organic farming. The cam- “champagne rye”. In cooperation with farmers around the paign has inspired similar programs Berlin area, the Märkisches Landbrot bak- in 12 German States and in Austria. ery supports reclamation and the cultiva- „„10% of the company’s annual profits tion of old, locally adapted grain varieties are donated after taxes. During the like the mountain and champagne ryes, “Angle Bread” sales, 30 cents from which account for 12% of the rye grains the price of every loaf goes to the used in their baking. A further 6% of total “Frost Schutzengel” campaign to grains used is sourced from innovative, bio- help people in need during the free- dynamic cultivated varieties like light grain zing winter months.

© Märkisches Landbrot rye (Lichtkornroggen) and the Pirona barley

50 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Make Environmental Costs Visible – Positioning Companies for the Future

Natural resources and ecosystem services effects of greenhouse gas emissions, waste Measures are free to use. Benefits enjoyed from eco- disposal, and water/land-use. In these „„Identify direct and indirect system services are especially taken for studies, the entire manufacturing supply uses of ecosystem services granted and therefore not economically chain is examined, starting at the point of „„Identify possible negative valued or calculated in the market prices resource extraction, onto the importation effects or environmental of finished goods and services. External of half-finished goods, and ending with costs costs of this activity – such as resource de- their disposal. „„Create a management plan pletion, the acceleration of climate change, to reduce impacts and mass extinctions – are borne by all of Good Reasons for Ecological society. Accounting In the wake of “The Economics of Ecosys- High Costs for Biodiversity tems and Biodiversity” (TEEB) report that An important step towards preserving bio- made data about ecosystem services avail- Ecosystem services are provi- diversity is to incorporate external costs or able for companies, there has been an in- sioning, such as the production externalities into business accounting and creasing social and political discussion to of food; regulating, such as the decision-making. Businesses that adopt represent environmental costs in future control of climate; supporting, these practices today will be preparing budgeting activity. Some of the reasons such as nutrient cycles; and themselves for the future. A well-known companies give for their involvement in cultural, such as recreational example of ecosystem services is the polli- grappling with this issue include: benefits nation done by bees for an agricultural in- Natural capital is a collective dustry worth up to € 150 billion per year. „„An economic valuation and assess- term for describing the miner- Estimates of external environmental costs ment of natural capital used in produc- als, plants, and animals used for the largest publically traded US compa- tion leads to the improvement of inter- in producing life-supporting nies lie between $ 2.15 and $ 4.7 billion per nal processes and decisions. Environ- elements like oxygen, genetic year. Such costs are made clear for compa- mental impacts and costs of different variation, and other natural nies when one compares profits with and production technologies can be evalu- services. without natural capital: not one of the ated with a cost-benefit analysis. world’s 20 largest industries would be prof- „„Making a list of natural capital costs itable if external environmental costs were and taking them into consideration taken into consideration. The German can help business better manage and sportswear manufacturer PUMA published improve their environmental perform- calculations of their global environmental ance. profit and loss balance. The external envi- „„Risks are analyzed along the supply ronmental costs were equivalent to 70% of chain to include resource extraction Pollination by bees has an annual economic value the company’s profits. processes, helping predict supply chain worth € 150 billion. shortages and avoiding losses. Integrating Environmental Costs „„Ecological and social aspects of their into Business Expenses business activities and associated Berlin-based companies are also starting products can be made transparent to to measure and value environmental costs customers, increasing a producer’s in order to prepare themselves for inte- competitive advantage. grating these costs into their balance sheets. Some are using and testing guides designed for economically valuing natural capital. Other companies are studying the © Radka Schöne/

51 Certifications Contribute to Economic Success

Measures Standards, labels, and certifications offer about the development of their land use to „„Adapt ISO 14001 or EMAS proof of a product’s or business’s “sustain- meet minimum requirements and are also environmental management ability” and help position your company fa- supposed to prove they are continually re- practices vorably. For suppliers in some industries, ducing their impacts on biodiversity. „„Certify products with the certifications have become obligatory re- Blaue Engel or EU Ecolabel quirements for being listed. Berlin-based Biodiversity in ISO 14001 and „„Switch to products certified companies provide themselves with the 26000 with the Blaue Engel or EU competitive advantage given by effective ISO 14001 is the international environmen- Ecolabel environmental management, minimize tal management system for the Internatio- negative environmental affects, and reduce nal Organization for Standardization. ISO their own operational costs with energy 14001 does not deal exclusively with biodi- and resource efficiency. versity, but does indirectly by addressing issues of energy and resource efficiency. EMAS and Biodiversity The ISO 26000 is a set of standards compa- 40 Berlin-based companies have already nies can use for managing corporate social been certified through the EU Environmen- tal Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) „„Sustainability standards define a and the ISO 14001 standards. set of criteria that indicate good so- EMAS companies and organizations need cial and environmental practices of to monitor and assess the impacts they company and their manufacturing. have on biodiversity. If these belong to im- „„Certification labels indicate the portant environmental aspects of the com- compliance of defined sustainability pany, goals and measures should be identi- criteria for a product’s manufactur- fied for integrating environmental policies ing. The German Federal Envi- and programs into business management. „„Corporate certifications are availa- ronment Agency is the point of contact for infor- The European EMAS regulations have in- ble for companies and organiza- mation regarding the EMAS, ISO 14001, Blaue cluded biodiversity as one of six key indica- tions undergoing certification. Engel, and the EU Ecola- bel. tors. Companies must submit statements

52 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

responsibility (CSR) reporting. The stand- ards list the environment as one of seven main themes. Important spheres of activity include the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. As a set of standards for voluntary self-reporting similar to the Global Compact and Global Reporting Ini- tiative, the ISO 26000 is not an official cer- tifying label. To implement the standards, the company’s social responsibility must be recognized in addition to involving rele- vant stakeholders.

The Sign of Environmentally- Friendly Products: Blaue Engel and the EU Ecolabel The Blaue Engel indicates exceptional envi- ronmentally-friendly products and services within Germany. The EU Ecolabel (Regula- tion EWG 880/92) applies to products mar- keted and sold at the EU level. Companies can certify their products, helping raise the producer to a unique level in the market. A company’s procurement methods can use Blaue Engel and EU Ecolabel standards © Karl-Heinz Liebisch/ when the production of hygienic products, computer equipment, technical devices, the Fair Trade label for products from less The Berlin Forest is certi- fied according to the Fo- and other manufacturing materials shall developed countries that are manufac- rest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Naturland stan- be procured in a sustainable, low-emis- tured with a high regard for social stand- dards which include crite- ria that clearly benefit sions, low-impact manner. ards. Both these labels also indicate a posi- biodiversity preservation in sustainable forestry tive relationship to biodiversity preserva- and logging. Organic, Fair Trade, and FSC tion. Other cross-industry certifications are the In addition to these, there are many indus- EU Organic label for the food industry and try-specific certifications such as FSC and PEFC that indicate sustainably harvested Information for integrating biodiversity wood products or the BCI initiative for bet- into business management practices ter cotton products. As a guide for sustain- can be found in the “Corporate Biodi- able procurement of various products, the versity Management Handbook”. Addi- Federal Government provides the “Kom- tional information is also available on pass Nachhaltigkeit” for small and medi- web portals such as the European Un- um-sized businesses. ion’s Business and Biodiversity Cam- paign and the Biodiversity in Good Company Initiative.

53 Biodiversity and Economic Activities Abroad

Credit institutions regard By using biodiversity criteria in their risk Standards for Responsible Foreign biodiversity criteria and factor management, Berlin-based companies can Investment: The Equator Principles these into their risk analysis prepare themselves for future foreign in- The Equator Principles of the International when providing foreign credit vestment. This relates to service providers, Finance Corporation (IFC) along with 80 no- services. suppliers, production facilities, business table international credit institutions are partners, engagement in infrastructure important guides for sustainable invest- projects, or global investments that are ments. The Equator Principles are a set of controlled or organized in Berlin. Recipient standards for voluntary compliance with countries should not benefit just from in- environmental and social standards in Large-scale open-surface mining has long-term de- creased employment and infrastructure project implementation. The Principles structive consequences for the habitats of plants through these activities – protecting biodi- have been applied to projects totaling and animals, making re- source efficiency an at- versity and its sustainable use should also around $ 10 million. They can also serve as tractive contribution to biodiversity preservation. be part of these strategic investment plans. guidelines for smaller investments and projects:

„„Environmental and social dangers that can arise from a project’s implementa- tion are classified according to the magnitude and extent of their impact. „„A social and environmental impact analysis is suggested along with miti- gation and management techniques. „„The review is based on IFC Perform- ance Standards and the industry-spe- cific environmental, health, and safety guidelines (“IFC EHS Guidelines”). „„An environmental management plan must demonstrate how identified envi- ronmental and social risks will be miti- gated, monitored, and managed for all major projects.

For the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity, the IFC has developed its own performance standards that can serve as a guide for integrating biodiversity into in- vestment plans. The secretariat for the Equator Principles is leading various biodi- versity projects with the banking sector and has an encompassing databank of known risks. Many of the companies in- volved have decided upon submitting GRI reports to highlight the steps they are tak- ing to preserve biodiversity and other sus-

© Storm Crypt/ tainable aspects of their activities.

54 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Risk Management and Biodiversity es will become scarcer and thus more ex- Measures The Germany-based Union for Environ- pensive in the long run. „„Approve of internal compa- mental Management and Sustainability in ny policies for foreign in- Finance Institutions* (VfU) has developed a vestments set of biodiversity principles for managing * Verein für Umweltmanagement und „„Evaluate company risks as- credit risk in the financial sector, which in- Nachhaltigkeit in Finanzinstituten sociated with biodiversity cludes banks, insurance agencies, asset managers, investors, and financial service providers. Biodiversity themes in risk man- agement and the development of new are- as of business have been playing an impor- tant role in the financial branch. Investors understand that the loss of biodiversity can carry considerable financial risks for their assets. They are already evaluating compa- nies on whether the loss of biodiversity and the depletion of natural resources and eco- system services represents a business risk and how these risks are calculated. Partic- ularly affected are capital-needy compa- nies from industries dependent on the vari- ous goods and services nature provides. If the loss of biodiversity continues to ad- vance, bioresources and ecosystem servic- © GNF Archiv

Exchange and discussion in expert circles are part of risk assessments, nat- Possible Business Risks Caused by Damaged or Lost Ecosystem Services ural capital evaluation, and ecosystem services and Biodiversity analysis.

Risk Type Risk Aspect

Physical/ resource scarcities, increasing commodity prices, disruptions Operational Risks to business activity because of supply shortages

Legal/ access limitations / restrictions / quotas for the use of bio- Regulatory Risks resources, compensation and compensation payments for ecosystem impacts, liability for environmental damage

Market Risks stricter consumer and business partner requirements for suitable products and processes

Reputational Risks increasing campaigns by NGOs, reputational damage for brands and companies

Financial Risks stricter requirements by financial investors, lenders, insurers, and rising capital costs

55 Practically Applied:

Gewürzkampagne – Startup with a Concept

The new Berlin-based company “Gewürz- Biodiversity, Healthy Food, Spare kampagne” (Spice Campaign) integrates Resources the objectives of biodiversity in their busi- Clientele are supplied residue-free prod- ness concept. They borrow and extend the ucts of the highest quality. Even though concept from a famous Berlin professor, they are certified organic, all spices are Gunther Faltin – the founder of the Tee- regularly double-checked in a laboratory to kampagne (Tea Campaign). The Gewürz- make sure that there are no chemical resi- kampagne has a main offering of nine dues on the product. Test results are made freshly picked organic quality spices that public. are usually purchased directly from the The Gewürzkampagne was able to achieve producers. fair market prices by exclusively marketing large trade units that could meet the an- “Our vision is to connect people through taste. We have opted nual needs of a household. Thus, market- for spices because they are a wonderful symbol of the diversity ing costs are reduced by weight and save and individuality of life. We want to give everyone the best considerable packaging. Spices often have spices at a reasonable price and with our approach, contribute poor content to packaging ratio. The to making the world a more conscious place.” Gewürzkampagne therefore offers sealable Chris Goebel, Managing Director, Gewürzkampagne containers for continuous kitchen use where small quantities can be kept and re- Several of their spices are able to meet that filled for convenience from the year’s sup- goal. The paprika comes from Hungarian ply. By establishing direct contact between organic farmers. A farmer is south Tyrol is suppliers, middlemen, and importers are going to be cultivating oregano and thyme. avoided, which further reduces costs. Or- However, mixed spices such as Indian curry ganic farming benefits biodiversity by spar- – which consists of ten different ingredi- ing significant amounts of chemical ferti- ents – present a little more of a challenge lizers and pesticides that are usually used for establishing direct links to producers. on spices and herbs. The future develop- Left: Paprika is sourced and purchased directly Transparent communication is therefore ment of additional biodiversity criteria for from organic farmers. an important prerequisite for credibility. At suppliers is another step the company Right: The Gewürzkam- pagne founders. the same time, transparent marketing al- plans on taking. A fixed amount of sale lows the newly established direct purchase earnings is remitted back to the growing of a spice to be successfully communicated regions for the creation of new habitat to customers. space for plants and animals. © Thorsten kleine Holthaus, 2013 © Ralf Bille, 2013

56 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Information for Transformations in Businesses © Schubert/SenStadtUm © Sven Schulz © GNF Archiv © Peter Bohot/ © GNF Archiv © GNF Archiv

57 Business Network – “Biodiversity in Good Company”

Measures The “Biodiversity in Good Company” initia- „„Exchange of experiences and skills de- „„Join “Biodiversity in Good tive is an association established in 2008 velopment: two to three times a year Company” with 24 companies that wanted to stand up representatives of member companies for biodiversity preservation. The cross-in- come together for two-day working dustry initiative includes small, medium, meetings to which outside guests are and large companies from Germany and invited. abroad. The initiative represents a contri- „„Practical and project work: participa- bution to the implementation of the Inter- tion in various projects to improve ap- national Convention on Biological Diversity proaches to the integration of biodi- (CBD) and the National Strategy on Biodi- versity and ecosystem services in en- versity. trepreneurial management, i.e. devel- opment of targeted information for The top priority for membership in “Biodi- specific sectors, working group “man- The Federal Ministry for the versity in Good Company” is a commitment agement indicators for biodiversity” Environment’s “Biodiversity in to take action within one’s own company. together with consensus – Forum for Good Company” initiative was The companies involved commit them- Sustainable Development of German founded in 2008 in cooperation selves to a “Mission Statement” and a Business. with various companies and “Leadership Declaration” to integrate the „„Internal and external communications, became a charitable non-profit biodiversity conservation in their sustaina- public relations: information service organization in 2011. They are bility strategy/operational management through Berlin business associations, welcome to new members. and to regularly report on their progress. presentation of engagement and ex- With a variety of activities and projects in a amples of good member participation, mixture of practice-oriented communica- information portal on the website, The “Biodiversity in Good tion and stakeholder dialogues, the com- events, etc. Company” website offers various up-to-date infor- panies engage under the initiative’s aus- „„Partner and coordinating body of mation about the initia- tive. pices for the common goals of: “Companies for Biodiversity 2020*” „„National and global networking: ex- change and cooperation with national and international partners from poli- tics, science, and society. Partner in the CBD Global Partnership on Business and Biodiversity.

* Unternehmen Biologische Vielfalt 2020

“Biodiversity in Good Company” Initiative e.V. Carolin Boßmeyer, Managing Director Pariser Platz 6, 10117 Berlin Tel: 030 226050–10 Email: carolin.bossmeyer@business- © Biodiversity in Good Company

58 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

EBBC – An Information Portal for Businesses

The European Business and Biodiversity Contribute – Register for Free! Measures Campaign (EBBC) was initiated in 2008 by If you want to join the campaign, you can „„Register with the EBBC companies and non-governmental organi- post your profile and information on biodi- „„campaign zations under the leadership of the Global versity projects and initiatives under the „„Conduct a Biodiversity- Nature Fund (GNF). The campaign works on heading “Community.” Information can be Check different aspects of biodiversity’s economic found on the website where you’ll also find „„ importance and publishes its results online. information about the Biodiversity-Check. With conferences and Biodiversity-Checks, the campaign supports business involve- European Business & ment for biodiversity conservation and the Biodiversity Campaign safeguarding of ecosystem services. C/o Global Nature Fund (GNF) – International Foundation for The European Business & Environment and Nature Biodiversity Campaign Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4, 78315 Radolfzell „„Provides information and practical ex- Tel: 07732 9995–80 amples of methods and tools for com- The EBBC works on coop- erative solutions for more panies. biodiversity in business and economic activities. „„Performs Biodiversity-Checks with in- terested companies. „„Promotes biodiversity partnerships be- tween business, non-governmental or- ganizations, and other stakeholders. „„Improves awareness and understand- ing among business decision-makers with respect to the risks and opportu- nities of business operations and the protection of biodiversity and ecosys- tem services.

Current Information, Good Networks An essential component of the European Business & Biodiversity Campaign is to pro- vide business leaders with current, high- quality news, facts, and information on major trends in biodiversity preservation. The campaign’s central tool is the Biodiver- sity-Check. The website contains media and online tools to promote the exchange of in- novative experiences in biodiversity ma- nagement and the creation of new biodiver- sity partnerships between business and non-governmental organizations while also supporting partnerships across national and international business sectors. © GNF Archiv

59 Planning Individualized Measures for Biological Diversity

Measures This guide lists over 60 measures you can like to implement, provide a target date, „„Create a biodiversity meas- implement as a Berlin-based company to delegate a person responsible for over- ures plan protect Berlin‘s biodiversity. The table be- sight, and verify implementation. low is used to draw up a biodiversity action Contact information for seeking advice on plan for your own operations. implementing measures can be found on the following pages of this guide. Companies have different prerequisites and possibilities are dependent upon the company size. In the table you can inden- tify which actions or projects you would

Nr. Page Measure Timeframe Contact Imple- mented

1 Set up bat boxes 2014 Mr./Mrs. Muster Yes














15 © Bernhard Friesacher/

60 Contacts Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Addresses German Association for Rainwater Europäische Business & Biodiversity KontakteSenate Department for Urban Develop- Harvesting and Water Utilisation e.V. Kampagne ment and the Environment Havelstraße 7 A, 64295 Darmstadt c/o Global Nature Fund (GNF) – Interna- Ref. I E Naturschutz, Landschafts- Tel: 06151 339257 tional Foundation for Environment and planung, Forstwesen Email: [email protected] Nature Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4, 78315 Radolfzell Tel: 030 90139–3030 Tel: 07732 9995–80 Association of German Wild Seed and Wild Email: [email protected] Plant Producers e. V. (VWW) Wetzlarer Straße 11, 35581 Wetzlar- Example Companies Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Münchholzhausen Evangelisches Krankenhaus Königin Elisa- Berlin Tel: 06441 2093641 beth Herzberge gemeinnützige GmbH Fasanenstraße 85, 10623 Berlin Email: [email protected] Herzbergstraße 79, 10365 Berlin Tel: 030 31510–0 Tel: 030 5472–0 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Berliner Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin Naturschutz e.V. Potsdamer Straße 68, 10785 Berlin Potsdamer Straße 68, 10785 Berlin IGG Malzfabrik mbH Tel: 030 26394–0 Tel: 030 265508–64 oder –65 Bessemerstraße 2-14, 12103 Berlin Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: 030 7551248–00 Email: [email protected] Global Nature Fund FBB Professional Green Roof Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4, 78315 Radolfzell Tel: Association e.V. Berliner Wasserbetriebe 07732 9995–80 Kanalstraße 2,66130 Saarbrücken Postanschrift: Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Email: [email protected] Tel: 0681 9880570 10864 Berlin Email: [email protected] Kundenzentrum: Neue Jüdenstraße 1, Provider Associations 10179 Berlin Naturgartenverband e.V. Tel: 0800 2927587 (toll-free) Kernerstraße 64, 74076 Heilbronn Campaigns and Networks Email: [email protected] Tel: 07131 649999–6 Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin Email: [email protected] Potsdamer Straße 68, 10785 Berlin Tel: 030 26394–0 WeiberWirtschaft eG Email: [email protected] Anklamer Straße 38, 10115 Berlin- Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Tel: 030 440223–0 Sportplatzbau e.V. Email: [email protected] Alexander-von-Humboldt-Straße 4, City Trees for Berlin (Senate Department 53604 Bad Honnef for Urban Development and the Environ- Tel: 02224 7707–0 ment) Axel Springer SE Email: [email protected] Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin Axel-Springer-Straße 65, 10969 Berlin Tel: 030 9025–1234 Tel: 030 25910 Email: [email protected] Email: contact form/homepage Federation for German Landscape Architects Köpenicker Straße 48/49, 10179 Berlin “Biodiversity in Good Company” MÄRKISCHES LANDBROT GmbH Tel: 030 278715–0 Initiative e.V. Bergiusstraße 36, 12057 Berlin Email: [email protected] Carolin Boßmeyer, Geschäftsführerin Tel: 030 6139120 Pariser Platz 6, 10117 Berlin Email: [email protected] Tel: 030 226050–10 Bund deutscher Baumschulen (BdB) e.V. – Email: carolin.bossmeyer@ business-and- Hauptstadtbüro gewuerzkampagne UG Universitätsstraße 2–3a, 10117 Berlin Schiffbauerdamm 15, 10117 Berlin Tel: 030 288807–16 Tel: 030 346491860 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

61 Interesting Links to Help You

Link to the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environment or PDF Related Link

Page Link 8 The Berlin Strategy for Biodiversity – A Challenge „Berlins Biologische Vielfalt“ Guide: biologische_vielfalt_strategie.pdf Video „Big Question: What is nature worth?“: Video „Pitch For Nature – Business & the value of nature“: 12 - 15 Greening of Company Grounds – It’s Worth It! Seed Suppliers: NABU – Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.: Naturgarten e.V.: Bundesverband Garten- und Landschaftsbau: Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten: 16 - 17 Native Plants for Butterflies and Others “Pflanzen für Berlin” Guide: gebietseigene_pflanzen.pdf Verband deutscher Wildsamen- und Wildpflanzenproduzenten e. V. (VWW): Bund deutscher Baumschulen (BdB) e.V. – Hauptstadtbüro: 18 - 19 Fire-Bellied Toads and Sand Lizards in the Urban Jungle “FFH” Guide: 20 - 21 Living Spaces for Animals “Tiere als Nachbarn” Guide: tiere_als_nachbarn.pdf 22 Ponds – Good for Nature and Stormwater Management “Neuer Umgang mit Niederschlagswasser in Berlin” Guide: “Konzepte der Regenwasserbewirtschaftung” Guide: SenStadt_Regenwasser_dt_bfrei_final.pdf 24 Rainwater Management – Lowering Operational Costs “Leitfaden für Wirtschaftlichkeitsuntersuchungen zur Auswertung von Maßnahmen der Regenwasserbewirt- schaftung” PDF-Guide: Fachvereinigung Betriebs- und Regenwassernutzung e.V.: 26 On the Roofs for Berlin Deutscher Dachgärtnerverband: 28 Green Facades – More Habitats for City Birds Fachverband Bauwerksbegrünung: Abschlussbericht „Gebäude Begrünung Energie – Potentiale und Wechselwirkungen“, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 31.08.2013:

62 Titel der Broschüre | Titel des Kapitels

Page Link 30 - 31 Making Glass Windows and Facades Bird-Friendly “Vogelfreundliches Bauen mit Glas und Licht” Guide: VogelGlasLicht_2012Berlin.pdf “Stadtbild Berlin Lichtkonzept” Guide: vogelschutz_glas_und_licht.shtml 34 Berlin Foundation for Nature Conservation – Partners with Your Company 36 Donate Trees for Berlin 38 - 41 Teamwork for Biodiversity – Getting Back to Nature Tips for collaborating with nature conservation organizations: 44 Biodiversity as Part of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR-Programm der Bundesregierung: Deutsches CSR-Forum: Bundesweiter Arbeitskreis für Umweltbewusstes Management: Verband für Nachhaltiges Umweltmanagement: 47 Global Compact and GRI Support Biodiversity Management Global Reporting Initiative: Deutsches Global Compact Netzwerk: 48 Sustainable Procurement and Supply Chains – You Can Always Ask “Handlungsleitfaden Nachhaltige Beschaffung” Guide: 51 Make Environmental Costs Visible – Positioning Companies for the Future Naturkapital Deutschland am UFZ: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (engl.): Naturkapital Bundesumweltamt: 52 Certifications Contribute to Economic Success Umweltbundesamt: EMAS: Der Blaue Engel: EU Ecolabel: 54 Biodiversity and Economic Activities Abroad Verein für Umweltmanagement und Nachhaltigkeit in Finanzinstituten e.V.: Äquator-Prinzipien (engl.): International Finance Corporation (engl.): 58 Business Network – “Biodiversity in Good Company” 59 EBBC – An Information Portal for Businesses EBBC-Simpleshow:

63 Publishing Information

Publisher In Cooperation With Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Brigitte Reichmann und Umwelt Gisela Lütkenhaus Kommunikation Klemens Steiof Württembergische Straße 6 Kerstin Ehlebracht 10707 Berlin Dr. Michael Gödde Bernd Machatzi Derk Ehlert In Cooperation With (all staff of the Senate Department for Industrie- und Handelskammer Berlin Urban Development and the Environment) Fasanenstraße 85 10623 Berlin With sincere thanks also to Dr. Henry Hahnke, KEH gGmbH Editor Karoline vom Böckel, IGG Malzfabrik mbH Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Florian Nehm, Axel Springer SE und Umwelt, Referat I E Petra Kalettka, Berliner Wasserbetriebe Ingrid Cloos-Baier Katja von der Bey, Weiberwirtschaft eG Reinhard Schubert Christoph Deinert, Märkisches Landbrot GmbH Chris Göbel, Gewürzkampagne UG With thanks the Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin for their advice and recommenda- Translation tion. Neil Heckman

Contents and Writing Layout Global Nature Fund DUH Umweltschutz-Service GmbH Internationale Foundation Patricia Lütgebüter for Environment and Nature Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4 Dr. Thomas Schaefer 78315 Radolfzell Nina Bastian Sascha Liese Bettina Schmidt Print Büro Radolfzell: Medialis Offsetdruck GmbH Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4 78315 Radolfzell Cover Photo Foto: © Märkisches Landbrot Berlin Office: Hackescher Markt 4 ISBN 978-3-88961-341-7 10178 Berlin Berlin, September 2014


What does this guide provide for your company?

The Berlin Strategy for Biodiversity provides the foundation for ensuring that Berlin can fulfill its responsibilities in local and global efforts to preserve our natural resources. Five goals that incorporate Berlin-based companies are defined in this strategy. This guide ad- dresses those goals in its four chapters by providing you with various recommendations for action. As an entrepreneur, business owner, or manager, you can support Berlin’s biodiver- sity in various aspects of your company’s activity. In this guide you will find:

� Extensive information � Proposed measures, some with economic assessments � Examples from the Berlin economy � Resources for learning more about the subject